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How to set an arbitrary representation of the 1C configuration object. Main types of configuration objects

tree configuration General. They play a supporting role in configuration development.

Fig. 2.1.

In particular, with their help, you can control the logical structure of the configuration being developed, configure the features of user interaction with the configuration, they include objects that can be configured for sharing Other configuration objects.

Common objects play auxiliary, in terms of development applied solution role. The result of their work is interesting for the programmer rather than the user, although it cannot be said that these objects do not participate in the user or unimportant to solve the applied task. They are - an important part Configuration. We give a brief description of these objects.

  • Subsystems. Allow you to structure the configuration by types of tasks solved with it. For example, if the configuration solves the task of accounting and salary calculation, it will be logical to create two subsystems. When creating new objects, you can "bind" them to subsystems depending on their purpose. Using subsystems facilitates work with large configurations.
  • Common modules . Contain procedures and functions available from other objects. In these modules, variables cannot be determined.
  • Session parameters. They are needed mainly to configure data access rights. These parameters are installed at the start of the system. For example, this parameter may be recorded the name of the user logged in.
  • Role. Designed to configure the powers of various user accounts for data access. After creating and setting up the role, it can be assigned to the user (to configure the list of users use the menu command Administration\u003e Users).
  • Exchange plans. Determine the rules for exchanging data between information bases. For example, this mechanism can be used to exchange data between the head organization and branches or between the divisions of the organization.
  • Selection criteria. Allow you to create selection rules that the user can apply when working with data lists in 1C mode: Enterprise.
  • Subscriptions for events. Via subscriptions for events You can assign handlers for object events. For example, the handler may be called when copying the document.
  • Regulatory tasks. Regulatory tasks Allow different operations on schedule.
  • General forms. These forms can be used by various objects to solve similar tasks.
  • Interfaces. Stores user interfaces (the main menu, a set of toolbars) that can be assigned to various users. Each interface can be equipped with only those commands that need a specific user.
  • General layouts. Stores shared layouts (templates printed Forms ), which are available to other configuration objects to form printed variants of electronic materials.
  • General pictures. Stores publicly available pictures. They can, for example, use in forms when setting up images on buttons and in other cases.
  • XDTO packages . XML Data Transfer Object (XDTO) is universal way presentations of data that is designed to organize interaction with external software systems. In particular, with other configurations 1C: enterprises 8, with other information systems.
  • Web services. Here you can create and configure Web services that ensure the export of configuration functionality.
  • WS links. Contains static links to published Web services. Allows you to use the functionality of these services.
  • Styles. Contains the formatting settings sets that can be applied during the development. For example, with the mechanism of styles, you can quickly adjust the form in advance in advance.
  • Languages. Allow to specify different languages \u200b\u200bon which you can configure the program interface. If multiple languages \u200b\u200bare specified in the system, when setting up the object, it is possible to set some parameters in different languages. As a result, this leads to the system interface can exist for different languages.

2.2. Object Object 1C: Enterprise 8: Application Objects

Application objects are used to develop applied solution. It is these objects "are visible" to the user who works with most of them in 1C mode: Enterprise. We give the characteristics of the applied objects (Fig. 2.2).

Fig. 2.2.
  • Constants. Designed for storing information, which either does not change during the organization's activities, or varies very rarely. For example, in the constant you can save the name of the organization, the name of the director and other similar data.
  • Directories. Designed to store lists of the same type of data. For example, in reference books keep lists of customers, employees, goods, materials.
  • Documentation. With their help, information enters the system. Documents can act as electronic analogues of primary accounting documents. Together with documents use such objects as Numbering (to provide end-to-end numbering of various documents) and Sequences (To ensure the correct sequence of documents).
  • Document logs. They are used to group documents of various species.
  • Listing. They are used to store the sets of values \u200b\u200bspecified in the configuration process and not changed during the user's work with the configuration.
  • Reports. Used to create reports that are a means of representing the output of the accounting system.
  • Processing. Designed for information processing, performing various data transactions.
  • Features of characteristics. Used to describe the species of characteristics of objects.
  • Account plans. Used for accounting purposes. Represent lists of account accounts. Used jointly by S. accounting registers.
  • Plans for species calculation. Used to describe the calculation types and their relationships, are used in conjunction with calculation registers.
  • Registers of information. Designed to accumulate information on multiple dimensions with the ability to store data change history and with the ability to store non-numeric data.
  • Accumulation registers. Designed to store data in the context of multiple measurements, support information about the remains and turnover of stored values.
  • Accounting registers. Store information about accounting operations.
  • Registers calculation Store information on calculations. Apply mainly for the purpose of calculating wages.
  • Business processes. Allow you to create structures that automate the execution of multi-step operations. For example, the movement of the document between various officials of the organization.
  • Tasks. Used jointly by S. Business processes. We need to keep registering tasks in performers.

2.3. Object Objects 1C: Enterprise 8: Subordinate Objects

Subordinate objects are subordinate to other configuration objects. For example, in Fig. 2.3 You can see the configuration object document to which several subordinate objects belong. We list and describe them.

Fig. 2.3.

Requisites. Details allow you to add additional properties to the object. For example, if we need, in order to introduce the amount of the operation to the document, we can enter the corresponding props.

Table parts. Used if you need to add an arbitrary number of entries to the document (or another object to which the table part) (actually additional properties), decorated in the form of a table. Table parts, in turn, have details.

Forms. Forms are used to organize input and view information. In 1C: Enterprise 8 There is a special editor that is intended for the development and modification of forms.

Layouts. Layouts are used to describe the printed forms of various objects. The layout contains "blanks", which, when generating a printed form of a particular object, filled with data.

In fig. 2.4 A few more subordinate objects are presented - this time - for applied objects Journal of Documents and Accumulation register.

Fig. 2.4.

Graphs. Graphs journal documents Used to display information about documents included.

Measurements. Register measurements are objects in the context of which indicators are recorded in registers.

Get acquainted with the configuration object directory. You will learn what this object is used, what is its structure and what basic properties it has. In practical examples, you will learn how to create directories, describe the most important elements of their structure and fill in their data.

In addition, you will learn about one configuration object - form.

In conclusion, consider the mechanism of making changes to the configuration and use of one of the developer tools - the properties palette.

Configuration object Reference It is applied and designed to work with data lists. The configuration object The directory is used to form the platform based on its database in which the information structure will be stored, for example, a list of employees, a list of goods, a list of customers or suppliers.

The directory consists of elements. A characteristic feature of the configuration object The directory is that the user in the process of work can independently add new items to the directory: for example, add new employees to the directory, create a new product or make a new customer.

Everyone element directoryAs a rule, contains some additional information that describes this item in more detail.

For example, all elements of the reference book Products may contain additional information about the manufacturer, expiration date, etc. The set of such information is the same for all reference items, and the configuration object of the configuration object is used to describe such a set, which also, in turn, are configuration objects. Since these objects are logically connected with the object of the reference book, they are called subordinates. Most configuration property details Directory Developer creates independently, however each configuration object has two "default" fields: code and name.

In addition, each reference element may contain some set of information that is the same in its structure, but is different in quantity, intended for different elements of the reference book. For example, each element of the directories, employees may contain information about the composition of the employee's family. For one employee, it will only be a spouse, and another family can consist of spouses, son and daughters. To describe such information, the table parts of the configuration object can be used, which are subordinate configuration objects.

For ease of use, the reference elements can be grouped by the user on any principle. For example, in the Hand appliances directory, the following groups can be created: refrigerators, televisions, Washing machines etc. The ability to create such groups in the directory is given by the property of the hierarchical configuration object directory. In this case, the element of the reference book, which is a group, will be a parent for all elements and groups included in this group. This kind of hierarchy is called the hierarchy of groups and elements.

Another kind of hierarchy is possible - hierarchy of elements. In this case, a group of elements of the reference book is not as a parent, but one of the elements of the reference book. For example, this kind of hierarchy can be used when creating a directory of the unit, when one unit is a parent for several other included in its composition.

Elements of one directory can be subordinate to elements or groups of another directory. For example, the Directory of Units can be subordinated to the Directory of goods. Then for each element of the reference book, we will be able to specify units of measurement in which this product enters the warehouse. In the 1C system: the company is achieved by specifying the list of directory owners for each configuration object directory.

Sometimes there are situations when it is necessary that in the directory some elements always existed, regardless of user actions. Suppose the logic of business processes in the enterprise is such that all goods first come to the main warehouse, and then as needed moves to other warehouses. In this case, the Warehouses should always exist in the Handbook of the Warehouse, otherwise the receiving goods will be made incorrectly. The configuration object The Handbook allows you to describe any number of such items of the reference book. They are called predefined elements of the reference book.

Depending on what actions we want to perform with the directory, we need to portray the reference book in "different form". For example, in order to select some element of the reference book, it is more convenient to submit a directory as a list, and in order to change some kind of directory item, it is more convenient to present all the details of this element of the reference book on one form. Therefore, the configuration object The directory may have an arbitrary number of forms, some of which can be assigned as the main one.

The following table explains the names of these forms specified in the configurator.

Table 2.1. Basic forms of reference book

The form serves to "visualize" data in the database. It presents this data in a user-friendly form and allows you to describe algorithms that will accompany the user's work with the data shown in the form.

Any form can be described in the configurator. To create such a description, there is a subordinate configuration object form. As a rule, it is subordinate to one of the applied objects, but may exist independently. Based on the description contained in the configuration object, in the right moment User operations Platform 1C: Enterprise will create a software object form with which the user will work.

Continuation of one-hour theme, answers to the book Radchenko, lesson 2 and 3.

What is the "Subsystem" configuration object?
The subsystem is the main element for constructing the 1C: Enterprise interface. Subsystems are allocated in configuration functional parts to which the applied solution is logically divided.

How to describe a logical structure using subsystems?
With the help of separation into functional parts, which are separate subject areas.

How to manage the order of output and display subsystems in the configuration?
The right click of the configuration mouse, select the "Open Configuration Command Interface" command, you can change the positions using arrows.

What is the configuration object editing window and what is the difference from the properties panel?

The editing window is mainly used to create new objects.
The properties palette is not attached to a specific configuration object.

Lesson 3.

What is the configuration object reference book?
The directory is designed to work with data lists, descriptions of their properties and structure.

What are the characteristic features of the configuration object directory?
The directory consists of elements; Each element is a separate entry in a table that stores information from this directory;
The element may also contain additional information that describes in more detail this element - the same for all elements of the reference book - props; Props is also a configuration object;

What are the details and tabular parts of the reference book use?
Details are used to describe for more informationdescribing the element of the reference book;
The table part is used to describe the information of the reference element, the same in structure, but different in quantity.

Why need hierarchical directories And what is the parent?
Hierarchical directories are needed to group elements of the reference book on any sign or principles. Several types of hierarchies differ: Hierarchy of groups and elements - the element of the reference book representing the group is a parent for all elements and groups included in this group;
Hierarchy elements - The parent is not a group of reference elements, but the element itself directly.

Why do you need subordinate reference books and what is the owner?
Elements of one reference book can be subordinated to the elements of another directory, and in this case the connection is established one-to-many. It can also be used by the connection one-to-one, when each element of the subordinate reference book is associated with one of the elements of the reference book.

What basic forms exist at the directory?
The form of the element - to edit or create an element of the reference book;
Group form - to edit or create a directory group;
List form - to display the list of items in the directory;
Group selection form - to select one of the directory group;

What predefined elements Director?
Elements of the reference book created in the configurator, these items The user cannot delete; Serve for storing information, regardless of user actions;

How does the usual element from the predefined differ from the point of view of the configuration?
Configuration operation algorithms may be tied to predefined elements, therefore, the system adds these elements to the database structure itself, without user participation.

How can the user distinguish the usual element from the predefined?
With the help of pictogram

How to create a configuration object directory and describe its structure?
Create new handbook - Structure - on the Hierarchy tabs, data, drawings here

How to add a new element to the directory?
Via 1C mode: Enterprise.

How to create a directory group?
Via 1C mode: Enterprise

How to move an item from one group to another?
Right click on the element, "Move to the group"

Why do I need the main configuration and configuration of the database?
The main configuration is a configuration for the developer. Database configuration - to work with users.

How to change the database configuration?
In no way. You can only update to the state of the main configuration.

How are configuration objects and database objects related?
Configuration objects describe storage facilities, tables. And the database objects are the records that are contained in these tables.

What are subordinate configuration objects?
Details, tabular parts, etc.

Why do you need checking the filling of details at the directory?
To ensure that the user cannot be launched empty or incorrect entries.

What is a quick choice and when to use it?
To select items not from a separate form, but from the drop-down list filled with items of this reference book.

How to display a directory and determine its view in various sections of the application interface?
To display the right click on the directory, the Edit tab, the tab "Subsystems".
The reference book is the "Basic" tab, then the general subsystems are all subsystems. here pictures

How to display commands for creating a new directory element in the subsystem interface?
General - subsystems - All subsystems - Galka "Nomenclature: Create"

How to edit the command interface subsystem?
General - subsystems - all subsystems. At the top - the "Command Interface" field

What standard panels are used in the application interface, and how to configure the location of these panels in the configurator and in "1C: Enterprise" mode?

Partition panel; The command panel of the current partition (if specified; contains commands that match the selected partition; In the beginning of the panel, there are commands that allow you to open any lists, and then commands that allow you to create new data items, form any report or processing); Toolbar and information panel (Favorites panel, history panel, open panel ...).
Setting the location of these panels in the configurator is as follows:
Highlight the root of the tree of objects of our configuration, by pressing the right mouse button Call context menu And choose the "Open Client Application Interface" item. In the window that appears on the right there is a list of all standard applied solutions. By dragging them to the left side of the window or remove them from there, we will configure the desired display of the panels.
Setting the location of these panels in mode "1C: Enterprise" is carried out like this:
Main menu -\u003e View -\u003e Setting up panels -\u003e Selecting and dragging the mouse to configure the desired panel display.

CHOT I rarely write, well, okay. I continue to fight, chapter 7 and 8.

What is the configuration object for the report?
The configuration object report serves to describe algorithms, with which the user can receive the output you need.

How to create a report using the data layout design designer?
In the configurator, select "Reports", the right mouse click - "Add" command. On the "Main" tab, select the "Open Data Layout Scheme" button.

Next, click the "Add Data Set" button. Here, you can select the request, object, association as a set.
The query goes through the request console. On the "Settings" tab, the report data is controlled, here you need to put ticks in the "Selected fields" window

In fact, I will say honestly, this "data layout system" I don't like it at all. It is much easier to work with the code, easier and clearer, Chesslovo.

How to display a report in the applied solutions sections?
Right click on the report - tab "Subsystems"

Lesson 8.

What is the configuration object mock?
The configuration object layout is designed to store various forms of data presentation that may be required by any configuration objects or the entire applied solution as a whole; One of the purpose of the subordinate layout is to create the printed form of this object;

What is a print designer?
The print constructor is a tool for creating printed forms (although in fact it is more convenient not to use the designer)

How to create a layout using a print constructor?
Select a configuration object to which you need a layout (it may be a document, report, external treatment), Right click on it, "Change" command, tab "Layouts", "Print Designer" button.

We define which details will be in the header;

Define which details table portions will be displayed;

It will also be possible to fill the basement of the printed form.

How to change tabular document?
The change in the size of the cells occurs similarly to Excell, and other properties - the right click on the cell, properties, to the right crawls the properties palette.

What is the difference in filling out the table document text, parameter or template?
Text - what will be shown on the screen in any case;
The parameter - will be replaced by a certain value that can be assigned to it (parameter) by means of the built-in language. For example, a query can be fill in a table with a range of nomenclature. When displaying printing, the table will be brought in line, and the nomenclature column will be unloaded to the place where the nomenclature parameter was. Naturally, it requires additional workBut here I am lazy to describe.
The template is a text string in certain locations of which parameter values \u200b\u200bwill be inserted.

How to display a new area into a tabular document?
Using the following design:
OblastYEBOCHES \u003d mockup. Focusing ("name");
Before that, you need to create this area on the layout. We highlight the column or string, the right click, the "Properties" command and name the desired area.

How to change appearance and behavior of form?
The appearance of the form changes directly when editing the form, and the behavior of the form is the right click on the open form, the command command. In the palette of properties there is a whole bunch of behavior settings

In the past, we learned - what is 1C objects.

Let's now see - what are 1C objects and what are they needed for?

The main objects of the 1C configuration are the essence of the configuration, it is because due to the difference in the main objects of Accounting 1C differ from the configuration of 1C Trade Management.

Basic configuration objects 1C - for accounting

These configuration objects 1c are a metering means.

Documents 1C.

The essence of accounting is entry of documents into the database. Each document means that something happened in the company's life. The document records this event.

For example, the purchase of goods, "selling goods", etc.

Reference books 1C.

It is clear that different documents work with the same data. For example, the goods "shovel" first buy, and then sell. The goods are the same.

In order not to enter it several times repeatedly - it is administered once to the directory and then use the value of the reference book "Shovel". The value remains one.

Directories are such lists of different values.

Registers 1C.

Document 1C records one operation. It is absolutely clear that in the life of the company's documents - hundreds and millions.

The result [movement] of the document is to change at least one digit in the results of operations. For example, it was a product 0, it became +10.

Each document moves at least in one of the registers this figure. The result is a table of such movements from which you can calculate the results.

The essence of the registers is a measurement of the results of the company's operations.

The 1c registers are several species:

  • 1c information registers - Simple tables like Excel, are often used to store information associated with 1C reference books
  • 1C - table accumulation registers that receive the results in their movements, residues (2 + 10, residue 12) and revolutions (2 + 10, turnover 10) are used for operational (warehouse) accounting
  • Accounting registers 1C - Tables based on account balance, are used to conduct accounting
  • The 1c settlement registers are table-based calculation plans, are used to keep accounting for salary accrual.

Main 1C configuration objects - for user

Custom 1C objects do not allow to keep records, but are required to use the user to work with the program.

Document logs 1C.

Allow you to combine lists of documents for the user by type. For example, the magazine "Warehouse Documents", or "Banking Documents". Each magazine typically includes several types of documents.

Reports 1C.

The information registers allow you to calculate the result. However, the user needs to work with it in a convenient form for him.

For this, there are reports 1C.

The report is a ready-made calculated company performance in the form similar to Excel or Word.

The report may exist separately from the configuration and database - it can be saved to the file. In this case, it is called "External Report".