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How to make a computer for free, without registration. How to call from a computer to phone: Main types of communication systems Free call from a computer using online services

I will review the most popular programs and online services to make calls from a computer to mobile and city phones. This is a very common question, first of all, because long-distance and international calls are not suiced, and many of us relatives live for thousands of kilometers. How to call from a computer to the phone for free? We understand!

1. How to call mobile over the Internet for free

There are two ways to call for free to your phone from a computer:

  • use of the appropriate utility;
  • calls online from the relevant site.

Technically, this can be done if available sound card, headphones (speakers) and microphone, access to the worldwide network, as well as relevant software.

2. Calling programs over the Internet to mobile

Call from a computer to a mobile phone for free, you can use programs that apply to free on the global network. The main purpose of the relevant software is to ensure communication of compatible devices through voice and video calls, if you want to communicate online users. For calls to cellular and urban numbers, the fee is usually charged at lower than that of operators telephone communication Tariffs. However, in some cases there is an opportunity to make and completely free calls via the Internet.

Voice and video communications through a global network support Viber, WhatsApp, Skype, Mail.Ru Agent and other programs. The reservation of such programs is due to the fact that the relationship between users is made in real time and for free. The programs themselves do not occupy a lot of space in the memory of the computer (without taking into account the volume of transmitted and received files). In addition to calls, this software allows you to send text messages (chat), including the creation of contact groups, as well as exchange various files. However, you can not call for mobile and city phones for free in all cases.

Programs for calls over the Internet are constantly being improved, becoming more convenient for users and interesting in design. However, the widespread transition to this connection is hampered by limitations in the Internet coverage areas. The quality of such a relationship directly depends on the speed of the Internet connection. If there is no high-speed access to the global network, then users will not make a conversation without interruptions.

Such programs are relevant for people who spend a lot of time at a computer. With their help, for example, you can work remotely, to undergo training and interview. Moreover, additional featuresassociated with the corresponding and sending files, it is more convenient to use the computer. Data synchronization allows you to use such a program that supports such a function simultaneously on all user devices.

2.1. Viber

Viber is one of the most common utilities, providing communication through voice and video calls between people around the world. It allows you to synchronize contact and other information on all user devices. In Viber, you can redirect calls from one device to another. Software provides versions for Windows, iOS, Android and Windows Phone. There are also versions for MacOS and Linux.

To start working with Viber, you need to download the software version suitable for the corresponding operating system (this can be done on the official website). After installing the software, you need to enter your phone number, after which the user becomes available all the options VIBER.

Viber does not require registration, just enter the number of your mobile phone. As for the cost of calls, it is possible. The most popular destinations and cost of calls:

2.2. Whatsapp

WhatsApp right is considered to be the leader among similar programs used on mobile devices (over a billion users worldwide). This software can be installed on computers on windows database and Mac. In addition, you can use the online version of the program - WhatsApp Web. An additional advantage of WhatsApp is the confidentiality of calls provided by end-to-end encryption.

To start working with WhatsApp on the computer must be installed and activated it in the phone. Then you should download the program for the corresponding operating system from the official site. After downloading and entering the phone number, you can produce voice and video calls on cell numbers other WhatsApp users. Calls to other rooms in this program are not provided. Such calls are absolutely free.

2.3. Skype.

Skype is a leader among programs installed on personal computers in order to call phones. Windows, Linux and Mac supported, enter your phone number is not necessary. Skype is primarily intended for HD video calls. It allows you to create group videos, exchange messages and files, as well as show your screen. Calls can be carried out with translation into other languages.

FROM using Skype You can make unlimited phone calls On the rooms of urban and mobile phones in a number of countries in the world (for free only during the first month - the Mir tariff plan). To do this, you need a compatible device and software you want to download on the official website. To get free minutes you need to enter your payment details.

To make a call, run Skype and click Calls -\u003e calls to phones (or Ctrl + d). After that, dial the number and talk in your pleasure :)

At the end of the test month, the cost of calls to city numbers of Russia will be $ 6.99 per month. Calls to mobile phones will be charged separately, you can purchase a package of 100 or 300 minutes for $ 5.99 and $ 15.99, respectively, or to pay for it.

2.4. Mail.Ru Agent

Mail.Ru Agent is a program from the developer of the popular Russian mailing service that allows you to make voice and video calls to other users over the network. With it, you can also call mobile phones (charge, but in cheaper tariffs). Supported operational windows systems and Mac. To make calls to mobile phones, you need to make money to your account. With payment methods and tariffs can be found on the official website.

In order to start using Mail.Ru Agent, you need to download the program and install it on your computer. There is also available online version Programs (web agent). With Mail.Ru Agent can also be chatting and exchange files. The convenience of this program is that it is tied to the account in "My World" and makes it easy to go to your page, check mail on Mail.Ru and receive notifications about the birthdays of friends.

2.5. Sippoint.

Sippoint as well as previous programs allows you to call for free from a computer to the phone. With Sippoint, you can call any telephone operator to subscribers and save on international and intercity calls. The program allows you to record conversations and chat with other users. It is enough to register on the site and install Sippoint.

3. Online services for calls to the phone via the Internet

In the absence of a desire to install software, you can call free from the computer to the phone online. Use the services of IP telephony without any payment on the following sites. - This is a convenient service that allows you to call free from the computer to the phone without registration online. You can call any subscriber of cellular or urban communications. To make a call, it is enough to dial the number on the virtual keyboard, that is, you do not need to download software and register. For example, you can call megaphone from this site free online. For free, 1 minute of conversation is given for free, the remaining prices can be. It is not suiced, I will tell you. - site with functional IP telephony, allowing you to make an online call from a computer for free for free, create conferences and use other additional options. However, site services require mainly at least symbolic fees. Registration on the site is required to implement the online call. - This is a site for those who need an urban room with an incoming and outgoing link. Without payment, you can use the services for 5 minutes a day throughout the first week. Subsequently, you need to choose and pay a certain tariff plan (national or international). Subscription fee It ranges from 199 rubles, minutes are also paid. To gain access to communication, you need to register on the site with the provision of your personal data, including passports. Allows you to call for free to many countries, but the Russian Federation These are not: (the duration of the call without charging the board should not exceed 2-3 minutes depending on the country's chosen. Other tariffs can be viewed.


The phone has long been a long time has become an integral attribute of any modern man. It allows you to keep in touch with family members, familiar, colleagues in work, business partners, friends, etc. However, today, not in all situations, the phone is the most convenient and advantageous means of communication.

For example, if you need to call a person who is in another country, then you should prepare enough costs. That is why for many real alternatives became Skype and the services like it, which make it possible to call from the computer for free to another computer connected to the network. However, calls to phones using similar services are paid, which significantly limits the user's capabilities .. With our help, any user has the ability to easily call the computer for free on the network almost any phone.

Call the computer for free

The web service was created to provide users with high-quality and absolutely free IP telephony services. Call from the computer for free with our service, by analogy with Skype, only we offer the ability to make calls to cell Phones Or city network phones.

The main advantage is that the site is a browser service available for users around the clock. This means that you can call free from any computer (with minimal system requirements) connected to the network. To make calls to phones, there is no need to install any software or registration. You can call from a home or desktop, from an Internet cafe or from friends.

Our service makes it possible to call from the computer for free on cellular or stationary phones of people living in a wide variety of countries. We are constantly expanding the list of available countries and mobile operators. In addition, our service provides high quality communication with subscribers.

How to call from a computer for free with our service

Service site makes it possible to call from the computer for free and easy to mobile or landline phone. To make a free call you need:

  • have a computer with an internet connection, microphone and speakers (headphones);
  • go to the site site through any browser;
  • enter the phone number on the site to the special window to which the call is made.

This is enough to enjoy free communication and high quality Communication.

Good day, friends! Today I will make an overview of the most popular programs and online services for making calls from a computer to mobile and city phones. This is a very common question, first of all, because long-distance and international calls are not suiced, and many of us relatives live for thousands of kilometers. How to call from a computer to the phone for free? We understand!

1. How to call mobile over the Internet for free

There are two ways to call for free to your phone from a computer:

  • use of the appropriate utility;
  • calls online from the relevant site.

Technically, this can be done in the presence of a sound card, headphones (speakers) and a microphone, access to the worldwide network, as well as the appropriate software.

2. Calling programs over the Internet to mobile

Call from a computer to a mobile phone for free, you can use programs that apply to free on the global network. The main purpose of the relevant software is to ensure communication of compatible devices through voice and video calls, if you want to communicate online users. For calls to cellular and urban numbers, the board is usually charged at lower than that of telephone operators tariffs. However, in some cases there is an opportunity to make and completely free calls via the Internet.

Voice and video communications through a global network support Viber, WhatsApp, Skype, Mail.Ru Agent and other programs. The reservation of such programs is due to the fact that the relationship between users is made in real time and for free. The programs themselves do not occupy a lot of space in the memory of the computer (without taking into account the volume of transmitted and received files). In addition to calls, this software allows you to send text messages (chat), including the creation of contact groups, as well as exchange various files. However, you can not call for mobile and city phones for free in all cases.

Programs for calls over the Internet are constantly being improved, becoming more convenient for users and interesting in design. However, the widespread transition to this connection is hampered by limitations in the Internet coverage areas. The quality of such a relationship directly depends on the speed of the Internet connection. If there is no high-speed access to the global network, then users will not make a conversation without interruptions.

Such programs are relevant for people who spend a lot of time at a computer. With their help, for example, you can work remotely, to undergo training and interview. In addition, additional features associated with the corresponding and sending files are more convenient to use on the computer. Data synchronization allows you to use such a program that supports such a function simultaneously on all user devices.

2.1. Viber

Viber is one of the most common utilities, providing communication through voice and video calls between people around the world. It allows you to synchronize contact and other information on all user devices. In Viber, you can redirect calls from one device to another. Software provides versions for Windows, iOS, Android and Windows Phone. There are also versions for MacOS and Linux.

To start working with Viber, you need to download the software version suitable for the corresponding operating system (this can be done on the official website). After installing the software, you need to enter your phone number, after which the user becomes available all the options VIBER.

Viber does not require registration, just enter the number of your mobile phone. As for the cost of calls - it can be. The most popular destinations and cost of calls:

2.2. Whatsapp

WhatsApp is rightfully considered the leader among similar programs used on mobile devices (over a billion users around the world). This software can be installed on Windows and Mac computers. In addition, you can use the online version of the program - WhatsApp Web. An additional advantage of WhatsApp is the confidentiality of calls provided by end-to-end encryption.

To start working with WhatsApp on the computer must be installed and activated it in the phone. Then you should download the program for the corresponding operating system from the official site. After downloading and entering the phone number, you can produce voice and video calls on cell numbers of other WhatsApp users. Calls to other rooms in this program are not provided. Such calls are absolutely free.

2.3. Skype.

Skype is a leader among programs installed on personal computers in order to call phones. Windows, Linux and Mac supported, enter your phone number is not necessary. Skype is primarily intended for HD video calls. It allows you to create group videos, exchange messages and files, as well as show your screen. Calls can be carried out with translation into other languages.

With Skype, you can make unlimited phone calls to the rooms of urban and mobile phones in a number of countries in the world (for free only during the first month - the Mir tariff plan). To do this, you need a compatible device and software you want to download on the official website. To get free minutes you need to enter your payment details.

To make a call, run Skype and click Calls -\u003e calls to phones (or Ctrl + d). After that, dial the number and talk in your pleasure :)

At the end of the test month, the cost of calls to city numbers of Russia will be $ 6.99 per month. Calls to mobile phones will be charged separately, you can purchase a package of 100 or 300 minutes for $ 5.99 and $ 15.99, respectively, or to pay for it.

2.4. Mail.Ru Agent

Mail.Ru Agent is a program from the developer of the popular Russian mailing service that allows you to make voice and video calls to other users over the network. With it, you can also call mobile phones (charge, but in cheaper tariffs). Supported by Windows and Mac operating systems. To make calls to mobile phones, you need to make money to your account. With payment methods and tariffs can be found on the official website.

In order to start using Mail.Ru Agent, you need to download the program and install it on your computer. There is also an online version of the program (web agent). With Mail.Ru Agent can also be chatting and exchange files. The convenience of this program is that it is tied to the account in "My World" and makes it easy to go to your page, check mail on Mail.Ru and receive notifications about the birthdays of friends.

2.5. Sippoint.

Sippoint as well as previous programs allows you to call for free from a computer to the phone. With Sippoint, you can call any telephone operator to subscribers and save on international and long-distance calls. The program allows you to record conversations and chat with other users. It is enough to register on the site and install Sippoint.

3. Online services for calls to the phone via the Internet

In the absence of a desire to install software, you can call free from the computer to the phone online. Use the services of IP telephony without any payment on the following sites. - This is a convenient service that allows you to call free from the computer to the phone without registration online. You can call any subscriber of cellular or urban communications. To make a call, it is enough to dial the number on the virtual keyboard, that is, you do not need to download software and register. For example, you can call megaphone from this site free online. For free, 1 minute of conversation is given for free, the remaining prices can be. It is not suiced, I will tell you. - Website with functional IP telephony, allowing you to make an online call from a computer to the phone for free, create conferences and use other additional options. However, site services require mainly at least symbolic fees. Registration on the site is required to implement the online call. - This is a site for those who need an urban room with an incoming and outgoing link. Without payment, you can use the services for 5 minutes a day throughout the first week. Subsequently, you need to choose and pay a certain tariff plan (national or international). The subscription fee is from 199 rubles, the minutes are also paid. To gain access to communication, you need to register on the site with the provision of your personal data, including passports. Allows you to call for free to many countries, but the Russian Federation does not apply to their number: (the duration of the call without charging the board should not exceed 2-3 minutes depending on the country's chosen. Other tariffs can be viewed.

Free Skype Call - Useful Function

Install the Skype program that provides users with the ability to make a computer to a mobile phone in any city and any country. However, there are some limitations. Free call on mobile number With the help of the program, you can only once, after which it will offer to make funds to your account. Nevertheless, if necessary, this can be quickly registered and successfully perform operation.

Holders of smartphones and tablets on the basis of popular operating systems Google Android and Apple iOS. I can establish one of the numerous applications to make free call on your mobile phone, such as Fring, Viber, Tap4Call, Line, Forfone and others. At the same time, it is most often necessary that another subscriber also set the appropriate application to its phone, since the connection will be installed according to the application protocol. It is easy to agree on it and sometimes necessary, especially if you plan to call a person often.

Internet resources for free calls

Apply one of the numerous online services by which anyone can call for free from a computer to a mobile phone. For example, the popular site offers to make calls by VoIP technology. To do this, simply connect the microphone to the computer and dial the desired number. The restriction is present only by the number of free calls per day: Russian residents can dial a number free of no more than 30 times a day. It is also possible to send two free SMS messages per day.

Internet site works somewhat differently. To call the computer to a mobile phone for free, you need to install special application PoKetalk. In the future, you can make calls with it, without opening the site. The program can be installed as on home computerand mobile phone. Restrictions here are somewhat stricter - only 2 free calls per day are available.


  • call megaphone for free from a computer

Initially, the popular Skype service was considered a means of voice negotiations between users inside its subnet, using only personal computers. Now the development of Skype technologies allowed to introduce the possibility of calls to cellular, as well as stationary telephone numbers. This possibility naturally is paid, but at times cheaper than traditional methods of long-distance, international and intercontinental communication.

You will need

  • Computer, Skype program, Internet access


Top up your balance through one of the following payment: Visa, MasterCard, Moneybookers, PayBycash, Diners. Then choose the payment terms suitable for you. There are two types of them, the first of which is that you pay for direct minutes of your conversations, and the second is that you pay monthly by choosing the desired number of minutes and the country in which you intend to call. It is worth noting that the Tools on the Skype account during non-use them within 180 days are canceled by the system.

After you update the account in skype and familiarize yourself with the terms of the billing, enter skypeinstalled on your computer. Next, select the menu item "Dial Number", where you can enter numbers 170 countries of the world.

Be prepared for the fact that in addition to the actual payment of conversations, you will pay more for the connection in the direction that are missing in the subscription to the tariff plan. For example, in tariff Plan "Europe" present 20 countries. If you call one or more of these countries within the framework of the "Europe" fare, the connection fee is not charged.

Video on the topic


  • Skype.

Tip 3: Call more: Communication with profit in any part of the world!

Use the services of a native company, leaving abroad, is obligated. Automatically you get into roaming zone when services cellular communication A network of foreign operator also is provided. Prices for calls take off: you need to pay your own, and strangers.

Those who have a laptop or smartphone is enough to install the Skype program, find a place where there is free access to the Internet, and call around the world. The main thing is that your subscriber also had such a program. And S. ordinary phones Contact.

Alternatively, you can purchase a local SIM card. This type of communication is low, because by buying a tourist SIM card, you make a prepayment of minutes / sms at the cheapest foreign operator. At the same time, you do not depend on the Internet, you can save your number, and about 2 cents will cost.

If you do not want to buy a SIM card and carry a laptop with you, try another way to save. At the entrance to the country, disconnect the automatic selection of the operator in the settings. And then manually connect to the overseas operator with the tariffs. True, learn whose services is cheaper, it is necessary in advance in your telephone company.

Old proven way: Arriving in someone else's country, buy a local SIM card in a kiosk or store. It is really profitable: for calls home pay at times less than if they remained in. But new number We will have to inform close, and this is expensive. In addition, the incoming calls will pay the subscriber from Russia, and it is expensive.

Video on the topic

To conduct a video or audio dialogue with native and friends from a computer to a computer, you need to find at the time of the connection of both subscribers in the Internet network. And what to do if your interlocutor is not on the Internet, but is a famous phone number known? Or, for example, do you want to talk with a friend who has no computer?

All calls to cell phones pass through the telecom operator's gateway, so finding a company that will provide its users to unlimited calls is almost impossible, but still there is an output in such a situation.

Magnificent distribution in the world, especially in a business environment, gets IP. This method of communication is very available for the price, but has not yet received due attention to individuals. Therefore, providers are trying to attract users by all means. One method is to provide the ability to call mobile phone from a computer free online after registering on the site. During trial period You can call calls to any point in the world, however the time and number of calls is limited. To communicate more, you can register new accountHowever, most providers insure themselves from such a deception by the fact that they are asking to tie a mobile phone number to the page. You can call free on cellular from a computer, going to the site address:

Reading time: 5 minutes

Let's deal with how to call from a computer to mobile or landline phones for free. We will also consider the advantages and disadvantages of services.

This question is asked by many people, due to the fact that the tariffs of ordinary communication services are constantly increasing. Consider several ways to make free calls through a computer connected to the Internet.

There will not be mentioned by those applications that "communicate" with each other, such as Skype, Viber, WhatsApp and others. Most of the companies leading in this industry provide only paid services - to call from a computer to a mobile or stationary phone for a certain amount. But there are such services that allow you to call for the phone for free.

Easy to use service. To implement a free call, you just need to type the number on the site using a virtual keyboard. The service is carried out through IP telephony. In one day you can make two free calls. But without them, the price of EVAPHONE is much lower than that cellular operators. Communication is carried out two types: video, voice. Available to send SMS, but this is just a paid service. One of the main advantages of the service is a convenient intuitive to each interface.


  • The ability to make calls to any country.
  • Free conversations.
  • Pleasant interface.
  • Support for many payment methods.


  • During the dialing, you scroll through compulsory advertising in both paid and free status.
  • Free conversations are limited to two minutes.
  • Technical support It works not without complaints.


This is a program, thanks to which you can call anywhere in the globe. You can download the client for free on the net. But in order to make calls you need to have a minimum of 10 euros. Only after the money is in the user's virtual wallet, it will be available for 300 minutes of free territorial unlimited conversations.



  • The project is commercially focused.
  • The need must necessarily have a plus balance on the account.
  • You need to install the application.
  • The quality of communication leaves much to be desired.
  • Unsatisfactory technical support.

Simple for mastering the service. On it main page There is an interactive phone and manual, how to use it. That's just a manual exclusively in English. But it is possible to do without it - it helps a pleasant eye, understandable interface. Call access to 30 with a plus directions. Installing any additional software is required. All manipulations occur on the site of the service. For convenience, the virtual phone can be opened in a separate browser window. Video calls are available. Free communication is limited to five minutes, after which the tariffing begins.


  • Video calls in format HD. (if the camera used allows).
  • Convenience and ease of operation.
  • Five free minutes.
  • Several payment methods.
  • Keep video calls B. mP4. file.


  • Absent feedback with the administration.
  • Using outdated Flash technology.
  • There is no Russian language.

The service allows you to carry out free calls both from a PC / laptop and mobile application. The month is provided with 50 free calls no more than 10 minutes a day. Subsequent communications are charged depending on the site (country) of the Subscriber. The services of the service are very beneficial, but popular, for incomprehensible reasons, the site does not use. And this is considering the passion of people to free services.


  • Calls to anywhere in the world.
  • Support personal computer and smartphone.
  • Decent conditions for free conversations.
  • The interface is convenient, plus there is support for the Russian language.
  • Lack of advertising. There are no annoying pop-up banners with obsessive marketing like: " download movies for Android via torrent is free".


  • Due to low fame, investors are not invested in the project, which is why the service does not develop, which is poured by the average quality of communication.

The service allows you to make calls around the world. For this there is no need to download the application. Everything happens right on the site. You can make a free call without registration. But his time is limited to one minute a day. Registration on the service gives advantages, among which are additional free calls. The site passes a permanent lottery, whose winners receive gratuitous minutes for conversations. To use the resource you do not need any special skills - everything is available and clear. Virtual telephone You can use the real keyboard.