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Where is the ENTER button on the laptop keyboard. Computer Keyboard - Purpose and Description of the keys

The main device for manual input information, commands and data. This article discusses the keyboard device, layout, key assignment, characters and signs.

Computer keyboard: action principle

The main functions of the keyboard do not need special software. The driver you need already exist in the BIOS ROM. Therefore, the computer reacts to commands of the main keyboard keys immediately after switching on.

Principle of keyboard operation:

  1. After pressing the key, the keyboard microcircuit generates scan code.
  2. Scan code enters the port integrated into the motherboard.
  3. The keyboard port tells the interrupt with a fixed number.
  4. Having received a fixed interrupt number, the processor appeals to the special. region random access memorycontaining interrupt vector - data list. Each data list record contains the address of the program serving an interrupt that coincides with the recording number.
  5. By defining the recording of the program, the processor proceeds to its execution.
  6. The program of the interrupt handler sends the processor to the keyboard port where the scan code finds. Next, under the control of the handler, the processor determines which of the characters it corresponds to this scan code.
  7. The handler sends the code into the keyboard buffer, taking about this processor, then stops its work.
  8. The processor proceeds to a deferred task.
  9. The entered symbol is stored in the keyboard buffer until it takes it to the program for which it is intended, for example, a text editor Microsoft Word..

Photo of computer keyboard and key destination

The standard keyboard has more than 100 keys distributed by functional groups. Below is the picture - photo of computer keyboard with a description of key groups.

Alphanumeric keys

Alphanumeric keys are used to enter information and commands dialed. Each of the keys can work in different registers, as well as denote several characters.

Switching the register (input of lowercase and uppercase characters) is carried out by holding the SHIFT key. For hard (permanent) register switching, CAPS LOCK is used.

If the computer keyboard is used to enter text data, the paragraph closes by pressing the ENTER key. Next, data entry begins with new String. When the keyboard is used to enter commands, Enter completes the input and starts its execution.

Function keys

Function keys are located at the top of the keyboard and they consist of 12 buttons F1 - F12. Their functions and properties depend on the working program, and in some cases of the operating system.

A generally accepted function in many programs has the F1 key that calls the help where you can learn the functions of other buttons.

Special keys

Special keys are located next to the alphanumeric group of the buttons. Due to the fact that users often resort to their use, they have an increased size. These include:

  1. Previously considered SHIFT and ENTER.
  2. Alt and Ctrl are used in combination with other keyboard keys to form special commands.
  3. Tab serves for tabs when typing.
  4. Win - opens the Start menu.
  5. ESC - Refusal to use the operation started.
  6. Backspace - Deleting just entered signs.
  7. Print Screen - print the current screen or storing its snapshot in the clipboard.
  8. SCROLL LOCK - Switches the mode of operation in some programs.
  9. Pause / Break - suspension / interrupt the current process.

Control keys cursor

The cursor keys are located to the right of the alphanumeric panel. The cursor is a screen element indicating the place of entering information. The keys with pointers perform the cursor displacement in the direction of the arrows.

Additional keys:

  1. Page Up / Page Down - Transfer the cursor to the Up / Down page.
  2. HOME and END - translate the cursor to the beginning or end of the current line.
  3. INSERT - traditionally switches the data entry mode between insert and replace. In different programs, the INSERT button action can be different.

Additional numerical keyboard

Additional numerical keyboard duplicates the actions of digital and some other key input panel keys. To use it, you must first turn on the button. Num Lock. Also, the optional keyboard keys can be used to control the cursor.

Keyboard keyboard combination

When you press a certain combination of keys, one or another computer command is performed.

Often used shortcuts:

  • Ctrl + SHIFT + ESC - Opening Task Manager.
  • Ctrl + F - search window in the active program.
  • Ctrl + A - highlights the entire content in the open window.
  • Ctrl + C - copy the selected fragment.
  • Ctrl + V - insert from the clipboard.
  • Ctrl + P - Printing the current document.
  • Ctrl + Z - Cancel current action.
  • Ctrl + X - Cut the selected section of the text.
  • Ctrl + Shift + → Selection of text according to the words (starting from the cursor).
  • Ctrl + Esc - opens / closes the Start menu.
  • Alt + Printscreen - Screenshot of the active program window.
  • Alt + F4 - closes the active application.
  • SHIFT + DELETE - permanent removal of an object (past the basket).
  • SHIFT + F10 - Calling the context menu of the active object.
  • Win + Pause - system properties.
  • Win + E - starts the conductor.
  • Win + D - turns all open windows.
  • Win + F1 - opens Windows Help.
  • Win + F - calls the search box.
  • Win + L - Blocking a computer.
  • Win + R - Open the "Starting program".

Symbols on the keyboard

Surely, many users noticed the symbols for nicks and others social networks. How to make characters on the keyboard, if there are no explicit keys for this?

You can put signs on the keyboard using Alt codes - additional commands for entering hidden characters. These teams are entered by simply pressing keys Alt. + Number in a decimal number system.

Often you can find questions: how to make a heart on the keyboard, an infinity sign or euro on the keyboard?

  • alt + 3 \u003d
  • Alt + 8734 \u003d ∞
  • Alt + 0128 \u003d €

These and other keyboard characters are presented in the following tables in the form of drawings. In the Alt Code column, there is a numeric value after entering which, in combination with the ALT key, a specific sign will be displayed. In the column, the end result is the end result.

Note, if an additional digital keyboard is not turned on - NUM LOCK is not pressed, then the Alt + number key combination can lead to unexpected results.

For example, if you press alt + 4 in the browser, without the Num Lock turned on, the previous page opens.

Punctuation signs on keyboard

Sometimes users trying to put a punctuation sign on the keyboard, they are not quite expected to be expected. This is due to the fact that the different keyboard layout implies a different use of a key combination.

Below is considered how to put the punctuation marks on the keyboard.

Cyrillic Signs

  • "(Quotes) - SHIFT + 2
  • № (number) - SHIFT + 3
  • ; (point with comma) - SHIFT + 4
  • % (percentage) - SHIFT + 5
  • : (colon) - SHIFT + 6
  • ? (Question mark) - SHIFT + 7
  • ((Open bracket) - SHIFT + 9
  • - (dash) - button with the inscription "-"
  • , (comma) - SHIFT + "Point"
  • + (Plus) - SHIFT + Button with a sign plus "+"
  • . (Point) - button on the right of the letter "YU"

Propination Signs with Latin

  • ~ (Tilda) - SHIFT + E
  • ! (exclamation point) - SHIFT + 1
  • @ (dog - used in the address email) - SHIFT + 2
  • # (lattice) - SHIFT + 3
  • $ (dollar) - SHIFT + 4
  • % (percentage) - SHIFT + 5
  • ^ - SHIFT + 6
  • & Ampersand - SHIFT + 7
  • * (multiplication or asterisk) - SHIFT + 8
  • ((Open bracket) - SHIFT + 9
  • ) (close the bracket) - SHIFT + 0
  • - (dash) - key on the keyboard with the inscription "-"
  • + (plus) - SHIFT and +
  • \u003d (Equal) - Button Equality Sign
  • , (comma) - key with the Russian letter "B"
  • . (Point) - key with Russian letter "Yu"
  • < (левая угловая скобка) — Shift + Б
  • \u003e (right angular bracket) - SHIFT +
  • ? (question mark) - SHIFT + button with a question mark (right from "U")
  • ; (point with comma) - Letter "F"
  • : (colon) - SHIFT + "F"
  • [(Left square bracket) - Russian letter "x"
  • ] (Right square bracket) - "Kommersant
  • ((Left figure brace) - SHIFT + Russian letter "x"
  • ) (right curly bracket) - SHIFT + "Kommersant

Computer keyboard layout

Computer keyboard layout - scheme for fixing the symbols of national alphabets for specific keys. Switching the keyboard layout is performed programmatically - one of the functions of the operating system.

In Windows, you can change the keyboard layout by pressing the ALT + SHIFT or CTRL + SHIFT keys. Typical keyboard layouts are English and Russian.

If necessary, change or add the keyboard language in Windows 7 by going to the start - the control panel - the clock, language and region (sub-clause "Changing the keyboard layout or other input methods").

In the window that opens, select the "Languages \u200b\u200band Keyboards" tab - "Change keyboard". Then, in a new window, on the General tab, click "Add and select the desired input language. Do not forget to save the changes by clicking OK.

Virtual Keyboard Computer

Virtual keyboard - Separate program or included in the addition. With it, it is inputting beams and symbols from the computer screen using the mouse cursor.

The virtual keyboard is needed, for example, to save confidential data (login and password). When entering data from a conventional keyboard, there is a risk of intercepting information for malicious spyware programs. Then, via the Internet, information is transmitted by an attacker.

Find and download a virtual keyboard using search engines- It does not take a lot of time. If Kaspersky Anti-Virus is installed on your PC, you can start the virtual keyboard through the main program window, it enters its composition.

Screen keyboard

Screen keyboard Located on touchscreen , smartphone, pressing on it with your fingers. Sometimes it is called virtual.

To start the on-screen keyboard in Windows 7, go to the Start - All Programs - Standard - then Special abilities - Screen keyboard. It looks as follows.

To switch the keyboard layout, use the appropriate buttons on the taskbar (near the date with the time to the left at the bottom of the monitor screen).

What if the keyboard does not work

If the keyboard suddenly stopped working - do not rush to get upset, first find out what caused damage. All reasons, due to which it does not work can be divided into hardware and software.

In the first case, if the hardware part of the keyboard broke, eliminate the problem without special skills is very problematic. Sometimes it is easier to replace it with a new one.

Before spreading with, it would seem, a faulty keyboard, check the cable to which it is connected to system blockMaybe he moved a little. If the cable is all right, make sure that the breakdown is not caused software failure Computer. To do this, restart your PC.

If after rebooting, the keyboard does not give signs of life, try to discharge it with the help of Windows Solutions. The sequence of actions is given on example Windows 7, if you have another version of Windows operating system - act by analogy. The principle is about the same, may be slightly different the names of the menu partitions.

Go to the Start - Control Panel - Equipment and Sound - Device Manager. In the window that opens, if you have a keyboard problem, it will be marked with a yellow label with an exclamation mark. Highlight it with the mouse and select the Action - Delete from the menu. After deleting, close the Device Manager.

Return to the "Equipment and Sound" tab and select "Add Device". After finding the equipment there is your keyboard, and its drivers will be installed.

If the equipment is installed successfully and the keyboard breakdown was associated with the software clutch, the NUM LOCK key indicator lights up on the keyboard.

If you failed to eliminate the malfunction, then a temporary solution may become.

Nowadays, the computer keyboard, like the mouse, is considered a low-value device. Nevertheless, she is given an important role in working with a computer.

The working panel of the modern laptop contains a large number of keys. On some of them are figures, to other letters. There are keys to which foreign symbolism is applied. To understand the essence of the keys on the keyboard of the laptop, their descriptions, destinations, you need to figure it out in more detail in this matter.

Built-in laptop keyboard

Key functionality

One of the important buttons on working panelPerforming special or control functions are the following keys:

  • ESC. Many users know this key. She can cancel any command. During the game, pressing this button displays the user to the desktop;
  • Delete.. It serves to remove anything;
  • Ctrl and Alt. are functional only to use with other buttons;
  • Windows. Opens the "Start" item in the menu and activates the main menu;
  • PRINT SCREEN.. Using this key allows you to screenshot pictures on the screen or some separate part;
  • Fn Lock.. There is only on the keyboards of the laptop. When it is pressed, the F1-F12 keys are turned on;
  • Scroll Lock.. Activation of this key allows you to scroll through the pages and change the position of the cursor;
  • Pause Break. If you click, then you can read all information about the device on the screen;
  • Num Lock. Digital dialing is activated on the right side;
  • Caps Lock.. Fixes the change of the letter of letters from the lowercase on the uppercase;
  • Back Space. Necessary in order to remove all that before it was scored;
  • ENTER. Serves to confirm certain actions related to the present program;
  • Shift.. The main purpose is to activate the upper case. It requires, for example, to print a header;
  • Tab.. When working with a text editor, a red string is formed using it;
  • Ins and Insert.. In the text you can replace something and insert;
  • Pgup.. Used to scroll up window. This applies to both the browser and to work with the text.

Broken keyboard symbols

Function keys include F1-F12 values. They allow to carry out the following actions:

  • Enable or disable Wi-Fi;
  • Activate the monitor or external projector;
  • Adjust the screen brightness and sound.
    Each of the buttons data has its own value, working together with Fn.
    Fn +.

  • F1. Closes a laptop;
  • F2. Serves to open the settings associated with energy saving;
  • F3. Connect / off communication modules;
  • F4. It starts or disabling sleep mode;
  • F5. If there are additional screens, switching;
  • F6. The monitor is turned on;
  • F7. A monitor is turned off;
  • F8. It is designed to enable and disconnect the sound;
  • F9. Enable and disable the touchpad;
  • F10. Changing keyboard layouts;
  • F11. Using it, you can disable or enable digital characters on the keyboard;
  • F12. Enabled and disable the function at which the screen moves.
    The inscriptions of the function keys are designated on the panel by another color, for example, red or blue, making fire.

Dedicated FN button

On each model of the laptop, the F1-F12 keys may differ, there are no uniform standards in this area.

Next to the keys usually have graphic imagesthat help determine its function. For example, an antenna is indicated next to the digital symbol, it means that this key controls the actions of Wi-Fi.

Digital keys

The block of digital buttons on the panel is on the right and can operate in two modes. The first allows you to use digital values, the other - move the cursor. Switching modes is activated by the numlock key.

Digital symbolism in two variations

Alphanumeric keys

This group of buttons is the most numerous on the panel. Each of them inscribed images of letters, numbers, punctuation marks, indication of actions. Russified keyboard contain additional Latin letters. Switching layouts from one language to another is carried out by pressing the ALT + SHIFT combination.
Input B. text editor Capital letters are carried out by pressing and holding the SHIFT key and the required letter. The same button is used to enter text characters, for example, a set of upper brackets or quotes.

Keys for moving

The control arrows are highlighted in the panel. Their use allows you to move the cursor on the menu items. In the same group relating:

  • HOME. Moves the cursor to the very beginning of the text part;
  • End. It has the opposite destination, and when it is pressed, the cursor turns out at the end of the text file;
  • Pageup / Pagedown translates the cursor up or the bottom of the written document;
  • Print Screen - remembers the shot, displayed on the screen, and sends it to the clipboard.

Highlighted moving button

Functional combinations for the ALT key

One of the most used buttons in a combination with others, which extends the functionality of the keyboard. Using the Alt keys with others give the following actions:

  • F4. Applied to close current windows;
  • PRTSC SYSRQ. Serves to execute a screenshot in the current window;
  • Back Space. The main purpose is to cancel previous actions;
  • Tab. It serves to switch from one opened window to another. The same applies to running programs;
  • Shift. With the help of it, the language changes.

Functional combinations for the Ctrl key

Together with other CTRL buttons, such actions are performed:

  • End. By pressing the user goes to the end of the file;
  • HOME. Throws upstairs;
  • Alt and Del. Used to launch the "Task Manager";
  • The arrow keys, moving in different directions;
  • ESC. Using it, a command is carried out to the start of the Start menu item;
  • O. Pressing the document discloses;
  • W. Reverse action for closing documents;
  • S. The document is maintained in an open program;
  • P. When you click, you can print a document;
  • A. Allows you to select a document in a particular program;
  • C. Allocated and copies a certain area;
  • V. Pushing the insertion of the copied text part;
  • Z. Cancels the previous action.

Functional combinations for the SHIFT key

The SHIFT button and the arrow keys are used to highlight the symbol located on some side of the cursor. Together with Del, this button is used to delete files.

Compatibility buttons

Functional combinations for Win key

Win in combination with buttons:

  • D. With the help of it, all windows can be collapsed, which before that were open;
  • R. Used to start the program;
  • E. Starting the conductor;
  • F. Search is launched;
  • Tab. Switches icons that contain taskbar.

Now, when the purpose of all keys is known, the beginning of the user will easily understand computer wilds.

Everyone who first faces PC as a rule does not know where the Fn key is located.

Also on this list includes Numpad, Printscreen, Rmb, Tab, Space, Win, ComTrol, Insert, HotKey, Fish.

Not an exception Num, Backspace, Space, Print, Tilde, Left, Numlock, Beckspace, Break, Return, Hold or Quick Scope on a computer keyboard, laptop or netbook.

Therefore, to do not look for them for a long time, they are collected and shown in pictures the most unknown novice buttons.

Everything is set out as "for blondes" - the least used, but often very necessary keys.

Judging by the incoming issues, then the gamers sometimes out of ignorance almost go crazy. Let's try to help.

You may not know, but they can, it turns out cool and often many routine work can fulfill for you.

Where is the key (button): Fn

The "FN" key is located at the bottom of the keyboard on the left side. It is usually indicated in blue, and is used in combination with others, with exactly the same color.

When it is helped, you can change the brightness, turn on (disconnect) wi-fi, bluetooth, quickly include some applications and on the laptop to change some letters to the numbers.

Where is the key (button): NUMPAD

The "NUMPAD" key is located on the "NUM LOCK" button, but if you use a reduced version of the keyboard, that is, you work on a laptop, then it can be placed on the PRT SC SYS RQ or INS button and cause a combination with "Fn".

Where is the key (button): Printscreen

The PrintScreen key is called "PRT SC", located on the right side at the top.

With its help, screenshots are created. In combination with the Ctrl button, the integer screen of the monitor is instantly.

Where is the key (button): RMB

The RMB key, denotes the right mouse button, and is on it on the right side. If you use a laptop, then it is a touchpad actions similar to the right mouse button (PCM).

Where is the key (button): Tab

Usually, the "Tab" key is indicated by just two arrows. It is located on the left side over the "Caps Lock" button or under the "E" key.

Where is the key (button): Space

SPACE key is a button that performs the function of the space. It is the largest and in the very bottom of the keyboard, usually in the middle, between the two "ALT"

Where is the key (button): Win

Win key performs the "Start" function, usually located on the left side below, between the Ctrl and Alt buttons. A lot of other works are assigned to it only in combination with other keys.

Where is the key (button): ComTrol

The ComTrol key, on the keyboard, is usually designated abbreviated Ctrl and is located in two copies located at the bottom left and right from Space (space)

Where is the key (button): INSERT

The INSERT key is usually located on the left near the Delete button (DEL). Its abbreviated name "INS".

Where is the key (button): Fish

Fish is the name of the fish, and this button does not exist on the keyboard.

Where is the key (button): Num, Numlock

The NUM key is usually indicated as Num Lock or SCR Lock. On NUM LK laptops and is caused by a combination with "Fn"

Where is the key (button): Backspace, Bekspace

Usually backspace, Bekspace - is over Enter. She is a little more than the rest (wider). On some laptops there may be no and executed "Num Lok"

Where is the key (button): Tilda

The Tilde key in the Russian keyboard is indicated by the "E" icon and be on the left side between the Esc buttons and the tab.

Where is the key (button): Left

LEFT is left button Computer mouse or arrow left on the keyboard.

Where is the key (button): Break

The BREAK key, be on the right side. See Figure:

Where is the key (button): Return

The Return keypad is located on the right side. This is ENTER.

Where is the key (button): HOLD

On the computer keyboard Hold keys - no.

Where is the key (button): Quick Scope

quick Scope is not a key, but a script. There is no button.

On the keyboard laptop there are keys, more precisely the designation on the keys, the meaning of which is not impaired for a beginner. In this lesson, I want to clarify the meaning of such designations. If you look at the laptop keyboard, you will certainly see a key on it FNIt is usually in the lower left corner of the keyboard. Inscription FN Usually highlighted in blue or circled with a white frame, it depends on the model of the laptop. In addition, if you can see that you can see the icons on the keyboard also highlighted in blue or circled with a white frame. As you already probably guessed between the keys with these icons and the key FN There is a connection.

The "Fn" key (read as "FanCine") in combination with keys with blue icons or circled white frame cause the computer to perform a specific action. On the different models Laptops These icons are fixed behind different keys, so I will describe the steps in the pictures in order not to be attached to a specific key combination. Here is a list of such combinations and related actions:

FN + - Calling the help of a keyboard key.

FN + - Calling power consumption settings.

FN + - turn on / off Bluetooth.

FN + - Enable / disable sleep mode.

FN + - If an external display (monitor or TV) is connected to a laptop, you can switch the display modes to the laptop: on the laptop display, on the external display or simultaneously on the laptop display and the external display.

FN + - Turning off the laptop monitor for the purpose of energy saving.

FN + - Turning on / off TouchPada (device for which you drive your finger to move the cursor. Replaces the mouse).

With this key combination, I have an interesting story. My friend enjoyed a laptop for more than a year and somehow at the meeting asked me to help figure out why the touchpad does not work, i.e. Without a mouse, he could not work on a laptop for a whole year!
I have not been thinking for a long time, pressed this key combination - turned on the touchpad and everything worked. He was very surprised. believed that touchpad simply broken 🙂

FN + - Turn on / off sound.

FN + - Enable / disable the numeric keypad mode. Those. If this mode is enabled, then when you press the keys on which there are blue-color numbers or numbers, the corresponding figures (as on the calculator) will be displayed.

If you are interested how to enable a calculator on a laptop, then it is so. Start Menu - All Programs - Standard - Calculator.

With this combination of keys, I also have an interesting story. Somehow calls me a friend and says that he has one half of the keyboard (left) on his laptop, and another half (right) for some reason prints the numbers and what he just did not - fix it does not work. As you already understood, the question decided for 5 seconds - I told him about this key combination, and everything fell into place. How he turned on the mode of operation with numbers, left the mystery 🙂

FN + - Enable / disable the screen movement mode. Now it works only in Excel.

FN + - number 7 with NUMLK mode on.

FN + - digit 8 when Numlk mode is on.

FN + - digit 9 when NUMLK mode is on.

FN + - "/" symbol when NUMLK mode is on.

FN + - number 4 with NUMLK mode on.

FN + - digit 5 \u200b\u200bwhen NUMLK mode is on.

FN + - digit 6 when NUMLK mode is on.

FN + - "*" symbol when NUMLK mode is on.

FN + - number 1 with NUMLK mode on.

FN + - Figure 2 when NUMLK mode is on.

FN + - Number 3 with NUMLK mode.

FN + - "-" symbol when NUMLK mode is on.

FN + - digit 0 when the NUMLK mode is enabled.

FN + - "+" symbol when NUMLK mode is on.

FN + - Enlarge the brightness of the monitor.

FN + - Reduce the brightness of the monitor.

FN + - Enlarge the sound.

FN + - Reduce the sound.

And what is needed for?! You already know. Now you need to talk about the destination of the keyboard keys. After all, the keyboard, figuratively speaking, the intermediary between you and the computer, tool for interaction with smart assistant. Pressing the keys, you send the command to the computer to execute.

Hence the conclusion: When you know the purpose and key combination, the work on the computer becomes easier and more pleasant.

Key assignment:

- The service key stops stopping or canceling the last action. For example, if the web page for a long time Loading, you can click ESC to stop downloading.

F1F12.. Reserved for specialized functions in programs. Therefore, the performance of the function in various programs may differ. For example, the F5 key in text editor Microsoft. Word, performs the "Find and Replace" function, and file Manager Total Commander This key executes the "Copy" function. But with confidence you can say that the key F1 All programs opens the file reference.

Tab. Used to create indents ( red line) In the programs for working with texts. Also, if you fill in tables or shapes, you can use the Tab key to go to the next field.

- Performs the function of changing the register (capital letters). When you click on this key, the indicator lights over the numeric keypad, the further set of text will be carried out with capital letters. Re-pressing on this key, disables the " Capital letters", The indicator over the numeric keypad goes out.

Shift - Function keys are used paired with other keys. As you see, there are two SHIFT keys on the keyboard, on the left and right. The assignment of these keys is absolutely the same, and their location on the keyboard is due to the convenience when typing blind print method.

Now I will explain, say when you type the text and you need to put an exclamation mark, more convenient to the little finger of the right hand to hold the SHIFT key, and press the Miser of the left hand to press the key 1. More SHIFT key participates in many key combinations, for example, input capital letter, punctuation sign, executing specialized program functions and so on.

Control (Ctrl), Alternate (Alt) - Control keys are designed to work in combination with other keys. As a rule, you keep pressed ctrl key, Alt, and then press another key to perform a specific task. For example, in many programs, a combination Ctrl + S. - Save the file.

The main part of the keyboard includes alphanumeric Set of keys (letters and numbers) and space.

ENTER- confirmation of action. For example, while on the Internet, you can enter the website address, and then press the Enter key to go to the site. It is also used to start a new row in text editors. ENTER on the numeric keypad has the same purpose and is often used when performing mathematical calculations, let's say, in the calculator application to obtain the result.

- In the text editor erases the symbols to the left of the cursor. And the browser allows you to return to the previous page.

Delete (DEL) - In the text editor erases the symbols to the right of the cursor. Performs a deletion feature in file managers.

- Enable / disable the "Insert - Replacement" mode. The key is practically not used, but can play a cruel joke. If you accidentally press this key, working in a text editor, then you will translate it from the "Insert" mode to the "Replacement" mode. After that, having allowed a mistake in the word, you want to fix it. By correcting the error, find that the symbol standing to the right of the cursor - disappeared! You will try to enter it again, but the next symbol standing to the right of the cursor will disappear. So it will be until you reinstall the Insert key. Not knowing about this key, some people because of one typographic reprinted all the remaining text.

Control keys cursor

Home - Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line.

End. - Moves the cursor at the end of the current line.

Page Up / Page Down - Pig view of the document up or down.

Arrow keys are used for a variety of different purposes, including move the cursor, scroll document, or control in the game.

Auxiliary keys

PRINT SCREEN.makes a snapshot of the screen - the so-called "screenshot" that can be edited or saved using the graphics processing program (graphic editor).

Scroll Lock.vertical scrolling, rarely used today.

Pause / Breakperforms a pause function, is often used in conjunction with the WIN key.

WIN.- Used to call the Start menu, and is also used in combination with other keys to call functions. operating system Windows.

Key causes context menu (It is equivalent to pressing the right mouse button).

Includes / turns off the digital keyboard. After switching on, the indicator lights up. If the numeric keypad is turned off, the keys perform the functions of the keys indicated on them.

Key combinations

The key combination is when you hold down one or two keys and briefly click on the third. For example, Ctrl + S, where plus points to the key combination. That is, you press and hold the Ctrl key, and then briefly press the S key. Plus in this record, it serves to designate the key combination and is not pressed in its version.

When working with files and documents:

Ctrl + N. - Create a new file;

Ctrl + O. - open a document;

Ctrl + A. - select all;

SHIFT + HOME. - highlight the string to the left of the cursor;

Ctrl + End. - to highlight the string to the right of the cursor;

Ctrl + C. - copy a selected text or file to the clipboard;

Ctrl + X -cut selected text or file;

Ctrl + V. - insert the contents of the clipboard;

Ctrl + Del. - remove the word for the cursor;

Ctrl + Backspase. - remove the word before the cursor;

Ctrl + Home. - Move the cursor to the beginning of the document;

Ctrl + End. - Move the cursor at the end of the document;

Ctrl + Z. - cancel the last action;

Ctrl + P. - print;

When working with a browser:

Ctrl +.D. - Add a bookmark in the browser;

Ctrl + SHIFT + T - open a closed tab in the browser;

Ctrl + T. - open a new tab;

Ctrl + L. - select the contents of the address bar;

When working in Windows:

Ctrl + SHIFT + ESC - complete the hung processes;

SHIFT + CTRL + ALT - Calling Task Manager;

Alt + Tab.- a quick transition between program windows;

Alt + F4.- Quickly close the window;

ALT + PRINT SCREEN - to make a screenshot of the active window;

Win + Pause / Break - the property of the system;

Win + E.- open conductor;

Win +.D. - Collapse all windows;

Win + F. - search for files on a computer;

Win +.L. - user shift;

Win + F1. - reference;

Win + Tab. - Switches windows in a circle.

And there are many such keys such combinations, and in different programs these combinations are often different from each other, but you will easily memorize them if you work often with a software product.