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What is the ICQ number in registration. What is ICQ number: from registration before communication

Now everyone is familiar messenger ICQ. He experiences new youth. It has become more functions and interesting features, including a huge amount of free emoticons and stickers, livets and much more. It is also worth noting that the developers pay great attention to safety. Only the fact that now in ICQ is all confirmed by an SMS message, already causes respect. It is not surprising that more and more people are registered again in ICQ.

Registration in ICQ - the process is very simple. True, in the messenger itself it is impossible to do it. Instead, you need to go to a special registration page on the official ICQ website and there already perform all the necessary actions.

Registration instructions in ICQ

To perform this task, we will need a phone number that is not yet registered in ICQ and a launched browser. Messenger himself is not yet needed - as mentioned above, it is impossible to register in the program. When all this is, you need to do the following:

After that, you can already run ICQ, to specify there just a registered phone number and enjoy all the functions of this messenger.

This method allows you to register in ICQ. It is not clear why the developers decided to remove such an opportunity from the Messenger himself and left it only on the official website of the program. In any case, registration in ICQ does not take much time and requires minimal effort. It is very good that when registering in ICQ, you do not need to immediately indicate all possible data, like the same date of birth, accommodation and so on. Due to this, the registration process takes at a minimum of time.

To register with ICQ, you need to install the ICQ client itself. The most recent versionICQ free download You can on our resource or on the developer's website. After installing and starting the client on the monitor, a dialog box appears in which you will see the virtual buttons: UIN \\E. -mail, phone, register, as well as social network icons. Each of them offers alternative option registration.

We will look at all the options for how to register in ICQ without SMS and for free.

Option 1. Through the customer authorization window

Click on the Register field. The dialog box will open in front of you list of fields - fill them in.

Please note that the password must contain only Latin letters or numbers. The name, surname and age do not have to be real. However, enter the E-Mail, as a letter will be sent to it to confirm the creation of a new account. After you open the letter sent to your mail and go to the specified link, you will see a congratulation with the fact that registration in ICQ has passed successfully!

By the way: Do not forget - hiding personal information, you complicate the search for your account. Therefore, we immediately decide for what purpose you will use a new account in ICQ. D. for a job, usually enough and the minimum set of information for registration. But for rest ... No one is interested in communicating with anonyms. Plus, more personal data will simplify the search for you as a user for your friends who may not know your "Nick" or the UIN number.

Option 2. Registration in ICQ through the official website

This option allows you to create an account in ICQ even before you install the program itself. To do this, go to the official website of the client and click on the "Registration in ICQ" link in the upper right corner.

So you will fall on the registration page. Please note - when registering on the site you need to fill out all fields. Special attention is paid to the password - it must contain from 6 to 8 Latin characters or numbers. And even better - their combination.

Tip: Remember - the more difficult password, the higher the guarantee that your account will not be hacked and used by attackers. A good option - writing Russian words in english layout With the addition of numbers. Examples of good passwords:gFDTK71, VFHBYF00.

Optionally, you can specify the unreal name and surname, as well as the date of birth - to solve you. However, the e-mail must be real - the link will be sent to it to activate your ICQ. After you go to the last line and enter the characters shown in the picture, to confirm that you are not a robot, check your e-mailbox. It will be a letter in which you will be asked to go to the specified link to complete the process of creating an account for a new user. Do it, and voila -registration ICQ Rooms was successful!

Option3. Using mobile phone

In the ICQ client authorization window you will see two buttons located nearby: "UIN / E-Mail" and "Phone". We are interested in the latter - click.

Before us in entering the number mobile phone. Enter the number and click "Next".

If the number has been specified correctly, after some time your phone will receive an SMS message with activation code. This code will need to be entered in the field that will appear below.

It remains to click "Next". On this registration process, in this case, is completed, the program will perform an automatic input. You can see your new uin in the right upper part of the client interface. To enter ICQ, you will need to enter your phone number every time.

Option 4. Authorization through social networks

Another way as ICQ can register for free in new version - use your profiles in networks Facebook., VKontakte or classmates.

All you need is to click on one of the social network icons in which you have an account (page). They are located below the "Register" fields. Then enter the appropriate login and password fields that you use to enter the social network and ... Ready! All your friends from the selected contact will appear in the contact list. social networkAnd you can immediately begin to communicate with them.

In our time, the communication system is developing very quickly - it is difficult to predict which tool will be in demand, for example, in a year. Something similar happened with ICQ - once this means for transmitting instant messages in the online mode was greatly popular, but various competitors gradually appeared. As a result, at the moment, not every user of the global web knows about that and why he is generally needed. However, "ICQ" (this is how the people call this tool for communication) successfully exists so far, millions of people still use it.

Why it all started

This program for communication was developed in Israel several talented programmers who founded Mirabilis. They distributed it for free among everyone - that is why "ICQ" became very popular. The name is the abbreviation of the expression "I Seek You", which can be translated into Russian as "I'm looking for you."

A little later, the owner of ICQ was an Internet giant AOL - already in those days, communication capabilities were valued very high. At the moment, all rights to the messenger belong to Mail.Ru Group. Today you can download many different customer software, with which communication is carried out through ICQ, but the most popular of them is QIP. In fact, each of the existing applications have their own advantages, but it is "KVIP" conquered folk love. The reason for this is thoughtful functionality, beautiful design, the lack of obsessive advertising. Now let's talk about

Identification with UIN

There are many users, all of them are very different, so I need an identification system. In ICQ, this task has been successfully solved with the help of numbers - "Wynov". Each of them is unique, so it is impossible to confuse. If you need to contact some person, you just need to know its uin. Thus, to become the user of this system, registration of the ICQ number is necessary - this is a fairly simple procedure. Any UIN consists only of numbers, in their room can be from five to nine. Of course, the shorter "ICQ", the sooner the user has registered. According to a different source, short five-digit numbers were used only by the administration, at the very beginning. However, some of them are still active - most likely the owners are still happy to communicate in ICQ with their relatives and loved ones. In free access, the registration of such numbers has never been - only the developers (or approximate to them) could create a five zone.

How to get a room

To obtain your own unique identifier (which means the ICQ number, we are disassembled above) in "ICQ" you need to perform a few simple actions: visit the official website of the program (, in the upper right corner, click on the "Registration" link. Further, according to the current requirements, the phone number, the name and surname of the user is entered. Earlier it was much easier, but modern security measures dictate Internet services more stringent rules, people have to take them. Of course, you can not enter your phone number - in this case, the registration can also be completed, but when sending messages to some "Winners" difficulties may arise. To the specified address email A letter will come with instructions. Only one thing is required: Jump by reference, which is listed in the letter. This confirms registration, unique number Created, and "ICQ" can be safely used.

Choosing a client

Registration passed, the answer to the question of how to make the ICQ number, received, the case remained for small - to choose the appropriate program and find interlocutors. Everything is very simple: if you want to communicate with a laptop or personal computerYou should immediately visit and download this client. If plans - communication in the "ICQ" from the phone, you need to go to Google Play. Market (if you have Android) or in iTunes (if you have iOS) and download the appropriate application. It is better to choose where the most positive feedback.

Number and other settings

And ICQ? This is another interesting question. In principle, this is not so important at the moment - you can enter the "ICQ" using the E-Mail address that was used during registration. But if you want to immediately learn your own uin, so that there is no confusion in the future, it is enough to go to, enter your email address and password. Next - one click on the name and surname in the upper right corner, and immediately the user information will be highlighted, including the ICQ number, which consists of nine-digits. Here there are different features for configuring: if you follow the link "My Profile", you can download the avatar, specify different information about yourself. You can communicate in ICQ immediately - through the official website, this is if necessary, almost everyone who knows what is an ICQ number is. This opportunity appeared not so long ago - 5 years ago, it was impossible to correspond without a special program.

Short and beautiful "Winen"

Today, when registering is no longer possible to get a short one (and, therefore, easily memorable) a unique number for "ICQ". But if you really want to do it, it is still possible: there is an unofficial, but quite legal way. We know what ICQ number is a unique identifier that was ever registered. It can be easy to buy in special stores. The price of the question varies: some "Winners" are sold for a few dollars, to buy others to spend more than $ 100. Different factors affect the cost, the most basic - the number of identical numbers. The more coincidences (especially if we are talking about paired numbers), the more expensive the number "ICQ".

Hello, dear blog readers Website. We will not paint the history of the occurrence of ICQ since the beginning of the time of its development - this is not a special interest, and anyone can familiarize themselves with the Wikipedia information.

Let's just say one thing: Surely everyone is familiar with a green flower icon with one red petal? This is the official emblem of this program (it is sometimes called "ICQ"), which has existed for a very long time.

What is ICQ? ICQ protocol (which is not called so accidentally - from English I See Who - I'm looking for you) appeared for a long time. So long ago that many modern network users did not even know about existence open access to the Internet. But the messenger has already gained momentum in popularity. He was predicted for oblivion and closure, as who had nothing to do in the modern world. However, everything happened completely differently. Popularity remained, and what else! And why? All because of the three main advantages of the program -.

Judge themselves: to use other programs they may need additional devices (For example, for Skype - a camera and a microphone), for others - good computer resources. What is needed in order to? Nothing: at least a minimum of hard disk space and a list of contacts with which you can communicate.

No special setup procedure, no additional gadgets. In ICQ, everything is simple - you do your affairs, attend different sites (read) and at the same time correspond with dozens of other contacts. After ICQ will be registered, you will have your own own user numberwhich will be able to identify other users under you. But consider everything in order.

How to install ICQ on a computer

Of course, first of all it is necessary to download the program from the official site. .

You can use third-party resources, but there will be no security guarantee of the downloaded program. happens as follows:

Installation on Android

Of course, many users, in view of the compactness of the program and its undemanding to the ability of the system, want to install ICQ for android. How to install ICQ on Android? It is done even easier than on the computer:

By and large, there is no difference in the program settings both on the computer and mobile devices. Everywhere you need to enter your data, come up with a password, get the user number. Therefore, combine the ICQ settings to one.

How to get a number and start using ICQ?

After the program is installed on the media, you must register in it. ICQ is one of the easiest customers, so registration is carried out in several steps.

On the main page You need to select a button "Register". You will appear a registration window in which you need to fill out all the fields presented. You need to enter the very minimum of data - surname, name, gender, date of birth, address electronic drawer and password.

At the same time, one important nuance should be remembered: the password must contain at least 6 characters, and they cannot repeat more than three times (in other words, password 122221 and the like do not fit - read). After you have registered, you need to go to the specified mailbox In order to verify your page. Find a letter, click on the link and go through it.

To find out your ICQ numberwhich you have been automatically assigned to the system, it will be enough in the window that opens (at the bottom right) click on the "Menu" button and select the "My Application" item.

As a result, you will fall into your office on the ICQ website, where your nine-digit number of ICQ will be collapsed in the upper right corner.

Setting up ICQ.

So, you opened ICQ and can already enjoy its capabilities. But first, it is necessary to import contacts or, in other words, add other contacts to the list of your friends. You can specify which you are looking for - specify the floor, age or country of residence.

Of course, it will be much easier if you know the user number. By the way, as for the number. Many are wondering what is ICQ number? This is your network identifier, thanks to which you can go to the program or find you in the system.

This is a kind of ID address, as in any social network. How to find out - it was written a little higher. And your own number is desirable to save somewhere on a computer or mobile device. Now you remember it, but it will take a couple of days and will have to re-undergo a registration procedure.

By clicking on the "Menu" button and selecting the "My Application" item, you can set a picture for your account. You can take a snapshot from a webcam or simply upload an image from any device. If there is no such possibility, ICQ can offer you a variety of animated avatars.

There is a huge number of diverse settings (you can get by pressing the "Menu" button at the bottom and selecting the item "Settings"But we will dwell only on the most important. The "File Transfer" item provides for the installation of the default resource resource saving directory. Just change it to the one that is most convenient for your use.

Well, finally, it remains to consider the case when the password is lost from your account. How is B. ICQ Password Recovery? Fortunately, the password can be restored very quickly. Press the "Forgot password" button (is right under the password input line), after which you need to specify your Web ICQ number or the phone number by which the registration has been registered.

There is another option: go to the official website of ICQ and select the item in the "Support" section. You will be offered to enter the same data. After you can enter your e-mail and find a letter in which there will be a link to change the password.

In this way, you can restore the password to access ICQ. By the way,. Therefore, we recall again: save it and try not to lose.

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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The peak of the popularity of the system of fast ICQ messages (abbreviated from "I Seek You") fell up for 2000-2008. And there is nothing strange in this: at a time when everyone famous Skype, VK, FB and other social. Networks were not even in risen, it was the only fast and convenient tool for communicating on the network. Old-timers of the Internet probably remember contact lists, which consisted of several dozen rooms and massive chase for the "beautiful" uins (ICQ numbers).

Today, unfortunately, all this gradually goes into the past: this system The exchange of instant messages loses its popularity, yielding voice and video calls, as well as communicating in social networks. But, no matter how it was, it still remains in demand: it is elementary in use, light and unanimous elements. In order to start working in this system you will need to register your own number. On how to create a UIN for ICQ today and talk today.

Go to the official website and in the top panel looking for the section "Registration in ICQ". Specify your name, surname, as well as the phone number (confirmation code will be sent to it). The resulting code is entered into the appropriate field - this is completed on this process. You will be automatically redirected to the page of your profile, where, among other information in front of the ICQ item, your UIN will indicate - a nine-digit set of numbers.

If you do not have a mobile phone, or you simply do not want to report its number, you can use the registration at the email address by selecting the appropriate item. The registration process is no different from the above described, so we will not stop in detail on it.

By installing and running qip, the first thing you need to enter your ICQ number (UIN) and password. Congratulations - now you are full users of the fast messaging system, which has over 20 million users around the world.

In order to add a new contact, click on the Magnifier pictograph, and in the menu that opens, enter the contact number, nickname, or other information about it. In the search results, select the desired number, right-click and select "Add to contact list". Otherwise, the program is simple and understandable in the development of which problems with her work should not have, even if you are a beginner user.