the Internet Windows Android

How to remove account synchronization. How to set up synchronization with accounts on Samsung Galaxy

From the article "What is an account" we know that the account is a place on the Internet and there you can store your data. You can submit an account as a virtual box in which different information is folded. In our example, we consider the Google account as the most common.

One of the possibilities google account - Store contacts from the smartphone phone book. It makes it using synchronization: add to phonebook New contact - the smartphone copies it to the account, change the existing contact in the smartphone - the changes appear in the account.

Synchronization in our example is convenient because:

  • Contacts on all devices with this account are always the same - something changed on one, automatically changes to all other;
  • If you buy new smartphoneSimply add an account and appear all the contacts that were on the old one. Do not manually save and transmit contacts, everything happens automatically.

Each account can synchronize only certain information. Some synchronize the bookmarks of the browser and contacts, some more and records in the calendar, and some do not synchronize anything at all.

How to choose which information to synchronize with the account

It is impossible to select data for synchronization

Today, almost each of us has several devices with the possibility of accessing the Internet. We use both the phone, and tablet, and laptops, and other household equipment, at work, in public places. Agree, it would be convenient when the usual settings of the display of tabs, saved bookmarks, the scoreboard, history or other parameters did not have to make each time and change to a new device. And what if it is someone else's computer, and you urgently need to find a saved bookmark?

The developers of Yandex Browser decided to solve this problem and now in this program you can configure automatic data synchronization on all devices.

The process is simple and will not require any special knowledge. Besides, this property The programs will allow you to restore the data if they for some reason were lost (error, failure, viral attack).

What is synchronization in Yandex browser, how to enable it, configure or disable - all this you will learn from this article.

Creating an account

The main condition for setting up synchronization and save its data is an active user account. If any, this setting item can be skipped. Otherwise, if before that moment you did not configure your own account, then you need to register in Yandex services:

Method 1 (through the browser menu):

  1. Open the browser and go to the program menu;
  2. In the pop-up window we find the section "Settings" and go to it;
  3. Click the "Configure Synchronization" button.

Method 2 (direct link):

And in the first, and in the second case, the standard window for registering the user will open. Here it is necessary to make your data, then click "Register":

Congratulations, now you have a single account for all services from Yandex. Now you can go to configure data synchronization. Write down or remember your password. He will need us again.

Enable synchronization with cloudy account

Method 1 (through the menu items "Synchronization"):

  1. In the open window, the Yandex browser is moving to the menu by clicking on the right icon at the top.
  2. Select the menu item "Synchronization".
  3. In the window that opens, fill in the login and password fields in the form of authorization.
  4. Press the "Enable Synchronization" button.

Method 2 (through the "Settings" menu)

Long transition chain:

  1. Run the browser window
  2. Open menu.
  3. Go to the "Settings" section.
  4. In the window that opens, we find the "Configure Synchronization" subsection.
  5. Further, according to the instructions described above, we introduce your account data and click the "Enable Synchronization" button.

When you first enter the Yandex service, you can set additional components. Optionally, you can install, or refuse:

In the same window, we can make changes to some synchronization settings. In particular, you can choose the items that we want to synchronize with other devices:

If desired, some of them can be disabled. Make it easy, it is enough to remove a tick next to the necessary partition, and the data will not be saved in cloud services. This option does not affect the saving data on your device.

Important! To ensure due security to their personal data, it is recommended to disable the "Passwords" and "History" sections. In the event that suddenly an attacker can access one of the devices, he will not be able to take advantage of your personal data.

Do not be afraid if you accidentally turned off / turned on and closed this window. Is not the only way Get into settings.


In order to go to the aforementioned section from the browser, we use the standard menu of the program -\u003e Settings -\u003e Synchronization. The page will indicate that your program is synchronized with your account:

When you click on the "Show Options" button, we will find a list of available items for editing. We choose, save.

The developer has provided the ability to remove outdated or irrelevant synchronization data. To do this, in the "Show Options" section, you must click on the small "Delete" button:

As a warning, the user will see a pop-up window with information. If you click on this button randomly - you can always refuse.


Naturally, for a number of reasons, it may be necessary that the synchronization of the Yandex browser is disabled.

Disable the service as simple as all other operations. According to the standard scheme, open the setting:

Open the Yandex -\u003e Browser page go to the menu -\u003e "Settings" section -\u003e Synchronization. Just press the "Disable" button and the device will be disconnected from synchronization with other:

Using data on another device

All of the above steps describe the synchronization setting on one of the user devices. To connect the second and all subsequent all these actions will not be needed. It will be sufficient to authorize your account on any of the devices with installed Yandex. Browser, and all your data will automatically be pulled out of the cloud, two devices are synchronized automatically. This process may take some time, depending on the speed of the Internet connection and operating parameters of the device.

Synchronization with other observers

How if you have previously worked with another browser (Chrome, Mazila, Opera), but have now switched to yandex products?

Unfortunately, as such automatic synchronization between products of different developers does not work, it simply does not exist. However, it is possible to import personal data from one program to another. Consider how to do this on the example of transfer from Google Chrome.. For this:

  • we go to the browser settings through the main menu;
  • find the section "Profile"
  • click the "Import Bookmark and Settings" button;
  • in the pop-up window, select the browser from which the data must be transferred;
  • we leave the ticks at the necessary items;
  • click "transfer".

Thus, using this simple functionality provided for by the developers, it is possible to largely facilitate working with the Internet network anywhere, wherever you are. Synchronization will not only provide a single familiar working medium of the browser, but may also become a means of control, for example, for a child. Since the program saves all the data, it can be easily from one device to track the history of visits to certain resources from other devices. However, this can be both "headache", if any device does not fall to those people. Remember this!


To correct this option, open the menu of your game, find the "Options" or "Parameters" menu, in the "Video" subparagraph, look for Vertical Sync (Vertical Sync). If the English-speaking menu and text options, then look for the display of the disabled or "off" switch. After that, click the "Apply" or Apply button to save this parameter. Changes come into effect after restarting the game.

Another case, if there is no such parameter in the application. Then you will have to configure synchronization through the video card driver. Setting is different for production video cards AMD Radeon. or nVIDIA GeForce..

If your graphics card refers to the GeForce family, right-click on the desktop and select the menu item "Panel control NVIDIA" Another option is to open the control panel through the Start menu, there will be a start icon with the same name. If neither in the control panel, nor in the desktop menu, you did not find the desired icon, look at the clock in the right corner of the screen, there will be a green NVIDIA icon, like an eye - double-click on it. According to the result, the video card settings menu opens.

The driver control panel window consists of two parts, in the left side there are categories of actions, and in the right - possible options and information. Select the lower line "Manage 3D Parameters" on the left side. In the right part of the window, on the "Global Parameters" tab, find the "Vertical Synchropulse" option at the very top. On the contrary, the current setting will be indicated: "Enable", "Disable" or "Application Settings". Select the "Disable" option from the drop-down list and confirm your choice by clicking the Apply button.

The owners of the AMD Radeon video card holder is made through special application Catalyst. To start it, right-click on the desktop and select Catalyst Control Center.. Or open the computer control panel and locate the icon with the same name. The third method is in the system area of \u200b\u200bthe screen near the clock, in the lower right corner, look for a red round symbol and click the mouse twice. The result of all these actions is the same - the configuration control center of your video card will open.

The principle is the same as in the NVIDIA control panel. In the left part of the window there will be categories of settings, and in the right - detailed settings And tips to them. Select "Games" or Gaming in the left column, and then the "3D application settings" submenu. The right-handed settings will appear. different parameters Video card. Scroll down the page below and find the inscription "wait for a vertical update", and under it the switch slider with four marks. Move this slider to the leftmost position, the following will be the inscription "Always Disabled". Click the Apply button in the lower right corner of the window to save changes.


  • turning off vertical synchronization

Vertical synchronization is one of the important parameters that determine the computer's video communication algorithm and decisively affecting its performance, which is especially noticeable in a variety of games that require a dynamic display of high-quality graphics. He appeared in the era of the domination of monitors based on the technology of an electron beam tube.

To understand the essence of vertical synchronization, it is necessary to recall such monitors. The image appears on the luminous inner surface of the electron-beam tube as a result of the fact that the focused electron flux is sequentially the line by the line bypass every point of the screen, drawing a frame. Then the beam returns back to top corner The screen to start rendering the next one. It is this moment of returning the beam is optimal to change the image, because otherwise, the screen part of the screen will display the previous frame, and the part is the next one that will negatively affect the quality. Vertical synchronization just requires to wait for the return of the beam to change the frame, which positively affects the quality of the picture, but leads to a slowdown of drawing graphics.

In order to disable vertical synchronization, it is best to use the specialized panel of fine configuration of the video card parameters, for example, Catalyst Control Center from one of the leaders of the video report market for personal computers - ATI companies. The sequence of steps to solve the task may be as follows:

  1. Select "3D" in the "Graphics" menu or on the "Graphics Settings" tab in the navigation tree.

  2. Click "All Settings"

  3. Scroll the contents of the window until you see the item "Wait for Vertical Update"

  4. Dragging the slider to the right will improve the image quality, and to the left - turn off the vertical synchronization and thereby improve the performance of the graphics subsystem.

Of course, the capabilities of the Catalyst Control Center are not limited to the disconnection of vertical synchronization. For a more complete acquaintance with the functionality of this powerful software solution Check your reference system.

Video on the topic


  • Solving problems with ONEDRIVE synchronization

Disabling vertical synchronization is one of the most important steps setting the parameters of the video card. It usually allows you to significantly increase the number of frames per second for many games.

You will need

  • - access to the Internet.


First, set the current version of the drivers for your video card. If you use NVIDIA video adapter, then visit Open the Drivers tab and select "Download Drivers". Fill out the menu that appears to find the software you need. Specify the type of product, series and accurate model. Be sure to specify the type of your operating system.

Download the suggested software and install it. Restart the computer. After booting the operating system, right-click on the desktop and select "NVIDIA Control Panel". Open the "Manage 3D Parameters" menu and go to the "Global Parameters" tab.

Find the Vertical Synchropulse item and set it to "off". It is better not to use the option "by selecting an application", because many games automatically use this function. Click the Apply button and close the program window.

If the Radeon video card is installed in your computer, then visit Go to the "Support and Drivers" menu. Fill in the menu similar to the method described in the first step, and click the "Show Results" button. Download the proposed program. Install it and restart the computer.

Right click on the desktop and select "Chart Properties" or ATI Control Center. Expand the "Game" tab and open the 3D Application Settings menu. Find the "Wait for vertical update" parameter and move the slider to the left to enable the option "Always Disabled". Click the Apply button and close the program window. For a video card when working with specific applications, change your other parameters.

Video on the topic

VERTICAL SYNCHRONIZATION, VSYNC, or vertical synchronization is an optional video card driver operation. Turning on vertical synchronization usually interests avid gamersBecause it allows you to significantly improve the schedule of many games.


Turning on vertical synchronization can be implemented by a user in several ways. The most simple method is to cause it context menu The desktop with the right of the right mouse button on the empty table space and specify the "Screen" item. Open the Display Properties link and go to the Settings tab in the opened dialog box. Use the Advanced button and turn on the desired function In the Wait For Vertical Sync section.

For software inclusion of vertical synchronization in OpenGL, use the code:

void Set_VSync (Bool Enabled) // True
Pfnwglswapintervalxtproc wglswapinterval \u003d null;
if (WGLSwapInterval) WGLSWAPINTERVAL (Enabled? 1: 0);

Use DirectX 9 to turn on vertical synchronization. To do this, before starting the D3DDevice, change the value of the parameter
g_d3d9parameters.swapeffect on D3DSWAPEFFECT_COPY. After that, also assign the G_D3D9Parameters.PresentationInterval parameter to D3DPRESENT_INTERVAL_ONE.

To turn on the vertical synchronization of NVIDIA, call the context menu of the computer's desktop with click right-click and specify the "NVIDIA Control Panel" item. Open the "View" menu of the upper service panel of the opened dialog box and specify the "Advanced" item. Expand the "Manage 3D Parameters Management" node in the left part of the control panel window and specify the Enable command in the Vertical Synchropulse Line drop-down list in the next dialog box. Save the changes made by clicking the OK button, and restart the system to apply these changes.

Note that the non-drop-down menu can sometimes be used and the slider. In this case, you need to move the slider to the extreme right position.


  • Vertical synchronization: how to disable in nvidia

Tip 5: How to disable vertical synchronization in the properties of the video card

The vertical synchronization function provides alignment, frame frequency and vertical monitor scan. It means that maximum amount Frames per second cannot be higher than the administration of the display used.

You will need

  • - AMD Control Center;
  • - NVIDIA control panel.


When configuring a video adapter for certain games, it is recommended to disconnect the vertical synchronization function. This usually leads to a decrease in the level of graphics, while at the same time increasing the amount of FPS. Start updated softwareregulating the video card.

Download last version aMD programs Control Center or Nvidia Control Panel. The program selection depends on the manufacturer's firm of the video adapter. Before downloading the application, specify its compatibility with your video card.

Restart the computer after installing the program. Open the control panel and select the "Design and Personalization" menu. Follow the link "Setup screen resolution".

In the new menu, select " Extra options"And go to installed program. After starting the application, go to the "Game" submenu or open the 3D Application Settings tab.

Find the "Wait for Vertical Update" or "Vertical Synchronization". In the English version of the program, it is called Vertical Sync. Move the slider to the column "disabled" or "off, unless specified by the application."

Sometimes users face the following situation - when connecting their iPhone or iPad to a computer, iTunes independently starts to perform synchronization, without the owner's demand. Accordingly, the question appears: " " You can disable self synchronization in several ways:

Turn off the autosynchronization of one iPhone
This method disables automatic iTunes sync Only for one connected device, we consider on the example with Apple iPhone:
1. Connect the iPhone to a computer and run iTunes.
2. In the "Devices" section, select the iPhone.

3. In the "Overview" tab, remove the checkbox "Open iTunes when connect iPhone"And click the" Apply "button.

Disable autosynchronization of all devices
This method will disable automatic synchronization for all connected devices:
1. Run iTunes and go to the settings (editing - settings).

2. In the "Devices" section, we put a tick as shown in the image above and click the "OK" button.

All the actions described above were performed in iTunes version for Windows XP. When using others operating systems and versions of iTunes. Actions to disable synchronization may differ slightly.

Synchronization is the exchange of data between browsers on your devices. For intermediate data storage, the Yandex server uses where the information is transmitted over a protected channel, and passwords are in encrypted form. The data on the server is protected by the authorization system used on Yandex services. Synchronization provides data access from all your devices and data recovery if the device is lost or broke.

  1. How synchronization works
  2. Enable synchronization
  3. Change the List of Synchronized Data
  4. Disable synchronization

How synchronization works

The default is synchronized passwords, sites on the scoreboard, bookmarks, autofill and open tabs .

After you have enabled synchronization, it will be executed every time you change the data stored on the server. For example: You add a bookmark to your smartphone - the browser sends it to the server and at the same time downloads all the changes you made on other devices (starting from the moment of last synchronization).

Synchronization will allow you:

    Customize the browser equally on all your devices.

    Restore passwords, bookmarks, tabs and browser settings, even if your device fails.

At any time, you can disable synchronization or change the data list you want to synchronize.

Enable synchronization

Synchronization works when performing the following conditions:

    on all devices (computer, smartphone, tablet) Yandex.Bauzer installed;

To enable synchronization:

To go to the data list, which were synchronized, press more.