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CEO Promotion for dummies. Definition that SEO is

For a successful maintenance of your business on the Internet, the creation of the site will only be the beginning of a large path that you want to pass the entrepreneur.

For the site to actively attend users, you need to carry out a large and multi-step work on its SEO optimization. Many people think that it is required to spend a lot of money, but most of the optimization can be made without attracting specialists, i.e. do it yourself. The main time and patience is.

Semantic kernel

These are those words and phrases, which as fully as possible and better characterize the area of \u200b\u200bactivity of the site. It is one of the most important steps in the promotion of Internet resources.

To do this, you can use two options:

  • program method;
  • manual.

The first way is much easier and faster. Exist special serviceswhich analyze the site according to a given URL, and as a result issue a list.

A manual way more than a long, however, a person can take into account the smallest nuances of the resource activity. Usually, with the result, the result is more accurate.

Conducting internal SEO optimization with your own hands

Internal optimization is a set of measures to work with the contents of the site.

Uniqueness of content

The texts that fill the site should be unique and no longer encountered anywhere on the Internet. Exceptions can be the enumeration of physical and technical characteristics, accurate quotes, that is, the information that is impossible to change to a similar.

In free access, the mass of funds that check the uniqueness of textual content. For accurate results, you should use several at once.

Right headings and requests

Most users find sites using search engines, so the site needs to be optimized for their requests.

  • For pages it is necessary to correct - title, where the key phrase will appear.
  • The headlines of H1-H6 are important and in which they should also be keywordsBut it is impossible to use more than one H1 header on one page.
  • And do not forget about the use of keys in the texts.

Usability Site.

Convenience for visitor also plays an important role.

The site should be as simple as possible and help you quickly find information. Usually for the site create a tree, with which it is easy to move from one page to another.

The smaller the user made clicks and found what I wanted - the better.

Many people will prefer simplicity and convenience.


On the pages of the site you need to place links to other pages of the same resource.

This method of optimization is called. It helps rationally redistribute the "weight" of pages and will send a visitor to the section where he will buy or find important information.

Such work takes time and is performed manually, but it is worth it.

Design and speed

Beautiful images, pleasant colors and memorable logos.

All this attracts people, so attention should be paid to the site. But it should be done not to the detriment of its loading. The user is unlikely to wait long until the page is loaded. He will just close it, and the site will lose a visitor.

The reason for the slow download may be incorrect HTML layout, the problems on the server or the oversaturation of large images.

External SEO optimization

After performing a set of measures for internal optimization, you can move to the external one.

There are several productive ways to promote links:

  • registration in the catalog or directory of a specific region. It is better to place a description of the project with reference to it in several regional reference books than to make hundreds of runs on the services of other countries;
  • registration in thematic. It is necessary to choose 5-10 pieces, and make a detailed and high-quality description of the project there;
  • conventional bulletin boards. On such resources, the announcement will have to be periodically updated;
  • message on forums and thematic groups in. Also a good way that can work as a sarafined radio;
  • creating a channel on YouTube with reference to the site. Creating interesting videos will attract people who want to familiarize themselves with the filling site.

After the implementation of all the listed activities, when the site starts to bring a permanent profit, you can reflect on hiring a specialist who will be further advanced if there is a need for this.

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I decided to learn the methods promotion of Site. (SEO.) In search engines. For the convenience of its future work, and for the benefit of needing such information, I decided to write this report, which will be periodically replenished as my level increases in this area. Therefore, critical comments and others are not accepted. The article will be periodically improved and complement as I have free time.

As in any case, for effective promotion (SEO) it is necessary to understand what you need from this process, and you need to go up to the first positions (preferably on the first page) by keywords you need. So we come to understanding the first stage of promotion - formation semantic kernel .

Semantic core of the site.

For cunning word " Semantic kernel"Hiding a set of words and phrases that characterize your activity and on which you would like to see yourself on the first page of search engines. The adjustment in your wishes certainly makes repeatability. this request (frequency). The higher the frequency of the request, the higher the competition, so at first it is enough to limit the average and low-frequency requests. This type requests to a lesser extent depends on the subtleties of a rapidly changing algorithm for the ranking of search engines and requires smaller costs For promotion to the top ten.

After the formation of the semantic kernel, we turn to the second stage - content optimization Your site for the semannic core, i.e. Complete revision of the texts of your site and their refinement. It is not difficult to guess that it is reasonable to form a semantic core before creating the site and initially create a website taking into account the peculiarities of its further promotion. It turns out not always, but it is necessary to strive for it.

There are several stages of the preparation of the semantic kernel:

  • Selection of primary keywords. These words generally determine the subject of the site and are specified on the basis of the selected direction of promotion.
  • Drawing up an extended semantic kernel. In this stage, we increase the number of words and phrases in the semantic core, adding close words. At this stage, we will help several tools (see below), which allow you to choose close words and phrases and show the frequency of their use when searching. When drawing up the semantic kernel, consider the general requests are unlikely to attract target audience. Try to specify.

When compiling the semantic kernel, you can use:

The procedure for the preparation of the semantic kernel:

  • We select a list of requests for the wishes of the client and supplement it yourself, taking into account the wishes of the client.
  • Expansion of the semannic kernel using search engine tools that allow show similar requests and give statistics on them.
  • We delete requests that are not fully or not at all under the services provided by us (irrelevant requests).
  • We make a list of entry points to the site by keywords (Starpoints).

Errors in the preparation of the semantic kernel:

  • Unnecessary requests
  • Incorrect indication of the entry points
  • Insufficient volume of the semantic kernel
  • Excess volume of the semantic kernel
  • Irrelevant requests

Content optimization

Basic principles Content construction (site fill):

  • Try to build the text of your site so that they are understandable not only by the search engine, but also to ordinary people. Search engines are also appreciated.
  • You do not need to try to use all keywords on one page. Break them into groups close on topics and try to optimize the page under 2-3 keywords (phrase), close in meaning.
  • The main keywords of the pages must be present in the tags , <description>Also be allocated in the title of the page (as close as possible to its beginning) in tags <h1> or <h2>. In general, header tags must be competently used on the principle of "from the common to the private".</li><li>Keywords must be used in text in different combinations. It is desirable to mention words (phrases) in the text at least 2-3 times, and preferably up to 7 times. Of course, it is not necessary to overdo it. Keywords need to highlight tags <strong>. It is absolutely not necessary to do this in all cases from the application.</li><li>The search engine greater weight gives the first 1000 symbols (somewhere read, it is possible and more, but not indefinitely), so it makes no sense to write long opts. If you do not fit into a pair of screens, you already need to break the page to pieces and place them separately.</li> </ul><p><b>Ensuring reference mass.</b></p><p>The third stage of promotion is increasing <b>site Citation Index</b>. Currently more relevant TICs ( <b>thematic index of site citation</b>). TIC - depends on the number of links to your site from external sites, taking into account the TIC of these external sites. When forming a reference mass, it is necessary to understand that links from sites with a large quotability index is much more efficient and more useful than from sites with small TICs. Ideally assume that the creators of sites on the Internet will infiltrate the ideas of your resource and place a link to the pages of your site, but it rarely happens and have to go for some tricks. The search engines certainly do not greet this "deception of nature" and fight him as much as possible, but there are no excellence in the world and on the first pages of Yandex and Google, we basically see sites are artificially advanced, which means that we still have chances :) .</p><p>So consider <b>main ways to enhance TIC</b> His site:</p><ol><li>The first and necessarily used method is the internal passing of pages. Search engines take into account links from the pages of the indexed site and therefore the sin does not use. Of course, the weight of these links will not be particularly big, but helping in our business will provide. When creating links, we consider that greater weight falls on links from the main page, but they should not be very much. In principle, there is information that the search engine takes into account up to 50 external links from the main page of the site ( <b>mordes</b>). Apparently, this is the maximum reasonable number of internally references, but apparently reasonably limit the smaller amount if possible. When forming links, try to sign a link to the page in the body of the text close on the subject or at least having words and phrases are close to one of the words of your <b>ancor</b>. Ankor - Text Name Links located between tags. Ankor must include keywords of the pages on which we move by reference. This will increase the effect when indexing this page.</li><li>The second way is to exchange links with other sites. Need to remember that the search engines do not like <b>cross references</b> and reduce their weight, so more complex methods of friendly links are used (ring, star and others). This method is effective, but rarely you will be able to attract the owners of sites from Titz much more than yours and certainly there will not be many.</li><li>The third way is to <b>buy Links</b>. The most effective way is to buy links from the main pages of resources with high TICs in your subject, but this is usually quite expensive. Budget option will be purchase <b>reference mass</b> on the links of links (for example</li></ol> <p><i>You are new to SEO and do not know where to start? We present to your attention a brief guide for beginners of SEO-optimizers.</i></p> <p>After reading this article, you will have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat to do and where to move on.</p> <p>Let me start from the most important golden rule that always works when you get acquainted with something for the first time.</p> <p>Reading the article, like this, do not distract yourself with reflections about some topics. Just try to follow the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author. Leave questions like "why" and "how" for later.</p> <p>Hope you are ready! Let's move on ...</p> <h2>How to start working with SEO management</h2> <p>As already described above, the purpose of this manual is to give newcomers an idea of \u200b\u200bsearch engine optimization. I spent a certain research work and tried to answer some important questions.</p> <p>I will start with the first and most important issue.</p> <h2>What is search engine optimization (SEO)?</h2> <p>SEO is a combination of strategies whose goal is to increase the visibility of the website and improve its positioning in search engines. It can be said that this is a way to tell search engines about the quality of the website in order to attract more organic (unpaid) traffic by improving the site ranking in search engines.</p> <p>For the most part, it depends on the content, structure, as well as links to the website. It is in this direction that you need to develop it.</p> <p>But remember! SEO-optimization is aimed at improving interaction with the search engine, but you can never forget about your audience. User experience above all.</p> <p>Have you already aroused questions?</p> <p>I hope that I will answer all your questions regarding SEO, in this article.</p> <h2>Why my site SEO?</h2> <p>To answer this question, let's remember what I already wrote - SEO is necessary to improve the visibility of the site!</p> <p>And that's why:</p> <p>Search engines are the largest and best source of Internet traffic. You probably already know the main of them:</p> <ul><li><i>Yandex;</i></li> <li><i>Google;</i></li> <li><i>Bing;</i></li> <li><i>Yahoo.</i></li> </ul> <p>Some of my friends still use a string <a href="">google search</a>to go to <i>Facebook.</i>.</p> <p>Newcomes in SEO always use Google to search for information. This also applies to ordinary Internet users. When they want to find something (article, some services, products, or any other information), they turn to Google.</p> <p>Another reason for the uniqueness of search engines is that they provide targeted traffic. People are looking for exactly what we offer.</p> <p>Search queries are those words that are entered into the search string. These words are crucial. If SEO is not so good, our website will be ignored by search engines.</p> <p>Target traffic is an improvement in income level. So feel free to invest in, if you really want to receive income.</p> <h2>And if I do not get SEO on my site?</h2> <p>Here you might think something like this:</p> <p>"Dude! This is exactly the same question as the previous one? You just explained that the lack of SEO is the lack of traffic from search engines! ".</p> <p>Yes! You are right ... But I want to stay on this detail. I am sure you won't mind reading the next interesting information.</p> <p>After launching your site, search engines scan it to find out what kind of site. Now that the user will look for something connected with your site, search engines will display your site in search results. Search engines are a brilliant mechanism, and it is constantly improving to more effectively scan sites. However, search engines also have certain limitations.</p> <p>That is why SEO is necessary. SEO optimization helps search engines learn more about the website.</p> <p>Proper SEO-optimization will attract thousands of users, and incorrect - will lead to almost zero traffic.</p> <p>SEO optimization not only makes the content of your site available for search engines, but also improves the rating of the site, positioning it above in the search results. Consequently, you will be easier to find.</p> <p>Competition is constantly growing, and those who do SEO undoubtedly have an obvious advantage in matters and attracting the audience.</p> <p>I hope that now the concept of SEO has become clearer.</p> <p>Let us turn to the next question of our leadership.</p> <h2>Can I do SEO?</h2> <p>Yes, SEO is difficult, but it's not too difficult if you track all changes! The basics of SEO are very simple, so the main thing is how you implement the selected strategies. On the Internet is full of free resources () to learn how to do it right.</p> <p>Practice - and you will be an expert in my niche! ..</p> <p>If your site is complex, and you are not ready to learn and implement strategies, seek help from specialists.</p> <p>But remember: it is necessary to understand very well in the basic concepts of SEO! ..</p> <p>I think now you can easily answer the question: ""</p> <p>The next section of my manual contains more <a href="">practical information</a> And many tips relating to the SEO strategy.</p> <h2>How does Yandex and Google work? Black SEO / White SEO</h2> <p>Before discussing SEO more, I would like to tell you about black SEO and white SEO. Here's how to describe them in brief:</p> <br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p><i>Fig. 1. Black SEO, White SEO</i></p> <p>Remember, we work with white SEO. I will not go into the details of the comparison. This is all related to the basics. At least I have on this topic.</p> <p>Before we proceed to the next item, read the list of the main sections of SEO:</p> <ul><li>study of keywords;</li> <li>optimization of site pages ();</li> <li>external SEO (external factors).</li> </ul><h2>Investigation of keywords</h2> <p>Almost all guides for beginners in the SEO sphere ignore this item. In my opinion, he is one of the most important.</p> <p>SEO is a game of keywords.</p> <p>Therefore, I decided to stay in detail on this issue. What is the study of keywords, and why is it important?</p> <p>In the previous part of this guide, I have already spoken about user <a href="">search queries</a>. Accurate user formulations are called keywords.</p> <p>You must know the keywords associated with your theme or niche if you want to be successful in the SEO field. Various keywords have different meanings depending on the search volume and some other factors. In this guide, we do not need to delve into these aspects.</p> <p>The study of keywords is aimed at finding out the intentions of users. What exactly are users looking for? These are keywords.</p> <p>Using the right keywords is a decisive thing for SEO of your site. They give you the opportunity to better understand the target audience. And this increases the significance of your site in relation to your topic - it is very important for SEO and search engines.</p> <p>It is necessary to carry out a proper study to find valuable keywords related to your topic before running the website. Even if you already have a website, you can optimize it using the right keywords.</p> <p>If you want to learn more about the study of keywords, check out the following articles ...</p> <p>Go to the next step!</p> <h2>SEO-optimization of site pages</h2> <p>SEO for the site page implies everything that is displayed on it and concerns its programming. You need to optimize website pages, posts, etc. For search engines.</p> <p>In short, it is the optimization of content for search engines!</p> <p>Internal SEO-optimization of pages covers many aspects, so let's divide it into parts.</p> <h3>1. Content</h3> <p>Content is the largest part of the SEO page. Perhaps you had to hear the famous quote regarding content:</p> <p>"Content is the king." There is no doubt about it.</p> <br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p><i>Fig. 2. Content is the king</i></p> <p>Do you know that <i>Google</i>- This is the largest search engine !? The main priority of the company <i>Google</i>- This is the provision of content to its users of the most <a href="">better quality</a>corresponding to information available on the Internet.</p> <p>Company <i>Google</i> Also appreciates the content of the right length. Write long and informative texts.</p> <p>Content on your site is not only text. This video, photos, animated slides, infographics, etc.</p> <p>Content <i>– </i> Not a king! The way you are consulting is - this is what is crucial.</p> <p>Take care of the best user experience and at the same time optimize the site for search engines. Then your readers will share your content with a greater probability.</p> <p>Pay more attention to good content:</p> <ol><li>Headers - Create fascinating headlines that would increase the interest of the reader to the article. You have only one chance to produce a good first impression.</li> <li>Keywords - choose keywords that could lead people to your site.</li> <li>Links - refer to high-quality sites that complement your site. It stimulates sites in your niche contact you.</li> <li>Quality - Try to publish unique and high-quality content. It causes users to return to your site, because they will not be able to find the same content elsewhere.</li> <li>Freshness - Publish non-obsolete content - a good strategy, but it is also worth regularly adding a new content. If you do not have time to add content to your website, consider creating a section of questions and answers or blog on your website.</li> </ol><br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p><i>Fig. 3. The dependence of the positioning of the content in Google on the number of words</i></p> <p>During the creation of the content, do not forget about the study of keywords.</p> <h3>2. Site menu</h3> <p>The site menu is in second place in the site optimization issues - it also needs to take care of it.</p> <p>An example of a bad menu is when categories are absolutely inappropriate compared to the topic.</p> <p>I personally saw several sites that were engaged in health issues, but the categories on the site were associated with fashion. Do not lose so with your own SEO.</p> <p>It interferes greatly and distracts the user ...</p> <p>If the menu is unsuccessful, then the likelihood that the visitor will never return to the site again? - 80% ...</p> <p>Take care of the convenience of your site! <i>Google</i> This will appreciate.</p> <h3>3. Website speed</h3> <p>Yes! Site download speed has <a href="">great importance</a>! Have you ever heard of waiting time? Let me tell you about what it is.</p> <p>The user is looking for something and your site appears in the group of search engine results (SERP).</p> <p>Then the user opens your page. Waiting time is the time during which the user remains on the site after switching to the link.</p> <p>This is a very important search engine ranking factor.</p> <br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p><i>Fig. 4. Waiting time on the site</i></p> <p>Let's look at what happens on the example ...</p> <p>Imagine that you are looking for something, and then open the site that appears in the search results.</p> <p>What if the website is loaded too long? What would you do? Wait? Unlikely. Most likely, you will close the tab and go on another link ...</p> <p>This is how the waiting time affects your site.</p> <br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><p><i>Fig. 5. The average site loading time</i></p> <p>In short, the user needs speed, as well as <i>Google</i>. By improving the speed of your site, you will reduce the waiting time and, therefore, improve your rating in the search results.</p> <h3>4. Website design</h3> <p>The design of the site is another important factor for good user experience ... The topic should be interesting and memorable.</p> <p>I prefer websites with an attractive design and informative content. Of course, I can read content on the site with a bad design, but only when this is the only search result ...</p> <p>There are many sites with excellent content, but bad design.</p> <p>Ask yourself a question - will you stay on the site that is impossible to consider normally from the smartphone?</p> <p>Most likely, you will stop visiting this site at all ...</p> <p>I say it for personal experience!</p> <p>Design is not only what the site looks like. This is also how the site works.</p> <p>The site must be adaptive and attractive.</p> <p>Well, enough to talk about SEO-optimization of pages.</p> <h2>External SEO.</h2> <p>External SEO-optimization is necessary as well as SEO pages - it helps to make your domain more authoritative in the eyes of search engines.</p> <p>In other words, this is a way to make your site reliable in the eyes of search engines.</p> <p>This will happen when other famous sites will give a search engine a signal that on your site the best content on a specific topic.</p> <p>How does this happen?..</p> <p>We need to make other well-known resources on the Internet related to your niche to our site. From a technical point of view, this is called linking links.</p> <p>Naturally, it does not happen automatically. Place Content <a href="">high Quality</a> On your website and share them with interested people on various Internet marketing sites.</p> <p>In the end, someone will start referring to your resource.</p> <p>The best link construction strategy is to create good content. Then you need to inform everyone else about it.</p> <p>But remember: in today's competitive environment, you need to be able to deal with links. Use the techniques and advice of well-known quality sites.</p> <p>Your hard work in this activity will be rewarded with a good rating.</p> <p>Just know what you need to do:</p> <ul><li>use <a href="">social networks</a> to promote your content;</li> <li>engage in blogging and guest blogging;</li> <li>offer decisions on discussion forums;</li> <li>share photos and videos;</li> <li>form a significant business lists.</li> </ul><p>The next title can be slightly annoying you, but believe me, it is important information ...</p> <h2>What do links look and how to get them?</h2> <h3>Tags to links</h3> <p>This is a signal for the search engine. Something like: "Hey! The following information is a link. This is called "Anchor text". "</p> <ol><li>Link location. This is the information for the search engine for the site where the link leads. Such a site can be a web page, image, file for download, video, etc. You can save the Location of the link.</li> <li>Visible / Anchor text Links: You may have seen such text - blue, fat or underlined, which is interactive. By clicking on it, you go to another web page. These links are called the anchor text.</li> <li>Closing the reference tag: how can you guess by tag, this is a signal indicating <a href="">search engine</a> At the end of the reference.</li> </ol><p>You will need the above information when you start creating links.</p> <p>On average, the higher the result, the greater the number of domains associated with the web page.</p> <p>Okay! Now we have an idea of \u200b\u200bsome communication parameters. Moving on. It is necessary to find out how to get links.</p><p>I think I managed to influence your ideas about building references. Now you know better what an external SEO ...</p> <h2>Where to move on?</h2> <p>Now that you have read the SEO manual, you may seem that I missed a lot <a href="">important information</a>, especially if you are not new to.</p> <p>Yes, I did it consciously.</p> <p>I could write 50 thousand words on this topic, create a long and <a href="">detailed guide</a>. But, believe me, it would cause irritation at beginners.</p> <p>There are many such guides on the Internet. Why did I decide to add my own?</p> <p>My goal is to give you a certain idea of \u200b\u200bthe basic concepts. You can read about them anymore in other manuals.</p> <p>Continuing your way, try to perform the following steps:</p><p>Having done all these things, keep learning and improving. Learn subparagraphs of my manual - you will find everything new and <a href="">new information</a> Thanks to SEO experts.</p> <p>Parameters like domain credibility, page, confidence level, quoted, <a href="">backlinks</a> And spam are very important. They are able to significantly affect your rating. Use <i>Google</i>To explore the question more details.</p> <h2>Summing up</h2> <p>I am sure that you managed to improve your knowledge in the field of SEO thanks to this leadership.</p> <p>Feel free to ask questions and learn further. I wish you success!</p> <p>Magomed Cherbyv</p> Share: <p>Nov 13.</p> <h1>SEO for dummies: How to provide the site attendance?</h1> More and more people make a decision to create your own website. But the lack of experience leads to a problem associated with how to promote the site. About this little knows. If you are new in this case, you will help SEO for dummies. Promote the site today you can <a href="">different ways</a>. The method is most often used to register a new Internet resource in search engines, catalogs and ratings. S. <a href="">this method</a> Most often begins SEO Promotion for beginners. In addition, methods such as banner exchange, forums, etc. can be used. <h3>Main ways to promote beginners</h3> <ul><li>Search engines</li> </ul> Every day they use millions of users to find the information you need. Any site owner is committed to ensuring that its website is on important requests for the owner in the first place. However, to achieve the desired, it is necessary to carry out work on <a href="">search promotion</a> resource. All are familiar with Yandex, Google - the most commonly used by search engines. But not everyone knows what a search engine is. Any such machine performs primarily indexing the pages of sites. This is the main task of which is engaged. <a href="">search robot</a>. He is looking for new sites that have been added to the system. Information about all the found sites is pumped on the server and added to the search engine. However, some Internet resources fall into the list of excluded sites. For the owner of this resource, it is very bad, since after hitting this list, its blog or portal will not be indexed. But it is quite possible to avoid it. <p>It is necessary when the HTML document code is to use CEO tags. This code will contain <a href="">detailed description</a> Site, but also keywords. In this case, it is necessary to do everything in such a way that keywords repeated in the text several times. <a href="">SEO Promotion</a> For teapots, you can bring success and, as a result, to make a resource visited only if it is possible to work on the optimization of code and text on the site.</p><h3>Yandex Direct</h3> <br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy> There is another way to attract visitors to a new site. This is a system <a href="">contextual advertising</a> Yandex Direct. If your new site is an online store selling a certain product, then, of course, the best information about the selling product is located in those places where it is most in demand. An independent search for such ads for the webmaster can turn into a rather laborious process. Therefore, in this case, you can resort to such a system as Yandex Direct. With this system, the task for the site owner is noticeably facilitated. An ads are available for each webmaster. Here should be remembered about one <a href="">an important moment</a>. Money is removed not as a fact of placement, but for transitions to your ad. It is displayed on thematic pages or is issued in the search results in response to a request entered by the user. If you decide to attract visitors to your site with the help of the contextual advertising system Yandex Direct, then for the beginning you should pass an easy registration procedure. Then you can move to the next step. It is to receive Yandex Wallet, which will give you the opportunity to pay your own advertising companies. In the preparation of the announcement, you must come up with a header for him. Note that you need to competently compile the ad text. It is necessary to come up with keywords. When the ads in the desired quantity are compiled, then you can send them to moderation. If they successfully run moderation, then you can pay. The minimum threshold is 300 rubles. Money for each transition will be treated from the funds paid. The amount of transition is set by the advertiser, but we note that it should not be less than 30 kopecks. 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