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What team go to super mts. Transition to the "Super" tariff from MTS

"Super MTS" - a favorable fare without a subscription service intended for MTS users who infrequently make calls or not use paid Services. It does not provide additional optionsFor which monthly funds are written off - SMS packets, multimedia messages, Internet traffic, etc. This review will consider the pros and cons of the package, facilities of tariffing and connecting methods.

Description of the Tarif Super MTS and its cost

"Super MTS" will be the best solution for subscribers who do not want to pay money for unnecessary options and services. A feature of this offer is the lack of a weekly or monthly subscription. The tariff plan includes:

  • Free intranet local calls;
  • Calls to other operators for 2.5 rubles / min;
  • 20 free minutes for calls to fixed communication numbers (after the exhaustion of the limit of 2.5 rubles / min.);
  • 20 free minutes of intranet calls to other regions (after the exhaustion of the limit of 2.5 rubles / min.);
  • Sending SMS messages to MTS within the local region of 2.5 rubles / pcs.;
  • Sending SMS messages to foreign numbers of 5.25 rubles / pcs.;
  • Sending SMS messages to numbers of other telecom operators for 2.8 rubles / pcs.;
  • Sending multimedia messages on 6.5 rubles / pcs.;
  • Internet access for 9.90 rubles / MB.

If desired, the subscriber can connect additional paid options to make low-cost calls, send SMS messages and access to the Internet - "SMS SMART package", "Superbit SMART", etc.

How to go?

Subscribers who make short calls and do not use paid services, will be able to save on payment mobile communications With the tariff "Super MTS". To go B. tariff planYou can use five ways:

  1. Make a system query * 888 # and press the call key;
  2. Call 0890 and activate the fare with the help of the communication operator prompts;
  3. Connect the tariff plan through the application menu for My MTS smartphones;
  4. Go to the new tariff through the menu in the "Personal Account" on the website of the MTS operator;
  5. Visit the MTS Service Center and contact consultants for help.

If 30 or more days have passed since the transition to another tariff plan, with the activation of the "Super MTS" tariff, the funds from the personal account do not spike. But if the change occurred within a month, the connection will cost 150 rubles. To disable it, it is enough to simply use another offer from MTS and simply activate the new tariff.

Pros and cons

"Super MTS" will be the most successful solution for those who want to save on payment cellular communication. The advantages of this offer include:

  • Lack of subscription fees;
  • Free intranet calls in the local region;
  • 20 free minutes for calls to other regions and on stationary phones;
  • The ability to connect options to send SMS messages and making calls.

As with many other tariff plans, "Super MTS" has its drawbacks, namely:

  • Lack of description to the tariff fee in the starting package;
  • Automatic connection of paid services immediately after the activation of the tariff;
  • Restriction per 100 min. / Day for free intranet calls in the local region.

Subscribers must remember that immediately after activation of the package, the options "SMS SMART", "HOOK", etc. are automatically connected. Notifications about connecting additional services, as a rule, do not come. In this regard, funds begin to charge funds in the direction unknown to the subscriber. To prevent extra spending, immediately after switching to a new tariff, you should disable paid options using the USSD command * 152 * 2 #.

To whom will suit

The Super MTS tariff will be an excellent option for those subscribers who prefer communication only within the selected region (such most) and only with subscribers of one operator (family members or company employees). Its use can significantly save on the subscription.

Also K. base version You can connect additional options if you need to drive to the network ("Bit", "Internet", "Turbo Button") or send additional SMS.

It should be borne in mind that the "All Super" option connects automatically once a day, removing each time from the account of 9 rubles. So when connecting a super MTS, the fare description is recommended to be carefully checked, and if the supplement options are not needed, turn off them.

To increase the number of free minutes, you can supplement the Super MTS option with the option "Call for free on MTS in Russia 100", 3.5 rubles per day.

As a result, this option becomes the most fiscal option for communicating inside the family if all its members live in one region. It is not very convenient for communication in social networks, Surfing on the Internet or sending pictures on MMS. But for those who are not relevant to those who are not relevant, it will be useful because the means for connecting unnecessary options are not written off.

MTS operator offers a number favorable tariffs To your subscribers. One of these is "Super MTS". It provides a number of useful communication services at a low price. Subscription fee In this case is absent.

Features of the tariff

"Super MTS" does not provide for a mandatory subscription fee. This means that you pay only for those functions that use. It is beneficial to users who rarely call inside the home region.

The package includes:

  • 20 minutes for conversations in home network. The fee for them is not removed.
  • Use options for free conversations outside the region.
  • Ability to order a package of free SMS.
  • Work on the Internet with the help of "Superbit Smart".


As part of the package, the following prices are valid:

SMS packages

Within the package, free messages are not provided, but when the tariff is activated automatic connection Functions "SMS SMART Package".

At its framework, sending SMS messages within the region is not charged. The first 15 days after connecting the function or activation are not charged. Next is removed 5 rubles a day before the function is turned off. For deactivation, use a combination * 111 * 9009 #.

Calls on the Tariff Super MTS

If you are quite often communicating with subscribers both within the region and outside it, then you will be useful for free minutes. The option provides for providing 200 free minutes. Of these, 100 for the conversation within the region, the rest for calls throughout Russia.

The daily cost of the service is 3.50. Activated automatically simultaneously with the tariff. Test period - 15 days.

To turn off, use the * 868 # command or send a digital message 868 to a short number 111.

the Internet

One more useful feature - "Superbit Smart." Within its framework, 3 GB of the Internet is accrued monthly. The first 15 days of use occur free of charge, then 12 rubles are removed daily. The cost of each used 500 MB is over 3 GB - 75.

International negotiations

Individual attention should be paid to international communication. The cost of one minute of the conversation will be:

  • To the CIS countries - 35.
  • To Europe - 49
  • The rest of the countries - 70.

Rates are quite high, so if you communicate with foreign citizens, it will be correct to connect "profitable international calls" The convenience of it is that payment will be 50 rubles per month. Within its framework, the prices for international conversations will be as follows:

  1. Europe - 10 rubles.
  2. CIS - 15, but note that conversations with subscribers of Azerbaijan and Belarus will be charged otherwise - 20 per minute.
  3. China - 1.50.
  4. USA and Canada - 5.
  5. Other calls - 25.

Connect the function in two ways:

  • Using a short query * 111 * 902 #.
  • Using a message to number 111 with text 902.

To deactivate on the same number, send the command 9020.

Tariff shortcomings Super MTS

One of the main minuses of the tariff plan is the presence of a mass of additional services. They are connected automatically and the first 15 days are not charged. After the end of the test period, from the balance begins to write off means for use.

Often subscribers cannot understand where funds from their balance are disposed. In fact, the cunning operator imposes a number of services that are starting to eat almost all the money. Without a shutdown, the subscriber can spend 600 - 700 rubles per month for communication services.

In order not to lose money, it is necessary immediately after activation to disable all the services unnecessary to you.

The list of imposed services includes:

  1. "100 minutes a day in Russia", the price is 3.5 per day. Turns off using the * 111 * 868 # code.
  2. "Superbit Smart" - 12 per day. In addition, 75 rubles for 500 MB are removed when adding traffic. Disable * 111 * 8650 #.
  3. "SMS SMS package" gives 10 free sms per day at home. The cost of the option 5 rubles per day. Disable - * 111 * 9009 #.
  4. "Goodok" - replaces the usual beeps on a popular melody. The cost of the function is 75 rubles. Disconnection - * 111 * 8650 #.

Please wait for the end trial period Do not stand, as you can forget about the need for deactivation.

Transition to Super MTS tariff

If you are interested in the tariff, you can go to it in several ways.

  1. Using a query * 888 # and call key.
  2. Go to " Personal Area" There you need to open a section with tariffs, select the desired and click on the "Go button".
  3. Open My MTS application, working on mobile operating under Android and iOS OS. The transition is carried out similarly to the transition through the "Personal Account".
  4. Call the operator by typing 0890. There you can not only go to the tariff plan, but also ask the operator to immediately disable all unnecessary services.
  5. Visit the communication salon, and purchase a package. If you do not want to change the number, you can ask the center consultant to change the plan. Do not forget to capture a passport with you.

If the last shift of the tariff was more than a month ago, the transition is free. Otherwise, 150 rubles will be removed from your account.

Note that the change of the tariff model occurs during the day after sending the request.


A separate command for deactivation is not provided. If you do not like the model, you can choose a tariff and activate it using basic query methods, "personal account", visits to the cabin.

Questions from subscribers

What changes in 2017 were in the Tarifer of Super MTS?

At the beginning of February, MTS did not declare new rates in the tariff plan.

How to connect 100 minutes a day on the tariff?

Type USSD request * 868 # or send SMS with the text 868 to the number 111.

"Super MTS" is one of the simplest. It is convenient for those subscribers who occasionally make calls, do not send SMS messages and do not use the Internet. Otherwise, the tariff may become very expensive, as it involves connecting a number of functions for full-fledged communication. To save funds, do not forget to refuse unnecessary functions in a timely manner.

Cellular operators are actively competing with each other, offering all the newest tariffs with more tempting conditions. MTS Not exception. The company is constantly improving tariff plans, making them more accessible to subscribers.

Many users like the Super MTS tariff, which is inherently constructor and thanks to a wide range of options. And the most economical will like the ability to talk up to 20 minutes a day With other customers of the company or urban subscribers are completely is freeand without any subscription fee.

Preliminary actions

Before switching to the Super MTS tariff or any other, you need to make sure there is enough money on the balance sheet. Check the cost you can on the official website of the operator at any time.

Usually, before connecting the Super MTS, it is enough to have a positive balance, since the transition itself will be free if more than 30 days have passed from the last switch. Otherwise, the client's balance must be minimum 150 rubles.

Options for transition to the tariff super from MTS

The company provides many options that allow how to go to Super MTS aloneand with employees firm. Two ways allow you to do without assistance, we give them:

  1. Using an Internet assistant. So in mts called personal Cabinet Subscriber . To go enough to visit the company's website and select after authorization in the LC via the appropriate section required tariff.
  2. In addition, the transition can be transmitted from the keyboard *888# And clicking on the Send Call button.

There is another option how to go to Super MTS alone through ussd. You can dial a combination *111*58# And after receiving the list with the available tariffs, click the Reply button and enter the number of the most suitable.

Two more available methods for the transition will require more time and require help from a company employee. You can call in free Number 0890 And after identification according to the passport data, ask to switch the operator. So always be happy to help with the transition of employees of numerous operator offices.

One of the classic proposals from the largest operator in Russia is the "Super MTS" tariff, the description of which we are today and we suggest learning more carefully.

Tariff "Super MTS" (screenshot from the operator site)

Even despite the abundance of modern proposals from the company, many people remain faithful "classics" and use this package, therefore it is important to understand all its nuances and aspects.

To whom will suit

This proposal can be called the most rational choice for customers who prefer communication exclusively in one cellular network and only within the borders of the home region.

Using the "Super MTS" tariff of 2020, it is possible to make it quite advantageous to call home numbers within the MTS network, while noticeably saved on the subscription fee.

Actual version. Tariff information was updated on February 23, 2020.

Tariff "Super MTS" 2020: Detailed description

The subscription fee on the Tariff "Super MTS" is missing, but there is one "but" (See below for a summary of the tariff).

Call Call

  • incoming challenges in the home region - free of charge;
  • incoming roaming in the Russian Federation - 5.00 ₽ / minute;
  • outgoing on mobile and city MTS numbers in Moscow and M.O. with a connected option "All Super" or - "All Super +" for free and unlimited;
  • outside on Mobile City Rooms MTS in Moscow and M.O. Without Options "All Super" or - "All Super +" - 1.90 ₽ / min.;
  • outgoing in Moscow and MO on the remaining operators - 2,60 ₽ / min.;
  • outgoing on MTS in Russia - 5.80 ₽ / min.;
  • outside on all other numbers of Russia - 15.00 ₽ / min;
Do not forget that if you do not use the connection within 90 days, then from 91 days of the inactivity of MTS will take off from your account 3 per day until funds are running on the balance sheet.

Cost SMS.

  • sending SMS in Moscow and region - 2,10 ₽ / message.;
  • sending SMS in Russia - 4.00 ₽ / SMS;
  • SMS worldwide - 8.40 ₽ / SMS.

Tariff "Super MTS"


the Internet

Subscribers available to choose from:

  • Daily free package 100 MB Internet traffic with a connected "All Super" option, then automatically connects with a price of 25 ₽ For every 20 MB ..
  • Pack 3 GB. Traffic per month when using the "All Supper +" service.
  • Without Options "All Supper" or "All Cupper +" automatically activated "Basic Tariffing of the Internet" by 26 ₽ 20 MB. traffic.

This is very expensive, so you can think about connecting such options as "bit", "Internet" or "turbo-button", in which you can get for use within a month a certain amount of traffic for relatively small money.

Short video review Tarifa

Video: Compare of tariffs without subscription fees with unexpected conclusions

Option "All Super +"

  • Disable "All Super +" by command *111*259*2# ;
  • Connect "All Super +" by the command *111*259*1# ;
  • The service fee is debited only in those days when you made outgoing calls or went online.

Option "All Super"

The "All Super" option is connected by MTS subscribers, which go to the tariff "Super MTS" automatically and costs $ 10.50 per day. I need her or not - decide for yourself.

  • Disable "All Super" by command *111*249*2# ;
  • Connect "All Super" can be commanded *111*249*1# (when connecting from the account immediately spikes 10 ₽ In the first day of use of the option);
  • The fee for the service is written off daily, it does not matter using you internet or calls or not.

Comparison of the Options "All Super +" and "All Super"

If you compare the Options "All Super +" and "All Super" with the almost the same amount of the services provided, the subscription fee for the "All Super +" service is less and charged only if the option to use. I advise subscribers who use the "Super MTS" tariff to connect exactly the "all super +" if they used the "All Super" option.

Additional conditions

Brief summary on "Super MTS": pluses and cons of the tariff

MTS still positions the new version of the "Super MTS" as a tariff without a subscription fee, but "on the fact" when connected, 10.50 ₽ per day (and this is 315 ₽ per month) for the "All Super" option, which can be an unpleasant surprise For many who decide to connect or go to this TP and inattentively read its conditions.

Although, on the other hand, "Super MTS", will still be relevant for those who make a couple of calls a day and does not use mobile Internet from the phone.

When making a decision on the transition to the new "Super MTS", I would advise before View the details of your communication costs for the last 3-6 months and to calculate the cost at new prices in order not to be mistaken. Having spent 10-15 minutes you may save a decent amount of money, which is nice;)

How to connect the tariff "Super MTS"

  • First, new customers of the company can transition to the tariff while maintaining their old number. This service is available for 100 rubles and it is possible to use it, or you need to contact the company's offices.
  • The current MTS subscribers can use the USSD format. *111*8888*1# ;
  • To change the tariff in the My MTS personal account (registration instructions). For existing clients of the company, the package change is offered completely free.
However, if during the last month of the use of services, this is not the first of your procedure for changing the tariff package, you will have to pay 150 rubles for a new tariff shift.

How to disable

  • To turn off the tariff, it is enough to go to any other relevant and available for connecting the MTS tariff plan.
  • Hardcore! Do not replenish the balance of the SIM card and do not use the services of MTS 180 days. After that, the contractual between you and the operator will automatically terminate and the SIM card with your number can be sold by the operator to any other buyer.
  • Distribute the contract with the communication operator independently.

Thank you for your attention, I ask all questions to ask in the comments to the material, which I can - I will help. Who will share an article in social networks, that well done and friends will prompt about changes in MTS.

Detailed description of the tariff "Super MTS" 2017 [closed to connect]

From 03/05/2018 old version Closed for connecting and renamed to the "Super MTS 122014" tariff, but, in connection with a large number of subscribers who still use it, we leave information below about its detailed terms and cost of calls.

The cost is indicated for Moscow and the region subscribers.

The subscription fee on the tariff plan "Super MTS" is absent.

Operator clients get the opportunity to call on such conditions:

  • 20 minutes a day for free calls on MTS at home and to the stationary communication numbers;
  • Calls to the MTS House numbers, starting from 21 minutes: 1.50 ₽;
  • Calls to stationary rooms at home from 21 minutes: 2.50 ₽;
  • Calls to MTS in the Russian Federation: 5 ₽ / minute;
  • Other calls at home: 2,50 ₽ / min.;
  • Call challenges: 14 ₽ / minute.
To increase the amount of free calls up to 100 minutes a day, subscribers can connect the option;

As for text messages, they are available to send in Moscow for 2 rubles for any directions, as well as for 3.80 rubles. You can send "SMS" to any directions within the country. During the border, SMS will cost subscribers in 5.25 rubles., And multimedia messes cost 9,90 rubles / pc.

Internet in the Super MTS package 2017

The default options "Basic Tariffation of the Internet" with, to put it mildly, a rather big cost of Internet access 20 MB. For 25 ₽ and "First Internet Package" with a subscription fee of 360 ₽ per month. To which they can be replaced, I wrote above in conditions new version tariff plan.

Additional services at "Super MTS" 2017

In addition, it is possible to optimize the tariff at the expense of such services as "call free on MTS Russia 100". This is a wonderful additional service, which is 3.50 rubles. In daily mode allows you to get 100 minutes of non-targeted calls. And also diversify the package and due to the option "SMS Smart package" option, which is allowed to send free messages. All these services can be activated in the application or personal account on the operator's website.

Of course, the services visible above are proposed as one of the potential options for choice, and you can independently select the most optimal options for your case, and connect them in your account, application, or appropriate codes.

MTS cellular operator offers tariff offers, profitable for outgoing calls within the network and on telephones of other operators. Among such proposals there is a "Super MTS" tariff plan, which allows you to connect a number additional features and functions. Despite additional services, the basic conditions of the tariff remain profitable. On how to go to the tariff "Super MTS", it will be discussed in our review.

Go to "Super MTS" via USSD request

Send short requests Allows you to connect various services or switch the phone number to another tariff. To switch to the "Super MTS" tariff proposal, follow the steps:

Via sms

Many services and tariff taxes from the MTS operator can be connected by sending text messages. Unfortunately, the "Super MTS" fare does not have such a connection method, so use others optimal options for you.

Using the call to the operator

By calling the support service operator, many issues of mobile communications can be solved, including to go to another tariff proposal. To connect the "Super MTS" tariff plan, follow the steps:

Switch to MTS Personal Account

The individual page of the subscriber on the operator's website allows you to manage the phone number, connect options, services and switch to another tariff plan.
  1. Go on the link to the LC.
  2. Complete the authorization procedure by filling out the field with the phone and password.
  3. If you are not registered in the LC, go through a simple registration and get the input.
  4. In the "My Account" section, the LC will indicate your current tariff plan. Under it there is a link "Change tariff", click on it.
  5. Window opens "Changing the tariff plan"in which a list of different tariffs will be proposed. The very first in the list will be the tariff "Super MTS". Click this link.
  6. A brief information on this tariff plan will open. Check it carefully.
  7. Click "Next" .
  8. A window will open with information on tariff services. The option "I am in touch" on this tariff will not act.
  9. Press the button "Go to this tariff".
  10. Wait for the tariff switching notice.

With the application "My MTS"

You can switch to other tariff plans through mobile app My MTS, which acts by analogy with the personal account, only on the mobile device.
  1. , depending on the type mobile device. It should be noted that for windows devices Phone this application Not designed, so in this case you need to use your personal account through the browser.
  2. Run the mobile application using the icon on the screen mobile phone.
  3. Authorization will automatically happen if SIM-card MTS is inserted in the phone. If the Internet is in other ways, fill in the field with the phone number, and get a password to enter.
  4. Go to the main menu of the application by clicking at the top left icon in the form of three white stripes.
  5. Go to the "Tariffs" section.
  6. Select "Super MTS". A page with information about the tariff will open.
  7. Check out the data provided and click the "Go to this tariff" button.
  8. You will receive a notice of transition.

Appeal to the office

To go to another tariff plan, you can contact the service office of MTS subscribers.
  1. Visit the nearest MTS office.
  2. Ask a consultant to switch your room to the "Super MTS" tariff.
In this case, your passport will be required, or a power of attorney, certified by a notary, from the owner of the phone. Otherwise, in switching tariff you may refuse.

Acquisition of the starting package

One way to go to another tariff is to purchase new sim card with a connected tariff offer.
  1. Visit the point of sale from MTS company.
  2. Check the starting package with the activated "Super MTS" tariff.
  3. Pull out your mobile phone old sim cardAnd install from the new purchased package.
Wherein old number The phone will no longer act.

Conditions for the transition to "Super MTS"

The cost of the transition for the current MTS subscribers is 150 rubles, provided that since last time the change of the tariff passed less than a month. If more than 30 days have passed, then the transition fee is not charged. When switching to this tariff With another cellular network, the cost of the transition is 100 rubles.

With data on the cost of the starting package of the Tariff "Super MTS" and the value of the initial amount of the phone's account, you can learn at the points of sale of packages. The initial amount is considered a discount on mobile servicesSupply when the tariff is activated, and cannot be paid in cash.