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Failed to log in Windows 10. User Profile Failure

In the work of S. operating system There are often such things that you can not even turn on the computer and enter the OS - something or someone prevents us from this. For example, if the system was hacked, the thief will not give to enter the user interface, but will require send SMS to short number. In this regard, of course, it is easier - you can simply reinstall the system or log in through the safe mode and remove the virus. But what if the system itself does not allow you to enter it, for example, the error "User service prevents the entry into the system"? We will deal with example Windows 10, which is just like previous versionshas not been delivered from this error.

Why does this error occur?

When you enter the system, you are subject to authentication as a user. If the system believes that you are under the temporary profile of the user, and in fact it is not the case, it means there was some specific failure. The same situation may be when you are officially under a temporary profile in the system and still until the end you can not succeed.

You can solve this question in several ways - using the registry editor or system restoration. Please note that the first option is complicated, but the second is more accessible to understand even novice users. Consider more detailed each of them.

We solve the error using regedit

The first thing to be done is to log in under the integrated system administrator. To do this, you need to boot into safe mode. How to log in to Windows 7 secure mode, read if you have Windows 10, then you. After downloading in safe mode, start executing the following instructions:

We solve the error using the system recovery

The method is quite simple, but not always effective. It is explained by the fact that not all users create recovery points, and some are simply removed using programs for "cleaning" system. If you are sure that the recovery point when the system worked fine, there are - follow the instructions in this manual:

Now there should be no problems with the entrance, and you can normally get into the system. There is another optionWhich is not worth a particular attention - simply create a new user through the built-in administrator profile, and then make the transfer of your custom files from the old profile to the new one.

Another common malfunction, only here the wine becomes often users - this user profile service interferes with the login. The error testifies to failures or bugs in the profile itself and it arises due to the mismatch of the security key or the name of the folder. Temporary profiles are extremely uncomfortable, as they completely delete all the data entered by the user for the session. This kind of malfunction must be eliminated immediately.

First of all, remember, you may have changed any variables / folders / files that are system for the user. If so, then just return everything to your places and reboot the system. Another option is to install programs that block or edit profiles, such an application may be antivirus with parental control.

Nevertheless, for a full-fledged situation, you need to figure out how to correct the error of the temporary user.

Temporary profiles how to fix?

Almost always a malfunction occurs due to changing the folder name with user data. The system simply does not know where to save the profile information and therefore cleans it at the end of the session. If you basically want to change the name of the folder for any reason, then you can:

1. Move the user, and with it will change the folder name:

  • Click on the Avatar in Start;

  • Select the "Changing Your Account Name" link.

2. This option helps both in the case of renaming and diagnosing a malfunction:

  • Enter the search for Regedit;
  • Follow the hkey_local_machinesoftwaremicrosoftwindows ntcurrentversionprofilelist;
  • Among the folders with SID keys, find with the end. Bak;
  • The Profile Image Path parameter must contain the correct path to the folder, if it is not so, change it;
  • Check out the presence of a similar partition in the left side, only the name of the folder without BAK, and the rest is identical. If such exists, then remove it, and that that contains the BAK should be renamed so as to delete the end.

This method is also able to help solve our main problem.

Also, the error may be temporary and occur due to one-time failure, so before switching to alternative solutions, simply restart the computer and check the presence of a malfunction.

Troubleshooting login lock

Error "User Profile System prevents the system entry" arises due to security key inconsistencies. They changed or spoiled due to the bug in the system, when the key was created for one user, and it was used for another. Such confusion occurs in temporary profiles, in other words damaged.

The problem is located in the registry, respectively, and it is necessary to deal with it from there:

  • Specify Regedit in the search;
  • Complete along the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE-\u003e Software-\u003e Microsoft-\u003e \u200b\u200bWindows NT-\u003e CURRENTVERSION-\u003e PROFILELIST;
  • There must be several sections in the folder (depending on the number of accounts), which contain the SID key in the S-1-5 name. Before changing something, make sure that the right section of the section contains Profile Image Path C by way to the desired profile (so as not to harm another record). A folder that without the end of the BAK and with an identical name can delete or simply change its name;

  • The section with the extension is removed. Bak. To do this, right-click on it and click "Rename";
  • Now in the right part of the renamed partition, find the RefCount parameter. Right click select "Edit" and replace the value to 0;

  • Similarly, for the state argument, set the value 0;

  • Close the editor and restart the system.

Replacing an account

Perhaps more justified at time costs will be the removal of the lagging profile and creating a new one. Only you need to save user information to another section.

The easiest way to achieve such a result is to log in with a secure mode that uses the built-in administrator profile, for this:

  • At the time of launch, press F8;
  • Set the selection to "Safe Mode", if necessary with the use of network drivers;
  • Next, go along the path C: WindowsProfile, where Profile is the name of the recording;
  • Download a copy of the folder to a different system disk.

You can also use the data transfer service and after checking simply select the desired data.

For full profile uninstalling it is better to use special microsoft tool FIX IT. It closes all the profile information storage facilities to eliminate the likelihood of returning the problem. You can find it on the Microsoft website.

Now you need to create an entry:

  • Open the "Control Panel" from the start;
  • Find the page "User Accounts";
  • Click on the link "Manage another accounting»;

  • On the bottom, click "Create an Account";

  • After all, you need to copy the data stored before in the user partition.

Additional way to eliminate error

The easiest I. effective method - This is useful to the recovery service. There is only one serious limitation, namely: the presence of a point at the desired time interval. You should find a point that was created with a serviceable system. The remedy we need can be found in the system recovery in the search.

After performing the above algorithms, you can get rid of this error by changing the installed security key or creating a new profile.

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Hello everyone today will tell you how the error is solved by the User Profiles Service prevents the login in Windows 7.

If you enter the message that the user profile service interferes with the login, then as a rule, this is a consequence of what an input attempt with a temporary profile of the user and it fails.

User profiles interferes with the system, it is impossible to load it

In this manual I will describe steps that will help correct the error "Unable to download a user profile" in Windows 7. Please note that the message "Login to the system is completed with a temporary profile" can be corrected exactly the same ways (but there are nuances that will be described at the end articles). That's how it looks like.

Error solving using registry editor

In order to correct the profile service error in Windows 7, first of all, you will need to log in with administrator rights. The easiest option for this purpose is to download the computer in secure mode and use the built-in administrator account in Windows 7.

After that, launch the registry editor (press the Win + R keys on the keyboard, enter the "Run" window regedit. And press ENTER).

In the Registry Editor, go to the section (Folders on the left - these are sections windows registry) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CURRENTVERSION \\ PROFILELIST \\ and expand this section.

Then, in order, follow these steps:

Ready. Now close the registry editor, restart the computer and check whether the error has been fixed when entering Windows: with a high probability that the profile service impedes something, you will not see.

We solve the problem with the help of system recovery

One of fast ways Repair the occurring error, which, however, does not always turn out to be operational - use the restoration of Windows 7. Procedure.

At the end of the recovery, restart the computer and check if the message appears that there are problems with the login and cannot be downloaded.

This is how the error is solved by the user profile service interferes with the login in Windows 7.

It happens that the user when downloading a computer sees a message: User Profile Service or Accounts interferes with the login.

And as you can see from the error itself - it is impossible to download the user profile in Windows 7, 8 or 10. Thus, the work on the PC is suspended. It is for this reason that it is necessary to quickly eliminate this error to restore the user profile in Windows.

What a mistake and why arises

As soon as the user sees such a thing on his computer immediately arise the thoughts of viruses or that all data on the computer will be lost after it is eliminated. Such thoughts arise, since most problems on the PC average user solves reinstalling Windows.

But this error occurs due to invalid profile parameters in the registryor the coincidence of checking the PC anti-virus time program with the entrance to the OS. Simply put when the user tries to log in, it in turn authenticates it. And as a result of a failure, the Ourser thinks that the entrance is performed through a temporary profile, although it is not. This error says about the failure of the OS.

These are the most common causes of its occurrence. To eliminate them enough to make a few simple actions. What is noteworthy, all ways to eliminate errors come for any version OS.

For those who do not know what the user profile is explaining. It stores all data, settings and user information.

First actions in case of error

First of all, when this error on the PC is detected, you need to make a simple restart system. This is a quick version of its elimination, since the error at the end of the work can be expected.

But you should not just press the "Restart" button. Need completely complete OS And after a while again launch it.

Do not panic if the problem has not been solved in such a slight way. It does not always work, but it still needs to be applied first. If the system restarts did not work, then the files in the account are damaged.

Creating a copy of the account

To do this, do the following:

  • Restart PC;
  • Until the OS started pressing the button F8.;
  • A black screen appears, click " Go through safe mode»;
  • Through the "Start" to enter the control panel or parameters (depending on the VINTOV version);
  • Select icon " Accounts»;
  • Choose " Family and security»;
  • Choose " Adding a new account»;
  • Create new profile (It is important that the account has been created with the administrator rights).

Thus, the new record is created. Such accounts need to create two. It turns out that there will be three entries in the OS (two created and one problem). Now you need to copy files from the old. To do this, you need to do the following:

  • Log in with one of the work accounts;
  • Press Start»;
  • Choose " Documentation»;
  • Go to the top panel folder in the fold "View" and check the box on the line " Show hidden elements"(Or service - folder parameters in older versions);
  • Go to the disk on which the OS is installed and select the folder Users (along the path C: \\ users);
  • Select a folder named problem recording;
  • Copy All files from this folder, except for ntuser.dat, ntuser.dat.log, ntuser.ini;
  • Return to the folder " Users"And open a folder with new record different from the one under which the entrance was performed;
  • Insert copied items to the folder named the new entry;
  • Reload PC And go through the created copy, check for all the necessary files.

Use the system recovery

Perhaps the error occurred due to the recent changes in the system that the user committed or the program. And if so, then these actions can be canceled by restoring the OS.

Restoring Windows 10 System

In the top ten, you should follow the following sequence of actions:

Windows 8 system restore

In the eight, the procedure is not very different from the above:

Windows 7 system recovery

To take advantage the desired function In the seven it is necessary:

Registry editor for error correction

Also, in order to correct the error, you can use the registry editor. This can be done like this:

After all the actions described above, you must restart the PC and whether the error is fixed. After that, the section without expansion. Bak can be deleted.

Removing a profile through the registry

Through the registry, you can completely delete the profile:

  • Enter safe mode;
  • Press the combination of the Win + R keys;
  • In the window " perform»Drive the team regedit. and press ENTER;
  • Go to section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ PROFILELIST \\;
  • Open the ProfileList folder and find a subsection that starts with S-1-5 (there must be two). As a rule, there are many numbers in the names of these subsections. One of the subsections must end by Bak;
  • Click on one of them and on the right side of the window to see the assigned value. If it indicates the user profile, this is what you need;
  • Press this subsection PCM and remove it;
  • Now, at the entrance, the OS will create a new profile without error.

This is how you can eliminate the problem with the entrance to the OS. It is recommended to clearly adhere to the entire sequence, otherwise you can damage the system.

Damage to the user account is common problem Windows. The problem occurs when entering a password or pin-code on the lock screen and when you press ENTER will be output, "User Profiles Service Failed to log in. You can not download the user profile" In Windows 10 or user profiles, it interferes with the login in Windows 7. .

We solve the problem "User Profiles Service Failed to log in" using the registry editor

Option 1. Edit user account profile

Sometimes your account may be damaged and it prevents you from accessing files in Windows 10. Go to the registry editor in several ways, through a safe mode:

Step 1. Press the key combination " windows + R."To call the" Run "command and enter the command regedit. To enter the registry.

Step 2.. In the window that opted, go along the way:

Step 3.. In the parameter you will have multiple keys s-1-5. You will need to choose the longest key with a long array of numbers and your account on which the error "User Profiles Service failed to log in." Make sure that the right path is correct to click on the long key and with the right in the column there must be a name if not found, then leaf all the long keys until you turn on the right column on with your broken profile, in my case account .

Step 4.. If you incorrectly renamed the user profile folder C: \\ user \\ site of the affected account, then open the Explorer along the path C: \\ user \\ site and click on the broken profile by right-click, select rename And enter manually correct profile name (site). After renaming, go back in the registry to the folder and look so that the name is written, as in the picture (step 3) C: \\ user \\ site.

See two options step 6 and step 7 depending on whom

Step 5.. Now we will make two options if we have one long key S-1-5-21-19949 ....- 1001. bak. (at the end extension. Bak) and with the second without .bak those. Just S-1-5-21-19949 ....- 1001. Depending on whom the profiles of two or one were lined up.

Step 6.. There is only one key at the end of S.Bak (S-1-5-21-19949 ....- 1001.bak).

  • A) if you have only one key at the end with .bak (S-1-5-21-19949 ....- 1001.Bak), click on the right mouse button and click Rename. (See the picture below).

  • B) remove the word word with the point .bakSo that they turn out just numbers. Follow the step 8. (See the drawing below)

Step 7.. If you have two identical keys, one without. Bak, the second S.Bak. (S-1-5-21-19949 ....- 1001 and S-1-5-21-19949 ....- 1001.Bak) .

  • A) in the left pane of the registry, right-click on the key without .bak and add the point, two letters .bk. (See Figure below).

  • B) now right-click on the key with .bak, Select rename And delete .bak With a point. (See Figure below).

  • C) now return and rename the first key with .bk. in .bak. Press ENTER and follow the step 8.

Step 8.. Highlight the key that renamed without .bak And with the right in the column, press two times to open the settings of the parameter, and set the value of 0. If you do not have a parameter, then press with the right on the empty field right-click and create the DWORD parameter (32-bit), rename it in RefCount And set the value 0.

Step 9.. In the right field, select the key without .bak and in the parameter State Set the value 0. If there is no such parameter, then click on the empty field with the right and click Create DWORD (32-bit), rename it in State And set the value 0.

Step 10.. Restart your computer and error "User Profile Service Could not log in to the system" and "Unable to download a user profile" in Windows 10 should disappear.

Option 2. Delete and create a new user profile for account.

This option will delete the user profile, thereby lose all settings for your account and personalization.

Step 1. If there is another administrator account on which there is no error, exit the current account (for example: site) and log in to the administrator's entry.

If you do not have another administrator account to log in, you can make one of the following options below to enable the built-in administrator account for logging into the system and go to step 2 below.

  • BUT). Load in safe mode, enable the built-in administrator, exit the system and log in to the Administrator system.
  • B). Open the window command line When downloading, enable the built-in administrator, restart the computer and log in to the Administrator system.

Step 2.. Make backup In total, you do not want to lose in the profile folder C: \\ Users \\ (username) (for example: site) the appropriate user account in another place. When you finish, delete the C: \\ Users \\ folder (username).

Step 3.. Click windows buttons + R to open the "Run" dialog box, enter the REGEDIT and click OK.

Step 4.. In the Registry Editor, go to the location below.

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ Currentversion \\ PROFILELIST

Step 5.. On the left pane in the ProfileList list, click on the long key on which an account error. The profile is visible to the right.

Step 6.. Remove profiles with a C.Bak and non.bak error. For instance ( S-1-5-21-19949 ....- 1001 and S-1-5-21-19949 ....- 1001.Bak) - Delete.

Step 7.. Close the registry editor and restart the computer, after which it automatically recreates the new user.

I can solve the problem "Unable to download a user profile" in a simple way

Method 1.. This method It does not work for everyone, but it helped to many. Try to copy your documents in the folder (C: \\ Users \\) to another location to back up just in case. Usually the problem occurs due to damage to the "ntuser.dat" file located in the "C: \\ Users \\ Default" folder. To solve this problem, you need to replace the file "ntuser.dat" from another profile. .

  1. Go to the system in safe mode with the profile account that runs.
  2. Find the file (C: \\ Users \\ Default) "ntuser.dat" and rename the extension.dat by old. Must be (NTUSER.OLD).
  3. Locate the "NTUSER.DAT" file in the working profile of such as "guest", "common". Example (C: \\ Users \\ Guest \\ Ntuser.dat).
  4. Copy it and insert it into the default C: \\ Users \\ Default folder.
  5. To restart a computer.

You can copy this file from another computer with the same windows version And insert it to yourself along the way C: \\ Users \\ Default.

Method 2. You can try to replace the entire folder "C: \\ Users \\" from another computer.

  • Take a flash drive in FAT32 format and record on it from another computer folder C: \\ Users \\ and throw to my computer.

If anyone knows how to fix the error, "the User Profile Service prevents the login to the system" Which method, then write in the form "Report Error".