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I can not contact what to do. What to do if you can't go to the page "in contact"

Why doesn't VK not work? There are two branches of development: the contact page is not available at all or does not suit the login and password. From these components and further causes and decisions are determined.

Why is the site not loaded?

1. No Internet

Try to go to other sites! Maybe they are also not available.

2. Not included in

Use another browser. If not allowing Google Chrome., then try to go through browser Opera. Or use Mozila Firefox. Comes from another browser? Clean the cache, reinstall the browser that is not allowed in vk. If not coming from other browsers, then we turn to clause 3.

3. "The director does not approve"

4. Engineering works

Problems on the server are some work and therefore it does not load for a long time. It is necessary to take a break, and then "try happiness" again. Nothing comes out? Passed day, and VKontakte does not work? We read the text below!

5. confused site

We went to the fake page VK or confused with another social network.

6. Blocked by IP

The provider decided to block access to the site, especially the connection to someone's Wi-Fi. In this case, use the IP change program. You can also change the DNS server, for example, to put values \u200b\u200bof

7. Extensions

When installing suspicious programs, installed various browsers and expansion. Often, advertising banners in the browser will pop up, but there may be prohibitions for visiting specific sites. What to do? Open the "Extensions" tab in the browser and delete all the extra.

8. Damage to the registry

9. Login and password does not fit

Change the layout, disconnect the CAPS LOCK (button on the keyboard) and if you ask you to send the code - check for viruses.

What if access to the site blocks the virus?

You can not send SMS for money!

Balance will be replied to large amounts, even if you require five rubles.

Be sure to install a good antivirus program!

It is advisable to download the addition to protect against spywareFor example, AVZ. Maybe, antivirus bases It has not been updated for a long time, for this reason the antivirus could not prevent hacking your page.

Look for various social programs and shortcuts on the computer.

Vkontakte.exe, etc. Be sure to remove!

In some cases, the HOST file on the computer will have to be "corrected", it could be distorted by the virus.

Open the "My Computer" - select the C drive - find the System 32 folder - Drivers - ETC - see the file hosts.. It must be opened using the usual Notepad program. Delete everything too much and leave only one line: Localhost.

No sense? Try to restore access with the help of the phone you entered when registering in VK.

Restoration page

You must follow the link "Forgot your password?". We enter the phone number that indicated during registration (the login or email address may also approach), click "Next". You must pass the captcha, enter letters and numbers from the picture in a special window. It remains to confirm that the VK page is indeed your "property".

The specified number must arrive with the code that you want to enter into a special field and click "Change Password".

After manipulations, you need to come up with a more sophisticated password. It will also be better if you record it in your notebook so that I don't have to restore the page again.

Now you can come in contact. Use the same login but fresh passwordwhich recently invented. So that the incident occurred, the second message will come to the phone. You will remind you of the information, so that you have not forgotten it.

So that nothing bad has happened, it is necessary to carry out preventive work: update the antivirus, search for malicious component on a PC, delete suspicious files. Only a full range of work can prevent an unpleasant situation with your page.

Quite often, people wonder why it does not come into contact, the reasons may be different. This article will describe the most common reasons for which the VKontakte website does not open. And methods for solving this problem will also be described.

To begin with, I would like to clarify one interesting question that you could have:

Why actually speaking it's about contact, because sites millions, why is it?!

Everything is very simple, because this site is very popular. In fact, there may be absolutely any site on the site "VKontakte".

Why can't come in contact

As mentioned above, the reasons may be different. Below are the five most popular reasons for the inaccessibility "VKontakte".

1) The site is lying. No one from this is insured, Vkontakte, including, even Yandex as it fell, and lay for several hours :)! Since the problem is this technical nature, and it does not depend on you, you can only wait until the server is raised. Justice should notice that this happens quite rarely.

2) Access to the site was blocked by local system administrator. This is relevant if you are at work, or in an educational institution. Naturally, management is interested in doing business, and not communicated in social networks. If the site lock was produced in conventional method (For example, using the Hosts file), then such protection you can bypass. But if you get, then it will be very likely to have problems, everything depends on the degree of strictness of your bosses.

3) Your account VKontakte was blocked. We are talking about real blocking by the site administration. If you think that your account was blocked by mistake, it remains only to write letters to a support, and hope for a miracle.

4) Your account hacked, and changed the password. Try to restore the password if you succeed, immediately change it to more reliable.

5) You have become a victim of the virus. This is the most common cause.

If you are asked to send SMS, then it is one hundred percent of the malware activities. In no case do not send any SMS, you will simply remove money from the account, and the problem will remain unresolved.

An attackers who distribute this kind of malicious software are usually pursuing two goals, it is:

  • Theft of data such as: login password.
  • Removing money from your account.

What to do if not coming into contact

It will describe the solution to the problem that was indicated in the fifth point, that is, which is associated with the activities of malware.

Caution, phishing page! As a rule, this is how the fraudsters act, they appreciate the phishing page, which in its interface as two drops of water look like the original. However, if you show vigilance, and look at the browser's address bar, then you will notice that this is not the site for which he gives out.

Always see what is displayed in the browser's address bar, work out this habit! If this is a real contact, you will see about the following (see Screenshot).

You probably already know that the site VKontakte "moved" to the COM zone, and now it is available at a new address. Instead of a long "vkontakte", now just dial vk. Make a typo when the site address set will now be almost impossible. Old links are still working, they will simply redirect you to new address. You can read this contact message yourself, it is on the official website.

If not coming into contact, do the following

1) First of all, you need to find and destroy malware. To do this, use a good antivirus system, scan the computer completely. Remember which programs you have recently installed, it is quite possible that one of them is malicious software.

2) Most likely yours hosts file Was changed by the "virus", you need to put it in order. About the hosts file on this site was written a whole article, so I will not repeat, but just give a link on it. The article is called: "From it you will learn where the HOSTS file is located, how to edit it, and how to save the changes made.

If you have not previously done any changes in this file, Tog there should be only one entry " localhost", the rest can be safely removed. True there are two important points here:

but) If the lattice symbol (#) is worth the line, then such a string is considered a comment, and is not taken into account. That is, the lines that start with the lattice are not needed.

b) Some programs make their changes to the Hosts file, for example, it makes Denwer during your work.

3) If the above-mentioned actions did not give results, try reset the DNS cache. To do this, press "Win + R", enter "CMD", and click OK. Opens command line, enter "IPCONFIG / FLUSHDNS", and press ENTER.


Fraudsters are honed every day their skills, and all the time come up with something new, so it can it happen that the tips that were given in this article will not bring the desired result. In fact, it is an absolutely normal situation, take for example the antivirus, everyone knows what principle it is updated with new bases. First, a new virus appears, and only then a means of dealing against it appears. That is, fraudsters are always one step ahead, so our world is arranged.

But if you show vigilance, the risk is reduced to a minimum, the elementary things are required, it is essentially:

  • The presence of an antivirus system, with relevant bases (plus a firewall).
  • Do not go to dubious links.
  • Do not trust "doubtful" sites.
  • Do not establish questionable programs.
  • Learn to recognize phishing sites.
  • Golden Rule: Do not enter where your phone number has fallen, and even more so do not send it unclear where to SMS!

It would seem, very banal rules, it remains only to learn to follow them!

P.S. If you have something to say (for example, you have your own successful experience with the problem of contacting contact), then share it with us, write about it in the comments.

It is very disappointing when it is possible to carve time to communicate in the social network VKontakte, and on the screen of a smartphone or tablet instead of your page you see the message: "Failed to enter due to problems with the Internet connection. Check the connection to the network and try again. " What is the most annoying, so this is what the Internet is just all right. And can even be authorized without any problems, but either mobile browseror through an unofficial client. But the official client is stubbornly rejects all user attempts to enter your account. Sometimes it is still possible to redepenitize the application, and the official client begins to work in itself normally. But in some cases, the authorization error does not disappear anywhere - you have to look for ways to correct the situation. We will tell you about some of them today.

Solving the problem of Wi-Fi Connection With incorrect operation of DNS servers: :
This problem may occur if the DNS server cannot compare the IP address of the requesting device information from domain name Resource (in this case to which you appeal. This is the fault of the provider, or rather, its DNS servers that work incorrectly. It is possible to solve the problem as follows:
1) Connect to Wi-Fi access point;

2) We clamp a long tap "Wi-Fi network";

3) Select "Change Network";

We see the name "Extended Settings", put in the window Tick;

5) In the IP configuration, select custom settings;

6) We see the lines of DNS, and in these lines we prescribe a DNS server from Google (
* More simple way solutions to this problem is to install on a smartphone or tablet program with the following selection in the settings GoogleDNS. The program is downloaded for free, to use it in the Pro version of the superuser's right is not required. When entering the Internet through Wi-Fi connection In the router settings as a DNS server specify .
In most cases, this is enough so that the error disappears, and the entrance in VKontakte was carried out in normal mode.

Hosts cleaning when used mobile network or Wi-Fi:
A good result gives a method for cleaning the HOSTS file. It is effective if in any way that the VKontakte resource is blocked in it. It is possible to delete it as follows:
1) Download S. Google Play. and install an ES conductor on your device;
2) We go to the "Settings", then in root-rights, where you mark the "Root-Explorer" position, "connect system folders" and "root folder";
3) We go to "/" -\u003e "etc", where we find the HOSTS file and open it (when you hold the position "Open like .." -\u003e Text -\u003e ES editor).

4) We delete all the contents, leaving only one line: Localhost.
5) We carry out and reboot the device - the entrance to VK through the official client must pass without any problems.

If the Freedom program is on the tablet or smartphone:
1) Go to the Freedom program;
2) In Freedom, select in the menu -\u003e Stop.

* If you initially deleted Freedom, then put temporarily back.
3) Reboot your smartphone;
4) If the problem is not solved, delete the Freedom program;
5) Use the above-described HOSTS cleaning method;
6) Restart the device.

None of these methods helped? Do not be upset - in addition to the official client, VKontakte is not less comfortable alternatives: "Kate" and "Lynt", which even surpass it in terms of functionality - try working with them, and you will not regret.

Sometimes users of VKontakte have difficulty in entering the personal page Why often from a phone or laptop? This can be related to both Internet connection problems and with blocking access to This applies to both PC access and access with mobile applications VC for iOS and Android.

If you first created the account and passed, problems may occur at the entrance.

Sometimes there are interruptions in the servers, during which the social network can be inaccessible. Be sure the situation is trying to correct in the near future. At the moment, the performance of VKontakte is most likely restored.

It often happens that the problem when entering can be solved on the side of the user, but there are cases when it does not bring the result, because Social itself VKontakte network sometimes lies.

With confidence it can be assumed that almost every one of you is a registered user known social network "In contact with". And if it is impossible to go to any site, then most likely it will not work and enter "VK". Most often with this problem faces an inexperienced user who does not worry about the safety of his PC and gathered viruses on the network. If for some reason you cannot go to the site popular social. Networks, then the following recommendations will be extremely useful.

So, a list of problems that hinder the entry to the site:

  1. At the very beginning, make sure that you have access to the network and in the correctness of the Internet connection settings. To do this, just try to go to any site, or in Skype, or ICQ. If you manage it means, there is no problem with Internet access.
  2. Your personal page is frozen. This happens for the following reasons: there was a violation of the site rules, hacking a page. This question is solved quite simply. You just need to confirm your account by specifying your surname and code sent to the mobile phone.
  3. The password is incorrectly specified. If when entering the site, the response "wrong or incorrect password" knocks, it means that you really made a mistake (probably turned on Capslock), or the attackers broke down and changed the data. In this case, locate the phrase "Forgot your password?" Under the password entry window, click on it and just follow the further instructions.
  4. Check if your browser has access to the Internet, whether there is a network protection and your PC proxy server or a firewall.
  5. It is most unpleasant when "logging" by VKontakte is not possible only with own computerAt the time when this problem is missing when entering from the phone or other PC. There will be a different solution. Most likely, you tagged viruses, so you need to buy an antivirus (download or buy), install it, check the computer on malicious programs And, ultimately, restart it.

If such a procedure did not help, the actions are as follows:

  • come on "My Computer";
  • Local disk C :;
  • "Windows" folder;
  • next, the "System32" folder;
  • dRIVERS and ETC folder;
  • look for the "hosts" file and open it through a notebook.

After that, see if there are no lines in the file with the title of sites,, etc. If we find you remove! You should not only touch the lines, at the beginning of which the symbol #. All changes in the document remain.

In addition to this procedure, it is also recommended to go to windows search And in the "Start". In the search, dial the phrase "vkontakte.exe". If the specified phrase gives results, you immediately delete the found one. Also it will not prevent remove all other unofficial contact programs. Then just reboot the computer and enjoy the success!

Remember not to come across the tricks of ill-wishers, take a portray to visit 18+ sites, follow the action of your antivirus, do not rush to install dubious programs, including for contact, as well as go by other little-known sites and links, especially if they hit the folder "Spam".

Very often people ask, I can not get in touch what to do? This site is very popular, but the problem continues to be relevant so far. In this article, you find out the main reasons why it does not come in contact, and how to solve this problem yourself.

The most common reasons why does not fit in contact:

  1. A very rare reason when contact "lies" for technical reasons. In this case, it remains only to wait for the opportunity to go to your page.
  2. Access to the site is blocked by a systemic (local) administrator. This may occur if at work or in educational institution You decided to pass time on the VK website. An explanation of this is the following: the leadership is interested, so that you are not distracted, but dealt with the case. The usual lock can be bypass using the Hosts file, but there may be problems with the director, if you "caught up", it all depends on the rigor of the authorities.
  3. Lock your account by the site administration for violations or mistaken. In this case, you need to write to the support service and wait for the solution.
  4. Hacking an account and change password. In this case, you need to try to restore the password, go to your page and immediately change the settings, changing the password to more reliable.
  5. The most common cause is viruses. It is very easy to become their victim, just click on any of the attractive messages or go through the link. An attackers spreading malicious programs pursue mostly two goals: the drainage of data and removal from the phone account tied to the VK page.

It happens that the virus can change the HOSTS file. You need to find it, C-\u003e Windows-\u003e System32-\u003e Drivers-\u003e ETC and change to normal, you can download the link below.

Fraudsters invent new ways of hacking daily, honed their skills. If you show vigilance, the risk of infection of your PC will be minimized. To do this, you need to know the elementary things:

  • do not move on unknown links;
  • no need to go to sites even with a bad reputation, if you can view information elsewhere;
  • do not download programs from untested suppliers, do not send SMS;
  • you need to learn to recognize phishing links;
  • do not register for dubious sites, do not leave your data and phone numbers. Install a good antivirus to your computer, and periodically scan it for malicious software.

As you can see, the rules are quite simple, you just need to learn them to follow, now you know why it does not come in contact, and what to do in such a situation.