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Checking the speed of reading flash drive. Testing flash drives: how to find out the real speed and volume

As a rule, purchasing flash carriers, we trust the characteristics that are specified on the packaging. But sometimes the flash drive under work behaves inadequately and the question arises about its real speed.

It is necessary to immediately clarify that the speed in such devices implies two parameters: read speed and recording speed.

This can be done with both Windows and specialized utilities.

Today, the IT services market presents a lot of programs with which you can test the USB flash drive, and determine its speed. Consider the most popular of them.

Method 1: USB-Flash-Banchmark

In the result window, such parameters will occur:

  • "WRITE SPEED" - recording speed;
  • "READ SPEED" - read speed.

On the chart, they are marked with a red and green line, respectively.

The test program fills the files with a total size of 100 MB 3 times to write and 3 times to read, after which displays the average value, "Average ..". Testing occurs with different packages of files 16, 8, 4, 2 MB. From the result of the resulting test, the maximum reading and recording speed is visible.

In addition to the program itself, you can enter free service Where in the search bar, enter the name and volume of the model of the flash drive that interests you and see its parameters.

Method 2: Check Flash

This program is also helpful in that when testing the speed of the flash drive, it checks it and the presence of errors. Before using the desired data, copy to another disk.

Method 3: H2TestW

Useful utility for testing flash drives and memory cards. It allows not only to check the speed of the device, but also determines its real volume. Before use, save the desired information to another disk.

Method 4: CrystaldiskMark

This is one of the most frequently used utilities to check the speed of USB drives.

Method 5: Flash Memory Toolkit

There are more complex programs that contain a whole complex of all kinds of functions for servicing flash drives, and they have the ability to test its speed. One of them Flash Memory Toolkit.

  1. Install and run the program.
  2. In the main window, select in the field "Device" Your device for checking.
  3. IN vertical menu Select section "LOW-LEVEL BENCHMARK".

This feature performs low-level testing, checks the potential of the flash drive for reading and writing. Speed \u200b\u200bis shown in MB / s.

Before using this feature, the data you need from the flash drive is also better to copy to another disk.

Good day, dear readers of my site and my channel subscribers. Today it will be not big, but a very interesting topic regarding flash drives. Today I will teach you to check its speed. Today you will learn whether manufacturers are written on packs of flash drives regarding its speed. I will say right away that manufacturers of cunnies and rounded flash drive speed. Naturally, they are rounded it in the best side for them. So the description of the speed of any flash drive on the package will be slightly different from its actual speed. How much this difference is large or small, you will learn today.

There are several ways to check the flush speed. Today I will tell you about three basic.

The first method of checking flash drive speed

In order to check the flash drive speed in the first way, you need to download the program "Check Flash". This program It has a Russian interface, easy to use and download it completely free.

After you download the program, you need to unpack the archive to find the file "chkflsh.exe." And launch it.

Before starting checking the flash drive speed, you need all important files on it to save on a computer or another flash drive. The fact is that checking the speed of the flash drive is accompanied by full removal All files from it. In a different way, the accurate flush speed is not to determine.

After the flash drive is clean, go directly to testing its speed. Insert Flash to the connector on your computer and open the program "Check Flash". In the program, we will need to configure several parameters. In the type of access it is necessary to mark the item "How logical disk". In the Actions menu, mark "Recording and Reading". In the "Disc" field you need to select your flash drive.

After all the parameters are exhibited, click "Start".

After you click on the "Start", you will see this notice:

This is exactly what I told you about, if there is any information on the flash drive, then when checking the speed it will be removed.

After the check is started, you can safely go drink tea and watch the series. Flash speed check procedure is not fast. When I last time I checked the speed of my flaughter, half an hour passed. Just one series of "Big Explosion theory" will have time to look.

After the verification is completed, you will see a window with a test result.

After any freight speed check, do not forget about repeated formatting. Make it can be done simple way. Go to "My Computer", click right-click on the flash drive and select the "Format" item.

Checking Flash Drive - 2

But, not interesting to always do the same way. Go to the second method of checking the flush speed. Moreover, the second way can show us completely different test results.
To check the flush speed, we will use the program "USB Flash Speed". After downloading, unpack the archive and install the program.

Program by english languageBut it does not matter. Many clay in it do not have to.

Open the program and in the "DRIVE" window, select your flash drive. After that, click "Benchmark ...".

Here already the series will not look. The result will not wait long for a long time, and you will see it in a few minutes. When I checked my flash drive, the result from checking the previous program was practically not different. But it happens that the difference in the result is very serious.

This program you can check not only the flash drive speed, but also other memory cards, for example, such as SD and MicroSD. Also, as in the previous embodiment, do not forget to format a flash drive after checking its speed.

Third way to check flash drive speed

The last method of checking the flash drive speed today does not imply use additional programs. The only thing we need is a three-dimensional megabyte file for 500. While you will throw this file on the flash drive, you will see an approximate transfer rate.

These are the most popular and most correct capable of checking the transfer rate of the flash drive. But besides them, there are still methods and programs that can be checked by flash drive speed. So, for example, the program that, I am confident, is installed in most users, you can check the flash drive speed.

On this, actually, and that's it. See my channel and come to the site still to be always aware of events computer equipment. Thanks for attention.

We all buy removable flash drives from time to time and usually trust the recording speed parameters and reading declared by the manufacturer on the package. It is no secret that the speed of the flash drive as a whole depends not only on the components used, but also from the type file System (NTFS or FAT 32) and USB versions (connection type). At the same time, dry numbers in the claimed characteristics sometimes do not give us peace and make them think about how to check and find out its real features of recording and reading files.

I know two free and portable USB-Flash-Banchmark and Check Flash programs, which are designed to determine the speed and read information on the USB flash drive.

Since cards are used to store information, with the help of these programs you can test and these removable drives pre-inserting one of them into the USB memory card adapter or the card reader and connecting to the computer.

USB speed test in USB-Flash-Banchmark program.

If you prefer this program, then clicking on the link above on the official website for its download, you might notice that the top 10 flash drives are presented here, which are separated by the speed of reading and writing. It is noteworthy that this so-called rating is assembled on the basis of tests conducted tests, therefore, it can be trusted.

Looking ahead, I will say that you can take part and make an owl contribution if you do not send the check box in Send Report. I do not use this feature, because for the first time the data on the test conducted by me did not go. To view the rating, it is sufficient to filter the USB flash drive and compare the data in the tables given.

But to check the reading speed and write the flash drive, it is enough to insert it into the USB connector of the corresponding version. For example, to objectively find out the speed of the USB drive version 3.0, it is desirable to connect it as the same type of USB port. Run the program to click on the FlashBench file and in the drop-down list named "Drive" select your device and click on the "Benchmark" button.

After that, testing will begin with the simultaneous removal of the results in the chart. The red line is responsible for the record, and green for reading. In the window will be recorded events that currently execute the program. Let's look them.

As you can see the test started with the fill of files with a total size of 100 megabytes. In accordance with the schedule and window of events, we see that each file on average weighs 16 megabytes, and the packet itself contains 6 such files. To determine the middle speed of the flash drive, the program will pour a package of 3 times to write and 3 times to read. Thus, the program will calculate the average speed value to record and read the data packet (100 megabytes) on the drive per unit of time (second).

Accordingly, the program will perform a test on the same principle with different data packages (8MB, 4MB 2MB ...) to determine the speed at all stages. If necessary, from time to time the program will delete recorded and read files and report this (Deleting File). As can be seen from the graph, the tested flash drive showed the maximum record of recording 12.87 MB (almost 13), and the read speed of 27.63 MB. In comparison with the tests conducted from other users, this flash drive in 8 GB showed a low result. Make conclusions yourself.

Checking reading and writing a flash drive in the Check Flash program.

This program has not been updated for a long time and its results I would question. However, there are many people who trust exactly the results of testing the speed of reading and writing. Therefore, I found it necessary to mention it. It is noteworthy that it can check the performance of the flash drive and define errors. Choose the parameters you are interested in and run the test.

As you can see Check Flash showed for the same flash drive in 8 gigabytes, write speed 18, 31 MB, and for reading 29.14. In addition, the program was not able to record two packages for the drive and noted this error.

What program to trust the personal matter of everyone, but I recommend using USB-Flash-Banchmark to check the flash drive speed. By the way, before you buy a USB flash drive, do notice the mentioned rating and compare the results to make right choice.

    2018-11-22T11: 39: 46 + 00: 00

    When testing the first program, the schedule first goes exactly, and then both lines fall almost to 0. What does this mean?

    2018-09-23T13: 15: 14 + 00: 00

    It seems, 32 GB and USB Version 3.0 ...

    2017-12-02T16: 40: 44 + 00: 00

    Not at all, I checked in a USB-Flash-Banchmark 32 GB flash drive, which was clogged with the data smoothly half. Nothing terrible happened. All the whole. The program creates a temporary Test.TMP file on free place More than 100 MB.

Today I will tell you how to find out the speed of the flash drive. I am the owner of 5 flash drives, checked them with the program described below and just awesome. Only two of them can be considered normally working. One of them had problems with the recording (it may help the full format, I did not try), two with a very small read speed (it is not clear what it depends on).

So, when I bought my last flash drive, very low read / write indicators were indicated on the store's website. But I liked her design, and I was actively used to use it, I was not planned to store the archives and backups of databases in it. After receiving the flash drive, I checked it and rejoiced. Below read the details of this "epic".

I ordered a flash drive in one of the little-known stores, judging by the characteristics specified on the site, the speed of reading the flash drive is 10 MB / s, and the recording speed is 5 MB / s. Weakly, but the design is cool and the price does not bite.

After receiving a USB flash drive, I first checked whether it works. Just formatted it, threw a video on it (200 MB), copied the roller from the flash drive in the computer. It seems everything works. But how to find out the real speed of the flash drive? To do this, I downloaded a very convenient program.

Program Check Flash. Written by our compatriot Mikhail Circass, you can download it by a direct link from the official site

Before using the program, I strongly recommend saving all the data from it. For the loss of data, nor i nor the author of the program, do not bring responsibility

Run the downloaded program. Install the tick on " Like a logical disk ...", Second tick on" Stability reading"And press the button" Start“.

We are waiting for the completion of the test. As you can see in the screenshot, the read speed is 22.44 MB / s! Not bad, yes? Now check the recording speed, for this install a checkbox on " Recording and reading"And press again" Start

Please note that the program warns you that all the data will be erased if we agree, press " Yes"And wait for the end of the test.

How to find out flashki speed? Yes, it's very easy - throw it with all his strength in a traffic cop with a radar.

And if seriously, you can find out the speed of the flash drive using a small and free program Check Flash.. She also checks the flash drive for mistakes, by the way.

Under the phrase "flash drive speed", you should understand the speed of reading / writing data from / on the USB flash drive. As I already wrote you, it is the one and most important, if not the main one, the parameter of modern flash drives. It is the speed of the flash drive now more relevant than its size (volume) ...

So, download the program to measure the speed of the flash drive and checking it for errors - Check Flash ...

The size of this program is as many as 385 Kb. !!!

Now the most important thing! And do not say that I did not warn you. Before any checkboxes checks through this program be sure to do backup Files from this flash drive, otherwise you will lose them !!!

It is best to check empty flash drives at all ...

How to use Check Flash

CHECK FLASH portable flash drive speed measurement program, i.e. Does not require installation. We go into the downloaded folder and click on the label ...

Insert your flash drive to the USB port of your computer and setting such verification parameters in the program as in the picture below, click "Start". Special attention is paid to the "Disc" string - make sure that the flash drive is specified, and not the disk "D", for example. Your inattention can cost you all your data on the computer ...

So we learned record speed Data on a USB flash drive. At the end of the verification, we will also show a report on the presence of errors. It can be viewed at any time by going to the "Magazine" tab.

And with such check parameters (change only the location of the dots in the column "Action") - we learn reading speed Data from flash drive ...

And so you can completely remove any data from the flash drive ...

In my opinion, it is easier to simply format the system tools through context menu. . But, if such a function is present in the program - you can use it.