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Hex Editor Russian version. What is hex editors and why they need

As a Windows notepad. Moreover, if you open a binary file text editor And save it to the disk, then, in most cases, such a file will be damaged and will not start. To make correct directions, it is necessary to use hex editors (Hex), which are sometimes called binary editors.

Most ordinary users are unlikely to have tasks or need to use hexadecimal editors. However, for technically savvy users, such editors may turn out to be indispensable tools.

Note: As a fact, but at one time to edit standard ASP.NET 1.1 installers 1.1 had to adjust the binary code. For example, in order to make one of the control fields for entering the password.

This review contains one of the best free hex editors for different needs.

Overview of free hex editors

There are several excellent free hexadecimal editors varying small and simple to complex products that are comparable to commercial solutions. However, the category of Hex editors is one of those categories where personal needs and preferences are so important that it is not only difficult to compare products, but also meaningless. Therefore, it is not necessary to assume that products are arranged in descending order.

HXD Excellent Hex Hex Editor

One of the best utilities To edit binary code is an . First, the program is portable and does not need to be installed, which is especially important, with a frequent need to edit executable files. Secondly, it has a nice interface. Thirdly, HXD processes large files without delay and "felting screen". Also, add to this the ability to unlimited history, quick search and replacement, comparison binary filesFull support ANSI, DOS / IBM-ASCII and EBCDIC. And ten more possibilities, some of which will be listed below. HXD also allows you to edit not only the disk, but also rAM. As a fact, but such a set of features makes a program to a dangerous toy in the hands of novice users. In addition, security applications can also respond to its actions, but experienced users It is understood that this is due to the specifics of appeal to the data and the use of potentially dangerous functions.

In general, HXD is perfect for those who often deal with various binary code.

Other features and characteristics:

  • Secure access to files that use other programs.
  • Generator control sums: Checksum, CRCS, CUSTOM CRC, SHA-1, SHA-512, MD5, ...
  • Export data to various formats
  • Insert code templates
  • The ability to safely delete files.
  • Separation or combining files
  • Various types of groupings in columns (1,2,4,8,16 bytes)
  • Illumination of changed data
  • Quick transition to the address
  • Support for copying the clipboard data from other programs: Visual Studio / Visual C ++, Winhex, Hexworkshop, ...
  • Bookmarks
  • And much more...

HEX-editor HEXPLORER Analog HXD with the ability to view images, when analyzing steganography

Another excellent hex editor is open source. The program has a number unique featureswho make it also a powerful editor of imaging in binary form. This means that you can look at all graphic files not only from the point of view of their visual representation, but also their binary code. Of course, it is difficult to imagine editing pictures in hexadecimal form in everyday life. However, it can be used for such purposes as Steganography.

In general, HEXplorer will suit not only to those who often edit the binary code, but also those who use non-standard ways to use binary code.

Main features and characteristics:

  • Six color interface schemes for various tasks.
  • Unlimited team history
  • x86 disassembler
  • Import and exports in 20 different binary file formats, including Intel Hex, Motorola S-Record, ATMEL standard, etc.
  • The ability to find repeating patterns in the data
  • View images
  • Filtering text from binary data
  • Search Algorithm Boire Mura
  • Quick navigation to addresses
  • Allows you to create structures of simple data types, for example, integers or floating point numbers
  • Generator of pseudo-random numbers
  • Allows you to record macros (scenarios) to automate tasks

Other Hex editors

There are other hex editors who also deserve attention and can come in handy.

Hex editor XVI32 simple and convenient

XVI32 is a free hex editor whose name happened from the Roman figure XVI (16).

  • Supports scripts to automate tasks.
  • Search by template
  • Conversion of characters based on custom definitions
  • Recording individual blocks to file
  • And other features ...
  • Storage open File In memory, so there will be problems with big files.
  • As such, there is no team history. This means that all the changes made are made by "as is" and you will have to record them or memorize

Supports Windows 9X / NT / 2000 / XP / VISTA / 7

Hexedit Hex editor with a specialized calculator

Hexedit Another free binary editor from Mitec.

  • No need to install (portable)
  • RAM editor and disk
  • Specialized calculator
  • Able to compare files
  • Can reset data from RAM to disk (create a dump)
  • Other...
  • Stores open files in memory

Supports Windows 2000 - Windows 7

CYGNUS Free Simple Hex Editor

Cygnus Free is a free hex editor, which is one of the old versions of the commercial editor. Therefore, the functionality is limited.

  • Fast and easy to use
  • Quick search and replacement
  • Drag & Drop.
  • And other features ...
  • Stores an open file with all the resulting problems
  • Technical Support U. free version not
  • Cropped by functionality

Supports Windows

Quick Selection Guide (Links to download free hex editors)


Support for many languages, including Russian. Disk Editor and RAM. Quickly edits large sizes. Allows you to generate checksums. Able to compare files. It can safely delete, glue and divide files.
All changes are immediately saved on the disk. Therefore, before editing, always create backups files.\u003dhxd.
850 KB Unrestricted Freeware Windows 95 - 7


RAM editor and disk. Additional functions, such as Fourier transformation. View images. Able to recognize NTFS / FAT, BMP headers and so on. Supports macros to automate tasks
Holds an open file completely in memory, because of what big files are difficult to edit. By default, the font settings and display are not very successful.

HXD Hex Editor is a data editor with anci encoding. The application applies hexadecimal submission for any files opened, can work with RAM elements, while maintaining changes to the hard disk. Allows you to search and replace values \u200b\u200bin automatic or manual mode. Includes data export tools, creating checks and erasing code fragments.

The program is able to share files on parts of the desired size, supports the processing of a large amount of information. Uses the modular interface with the ability to view the standard and hexadecimal code option. Allows you to cancel any changes made, contains the device navigation tools and the address of the string.

The hex editor can interact with any type of files, can be used to search and replace the executable values \u200b\u200bof running processes.

Download free Full Russian version of HXD Hex Editor from the official site without registration and SMS.

System requirements

  • Supported OS: Windows 8.1, Vista, 10, 8, 7, XP
  • Bitness: 64 Bit, X86, 32 Bit

The drawings on this page are not displayed, but you can find them in the book.

What we will do now is very interesting from my point of view. It will be your first program in machine codes (and, most likely, the only one))).

Assembler is a low level language, but still tongue. Have you tried to write a program in machine codes? Now let's try.

You can write a program and having no assembler compilers and other tools - using any hex editor (or Hex editor or Hex Editor).

Nevertheless, the analysis of the programs in a hexadecimal editor is very useful. Especially those who are going to work with electronics - after all, microprocessors do not understand the Pascal nor C ++. Although there are special devices and programs that they explain these languages.

To begin with, you will need hexadecimal editor. You can use anyone available at your hand. However, I will use the already mentioned McAfee Fileinsight v2.1. This hex editor can be downloaded for free. All the actions described below are valid for this editor.

So, the hex editor is installed. Run it. Click on the Open button, we find one of the SOM files created by us, for example,, and load it into the editor.

When the file is loaded, in the editor you will see the following (see also Fig. 1.12):

00000000 B4 02 B2 41 CD 21 CD 20 ... A.!. You can open two other files created by us: (created in EMU8086) or (which we created in the section). See the same. This means that all assemblers create the same machine code. That is, differences in the text of the programs are not fundamental - they are due only to the differences of the assembler themselves.

If in your case you see another picture, then either you opened another file or view it in text mode. In the latter case, press the VIEW AS HEX button on the toolbar (see Figure 1.12).

What do these numbers mean?

With zeros, everything is clear - this is the first cell of the memory, into which the number B4 is recorded. This number then will be recorded in the address 0100H (for SOM-File). The string must have 16 numbers, each of which consists of two digits. Numbers are recorded in hexadecimal form. But we have a small program - only 8 bytes, so there are 8 numbers.

Well, what is B4? This is a team - "enter a value in the An" register. And what value we enter? That's right: 02 (next number in the row).

AX \u003d 0200 BX \u003d 0000 CX \u003d 0000 DX \u003d 0000 SP \u003d FFEE BP \u003d 0000 Si \u003d 0000 Di \u003d 0000 DS \u003d 0B72 ES \u003d 0B72 SS \u003d 0B72 CS \u003d 0B72 IP \u003d 0102 NV UP EI PL NZ NA PO NC 0B72: 0102 B241 MOV DL, 41 See in the last row B241? Familiar combination? This is the MOV DL command code, 41.

It remains to deal with mysterious characters at the end of the line. And here everything is simple: each digit in the number corresponds to the ASCII table symbol code, and these characters are displayed in the same sequence as hexadecimal numbers. In this text, instead of some characters, there are points (.) - It's just no codes of alphabetic symbols.

Well, now write and create our study along and across the program without assemblers and linkers. Open the editor, create new file. (To do this, click the NEW button on the toolbar), then click the VIEW AS HEX button and enter the data:

00000000 B4 02 B2 41 CD 21 CD 20 Save the file under the name, for example, Everything. The program is ready. Now it can be launched and once again admire with its creation. The result will be the same as in all previous cases.

And one more pleasant surprise from the editor McAfee Fileinsight v2.1 - it has its own disassembler! If you download the executable file to the editor, and in the lower left corner, select the Disassembly tab, you can watch source Uploaded program in the assembler language (Fig. 1.12).

Why do you need hexadecimal editors and disassemblers? It's so difficult. Yes, it is not easy. However, hackers do not think so. It is with the help of hexadecimal editors and disassemblers that they break the programs. Find them in the code the places they need and correct them in accordance with their hacker whims.

Of course, we are not hackers. We will not break the programs. However, disassembers and hexadecimal editors are very useful and law-abiding programmers. They are used, for example, for debugging, to explore machine codes, etc. For example, you know what the team in the assembler language looks like, but you want to know her machine code. If there is no documentation, then the output is only one - hex editor and / or disassembler. It should, however, consider that not all commands fit in the machine code of two numbers. Some teams are rather complex and require more numbers for presentation in machine codes.

The hex editor call the program that can display information as it "sees" the computer, but, transforming into hexadecimal. Opening any file in a similar application, the user will see a matrix consisting of columns and rows, the amount of which depends on the size of the file under consideration. Therefore, if you change the values \u200b\u200bof bytes in the editor, the contents of the open document will change.

A bit of theory

Any data is stored in the PC memory in the form of machine words, otherwise bytes. Each includes 8 bits (binary discharges that take the value or "0" or "1"). By mathematical calculations, it can be understood that a number in the range from 0 to 255 can be recorded in one pate. If you translate 255 to hexadecimal it is converted to FF. That is, to display any machine, it is very convenient to use a hexadecimal view of the presentation. From here and the name of the program group is hexadecimal editor.

Basic elements of programs

In addition to the matrix described above, other means can be in the interface of the application group:

  • Row numbering. It is usually located on the left side of the application. Shows the offset of the first byte of the string relative to the start of the file.
  • From above, often there is a similar lane of numbers, showing the offset byte of the relative left value in the line. Folding the row values, you can get the number of each byte.
  • The same data can be displayed in the right area as in the table, but in the form of the text user).

McAfee Fileinsight

This hex editor is absolutely free. Works only in operating systems Windows family. The product has the entire gentleman set, such as viewing and editing the file. At the same time, the program has a pleasant and convenient interface.

But standard functions are a minimum for which Fileinsight can be used. What is the maximum? It is necessary to start with the possibility of parsing the structures of executable files. Is it a little? Any dedicated fragment can be disassembled on the fly. One press - and incomprehensible numbers become readable listing.

Among other things, this hex-editor provides many code processing algorithms to bypass the built-in protection developers. First of all, you need to pay attention to decoding methods of obfuscation, such as Add, XOR, Base64, Shift. The scripts with which the application comes, break like crypto protection with ease. Most of the actions can be automated by writing simple scenarios on JS or Python. Sometimes it is not necessary to create anything new, because the base is scored impressive.

Although Fileinsight and is considered one of best tools For reverse engineering, there is a program and a huge disadvantage - the impossibility of processing files exceeding 400 MB.


This hex editor applies to two versions: free and advanced. The product with Freeware license is a high-quality, but unpleasant. Of the features, you can select wide interface settings and color schemes. Professional option provides more useful features that are particularly relevant during analysis.

For example, the user is provided with the possibilities of decoding programs enforced by common algorithms. In addition, there are functions that allow you to edit local resources (RAM, NTFS-streams, hard drives). Automation of processes is implemented using VBS and JS scripts.

However the main feature Programs is a disassembler, which can work with x64, x86 files. Another function not provided by competitors is to create a patch based on the comparison of two executable-binary. Certainly impressive, but if compared with Fileinsight, Neo loses anyway. However, NEO can work with large files.


HEX-editor HIEW has no free version. Developments are engaged in a team from Russia. It starts its product history since the time of 16-bit applications for DOS and Windows 3.1. HIEW is often used by computer and information security professionals. Reasons are clear: the whole range of options for editing and viewing executable binary windows files, as well as compiled linux programs (ELF).

Another remarkable feature that helps in reverse engineering is built into the HIEW disassembler and assembler. Moreover, they work, both from x86 and with x86_64 applications, support and instructions of processors with large files editor copes without any difficulties, allows you to perform a low-level change in data on physical HDD.

A large number of actions can be automated. To do this, programmers have built the ability to create scripts, keyboard macros and API functions that are used to call internal procedures from external applications. But before the unconditional victory at the field of hexadecimal editors, HIEW did not get. Its interface is fully performed in the DOS style, and the drawing of the windows is engaged (or the console, if we talk about Linux systems).

People have the opinion that only professionals of their affairs and programmers can work with Hex editors, and for the ordinary woman, it is something unnecessary and incomprehensible. In fact, this is a convenient tool that is definitely useful to gamers and simple usersIf you need to eliminate an error or bug in the utility. In essence, the editor is a 16-riche code decoder. We use with you to write numbers 10-riche, the machine for encoding all information uses a 2-person code, and then it's all converted into 16-riche, so that the user is easier to understand. In fact, editors are rather needed by novice, because professionals use multifunctional utilities with the possibility of applying several paradigms at once if they are needed for programming. Let's figure out which calculators and converters are best to choose.

The simplest and most popular Hex editor in the world, moreover, with the ability to convert code to other encoding systems, as well as reading binary system files. The whole functionality of the Hex Editor Neo is to open files, the product of some changes and saving in the same or other format, at the request of the user. However, one convenience is present - the history of changes that remains even after closing the utility. Taki, and not have to come back to some of your solutions. They will be in a way, you can return to that part of the code that today did not have time to complete right in front of you on the screen. Such a Hex editor is convenient for beginners and professionals.

HXD Hex Editor

Free, but still a fairly powerful editor for binary files Supporting basic encodings, such as ANSI or ASCII, is often used as an addition to more functional calculators and converters. Perceives files without dimensions, and most importantly - allows you to change the RAM, immediately recording any innovations on hDD. A convenient and ergonomic interface, thought out by the creators, once again simplifies the user's operation. In HXD Hex Editor, there is no classic tool journey and everything is arranged at the expense of a simple curtain system, you can download hex editor for it.

Hex Workshop.

One of the simple editors suitable for computers with any gland. It is his small demandingness to system resources and a convenient interface, albeit with some influx of Microsoft object design of the beginning of the 2000s, made a program as popular as a portable editor. If you need to load the utility on the USB flash drive, and then in place to deal with the problem in the code, then better solution just not to find, because the application has, among other things and portable version with even less system requirements. And also available mobile versionAnd you can hex workshop download directly to your smartphone.


This hex editor is conditionally free, which means, for the main part of the functional you will have to pay. However, the basic editing of multiple formats files and convert from one encoding system to another - available without payment. What allows you to try out all the charms editor absolutely free, and then decide whether to buy it. The main advantage is the team of functionality, such a rich environment for work you will no longer find anywhere.


This Hex Editor download is in the event that you often have to compare several files among themselves, in order to find an error or change made by your colleague. In addition to the convenient display of the inconsistent parts, the utility also provides a simple functionality of the usual editor and the converter, as well as basic set Gentleman in this kind of programs.

Hex editor online

If you need to quickly make a couple of changes to the HEX code and do not bother once again with the installation of applications, then online editors will fit. However, consider that their functionality is extremely zadu. Here are links to similar online solutions:

Hex Converter in Dec, BIN and vice versa

HEX TO DEC converter, Hex to Bin will suit any of the above-described utilities. It is enough to download the file to them and select the "Save As" item, and there to choose the appropriate format, and the utility itself converts all data in the desired extensionAfter that you can open the file already a suitable type.

A similar online calculator is extremely useful when you need to quickly make calculations in the 16th calculus system. Here is a link to a comfortable and good online HEX Calculter:


Choose any described utility optionally or use online analogues if the need arises not often. HEX EDITOR NEO - will be the best choice both for beginners and professionals.