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NotePad How to change language. NotePad in Russian - setting up a language in a text editor

Many versions from the developer do not support in Russian and incorrectly display symbols of Cyrillic.

With a few simple ways You can correct this problem and work in notepad with the Russian menu and the correct display of characters.

Setting Localization during installation

Notepad. - This is a popular text editor with open sources.

The application is designed to work on and makes it easy to highlight the code syntax for more than 20 programming languages.

Also, the editor can be used as a standard notebook to create notes without formatting.

The feature of the application is that its basic version Can be expanded with new features.

User can establish additional language modules, preprocessors and various plugins.

If you need NotePad to display menus and all tabs in Russian, download the installer of the latest version of the program with.

Follow the instructions:

  • If any of the NotePad ++ versions is already installed on the PC, remove it;
  • Run the installation process downloaded earlier than the latest editor version;
  • Select the directory where the program files will be moved;
  • In the "Components" window, mark the location "Localization" checkbox;
  • Wait until the installation is completed.

Localization allows you to automatically determine the region in which the user is located.

Then the application automatically downloads the necessary plug-ins with the languages \u200b\u200band the necessary encoders.

As a result, you get software with the Russian interface and the ability to prescribe on the page.

Configure the encoding and styles manually

Often programmers and web developers who use NotePad are complaining about the incorrect display of Cyrillic in the code.

It interferes with creating a normal interface of the future program or site. Instead of the usual Russian letters, incomprehensible characters appear.

There are cases when when the keyboard is enabled, the text in the notebook ceases to be printed. It can only be copied from another editor and paste into the Notepad document.

The incorrect display of Cyrillic in the program may have several reasons:

  • The problem of supporting fonts;
  • Coding failure.

In the first case, it is very easy to solve the problem. The fact is that one of the fonts installed on PC is selected in the application, but it does not support it.

Therefore, the text entered does not want to be displayed. Also, the font itself may not support Cyrillic characters.

To solve the problem, adjust the styles. Follow the instructions:

  1. Restart the program;
  2. Click on the Options tab at the top of the notepad window;
  3. Select "Definition of styles";

Fig.3 - menu "Options"

  1. In the subsequent window, find the Language field. Click on the Global Styles element to see all the available styles that support almost all languages;
  2. Now in the "Style" field, select the "Defaul Style" option. Using this style, as a rule, does not cause problems with Cyrillic / Latin.
  3. In the "Font Style" column, select "Lucida Console" - the optimal font to display the program code.

Fig.4 - Tab "Definition of Styles"

To configure encoding and converting the already described text in the program there is a separate tab with the name "encoding" or "Encoding".

To set an encoding with the support of Cyrillic and Latiza for the entire file, click on "UTF-8" or "UTF-8 without BOM".

To remove the incorrect display of previously printed characters, highlight them and click on "Conversion to UTF-8" or "Conversion to UTF-8 without BOM".

Fig.5 - Setting the encoding

Russifiers for NotePad and change language in the program

Russifier is a special software module.which allows you to change the program interface language to Russian, even if the developer did not provide such a function.

The crack can be installed both during the installation of the software (described above the localization function) and after installation.

User can separately download modules for specific applications. NotePad can also be installed a plugin to change the language.

It can not only adapt the interface for a Russian-speaking user, but also allows you to correctly display text in the program code.

You can download plugins from the official resource of the application developer.

In order not to increase, programmers create modules for different languages as separate programs.

As a rule, similar software is used in older notepad versions.

Recent options for apps without problems support more than 30 languages. You can configure your region language using the application settings:

  • Run the program and select the Options tab;
  • Open the settings menu;
  • In a new window, go to the "General" tab. Here you can configure the interface language, displaying tabs and other options for the main window;
  • Save the changes. If nothing has changed in the interface, you should restart the text editor.

Fig.6 - Change language

Russian-language analogs of the program

APTANA STUDIO is a popular analogue of NotePad. APTANA is a simple and convenient integrated type development environment (IDE).

The syntax and errors for more than 20 programming languages \u200b\u200bare available. The interface resembles a mixture of a standard editor and Visual Studio.

Fig.7 - Main APTANA window

EMeditor is a text editor for users who are important that the Russian language encoding is always displayed correctly and without failures.

The application is available at all versions of Windows. The feature of the program is Support Unicode and Volume Files.

Fig.8 - Window EMEDITOR

Thematic videos:

NotePad ++ setting

NotePad in Russian - setting up a language in text editor

To edit the blog code, we will use text editor NotePad ++. This program must necessarily on your computer. Below will list the main functions and features of NOTEPAD ++.

Advantages of the NotePad ++ text editor:

  • This text editor is provided absolutely free;
  • It is possible to cancel action. That is, let's say: you corrected the code, then it gives an error, and you do not remember what was how it was. To return to the opposite position, you just click "Edit" -\u003e "Cancel"or Ctrl + long as you do not suit the status of the blog;
  • You can simultaneously work with other files, which is very convenient;
  • The syntax highlight is present (each type of item is painted into its color, you can also click on the opening tag, as a result, the program will provide you with a closing tag);
  • Plugins support;
  • This text editor provides another bunch of opportunities and amenities for your work.

I think the above benefits convinced you to put on your computer NotePad ++.. If so, you need to start or, then install it on your computer. We run the program, it will look like this (I opened the index.php file themes of my future blog):


  1. Row number
  2. Opening tag

  3. Closing tag

  4. File encoding.

Now I will show you how to turn the "interior" tag. To do this, click on "-" (in the figure above shows the number 2). As a result, you can easily find out where there is a closing tag. The figure below the result after folding (notice instead of "-" now "+"):

Change WordPress theme file encoding on UTF-8 (Russian)

So that there are no encoding problems on your blog (the Russian language can be depicted by cracks - about them below). I will give an example.
On the right side of my topic headlines in English:

To the word " Categories."To translate into Russian, we need to remember which topic file is responsible for the right side of the blog. This file is called it with a text editor NotePad ++.. We find the word in this file that you want to translate (for convenience you can click Ctrl + F. And in the search box you need to dial the required word: 1 - a word for search, 2 - click to search, 3 - search result):

Now, so that this word is transferred to normal Russian, we need to remake encoding in UTF-8, and only then translate the word. And if the encoding is not changed, it will turn out that (notice what happened in the picture below. This is the case when I changed the word in the topic file Categories. on the Rubric, Here are these signs and there are milder):

So how do you make a normal Russian word instead of these signs? With the program NotePad ++. It is quite easy and simple. What we need to do is just open the file you need (in this case I open sidebar.php.), remake the encoding in UTF-8 and only then translate the word.

To translate the encoding in UTF-8 you need to go to NotePad ++ in the "Encoding" section and select "Convert to UTF-8 without BOM":
As a result, in the lower right corner you have to get out the following:

Now save the file ( Ctrl + S.) and admire the result:

I want to tell you that each file needs to be redone in UTF-8 only once and just save. And, while I write new lessons, I recommend that you start to start translating into Russian what is not translated in your topic.
Now, if you suddenly see Krajakometry on your blog, you will know what the problem is, and if something has subsided, this post to help you.

NotePad ++. 7.7.1

NotePad ++ download free non-type

NotePad ++. - A well-known text editor that supports the syntax of various Web programming languages. it multifunctional application Successfully applied by many professional programmers and starting webmasters. Is free download NotePad ++. Recommended by reference placed at the bottom of our page. The application does not require a large processor resource and runs on the Microsoft Windows platform.

NotePad ++ has a variety of different features:

  • self-definition of the syntax user, including you can set your language;
  • support for multiple popular languages \u200b\u200b(C, C ++, Java, XML, HTML, PHP, JavaScript, CSS and many others);
  • convenient collapse of the editable text blocks according to the syntax rules;
  • the function of illumination of the type of text;
  • allocating various color of all operators and web programming tags;
  • view and simultaneously editing multiple documents, as well as synchronous work with one text in different windows;
  • various options for working with text - scaling, auto-warning of the type of type, selection of brackets, dragging the cursor of text fragments and the other;
  • the ability to download the list of the API functions or form your own; Printing listing of the program in the same color as in the edit window;
  • support for recording and executing macros.

The application is characterized by a clear Russian-speaking interface, simple settingsAnd download NotePad ++ and you can install very quickly, easy and without registration. The program automatically executes the file status determination and saves backup Document. Free distribution, the ability to download free NOTEPAD ++ and an extensive set of options is the important advantages of this text editor.

NotePad ++ free download

Download for free NotePad Rus From the official site Our site tracks all program updates so that you have latest version NotePad ++.

NotePad ++. - Powerful text editor in Russian, which is distributed free of charge on the network as a flexible tool for editing a program code or simply text files. This text editor may well be used as replacing the standard notebook from Windows or the bulky Word. But still, first of all, it is designed to work with listing. You have a chance download NotePad ++ free Russian version On our site without registration and SMS.

Free NotePad text editor is based on a specialized, powerful layout component, which was designed for maximum fast workAt the same time, with minimal requirements for your computer resources, it supports the syntax of almost any programming languages \u200b\u200bwith the corresponding text illumination. That is why we recommend free download NotePad ++ If you are often engaged in such work.

Despite the small size, the program has very rich features. As already mentioned, NotePad notepad recognizes the syntax of many languages \u200b\u200band independently formats the text: separates it to blocks, highlights the words, completes the dialing word. The program interface allows you to work simultaneously with multiple documents. The synchronization function of the vertical or horizontal scroll makes it possible to view several documents in parallel. The program is implemented various methods Search by text at once in several documents.

Functions of the NotePad ++ text editor

NotePad has two versions - full and minimum. Both versions are free, but in the minimum there are no localization languages \u200b\u200bexcept English, additional plugins, design options and other functions. You can download NotePad ++ for a direct link at the end of the article. This is the latest, Russian version of the program in which minor problems are corrected, the performance has increased and some functions have been added.

In this guide, you are provided with advice to simplify the Russification of mods when using the NotePad ++ program and regular expressions.
Before reading Hyde, make sure that you have read the main guide by Russification -
So, let's begin. You will need notePad program++, you can download it from the official site - NotePad ++

Tip №1. "To search for untranslated lines.

Open.CSV file you are going to Russify. Turn on "Search - find ..." or press the "Ctrl + F" key combination. You will open the search box in which there is a section "Search mode", in this section you need to select "regular expressions". Now in the search field we must introduce " \||\} |\} - |/ "(without quotes) and click on" Search \u003e\u003e ". This regular expression Allows you to find untranslated lines, in other words, the program will find the lines in which after the symbol "|" There is any Latin letter.

1) Code_Name. | S.\| ")
2) Code_Name | (S1 ) S.oME English Words (such a line finds expression " \\)space")
3) Code_Name | (S1 ) - S.oME English Words (such a line finds expression " \\) space gap")
4) Code_Name | (LOR d /Lady)? (Such a line finds expression "/ ")
Tip №2. - Using a regular expression " ^ code_Name \\ | [A-I]"To search, perhaps the row in other Russifiers has already been translated.

A little preface: Many freshly baked mods have some OSPs in their composition, which have already been Russified many times in other mods. This advice Show you whether the untranshected line was Russified in other cracks. This method is more effective than the use of programs for Russification in the way that you can compare the translated file. CSV file with an unlimited number of others. CSV files (how can not boast of programs).

Here, at first glance, everything is more complicated, but it can only seem. Here we will need to create a folder with a collection of cracks from various mods.
You can create a compilation folder yourself or download a ready-made compilation (several cracks from large mods have been collected) with poison - collected cracks

Further, everything is analogy with advice number 1, but in the search box instead of "finding" we must select "Find in files" and choose the path to our column folder. Now in the search field we must introduce " ^ code_Name \\ | [A-I]", It remains to click on" Find All "and NotePad ++ will show whether the line with this code name in any of the files in the collected column folder will be translated.

For a more understandable assimction of the information there is a video instruction:

At the end of the Russification, do not forget to save files in the "UTF-8 without BOM" encoding