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Nigma Search engine does not work. Nigma.rf (Nigma) - Intelligent Search Engine

Russian intellectual search system, known as Nigma, originally had a name that was written in Latin, namely - Nigma. After Domains on Cyrillic were introduced a few years ago, the search system changed its name. Now it is called Nigma. RF. However, at ( site is also available.

Unlike most of the most popular search engines, such as Google, Yandex, Bing or Yahoo, Nigma is not as popular with users. However, it is really worthy of close attention due to some unique features. The development was embedded quite little money, but a lot of strength. The creators firmly secured the position of the Nigma as the search engine of the Runet. Currently, attempts to enter the market of Southeast Asia are even being taken.

What is the principle of the Nigma

Many people call Nigma with only a specific superstructure over other search engines with their own robots, which index the network in the search for sites. But, in addition to its own index base, the creators use and other people in free access. The proportion of the Nigma in the total data stream is not known to be known. The system serves only a few dozen people, and also probably in the indexation of the Runet is not too much money.

The main idea is to lay out the issuance by category. This process is differently called clusterization. Its essence is to be issued at the request of the maximum number of documents relevant to it. At the same time, headlines and snippets are issued with references, that is, small descriptions. This nigma is different from other search engines who find a gigantic number of files.

Google, Yandex and others are not always able to determine exactly what the user wants to see on the first pages search results. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the role plays multitasking. Various developers decide this problem differently. As for the creators of the Nigma, they offer us special filters capable of separating certain clusters. In addition, filters can also delete these clusters.

If you open the nigma search system, then the filters can be seen on the left. Choose the required clusters by putting a cross or tick opposite them. The cross excludes the parameter from the search, while the tick is the opposite. This allows for half a minute to designate what is required, having got rid of the gigantic issuance of unnecessary sites. So we raise relevance to your own needs.

History of development of the Nigma search engine

Initially, the system first launched for about eleven years ago, had a fairly simple interface. But at that moment the time to launch a nigma to the market was missed. Already then there was a rapid development of other search engines, which lasted ten years. Yandex then actively won his financial niche, and Google continued to conquer the runet directly.

But, appearing, Nigma has a number of advantages over the same Google, who did not differ in the then serious consideration of the morphology of the Russian language. Thereby getting their "profit" from the search engine base was quite possible. Google quite quickly corrected their own shortcomings, eliminating from its own way. Let a small but competitor.

Nigma developers had to create new "chips" of their system. And ultimately, the main ones were the opportunity to use broader tips, allocating official online resources and their definition. You can also set special issuing settings. These settings were called "Mathematics and Chemistry". The system allows you to search for separate torrent files or musical compositions.

Perhaps the ability to look for files and compositions and is the most important difference from other search engines. The latter are trying to be at the maximum distance from everything related to copyright.

The latest updates

Four years after the launch, the interface was changed. At the same time, it was possible to look for in Nigma on books in online libraries, on images from other search engines. The fact that the development was engaged in people directly related to the Moscow State University were the reason for the appearance of the tool "Mathematics and Chemistry", which significantly facilitated their studies to many students and schoolchildren.

The essence of this wonderful function is that in the address bar, a specific mathematical equation or expression can be set. The same applies to chemical formulas. As a result, we receive not only the answer, but also the solution, and not only in digital, but also in the letter. If there are problems with a set of special signs, such as "X", "igrek", "logarithms" and so on, then you can simply enter a line in Russian, nigma mathematics will translate it into a classic look.

Nigma chemistry allows you to use the system even to those who have already forgotten about what this subject represents. It is also possible to enter requests by text, and the system will translate. You can contact not only the sections of inorganic chemistry, but also organic.

As for the section Nigma Music, there is an opportunity to listen to the selected composition using the player built into the search engine, and even download it.

What are the search engines (PS) do you use? Yandex? Google? Mail? Rambler? Many users do not even understand and do not know what is looking for information on the Internet. In this article you will learn about such an interesting PS as Nigma. Perhaps someone already knows about it, but others are not, but in any case you can get more detailed information about it.

I want to immediately explain that I do not advertise it and no one will give me anything for this article. I use her myself for several years now and I think the most convenient for the search. Perhaps and you will like it after reading this article.

You can get to the search engine website by reference or

So. When moving to the main page, you get to the most important thing - this is a query search string

As you can see, nothing superfluous and unnecessary. But if you look closely, you can see such interesting links like pictures, books, music, mathematics and mini-games

Those. You can search not only in conventional methodAnd also search for pictures:


and music

About the search for music I want to add that you can listen directly online and from different sources, as well as download the composition, while not going on another source site.

Special attention deserves such a service as Nigma mathematics, which sometimes use even more than the search engine itself:

I will not fully write about this service, because it's too much and if you wish, you yourself can familiarize themselves with.
I want to note that chemical formulas can be calculated in the same way.

Now about the search engine. The search string has an intellectual possibility immediately when entering the required information. For example, I entered the word and the official site appeared on the list, as well as information about it (it appears when you hover on the icon):

And please note that this information can be obtained without even pressing eNTER button.
In the same way, you can find the price for any product:

that's just it works if this item is in the catalog of goods from Mail.

If you do this, the search information window looks like this:

This should not pay attention to the fact that the information is located as to the right, marked the official website icon, as well as the ability to switch to music or other information, depending on the search criterion.

Now pay attention to the left block, which displays filters with which you can expand your search:

Another chicken Nigma is how it helps to search for torrents (?):

It also helps substantially.

The Nigma feature is that she has its own search robot that indexes sites, as well as it uses other PS robots (Yandex, Google, Rambler, Yahoo, Altavista, Bing and [email protected]) Links to which are located at thenime pages:

when you click on them, you will move with this search query on the selected PS, which also facilitates the search if you did not like the nigma results.

Now back to the main page and pay attention to:

here are the most frequently used Internet resources in various categories. For example, you can send SMS:

i will not write about all sites ...

Also at the bottom of this page there are useful links:

Here you can go to the lightweight version of the search engine (if you have a slow Internet connection) or on mobile version (if from the phone or tablet), as well as install the default nigma search engine in your or instead.

Well, in principle, it is enough to paint this PS. I have not written about some "feathers" nigma, for example, about their forum, history, advanced search, selection of language and search engines, location and settings. You yourself can figure them out with time if you enjoy them. And if it is not clear - write in the comments. I will definitely help. As you can see, this is a very interesting and useful search engine that can significantly reduce and simplify the search for information. Perhaps you, like me, also love it.

Nigma search engine is very convenient to use. This system is especially convenient for schoolchildren and students, because there you can find answers on the school program and not only. The fact that at the moment there are small difficulties with the entrance to this program, is quite simple. The academic year began, the number active users It has increased, here is the system and does not cope. Just try to go later, I'm sure you will succeed.

The intellectual search engine Nigma collects information from different search engines, it is convenient for schoolchildren and students, because it can be found in it to be answered almost all the educational issues. And because when the influx of students has increased, the search engine has ceased to cope, it has fallen in work. In addition, cardinal changes are going to occur in the system, and therefore it will not work periodically.

Why Nigma 2017 does not work? What happened to the search engine NIGMA RU

It is possible that the developers of this search engine simply modify it. After all, more recently, in mid-September, the information was held that

Such changes do not pass painlessly in 90 cases from one hundred. Therefore, you need to gain patience and wait a bit, while the developers are captivated by this search engine to shine.

The change in the name is written on the 3DNews website. This site is already 20 years on the Internet and not to believe its information there is no reason.

Indeed, many users noted that in September the search engine stopped working. The search engine itself is not entirely in demand, but still some use them, as the information here is well sorted and the search engine gives everything you need. There are no explanations on the Internet about this.

When transition is written:

iP addresses (you went online) Access to services is temporarily blocked. We apologize for temporary inconveniences.

So most likely the server is overloaded because of a large influx of users of especially students or a failure in the system. Perhaps through time everything will work.

from other search engines, this system made it possible to find exactly what you need, bypassing a different internet slag. Thus, there was no need to look for info, Laza for all sites. For students and students, it was generally a find. But not so long ago, access to the site Nigma is closed.

I think everything is because of the big influx of users and the server simply does not cope.

Nigma is an intellectual search engine created by our compatriots Vladimir Chernyshev and Viktor Lavronenko.

The beginning of this was put on their meeting in 2004, and then fruitful cooperation on creating a qualitatively new project for Runet.

Despite the fact that the service uses the resources of the most popular search engines when issuing the resources of the most popular search engines, it has many interesting ideas in the hugger.

But let's not go to the Debrist, and we will immediately move on to get acquainted with the advanced search service.

About this in more detail below the text ...

How to search from Nigma, work features

This search engine searches not only on its own index, but also by indexes of the most diverse "colleagues" - ,.

The system itself is interesting, many different useful featuresThe main thing is that everything is ordered and specifically.

There is, by the way, and advanced search for greater request accuracy, you can immediately adjust some settings, sorting, make a selection of language to search, limit the search area by the city, for example.

And here you can find a reference to mini-games online and pictures.

We all know what value for Internet users have search engines. Most often, we only resort to one of them every day. Most popular: Google, Yandex, Yahoo, Bing. About other systems, ordinary users did not hear never. And meanwhile their set.

Search sites

The thematic search engines of air tickets and hotels, real estate, products and services became increasingly used. In large companies working in the field of telecommunications and information technologies, there is your search engines. Microsoft - MSN Search, Rostelecom is "satellite". Over 1,700 search programs are used. In RuNet from about 45. Recently earned the search engine "Nigma". Reviews of this development russian specialists Excellent all conceivable expectations.

A bit of history

To understand what we are dealing with when searching for information on the Internet, let's figure out what kind of search engine as a whole. Initially, when sites could be counted on the fingers, their list was simply laid out on one of the web pages. By 1993, there was a need to automate the search. To think only, the first search program simply downloaded all files from anonymous, available FTP servers. The search was carried out only by file name, excluding its contents.

Work principles

Later, the search system was improved. Modern Google takes into account the number of links to your page posted on third-party sites. Based on this, the program places a page to a certain place in the search results. The principle is simple - if the site is interesting, others must see it. There are other search algorithms. The basis of most search engines is the so-called robot.

Campaigns who have invented comfortable and fast search engines earn, selling a place in the ranking and advertising on their sites. In addition to the search, they offer users free mail server, your own browser, program for exclusive messaging.

Search engines in Russia

According to 2014, the following search engines were used in Russia:

  • Google (39.0%).
  • Bing (0.7%).
  • Yahoo! (0.2%).

Multilingual search engines:

  • Yandex (51.7%);
  • Mail.Ru (7.0%);
  • Rambler (0.6%);
  • Nigma (0.1%) - all this search engines that limit their range of finding Russian-speaking domains.

Search engine "Nigma"

Last on the list search engine "Nigma" - the result of the labor of students and employees of Moscow State University. Created a search engine in 2009. The development team includes 25 people. First, the search engine was created for the purposes of the University itself. Then she turned the border educational institutionAnd a new search engine appeared in RuNet. "Nigma" (Nigma) is the name one of the sparsery of the spine-shaped.

The advantage of the system is that when entering words in the search string, you immediately see the pop-up tip with its value. Thus, you do not need to spend time on opening a web page to simply find out the translation or meaning of the word.

Nigma uses clusterization search queries. This means that from the already selected pages you can choose the necessary you. For example, data on online stores from searching documents. You can also select pages with music files or sites related to a certain topic. The system creates clusters automatically, based on the most common on the word page.

Russian language all head

This is the first search engine located in the Russian-language domain zone. It is enough to dial in the address bar "Nigma. RF. " The intellectual search engine is laconic, the interface takes into account the main spheres of the interests of the Russian user. There is a TV program of Russian channels, all popular social networks and full list sites for job search. Unlike other portals containing all imaginable and inconceivable services in themselves, the Nigma search engine simply redires the user to the most popular resources in Russia. You can get any information on Nigma. RF. " The search engine will forward you to another search engine, or will provide the search results on it. Permanent links to them are located at the very top main page Search. Advertising in "Nigme" is almost no. Three key phrases are located under the search string in the form of examples. If you click on one of them, get a complete list of links to the request.

Russian-speaking morphology is very important. Before the main search engines began to support it, Russian search programs had to translate a request, forwarding it with a similar request to english language. In this case, a part of the results was lost. Nigma has a broadcast mechanism in which the number of pages found increases.

Search features

Nigma finds and structures the results of the search for all polar systems. The request can be completed with certain conditions. In the advanced search, you can exclude or add search engines. Intellectually search engine "Nigma" works with most Boolean operators. That is, in the search you can find an accurate phrase, one or more words from it, eliminate certain words, get information only from certain pages of the Internet.

How often are our desktop or start page The browser is clogged with various references, icons or widgets. Each is useful in something one. All this can replace the site Nigma. RU. Intelligent search engine already contains all the information you need.

For science

In addition to a separate page to search for pictures or media files, in Nigme, you can use a special built-in calculator. In the "Mathematics" section, you can ask the Council when solving the equation, enter the formula in the window and calculate it, find examples of the solution. "Nigma" can solve square equations, build graphs of functions and find logarithms. The same assistant is waiting for chemistry lovers.

It seems that, helping to solve the tasks, the search engine "Nigma" pursues laziness and writing off among schoolchildren. Perhaps this lies such a small popularity of the search engine. Teachers and parents simply do not recommend this site to children.

There is another point of view. The portal created for the needs of Moscow State University is a directory, not a crib. Nigma is a search engine, mathematics from its presence does not suffer. Detailed explanations, the possibility of communication and exchange of experience only heated interest in science and study. In my free time, you can, without leaving the house, expand the range of your knowledge beyond the school program. Following the prompts, you can move from solving standard tasks to more complex. The intellectual search system "Nigma" turns his studies into a hobby.

Search files

A pleasant addition to the site is to search for torrents. This does not mean that with the help of "Nigma" you can get unlicensed media products. Despite the law on copyright, torrents remain fast and in a convenient way Exchange of valuable information. The intellectual search system "Nigma" will help get absolute legal torrent links.