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Tele2 learn the region. How to find out your phone number? Using a USSD team

Sometimes mobile subscribers have difficulties with connecting new services or in turning off old, as well as issues on financial transactions, tariff plans and quality customer service. The subscriber must always know several options how to call the tele2 operator if it uses the SIM card of this mobile company.

For this, it is necessary immediately after purchasing the starting package to make a few numbers of customer service center to your contact list, so that they are always at hand. Some problems need an instant solution.

Short number

The easiest to memorize the option to contact a consultant - remember short number Service center - 611. For a dialing, enter this combination of numbers and press the tube.

First you will hear an answering machine that will present in detail the most popular information on the questions that all subscribers set and then directly contact the specialist.

If you do not want to wait a long time - immediately after you hear the answering machine - press 0 and expect your queue to dial to the operator.

Call tele2 from a city phone

Not at hand mobile phone, Do you need to decide? You can get through the specialist and from the city phone. For any region free are calls to the telephone number2 8 800 & 555 06 11. From another operator, you can also make a free call at 8 800 & 555 06 11.

In roaming

Are you abroad, but there are urgent questions for a telephone consultant? You can always consult on any issues with your operator for free, even if you are far outside the homeland. For this, there is an international telephone +7 951 520 06 11.

At any time of the day, the subscriber can find out its roaming tariffs, connect new services, learn about financial transactions and solve other issues relating to tele2 services.

Communication with tele2 via email

Do you know what your question will wait a few hours? Why then spend an extra time to wait for the response of operators, which are very often loaded? Being anywhere in the world, you have the opportunity to simply send your request and describe the situation by email.

Tele2 email addresses:

Group VK

Subscribe to the official Tele2 groupwho provides you with its services, and you can always learn before all about new opportunities, favorable tariff plans, tempting services, free Apps, promotions and gifts from the mobile network operator.

Address of the official group: Telecommunication address in the group:

Tele2 menu

Want to all helpful information Regarding services, tariffs, new opportunities have always been at hand, so that you can quickly find out the necessary information anywhere? Just install the Tele2 app on your smartphone called Tele2 menu.

You can also make a call from the application to your consultant.

  1. Run the Tele2 menu application.
  2. Choose My Tel2 item.
  3. Click on the "Subscription Service" tab.
  4. Expect to answer your consultant.

Personal Area

On the official website Tele2 you can register your account And you can always be able to ask your questions and describe the problems encountered when using services through your personal account.

Cabinet is registered on your phone number. It has all information on tariff plans, connecting new and disconnecting service and services connected.

You can customize the services, without having in the hands of your mobile. All elementary is done through the office. He is your personal page. The connection is immediately supported with the online consultant who will instantly answer you.

Remember for yourself and record at least any numbers in the smartphone telephone book at least how many numbers in which you can communicate with a competent specialist from your mobile operator.

The level of servicing tele2 subscribers depends on the quality of the work of the call centers. For subscribers open 24 hours technical supportBut not every subscriber knows how to contact technical support specialists. Below are considered all possible methodsthat will allow any subscriber to choose the most convenient way Appeals to the reference service Tele2.

brief information

To communicate with the television call center, you must use the following numbers:

  • short number 611 (then "0" for connecting to the operator);
  • when calling from stationary phones and numbers of other operators cellular communication – 8 800 555 0611;
  • roaming - +7 951 520 0611.

5 ways to contact the telephone operator2

Call centers are often downloaded and do not always quickly cope with the tasks set before them. Therefore, various online services are increasingly used, allowing the subscriber to find an answer to the question of interest to it or receive any information on their own. However, the need to call the support service still occurs quite often, so each client should be aware of the existing methods of communication.

Method number 1.

The simplest option to call the operator of the tele2 - to dial a short number:

611 → Call

This way can take advantage of any subscriber of the tele2 that calls from your phone. It is important to know that after the connection for communication with the operator, press the number "0". Usually, at the same time, you have to wait a bit while the Call Center employee is free.

Method number 2.

When staying in international roaming, use a short number for communication 611 Do not work. In such a situation, you must apply the usual number. +7 951 520 0611 . Then you need to wait until the operator respives, and state the problem arise.

Method number 3.

When used to communicate with the number of urban phone numbers or other mobile operators You should also dial the usual number, but also another: 8 800 555 0611. It is important to note that this phone is available for communication not in all regions of the country. This is explained by the fact that there is no single number, however, the above is the most common. To get a phone for communication in the particular region where the subscriber lives, you can use the information from the official website.

Method number 4.

Allows the client to use many functionality, For example, find out the account balance or residue, SMS messages and traffic at the connected rate, change it if necessary, and also connect or disable various subscriptions, services and programs.

In addition to the functions listed, the personal account provides a simple and convenient option to ask a question to the technical support service using a specially developed form. feedback. At the same time, the information received from the client is as quickly processed as quickly as possible, and the answer is sent to its email. As a result, a significant number of tele2 subscribers are selected precisely such an option to obtain the information they need and solve problems.

Method number 5.

Ask a question on the operator's website, even if your personal account has not yet been created. To do this, it is enough to find at the bottom main page Service "Request to Support Service", when running a special form will open. It should be filled, after which it will automatically be sent to the support service. The result of processing received information is sent to electronic address The client specified when filling out the request form.

Tele2 cellular network subscribers are becoming more and more every day, and this is a recognized fact. Therefore, they have a number of standard issues, the answers to which, of course, must be provided. Today we want to talk about a pretty banal question, but, alas, not only Tele2 users are faced with it, but most of the other operators. We will tell you how to find out your telephone number2.

Why this question rises to consideration

We are all accustomed to the fact that the omissions remember their phone number, and even a dozen rooms of friends and relatives in addition. But the problem, imagine such a situation that you just changed the operator, began to use it with its services, and to provide your number to someone, do not have a clear answer.

No matter how paradoxically, no one can use the function of viewing your own number on most smartphones today, so this question remains open for them.

How to find out your phone number tele2

And now consider in more detail options that will help you find out the actual phone number:

  1. Of course, you can always view information directly in your mobile device. But for this, often you have to look good carefully.
  2. You can also send an SMS message to someone from familiar contacts with a request to specify in the response message your phone number.
  3. Call telephone support service to the number and ask: "And from what number I call you?" :-)
  4. In addition, there is a completely obvious decision - committing outgoing challenge For any familiar or comrade number, who will notify you about what your number you have.

It is quite obvious that one of these three options is quite difficult, because not all modern subscribers easily cope with the management of modern phones, which more come to pocket computers. And two more options are pretty good and simple, but for them, alas, you have to pay, because SMS messages and calls have their price.

So gradually we came to a short USSD code, which is a solution to the problem. Dial on your phone a combination *201# And you will see your phone number. Everything is extremely simple.

Advantages of using USSD team

On the inconvenience of using SMS, outgoing calls and searches for the settings of the phone, we have already said. Now it is worth noting positive sides Using USSD code:

  • Brevity and ease of memorization;
  • The possibility of using in any region, you are in any of the regions of the Russian Federation, or even in Kazakhstan;
  • Absolute free.

By typing a short command, you will almost instantly receive an incoming SMS message in which the current number of your number will be specified. contact phonetied to the TELE2 SIM card.

How to see your phone number on iPhone or Android smartphone

If for some reason the voiced team is not suitable for you, or you just want to know how to find out the number with full-time tools, we will give you small instructions.

How to see your number on the iPhone

  1. Unlock the device.
  2. Go to "Contacts".
  3. Find the inscription on the screen: "All".
  4. Double tap the screen on the inscription: "All".
  5. The block with contacts will shift a bit down, and you will see "my number".

How to see your phone number on the Android device

  1. Unlock the gadget.
  2. Open the main menu.
  3. Go to the Settings section.
  4. Find and open "phone information".
  5. Click on the Status item.
  6. On the screen you will see "my number".

As you can see, with special difficulties you will not come across, even if you decide to see the phone number "Anglass". Although we still recommend you to remember the short USSD team *201# .

Tele2 is a reliable and fairly popular cellular operator, gradually conquering hearts not only Russians. In many ways, thanks to high-quality and inexpensive communication, subscribers becomes more and more even. And, periodically, each subscriber needs the help of experienced consultants.

Reference service Tele2 works around the clock, but there are several numbers for the appeal of subscribers. How can I call the tele2 operator for free from mobile and without waiting? Is it possible to make a call to the telephone operator not from the "native" number, but from the city phone or number of the MTS operator, Beeline, MegaFon or other companies? In the article, we will analyze all ways and give answers to these and other often exciting questions from subscribers.

How to call the operator from a mobile tele2?

Telecom employees respectively relate to all subscribers of the company and will be able to respond to each of the available issues regarding communication services. To call the tele2 operator, you can take advantage of the same free phone numbers or regional subscriber service numbers.

From any point Russian Federation You can call the tele2 operator for free by Single number 611. Then, so that the connection to the specialist happens faster, press the 0 button.

Another one is also valid free room For absolutely all operators providing communication services. If you have a MTS operator number, megaphone, Beeline or at hand only the city phone and you need to call tele2 operators, then you need to recruit the federal number hot line 8-800-555-06-11. The call to this room is free from any phone in Russia.

How to call in Tele2 from a mobile other operator or urban phone

Unfortunately, sometimes, due to the overload of the line, it is impossible to call the free federal number of the operator of the television service of the tele2 - 8-800-555-06-11, which was previously said. In this case, you can use regional numbers.

Below is a detailed table of phone numbers for which you can call the operator of technical support in its native region. Worker help service Consulters you on how much the question and will offer the most rational and fast ways to have the situation.

Open Full list Regional Rooms Support Services Tele2

Region Service Subscriber service operator number
Moscow and Moscow region 8-495-97-97-611
St. Petersburg and Leningrad region 8-812-98-90-022
Republic of Adygea 8-861-25-30-055
Republic of Karelia 8-814-98-90-022
Komi Republic 8-821-25-60-611
Mari El Republic 8-836-27-00-611
The Republic of Mordovia 8-834-23-40-000
Republic of Tatarstan 8-843-26-50-000
Udmurtia 8-341-24-74-474
Chuvash Republic 8-835-260-00-00
Altai region 8-385-26-96-611
Arkhangelsk region 8-818-24-74-747
Belgorod region 8-472-24-11-611
Bryansk region. 8-483-26-62-020
Vladimir region 8-492-23-76-747
Volgograd region 8-844-29-22-000
Vologda region / Cherepovets 8-817-25-11-555 / 8-820-25-11-555
Voronezh region 8-473-25-80-611
Jewish AO 8-900-42-206-11
Kaliningrad region 8-401-29-09-909
Kamchatka Krai 8-900-44-40-611
Kemerovo Region. 8-890-49-90-000
Kirov region 8-333-27-72-222
Kostroma region 8-494-25-01-611
Krasnodar region 8-861-25-30-055
Kurgan region 8-352-26-13-611
Kursk Oblast 8-471-23-99-993
Lipetsk region. 8-474-27-17-171
Magadan Region 8-900-41-10-611
Murmansk region 8-815-27-51-611
Nizhny Novgorod Region 8-831-29-11-611
Novgorod region 8-816-25-50-150
Novosibirsk region 8-383-38-00-000
Omsk Oblast 8-381-25-05-050
Oryol Region 8-486-24-38-000
Penza region 8-841-22-40-000
Perm region 8-342-22-77-611
Primorsky Krai 8-423-248-48-48
Pskov region 8-811-27-57-575
Rostov region 8-863-24-15-000
Ryazan Oblast 8-491-25-00-611
Sakhalin Oblast 8-900-43-30-611
Sverdlovsk region 8-343-29-00-611
Smolensk region 8-481-25-60-000
Tambov Region 8-475-27-60-611
Tver region 8-482-26-49-999
Tomsk Oblast 8-382-29-41-000
Tula region 8-487-25-80-611
Tyumen region 8-345-27-01-611
Ulyanovsk region 8-842-24-14-141
Khanty-Mansiysk JSC 8-346-27-00-611
Chelyabinsk region 8-351-24-80-611
Yamalo-Nenets JSC 8-349-64-40-611

Calls to these numbers are paid as ordinary outgoing inside the region in accordance with the tariffs set by your operator.

How to call in tele2 from roaming?

Communication problems or questions to the subscriber service may occur not only at home, in Russia, but also beyond it - in international roaming. In this case, get through to the technical support service single phones 611 or 8-800-555-06-11 will not work, and on regional numbers, the previously indicated call will be too expensive.

Being beyond the Russian Federation - in international roaming, call on from mobile or stationary phone Easier and cheaper than the hotline + 7-951-520-06-11. Having gained it, you will be taken to the support department specializing on roaming issues and help to tele2 subscribers abroad.

Other ways to contact Tele Support

If, by virtue of any reasons to reach the television operator, you could not or, calling did not receive a complete answer, then to obtain consultation, you can use in other ways:

  1. Send a message on the official website of the TV2 through a special form and describe in detail about the established difficulties. Specialist will answer all your questions by email or call you yourself.
  2. Send an email with a description of the email situation [Email Protected] . The answer to your appeal will also be sent to you by mail.
  3. You can seek help from the duty officer in the Community of Tele2 on social networks

Today it is difficult to submit your life without a mobile communication that allows us to communicate with close despite any distance. Cellular operators to increase the client base regularly create new tariffs and services that not only attract customer attention, but also cause a lot of issues. All providers without exception have their own call centers that are designed to assist subscribers. This also applies to Tele2, which also did not leave its customers without attention and organized a 24-hour reference service.

Despite the fact that questions arise from a huge number of subscribers, not everyone knows how to call the operator of the tele2. At the very case, it is very simple to call the operator and in this will help you on our site instruction. There are several ways to contact the operator and we will consider them all, you will also remain choose the most suitable option for you.

  • brief information
  • Single free subscriber service number: 611 (for connecting to the operator, press the number 0);
    To communicate with the operator from the city phone and numbers of other operators: 8 800 555 0611;
    When found in roaming: +7 9515200611.

How to call the operator of the tele2 - 6 ways

TELE2 operator has fewer customers than megaphone communication market leaders, Beeline and MTS. However, despite this, this provider provides its services very high quality and makes a huge effort in order to increase the client base. Subscribers always appreciated the manifestation of care to their address and providing support in the event of any problems associated with mobile communications. Tele2, as any other self-respecting operator tries to provide customers with support at the highest level. Nevertheless, no matter how hard the provider tried, dissatisfied is still enough and concerns that all operators. Questions regularly arise from a huge number of people and they all try to solve them by calling the operator.

Contact centers often do not cope with the load and subscribers have to for a long time Hang on the phone, waiting for a specialist response. Of course, it causes a lot of discontent. To somehow reduce the load on contact centers, special online self-service services were created, but still many subscribers want to know how to call the tele2 operator. So, enough empty conversations, let's finally consider ways to obtain a consultation of the company's specialist tele2.

  1. The easiest way to call the operator of the tele2 - to dial on your mobile number611 . This is a single free number of telephone subscriber service. This method Allows you to contact a specialist contact Center Only from the TV number2. If you need to contact a consultant from the phone of another operator, you will need to dial another number that we indicated in the next paragraph. So to call the operator dial the number 611 . After establishing the connection, press the number 0 and wait for a specialist response. It is not necessary to count on the immediate response of the company's employee and will have to wait some time until the operator is free.
  2. If you are in international Roaming, Correct with the tele2 operator by calling the number 611 will not work. For such cases, there is a separate number that allows you to get free to support cellular specialist from any point of the planet. To do this, dial the number +7 951 520 06 11 And wait for connections with a specialist.
  3. To communicate with the operator from the city phone and numbers of other operators, you need to dial the number 8 800 555 06 11 . Here it is necessary to make a reservation. Before you call the tele2 operator at the above number, you should specify on the official website of the provider if this number is available in your region. The fact is that for communication with the telephone operator from the city phone and from the number of another operator there is no single number. Depending on the region, the number may differ and we indicated only the most common option.
  4. Each cellular operator has self-catering through a special online service and tele2 is no exception to the rules. With service "Personal Cabinet Tele2" Subscribers can perform a lot of different operations with their account. For example, using a personal account, you can change the tariff, connect and disable services, monitor the account, and the like. Also in the Personal Account there is a separate section by opening which you can fill in a special feedback form. The specialist will handle your request and send an answer as a message. It is worth saying that it is often impassing with personal account functions. Often, you can often avoid the need to call the operator of the tele2.
  5. Ask a question by a telephone specialist in online mode and without entering into personal Area. For this go to and fill out the form. Do not forget to specify a communication method with you. Usually this emailto which the answer will come. Count on the operational response is not necessary, so use this option It makes sense only if you do not rush to get an answer.
  6. There is another way to get a consultation of a specialist with the help of the Internet. It is unlikely to call it most convenient, but it should be said about him. TV2 has an official group in social network In contact with. The group is watching a group of specialists who are trying to promptly respond to the questions of the participants. To join the group follow the link "".

On this we will end this article. Now you know how to call the operator of the tele2. We hope the material prepared by the site was useful for you.