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SEO Promotion for dummies. Visual information and behavioral factors

If you are reading this article, then my CEO works :) Sooner or later, any blogger faces the terrible word of CEO. The first thought - if I do not know what CEO is, it means you should not pay attention to it, this beast on the teeth is only the most mothers "site progressors"! But the more often the word CEO flashes before his eyes, the faster the realization is that if right now you will not start Seo-optimizing your texts, then your native and such a cool blog can never even look at the first search results page of Yandex. And you start looking for instructions "CEO for teapots".

I also searched for her, to no avail! The Internet proposes mainly paid services for seed-promotion, and "budget bloggers" remains only to collect precious information on the grains. Today I will share with you sacred knowledge and tell you how to optimize your texts if you do not know what CEO is.

What is CEO?

Seo - Search Engine Optimization - Search engine optimization.

Search engines are robots. They do not know how to read texts, and it is difficult for them to appreciate your high letter style. Therefore, you should optimize your texts in such a way that search engines (on the Russian market are predominantly Yandex) understood what you wrote about, and decided to issue your article in the search results or not.

Many believe that CEO is just a selection of keywords. But in fact, keywords is just one piece of cake. In general, seo-optimization of text - These are keywords + competent writing and text design + image settings + high-quality content.

If something is missing, the cake is no longer complete. And who will put an examiner on the showcase? Here and search robots do not want.

If we are talking about the seo optimization of the entire blog, then to optimize texts it is also necessary to add the internal and external optimization of the entire site. And this, and the download speed, and eliminate all internal errors in the site, and an increase in the number of links to your site from other resources and different other things.

But do not be scared! Let's eat an elephant in pieces :) Today I will tell you right on your fingers about CEO for texts, it's not so difficult, and then we will think further.


Well, yes, without them can not do. No matter how cool, but your article can be shown to a potential visitor to your blog only if Yandex understands that it matches the user's request. And it can understand this solely by keywords.

Keywords is mathematics. In no case should not invent anything and assume that they can search for users online. Users are gaining specific requests in search engines, and search engines keep records of these requests.

Find the desired keywords will help the service. Yandex is not an evil uncle who wants to drown your site in avalanche of competitors. This is a completely friendly resource that shares information to help you climb the first page in extradition.


You lead a literary blog and want to write an article about reading from modern authors. Before writing the text, you should go to WordStat and drive in the search string "Modern authors".

What to pay attention to:

How many times a month users generally introduce the "Modern Authors" request is the first line. In our case, we see a figure of 22,368 people. This request is quite popular, and in the top of this request, serious literary portals are probably facing (online stores) using paid means of promotion. We are not worth it with them, we will go different ways and find similar, but less popular requests.

In our case, less popular requests are "authors of modern novels" or "Modern Russian authors." They are dialing only 1-3 thousand people, so here you can already try happiness.

As we see, there are even less popular requests, which nevertheless fully comply with our topic. For example, "modern novels of Russian authors" - 663 people. There will be even easier to move on this request.

Well, so that the top becomes our probably, we detail the request even more. I scrolled down the page down and saw this:

These requests can be used as the main keyword (it is completely easy to move on them), or as additional keys that help to advance at once in several unpopular requests.

Why do we need to move on unpopular requests? Because the chicken in the grain pecks! Optimizing an article for several unpopular requests you will be able to quickly and for sure to climb them into the top and attract several dozen visitors per month. And if at least 100 correctly optimized articles on your site, then you can receive several thousand new readers every month.

What to do with requests?

First of all, from all unpopular requests, we need to choose the one that will become our main key. In our example, I would take a request "Modern novels of Russian authors" or something from this "weight category". We also need to choose a few additional queries and write down the whole thing to a separate sheet.

The next step - we go to ordinary Yandex. And we introduce our requests to the search string, paying attention to the prompts that Yandex gives. For example, if you start entering a request "Modern authors" in the search string, Yandex will offer a finished continuation of the phrase: and their works, fiction, detectives, etc. This information can be used as ideas for disclosure the topic, and as additional keywords, because in fact, it is nothing more than frequent user requests.

Choosing such as many keywords as possible, you can sit for writing the article.

Your task is as follows:

  • the main request is used in a constant form in the title of the article, in the first and last paragraph of the article, organically (!) Suspended it in the proposal.
  • additional queries to use in any form, in any case, anywhere in the text.

What if I am a creative person and can not write in terms of requests?

I am also the same. Therefore, I first invent the subject of the article, then I choose the main request, then I write the text as it requires my creative nature.

When the first version of the text is ready, I sit down for the edit and, where possible, insert my keywords. Yes, the selection of synonyms is not exactly what a novice blogger dreams about, but it is CEO, baby :) What is more important to you that your masterpiece remains dust on the backyards of the Internet, or to make your cool article to put the first line in Yandex on the first shelf?

No matter how trying to select the right keywords, your article will never fall into the top if it is useless. Today, to become popular, you need to be a professional of your business.

You should:

  • carefully choose the topics of articles, they should be interesting to your readers (it is better to have a plan of articles for a couple of months ahead)
  • fully disclose the topic
  • writing long articles from 3000 characters and above (the number of characters can be checked in the usual editor Word., Review Tab, Statistics section).
  • give readers more than they expect to read
  • write detailed instructions, share experiences, contacts, useful resources, etc.

Try to be interesting for your readers. After all, the longer the visitor is delayed on your blog, the higher Yandex will raise you next time. Yes, he also tracks it too :)

Registration of text in CEO

When our cool article is written and stuffed with keywords (organically inscribed in the text!), I proceed to the editors of errors and design.

If your literacy suffers, it is better to check the text for errors on one of the corresponding online services. It's free, and it is important! Only the most correct articles should be in the top, and not those where all the commas "author".

The same text should be convenient to read, that is, you should:

  • break the text on paragraphs (try so that in each paragraph there are no more than 3-4 lines)
  • intervals
  • use lists and tables
  • use subtitles
  • insert the link to other articles of your blog in the text (it is called Perelinka, it can be done using a special Inline Related Pro plugin)

What should not do:

  • all your keywords - Yandex can be highlighted in bold and italics can count it for overcoming and lower your site in search results,
  • do not use many different fonts and text colors - it makes it difficult to read.

How to make a subtitle

This moment is very important, because the subtitle is not just a partition name allocated by bold.

Yandex can determine the name of the article and subtitles only if you specify it where they are.

When you decide some text to issue in the form of a subtitle, you should put the cursor to the appropriate text and on the toolbar to find the "paragraph" section, inside choose, for example, header 2.

Accordingly, if you need to divide the text to even smaller parts inside one header, you should use the title 3 and so on. Title 1 in the text can only be used 1 time!

It is also extremely desirable to use keywords in the subtitles, then Yandex will definitely understand what you write.

Seo-optimization of pictures

Pictures are another component of seed-promotion. It is extremely desirable that pictures on your site / blog are not heavy (up to 100 kb, otherwise the site will load a long time, and it is bad for CEO) and unique, and not downloaded from the Internet. Where to find as many pictures:

  • try more often to use your own photos.
  • in accordance with the theme of the text, you can use screenshots instead of pictures (screen photos). For example, in this article all pictures are screenshots of my control panel
  • you can find an interesting video on the network and in the right place to put it on a pause and take a picture of the screen - so you will get a unique picture :)
  • use the online editor - this resource offers a large number of Free modern templates for mapping and photos for blogs, social networks etc. Unloaded pictures become unique. Try, you will not regret.

After you have chosen a picture and downloaded it into a blog, you should add a headline to it and an alt attribute. It's not hard:)

  1. We write the title of the picture, preferably Latin letters. It is permissible that it will be your keyword.
  2. We write an Alt attribute is a unique description of our picture on the site, here it is necessary to register the main keyword with the additive photo, the picture, etc. it can be written in Russian.

Install the Yoast SEO plugin

It will help you correctly register a description and title of your article.


  1. If only you do not have an online store, then Ceo-talovka can always coincide with the name of your article. It is very important to use your keyword in the header in the header in constant form.
  2. Snippet - this is how your post in search results looks like (photo below)
  3. The label is what is displayed in the search bar when the user falls on the page with the article. The label must be written by English letters. You can automate the process of writing a shortcut using the RUS-TO-LAT plugin. It is better if your keyword will be used in the label.
  4. Meta-description - description, what is in question in your article. It is imperative to use your keyword in this description in this description, it is desirable closer to the beginning of the description.

  1. Seo header
  2. Label
  3. Meta-description

All together \u003d snippet. My keyword for this article: "Marrying Egyptian" "


Despite the fact that the article turned out long, all the same CEO for texts is not scary. Here are briefly the main items for which attention should be paid:

  1. quality and Usefulness of Content
  2. selection and proper use of keywords
  3. proper text design (errors, paragraphs, subtitles)
  4. perelinkovka in the text
  5. proper design of pictures (uniqueness, name and attribute ALT)
  6. Designing Snippet.

I did not talk about it above, but I think you and without my reminders install miniatures and register the labels for your articles.

By the way, if you are doing everything right, then your article will necessarily rise to the top, but not immediately. The duration of the path to the top depends on several factors - how quickly search engines index your articles as far as useful content you publish, how are you doing with the internal and external blog optimization and how many competitors you have on this request. On average, check the availability of an article on the first page of search results can be started after 3-6 weeks after publication.

I hope my article helped you understand you a little about what CEO is. If you have any questions left, do not hesitate to ask them in the comments! And follow the updates of my blog, sometimes in the interruptions between roast countries, I will tell you about impregnation :)

High positions in Yandex-issuance!

Everyone who created the first site came across a variety of problems that prevented the site to the top search engines. There were many such problems and had to read a lot of SEO books and blogs to find out what should be corrected.

What am I all this? I decided to allocate, which helped me very much. Now let these tips help you in creating the right site.

1. Setting the indexation - removal of the sheets of pages

Site indexing configuration affects which search engine pages can view and output in search engines. If it is not necessary to configure indexing, the administrative panel will fall into the index, hidden profile data, pupils and different garbage.

The fact is that in each CMS (site engine) there are shortcomings that need to be edited with their own hands, so I will describe the most popular errors and their correction.

Popular misconception errors:

Indexing admins

An administrative panel is indexed, where the site itself is edited.
To solve this problem, you need to register in the Robots.txt file to the next line: disallow: / WP-Admin (link through which you get into the admin panel). If there is no robots.txt, be sure to create, configure and pour into the Yandex and Google webmaster.

Site Mirror Setup

You should immediately determine how the site or will be displayed. It often happens that sites are available immediately in several addresses, thereby duplicating content, which kills the site. Therefore, the mirror is set (redirect), which is prescribed in the administration of the site. It is also prescribed to robots.txt at the end of the file: Host: It is if necessary, that would be the main thing from WWW, and without it was considered a mirror.

Duplication of the main page (index and without it)

In some main page. Available in two addresses and This is a duplication of content that is removed by setting .htaccess (located at the site root, is available via hosting). In the file.htaccess after the words "RewriteEngine ON" insert one of the following Lines depending on what format of pages.

# InDex.php:

RewriteCond% (The_request) ^ (3.9) \\ / index \\ .php \\ http /

Rewriterule ^ index \\ .php $ http: // Site /

# InDex.html:

RewriteCond% (The_Request) ^ (3.9) \\ / index \\ .html \\ http /
Rewriterule ^ index \\ .html $ http: // Site /

It also happens that the site is available as and also page\u003d1 or Well, the like, for such pages is prescribed REL \u003d "Canonical".

Remember that you should always get rid of all double pages, or show the search engine that they are copies otherwise you can get under the filter, losing positions and all pages will fall out of the index.

2. Competent selection of keywords

It is that before creating categories, pages and give a description of the site, you should look at the frequency of the query, how many times the phrase was requested.

For this, there is where you can enter the phrase and find out how popular it is. However, by clicking on the link that left at the beginning of the paragraph, you will learn a lot of interesting things.

3. Proper structuring and category names and subcategories

Not so long ago I discovered for myself promotion categories. It turns out that they are very easy to promote, and if the name of the category is a key phrase, then you can easily get into the top of the SC (Average Competitive Keywords).

In this case, it is necessary not only to call the category as a key phrase, but also to properly structure the categories and subcategories. This allows you to easily discover competitors, because there are not many sites that pay attention to this.

4. Writing quality content and its design

It will help to quickly gain popularity due to the fact that buyers or readers will be shocked by high-quality content, which will make them return again and again as well as bring their friends.

5. High-quality transfination of the site pages

Considered one of basic SEO Optimization Site Methods. What allows, bonding pages among themselves, to bring them into the top without procurement of links from other sources.

There are many opinions as a transfine should be done, I advise you to read the article, which at the beginning of the paragraph is highlighted by reference.

6. Use of social networks

It is recommended to register B. Facebook. and Twitter. And create a group for your site and gradually fill. And on the site make a link to the group that people could find you on social networks and subscribed.

In addition, it is worth making the reposting buttons of different social networks in a convenient location. Amazing but even

How to start promoting the site with the smallest attachments?

Movement is life

Start promoting your site today, because, perhaps, tomorrow, tomorrow will begin to promote your competitor. And how to promote the site with minimal investments, we will try to tell you.

Do you have a Web site? - Tell about it

To begin with, check on your FTP server, is there any closed pages: in the Robots.txt file after the words "Disallow:" nothing should be. Now the site is open to search engine processing. The next important step is to add your site to the search engines of the Runet.

In Yandex, this can be done in Google. The arrival of the robot of the rambler can be stimulated by installing the top 100 counter. Also, the site processing can be accelerated by installing external links On your web resource (for example, blogs). Don't pay out maps Google and

For high-quality processing of the internal pages of the web resource, place a site map on it: it will help search engines to index all resource pages. The high-quality layout of the site greatly facilitates its processing of search engines and affects the results of search results. Assess the professionalism of the execution of the layout of your site.

Optimizer himself

To optimize the site site search queries It is necessary to prepare a list of keywords (semantic kernel), for which you would like to promote your site. This will help the statistics of popularity of Yandex requests. In the statistics of search queries, you can always determine high-frequency (popular) and low-frequency (less popular) requests.

For example, in the segment of interior design services statistics key queries In the St. Petersburg region in March 2009, the following:

High-frequency requests
interior Design
25 921
Low-frequency requests
interior designs of apartments 847
interior design at home 762
office interior design 640
design Interior Store 522
kitchen interior design 455
interior design rooms 398

From the above data, statistics can be concluded that the promotion of such a high-frequency query as "interior design" will cost more than all together with "low-frame" shown in the table.

Promotion of the site on low-frequency requests is effectively not only economically, but also strategically, as it allows you to cover a big target audienceAnd sometimes it is almost the only way to "break through" in a competitive niche.

Try to comprehensively analyze how you can look for your customers and remember that there are people with non-standard thinking and peculiar buildings of phrases, and they can also become your customers! Optimization of text I. graphic information, posted on the site, in accordance with selected search queries will also bring their fruits.

Content - visitors

Search engines have increasingly stringent content requirements. If earlier the sites "sharpened" under search robots - texts were diluted with keywords, now everything is done for the convenience of users. The texts of the site written for your potential customers, deliberately give the site a competitive advantage. Regularly updated content - the key to quickly processing by search engines made to the site of change.

Favon to notice

Another small, but a noticeable step in promoting the site is Favon. Favon is called small graphic imagewhich is displayed in browsers before the address string (for example, on Yandex is the letter "I").

In Yandex, Favona is displayed to the left of the search results list. Favon is an excellent opportunity to become more noticeable in the search results and increase the recognition of your site. Site allows you to create a website icon for free.

And a little about payments

The next useful step can be the registration of the site in the catalogs. In Yandex.Catalog Registration costs 12,500 rubles. In the mail. Prices below - standard annual registration will cost 8,000 rubles, a permanent VIP registration is 12,000 rubles. More economical option - automatic registration in catalogs.

Statistics to help

The statistical system will tell about where the visitors come to you to the site, which pages come from which they leave. We recommend the service of free and convenient statistics: If you managed to attract visitors to your site - it is half success. Another half of the success is to keep the visitor on the site.

Discount visitor can understandable navigation, useful and interesting content, easy to perceive and work design site. If all this is on your site, then, most likely, the site visitor will become your buyer, and perhaps a regular customer.

Hi friends! Recently, a wonderful idea came to me, sit down and touched an article on SEO Site Optimization On my own step-by-step instructions for beginners, after examining which it will immediately be clear what you need to do with your site in the first stages for effective promotion.

The stated topic is very popular and at the same time bulk to reveal its most important moments and at the same time do it as detailed Guide I got more than 20,000 characters, so I broke the entire material into 2 parts. Now you are reading 1 part, link to 2 part at the end of the article.

I hope you understand that within the framework of the same post it is impossible to fully disclose the stated topic, but I will try to give you all the information on the most important actions in the SEO site optimization that you can do yourself and right now. After the publication of this post, I will gradually fill it with additional references to articles with detailed instructions.

For example, I will tell you about the file robots.txtAs soon as I have a note on the blog dedicated to the settings and create this file, I'll immediately attach the link so that you can go through it and familiarize yourself with more comprehensive and detailed information. Agreed? Great, then continue the conversation.

High-quality hosting is an important link in the development of a web resource

Formally, this item is mine step by step instructions You can be first first, and before starting a conversation on today's post, I want to ask you a question. What hosting do you use? If this is free hosting, then immediately pull it into the trash can. You must understand perfectly well that if you are going to engage in promoting your online project, then it should work on high-quality and reliable hosting.

Perhaps it will seem to you banal, but the search engines to this question are quite serious. And if you have free hosting or cheap and brake, then without warning reduce such resources in search results. Do you need it? Most likely there is no than yes. Your web resource should work without failure and always always be online - 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

Most likely you wanted to ask what good hosting And whatever I advised. First, read the article "What to choose hosting", and I can recommend only the proven Hoster McCore, because I have been using it for a long time and all of my Internet projects, including this blog, are posted on it.

And now, let's go back to the topic of today's post. Do you know where the construction of the house begins and from what its strength and durability will depend on? Guess? Of course, with the foundation, so, before promoting a web resource and engage in SEO optimization, it is necessary to draw up semantic kernel And do it right.

Semantic kernel - the basis of SEO site optimization

Perhaps someone had already heard these 2 words, and for some they may seem strange and incomprehensible. Therefore, I propose to start with the definition, and then I will tell you several ways to make it and where to get ready Sia.

Semantic kernel - This is an ordered list of keywords that are as accurately described and characterized by a niche of the site, as well as its type of activity.

This element in the promotion is extremely important, attendance will depend on the correctness of its preparation and the further fate of the web resource promotion in search engines.

The semantic kernel is a hierarchical structure of search queries. As a rule, the chapter costs one or more high-frequency queries (Main page), and below the hierarchy mid-frequency (rubrics, categories) and low frequency requests (articles, product cards).

If you take as an example a web resource dedicated to construction with your own hands, then his Sia Maybe look something like this:

Keep in mind that this is a very shortened and exaggerated example, Sia Usually consist of several thousand words. And now several options, where and how to make semantics for your Internet project:

Make yourself by using free keyword selection tools - and

A more advanced option that professionals use is using SEO.-Softa Program Key-Collector and its brother with trimmed Slovoeb functions, as well as you can use the Free Basery Baseline.

If you do not want to steam and break your head how to properly assemble semantics and at the same time you want quick results, then contact professionals from Web Studio they will do everything quickly and efficiently. Checked guys for whose quality of work I will pass.

Sia search queries clustering

The next important stage of the step-by-step instruction, which goes after the preparation of the SIA is an effective distribution of key phrases throughout the site. In other words, the task of this stage will mostly distribute requests from the most appropriate groups, namely, on pages, sections, rubrics and articles.

Many novice webmasters are lazy to make the distribution of keys, but when aware of the importance of this stage, they have to redo everything. Just imagine what the work should be performed when there are several hundred articles on the Web resource, several dozen pages and subsections.

Of course, it's easier to do everything right away, and then fully control the process of promotion and know which way to move on and what you need to do for this. How to quickly and effectively make clustering of search queries? There are several options:

Make yourself manually in Maykrasoft Excel (long, but also qualitatively)
Special software, for example, Key Collector. (It turns out quickly and efficiently, minus that the prog is paid)
Take advantage of special online services, there are paid and free (do quickly, but not always good quality, you have to refine manually)

From my point of view the most optimal use option sEO Soft - Key Collector. Yes, he is paid, but he stands for his money and even more. Many labor-intensive and long-term tasks I do in the collector in a few minutes and never regretted that I bought it. Googling on the Internet for it and you will be very surprised to find out what he is capable of.

By the way, I have the opportunity to purchase Key Collector with a discount if anyone needs to be written through the form feedback. I do not take interest and commission, I'm just a friendly. The only condition must be my regular reader

Internal site optimization

So we got to the most interesting and large partition. After the key distribution, it is possible with a clean conscience to begin work on internal optimization, which consists of several stages. Next, I will try to briefly and clearly tell about each of them.

In a good way to write a separate article for each stage. In the near future, I will definitely do it. So, let's begin.

1. Utimize each page for search queries from Xia

Properly prescribe Meta Tags (Title, Description, Keywords) for pages, subsections, categories and articles. All pages must have: unique headlines, description, meta tags and text. Remember the golden rule, on the page there must be only one H1 format header.

Use the H2-H6 header articles, use key phrases in them. With their help, the readability of the text increases and its attractiveness is increasing for search robots. Know the measure, everything should look harmonious and naturally, remember that you write for people.

Attention! In Title and H1, a key phrase in direct entry must be present and it is desirable that they are not the same.

The text in the articles or on the pages there must be a minimum of 3000 characters. Keep the form that search guards do not sleep and strictly punishable with penalties for overimized, soldered and not unique text.

Be sure to place the thematic image in the articles and drag them under the search query. For this prescribe meta tags Image (Title, Description, Alt) with key queries.

Some webmasters leave this moment without attention, and in vain, because it is an additional plus list to the common SEO site optimization, as well as a small increase in attendance at the expense of transitions from services Yandex pictures and Google pictures.

As you already guessed, for the process that the people are called SEO SEO Optimization Site independently a step-by-step instruction can serve as an excellent helper for effective promotion in search engines. So, we dealt with this item, now let's get to the next.

2. Make the internal transfine site

Another important point of my leadership. That everyone has clear what it is, let's start with brief definition. Internal perelinka - This is the process of placing thematic links within the site from one page or article to another close in meaning.

For example, if the page is dedicated to the topic how to catch a pike to spinning, then it will be useful to place a link to another page of the same web resource, where it is described about 5 popular bait when catching pike on spinning. Caught meaning?

What useful inner transfine? First, behavioral factors are improved, since users will switch on the links and receive the necessary information fully, and this in turn increases the total presence time on the Web resource and the number of page views.

Secondly, there is an accelerated indexation of the entire resource, since search bots in indexing are like to go to all the found links on the page. You need to remember this and try to use at least one thematic link on the page.

Thirdly, the overall quality usability. Remember that your online project is created for people and it should be comfortable and understandable. It's not all the advantages and beneficial features Internal overflows, in fact, their much more.

Within the framework of this article, I can not disclose this topic fully, so subscribe to the blog update, because it will soon be separate, detailed article.

3. Proper CNC configuration

For those who do not know what kind of ladies decipher. CNC - These are human-understandable-urlas (links). The appearance of the links plays an important role for both people and search engines. If your web resource, like mine, works on the WordPress engine, then configure the correct reference display will not be any work for you. In future articles I will write about it in more detail.

As an example, see how links should look correctly:

  1. http: //kak-vesti-blog/kak-pisat-stati-dlja-bloga.html
  2. http: /// 2016 / post-36 \u003d? 274-

4. Setup Sitemap.xml.

Do not be afraid if you hear this strange word for the first time :) Now I will tell you what it is and why it is necessary. Sitemap.xml. - This is a map of your web resource intended exclusively for search robots, it contains information about the pages and links of your site, which are subject to indexation.

Simply put, this is such special file., which helps the search engines do their job faster and better. What is useful sitmap.xml? Using it, the indexing process is much faster. As an example, you can see my Sitemap at http: ///sitemap.xml.

If you still do not have this file, create it right now. For those who have a WordPress engine, download and install google Xml Sitemaps pluginIt will automatically generate a map and will update it as needed. Who has another content management platform or a self-conducting site to populate information on this topic on the Internet.

5. Configure an HTML site card for people

This map improves the convenience of navigation for visitors, improves behavioral factors, and also contributes to an increase in the speed of indexing the site as a whole, as it contains a large number of internal references.

HTML-card - This is a separate page that is available to visitors and search engines. Bloggers often call it "all articles" or "Site Map". This page displays all sections, categories, pages and Internet resource articles. In WordPress, the HTML card can be created in several clicks using plugins. DAGON DESIGN SITEMAP GENERATOR or WP DS Blog Map.

This is how my blog HTML card looks like - http: ///vse-stati-bloga.html

6. Setting up the Robots.txt file

File robots.txt - This is a regular text file that contains a set of detailed step-by-step instructions for search engines, in which the rules for indexing pages, partitions, files, folders, directories, etc. are prescribed.

This file is placed in the root folder. What is it needed for? Robots.txt - plays an important role in SEO optimization, since it is possible to prohibit the search system to index system files, Pages not containing useful content and much more.

7. Using the micro-dimension

In early 2011 search giants Yandex, Google, Yahoo and others, stated to the whole world that they introduce their systems in algorithms, innovative technology called micraightstill called it semantic marking.

Micraight - This is SEO markup of the page of the site, which uses special tags and attributes through which search robots (AD) make much faster and analyze the information presented on the web resource.

See how sites with a microwave and without:

Pluses of micraights from the point of view of SEO:

attractive appearance Snippet in search results
The increase in the number of clicks on the headlines of articles
Improving overall relevance

As you probably noticed, the topic is large enough, despite the fact that I tried to tell about all important moments Briefly and in the case. As I already said at the beginning of the post, this material on the topic SEO Site Optimization On your own step-by-step instructions for beginners, I broke into 2 parts.

\u003e\u003e\u003e You can get acquainted with the second part of the link - "How to competently make SEO Site optimization on your own - step-by-step instruction for beginner part 2".

Unforgettable after studying to introduce the knowledge gained, remember that under the lying stone of the water does not run as an article? What items from step-by-step instructions do you implement on your site? So you add from yourself?

This article is one of the remarkable article - SEO: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners, which I found on a blog of one of the most famous developers of tools. I think (no, I'm sure!) That this article is just a find for beginners.

The article is designed primarily for people who have decided to independently promote it in search engines. At the same time, it does not matter, you yourself did it or turned to professionals, the advancement of promotion almost the same. By the way, recently one girl asked me: how much is the creation of the site in the website? I answer everyone and honestly: I do not know. If you are interested in, write a request to Google or Yandex - the price of creating a site - and everyone will learn from the original source.

Let's go back to the article. The article is large, but also the topic disclosed in the article refers to the category of the most important, so take patience. For your work, you will be rewarded ...

So, proceed.

You heard about SEO many times, but what are your real successes in the area search promotion? When I first heard about him, for me he sounded like a voodoo, like magic, and few people then understood how to use it.

The reality is as follows: SEO is not a rocket building, it can be mastered by anyone. Some "Guru" argue that to learn SEO, you will need years, but I don't think it's true. Of course, in order to study all the nuances take a lot of time, but the truth is that it is possible to learn the basics of SEO in just a few minutes.

So, I thought: "Don't I put everything in one article?"

It turned out very long due to describing everything you need. However, after several years of my lessons in the field of SEO and work on various companies to help them break into the top, I am sure that this article has everything you need to know. If you are looking for ways to enlarge traffic to your site (which, in turn, will lead to an increase in sales), then just follow these principles.

Trap for traffic (or how does SEO really work)

Many webmasters make a mistake, considering SEO only as a source of free traffic. Sure, free traffic - This is the result of SEO, but it does not understand how SEO is actually working.

The real goal of SEO - help people find your site, more precisely, the information that is on it. To achieve this goal, you must bring your content in line with the requirements of search engines, only then people will be able to find your site.

I will give an example.

Marie sells exclusive sweaters from his site. On his blog, it shows the process of mating sweaters, demonstrates how her hands work, speaks about various types of yarn it uses. Since competition for keywords associated with yarn is low, then soon the news of Marie - and they often mentioned the yarn - began to occupy places on the first page of search results on various types of yarn.

Do you see a potential problem for Marie?

People are interested in the issues of yarn, so that they themselves connect to themselves, and they are not at all interested in acquiring Sweaters Marie. Of course, Marie receives a lot of traffic, but these visitors will not pay attention to its products, because they have completely different goals and aspirations.

Conclusion: If you want SEO to truly worked for you, you must first make sure your goals and goals of your visitors coincide. Traffic itself is not important here, it is important to determine, at least approximately, what do your visitors want and then optimize your site under the keywords that you bring the necessary visitors.

How to find out what keywords will you bring many right visitors?

Just to conduct research.

How to spend a study (search) of the right keywords?

Of course, such a study is a somewhat tedious process, but it is absolutely necessary. You need to find such keywords that would answer the following requirements:

  • quite often requested on the Internet,
  • have a low level of competition, i.e. According to these requests, there must be a minimum number of results in extradition,
  • corresponded to the content of your site, were relevant to him.

There are many tools for finding keywords, the most popular among them is the keyword prompt tool.

It shows real search queries and their quantity, and if you register in AdWords, it will also give you a whole list of keywords suitable for your site.

However, before you delve into the selection of keywords in AdWords, you need to clarify how widely or narrow your keywords should be. Here the concept of "long tail" appears.

A long tail

Chris Anderson formulated, the concept of "long tail" describes the phenomenon when the set of low-frequency queries (i.e. requests that are used quite rarely) in their totality to your site will be sent more visitors than when using a small number of high-frequency queries (keywords) .

For example, online store at a high-frequency DVD request can receive thousands of visitors, but instead they get millions of visitors on requests specific DVD discs. It is clear that, none of the names of DVD drives and can not be closely to bring such a volume of traffic like high frequency query DVD.

What does the "long tail" ratio have to your site?

If you detract the traffic on each LF query, and this is a long tail, you will find that such traffic (on a long tail) is 80% of the total traffic.

So, when you pick keywords for your site, you should not emphasize your attention only on popular queries for which there are large traffic volumes. The general list of keywords must be included and low-frequency keywords.

Creating content on your site

After you have compiled a list of keywords, you can proceed to the creation of content corresponding to these keywords.

Search engine robots are studying each page of your site, determine its main content, and then decide which keywords describe the content of the page and how to rank them. You can influence their "solution", optimizing content in a certain way and highlighting the keywords you need.

This is especially important for those pages where the content is located, which bots have not yet learned to analyze. Search bots can easily analyze the text, but they are not yet sufficiently developed that evaluate video, pictures, or audio files. Therefore, you must give such a description of these pages using keywords to search robot I could understand the content of the page and evaluate it.

However, I want to immediately warn you.

If you write exclusively For search engines, it will lead to the fact that the content of the articles will be very boring, and this does not contribute to the transformation of your visitors to customers who make purchases. It will be much better if you focus your attention in humans, you will create content for them, and only then optimize this content under the requirements of the search engines. Then you will have persistence of your articles.

You should pay attention to:

  • Headlines - Create catchy headlines that will cause interest from the reader. Remember that you have only one chance to produce the first good impression on the visitor.
  • Keywords - It is necessary to choose such keywords that will attract visitors to your site.
  • Links - Make links to high-quality sites, that you seem to indicate that your site is also good quality. This will contribute to the recognition of your site in your chosen niche, which, in turn, will lead to an increase in the number of visitors.
  • Quality - Publish only unique and high-quality content. It will encourage users to return to your site, since it will be difficult for them to find the information you need elsewhere.
  • Novelty - If you publish content that does not ignore with time or it is regularly updated, it is good, but you should also regularly publish fresh content. If you do not have time to publish a new content, you can add a section of questions and answers on your site or create a blog under the site (there is a blog as a supporting agent for the main site - S.V.)

And most importantly: do not publish someone else's content on the pages of your site (meaning - tired content - S.V.), because Search engines can punish you for it.

Optimization of your site code

Search bots do not just read texts on your site. They also explore the code of your site.

Therefore, you should optimize the code in 8 different sites of the site. To illustrate this, I, as an example, scholars the sites and, belonging to two popular web designers. Each of them uses their techniques in the markup of the site.

Tags headlovkov

Title tag writes the name of the site. This is how it is done on

Jeffrey Zeldman presents a daily report


As you can see, Zeldman focuses on his behalf and the name of the site. In search engines, its website is most likely found at the request of the "Jeffrey Zeldman" or "Daily Report".

Let's see how it is done on another site:

Unique Website Design in Flintshire, North Wales from</i>Stuff <i> And Nonsense

(in original: Fantastic Web Site Design in Flintshire, North Wales From Stuff and Nonsense, - S.V. . )

We see that the site is used a somewhat different approach: putting the site name at the end, they emphasize the direction of the site. Most likely, this site can be found by searching for the request "Web Design in Flintshire, North Wales" or some similar.

In conclusion: Title tag should use keywords for which your site will look for. In the future, to maximize the site optimization, you must assign a unique name to each page (i.e. unique TEG TITLE).

Meta Tags

The main meta tag that you should pay attention is meta-tag description (Meta Description Tag). It does not have a great influence on ranking sites in search results, but it reports to users of what your site. And this can have a big impact on the decision-making of the solution - to go to your site or not.

Let's look at our sites:

Can you find here and highlight keywords?

Zeldman approached the compilation of this tag is very thoughtful, emphasizing other projects. If you search for Google for the word "Zeldman", his site in extradition appears in the first place. Also, with the requests of "Happy Cog" and "A List Apart". If you have projects on the Internet in different directions, then you can adopt zeldman approach: use these projects as keywords in the meta tag description.

Stuff and Nonsense emphasize who exactly their site is interesting. Asking the question "Looking for a unique design for a website in North Wales?", They do it quite definitely: the site is designed for those who want to have a unique design of their site. If you are interested, then, apparently, you should visit their website.

When creating a meta tag description, you need to include keywords there, use complete offers when writing them. Although it is also not worth doing too long descriptions. The search engines will doit them. If you are able, then make unique description tags for each page.


They are very similar to headlines in the book, but are installed in a special order. The headers are highlighted by tags H1, H2, H3, and so on to H6, with the H1 tag indicates the title of the page. The remaining tags headers are designed for lower header levels.

For example:

How to optimize your business for search engines

Ase SEO.


Pay attention to this example. The larger the figure in the tag, the less the level of the title and the more narrow the content of the content relating to it should be.

As a rule, the page placed the H1 tag only once, but the H2-H6 tags you can use as many times as necessary. And in the headlines, it is necessary to use keywords.

(Note. Translator: WordPress users should keep in mind that in this CMS, the H1 tag is assigned only to the whole site, the page titles are assigned the H2 tag, and you can use the H2 tag on the page a few times, - S.V.)

Sitemaps Sitemaps

Sitemaps files for search bots are the same as roadmaps for motorists. They give bots information about all pages of the site so that bots do not miss anything. You can create a site cards of two types: HTML card and XML site map.

The main difference is that the XML card is encoded in a special way that the search bots were easier to read it, and the HTML card is also designed for people. You can use it so that people can fully learn the content of your site.

If you have several hundred pages on the site, then you should give a link to each page of the site in the HTML map. If your site has several thousand pages and even more, then links should lead to the most important site pages.

The XML site map, on the contrary, should have links to all site pages, even if you have a million. In order to create XML site cards, you can use special services, such as (approximate: for WordPress it is better to use a special plugin, - S.V.). After your XML card is created, it is necessary to notify and bing about it so that the main search engines can correctly scan and index your site. (For us more relevant Yandex than Bing, - S.V.)

Domain name

The domain name containing keywords is evaluated by search engines higher than those not containing such words. And accurate compliance with the search query is ranked even higher.

But here the price is assessed: the exact compliance of the domain name is quite expensive to the keyword. This is the reason for such a phenomenon when many companies prefer to use new words around which a new brand is created than fighting for existing words.

What's better?

It depends on many factors.

If your traffic goes exclusively their search engines, the use of accurate compliance with the keyword in the domain name may be very useful for you. For example, and will always be highly valued by search engines when querying "Diamonds" (diamonds) and "Hotels" (hotels) just because these domain names use keywords.

If SEO is only a small part of your promotion strategy (approx. Perev.: For example, with active use of advertising, - S.V.), then you can use a more unique name: 10 years ago no one was looking for "Google", and now it is Huge brand. The same applies to the sites of Zappos and Zillow (Prim. Transl.: Website of the online store of shoes and a site dedicated to real estate - S.V.)

URL structure

URL addresses are an important part of SEO, which are often forgotten.

If you use incorrect addresses, search engines are difficult to understand them and, accordingly, they will not be able to index your website and it will not be shown in the results of the search results.

Factors contributing to the creation of friendly URL addresses:

  • URLs should not contain foreign symbols ($ @! *% \u003d?);
  • Shorter URLs are ranked higher than the longer (approx. Peters: The latest Google trends talk about the opposite, - S.V.);
  • Only numbers and letters should be used in the URL:
  • Do not use the lower underscore: search engines prefer dash;
  • Subdomains are valued by search engines more than directories.

Site structure

How to connect your web pages together, has a big impact on the site rating. Here are some tips on this topic:

  • Links that are directly in the text, as a rule, are more weight than references located in Sidebar or Futher;
  • The number of references to the page must be less than 100 (approx. Trails: the latest Google explanations: this is a limitation is removed, - S.V.);
  • Use the Nofollow attribute for external links that lead to irrelevant sites, for example, on FEEDBURNER.

Other optimizers also emphasize that the nofollows are no longer taken into account. If you want to block search engines access to some pages, the best way to do this is to make such an indication in the robots.txt file.

Tag alt.

For search engines, in order to index the image (picture), the ALT tag is required. This tag must be registered in each picture and there must be a brief description of the drawing. For example, if you have a picture with a blue widget, you must inform the search engine using the ALT tag that this is an image of a blue widget. It should look like this:

You must make sure that the alt tag correctly describes the image. The picture with a blue widget should be called bluewidget.jpg, and not image3.jpg, for example.


Links are perhaps the most important part of SEO. The reason for this situation is that you can easily write or change content, but you will be very difficult to convince hundreds and thousands of websites to refer to you. In the eyes of search engines, your site will have the more trust, the more trust will be to the sites referring to you - they should not be spam sites or links.

Before we find out how to create links to correctly, you must learn some things:

  • Content references are more efficient than references located in Sidebar or Futher;
  • Links from sites thematically related to your site, better than references from sites of other subjects;
  • Anchorage (reference text) plays the most important role in building reference weight. If you want to rank well on request "Blue Widget", then the link text should also be a "blue widget".

These things should be avoided when building a reference building:

  • Links from spam sites or irrelevant sites;
  • Sites from which there are a lot of links may rather harm than help you;
  • If all your links have big anchor text, it can also harm;
  • Mutual exchange of references (when sites are mutually changed by references to each other) is not very effective;
  • If you buy links and you will be caught, then the search engines can impose sanctions.

Here are some ways, thanks to which you can increase the number of links:

  • Social Media (Network) - Placing information on sites such as Digg or StumbleUpon, will give not only links, but also bring tons of traffic. Also boost your chances of the fact that other sites will refer to you;
  • Catalogs- There are quite a large number of good site directory. Spend time to add a good description of your site and get good links;
  • Top 100. - If you want to advance to some kind of keyword, then the best links you can get is from sites that are in the top 100 for this request. Of course, some of these sites will not refer to you (after all, you are their competitors), but some of them will not see the competitors in you and you can always write them a letter to put a link to you.
  • Forums -Many forums allow you to make signatures under your messages, you can place an opposite link to your site. If these links are not closed by the Nofollow attribute, they will help you in promotion;
  • Competition - The easiest way to get back links. You will see who exactly participates in the competition and can write them a letter where you will tell about the advantages of your site. Approximately 5% of sites will place a link to you.
  • Dead Links - On the Internet billions of references, some of them dies, become non-working. If you write a letter to this website with information that part of their links are dead, then you can ask them to replace the bolted links with reference to your site.


If you can easily do all the tips written here, then your traffic will grow.

But you need to have patience: search engines required time to reinperse your site, because They are forced to index millions of sites.

In addition, pay attention to the fact that you will need extra time to find out what exactly works on your site. What works well on the site A may not work on the site B. Universal Soviets do not exist. If you, to speed up the process, use black methods, then, in the end, you will be caught and punished. Do you need it?

How to do it better?

  1. Specify that people are looking for on the Internet,
  2. Create a website that will give them it
  3. Perform optimization to search engines that people could find you.

It will not be just competent SEO. This will be exactly what search engines are waiting from you.

Adhere to the above items, they will help you. It will require some time, and it will require a lot of effort on your part, but if you adhere to these items, it will pay off.