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Motive 300 rubles per month how to connect. Description of tariff plans operator motive

The "My Online" rate from the tele2 is the average price segment in the ruler proposed by the operator. Suitable users to communicate by phone inside the home region without restrictions. And also for calls to numbers of other operators, with restrictions on minutes. The Internet Package is designed to view video, surfing, listening to music and communication in messengers, traffic is enough for any of yours [...]

The tariff "My conversation" from tele2 is a budget option from the entire ruler offered by the operator. Suitable to users who prefer to communicate by telephone within the home region network without restrictions. It is also possible to call the numbers of other operators, in this case the minutes are limited. The Internet package is not designed to view movies and video. Traffic is enough to communicate in messengers and checks [...]

Tele2 company subscribers choose the "My Tel2" tariff due to the possibility without restrictions to communicate within the network and in various messengers. The tariff plan includes a package of the Internet, which is enough to check the post office and reading news. After the connection of the tariff "My Tale2" will examine its characteristics in detail, the cost of calls, SMS and other services included in the course of the subscriber is paid. You can [...]

Service for convenience to customers has developed personal Area. This feature that allows subscribers to manage services remotely in real time. Remote service is a noticeable time savings, as well as easy-to-control space for making independent decisions. Contents1 Personal Cabinet Possibilities2 Registration in the Personal Account at the Contract number3 Instructions for entering the personal account by [...]

You love to talk for a long time on the phone, often write SMS, do you regularly use mobile Internet, and also appreciate a quality connection? Tariff Beeline "All for 300" - a service that is exactly for you! The transition to this tariff plan will allow you to significantly save on mobile communicationsSince the service implies daily payment. This tariff provides favorable conditions for communicating with subscribers, both in Russia and abroad, as well as a quick and inexpensive mobile Internet. Hurry to connect the tariff plan, while there is such an opportunity!

Detailed description of Tarif Beeline "All for 300"

The monthly fee for the use of the tariff is 300 rubles, the lifting of the amount occurs once a month - the 1st day of the reporting period. All incoming calls are free, regardless of the region in which the subscriber is located. The tariff includes unlimited calls to Beeline throughout Russia and 300 free minutes for outgoing calls to other operators in the home region.

After the limit exceeds, each minute of outgoing calls in the home region on the numbers of any operators (except biline) will cost 1.6 rubles. Call on mobile number A third-party operator in Russia will cost 3 rubles per minute. Also, after exceeding the limit, the "All for 300" tariff plan establishes the cost of outgoing SMS messages to the rooms of the home region, which is 1.6 rubles.

Main characteristics

Subscription fee 300 rub. per month
Services included in the price of the subscription fee
Mobile Internet Package 2 GB
Pack of minutes for calls to the Beeline numbers in Russia and on the numbers of any other telecom operators of the home region 300 minutes
SMS package to send numbers of any home region operators 100 SMS.
The cost of services exceeding limits
Outgoing calls to Beeline numbers in Russia is free
Outgoing calls to numbers of other home regions operators 1.6 rub. / Min.
Outgoing calls to numbers of other operators, in Russia (except home region) 3 rubles per min.
Outgoing SMS to Beeline numbers in Russia and numbers of other home regions operators 1.6 rubles.

You can find out the residue of prepaid bags of minutes, SMS and the Internet through the "Personal Account" Beeline, the application "My Beeline" or sending USSD query: Dial * 102 # Call, SMS messages with information about the remainder of the packages will be delivered within a few seconds.

Internet on the tariff plan

The tariff includes 2 GB of traffic monthly to use the mobile Internet at high speed (the maximum value depends on how well the phone takes communication). When the granted volume is consumed until the end of the month, the service "" will automatically be activated which will reach traffic packages when it is exhausted. If you do not need this option, it is better to turn it off to immediately with the * 115 * 230 # command or by calling the 0674717780. In this case, when you spend traffic, Internet access will continue to be provided, but at the minimum connection speed - up to 64 kbps .

If you need to save high speed, it is recommended to connect the service "" or "", they will allow you to purchase traffic on more acceptable price in the required quantity.

How to connect and disable the "all for 300" tariff?

The cost of the transition to the tariff "All for 300" is 0 rubles, if more than one month passed since the previous shift of the tariff plan, or 100 rubles - if less.

In order to connect the "All for 300" tariff on your mobile phone Beeline, you need to call the number 0781 and follow the instructions of the answering machine. Your tariff will be changed a few minutes after sending the command.

You can also go to this tariff through "" Beeline, mobile app "My Beeline" or contacting any of the company's sales offices.

It is possible to disable the tariff "All for 300" only by changing it to another, but consider when the tariff change earlier than a month later the commission will be taken with you, and at the same time the amount of the subscription fee will not be returned for the month.

This tariff plan from Beeline is the junior representative of the "All" line, where a certain monthly fee is provided with a package of 3 services: minute calls, SMS package and unlimited Internet.

This tariff will be primarily convenient for users of tablets and smartphones - as it is not necessary to break your head over the choice of the tariff plan and connecting to it. additional options - On the tariffs of the "All" rules operate at once, and you do not need to independently connect.

Detailed Tariff Description

The tariff from the operator Beeline "All for 300" provides for a fixed payment of 300 rd. / Month:

  1. Free calls to the numbers of Moscow Beeline subscribers and MO, even on trips to the Russian Federation;
  2. 300 minutes of outgoing calls on all telecom operators in Moscow and MO, as well as on outgoing calls by Russian subscribers of Beeline;
  3. 100 sms on all operators of Moscow and MO;
  4. 2 GB of the Internet per month in Russia when registering in the Beeline network.

At the same time, the subscription fee on the tariff plan is completely written off (300 p.) When connecting or transition to this tariff and will continue to be written completely on the day of connection.

To find out how many minutes you have, sms messages, or online traffic, you need to type the command *102# On your device - in response will come free SMS with information on the remaining packages.

Also, you can get information on the package residues on the official website of the operator by registering in the Personal Account. In addition, the personal account allows you to order the detail, change the tariff plan and make other actions with your number, without leaving the house, via the Internet.

How to go to the tariff "All for 300"

You have no Sim card Beeline:

  • SIM card can be purchased in the online store or beeline salon;
  • Do not want to change the number? - Then, leaving the application for the transition with the preservation of the room in the office or on the operator's website.

You are a subscriber of the operator Beeline:

  • You can go to this tariff, through your personal account on the operator's website, or to type the command from your device 0674 000 301.

Note, for the transition to the "All for 300" tariff in the account there should be an amount equal to the subscription fee, since it is completely written off when switching to the tariff.

Terms of use of the tariff in roaming

Traveling in Russia

Use roaming services When registering SIM cards in the network of the Beeline operator, you can only with a positive balance sheet.

On trips to Russia, the following rates are operating at the Tariff Beeline "All for 300":

  • All incoming challenges in Russia are free, subject to registration in the Beeline network. Excluded - r. Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, when in the territory of which one minute of incoming and outgoing calls will cost 9, 95 p.;
  • Outgoing calls on other operators - 3 r. / Min., Beeline 0 p., If the package of 300 minutes is not used, 3 p., If it is over;
  • 1 costs 1.6 p.;
  • As for the Internet, the 2 GB package operates in Russia, without charging additional fees. Exceptions are such remote regions as: Taimyr and Dolgan-Nenets Municipal Areas, Norilsk, Kamchatka, R. Crimea and a number of others, there is 1 MB of the Internet will cost 9.95 rubles.

To use services without restrictions and roaming throughout Russia, connect new tariff " " or " "

Traveling around the world

You can use the connection in other countries if there are more than 600 rubles on the balance, if the balance is lowered below 300 rubles, the communication services are blocked (you cannot even take an incoming call), so you need to take care of your phone before the trip. For example, take a trip to the express payment card.

Also, in traveling the world it is important to know that in other countries the cost of calls becomes higher than in the Russian Federation, and even incoming calls become paid. That is, the conditions of your tariff plan to other countries no longer applies and other prices for international roaming.

Since for each country the price is changing, then rates of communication in the country where you are going to look at the operator's website, or consult in the Beeline office.

For example, price rates for international roaming in Italy:
Incoming call - 69 r. / Minute;
Outgoing call to Russia - 69 r. / Minute;
Outgoing call to other countries - 129 r. / Minute;
Outgoing SMS message - 19 p;
Package 40 MB of Internet per day - 200 rubles.

To reduce the cost of communication in roaming, you can use the service "The most profitable roaming", where you can get a package of minutes, messages and Internet traffic for a fee of 100 rubles per day that reduce the cost of communication.

How to disable the tariff "all for 300"?

This tariff plan can be turned off by the transition to another, while the cost of switching will be free if more than 30 days have passed since the transition to the tariff plan "All for 300".

If you do not make any paid actions within 180 days, the contract will be considered dissolved at your request. Accordingly, this rate, like the SIM card itself, will not be active.

The motive, for those who live within the Ural Federal District and moves mainly within the same districts, a fairly profitable cellular company. I once tried different companies - Beeline, MegaFon, MTS. But at the same time never refused to Simika Motive.

As a result, I just use the motive only. As an indicator, everything is used in our family. This is me, husband, parents of her husband, brother husband and his wife. A bunch of acquaintances also on the motive.

If earlier the motive lost to competitors what he had no fast Internet 4G, now even these times in the past. In our family, the active mobile Internet needs a husband. Therefore, as soon as the motive appeared a new offer, the tariff "instead," then the husband immediately switched on it. For 300 rubles per month can be performed free calls For any numbers of motive and other operators who act within the Ural FO, you can call in stationary televisions, it is given to this, mine 4.5 GB of the Internet. What, as I understood, the Internet from night to 8 am at our local time is generally free. The thing is for the midnight. SMS and MMS can also be sent for free. That is, pay for the Internet, and in terms of communication is not to deny yourself anything.

Depending on the amount of the Internet you want to receive, and the price will be formed. A rather attractive offer is something about 30 GB of Internet for 900 rubles. The most expensive option is 1,800 rubles - 100 GB of the Internet for the month. What the Internet is really not bad. Of course, do not compare with a home dealer, but for mobile phone - fine. Yes, in principle, and even some companies and with a dedication, the same in the speed of the Internet is provided. In any case, if now our provider has problems with a link, and it is necessary to see something urgently to see in the attract, the motive gives this opportunity without problems.

Call now all the relatives in the Urals calmly, we speak without experiencing payment. In the plan, it is calls a line of tariffs "instead" just gorgeous. In the first month, my husband called everyone who could. And it's free. Landline phone We are not needed now, we turned it off, and then 400 rubles a month unknown for which I had to lay out.

I myself am not a hopping to the mobile Internet, it so happened that in the phone I do not like to use it. My phone basically works "at the reception". When I call, crying 80 kopecks per minute. The tariff is called "very simple fare" and it suits me completely, as they call it mainly. Per month it turns out, I spend no more than 50 rubles. So our family and economists are 250 rubles per month.

And before that suggestion, the tariffs from the motive I found interesting and profitable, and now I don't even hear about other operators cellular communication.

Video Overview

All (5)

Hello everyone!

The cellular operator "Motive" appeared in our city not so long ago. The tariffs were unspeculent, the quality of the Internet left much to be desired, so he was not interested in me.

But in the summer of this year, advertising appeared on the entire city that the "motive" cancels fee for outgoing calls. That is, full unlimited on all home areas, not only calls, but also sms. Instead of charges for calls - payment for the Internet. But she is not great - 4 rubles per 20 MB per day. It was at this rate that I connected.

All tariffs for this line here:

In general, no pitfalls, everything is honest. BUT! It took about two months and it became almost impossible to use this sim card!

After dialing the number and press the "Call" key - a long beep and immediately short, as if the call was "throw off." At first I thought I had something with the phone, but the second SIM card worked fine, the network of both sims is good. After a week, a husband who also had a Simkart "Motive" said that he had such problems. To be more understandable - In order to call someone sometimes you need twenty dial number (If you ever tried to call someone on New Year's Eve - this is the same). And it is very upset, especially when it is urgent to contact someone.

I do not understand problems cellular operatorsBut most likely they simply do not cope with the load, because the tariff is really profitable, which is certainly connected. By phone hot line Always one answer - "At this time, the line was most likely overloaded, the problem was already solved."

With SMS no problems, they reach quickly and without adventure). But the Internet is constantly buggy, the husband used them only the first month, from the second switched again to MTS mobile Internet.

Another minus - subscription fee During the day, they do not write off on time and sometimes not beautiful situations: let's say, on the account 3 rubles, but should write off 4. I have already made a few calls in the morning and a decent minus is quite enough to dinner. That is, due to the fact that they have a failure in the system (and they are regular) and the fee did not have a challenge of calls goes along a very expensive tariff.

Summing up I want to say - "Motive" - \u200b\u200ba good operator with really favorable ratesbut at the moment with technical side A lot of troubleshooting, they need to be solved, rather than postpone in a long box.Now many of my friends are still less and less used by "motif", because at half an hour to dial the number - not every nerves will hold out.