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A simple way to remove Yandex Mail. How to remove the mailbox if it is not needed

Email - An integral part of modern life. It is often used for direct correspondence with loved ones, while very relevant as a means of viral mailing (spam). Among the residents of the post-Soviet space, Yandex Mail uses specially popular for receiving and sending letters.

Take the box quite simple: on page search engine You need to select the corresponding graph and follow the suggested prompts, another thing is to remove it. Therefore, then you will learn how to distortively get rid of account on Yandex.

Have you thought well?

As they say, we think seven times - I deleted once. One way or another, it's a little more difficult to remove from Yandex than to register there. Another thing is why it may be needed to the user. If there is good reasons for such a radical step, then without problems.

In the event that you decide to remove your account along with all the letters and contacts due to any problems, do not rush to chop off your shoulder - try to explore the possibilities of fixing the situation with the preservation of the address. Especially for this on the site there is technical support - knock. Do not give your way to communicate with the outside world, known to all close and familiar just like that!

Moreover, remember that an attempt to similarly block outsiders will turn into a loss not only mail with letters, but also the entire Yandex account and services tied to it: disk, cards, money, music, etc. drive, cards, money, music, etc.

Are you ready to abandon all the amenities provided to users of the resource?

The decision is made, go to action!

So, confidence in our own right is still there, and the removal of all data is already inevitable - it remains only to figure out how to do it. If we consider the entire procedure step by step, it will look like this:

  • Log in to the account by entering the login and password (if you forget them, then read).
  • Select a characteristic gear on the right above ("mail settings", as the pop-up tip says), and then "all settings".
  • On the left, the vertical list of sections will appear on the screen, and the most recent item is "specifying your data" - it is also chosen.
  • In the window that appears on the right will be the desired option for the removal of the Yandex Account.
  • The service will not allow the mail to be destroyed by the man who has not passed the re-authorization, so asks the password again, and will also ask to answer the test question. To confirm the actions, you should enter all necessary information, Capper and click "Delete Account". At this point, it's not too late to click "Back to the passport" or simply close the window to avoid cancellation of data.
  • Yandex B. last time Recalls that a month later, a different user will be able to register the same mail, so the owners of original and catchy addresses, take care! However, that moment when you click "Continue", you will not be authorized.

From this time is removed from the server your account, letters per mail, as well as all Yandex services are blocked.

Is there a way back?

It happens that the owner of the box caught and regretted. Maybe he even regrets not about letters, but about details in the system in the system, or about the maps with a personally laid routes. No matter, because with electronic drawer All content and data active for a particular user service are subject to deletion.

So how to restore the account? And in no way! No wonder the system has repeatedly asked you whether the solution is thoughtful - there is no more opportunity to resume mail with the same login!

Answering the question how reliably everything was blocked, it is worth noting that everything is unavailable for you, starting with letters and ending with a virtual wallet! There are already even messages to support service, the site simply does not store voluntarily remote, even if access you have lost scammers.

The only thing that can be done is to restore the login. Yandex will not give a re-register an account under the old name immediately. Make it will be possible only in a month, but still. Natural that any of the former data will not be saved. Perhaps some sites will continue to send you spam, so you can not even unsubscribe.

In the rest of the rest, the thoughtful user begins completely new virtual lifeif you succeed, then under the old nickname.

How to delete mailbox On Yandex. RU?
How to delete Google Mailbox. COM?

Article №13.
Hello, friends!

This article for heading "Tips beginners" extraordinary, because It was written with Article number 3, where I described the registration procedure and receipt of a free mailbox. However, in life there are situations with another task - you need to remove an existing mailbox. In what cases does this happen?

Consider a few examples:

The novice user has started a mailbox itself and at the same time inexperienced (or in a hurry!) Invented an intact (not a beautiful, not corresponding to the profile of his site, etc.) name. Time passed, the user realized the mistake approved and wants to fix it.

The novice user becomes experienced only practically. For the skills, mailboxes were created in all available services. For practical activity, they all do not need - unnecessary want to remove.

The user created a mailbox temporarily to test any idea. Testing is completed, the temporary box can be deleted.

Indeed, appetite comes while eating! W. experienced users There are simultaneously registered several mailboxes for various needs. When the situation is changed, some of them are removed, part - start again.

What is the difference between the shopping center of the box from his removal, and is there such a difference?

Yes, there is a difference.

It is determined by the fact that the owners of services on the Internet are interested in large quantities visitors. That is why there are large buttons on the main pages of services with a proposal to register and get a free mailbox. But information about the possibility of deleting your registration is removed "to the farbox". But it is, and we will now analyze the removal procedure on Yandex services. RU and Google. COM.

How to delete your mailbox on Yandex?

1. Using personal data, go to your Yandex-Mail.
2. Right at the top will see:
"Your [email protected]"
"Exit" "Help"
"Setup" "Topics"
Click on the word "setting".
3. Pour the page: "Mail\u003e Setup"
Functions will be available:
"Selection of registration"
"Mail collection from other boxes", etc., and at the bottom with small gray letters it is written:
"If necessary, you can delete your mailbox."
4. Click on the word "Delete".

The "Delete Mail Service" page opens. You will see a Warning:
"Along with the box, all the letters contained in it will be deleted, and the entire correspondence directed to this postal address will not be delivered. To confirm deletion, enter the current password. "
5. Enter your password.
6. Click "Delete".
All your mailbox on Yandex is removed! BUT!

But you still have an account (Your registration is personal data) in Yandex. And in the account there may be a lot of other information:
Electronic wallet in Yandex-money system
Access to your pages in social networks, etc.,
If you do not have this data or you are not needed, you do not need to delete your account completely.

7. To do this again, go to "Mail\u003e Setup"
On the left below there is a "specify your data" button.
8. Click on it - go to the "Personal data" page, and at the bottom of the right you will see the inscription "Delete Account" you need.
9. Press it and see a warning:
"Attention, **********
You are going to remove an account on Yandex.
To confirm deletion, enter your current password. "
10. Enter your password.
11. Click "Delete Account".
Everything! Your registration on Yandex is no morebut if necessary, you can always re-register and make mail with another name, online wallet Yandex money, etc.

How to delete your mailbox in Google?

If you registered your mailbox on Google. COM Account Removal Procedure does not cause you difficulties.
1. Go to your mailbox on Google. COM.
2. In the upper right corner of the page, press the left click on the "Settings" gear icon, in the drop-down list, click on the "Settings" string.
3. B. top string Page opened page Click on "Accounts and Import".
4. In the "Change Account Settings:" click on "Other Google Account Settings".
5. In the page that opens, click on "Close Account and delete all services and information related to it."
6. Enter your password, check the box in the square, opposite "Yes, I want to delete an account."
7. Click the "Delete Google Account" button.
8. All your registration on Google is no more, you can train more !!

You noticed to register on any service, including mail, is not so difficult? Buttons or references for registration - bright, noticeable, as they say, will not slip through, the eyes of "stumble."

It is quite another thing if for any reason you decided to abandon the use of the service, for example, to remove Yandex mail or mail ru.

Consider the following questions:

  • Why do you need difficulties with the removal of mail?
  • How to remove Yandex mail?
  • If you still have any questions ...

Why do you need such difficulties with the removal of mail?

First, it is still good when there is the possibility of removal. Sometimes it is specially done so that there is no possibility to delete your e-mail from a database of any service or mailing.

Secondly, the Internet is fighting for increasing the number of subscribers, the number of users of a service, for carrying out a larger number of time on the service, for, ultimately, all business services are built on users of these services.

Thirdly, if it were so easy to remove Yandex mail, it is likely that any user could remove your post and any other mail. To do this, this user-hooligan would be enough to know e-mail, and the password to the mail is sometimes extremely easy to pick up. Besides, there are special programs To select passwords to mail.

The Yandex service has the ability to remove your postal boxes and accounts, and this will be discussed.

How to remove Yandex mail?

If you know your address (or login), password to mail, as well as the answer to the control (secret) question you specified with, then the question "How to delete Yandex mail?" For you, it is not worth it, because with the knowledge of login, password and the answer to the secret question, all this is done simply.

Go to our mats, that is, to the menu that allows you to remove Yandex Mail. We open Yandex, go to your mail and in the upper right corner click on the "Setup" option (Fig. 1). Where setting, there and removal:

Fig. 1 Yandex Mail Setup

In the window that opens, I lower the eye to the end of the page and click on the unlikely link "Delete" (Fig. 2):

Fig. 2 Delete Yandex Mail

You must then enter a password from mail to confirm the removal of Yandex mail (digit 1 in Fig. 3) and click on the "Delete" button (digit 2 in Fig. 3):

Fig. 3 Password Enter Before Deleting Yandex Mail

After that, the "Passport" window opens, where you need to think carefully, and then click the "Delete Account" link (Fig. 4):

Fig. 4 Delete Yandex Account

Of course, you can have other mailboxes on Yandex and related accounts. The main thing is before removing any mail, do not confuse and do not forget that important and on what account you are.

By the way, note that on the above screenshot there is a button " Exit on all computers" I somehow send a question: "I went to your friends on their computer in the post office, then I was called me on the kitchen and I forgot to get out of the mail. Is it possible to remotely exit mail? "

That's just for this, the "Exit on all computers" button is intended, which is especially relevant if they worked in public places and at the end did not come out of their post and the account associated with it.

The last fight is "He's hard most", because on this page you must realize that together with the mail you delete the entire Yandex account attached to this mail.

  • It can be Yandex-money,
  • blog created on a free hosting people
  • maps with routes laid by you,
  • files poured on the Yandex file sharing
  • Your videos placed in Yandex, etc.

All this will be listed in the string "At the moment you have the following Yandex services", circled in a screenshot into a black frame:

Fig. 5 Removing an account on Yandex

If you are confident in the need to remove Yandex mail and the account associated with it, then we pass all four items:

  1. introduce the answer to the secret question (figure 1 in Fig. 5),
  2. password from mail (digit 2 in Fig. 5),
  3. symbols from the picture (digit 3 in Fig. 5),
  4. click on the "Delete Account" button (digit 4 in Fig. 5).

We go to the finish line. Here we warn us that we can register a re-remote login we can no earlier than in a month. At the same time, everything that was on the old account (and on the old mail) will be deleted, only the old login will be possible to restore. Keep this in mind, for the request "how to restore the Yandex remote mail", to my surprise, is not so rare.

Fig. 6 Warning Before removing an account on Yandex

Click on the button "Continue" and "Goodbye, America!", That is, the mail yandex is removed and the account with the old login is no longer!

If, after deleting the mail, you will try to enter the remote mail again, while entering the old, already remote, login and password, then you will not succeed, bridges burned. You will see such a message:

Fig. 7 Account on Yandex removed

One month after removing mail on Yandex, you can try to restore only the former login (that is, the name of the mailbox). At the same time, all information from the old mail and with the recovery associated with it is not subject to.

Now everything is the same as described above, but only in video format:

If you forgot the password from the post office, or forgotten the answer to the secret question ...

If you forgot your mail password, you can use the option "Recall Password" and set a new password, but it will be necessary to remember the answer to the control (secret) question.

The secret question can be replaced with a new again, provided that you remember the old secret question and answer to it.

If you do not remember the answer to the secret question, it remains only to hope that when registering the mailbox, you indicated your real name.

By the way, when registering the Yandex Mail in the first step there is such a reminder warning "We ask you to specify the present name and surname.

This will help restore access to Yandex services if you forget your password. " When registering mail on Yandex, this warning, as a rule, do not pay attention. However, in case of any problems with access to the mail, the Yandex support service provides assistance only if the present name and surname were specified during registration.

Suppose you do not remember the answer to the secret question, but when registering mail, you specified your real names and name. Then you can contact the Support Support service, where the topic of the message from the existing topics should be selected "I can not enter your account" and then fill the proposed fields. And then - wait for a response from Yandex on your problem, and at the same time do not forget to check the spam folder. For some reason, important letters sometimes come to spam straight.

The last name indicated not true, and the answer to the secret question was forgotten ...

A common option among users, when the post office indicates not their last name, not their name, not their middle name, and about the secret question long ago forgot. What to do in this situation?

We delete all the letters from your Yandex. Goods that may be there in any folders. Check the following folders:

  • Incoming
  • Posted
  • Remote
  • Cherniviki I.
  • other folders if they are.

We remove everything, and ... Forget that we once had such mail on Yandex. So she was and no, strike it out of his memory. And we draw conclusions for yourself for the future.

If you still have any questions ...

Then look at the hint from the Yandex itself in the section "Solving problems":

You can also ask your questions below in the comments by entering your name and e-mail (without errors) to communicate with you, which you will need if you agree to get "answers to my comments". Of course, I have no such opportunities as the Yandex support service, but I can tell something.

P.S. The article is over, but you can still read:

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An ordinary user does not arise difficulties in order to start an email box. To do this, it is enough to go through the "Registration" field, fill the necessary information fields and you are already the owner of a personal mailbox on the Yandex service. The issue of mail removal on various sites is given more and more people today. Many users think that delete email address It is painfully difficult. To date, the Internet provides a manifold of postal resources, but in this article we will talk about how Close mailbox on the ?

This procedure is performed in several mouse clicks and does not require special skills or deep knowledge. Even a simple manner can close Box on Yandex. Let's carry out the algorithm together, which will help you quickly resolve the problem.

Delete Yandex mailbox - five steps

1. To start the removal process, you need to enter. On any open page Website in the upper right corner you will find the line "Log in to the post office". Click the mouse and successfully proceed to the service, while filling out the necessary fields: login and password.

3. At the bottom of the window that opened the window appears "If necessary, you can delete your mailbox." In this case, the word "delete" is highlighted in blue. Click on it with the mouse.

4. After switching, a new window opens a message that together with the electronic box will be deleted sent and received letters, as well as all information relating to your address. Then enter the password and confirm your solution to remove email address On Yandex.

5. After the operation proceeded, successfully removed.

To check your actions, you can again enter your data into the necessary fields. In this case, the system will answer you the following message "Incorrect pair of login password!". This means that the process of closing the box on Yandex passed correctly, and it no longer functions.

And now let's discuss the important thing that will be useful to you. Almost every user forgets that in addition to the mailbox itself, the Yandex account, which also need to be deleted is created. In order to remove it, click on the line "Personal data". Next at the bottom of the page find " delete Account"After clicking, enter the password and the final" Delete "button.

As soon as the deletion is successful, the site automatically transfers the user to the start page.

As you can see, spend deleting mailbox in the Yandex system Not so difficult. It is enough to do this simple algorithm step by step and everything will definitely work out. Good luck in all endeavors and success to you!

If you have any questions about removing Yandex Mail, leave them in the comments. Thanks for attention!

So, you decided to remove your mailbox in Yandex. In theory, it is not so difficult to do it. But it is important to understand what consequences may be after you delete it.

What happened? You deleted your mailbox, but did not delete your account. That is, now you have only an account. Why exactly, and not otherwise?

Do not forget about other services from Yandex. For example, social network, Yandex.Vebmaster, Yandex.Metrica, "My Circle" and much more. If you delete all your data, in the end you will be unavailable and all these services will be unavailable. All this data will be erased and that's it. Recovery is not subject to.

As you can see, I'm empty in the list of services, because to write an article I used the test account, which was created in order to delete it then.

If you use various services, then all of them will be removed. More precisely, non-service services will be deleted, but your data is deleted in them. Therefore, it is better to do so, and remove only mail and no more.

To remove the account, you will need to fill out the form below.

We enter the password again and the answer to your secret question.

After filling out the data, you must click on the "Delete Account" button. After that, you will be released.

Click "Continue" and your account will be deleted. Please note that you will only be able to register an account with the same name. That is, delete and immediately create a new one will not work.

After that you will replace you on main page Search system Yandex. Your account and mailbox are removed. No mentions about you, Yandex no longer left. I think that remove your drawer is very simple, and you have no problems with it.

And remember that, not knowing all accurate data (for example, an answer to a secret question), you will not be able to delete your account. Even if you are very walked.
