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Who last viewed the page on VK. How can I see the guests of VKontakte? Is it possible

Just go to his page. In the upper right corner, to the right of the person's name, the time of the last visit will be written, for example: "Dropped in at 8:51 today." If it says there "Online", it means that this person is sitting on VKontakte right now or was there quite recently. The accuracy of this information is 5 minutes. That is, it may turn out that a person has been offline for 5 minutes, and you still see that he seems to be online. Previously (until the end of April 2017) this time was approximately 15 minutes.

If nothing is specified there, there is no time (and the words "Online" also not), read on:

Is it possible to hide the date, time when I logged into VK?

Could it be that a person hid the date and time of his visit to VKontakte, and then how to find out when he entered? How to hide my time when I logged into VK? In fact, the time when you were last online (online) cannot be hidden. If someone told you that you can do this and continue using the site as usual, then he is just lying. Such official opportunity no. Until April 2017, it was possible to sit invisible in some applications, then this feature was completely removed. Only Login Remains (read more below).

The time of the last entry disappears by itself if you have not entered for a long time (more than three months). It is believed that after this time it does not matter exactly when the person was online - too long ago. Therefore, for some people you do not see this time: they simply have not been online for a long time, and the date (time) of the visit has disappeared. They themselves did not hide anything. But the time will appear again the next time the person enters. Or maybe the person could not restore access and have not used it for a long time old page by opening a new page instead.

If the page does not say when the person entered, then it was a long time ago. How do you know for sure? On his page, click on the button "To write a message"(if he has a personal account for you) - VK will show the date when he was on the site for the last time. It is better to do this in the full version of VK.

Sometimes the time of the last online is not displayed simply for the reason that there are some engineering works or it's just buggy. This does not happen for everyone, but for that part of the people who are affected by these problems. Then, when everything is corrected, the time of the last access to the network appears again.

How to stay in VK offline? The VKontakte administration reports that they have never given the opportunity to hide online status. You can only follow new events in VK, while staying offline, through (are there new messages, likes, who is online, and the like). As soon as you go to the VKontakte website, you will appear on the network again, and your friends will be able to see it on your page. Nevertheless, this is enough for many. Try it, it's convenient and safe.

Invisible in mobile applications type Kate mobile and similar doesn't work anymore. In addition, among such applications there are many fraudulent ones that do nothing and just steal your passwords. So be careful. The most secure login method is one that has been around for many years and has nearly two million users worldwide.

There is another auxiliary way to hide the time of the last login to VK - you can enter, do something, and delete your page before exiting. It is not permanently deleted immediately, so you can restore it the next time you log in. But it is not recommended to do this all the time, because you risk losing access. And of course, people who look at your page will see that it has been deleted.

Try Login

Through the Login site (site), you can find out what is happening on your VKontakte, and remain invisible until you go to the site. It also works for Odnoklassniki and You can enter any site with one click, it is very convenient.

Who visited my VKontakte page?


Various applications will help you find out who visited my Vkontakte page. Let's consider some of them in more detail.

Application "My Guests and Fans"

With this application, you can catch the guests of your page and find out which of your friends is most interested in your person in contact. Let's take a look at guests and fans separately.

my guests

The first tab, called “My Guests,” works like a decoy. If you just click on the "My guests" tab, the application will analyze and give you those people from among your friends who have recently visited your page. If you want to catch those who, perhaps, visit your page, but are not included in the list of friends, then you just need to use the very same bait. How to do it? After opening the application, find the button "I want more guests" and click on it. You will enter a new window that will present ways to catch more guests. The methods are different, but the principle is the same - it is the use of a trap link.

My fans

Second tab of this application called "My fans" determines the activity of people visiting your page. Here you can see the activity of your visitors for the last month, for 3 months or for the entire time of Vkontakte's stay. In addition, only in this application you have the opportunity to click on any friend on the left and see his fans. Find out who most often visits your boyfriend or girlfriend's page!

The application "Friends. All your GUESTS! "

Who was on my Vkontakte page? The answer to this question will also help you to find out this application. It works in a similar way to the application we discussed earlier. However, the functions of these applications differ slightly.

As for the topic of interest to us, you can also find out who viewed my Vkontakte page using the "Guests" and "Fans" tabs. To view guests through this application, you need to set a trap link on your page, which supposedly should transfer a person to your personal diary. Naturally, this does not happen, and the application records the visitor. You can see all the guests caught through this application.

You can also analyze the fans among your friends. The application will give you your fans for 1 month, 3 months and for all the time that you are on the site "Vkontakte". However, compared to the previous application, analyze friends and fans by full program will not work. This application does not provide an opportunity to divide friends into fans and admirers and view them separately. Also, you will not be able to recognize the fans of your friends.


Who was on my Vkontakte page? People who provide "bearish services" are often advised to use various programs that supposedly will analyze all those people who were on your page and give you full list on a silver platter.

All the programs that you are offered to download in order to find out who came to your page in contact are a scam! Most often you can see the program "my guests" on the Internet. These are just another scammers who wanted to get easy money thanks to naive contact users.

The "my guests" program and others like it are not even saved on the servers! So how do they get information about visitors to your page in contact?

So, happily preparing to find out who was on my Vkontakte page, you downloaded the program. When you download the program for spying on friends and start installing it, you will be told that you need to send an SMS message to continue or just to go to your Vkontakte page. You have already caught the virus. Use an antivirus program or read an article on our website on how to unblock a Vkontakte page. Do not try to send SMS or pay someone money, otherwise you will lose money and the virus will not disappear.

When curiosity haunts you and you want to know who visited my Vkontakte page, use the applications. Don't compromise the security of your computer. Good luck!

The popularity of social networks is growing more and more every day. And naturally, any user is interested in who visited the Vkontakte page... In this article, I will tell you about popular ways through which you will find out who was interested in your VK page.

In fact, the Vkontakte administration respects the privacy of their visitors. Therefore, they officially announced that the function of viewing guests in social network absent (at the level of internal functions). But, nevertheless, there are several ways, thanks to which anyone can view the guests who visited his page.

Method 1
You need to install a special application called "My fans and guests". There is nothing complicated here, we find this application and download it. Next, select the section Fans, VK Guests or Statistics that you are interested in. This application can show you a lot of very interesting things, for example, who performed what actions on your page, moreover, you can find out this specifically among the girls, and among the guys did it.

Method 2
There is another application called All your guests. Thanks to this application, you can see all the guests who came to your page. The application has a special tab My visitors in Contact, with which you can see the data of people who have entered. The application tracks any action of a person: put Like or made a repost, or wrote a comment on a certain post. Hence, the disadvantage of this application is formed - if a person went to your page, and did not take any action, then the application will not display this guest.

Method 3
This method is based on a special so-called trap link. The applications that I reviewed in the first two methods are created according to this principle. For example, consider the Fans & Guests app, where you need to find the right way to trap. Many people use this trap in the Personal Site column. When a guest went to your page, then in most cases he will go to your site allegedly. So if you enter a trap link in this column, then you can easily determine who exactly came to your page.

It should be noted that a lot of programs and scripts are circulating on the network that supposedly show all the guests of your page. These programs are 99.99% fraudulent. They are specially programmed to take over your account. The rest of the minuscule portion of the programs simply doesn't work. Before risking your account, think about whether it is worth downloading such programs.

We have considered the most proven and effective ways, how to see guests on Vkontakte... Now you can satisfy your curiosity without falling into the hands of scammers. That's all! All the best!

The social network VKontakte, unfortunately, does not allow you to track people who visit your page. It is for this reason that users are forced to use alternative ways getting statistics of views. There are several methods for finding out who visited my VK page. We will talk about them in this article.

One of the most simple ways how to see guests in VKontakte - use the page deletion function. The fact is that when deleting, the VKontakte administration will ask you to indicate the reason why you are leaving the social network. If you select the option "My page is not being commented on", then the text will appear in the text field: "I am surrounded by a wall of inattention ...". Next, the names of two people will be written. The system picks them up for a reason. This comment indicates the names of users who visit your page most often.

So, to find out who viewed my VKontakte page, you need to click on your name in the upper right corner. This will activate the drop-down list in which you need to select the "Settings" item. A new page will open - you need to scroll down. There is a hypertext "Delete your page". Click on it. A new dialogue will appear. Check the box mentioned above, and the most active guests will be displayed in the text box. It is not necessary to delete your page at all, just click on "Cancel".

This method of how to see exactly who came to my VKontakte page is very simple in terms of implementation. However, it has significant drawbacks. First, you won't see how often users visit your profile. Secondly, you will not receive a complete list of my VKontakte guests.

Likes and comments

It is not difficult to guess that guests and likes on VK are interconnected. If a person put "I like" under your photo, it means that he visited your profile. The same goes for comments.

If any activity was noticed on your page (like, comment, etc.), then the VKontakte social network will send you a notification about it. Moreover, the site indicates the date when the action was performed. This is very convenient for compiling detailed statistics. The real problem is that most users do not leave likes and comments (especially if they do not want to be noticed). Therefore, statistics based on the actions of guests are far from the real indicator of attendance.

VK app

VKontakte has a number of specialized applications that are able to track who visited my page online. The most popular programs of this kind are "My Guests", "My Guests and Fans in VKontakte", etc. To download such programs, you just need to go to the "Applications" section in VKontakte. After that, you need to drive in the name of one of the above utilities. To view VKontakte guests, install one of the applications found. Such programs are distributed completely free of charge.

To find out who visited my page, just activate the program. The program will track guests, after which it will give out detailed statistics for the last couple of days or a month. The application is very easy to use. Nevertheless, the statistics provided by such utilities are highly questionable. As a rule, applications identify guests by likes and comments. If a person viewed your page in a passive mode, then the program, most likely, will not take him into account.

Trap links

To recognize guests, you can put trap links on your page. What it is? This is a special web address that is issued by various programs (for example, Pathfinder). This link must be placed in your profile (for example, in the "Site" section). The most curious guests of VKontakte will definitely follow this link and this will be fixed by the application. Thus, statistics of visits will be slowly collected, and you can find out who is visiting your profile.

However, this method of tracking users also has its drawbacks. Not every user of the social network follows suspicious links. Moreover, the work of programs that are designed to identify people who have entered is extremely unstable. Therefore, programs of the "Pathfinder" type cannot provide reliable statistics of visits.

Page statistics

The so-called profile statistics are implemented on VKontakte. With it, you can track the popularity of your page. Profile statistics are only available to those who have a hundred or more subscribers in their profile. How to use this tool? To view the statistics of guests, you must:

The first thing to pay attention to is the graph. It displays the number of users who visited your profile on a specific day. What's the difference between the two lines? The blue line represents unique visitors and the red line represents overall views. Below you can find a bar chart that sorts users by age and gender. Below you can find a diagram containing information regarding the residence of your visitors.

Using all this information, you can easily determine who visited the page in VK without any problems. For example, statistics show that one user, a woman, between the ages of 18 and 21, from Moscow, visited you during the day. Go to the "Friends" section and just type these parameters into the search. VK will automatically sort by acquaintances and find those who match the specified criteria. Thus, you can determine which of the friends visited your profile.

Viewing VKontakte guests is a fairly common need, which can be caused by many factors. Perhaps you are just curious who can visit your page, be interested in the events of your life. Perhaps you want to find out who visited VKontakte after you showed some activity on someone else's page, or in real life. Perhaps you are a public person, and VKontakte is not just a socialization tool for you, but a promotion tool, and you would like to have statistics on your page traffic, as it is available for groups and publics. If you are going to work professionally in the SMM business, then for the best results your "personal" account will certainly require branding and collection of traffic statistics.

What options are there to find out who visited the VKontakte page? Unfortunately, VKontakte does not have an official full-fledged application for these purposes, and it does not plan to introduce a special function for these purposes into the user interface. Nevertheless, information about any activity of VK users is saved, therefore there are methods and third party applications, which solve this question in a poll. The most famous of these methods is the "delete page" function, which allows you to quickly find out the latest visitors to your page. Let's take a look at the methods in order.

Quick view of the last VKontakte guests

If you suddenly urgently needed to find out who was on your VK page in the next couple of minutes, this method will help you. Naturally, for this you need to be on VKontakte under your account:

How to find out who visited the Vkontakte page. Apps that collect information about your guests

There are a lot of unofficial applications that promise to collect data on attendance. It is highly undesirable to install any of this on your tablet or smartphone. While you are going through those programs that really turn out to be useful, you will pick up Trojans and merge data on all your accounts. And subsequently your friends will be offered Chinese iPhones on your behalf.

Applications are more secure. which work on the VKontakte platform itself. There are also a lot of them, and they also have almost no functionality, but the presence of malicious code in them is unlikely. As such, "guests", that is, visitors who did not show visible activity on your page, did not put "likes", did not leave comments, they, by the way, will not show. The most common applications are My Friends and My Subscribers. Only through a general search, you most likely will not find them. To search for applications in the new VKontakte, you need:

  1. Go to the left menu item "Games".
  2. On the page, in its very "body", find a search line in which to enter the desired name.
  3. Select the required application from the list provided.

Then launch the application. It takes him some time to process the information, after which you get the result. In the case of the above applications - quite passable statistics. The interface, the range of available settings, options for presenting information vary from application to application, so it is better to deal with these points along the way on your own.

How to find out who visited the Vkontakte page. Organization of the public page

If you really are a public person, or at least do not add everyone in a row as friends, then it is possible that your page is already considered public. Yes, in addition to the so-called “publics” on VKontakte, there is also the concept of a public page. Its essence lies in the fact that your account has at least 100 subscribers. It is the subscribers. There can be as many friends as you like. By the way, if you have a lot of friends, but do not have enough subscribers up to the coveted amount, you can kill two birds with one stone: clean out of your friends those whom you can hardly remember, thereby replenishing the ranks of your "fans".

When you reach 100 subscribers at the very bottom of the left panel of VKontakte, you will have the cherished link "Page statistics". It will not be possible to find out the statistics in hindsight, but if necessary, having data on recent visits, by indirect signs such as gender, age, and the like, you can find out which of your friends, subscribers or even strangers visited your page. Page statistics in this mode is no different from the statistics that you could see in the admin panel of a group or public, because it serves, first of all, the same purposes - control of overall traffic. By adding to this the search capabilities of VK and a little ingenuity, you can get more interesting results.

Why won't VKontakte make a normal service?

Because such a service would be harmful for them. Users, realizing that their activity on other people's VK pages is visible to the page owners, will begin to surf more carefully, which means that the overall activity on the VK website will drop. These are the concerns of VKontakte, and in accordance with them the "guest secrecy" policy.

Video regarding special applications... Beware of injective vocabulary! But it is intelligible.