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Ways to disable the Internet on MTS. How to disable MTS mobile Internet on the MTS phone how to remove the Internet access

Do not know how to turn off the Internet on MTS? There is nothing complicated in this! As a client of the operator of Mobile TeleSystems OJSC, it is possible to abandon the mobile Internet services one of the following methods. It is enough to familiarize yourself with each of them, and then choose for yourself the most suitable.

Through personal account on the Internet

To disable the Internet from MTS on a mobile phone, you can use an "Internet assistant", access to which is carried out in personal Cabinet On the company's website. To disable the Internet through your personal account you need:

  • register and log in on the MTS website (if registration was previously done, it is not necessary to perform it),
  • in the Personal Account, select the "Services and Services" tab, and in it the option is "Service Management";
  • find in the list of services connected to the number, the Internet tab;
  • disable mobile Internet Using auxiliary option.

Read more about working with the "Internet Assistant" you will learn from the video.

In the Department of MTS

Learn how to turn off the Internet on MTS, fixed for certain numberAlso asked to make it a specialist, you can in any of the branches of the company, providing employees of the MTS customer service item.

Managers will not only provide advice, but also disconnect the necessary services within a few minutes. This option is perfect for those customers that go online through the SIM card installed on the modem (in this case, the SIM card can be completely blocked).

By calling the operator

Disable the Internet in the phone will help the operator, to communicate with which it is necessary:

  • call the short number "0890";
  • listen to the end of the information recorded on the answering machine, and click on the phone the proposed digit of the conversation with the operator;
  • wait to connect with the operator and explain to him the essence of the problem.

It is not necessary to wait for the operator's response, you can use the auxiliary options that the autoinformer will offer. Using the voice menu, disable any service is possible and independently using the voice menu prompts.

By changing the settings in the phone

When you activate the Internet, special settings come to the mobile. If you delete them, then the Internet access will be unavailable. The subscription fee for unused traffic is charged in this case will not be.

Via sms

MTS allows you to disable unlimited Internet sending SMS to a special number. Such a message The system considers as a request to disable the service. To do this, you need to know the tariff option that is attached to the number and the number required to send a request. Such information can be obtained on the official website of the operator.

Features of disconnecting some Internet services from MTS

"Internet 2014"

In order to disable the Internet 2014 service, allowing you to use 50 MB of available traffic for 2 rubles per day, you must send an SMS message with the text "20140" to the number "111".

You can also send a request by setting a combination "* 214 * 0 #" and pressing the call button, after which you wait for messages from the system and select one of the options offered in it. Either do the same actions by using the number "* 111 * 2014 #".

"MTS Tablet"

For users who connected on the tablet "MTS Tablet" service, disable the Internet with the help of the methods listed above. MTS also has developed a special website for its customers: "". Going on this resource, mobile device owners can disable any service, including MTS Tablet.

"Super MTS"

To disable the service " Super MTS»You should choose one of the options:

  • send a query by typing a combination "* 111 * 8649 #" and a call key (in response to a sent request, the system will offer several ways to connect, or disabling any service in SMS);
  • send a message with the numbers "8649" on short number "111" to disable the service within 24 hours.

"Super Bit"

Deactivate the "Super Bit" service will be able to send requests and SMS messages to the system. In this case, the request is sent using a set of combination "* 111 * 628 #" and pressing the call key. SMS message should be sent to the number "111" with the digital text "6280".

"Mini Bit"

Disable the service "Mini bit" you can use universal method Deactivate Internet services provided by BIT system. You just need to dial one of the following requests: "* 111 * 252 * 2 #" or "* 252 * 0 #" and press the call button.

Mobile Internet firmly entered modern life. Some users are already quite difficult to imagine themselves without a smartphone - on the device screen almost all life: online communication with friends, hot news, interesting videos, favorite music and terabytes of information in different directions. And all this thanks to the World Wide Web. However, it happens that, on the contrary, you need to turn off the mobile Internet.

To understand the question of how to disable the Internet on MTS, it should be first to find out what is meant by this wording - disabling the mobile Internet as such (in order to block access to the network from the device) or just a desire to disable the Internet option or additional traffic packages. Depending on the tasks, their solutions are different, and in this article we will look at each of them.

Since 2016, at all tariffs and Internet options, the MTS operator no longer limits the speed after the main inetrnet-package is exhausted. Instead, additional traffic packets are automatically activated, which can be connected to 15 pieces within a month.

Without habit, it can cause a large amount of funds on the phone balance. In this case the best solution It will turn off the additional Internet on MTS, and if necessary, connect one of.

How to disable Internet MTS on the phone

Mobile Internet MTS for phones, smartphones and other devices is represented by batch offers. Internet packages can be both included in the tariff plan and connect in the form of additional tariff options. Below are the commands to disable the Internet on the phone, depending on which Internet you use.

How to disable additional Internet packages on "Smart" tariffs ("Smart")

To disable additional Internet on "Smart" tariffs ("Smart Mini", "Smart", "Smart +", "Smart Nonstop", "Smart Top", "Smart Unlimited") Dial the key combination ✶ 111 ✶ 936 #.

After sending the command, you will receive a notification with the result. Now additional Internet packets will not automatically be activated when the main traffic is exhausted, and if necessary, you can resume access to the network using the "turbo button".

How to disable the Internet on "Super MTS" (Option "Superbit Smart")

At the tariffs "Super MTS" RED ENERGY."," Perekubny "," Your country "Internet access is provided within the Options "Superbit Smart".

Disable the Internet on "Super MTS" or one of the above tariffs can be deactivating the "Superbit SMART" service ✶ 111 ✶ 8650 #.

If you need to block additional traffic packages provided by the option, send a free SMS with text 1 to number 6290 will help get rid of additional Internet traffic.

How to turn off the Internet "Minibit", "Bit" and "Superbit" on MTS

  • "Minibit"
    Disable the option - ✶ 111 ✶ 62 ✶ 2 #.
    Deactivate additional inetrnet packages - SMS with text 1 to number 6220.
  • "BIT"
    Refuse the service itself - ✶ 111 ✶ 252 ✶ 2 #.
    Disable additional Internet SMS with text 1 to number 2520.
  • "Superbit"
    Dial the command ✶ 111 ✶ 628 ✶ 2 # to turn off the option.
    Send an SMS message with text 1 to number 6280 for the failure of additional Internet packages.

How to disable "Internet Mini", "Internet Maxi" and "Internet VIP" on MTS

  • "Internet Mini".
    USSD command ✶ 111 ✶ 160 ✶ 2 # is designed to disable the Internet mini service.
    Delete Additional Internet Packages You can send an SMS with text 1 to number 1600.
  • "Internet Maxi".
    Disables the option "Internet Maxi" Key combination ✶ 111 ✶ 161 ✶ 2 #.
    SMS with text 1 to number 1610 will delete additional Internet traffic.
  • "Internet VIP".
    Disable "Internet VIP" on MTS will help the combination ✶ 111 ✶ 166 ✶ 2 #.
    You can deactivate additional Internet packages through SMS with text 1 to number 1660

How to disable the Internet for MTS Day

Service "Internet for the day" Focused on MTS subscribers rarely enjoyed by the Internet. It provides a small traffic package just 24 hours. But at the end of the day, this service is not turned off automatically - it will be activated again if the operator's equipment locks the connection to the Internet.

And this, as you understand, can occur without a subscriber's knowledge - for example, when the device updates its software or installed applications Download updates. So, if you have connected once this service, there is the likelihood of "go in minus", even if you did not use the mobile Internet.

You can disable the Internet for the day in two ways - the USSD command ✶ 111 ✶ 67 # or via SMS to number 111 containing text 670.

How to disable Internet MTS on a tablet or modem

Usually on tablets and modems use the MTS Connect-4 tariff plan. At the same time, the tariff itself does not have a traction package included. The subscriber independently decides which volume of the Internet is needed and connecting the relevant tariff options. It can be a "Internet tablet" or "Internet mini", "Internet Maxi" or "Internet VIP".

Therefore, to disable the Internet on MTS modem (or tablet), you need to know what kind of tariff option you have connected. How to disable additional traffic Or delete "Internet mini" options, Internet Maxi and Internet VIP, described above.

If the "Internet tablet" service is connected on your tablet or modem, you can disable it by the ✶ 111 ✶ 835 ✶ 2 # command.

To deactivate automatic additional Internet packages provided by the "Internet Tablet" option, send a free SMS with text 1 to number 8353.

How to disable a single Internet on MTS

Single Internet is an opportunity to use the Internet from several devices within a single tariff or Internet option. In this case, the Internet package can be used both on their devices (smartphone, tablet, laptop), and share with other subscribers.

Despite the seeming attractiveness of this service and the assurance of the operator, that to use the same Internet is much more profitable than connecting the Internet to each device separately, the feedback from the subscribers speaks about the opposite. In addition, there are often interruptions in the work of SIM-cards: even with a positive balance sheet and the availability of unused traffic, the Internet connection may be absent.

Fortunately, turn off the uniform Internet is quite easy - it is enough to exit the group of participants "one" or, if you yourself are the initiator of the group and share your Internet, delete participants from the group. This can be done either on the site via SMS.

To delete all participants in a single Internet (you are the initiator), send a free SMS with text 0 * (zero sprocket) to number 5340.

To exit the group (you participant), send to the number 5340 sms with text 0 (zero).

After removing a group or exit from it, you will receive a confirmation SMS message. From this point on, the tariffing of traffic will be carried out in accordance with the tariff or Internet option connected in your room.

How to disable mobile internet on MTS - universal ways

You may need not just disable the Internet option, but completely block access to the network from the phone? For example, kids are often immensely curious and can take web resources for inconsistent with their age. And older people can easily become a victim of Internet scammers or inadvertently connect some.

In these cases, disconnecting the MTS mobile Internet, in order to protect your relatives from the consequences of thoughtless Internet surfing, will become a wise decision.

The "Mobile Internet" service can be disabled in the "Personal Account" ( or through the "My MTS" application. Other ways to independently disable mobile Internet on MTS is not provided.

After disconnecting this service, all services based on data transmission will be unavailable: Internet access, WAP, MMS, MTS mobile TV.

If you are not ready to go to such a radical step (suddenly you will ever need a mobile Internet?), You can simply disable mobile transmission Data in the settings of the smartphone. But it is unlikely that it will help if you want to limit access to the network to your chad. An intelligent Malts will easily figure out what's the matter and be able to return everything in the original condition. In this case, more reliable protection From the unauthorized Internet access from the phone will be removed APN access point. But there are no 100% warranty here, since the access point settings can be ordered from the USSD command operator.

No rare cases when instead of connecting you need, on the contrary, disabling the Internet. In this case, you need to know how to act and what to be guided.

Ways to disconnect the Internet in MTS

So, we will deal with what exactly the disabling methods exist.

Through personal account

There are several options for exactly how you can turn off the Internet. And the most convenient of them is shutdown through your personal account.

In order to disable the Internet on the phone, it is possible to use an "Internet assistant", access to which you can get in your personal account on the site. In order to disable the Internet, you need:

  • Sign up and then logged on site. If earlier you have already been registered, you do not need to re-register.
  • Find the "Services and Services" tab in the Personal Account, and in the "Service Management" option.
  • Find in the list of services that is connected to the number, the Internet tab.
  • Next, the Internet is turned off using auxiliary option.

In the office of MTS

About how to disable the service, as well as ask to make it specialists, you can at the MTS office. For this, just just take with you such an identity card as a passport.

At the same time, managers are obliged not only to provide you with full advice on this issue, but also disable the services in which you do not need. This option The most suitable for those clients that exercise the Internet through the SIM card, which is installed on the modem.

By calling the operator

In order to disable the services, you can make a call to the operator. For this you need:

  • Call the short number 0890.
  • Listen to the information that is recorded on the answering machine, and choose a suitable digit.
  • Wait for the operator's response, and then explain to him what your problem is.

By the way, it is not necessary to wait for the operator to answer. You can listen to information from the autoinformer and disable the service by following its prompts.

By changing phone settings

During activation, special settings come to the phone that allow you to disable the service. And if so, remove, then the Internet will be suspended. In this case subscription fee On unused traffic will stop accrued.


Unlimited Internet can be disabled in the event that you send SMS to a special number. But it is important for this to know, firstly, the tariff plan, and the second number you want to use to disable the Internet.

other methods

For each tariff plan There are certain commands that allow you to disable the Internet.

  • So, for the whole line "Smart" there is a single command? 111? 936 # and call button.
  • If you want to disable the Internet in the "Super MTS" layout, then you need to dial? 111? 8650 # and a call key.
  • In order to disable the tariff in the "Minibit", you need to dial the command? 111? 62? 2 #.
  • For the "Bit" option, the command? 111? 252? 2 #.
  • In order to cancel the action "Superbit", you need to dial? 111? 628? 2 #.
  • If you want to disable the "Internet Mini" command, do you dial? 111? 160? 2 #.
  • If you need to disable "Internet Maxi", you should dial? 111? 161? 2 #.
  • To disable the Internet VIP service, you will need to dial the command? 111? 166? 2 #.

How to disable the Internet on the tablet?

In order to disable the Internet from the tablet, you can use several functions at once. The most effective are listed below:

  • For starts, MTS proposes to use the Special Page located at.
  • You can also dial the code * 111 * 855 #; Either * 855 #.
  • You can use SMS to number 111 by sending a message 855.
  • Or use personal account for these purposes.

Disable the Internet on MTS Modem

In order for the Internet on the modem to start, find out what kind of tariff you are connected. If these are the tariff plans of the "Internet" line, then how it can be turned off above, is already written above.

If you have a "Internet tablet" tariff plan, you can disable it using a simple command? 111? 835? 2 #.

But in order to disable additional packages that are on the tariff "Internet tablet", you need to send a message with text 1 to the number 8353.

In century digital technology Mobile Internet has become an integral part of everyday life. All Russian providers, including MTS, are able to provide all the most diverse Internet tariffs that may differ in the speed of downloading data, the cost of services, the limit free traffic etc. However, the subscriber has a need to temporarily or constantly disable the mobile Internet in some cases.

Causes of Mobile Internet Disabling

As a rule, the main reason why the subscriber is thinking about the disconnection of the mobile Internet - this is savings money. MTS company distributes Internet services on a certain "subscription" system, i.e., a subscriber can choose to access the Internet:

  • full ("comprehensive") tariff plan, where, in addition to calls and SMS messages, also includes Internet services;

    Most of the "integrated" tariff plans can be configured at will

  • "Special Internet Tariff", which includes the mobile Internet connection service with the provision of traffic according to certain rules and rates;

    Special tariff plans are focused on certain customer needs (for example, communication in social networks or watch video on YouTube)

  • "Additional Package", which provides the Subscriber to an option to increase the quota on the scope of the downloaded data.

    Additional Internet Package Offers the Subscriber Increased Monthly Internet Quota

When choosing any of these three options, the Subscriber will be forced to pay an additional amount for Internet services every month. If the need for mobile access to the global network disappears, the fee for it becomes unnecessary. And if in the first case (with a comprehensive tariff plan) To disable the mobile Internet, the subscriber will have to completely change the tariff, although there are some exceptions, then in the other two it will have enough to turn off only additional Internet Package or a special tariff plan for the Internet.

Ways to disable mobile Internet from MTS

MTS provides its subscribers several ways to disable mobile Internet. They are relevant as for full shutdown Internet access and to terminate Internet services included in "Special Internet Tariffs" and "Additional Internet Packages".

Personal Cabinet MTS

The subscriber can easily disable Internet access services through their "Personal Account" on the official website of MTS. At the same time, you can enter my personal account both from a mobile device and with personal computer . For this:

  1. Go to the browser to the main Page Personal Cabinet and log in (enter your number mobile phone and password).

    If you are first included in your personal account, then click the "Get Password over SMS" string, and a password message will come to your phone

  2. Next in the navigation menu, go to the "Service / All Connected Services" tab.

    The navigation menu is located on main page Personal Cabinet

  3. In the list of services that opens, locate the "Internet" line and click the "Disable" button.

    Full disabling mobile Internet is available only if it allows you to make your current tariff plan

  4. If you are connected to an additional Internet tariff or package - find their names in the list presented and click on the similar button "Disable".

    The list displays not only the full names of the services, but also their cost (daily or monthly)

  5. Ready. After disconnecting all unnecessary services, you will receive the corresponding alert.

Call Operator MTS

Another option to disconnect the mobile Internet is the call to the company's call center operator. You can do this in four ways:

  • call in one reference number MTS 8-800-250-08-90;
  • use the "Reference Mobile Assistant" by typing number 111 on the phone and clicking the call button;
  • get through to help service in short number 0890;
  • being abroad, call +7 495 766 0166.

In all cases, you will first answer a robot answering machine. Following his instructions, you will be able to switch to the operator (living person) MTS reference service. After that, you will only have to describe the situation, apply for a disabling mobile Internet and wait for the deactivation of the service (it will occur immediately or after a short time). Successful disabling you will also be ignited by an SMS message.

Submission of applications in the MTS department

You can also personally come to the salon. cellular communication MTS. The map with addresses of all branches in the country can be viewed on the official website of the company in the section "Help / shopping salons".

To view all available MTS compartments in your city, it is enough to enter the name of the settlement in the "Search" string

By visiting one of MTS cellular salons, you will need to present a passport and make an application in writing to turn off the mobile Internet. After that, MTS employee immediately performs deactivation of the service.

Disabling by SMS messages

The subscriber is enough to send a free SMS message with the text 21220 to a short number 111. After automatic application processing, your online service will be disconnected.

Average automatic process Deactivation takes a few minutes

This method is universal and completely deactivates your mobile Internet mobile device.

Sending a USSD request

USSD request is a tool for a special interactive interaction system between the subscriber and the cellular operator (analog SMS messages). With the USSD request you can also deactivate your mobile Internet. If you are connected only to an online service that is included in the standard tariff plan, it is necessary to dial the universal combination on the phone * 111 * 17 #, press the call button and wait for the response USSD message about successful deactivation.

Deactivation of Internet services occurs in automatic mode

If you have additional Internet rates or packages, you need to enter unique USSD requests for each of them. Take advantage of the table below.

Table: Names of additional Internet tariffs or service packages and USSD teams for their deactivation

You can learn about all Internet-tariffs connected on the mobile device and packages in your personal account on the official website of MTS.

Reset Internet settings in a mobile device

This method is relevant only for subscribers who have no option with a monthly payment of a mobile Internet, when only the amount equivalent to the used Internet traffic is written off from the personal account. In this case, the user can reset certain settings in the phone.

The thing is that when buying a new SIM card or when changing the tariff plan, the subscriber's phone is automatically coming to the MMS and Internet settings. However, such settings are easy to return to the default state.

If your mobile device is installed operating system iOS: Go to Settings / Main / Reset Settings and click on the "Reset Settings" row.

If yours mobile device Works on Android OS: Go to "Settings / Restore and Reset" and click on the "Reset Network Settings" item.

The "Restore and Reset" parameter may also be called "Archiving and Reset"

Based on your personal experience, as well as on the basis of feedback and comments of friends, I can say that the fastest, effective, proven and universal tool for disabling the mobile Internet from MTS is the "personal account". In contrast to other methods, the subscriber can not only fully control the activation / deactivation of the service, but also to track the application process for its disconnection. There were cases when disabling the mobile Internet via the USSD request did not work, although the alert on the successful operation came.

Mobile Internet from MTS is a great option for subscribers who need to always be online. However, not for all users such a service is necessary. That is why MTS provides its subscribers a number of ways to disconnect the mobile Internet, among which everyone will find optimal.