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Planting company company. What should be Landing: how to make a landing page

Most of the owners of private business, various services and small organizations understand how important the business online. Creating a website and maintaining a page in social networks is now part of the marketing strategy of any company.

But few companies and organizations know how to maximize the possibilities that the Internet gives them. The creation of a site is definitely the key point in online work, but you can achieve much more using additional features. Creating landing pages is one of these features.

What are the landing pages for?

Landing page (Landing page, or Landing Page) Looks just like the site, but it works a little different. In online marketing, landing pages serve as a specific purpose - downloading programs, design subscriptions, buying goods, etc. In contrast to the purpose of the site, the landing page serves only one clearly designated target - the beliefs of users perform one specified action.

What does it mean?

    From the point of view of the content, the landing page should carry only one idea. It must convince the user to perform the target action and explains the advantages of doing this action.

    The design of such a page should be built around this action and nothing more. It also means that the design should not attract too much attention and distract users from the main goal.

    The ultimate goal of the page is to make the user clicked on the button. Both the design and text of the page should reflect it.

    The landing page, as is clear from the title, implies literally one page. You can split it into several sections (as in it is Example) or add gallery with a dynamic content (as below), but it must only be one page and is preferably not too long.

    Headers, subtitles, buttons and pictures should transmit the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe village by a compelling and effective way.

How do landing pages work?

So that the landing page fulfill its role, you need to bring traffic to it. This can be done in several ways:

    Create a target contextual advertising campaign ( PPC.) In search engines that will refer to landing pages.

    Send space page in which your subscribers receive.

    Optimize content The landing page so that search engines can find them in an organic (free) search.

All these methods are good to attract traffic to your landing page, but then you will need to think about where to send users after they hit your page. We have already said that the ultimate goal of the landing page is to convince users to click, but where should this click to bring them? They will go to the shopping cart? On the registration form? On the inside of your site? Think as follows the next step and help users make it in one click.

Creating a landing page in the WIX constructor

If you think the landing pages can help you in online promotion, do not wait and create this page right now. In Wix you will find many designed specifically to help you get as many clicks as possible. Select the topic or design that best transmit the style of your activity, and then add your photos, texts and links.

Probably, it is no longer a secret that the percentage of failures (as well as the site's income) depends on the page that "meets" the user. It is like "Science to sell." In each supermarket at the box office there are shelves with chewing elastic bands and other trifles, because every second hand will dyate behind them, and a pleasant and tasty fragrance craits in the store, which comes from the bakery. Under the influence of this fragrance you wake up the desire to "eat". Consequently, you buy more than planned. There are also things with online stores and just sites.

What is the landing page?

Landing page or Landing Page is the target page to which users will not only come from search results, but also from email mailing, contextual ads and so on. That is the landing page - this is the page you promote.

What does the perfect landing page look like?

It is better, of course, to entrust this business of Internet marketering, those who are engaged in promoting sites daily. Payment for optimizing your site will not be high. This amount will pay off at your first month, even if your online store is completely young. But if you still decide to independently reduce the percentage of failures, then consider the following tips.

10 elements of the landing page that attract the attention of the visitor:

  1. Proper heading. The headline of the landing page and the advertising slogan must complement each other.
  2. Subtitle. Inscriptions with large font - this is the first thing that rushes into the visitor. They should not bring him into confusion or force to miss. Headers must cause desire to carefully examine the contents of the page.
  3. Imcorrent grammar. Trust to the online store, which requests visitors to purchase something, leave personal information and credit card number, and at the same time writes illiterately and allows a bunch of errors, it can seriously shaken.
  4. Reviews. Show what you can trust.
  5. Call to action. After the visitor read the title of the page, it is extremely important that he knew what to do next. When browser Mozilla Firefox. Replaced the call "Try Firefox 3" to "download now for free!", Number of downloads, during testing increased by 99%.
  6. Select buttons. Select words that will awaken to the action of your visitors, such as free, new, buy or download right now. The button must be allocated and placed immediately under the appeal. It should be big, bright and located in the first screen of the monitor (that is, without scrolling the mouse wheel).
  7. Less links. Simplify the block with references. A large number of references to other site pages or other resources will distract visitors that will negatively affect your conversions. Placing a lot of references makes sense only on the main or information page. In the case of the landing page, the other way around is the easier, the better.
  8. Image + video. Stories, pictures and videos Reviews on the landing page will be positively affected by visitors' loyalty. Motivate them carefully examine the proposed product or service.
  9. Page height. Do not make scroll! The most important parts of the page must be placed in the visible part of the screen. Place the call button to action in the visible part of the page, in the place where the visitor expects to see it. Never replace it in the place you need to look.
  10. Experimental! Few following other people's advice. You need to look for the perfect option for yourself and your site. Change texts, images and videos, test, see what option is the most optimal in terms of conversion.

When you have your site, someone will definitely refer to it. For example, a search engine from which the user will turn to your site. Will go and what will see? This is an important question, because it depends on his solution, the user will remain on the site or throw it right there.

Landing Page, Landing, Target Page, Landing page - What is it and how does it affect? This is the very place where the visitor gets, taking advantage of your site. What hooked him and makes stay. Each site has examples of such pages.

Features of such a page

How should this page look like on the site? Exactly the way you want to influence the visitor. The whole point of such a page in its maximum efficiency and rationality.

You need to manage to fit on it all the necessary and not add anything superfluous. Correctly choose the desired elements will help a clear awareness of the target, for which there was a site creation.

If the boarding page does not push the visitor to active actions, then it is a price. What should the user should do? If the site in format, like mine, for example, and on it constantly appear, then the visitor must be subscribed to the update.

The boarding page of the virtual store pushes the user immediately take advantage of them and buy something. Even a simple information site by its active page can induce the user to plunge into advertised information.

Easy pledge of success

A clear and concise appeal to action will work much better than a piece of text, even if informative. It is necessary to think about it first, at the stage, when the development is being developed. You can find more advice on the preparation and creation of the site.

The user focus on a particular action is important, so there should be no such appeals. Ideally - one. No need to offer to buy something or post additional advertising on a page where the visitor must register a subscription. For the transition to K. for more information It is best to place the buttons.

Right approach to design

The Landing Page Title should be simple and short. At the same time, his main task is to interest the user and make it remain on the page. The size and readability of the font also plays an important role in attracting attention.

When the page has a lot of additional text or explanatory pictures, it can scare the user. Excess text And pictures overload perception. The perfect landing page can be almost empty, have the minimum of the most necessary elements.

Simple design is the most optimal, in my opinion. To send the user's eye to the right page, use arrows or other guide pictures.

How to optimize

To optimize this page there are some tricks. To force the user to stay on the page longer, often there.

Effective method Attract attention that does not load the user with additional activity. Overting text, unusual combinations of color and other visual tricks also sharpen attention to themselves.

If the page should be located to fill, they should not be too much. Then the user will not scare the routine need to fill them. And you do not have to mess around for a long time with HTML layout.

I know " "There are still many useful recommendations on this topic.

Following it simple advice You make a cool landing page that will work effectively. And if you subscribe to update my blog, do not miss new interesting articles, which will soon appear here. Also in my group VKontakte You can view the latest news right from your page.

Change the image on the first screen or "customized" benefits under the client, but what is this sense if there is no interaction with the form?
Statistics shows that 20% of cases The reason for insufficient conversion of the landing page lies not so much in the poor UTP or the absence of target traffic, as in negligent and ill-conceived registration of the application form.
The visitor does not want to leave their contact details, "throws" the shape and leaves. You lose potential customers, and therefore income.
Why this happens and how to improve conversion of application form?

2 Causes of bad "fill" forms:

  • illiterate application form
  • her ill-appeared functionality

The article is given a simple check listwith which you can easily analyze forms on Landing Page. To work, I recommend using 4 instruments: click maps, scrolling map, analytics forms and.

The application form must be visible on the first screen without "scrolling"

Explore card Scrolling. Look if you get main conversion elements In the viewed parts of the page. Check the plug-in page on devices with different screen expansion. Pay special attention to the mobile version!

Check all browsers

Need to check how the application form works in all browsersAnd it should be tested separately! If the functionality is defective, there will be no result, data for analyzing and developing recommendations.

The number of fields must match the task

Fig.2 Example of an additional field, decisive problem client

Rule simple - pay attention food facilitiesthese forms:

  • use prompts (for example, "mask" for phone numbers);
  • make sending a form possible without filling out all available fields;
  • put adequate goals - for example, do not request on the subscription page contact number, if a . Visitors will not fill out 5 fields to simply get a demo version or directory.

Use different ways to obtain contact data.

Relieve yourself from the features of the product or niche. Allow the opportunity to contact you by phone, e-mail or chat for consultation. Consider customer behavior - Someone is easier to immediately call and discuss the conditions, in some cases (receiving KP) can not do without interaction with the form.

Closed or open form?

When working with foreign sites, we are increasingly faced with a closed form of application - a simple and understandable button in the style of "Start now". But a unambiguous answer, which of the forms works better, - no. Ultimately, it all depends on how correctly you built logical "eyeliner" to the cherished button.

Field design rules in pop up There will be the same:

  • Be sequential. The form must be as easy to fill.
  • Stick about the order. The first to place the fields that fill the easiest all (for example, the "name").
  • Word clear benefits. Explain why the visitor needs to fill out the form and what he will receive.

Fig.3 Example of a good "liner" to a closed application form

Do not use template phrases!

Call to a specific action

Go from the formulation "Send Application". Much better to make a button with a description of a specific result (For example, "Get KP" or "Calculate Cost"). Ideally, the text text must partially duplicate the "eyeliner".

Attract additional attention

Use graphic guides. The easiest option is to "release" the space around the form and send the visitor's view using a pointer or arrows. So the form will become more noticeable and will stronger will attract attention.

Make an image (first screen photocanner) work on a hundred

In the case when the form cannot be emphasized by graphic elements or make the button larger and contrast, "refer" to this user's attention via an image. Competently select photos and send a visitor's view In the direction you need.

Fig. 7 View of the girl draws your attention to the form

Learn user interaction with forms

Analytics forms of application Shows which fields fill / do not fill users. And the weblist, thanks to its functionality, acts as a "big brother", which follows the behavior of the visitor. If the interaction with the form was, but the data for some reason were not shipped, it will show you what was the problem. In other words, it will help to understand at what stages of filling in users there are difficulties, which fields can be removed, and which it is worth complementing the tip for correct filling.

Thank Customer - this is important

Think out the details! Competently decorated pages of gratitude - this is not only a manifestation of respect for the client, but also conversion tool. Once again - go away from templates! Show creative - instead of the standard phrase "your application adopted", write something more personal, regarding you and your company. Page "Thank you" can be a good platform for experiments.


  1. Interaction with the form is the peak of communications Ledding Page with the client. Before testing the conversion elements of your landing page, analyze your shape hundred, Checking with our check list.
  2. Check the sending of data from different devices and different browsers . Local bugs of individual versions happen much more often than it could be assumed.
  3. IN obligatory conduct analytics forms For the identification of fields from which customers leave to understand why they leave and how to fix it.
  4. Before making changes and testing forms consider the number of applications already receivedTo get a real picture of the results achieved after making refinement.

Be fully arms and ahead of your competitors. Conversion lending to you!

The landing pages are the site pages intended for target visitors who have switched on the link. As a rule, these are users who have fallen to the site:

  • from search engines;
  • c (teasers);
  • according to the links (recommendations) from other sites;
  • according to contextual ads.

The simplest and most common example of the landing page is a product card in the online store.

Figuratively, the landing page can be compared with a specific office in the clinic, where the patient falls in the direction, without referring to the registry ( main page site).

The term "landing page" originated from English Landing Page (literally, "Landing Page"). There are also names "Target Page", "Landing (Page)", LP.

Seating Pages - Basis of Commercial Site

The visitor of the commercial site is a potential customer, and better - the buyer, whose attraction has been spent a lot of time and finance. Therefore, the "right" landing pages should maximize the visitors to purchase. Especially relevant to create high-quality target pages when used. After all, such a visitor costs money, and the page is a loss inappropriate to its expectations. Also, "the announcement came", almost knows what it wants and is ready to buy something - therefore it is not worth keeping it in the hallway or talk about the history of the company. The only information you need to provide is a product description, comparison, payment order and delivery.

The visitor site should not suspect that he imposes to buy the proposed product. Therefore, the potential customer is usually provided with "Freedom of choice". Before making a purchase, it can read more from the outstanding characteristics of the product (here you can place and minor cons, for representativeness) or feedback from grateful customers. The main thing is that the visitor can make all its actions "without departing from the box office", i.e. without leaving the landing page.

The main thing is to keep the buyer

In order not to scare the client, the design and content of the landing page should correspond to the specifics of that resource where it came from.

Features of the development of landing pages

For each product - its target page

Using contextual advertising And promotion in search engines each landing page is issued and optimized for a specific product (service). Visitors to the site and search engines do not like to pick up in long prices, trying to find the right item. If the client will be interested in a wide range, then, most likely, it will hang in the state of "Buridanova Osla", not deciding to make the final choice. Not the best react to frequent repetition of the brand or product name and search engines, appreciating this phenomenon how to repairs.

Quality Landing - expensive pleasure

The creation of optimized, comfortable and beautiful target pages is a very complex and painstaking process. Each such page must correspond to both the specifics of the goods presented and features target audience. To develop a high-quality landing page, manual work of a web designer, a Ceo copywriter, an optimizer and web master is needed. When using non-automatic contextual advertising, you will need more services and content managers - after all, it will be necessary to make not only hundreds of ads, but also monitor their compliance with the progressable pages. For an objective assessment of "Sale" target pages, serious companies contain the staff of testers or use the services of third-party companies and online services (Google WebSite Optimizer pRESENTED IN CONTENT EXPERIMENTS).

Much cheaper, faster and more spectable to make it beautifully and highly promote only the main page of the site - what sides some webmasters. As a result, the web designer demonstrates the owner of the online store exclusive "face" site, and the optimizer is an excavating visitors counter. Having received a well-deserved payment, creative workers are removed, and the owner of the site can not understand for a long time that it does not satisfy potential buyers in his goods. Following the disgruntled visitors, search engines come with analysis behavioral factors And, fixed a large number of Failures, lower the site in the extradition, impose all sorts of filters or send it to the ban.

Experienced owners of online stores usually do not save on creating and developing their web resource. To receive permanent profits from the site, they hire real professionals and financially stimulate them, independently checking the effectiveness of the work done. In terms of high competition, this is perhaps the only way Ensure the success of your project.

Counter - not the main thing!

To assess the effectiveness of the landing pages (and the site as a whole) there are special formulas from which interesting conclusions are followed:

C P - traffic cost per page (COST PER PAGE);
N V - Number of Visitors (Number of Visitors),

Consequently, such a characteristic as the "number of visitors" is a secondary indicator, more suitable for assessing the load on the server.

As a result, the following factors should be taken into account to determine the quality of the landing page:

  • the number of not only attracted, but also retained visitors;
  • "Quality" of these visitors, i.e. their readiness to buy something;
  • efficiency of the page itself, i.e. conviction of its content and design;
  • "Interest" page, i.e. the probability of repeated visits and reaction to remarketing;
  • the wishes of the visitor will share a link to the page with their familiar (elements of viral marketing).
And how really?

Unfortunately, in practice, the development of target pages, if it is not systemic, usually ends at the first second paragraphs. The problem is usually in the reluctance of the owner of the resource to pay incomprehensible to him "Excess". After all, in order to correctly change, you need to constantly study - and this, in addition to money, it also requires a decent time, therefore, most often the first investments in the development of lending are both the last to the next redesign site. Against the background of a similar approach, those who follow the efficiency of pages have the opportunity to significantly increase the conversion of not only investments in the site, but also in advertising.