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How to delete all your tweets at once. How to delete a tweet on Twitter

Microblogging on Twitter is a place where a person can openly express his opinion to a huge audience by posting messages on his timeline. However, it can happen to everyone that their opinion suddenly changes to the opposite, and then the message they once left will look like hypocrisy. In this case, the way out of this situation will be to simply delete the objectionable post. This article will talk about how to delete a tweet on Twitter.

How to delete one tweet on Twitter

First of all, let's figure out how to delete one tweet. This task is quite simple and does not require the use of third-party services or software. Let's move directly to the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Log in to your Twitter account.
  2. While on your feed, click on the “Tweets” button located under your profile avatar.
  3. A list of all posts will open. Find the one you are going to delete.
  4. In the upper right part of the post, click on the button made in the form of an arrow pointing down.
  5. In the menu that appears, click on the “Delete Tweet” option.
  6. A dialog box will appear in which you need to confirm your actions. Click the "Delete" button.

After this, the extra post will disappear from your feed. In this way, you can easily selectively clear your profile of outdated tweets that seem inappropriate to you.

How to delete all tweets at once

At some point, a Twitter user may change his image or simply want to hide all his thoughts that he left earlier, then the time comes for drastic measures - deleting all tweets at once. This can be done using third-party resources, which will allow you to clear your feed of left messages in a few clicks.


The most popular resource for deleting all messages is considered to be the TwitWipe service. It is easy to use, has an intuitive interface and, most importantly, copes 100% with the task. So, let's move on to the step-by-step guide to using the TweetWipe service.

  1. Go to the official website of the service. To do this, enter its domain name in the address bar of your browser:
  2. While on the main page, click on the “Get Started” button.
  3. On the new page, in the appropriate form, enter the keyword indicated just above.
  4. Click the "Proceed" button.
  5. A new page will open where you need to log in to Twitter by clicking “Login.”
  6. Grant all necessary rights to the resource by clicking “YES!”
  7. The deletion process will begin, which can be observed on the filling scale.

Once the bar is completely filled, all tweets from the account will be deleted. It is also worth noting that the service has no restrictions on the number of deletions and works perfectly even on mobile devices.


This service is suitable for those users who do not want to clear the entire feed, but only messages published in a certain period of time. Although it also has a full cleaning option.

  1. Go to
  2. While on its main page, click on the “Sign in with Twitter” button.
  3. Log in to your Twitter account by clicking the "Authorize" button.
  4. From the drop-down list on the page, select the time period of tweets that you want to delete.
  5. Uncheck two checkboxes: “Post to my feed” and “Follow @Tweet_Delete”.
  6. Click the "Activate" button to begin the removal process.
  7. Confirm your actions by clicking the “Yes” button in the appropriate window.

Immediately after this, deleting tweets from your account will begin. This process takes quite a lot of time and there is no way to track it, so all that remains is to monitor the deletion from the Twitter page.

Delete Multiple Tweets

The Delete Multiple Tweets service differs favorably from previous ones in that it allows you to select the number of tweets to be deleted, rather than the period of their publication. It's also easy to use:

  1. Log in to the site by entering the domain in the address bar.
  2. Click the "Sign in" button.
  3. Log in to your account by clicking "Authorize" and entering the appropriate information.
  4. From the “Display Tweets from” drop-down list, select the number of posts to delete from the feed.
  5. Click "Submit".
  6. A list of selected tweets will be displayed. From there, you can selectively undo the ones you need to delete. To select everything at once, check the box next to “Select All”.
  7. To start the cleaning process, click the “Delete” button.

After this, deleting messages will begin, after which a corresponding message will appear.

What happens to tweets I delete?

The question also remains relevant regarding the consequences of deleting posts from the feed. Are they completely removed? What happens to reposts of a deleted tweet? These questions will be answered right now:

As you can note, if you are a popular person and your posts are often retweeted, then it is almost impossible to remove them from everywhere.

Twitter is attractive because it allows you to leave short posts and links to various resources. You don't have to create long posts or think twice about writing posts. In a short tweet it is possible to immediately convey the whole point that you want to convey to users. News on Twitter is also easy to read.

Now, to find out about the most pressing issues in the world, you just need to subscribe to the profile of a popular group and follow the tweets, which will be constantly updated. Also, if you made a mistake when writing a tweet, or the content of your post is no longer relevant, then you can always delete tweet on twitter.

To delete a tweet from your computer:

  1. Open your Twitter profile and find the tweet you want to delete.
  2. You'll see subtle three dots right below the selected tweet. If you point the mouse at this area, the text “more” will appear.
  3. Click on this item and in the small window click on the option to delete tweet.

Your tweet will now be deleted. If you use Twitter most often from your phone, then to delete a tweet you need to tap on it. The entry will appear separately from the others on the screen. Next, under it you will notice an icon of three dots. Click on it and select delete tweet from the menu. Remember that a Tweet from which you have cleared the wall cannot be restored. You can also pin the post on Twitter. This is very convenient if you are promoting your business and want , and make sure your entries .

How to quickly delete all tweets on Twitter

Sometimes it happens that you were active on Twitter, and then did not use it for a long time. Or in your You posted tweets about one area of ​​activity, and now you are doing something completely different and want to clear your profile of old posts. In these cases it is possible quickly delete all tweets on Twitter. However, for this you will need the help of a special application

In its original form, this application is in English, but you don’t need to make a Herculean effort to understand it. Initially, it is possible to change the language to Russian, and then proceed to delete all tweets at once:

  1. Go to the website of this application
  2. For ease of use, select Russian.
  3. On the right side you will see a big blue start button. Click on it
  4. Scroll down and enter special characters to show that you are a real person and not a bot.
  5. Next, the application will ask you to log in. Thus, it requests access to your Twitter and all posts on it.
  6. Literally 5-7 seconds after logging in, the page will refresh, and at the bottom right you will see a small window with your profile picture.
  7. To delete all tweets, click on the red “yes” button.

Go back to Twitter. If you did everything correctly, then you will see the Twitter application to create your first post.

How to delete a tweet on Twitter that was retweeted

If you retweeted a post by accident, or want to clear your feed of posts you don’t need, then it’s very simple delete a tweet on Twitter that you retweeted.

Find a retweet. Directly below it will be an icon of two green arrows, which indicate that you have retweeted. Click on it and the retweet will be deleted.

If you do not intend to receive news from a given user's profile, then you can also ignore his news. To do this, click on the familiar three dots icon and select ignore. If you no longer intend to use Twitter, then you can

Want to start over on Twitter without losing your followers or name? Then deletion everyone (or most) of your tweets could be a great solution.

There are several reasons why you might want to start over with a clean slate. If you've been tweeting since the platform launched in 2006, you may have outgrown your past tweets. Before going public, your persona needs a little... rebranding. Or maybe you need to get rid of a few embarrassing messages.

Regardless, we're not here to judge you. Our goal is to help.

Let's be clear: Giving any of these apps access to your Twitter account is at your own risk, although we have tested them.

First of all, if you wish to remove less than 3200 tweets, this will be quite easy to do. If the number is higher than this limit, things get a little more complicated. We have Twitter to thank for this.

What does Twitter store?

Although it is believed that you can only access the last 3,200 of all your tweets, this is not entirely true. Twitter limits the number of tweets that appear in your feed. But in 2014, the service developers included search by everyone tweets.

Remember that message you sent five years ago telling the world you were high? People can still find it, even though Twitter doesn't allow third-party apps to search deeper than the last 3,200 tweets.

When you delete a lot of tweets, it may take some time for the change to appear in your feed. The fact is that there is a limit on the number of requests that each of these utilities can send to Twitter in an hour. If you're deleting several thousand tweets, you'll have to wait. However, this is in any case better than doing everything manually.

When it comes to deleting tweets, Twitter says the following:

  • When you delete a Tweet, it disappears from your account, the feeds of accounts you follow, and Twitter search results.
  • Retweets of a deleted tweet will also be deleted.
  • If other users quoted your Tweet (that is, copied part of the text and pasted it into their own Tweet), their Tweets will remain untouched.
  • If other users retweeted your tweet with their comments, their tweets will not be deleted.
  • Tweets may be cached or published on third-party websites, search engines, or applications. We cannot delete tweets that are outside of Twitter.

If you decide to delete your Tweets, you can't get them back. They will disappear forever.

But if you think you might have missed something, Twitter lets you download an archive of your messages. It contains every tweet and retweet you've ever posted.

To download the archive, click on your profile picture, select settings, and then Your Twitter details . Scroll to the very bottom of the page. Click Tweet Archive . Carefully review the available options, and then click Request archive .

You will (eventually) receive an email containing a link where you can download a .zip file of your archive. In this file you will find your archive in JSON or CSV format. Open the file with the .html extension and you will be able to perform offline searches through the archive in an interface reminiscent of Twitter (see screenshot above).

This data can be used in various ways.

Deleting tweets older than a certain date

If you're not sure you want to clear your entire account, you can only delete tweets older than a certain date. The Tweet Eraser tool is perfect for this.

Once you're logged into Tweet Eraser, you can filter your tweets by date, keywords, and hashtags. You can then delete individual tweets or entire groups that match the search parameters you entered. Take your time, this may take a lot of time.

Due to API restrictions, the application only works for the last 3200 tweets.

Deleting tweets older than a year

TweetDelete is a free tool that automatically deletes tweets of a certain age.

At the moment, the utility is capable of deleting messages using the following parameters:

  • Older than one week
  • Over two weeks
  • Over a month old
  • Over two months old
  • Over six months
  • Over a year old

Of course, Twitter restrictions only allow the app to delete messages that are among the last 3,200 tweets. The script runs periodically (usually every few days). It finds new tweets that fall within a specified period and automatically deletes them. There is no way to get these messages back.

Deleting ALL your tweets

If you still decide to delete all messages you have ever sent, we recommend using one of two tools for this: TwitWipe or Twitter Archive Eraser.

If you have fewer than 3,200 tweets, use the simple and free tool TwitWipe.

If you have more than 3,200 tweets, then the free and open source Twitter Archive Eraser (TAE) can help. Unfortunately, it only works on Windows. I haven't been able to find similar solutions for Mac or Linux yet. If you know of them, please tell us about it in the comments.

TEA uses the message archive you downloaded earlier. It contains identifiers everyone your tweet. Thanks to this, TEA is able to find all tweets, and does not suffer from limitations like other applications.

Ultimately, you can delete as many tweets as you want by following these instructions for downloading and using the program.

Keep your account in order

Once you've cleared out your Twitter account, it's a good idea to keep it that way. As we already mentioned, we can automatically delete old tweets using TweetDelete. Alternatively, you can use a tool called Xpire for the same purpose.

Xpire is a free app for iOS and Android. It allows you to easily delete specific tweets, as well as set a timer after which your messages (or Facebook posts) will “self-destruct.”

You can keep your Twitter account organized right from your phone.

Are you going to clear your account?

Twitter will still keep a record of deleted tweets in case authorities need them. However, by deleting many, if not all, of your old tweets, you will be preventing the general public, as well as nosy employees and journalists, from seeing them.

So, knowing that any of your old tweets can be found, would you want to start over? Could this save you from a "public disaster" in the future? Or is the idea that people care about your old tweets just a matter of vanity? Share with us your opinion on this matter!

Hello, LJ
Probably, many of you have encountered the problem of cleaning Twitter from unnecessary tweets. Manually deleting a couple thousand records is cumbersome for busy business people, as is storing moldy thoughts on a server. The popularization of the service gave rise to the expected crutches, both in the form of friend gathering utilities and projects from the suicide machine series. Let's look at the latter. Suggest other cleaning methods if you find them.

Let me start by saying that I couldn’t find a perfectly suitable working service. Each of them has some limitations that have to be taken into account. This is either the number of records to be deleted at a time, or the speed and convenience of the deletion process itself. Or the appetites of the creators.

The most common tweet cleaning service, its advertisements are seen in many corners of the Internet. Easy to use and universal: authorization using your account + starting the deletion process with the appropriate button. Disadvantage: it is impossible to somehow control the deletion process. We clean everything at once. And after deleting, you will have to manually cancel all retweets, which, sorry, is also time-consuming (if you are an avid reposter). Well, the final nail in the coffin of this service is that it has become very glitchy lately, I’m not sure if it still works. However, try it.

The service is designed mainly for users of iOS systems and their more low-income Android counterparts. The main page colorfully describes to us the reasons for possible emergency cleansing of sins

If you believe the declared functionality, then we are dealing with a high-quality item. It combines the advantages of the previous two, contains flexible settings, but has one significant drawback - it is paid. Therefore, I was not able to fully enjoy its capabilities. I'll wait to buy an iPhone. The free version only removes all tweets for the current day, which can be tested in the web version of the deleter.
In principle, the site is suitable for those who follow the advice posted there: “Press the button once a day before going to bed,” because it does not require unnecessary body movements and does not torment tired eyes with banners. Those who have everything too neglected will have to fork out more.

It also declares its immeasurable capabilities, however, due to freebies, I was able to test them fully. Let's start with lies. More precisely, with a statement about the complete deletion of all tweets (to be absolutely precise, up to 3200 pieces - the Twitter API simply won’t give any more). Let me remind you that only TwitWipe could do this, and even then without taking into account retweets. So, I was disappointed. Although the program reports that everything has been successfully cleaned, when the page is reloaded we see the same entries almost in full. Experimentally, I determined the number of tweets deleted in one pass - 40. Not a lot. The situation is brightened up by the fact that in other respects the service is cooler than its related Delete. Twitter:

Nice interface
- No advertising
- Deletes not only tweets, but also private messages
- There is a mobile version
- There is search and deletion by text and hashtags
- Advanced deletion by dates ("before...", "from... to now" and between two arbitrary dates)
- Finally, the selection of all records loaded for demolition has been added, which partially compensates for the small passage at a time

In general, of the free and not integrated solutions, TweetEraser is perhaps the best.

I talked about the Japanese miracle client Tween in a separate post. The project has changed several residential addresses and at the moment, having had a sip of competition (we look out the window of Tween’s former house and are amazed), it is nestled on The advantages, as well as the disadvantages, of this method of removal lie in the attachment to the program, which must be downloaded separately. In addition, it will not work without Net.Framework. However, you don’t need to understand what it is; the program itself will check for its presence and ask you to politely install the required component.

For those brave souls who decide to install Tween and enjoy all the delights of working on Twitter with it, I will describe the sequence of cleaning actions. Let me make a reservation right away that Tween loads in one pass the smallest number of tweets among the solutions considered - only 20. But the tape principle of operation allows you to speed up this very work significantly. So, being logged into the program:

1) Open a tab with your tweets
Command - Show your profile - Statuses
2) By rhythmically pressing the combination Shift + F5 (Fetch previous tweets) we quickly upload our stuff to the feed (20 pieces per press)
3) Place the cursor on the generated feed and select Select all through the context menu (select all tweets)
4) Call the context menu again and select Delete

The program may freeze for a short time due to such impudence, but so far there have been no crashes or missing tweets. However, I tested when I had a couple hundred tweets left at my disposal, so I am not responsible for stability with a larger volume of tweets, up to the API limit. In any case, this cleaning method turned out to be the fastest for me.

UPD. I surfed the Internet and found a couple more ways. Here they are

A way to delete tweets for those who are not in a hurry. The peculiarity of the service is that cleaning does not occur immediately at the request of the customer, but strictly once a day. The cleaning is carried out not by the number of entries, but by the time of publication from one week to a year. The idea is not without common sense, but I was too lazy to test it and wait so long.

The link contains the code to be implemented on the page and detailed video instructions. The advantage is that you do not need to trust your login and password to a third-party program, the disadvantage is that the code only works for one page. Pages with tweets are dynamic and are loaded as you scroll. Therefore, before using the method, it is worth loading all tweets to the end, which reduces efficiency and saves time

Hello, friends. Today we will have an extremely interesting article on the topic: how to delete all tweets on Twitter at once and from your entire account. If you suddenly face such a task, then carefully read this article and simply follow all the recommendations described in it.

To delete all tweets, we will use special Twitter applications that must first be connected to our account.

Method number 1. Go to the site TwitWipe and click the blue Get Started button (please go through the authorization procedure in your Twitter account first).

Go to the very bottom of the page and enter the captcha on the right side, then click the Proceed button.

A window will appear with a notification similar to the following: “Give TwitWipe access to your account.”

We press the Authorize app button and through the redirect we get to the page, at the bottom of which we see approximately the following window, where we press the YES button, thereby confirming our actions to delete all tweets from your account.

Attention! TwitWipe accesses your account and can update your profile, tweet on your behalf, recommend users, and read tweet feeds.

Don’t worry about this, after deleting all tweets, we will block access to this application in your account settings.

So, after you clicked the YES button, we go down to the bottom of the page again, where we see a window with the process of deleting your tweets in real time.

In this window, you can pause the process or stop it completely. In the process of writing the article, I checked its performance several times, everything works great.

You can also simply refresh your account page during the deletion process and see the number of tweets decreasing.

Helpful information! You can quickly index your site using retweets, which can be done on the site DoctorSmm, and also gain the required number of readers on your personal account.

We close the application's access to your account.

When all your tweets are deleted, click on your account icon on the right side and select Settings.

After that, in the left menu, select Applications and opposite our add-on, click the Close access button.

That's it, access to your account is completely closed for this application.

How to Delete All Tweets at Once Using Delete Multiple Tweets

Method No. 2. Go to this link and in the window that appears, click the green button Sign in with your Twitter account.

A window will appear, as in the previous method, about the ability to provide access to your account. Click the Login button.

Through the redirect we get to the service page, where the process of deleting your tweets will take place.

In the first line, select the quantitative block of displayed tweets (you can then mark on the same page below those tweets that cannot be deleted) and put a checker next to the inscription Select All the Tweets that are displayed.

Click the red Delete the Tweets Permanently button and watch the process of deleting tweets. The only inconvenient point here is deleting 50 tweets, but there is also a positive side - you can unmark those tweets that you want to leave.

After deleting all tweets, do not forget to block access to this application to your account (I wrote above how to do this).

That’s it, I’ll end the article here, now you know how to delete all tweets on Twitter at once and in total. I hope my tips were useful to you.

Bye everyone and see you soon.