the Internet Windows Android

Word a complex query consisting of several key. Query language

\u003e\u003e Informatics: Internet search methods

§ 5. Ways to search for the Internet

The main topics of the paragraph:

♦ Three ways to search on the Internet;
♦ Search servers;
♦ Search engine queries.

Three ways to search online

Search engine queries

A group of keywords formed by certain rules - using the query language is called a request to the search server. Request languages \u200b\u200bfor different search servers are very similar. You can find out more about this by visiting the "Help" section of the desired search server. Consider the rules for the formation of requests on the example of the search engine Indech.

Syntax operator
What does the operator mean
Sample request
Space or &
Logical and (within the offer)
Logical and (within the document) Recipes && (Melted Cheese)
Logical or
Photo | Photo | Snapshot | Photo image
Mandatory Word availability in a found document
+ be or + not be
Grouping words
(Technology | manufacture) (cheese | cottage cheese)
Binary operator and not (within the offer)
Banks ~ law
Binary operator and not (within the document)
Guide to Paris ~~ (Agency | Tour)
/ (n m)
Distance in words (minus (-) - back, plus (+) - forward) Suppliers / 2 Coffee
musical / (- 2 4) Education
jobs - / + 1 students
“ ”
Search phrase
"Little Red Riding Hood"
Equivalent: Red
/ + 1 Cap
&& / (n m)
Distance in Deals
(minus (-) - back,
plus (+) - Forward)
Bank && / 1 Taxes

To get the best search results, you need to remember a few simple rules:

Design of lesson Abstract lesson reference frame presentation lesson accelerative methods interactive technologies Practice Tasks and exercises self-test Workshop, trainings, cases, quests Home tasks Discussion issues Rhetorical questions from students Illustrations Audio, video clips and multimedia Photos, pictures, tables, Schemes of humor, jokes, jokes, Comics Proverbs, sayings, crosswords, quotes Supplements Abstracts Articles Chips for Curious Cheat Sheets Textbooks Basic and Additional Globes Other Terms Improving textbooks and lessons Fixing errors in the textbook Updating fragment in the textbook. Innovation elements in the lesson replacing outdated knowledge new Only for teachers Perfect lessons Calendar Plan for a year

They say that there is everything on the Internet. In fact, it is not. Materials for placement in the network are preparing live people, and therefore it is possible to find only that they found it necessary to publish. However, the river feeds on streams, and, thanks to their work, about two billion web pages were already formed today on the Internet. As a result, the cataloging of resources available on the network has become a serious problem. Despite the fact that thousands of organizations are engaged in the problem, it is not only not approaching permission, but also becomes sharper. The percentage of catalized resources steadily falls. In recent years, this fall has become catastrophic. So, if in 1999 the percentage of cataloged resources was approaching 40%, then only one next year it dropped to 25%.

Conclusion Simple: The Web space is filled faster than systematized.

Unfortunately, we have no reason to assume that something in the near future can change for the better. As a result, the search for information on the Internet can be considered one of the most difficult tasks.

To search for information you are interested in, you must specify the browser address of the Web page on which it is located. This is the fastest and reliable view of the search. For quick access The resource is enough to start the browser and dial the page address in the address bar.

Web page addresses are given in special reference books, printed publications, Sounds on the air of popular radio stations and from TV screens.

If you do not know the addresses, then to search for information on the Internet exist search engines, Which contain information about Internet resources.

Each search engine is a large database of keywords related to web pages on which they met. To search for the address of the server with the information you are interested in, you must enter in the search engine field. keyword, a few words or phrase. Thus, you send search engine inquiry. The search results are issued as a list of addresses of the Web pages on which these words met.

As a rule, search engines consist of three parts: robot, index and query processing program.

The robot (Spider, Robot or Bot) is a program that visits web pages and reads (in whole or in part) their contents.

Search engine robots differ in the individual web page content analysis scheme.

The index is a data warehouse in which copies of all pages visited by robots are focused.

Indexes in each search engine differ in volume and method of organizing stored information. Databases of leading search engines store information about dozens of millions of documents, and their index volumes are hundreds of gigabytes. Indexes are periodically updated and complemented, so the results of the operation of one search engine with the same query may vary if the search was made at different times.

The query processing program is a program that in accordance with the user request "views" the index for the availability of the desired information and returns references to the documents found.

Many references at the system output is distributed by the program in descending order from the greatest degree of reference to the reference to the smallest.

In Russia, the most common search engines are:

  • Rambler (;
  • Yandex (;
  • Mail (

Abroad search engines are much more. The most popular are:

  • Alta Vista (;
  • Northern Light (

Yandex is perhaps the best search engine in the Russian Internet. This database contains about 200,000 servers and up to 30 million documents that the system looks at a few seconds. On the example of this system, we show how information is found.

The search for information is set by the introduction of a keyword into a special frame and press the "Find" button to the right of the frame.

Search results appear within a few seconds, and ranked in importance - the most important documents are posted at the beginning of the list. At the same time, the rank of the found document is determined by the fact that the document is located keyword (in the title of the document more important than in any other place) and the number of mentions of the keyword (the more references, the rank above).

Thus, sites located in the first places in the list are not leading from a meaningful point of view, but practically, in relation to the frequency of mentioning the keyword. In this regard, it should not be limited to viewing the first ten proposed sites of sites.

The meaningful part of the site can be indirectly appreciated by its brief description, placed by the search engine under the address of the site. Some unscrupulous authors of sites, in order to increase the likelihood of their web page at the first places of the search engine, deliberately include meaningless repeats of the keyword. But as soon as the search engine detects such a "vesting" document, it automatically eliminates it from its database.

Even the ranked list of documents offered by the search engine in response to a key phrase or word may be practically unbaven. In this regard, Yandex (as well as other powerful search engines) is given the opportunity as part of the first list, select documents that more accurately reflect the purpose of the search, that is, to clarify or improve the search results. For example, on the keyword list of 34 899 web pages. After entering the "Search in the found" command of the clarifying keyword, the list is reduced to 750 pages, and after entering this command another clarifying word, this list is reduced to 130 web pages.

Search directories are a systematic collection (selection) of links to other Internet resources. Links are organized as thematic rubricator, NPE entries a hierarchical structure, moving on which, you can find the necessary information.

We give as an example the structure of the search Internet directory of Yandex.

This is a catalog general purposeSince it presents links to Internet resources in almost all possible areas. This directory has the following topics:

  • Business and economics;
  • Society and politics;
  • Science and education;
  • Computers and communication;
  • References and links;
  • Home and family;
  • Entertainment and recreation;
  • Culture and art.

Each subject Includes many subsections and they, in turn, contain rubric etc.

Suppose you are preparing an event for the Victory Day and want to find the words famous on the Internet military song Bulat Okudzhava "You hear, scream boots." The search can be organized as follows:

Yandex\u003e Catalog\u003e Culture & Art\u003e Music\u003e Author's Song

This search method is fast enough and effective. At the end you are offered only a few links, among which there are links to sites with songs of famous bards. It remains only to find the archive with the texts of the B. Okudzhava songs and choose the desired text in it.

Another example. Suppose you are going to purchase a mobile phone and want to compare the characteristics of the devices of different firms. The search could be conducted on the following categories of the catalog:.

Yandex\u003e Catalog\u003e Computers and Communication\u003e mobile connection \u003e Mobile phones

After receiving a limited number of links, you can quickly review them and select the phone, examining the characteristics of firms and modifications of the devices.

Most search engines have the ability to search by keywords. This is one of the most common types of search.

To search by keywords you need to enter a word or a few words in a special window that should be signed, and click on the Find button.

The search engine will find in its database and show the documents containing these words. There may be many such documents, but much in this case does not necessarily mean well.

We will conduct several experiments with any of the search engines. Suppose we decided to start the aquarium and we are interested in any information on this topic. At first glance, the simplest is a search for the word "aquarium". Check it, for example, in the Yandex search engine. The search result will be a huge number of pages - a huge number of references. Moreover, if you look more attentive, among them will be sites mentioning the B. Grebenshchikov group, shopping centers and informal associations with the same name, and much more, not related to aquarium fish.

It is not difficult to guess that such a search cannot satisfy even an unassuming user. Too much time will have to spend to select among all the proposed documents, those relating to the subject we need, and even more so to familiarize themselves with their contents.

You can immediately conclude that the search for one word is usually impractical, because one word is very difficult to determine the theme that the document is dedicated to, a web page or website. The exceptions make up rare words and terms that are almost never used outside their thematic area.

Having a certain set of most common terms in necessary regionYou can use advanced search. In fig. The extended search window in the Yandex search engine is shown. In this mode, the capabilities of the query language are implemented as a form. Such a service that includes dictionary filters is offered by almost all search engines.

Let's try to clarify the search terms and introduce the phrase "Aquarium Fish". The number of references will decrease more than 20 times. This result suits us more, but it's all the same among the proposed links, for example, Russian souvenir sets of match labels with images of fish, and a collection of screensavers for a computer desktop, and catalogs of aquarium fish with photos, and aquarium accessories stores. Obviously, it should be continued in the direction of clarification of the search conditions.

In order to search more productive, in all search engines there is a special query formation language With your syntax. These languages \u200b\u200bare largely similar. It's all difficult to study them, but any search engine has a reference system that will allow you to master the desired language.

We give a few simple queuing rules in the Yandex search engine.

Keywords in the request should be written with line (small) letters.

This will provide the search for all keywords, and not just those starting with a capital letter.

When searching, all forms of words according to the rules of the Russian language are taken into account, regardless of the word form in the request.

For example, if the word "know" was specified in the query, the search condition will be satisfied and the words "know", "know", etc.

To search for sustainable phrases, you should conclude words in quotes.

For example, "porcelain dishes."

To search for an accurate word form, before the word, you need to put an exclamation mark.

For example, to search for the word "September" in the parental case, you should write "! September".

To search inside one word sentence in the query divide a space or sign &

For example, "adventure novel" or "adventure & novel". Somewhat in the query of words separated by spaces mean that they all must enter one sentence of the desired document.

If you want only those documents in which each word specified in the query met, put the plus "+" before each of them. If you, on the contrary, you want to exclude any words from the search result, put in front of this word minus "-". Signs "+" and "-" must be written through the space from the previous one and poured with the next word.

For example, at the request of Volga-Automobile, documents will be found in which there is the word "Volga" and there is no word "car".

When searching for synonyms or loved ones by the meaning of words between words, you can put a vertical line "|".

For example, on request "Child | Kid | Baby "will be found documents with any of these words.

Instead of one word, in the query, you can substitute an integer expression. To do this, it must be taken in brackets

For example, "(child | Kid | Children | baby) + (care | Education)."

The "~" sign (Tilda) allows you to find documents with a proposal containing the first word, but not containing the second.

For example, on request "Books ~ shop", all documents that contain the word "books" will be found, next to which (within the offer) there is no word "shop".

If the operator is repeated once (for example, & or ~), the search is performed within the offer. Dual operator (&&, ~~) Specifies a search within the document.

For example, on request "Cancer ~~ Astrology" documents will be found with the word "cancer" that are not related to astrology.

Let's go back for example with aquarium fish. After the details of the several proposed search engine documents, it becomes clear that the search for information on the Internet should be started not from the choice of aquarium fish. Aquarium is a complex biological system, the creation and maintenance of which requires special knowledge, time and serious investment.

Based on the information received by the person who separates the search on the Internet can radically change the strategy of further search by making the decision to explore the special literature relating to the subject under study.

To search for literature or full-text documents, the following query is possible:

"+ (Aquarium | Aquarium | Aquarium) + Beginners + (Tips | Literature) + (Article | Thesis | Full-text) - (price | Shop | Shipping | Catalog)".

After processing the request, the search engine results turned out to be very successful. Already the first links lead to the desired documents.

Now you can summarize the search results, make certain conclusions and make a decision on possible actions:

  • Stop further searchSince, because of various reasons, the content of the aquarium is not for you.
  • Read the proposed articles and proceed to the aquarium device.
  • Search materials about hamsters or wavy parrots.
  1. What type of search is the fastest and reliable?
  2. Where can the user find the addresses of the Web pages?
  3. What is the main purpose of the search engine?
  4. What parts is the search engine?
  5. What search engines do you know?
  6. What is the search technology search engine log?
  7. What is the keyword search technology?
  8. When is the search criteria need to set + or -?
  9. What search criteria in Yandex are set by the following phrase:

    (Nanny | Educator | Governess) ++ (Care | Education | Bind) ?

  10. What does the doubling of the sign (~~ or ++) mean when forming a complex query?

The task.

Task 1. Search by catalogs.

Using the search engine directory, find the following information (as directed by the teacher):

  1. Lyrics for the popular musical group
  2. Repertoire of the Mariinsky Theater for the current week
  3. Characteristics last model mobile phone famous firm (according to your choice)
  4. Recipe for cooking Ukrainian borscht with dumplings
  5. Long-term weather forecast in your area (no less than 10 days)
  6. Photo of the favorite artist of the modern song
  7. approximate cost multimedia Computer (price)
  8. Information about jobs for the post of secretary in your region or city
  9. Horoscope of his zodiac sign for the current day

According to the search results, make a written report in Word: Provide in the document found, copied and formatted material. Present the report to the teacher.

Task 2. Forming a query on the exact name or quotation.

You know the exact name of the document, for example " Hygienic requirements To personal electronic computing machines and work organization. " Word a request for searching on the Internet of the full text of the document.

Search result Save in your folder. Present to the teacher.

Task 3. Formation of complex queries.

  • In any search engine, make a request to find information about the Russian bath. Exclude offers about services, advertising bath accessories and other advertising. Focus the search on the influence of the Russian bath on the body.
  • Make up complex request Search for pets care information. Exclude from the search for large cats (for example, Lviv), as well as offers about buying, selling, photos for wallpaper, etc.
  • Request text and search result Subject to Word and imagine a teacher.
Task 4. Thematic search.

All methods known to you, follow the online information on the development history. computer equipment. Search by various directions: historical setting, technique, personality. Search results Learn in the form of a presentation. Use in the presentation a multistage table of contents in the form of hyperlinks.

DIRECT COMMANDER QUERY LANGUAGE QUICK LANGUAGE Allows you to create complex criteria for selecting objects: impose different conditions on the values \u200b\u200bof the fields and combine them using logical operators.

The query is entered in the text filter string at the bottom of any commander panel. Request using logical operators starts with a symbol = .

  • Drawing up request
  • Requests from several conditions
  • Operators of requests

Drawing up request

A simple request consists of three parts:

Field Operator value

For example, query title ~ Sugari. It will show all ads who in the headline column contains the word "SUCHI".

Start typing a symbol = . At the same time, the field name icon appears in the input bar and operators can be selected from pop-up tips.

When entering the value, please note:

If the request is incorrect, the icon in the input row changes to and an error message appears.

Requests from several conditions

To compile combined queries, you can use Operators & (logical and) and | (logical or).

Conditions in the query are performed strictly left to right, but you can change the order using parentheses. Conditions enclosed in brackets have a priority over the standard sequence.

Example 1.

Words ~ Matches | Words ~ Sugar.

On this request, phrases are selected, in which there is a keyword "matches" or "sugar".

Example 2.

Words ~ Matches | Words ~ Sugar & Bet\u003e 1

According to this request, phrases are selected that respond to two conditions simultaneously:

    Have a bet on searching more than 1.

Example 3.

Words ~ Matches | (Words ~ sugar & bid\u003e 1)

On this request, phrases are selected that correspond to at least one of the two conditions:

Operators of requests

Depending on the field in DCQL, the following types of operators are used.

Operator Value Example Result
~ Contains \u003d Geotargeting ~ Austra
!~ Does not contain \u003d Geotargeting! ~ Austra
\u003d Moderation! ~ [Expects]
= Equally / Coincident \u003d Geotargeting \u003d Australia
\u003d Number \u003d
!= Not equally / does not coincide \u003d Geotargeting! \u003d Australia
\u003d Number! \u003d
> More \u003d CTR\u003e 0.5
< Less \u003d Ctr.< 0.5
>= More or equal \u003d Bet\u003e \u003d 1
<= Less either equal \u003d Bet<= 1
Operator Value Example Result
~ Contains \u003d Geotargeting ~ Austra An ad groups are selected, which in the Geotargeting column indicated "Australia" or "Austria"
\u003d \\ "Image Name \\" ~ Announcements are selected, in which the image name in the image column is the name containing the "Black" or "White" substring
\u003d Moderation ~ [accepted; Draft] An ads are selected, in which the Moderation column shows the value "accepted" or "Chernovik"
!~ Does not contain \u003d Geotargeting! ~ Austra Ads of ads are selected, except for those who specified Australia's geotargeting or "Austria"
\u003d Title! ~ [Sugar matches] Announcements are selected, in which the meaning in the column does not contain a substring "Matches" and "SUKHARI"
\u003d Moderation! ~ [Expects] Announcements are selected, in which the moderation column indicates any value, except "expects".
= Equally / Coincident \u003d Geotargeting \u003d Australia Only those groups are selected in which Australia's geotargeting is specified.
\u003d Number \u003d Announcements are selected with numbers 111111 and 222222.
!= Not equally / does not coincide \u003d Geotargeting! \u003d Australia Groups are selected, except for those who specified Australia's geotargeting
\u003d Number! \u003d Announcements are selected with numbers other than 111111 and 222222.
> More \u003d CTR\u003e 0.5 Phrases with CTR are selected greater than 0.5
< Less \u003d Ctr.< 0.5 The phrases with CTR are selected less than 0.5
>= More or equal \u003d Bet\u003e \u003d 1 Phrases are selected, whose stake on the search is more or equal to 1
<= Less either equal \u003d Bet<= 1 Phrases are selected, whose stake on the search is less or equal to 1
& Logical "and" in complex requests \u003d number ~ 123 & state \u003d \\ "go shows \\" Announcements are selected, which in the room contain numbers 123 and are in the state "go shows"
| Logical "or" in complex queries \u003d Name ~ Matches | Name ~ Sugar. Announcements are selected, in the title of which contains the word "matches" or the word "sugar"


Operators > , >= , < and <= You can only be used for columns with numeric values.

Key request (Key Search; Key Words, keyword, key phrase, keyword) - This is a query (word, phrase or phrase) that the search engine user enters the search string, seeking to find information (goods) that most exactly corresponds to this request.

Search engines, accordingly, try to give the user the information most precisely corresponding to its request. For this, special algorithms are developed, as a result of the use of which, the search engine is trying to evaluate how much the page of sites, indexed by the robot, relevant to the request entered.

Types of key requests

All key requests that are part of the semantic core of the site or online store are divided into various groups. In turn, these groups are divided into:

Types of key content requests:

    Information key requests

    these are informative requests, i.e. Those requests that enter which users expect to find information about this or that kind. An example of information requests - "How to choose a TV", "Ipad-2 testing results", "Moscow News", etc.

    Navigation key requests

    these are requests, introducing into the search engine that users want to find an answer to Questions like "How to find it?", "Where can it be?", "In which store buy?" And also, for example, - "Jobs of the manager", "", "Weather"

    Transaction key requests

    this type of query is usually set by the search engine when the user knows exactly and wants to buy a specific product, for example: "Buy Gas Heating Copper", "Buy Phone"

    General key requests

    all other key requests that cannot be attributed to any of the above categories, usually these are keywords consisting of one word, for example: "Linoleum", "machine", "new items").

Types of key queries in the frequency of use per month:

  1. High-frequency requests - These are requests that have the greatest frequency of demand for Internet users, i.e. These are such requests that are entered into the search string of dozens or even hundreds of thousands of times within a month. As a rule, these are keywords of fairly general concepts or, let's say that are generalizing. For example: "Car", "Air Conditioners", "Buy TV".
  2. Mid-frequency key requests - more specified, usually containing at least three words key phrases: "Buy LCD TV", "How to Protect Site", "Tour to Spain". Such requests are made from several thousand to a tent of thousand times a month.
  3. Low-frequency requests Are keywords and phrases, quite rarely used by users of the Internet: "Buy Samsung LCD TV," The best car TV ". The number of such requests per month can be less than a thousand.

The degree of competition on key requests:

Highly competitive, medium competition and low-competitive. It is determined by how weighty, informative, high-quality and large sites, online shopping or blogs are on the first search page for these requests. Also, competition on a certain request depends on the activity of the owners of these most sites, shops and blogs and from the actions that they are taking to promote their resources.

The more qualitative and authoritative sites occupying the top 10 search results, from the viewport's point of view, the higher the degree of competitiveness of the search query entered. As you understand, the higher the competition, the more difficult it is to promote the site for such a request.

Geographical distribution of key queries:

By geographical basis, search queries can be divided into "geo-dependent" and "geon-dependent" requests. For example: "Buy Cyprius" or "Stomatology Moscow" will rather be tied to a certain area due to the economic feasibility of its acquisition or order a specific service by the user. But for such a request, as "download video", geography is absolutely irrelevant.

Selection of keywords for promotion

Selection of keywords to promote the site or online store - the responsible stage of promoting the entire resource. The selection of keywords (in other words is the compilation of the semantic kernel) is the process of making a list of keywords and (or) phrases that disclose the most detailed content of the site or online store.

Each of the queries must maximize the content of the content of the SA TA, i.e. Answer the question "What will find the user on this page?" Having answered for myself to this question, you can appropriately edit the content of the page of the online store and achieve greater conversion when visiting users of your site.

How to choose the keywords for the online store?

Online shops have some specifics when they are promoted in the issuance of search engines. When selecting keywords to promote an online store, pay special attention to the following points:

  • Choose for your online store key requests and phrases of transaction type - because you are most interesting exactly those visitors who are ready to buy goods sold in your store, and carrying out a focused online search for the Internet
  • Try to use keywords most accurately reflecting the content of the page of your online store for which you pick them up. You should not use the highest frequency words and keywords - as this will only lead to an excessive extension of the budget upon subsequent promotion and will not necessarily lead to sales growth. These words are usually informational type and on them to your site will come a large number of visitors, but, as experience shows, there will be no large number of sales.
  • Use only one - two key requests to the progressable page. This will make it possible to optimize the content of the page precisely under these requests.

We give a few simple queuing rules in the Yandex search engine.

Keywords in the request should be written with line (small) letters.

This will provide the search for all keywords, and not just those starting with a capital letter.

When searching, all forms of words according to the rules of the Russian language are taken into account, regardless of the word form in the request.

For example, if the word "know" was specified in the query, the search condition will be satisfied and the words "know", "know", etc.

To search for sustainable phrases, you should conclude words in quotes.

For example, "porcelain dishes."

To search for an accurate word form, before the word, you need to put an exclamation mark.

For example, to search for the word "September" in the parental case, you should write "! September".

To search inside one word sentence in the query divide a space or sign &

For example, "adventure novel" or "adventure & novel". Somewhat in the query of words separated by spaces mean that they all must enter one sentence of the desired document.

If you want only those documents in which each word specified in the query met, put the plus "+" before each of them. If you, on the contrary, you want to exclude any words from the search result, put in front of this word minus "-". Signs "+" and "-" must be written through the space from the previous one and poured with the next word.

For example, at the request of Volga-Automobile, documents will be found in which there is the word "Volga" and there is no word "car".

When searching for synonyms or loved ones by the meaning of words between words, you can put a vertical line "|".

For example, on request "Child | Kid | Baby "will be found documents with any of these words.

Instead of one word, in the query, you can substitute an integer expression. To do this, it must be taken in brackets

For example, "(child | Kid | Children | baby) + (care | Education)."

The "~" sign (Tilda) allows you to find documents with a proposal containing the first word, but not containing the second.

For example, on request "Books ~ shop", all documents that contain the word "books" will be found, next to which (within the offer) there is no word "shop".

If the operator is repeated once (for example, & or ~), the search is performed within the offer. Dual operator (&&, ~~) Specifies a search within the document.

For example, on request "Cancer ~~ Astrology" documents will be found with the word "cancer" that are not related to astrology.

Let's go back for example with aquarium fish. After reading the several documents offered by the search engine, it becomes clear that the search for information on the Internet should be started not from the choice of aquarium fish. Aquarium is a complex biological system, the creation and maintenance of which requires special knowledge, time and serious investment.

Based on the information received by the person who separates the search on the Internet can radically change the strategy of further search by making the decision to explore the special literature relating to the subject under study.

To search for literature or full-text documents, the following query is possible:

"+ (Aquarium | Aquarium | Aquarium) + Beginners + (Tips | Literature) + (Article | Thesis | Full-text) - (price | Shop | Shipping | Catalog)".

After processing the request, the search engine results turned out to be very successful. Already the first links lead to the desired documents.

Now you can summarize the search results, make certain conclusions and make a decision on possible actions:

  • Stop further search, since the aquarium content is not valid for various reasons.
  • Read the proposed articles and proceed to the aquarium device.
  • Search materials about hamsters or wavy parrots.


1. What type of search is the fastest and reliable?

2. Where can the user find the addresses of the Web pages?

3. What is the main purpose of the search engine?

4. What parts is the search engine?

5. What search engines do you know?

6. What is the search technology search engine log?

7. What is the keyword search technology?

8. When in search criteria, you need to set + or -?

9. Which search criteria in Yandex are set by the following phrase:

(Nanny | Educator | Governess) ++ (Care | Education | Bind)?

10. What does the doubling of the sign (~ or ++) mean when forming a complex query?

The task.

Task 1. Search by catalogs.

Using the search engine directory, find the following information (as directed by the teacher):

1. Lyrics for the popular musical group

2. Repertoire of the Mariinsky Theater for the current week

3. Characteristics of the last model of the mobile phone of a well-known company (according to your choice)

4. Recipe for cooking Ukrainian borscht with dumplings

5. Long-term weather forecast in your region (no less than 10 days)

6. Photo of the favorite artist of the modern song

7. Sample Cost Multimedia Computer (Price)

8. Information about jobs for the post of secretary in your region or city

9. Horoscope of his zodiac sign for the current day

According to the search results, make a written report in Word: Provide in the document found, copied and formatted material. Present the report to the teacher.

Task 2. Forming a query on the exact name or quotation.

You know the exact name of the document, for example, "hygienic requirements for personal electronic computing machines and work organization." Word a request for searching on the Internet of the full text of the document.

Search result Save in your folder. Present to the teacher.

Task 3. Formation of complex queries.

  • In any search engine, make a request to find information about the Russian bath. Exclude offers about services, advertising bath accessories and other advertising. Focus the search on the influence of the Russian bath on the body.
  • Make a complex request for searching for home cat care information. Exclude from the search for large cats (for example, Lviv), as well as offers about buying, selling, photos for wallpaper, etc.
  • Request text and search result Subject to Word and imagine a teacher.

Task 4. Thematic search.

All methods known to you, search the Internet information on the history of the development of computing technology. Search by various directions: historical setting, technique, personality. Search results Learn in the form of a presentation. Use in the presentation a multistage table of contents in the form of hyperlinks.