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RED ENERGY tariff plan. MTS RED ENERGY Tariff: Description and Terms of Use

The Russian operator MTS always offers its users beneficial and interesting tariff plans. Subscribers can choose packages both with a subsidiary and without it. Based on this, everyone can significantly save their funds on mobile communications, pose suitable conditions for yourself. The MTS Red Energy tariff is designed for those who are not used to paying for a monthly fee. This is absolutely not a hoax, the subscription is actually absent, and for local calls the same tariff plan has been prepared.

Tariff Red Energie was created as a competitor to the tariff plan Super MTS, the last of which offered free calls On all MTS numbers. Red Energy did an emphasis at a particular price for the numbers of a particular home region. Today, the MTS Energy Reduces will make all outgoing calls at one price.

Tariff plan MTS Red Energy is suitable for a limited number of people who wish to pay only for the services they enjoy. The advantage of what is not here subscription fee, and there is a single price for calls and SMS within the home region.

MTS Red offers also connect various additional functions. For example, intranet roaming and intercity, you can reduce using the following options:

  • Everywhere at home;
  • Favorable intercity;
  • Unlimited calls;
  • Favorable calls from the Moscow region.

You can also save on MTS if you order SMS and MMS packets to send text and multimedia messages. The MTS Regility Rate allows you to order additional services for cheaper internet use. It can be "Super Bit", "Bit", "Internet VIP", "Minibit", "Internet-Maxi" and "Internet Mini". If you are a fairly economical subscriber, then the Internet services will be fulfilled, which offers a basic tariff plan. If you have additional requirements for your tariff, you can easily modify it as you wish.

Connection and cost of the tariff

Many subscribers want, but do not know how to go to the Rada Energy rate. There is nothing complicated in this. There are several ways to connect the tariff:

  1. score USSD team with a combination * 111 * 727 #;
  2. for the second method, you will need a mobile or home Internet. Need to register and enter personal Area MTS. Here you can get complete cost information and numbers. From your personal account you can manage all the commands and tariffs of your room. It is here that you can connect the tariff plan MTS Red Energy. This method is considered the most convenient;
  3. Try to get through to the call center and connect the service in the telephone mode;
  4. In the MTS salon, the tariff plan can also be changed, but it will only make it the official owner of the SIM card.

To switch to the MTS tariff, you need to implement one of the above operations and pay the cost of the transition in the amount of 150 rubles. Now there is a promotion here if the subscriber has not performed any transitions over the past month, then the connection of the Red Energy will be free. When moving and connecting MTS Red Energy instead of ordinary beeps, a pleasant melody will sound as a gift.

The cost of local calls is paid at the rate of 1.6 rubles. For a minute to stationary rooms of Moscow and the region, on MTS numbers and other local home regions operators. Sending SMS on the site costs 1.90 rubles.

Internet access in this tariff plan is not quite profitable. But the description of additional options above gave it to understand that you can connect more favorable features.

Rates for other services (cost in one minute):

  • other rooms within the network in Russia are 5 rubles;
  • intercity in Russia - 8 rubles;
  • cIS countries - 29 rubles;
  • calls in Europe - 49 rubles;
  • other countries - 70 rubles.

Among the lineup of current proposals from one of the largest operators of Russia - MTS is also present such a tariff as "Red Energy". Perhaps it is not as popular as packages from the "Smart" line, but many people are in vain bypass him, because he has a lot of advantages. And today we will pay attention to them in our article.

To whom the "Red Energy" tariff from MTS, its advantages

If you briefly talk about the paramount advantages and the fundamental differences of this offer from other MTS packages, it should be noted that it is ideal for customers who do not travel around the country so often, and calls are carried out mainly within the home region.

Subscribers who decided to connect "Red Energy" from MTS are provided with excellent conditions for communicating with customer interlocutors of any other operators. cellular communication within the Connection Region.

Details about the tariff plan of MTS "Red Energy"

Actual version. Tariff information Updated October 27, 2018

Viewing this rate in more detail, it should be emphasized that the maximum benefit when it can be achieved by connecting additional options. It is for this that the offer is calculated, because the subscription fee is disabled. Accordingly, with the "stock" form a proposal has not the most favorable conditions for using cellular connections that look like this:

  • Calling for any areas of the house: 1.60 rubles per minute;
  • Call challenges on MTS / Other rooms: 5.00 / 8.00 rubles / minute;
  • Using Internet-traffic: 9.90 rubles. for 1 megabyte;
  • Sending home messages: 1.90 rubles;
  • Sending SMS in the country / abroad: 3.80 / 5.25 rubles;
  • Sending multimedia messes: 9.90 rubles. for MMS.
Be careful: in the absence of outgoing calls, SMS or any other paid services within 90 calendar days in a row, from 91 days, it is automatically from the account to be taken by $ 3.00 per day as a subscription fee. From the moment of the commission of any paid service, the subscription fee for 90 days will rearrange.

If you are also interested in the possibility of making calls abroad, then here the tariffing of each minute of the conversation looks like this:

  • In the CIS: 35 rubles;
  • To Europe: 49 rubles;
  • Other countries in the world: 70 rubles.
Be careful: on the tariff when connecting the default options "Basic Tariffation of the Internet" with, to put it mildly, a rather big cost of Internet access 20 MB. For 25 ₽ and and "First Internet Package" with a subscription fee of 360 ₽ per month. We recommend changing these options to something more affordable.

In this situation, users can use the whole list of bits, "Internet" or turbo buttons, which includes a variety of traffic quotas.

The RED ENERGY tariff offers uniform rates for calls in all directions. You will always know how much you can communicate without falling in complex calculations. But there is also a reverse side: the tariff is valid only within the home region, when leaving for its boundaries, it will have to use intra -ette roaming. We indicate prices for Moscow and the Moscow region, and if you live in another region, check the rates on the official website of MTS before connecting the tariff.

This tariff plan will suit people who rarely leave the home region. The package saves funds if most of your friends, colleagues and relatives use the services of the same operator, and there are often calls.

General Description RED ENERGY Tariff

  • There is no monthly subscription fee.
  • The cost of the transition to the tariff plan is 100 rubles.
  • The cost of MTS and other operators outgoing on the number is 1.6 rubles.
  • Internet traffic - 1 MB costs 9.9 rubles.
  • Outgoing SMS subscribers in Moscow and the region - 1.9 rubles.

We led rates without accounting options that are connected automatically along with the tariff. There are several such options. First, the SMS Smart package, which makes messages are suspended free. Within 15 days after connecting "Redenergy" you do not pay anything, but after this period, the service costs 5 rubles per day. It is possible to turn it off for free, and then the cost of SMS will become standard - 1.9 rubles.

Secondly, the "Superbit SMART" option will automatically connect. It gives you a basic limit of 3 GB per month, it costs 12 rubles a day. If you exceed the limit, the traffic calculation will change: 75 rubles for the next 500 MB. You can disable the option for free, but it is rational only if you want to use other services aimed at optimizing the cost of traffic.

Finally, when switching to the tariff, you get a good'ok function as a gift. I will not bring any special privileges in the payment of payment. This service changes standard beeps on melodies. Be careful, because within 7 days after connection, the function will be free, but then you will automatically be written off 75 rubles per month for this addition. But 3 days before the extension you have to send SMS with a reminder.

How to go to the RED tariff

  • Dial short number * 111 * 727 # and press the call button.
  • Buy a starting package from MTS with this tariff plan. It will cost 200 rubles, but you will have 150 rubles after the connection.
  • Take advantage of your personal account on the official website of MTS.

Each user has a personal account. To log out, it is enough to specify your number. Through your personal account you will get access to all settings. This is the most convenient if you immediately want to disable additional optionswhich are tied to the tariff. You can also control the status of the account, use the automatic payments service so that your MTS score is replenished monthly without additional attention on your part.

If you have any questions about the condition or connection of the tariff plan, dial short free room: 0890. This is a MTS Help, which will tell you which options to choose how to act if you want to change the package, clarify any nuances. We recommend maintaining only the basic Internet option, it really saves funds. But Good'OK and the SMS package is better to turn off right away, they do not give weighty advantages. This operator has more advantageous offers.

You can disable the tariff plan in the only way: by replacing it with another package, via the personal account or using a short call command.

Tariff plan MTS "Red Energy" - the choice of those who need cheap calls to the numbers of all operators in the home region and who prefers actual billing cellular services Instead of subscription fees.

Tariff MTS RED ENERGY: description and cost

Buying this starting package, you pay 200 rubles in Moscow and MO. After activating the SIM card, you get 150 rubles for communication services.

The main feature of the RED Energy tariff is the unified cost of all outgoing calls within your region. It doesn't matter what a telecom operator has a person close to you: connecting the "Red Energy" tariff from MTS in Moscow and MO, you will pay 1.60 rubles per minute for an outgoing call inside MO.

The cost of other conversations:

  • with the MTS subscriber outside your region - 5 rubles / min.;
  • with a user of a different cellular network outside your region - 8 rub. / Min.;
  • with residents of the CIS countries - 35 rubles / min.;
  • with European countries - 49 rub. / Min.;
  • with other powers of the world - 70 rub. / Min.;
  • through satellite communications290 rub. / Min.

The cost of SMS and the Internet with the MTS "Red Energy" tariff plan:

  • subscriber of any network in your region - 1.90 rub. / Piece;
  • customer of any operator outside your region - 3.80 rub. / Piece;
  • abroad - 5,25 rub. / Piece;
  • MMS - 9,90 rubles / piece.
  • The Internet is worth 9.90 rubles. For one megabyte.

How to make the tariff more profitable

Based on its subscriber behavior and needs, you can save on communications services by connecting special options to the tariff:

  1. To reduce the costs of the Internet - "Mini-bit", "Bit", "Superbit", "Internet Mini", "Internet Maxi" or "Internet VIP".
  2. SMS and MMS packets - to reduce the cost of correspondence.
  3. To save on calls in your region, use the options "Favorable calls from the Moscow Region" and "Unlimited Calls". To reduce rates for conversations with subscribers outside your connection region, use the option.

Such proposals usually require a small one-time payment and imply a subscription fee - either the daily room or once a month.

Options in package

By becoming the MTS client with the "Red Energy" tariff, you automatically receive the following set of paid services when connected:

  • "SMS SMART Package. Within 15 days from the date of connection, send up to 10 messages per day for free. After the expiration of this period, the operator begins to charge the subscription - 5 rubles per day;
  • "Superbit Smart." After the deduction of the first 3 megabytes, which will be free, the operator will connect this option: For 12 rubles per day, use 3 Internet gigabytes per month without charging;
  • "Bit abroad." For 450 rubles / day in basic countries (their list is on the MTS website), you get unlimited on the Internet. In other countries, the service will cost from 550 to 1500 rubles / day, and online traffic will be limited - from 30 to 1 megabytes per day.

Roaming for Tariff MTS "Red Energy"

Conversations in national roaming stand 10.90 rubles / min. For all incoming calls and for coming on the rooms of the home region and in the network of MTS Russia. For conversations with subscribers of other operators outside the home region, the cost is preserved in 8 rubles per minute.

If you are often traveling in Russia, connect the option. For 30 rubles once and subscription at 7 rubles / day you get:

  • free incoming;
  • all outgoing - 3 rubles per min;
  • free 100 SMS per day, then - by the basic tariff.

AND international roaming, and the National MTS Red Energy is connected automatically and immediately ready to use.

How to go to the "Red Energy" tariff from MTS

You do not pay for the transition, if from the moment the last change of the tariff plan within the MTS network passed more than a month. Otherwise, prepare 150 rubles on the account. Below the ways to connect the MTS tariff "Red Energy":

  • If you are already a customer of the company's mobile body system, send a request to the room. * 111 * 727 # From your mobile phone.
  • Register on the MTS website and use the Personal Account.
  • Use the My MTS application.
  • Call a short number 0890 . Follow the instructions of the operator to go to the MTS RED ENERGY tariff.
  • Buy the starting package. This option is not suitable if you use the services of another operator and want to save your number.

Do you know that "Red Energy" is one of the oldest tariffs of the operator and for almost 7 years? Of course, in modern "Energy" there is nothing left of the very first TP with its large-scale advertising campaign. Remember that famous video with a robot?

MTS company actively promotes tariffs with a fixed monthly fee. Such tariff plans arrange far from all subscribers. If you want to pay only for your mobile services you want, then you should consider. One of these is the MTS RED ENERGY tariff. The transition to this tariff plan guarantees the unified cost of calls and SMS to all home areas. RED ENERGY rate does not imply mandatory paymentsHowever, subscribers have the ability to connect additional options with daily payment (Packages of minutes, SMS and Internet).

Description of the RED ENERGY tariff from MTS

If you have been able to watch the RED Energy tariff advertisement (now it is no longer shown), then you know that this tariff plan is allegedly intended for young people, since this category of subscribers is most in demand. In fact, no specific advantages for young people MTS RED ENERGY tariff does not imply. At least we did not notice them. This tariff plan is not suitable for active youth at least because it does not have attractive conditions regarding the Internet. In this regard, it is much more profitable, which is just the same and popular among young people. We believe that the RED Energy rate from MTS will be interesting for a limited number of subscribers who need a tariff plan without a subscription fee with a single challenge value and SMS to all home areas.

RED ENERGY MTS tariff notable in that outgoing call It will be paid equally regardless of whether you call the MTS subscriber or the number of another operator. The cost of a minute of conversation is 1.60 rubles. Such a price is installed only for local calls, if you call outside the home region, the rates will be different. The cost of calls to other regions, as well as SMS and Internet traffic frankly not pleasing. MTS proposes to reduce costs due to the connection of additional options. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the rates, relevant RED Energy tariff, and after considering the conditions of additional options.

Cost of communication services on the "Red Energy" tariff

We will be frank, look much more attractive than "Red Energy." If you are often calling and debt, this tariff will be extremely not profitable for you. Of course, you can connect additional options and get packets of minutes, SMS and the Internet, but is there any point in this? The MTS RED ENERGY tariff causes interest due to the lack of a subscription fee, and the connection of additional options will result in daily write-offs. In any case, the choice remains yours, our goal is to make detailed review Tariff. To very soon not be disappointed in the tariff plan, we recommend you before connecting to get acquainted with the cost of communication services on the "Red Energy" tariff.

RED ENERGY tariff is characterized by the following prices:

  • Monthly fee - 0 rub;
  • Calls on mobile MTS home region - 1.60 rubles;
  • Calls to subscribers of other home regions operators - 1.60 rubles;
  • Calls to Mobile MTS Russia - 5 rubles;
  • Calls to numbers of other operators outside the home region - 8 rubles;
  • 1 MB of Internet traffic - 9.90 rubles;
  • Outgoing SMS subscribers of the home region - 1.90 rubles;
  • Outgoing SMS subscribers of other regions of Russia - 5.25 rubles.

As you can see, rates are not the most attractive and if you actively use cellular services, costs will be so high that even the most expensive will cost you much cheaper. Of course, you can reduce costs if you connect additional options, but then the daily fee will appear. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the available additional packagesSo that you yourself can determine if they are beneficial for you.

Additional options for the MTS tariff "Red Energy":

  1. The option "Call for free on MTS Russia 100". When connecting the option, subscribers are provided with 100 free minutes per day for calls to subscribers MTS home region, as well as 100 free minutes per day for calls to MTS subscribers of all Russia. Daily fee - 3.50 rubles. To connect the option "Call for free on MTS Russia 100" dial on your mobile command * 868 # Or send SMS with the text 868 to the number 111.
  2. Option "SMS SMART Package". The option allows you to send SMS to any numbers in the home region. Daily fee - 5 rubles. The option is provided automatically when moving to the MTS RED ENERGY tariff. To disable the option Dial on your mobile phone * 111 * 9009 # .
  3. Internet option "Superbit SMART". Within the framework of the Subscriber's option, 3 GB of the Internet is available for a month. Monthly fee - 12 rubles. Fee for every additional 500 MB over the base limit from 03/31/16 - 75 rubles.

Now just count your monthly connection costs if you connect all the three options above. It is easy to guess that in this case it will be more profitable to connect the tariff with the subscription fee. MTS has tariff plans that include much more, while they are cheaper. However, in some cases, the RED Energy tariff plan will be beneficial. It all depends on the preferences of a particular subscriber.

How to connect MTS RED ENERGY tariff

Definitely rED tariff Energy is far from the most popular MTS product and if you carefully read the article, you know the reason for the lack of popularity. Pay 1.60 rubles. For each conversation, a few, not to mention the cost of other communication services. However, some subscribers are fully satisfied with the RED Energy rate from MTS. If you are in the number of subscribers such and you are known all the features of this tariff plan, you can safely connect it. There are several ways to transition to the "Red Energy" tariff and below we listed them all.

Go to the RED Energy tariff MTS can be one of the following ways:

  • Dial the Team on your phone: * 111 * 727 # ;
  • Connect the tariff in the Personal Account;
  • Use the "My MTS" app;
  • Call customer support center at 0890 numbers and ask to help you with the transition to the "Red Energy" tariff;
  • Visit the nearest MTS Salon and purchase a tariff plan.

The fee for changing the tariff plan is not charged if more than 1 month have passed since the previous change of the tariff plan. If you change the tariff over the past 30 days, the cost of switching to Red Energy will be 150 rubles.

How to turn off the RED Energy Tariff MTS

In all its reviews, we regularly repeat that before connecting one or another tariff, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with its conditions and features. Unfortunately, many subscribers do not and connect the tariff without having a proper submission of it. Ultimately emerges a number of shortcomings that make the tariff is not favorable. This situation is particularly unpleasant when it has passed for less than a month since the last shift of the tariff plan and for the transition to a new tariff has to pay.

If you think that the MTS RED Energy tariff is not suitable for you, simply change it to another tariff plan. No additional actions to disconnect the Red Energy Tariff you do not need. The tariff plan will turn off automatically when you transition to any other tariff.

Go to new tariff can:

  • With the USSD command;
  • Through a personal account;
  • Using the application "My MTS";
  • By calling the MTS Help Center by number 0890.

On this we will finish this review. We hope you have received a complete picture of the RED Energy Tariff and can now easily determine whether it fits you or not. Do not forget to leave reviews about the MTS RED ENERGY tariff.