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What good can you find out on the Internet. Occasional Leadership Required at the Right Time

Factrum publishes great article editions on how to get this information.

1. How to find a person's pages in all social networks at once?

Several years ago, Yandex launched a service for finding people's personal pages. It is available at V currently search is carried out on 16 social networks:

You can search not only by first and last name, but also by nickname:

If you are in doubt about how a person calls himself on the Internet, then you can use the logical OR operator (denoted by a vertical bar):

2. How to find the last posts of a person in all social networks at once?

12. Does ICQ store any interesting information about a stormy youth?

14. How to find out the location by IP?

The method does not guarantee the accuracy of the information. After all, there are many ways to hide your real address, which are used by both providers and users. But it's worth a try.

1. Take a letter from a person and see its original text:

2. Find the sender's IP address in it:

3. Enter it into the form on the service:

15. How to find out the apartment number of a person by his home phone number?

The last feature makes an indelible impression on women:

1. Accompany the new girl to the entrance. You accidentally ask for her home phone number;

2. In between times, go to mobile app"Sberbank" and go to the section for paying for MGTS services;

3. Type in the phone number and find out the apartment number;

4. Before you say goodbye, tell about your second cousin who participated in the "Battle of Psychics" and offer to guess her apartment number;

Services, search operators and interesting tricks.

We continue to talk about advanced ways to search the web. We started with an article:

I am sure that many of the techniques will be a revelation for you. For example, do you know how to find out a girl's apartment number from her home phone?

1. How to find a person's pages in all social networks at once?

Several years ago, Yandex launched a service for finding people's personal pages. It is available at Currently, the search is carried out on 16 social networks:

You can search not only by first and last name, but also by nickname:

If you are in doubt about how a person calls himself on the Internet, then you can use the logical OR operator (denoted by a vertical bar):

2. How to find the last posts of a person in all social networks at once?

12. Does ICQ store any interesting information about a stormy youth?

14. How to find out the location by IP?

The method does not guarantee the accuracy of the information. After all, there are many ways to hide your real address, which are used by both providers and users. But it's worth a try.

1. Take a letter from a person and see its original text:

2. Find the sender's IP address in it:

3. Enter it into the form on the service :

15. How to find out the apartment number of a person by his home phone number?

The last feature makes an indelible impression on women:

1. Accompany the new girl to the entrance. You accidentally ask for her home phone number;

2. In the meantime, go to the Sberbank mobile application and go to the section for paying for MGTS services;

3. Type in the phone number and find out the apartment number;

4. Before you say goodbye, tell about your second cousin who participated in the "Battle of Psychics" and offer to guess her apartment number;

Many people spend days and hours just sitting on social networks, occasionally going to YouTube or a website with recipes. We have collected 13 sites that will allow you to navigate time on the Internet usefully.

13 useful sites

  1. 4brain is a free online training site. Here you can, without leaving your home, learn the basics of leadership, creative thinking, speed reading, writing and public speaking, psychology, NLP and other useful knowledge. The site provides students with the opportunity to test what they have learned in practice.
  2. Udemy is a good resource for both people who want to learn something new and for specialists in a particular field. The site provides many free courses on all kinds of topics. Here you can also register as a teacher and earn money by teaching others.
  3. Povarenok is a portal where you can find recipes based on the ingredients you have. Here you can also watch video recipes, read useful articles on cooking and keep your culinary diary.
  4. Bookcrossing is a site for reading lovers. The creators of this resource claim - if you really love your books, let them go. The resource allows you to track the movement of a book around the world thanks to a pre-pasted sticker with a code.
  5. Sharedtalk is an effective resource for anyone who wants to learn and practice foreign languages. Here you can find a penpal from any country in the world and learn the language directly during communication. Moreover, it is good way do not forget the already learned language.
  6. Couchsurfing is a site where you can find a girlfriend (or friend) in another country and go to visit her (him). A great place for lovers of budget travel options to other countries, as well as for those who have no one to spend time with abroad.
  7. Ofigenno - here you will find the best stories from all over the Internet that are worth reading yourself and then sharing with your friends. With this site, not a single significant or interesting event will pass by you.
  8. PicMonkey - on this site you can edit images, as well as use a variety of effects, frames and fonts to turn your photo into a real masterpiece that is guaranteed to collect many enthusiastic comments in any social network.
  9. Memrise - With this site you can learn or remember necessary information in a playful way. In his arsenal there are many free courses in the study of foreign languages, art, history, geography and much more. You can filter courses by language and also create your own learning material.
  10. Skyscanner is a website that allows you to quickly compare all the airline, hotel and car rental deals available on the Internet, and then select the one that suits you best.
  11. Fitday is a journal that will allow you to track your weight loss. As a bonus, here you can get a free consultation from a nutritionist, calculate calories, and learn a lot about nutrition. There is mobile version that can be installed on the phone.
  12. 750 Words is a site that asks you to write 750 words (3 pages) a day. This is a psychological technique that allows you to get to know yourself better and deal with the mess in your thoughts, pouring them out onto virtual paper.
  13. Videoboom - best selection videos from all over the Internet. With the help of this site, you will not miss a single worthwhile video, see for yourself.

Each of us has our own innate desires, which are necessarily provided with talents and abilities, that is, properties for implementation. The problem is that we are not aware of them. It turns out that I “want and can”, but I don’t know what I want. What exactly can I do.

Do you want to know how to find yourself in life? How to realize yourself? The answer is simple: you need to get to know yourself. You don't know yourself at all!

Ask someone, the first person you meet, to tell them about yourself. The maximum that you will hear is facts from the biography.

What can you tell us about yourself? Who are you? How are you different from others? What do you want? What do you know about how to find your place in life?

We don't know anything about ourselves. Nothing! We live our lives "by touch." Someone was lucky to find their way and take exactly their place in the human community, working with pleasure, receiving excellent results and recognition of society. And someone, even at 50, continues to look for himself. True, the more years you are, the sadder and more hopeless your searches look.

Fortunately, scientific progress does not stand still. New discoveries in psychology eliminate the need to look for oneself by a scientific poke, try oneself in different specialties, changing places of work one after another. After all, you can spend your whole life looking for yourself and your path!

You can find yourself in incredibly short lines, getting to know yourself in the present, realizing what hides your unconscious. So, the path to self-realization - where to start?

In this article, you will learn:

    How to believe in yourself and your capabilities.

    How to find your vocation, clearly realize what it means to find yourself, your abilities and talents, the implementation of which will bring real satisfaction.;

    How to recognize and reject false goals.

    How to define your place in society.

    Why are you trying to find your place in life, while others are not. Why can't you live like everyone else and be content with little?

So how to find yourself in this life?

The modern world is filled with opportunities, goals and desires ... of other people. We live among this abundance and draw our landmarks from there. Someone makes great films, someone creates beautiful clothes, someone develops programs, and someone plays the guitar beautifully. And you think: and I would like to! How can everyone find themselves in this?

Someone nearby wants something so much that you start wanting it, not realizing that it is not your desire. And even if you spend years of your life on this goal, you will inevitably be disappointed with the result. Because nature is perfect - with birth we receive all the necessary inclinations for what we need, everything for self-realization. To know where to start!

Each of us has our own innate desires, which are necessarily provided with talents and abilities, that is, properties for implementation. The problem is that we are not aware of them. It turns out that I "want and can", but I do not know how to find what exactly I want. What exactly can I do.

In Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, these sets of desires and properties are called vectors. It is the set of vectors and their state that determines the prism through which a person sees and feels life, as well as his desires, opportunities and ways of realization.

An absolute understanding of the entire depth of one's psychic nature, an awareness of the causes of one's states, desires, needs - this is knowledge of oneself.

How to find yourself an emotional person?

For example, if a person has special, sensitive vision, distinguishing a greater number of colors and shades, good artistic taste, and his keyword"Beautiful" - it means that he has. His life is filled with emotions - he is sensual, funny, kind, fearful, and his eyes are wet.

If you have a visual vector, you can find yourself in intellectual and creative professions. Culture and art, design, photography, fashion - the viewer will feel good where he can enjoy beauty, create it, expressing emotions, experiencing emotions, transmitting emotions to others. Emotions for him are life.

All the kindest and most beautiful, created by people, we receive from spectators who maximally realize what nature has set them.

Now let's imagine a spectator who works as an accountant, marketer, or salesperson. How can you realize yourself here? Where are the emotions? Where is the beautiful? Unrealized emotions rush out in the form of hysterical breakdowns, from which loved ones suffer, or he constantly falls in love with someone.

And if nothing is interesting? How to find yourself in the profession?

There are eight vectors, and each has modern man there are several of them. In different circumstances of life, we can apply our different abilities, properties and talents. , for example, endows a person with a rational mind and pragmatism, agility and an entrepreneurial streak. The anal vector allows you to become a professional in any industry, accumulating experience and knowledge in your field.

But there is one vector that makes its owner different from everyone else.

It is this vector that makes you think more than others how to find yourself in life. It - . It is thanks to him that you think about things that mean nothing to others. For example, about the meaning of life, space, some energies, about a state of altered consciousness, about knowing oneself.

If you have a sound vector, it is the most important in your psychic. His desires are very voluminous, and if they are not realized, your condition becomes difficult. You lock yourself in, and the desires of other vectors seem to be blocked. Other people become uninteresting, stupid, annoying.

And then, whatever you do in life, you feel that it is not yours. Life turns into a search for yourself and your path. Everything is empty, uninteresting, painful, everything is not worth it to do it. As an assistant manager, for example, you hate your skin boss and secretly despise his mercenary vein. Office life, with its bustle and gossip, seems unbearably disgusting.

How can you be so down to earth? Surely your dream job is a remote job. To close at home and be alone with yourself is your constant desire. But in this there is no realization, there is no filling of the innate desire for sound - knowledge of oneself.

How to find your calling if you are not like everyone else?

Realization in the life of a sound engineer is always associated with cognition. Inanimate nature: the laws of physics and mathematics, the development of which gave the world incredible IT technologies and the Internet. Plant and wildlife: scientists have developed food technologies unique in the history of mankind, and medicine has reached the highest level. Human nature: it is the sound people who strive for psychotherapy and psychiatry, trying to unravel the secrets of the human soul and protect themselves from their own fear of going crazy.

How to find yourself in the profession? The range of professions in which a sound specialist can take place is quite wide: this is programming, exact sciences, foreign languages, writing, music, psychology, psychotherapy, and there are others.

The names of realized sound specialists, whose lives are a vivid example of the great value that they brought to society, are Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, Steve Jobs, Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein.

But it is not at all necessary to be born a genius in order to take place and be happy, because everyone is born with their own volume of desire, which must be realized. And this will be quite enough to feel for sure that life is good.

Incredible changes occur when you fill the fundamental desires of sound for knowing yourself, humanity, the meaning of everything that exists, the cause-and-effect relationships of what is happening around you in particular and in the world as a whole. When you get to know not only yourself, but also learn to focus on people and understand each person as yourself. And the chef with a commercial streak, and superficial colleagues in the office, even the most notorious gossip lovers. Yes, as myself - completely without irritation and condemnation.

This is possible, and how to find your place in life, they tell in their results, which were trained in System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan.

What happens after that?

All your desires are released from the oppression of the sound vector, and your whole being literally explodes with interest in life and desires - the most unexpected and different. Suddenly, a new reality will appear in front of you - multifaceted and full of meaning. And you will no longer wonder what it means to find yourself, because you will find yourself and a new reality.

Well, after meeting yourself, it will be very easy to apply yourself. See for yourself - don't miss the free online introductory lectures on Systemic Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan. Register in form below.

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-vector psychology»

How to find an enemy by IP or find out the address of a girl you like? We will tell you about services, search operators and interesting tricks.

Here's what you can do:

1. Find the last posts of a person in all social networks at once

5. Find out what people around you are posting on Twitter

Using the "near:" operator, you can find out what residents of a particular city are currently writing about:

Or at a point with a specific latitude and longitude:

Geographic coordinates can be determined from this map or viewed in exif-data of photographs.

6. Find out who is in the photo

Cut out the part of the photo where the person has a head and upload it to the image search page on Google. We are surprised at the result.

7. Find out what a person tweeted on a specific day

Sometimes it's interesting to know what a famous person wrote on their Twitter before a certain date. For example, what did Tim Cook post on his account before October 17th, 2015?

For such complex tasks, Twitter has advanced search operators. They must be typed on home page social network in the form in the upper right corner:

If you combine the above "until" with the "since" operator, you can sample tweets over a period of time. For example, you can find out what Tim Cook wrote during Christmas week:

8. Find out if a person is on the wanted list

If your new acquaintance is suspicious, then you should look for him in the database of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of your region.

9. Find out if he has debts

14. Find out in which region he bought a SIM card

You can define the region and operator for subscribers on the website

15. Find out, find out the apartment number of a person by his home phone number

The last life hack makes a lasting impression on women:

A) See off the new girl to the entrance. You accidentally ask for her home phone number;

B) In the meantime, go to the Sberbank mobile application and go to the section for paying for MGTS services;

C) Type in the phone number and find out the apartment number;

D) Before you say goodbye, tell about your second cousin who participated in the "Battle of Psychics" and offer to guess her apartment number;

E) Call the desired number;