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Where to start your blog on Twitter. Why do you need "Twitter" and how to use

Consider, you cannot write entire articles on a particular account, because the number of characters that you can publish in each record is strictly limited. If you want to write a lot of text, better register on Facebook. But we think you and so in the know. Our business is warned.

The first thing you need to do is, of course, register. Publish a different kind of recording, to gain readers, and in general, only those who have not been lazy to register in the microblog can be enjoyed all the functions of the site. And now read, please, a couple of tips that will help you understand how to blog on Twitter is most effectively and with the best return.

  • By registering on Twitter, specify the truthful data and come up with a challenging password. He should not be someone in a word or represent the number, month and year of your birth. It is better if it is a random set of numbers and letters, in no way interconnected. Remember it and write down in some notepad. Who would not ask you for him (even if they are presented by the Twitter administration), do not give it to anyone.
  • After registration, be sure to fill out your profile. Put the thematic avatar (it can be your most successful photo or any picture). Keep in mind that the image should not violate the site rules. In general, you need to understand: the page must be maximally full. After all, empty profiles, as a rule, do not cause interest from visitors.
  • But, most importantly, this is, of course, not a completed profile, but interesting entries in the tape. So, first, we recommend that you choose the subject. Someone devotes their microblog policy (oh, not the best way), someone music. Someone personality development, and someone simply shares his own thoughts on a particular occasion. The most important thing is interesting content, then the number of readers will grow.
  • There is another secret. In the microblog you will find many people who are not against the mutual subscription. That is, you subscribe to their updates, and they are on yours. About how such people should be right, we wrote in our article about. It really works, and very good. Let's say this: in a couple of days you can gain 1000 readers.
  • How often to write messages to your small blog? In fact, the more often the better. Do not forget that they are short. Consequently, you can write at least several per day. If this case is a pleasure to you, then such frequency will not really strain.
Now you know how to blog on Twitter. The article is written relying on a considerable experience, so we recommend that you listen to all our advice. Remember that each of us should leave something in this world. And write on Twitter, your thoughts and some tips to others are not a trifle at all, as someone can think. You do not know whose mind, and how, it may affect the randomly read record that you leave in your Twitter microblog.

If you recently opened your twitter account and do not know how to promote it right and how to promote it, this article will help you do it. After all, I want to offer you not just to manually moderate my follovers and follovins, but to do it a unique tool.

If you want not just to have your twitter, but to create, then you need, except for regular filling the microblogging, be able to control your Folloving friends.

Introducing a service that allows you to control all Follovier and Follovinov in Twitter Account, to search for interesting friends and much more.

On the main pageAfter logging in with the help of Twitter account, a page opens with a list of those who do not meet you with a mutual folloving and from which you can unsubscribe using the Flitter service.
From above there is an offer to increase this feature up to 2900 unsubscribes using simple posts and subscriptions to the newsletter. Listen to the podcast if you know English, of course. Then in the menu below those who are not intended, accounts are coming without registration (they are also considered undesirable), then non-Russian, inactive - these are important indicators too.

Now a picture, with a proposal to increase support that I did three points - made Folloving, made tweet and made a subscription to my email.

Further important moment Inactive accounts (1) on Twitter. After all, Twitter is important for their active writers-followers. And from inactive it is necessary to get rid of. You yourself can choose a deadline, but I have a look there are those who have been silent for a year or six months. Press (2) to sort the last tweet. (3) - some have already disappeared images. (4) - I unsubscribed from 76 accounts for this parameter.

You can search for the word and folloving for selected accounts.

However, not all can be zaphollov, but only 50 pieces, because the free account in the flitter.

To avoid all kinds of restrictions and obtain many advantages, you can subscribe to a fee, the cheapest plan costs 12 dollars per month.

What gives a paid account in:
- unlimited anpholloving,
- Management of your listing,
- Copying Folloving and Follovers from another account,
- extension of your Twitter with a big pace due to the Folloving on relevant requests,
- drawing up the schedule of your posts on a convenient schedule, when people are online and considering geographic moments,
As well as many other interesting services.

Despite the fact that social networks and other social services tightly entered our lives, to use them for good, and not everyone knows how to harm. Starting from stupid photos in social networks available for viewing to everyone (photographs in Vkontakte Drunk Sergeant Militia in an embrace with a bottle of vodka look especially exotic), ending asleep by tweets with the slightest details of his personal life. What to write to Twitter not to clog the virtual space, and interfere with the quick search for the necessary information.

Of course, this is all mainly concerning newcomers, which are all in the wonder and everyone wants to try. Especially look at the reaction of large masses of people - this is so interesting. Several tips on how to use Twitter for their personal goals and for work (business development, marketing and SEO) will not be superfluous.

Following the Council below does not necessarily lead you to success now. But they carry the basic rules of behavior (banal courtesy and caution) on the network.

The fact that the word can hurt much stronger than a fist, we all remember well. But for some reason they immediately forget about it, getting into the network. And if earlier many trolled anonymously (under pseudonyms), now the possibility of commenting without additional registration through a simple connecting to Facebook and Twitter makes you forget about security and people continue to write nonsense, but already under real names.

You do not need to remind you that the Internet remembers everything? The option "What is written by the pen, then do not cut down and the ax" works here for all 200%. Therefore, we separate the personal from the worker and begin to earn up both reputation and money.

In order to make it easier and faster to understand all 101 councils, we divide them into several categories.

General Tips on how to use Twitter

Increased complexity
High level of difficulty

Examples of using Twitter.

Underwater rocks

Twitter etiquette
Reliability and security

Separate items in each category work in themselves.


1. Use the avatar.
2. Configure your page on Twitter.
3. Briefly describe in your Bio about who you are what you are doing and your interests.
4. Be brightest.
5. Reduce links.
6. Write on Twitter every day, but not every hour.
7. Respond, make the retwests.
8. Tell others not only about what you eat.
9. Add a link to your blog (or profile on LinkedIn).
10. Do not flush more than 1,000 people if only 5 reads you.

Increased complexity

1. Use the Firefox applications (for example, Echofon).
2. Subscribe to your tweets via RSS.
3. Select the URL cutout that you like the most.
4. Use for hashtegov #.
5. Publish tweets with important things 4 times a day for 4 different time zones.
6. Create Twitter Landing Page.
7. Track tweets with important keywords for you (twilert, etc.).
8. Specify questions.
9. Use Twitter on your mobile phone.
10. Add pictures to tweets (twitpic, imgur, etc.).

High level of difficulty

1. Use TweetDeck or Seesmic desktop applications.
2. Use the URL user cutter with your own URL (BIT.LY offers a similar free).
3. Subscribe to tweets of your best friends via RSS.
4. Use CRM social applications in order to save all your Twitter Contacts (Cotweet).
5. Do not reserve each tweet on Facebook or friend social network.

Social networks

1. Do not flip all in a row.
2. Flip people who are interesting to you.
3. Do not flip bots and RSS-Mashups.
4. Mix tweets with links, @ answers and "what is happening now."
5. Retrieve your friends.
6. Retrieve posts from rare resources, and not just from the main total stream.
7. Do not register the ether, Twitter is not TB and not radio.
8. Practic #FollowFriday.
9. Specify the memes.
10. Flip those who are responsible for you, Retwitite or notes in their tweets.
11. Start a conversation with such phrases, as: I am surprised, how much people ... etc.
12. Arrange Twitterian meetings in real place (Park, cafe, movies in the cinema).


1. Do not replace posts in tweet blogs.
2. Add the Twitter button to your blog.
3. Displays your tweets on the sidebar.
4. Add a badge "Follow ME" to your blog.
5. Announce your best posts on Twitter.
6. Add in the form of your answers graph with @twittername.
7. Crowdsource (CrowdSource).
8. Twill if your plane suffers collapse.
9. Mention on your Twitter blog.
10. Write on Twitter about your blog.


1. Write tweets as a separate person, and not just on behalf of the company.
2. Offer discounts to your fan chairs.
3. The first announces a special offer or shares in Twitter.
4. Make gifts.
5. Answer dissatisfied customers.
6. Install Social Media Policy for Your Company.
7. Follow the mentions of your brand.
8. Create your Twitter command.
9. Follow and place complaints to @usernames, which use nicknames related to the name of your company or brand.
10. Use for corporate twitter applications such as HootSuite.

Marketing and SEO.

1. Twiss the links with an interesting content concerning your industry.
2. Add yourself to Twitter catalogs (Twelow).
3. Add your Twitter (@UserName) to your site.
4. Add your Twitter to your business cards.
5. Use Twitter Analyst (Tweetreach).
6. Create Google Analitic Campaigns for your Twitter.
7. Use a lot of hashtegov (#).
8. Use keywords in your Twitter names (@UserName).
9. Flip all if you can.
10. Navigate a dedicated server or cloud hosting to track the peaks of activity in Twitter.
11. Use "RT: @ source" at the end of each tweet using "VIA".
12. Use exclamations in the "OMG" style, "WTF", "Fail", etc. (Russian-speaking twitter can enjoy using these exclamations, especially WTF and OMG, sometimes lol falls into this list).
13. Use numbers in headlines.
14. Use hot news.
15. Use sexual avatars.
16. Contact well-known and experienced users Twitter.
17. Ask people to foul you and explain why it will be interesting for them.
18. Use funny nicknames.
19. Wear a funny hat.
20. Make people happy.

Twitter etiquette

1. Do not flip (or stop watching) for one person several times.
2. Do not shift messages to people you do not flip - they can not answer you.
3. Do not swear twitter.
4. Do not foul automatically based only on the name.
5. After the 3rd response to Twitter, it is better to switch to communication in the Direct Mail, Skype, E-mail, etc.
6. Do not expect to receive an answer if you fall on others as a thunder of a clear sky.
7. More than once twisted only very important information.
8. Do not tweem the same information several times in a row.
9. Do not translate work with Twitter for a complete machine.
10. Before you post tweet, read it again.
11. Do not offer your site every time someone mentions you and your goods (services).
12. Do not use URL cuts that cut the basic essence of the message.
13. Do not try to sell something on Twitter.
14. Remove partnerships with or.

Reliability and security

1. Do not tween with scam links even as a question "Is it scam?!". You will immediately be banned.
2. Never twee e-mail addresses! Spam bots are not dormant and they are actively assembled.
3. Never tweet about your plans for vacation with dates or periods. Thieves can track them.
4. Do not twee when you are driving.
5. Refrain from complaints on your partners, customers or company.
6. In countries such as China, it is better to tweet anonymously.
7. Do not use your password to twitter google services or online banking.
8. Do not twee on where you are now.
9. Do not post on Twitter personal photos of your children.
10. Twiss only about those things that you would be able to say on television.

And completely briefly about the total picture of tweets:

1/3 Replies
1/3 of the Retwitis and Links
1/3 tweets on the topic "What am I doing"

From myself I can add that you always need to be careful in the network, be it Twitter, Facebook, VKontakte, LiveJournal or your personal blog. Sometimes we relax and lose vigilance or anger stuffing both eyes and mind. Once very long ago (when Twitter was not yet), one friend was dismissed on the same day in which he wrote an angry post to the company in which he worked. Exactly 20 minutes after the publication of the post in LiveJournal, the Director of the Department came to the department. Exodus - dismissal and, nevertheless, correcting the shortcomings to which the complaint was received. Moral - if very angry, write a letter, and then delete, but do not publish in general access on the universal review.

And remember that all your records are still saved, even if nobody sees them visually. You're not immediately thrown into the crossbow with personal communication at work, with friends or in the store? Usually you are thinking about (at least partially) and only after that say. The network gives us a feeling of permissiveness and impunity. The times, when it was possible to write anyone anonymously and without prejudice to his reputation and their work has long passed. Millions of eyes are followed by;)

Quotes without quotes, maximum rivers, mat and other fades of microblogging

This guide does not aim to train the Azame of the use of the "Twitter" (there are official guides) and does not promise to make a "popular microblogoker" from you (cats and stolen jokes work well-work in all social networks). The chief editor W → O → S Roman Fedoseyev tells how to become its in a cohesive group of people for whom Twitter is an integral working tool and even lifestyle.

A couple of years ago, I came across the Internet for one exact observation: if Facebook is a genital erotic at night at Ren-TV, then Twitter is a remote hardcore porn. (At current times, apparently, it is necessary to add that "" in this case, the snuff is dismembered). In general, Hardcore is a leitmotif that permeates everything that happens in Twitter, in any case in the Russian-speaking part of it.

1. Write a lot

In Twitter, you need to write a lot. This is probably the only one social media (Microblogging service, if you find time for the terminas), where you can not restrain yourself in volumes without receiving charges in the flood. If someone is unhappy, it is his problems. In Twitter, there is a limit of the number of tweets (1000 per day and 60 per hour), after which the short-term ban comes, but some do not like to wait and harde it for such cases, the second, backup account.

2. Hide more

However, sometimes even the most persistent and usual people are forced to go on restrictions. For example, you can disable the display of the Retwitis individual users In your ribbon. It helps himself very much when some good man suddenly is too interested in one topic and believes that you are obliged to share his obsession with him. You can also depart (that is, "hide" - from English. Mute) All tweets keywords. This is vital when all your tape is the second day compete in witty on Depardieu or once again conducts a collective investigation into the death of the Dyatlov group.

3. Cat without quotes

One of the most cunning rules constantly knocking newcomers with a sense: in Twitter, it is customary to quote without quotes - and what you agree with, and what you want to ridicule. How then readers will understand that you write not from yourself? If the reader follows you for a long time, he understands: Liberal cannot suddenly write that, for example, Zhida sold Russia, and the Socialist - what to cancel pensions, it is "ironic citation". Of course, after the publication of the unscrewed quotes from the KP Observer, the Ulyana Skoyyabeda will definitely be found to be a beautiful sound, who will call you a terrible person and even wish slow painful death. It can be explained to them that "it was a quote", but it is better not worth it - Hardcore does not tolerate renerests.

4. Citize the series

More difficult case when you quote what they agree with. How to understand where the quote, and where are the words of the author tweet? The first is usually doried from the context, and the latter still has a more or less complete form. One way or another, nothing prevents you from trying in the "Google" causing doubts to the phrase. Tip: In the first minutes of the release of a resonant interview or speakers, you can quote the brightest places from there and collect several rivers. At the same time, it is permissible to bring a large piece of text, broken into a few tweets: the same time services were popular, allowing artificially to increase the volume of signs in Tweeds, but they did not fit and it is better not to use them.

5. Beware of RT.

6. Never enter

Do not write "pliz RT" or "Maximum Retribune" - if you reported something truly important or successfully joked, then you will notice anyway. Do not mark well-known people or popular bloggers through "Mensen" in the hope of attracting their attention - this is a movietone. An example of incorrect behavior: " meets in the subway Boris @B_nemtsov. He is still nyashka))" or " Sergey @s_udaltsov - Study Politician !!" Another thing, if you celebrate your friends or acquaintances, offering them to drink in the evening, or ask a serious, justified question, for example: " Alexey @Navalny, why didn't you go to the Russian march? " this is normal. Well, if you need a shame, but Darmova Retatt, then you should write something like " seven hours, but finally found the last number SNC @xenia_sobchak. The best magazine in the world!))" It seems that Twitter Ksenia Sobchak half consists of such retwees.

7. Do not regain repure

If you expressed any interesting idea in Tety, then one person can comment on it, then with the opinion of this person, the second person may not agree, because the third will come into the discussion, then the fourth ... at some point all these tweets are almost completely They will consist of the listing of users of the participants of the conversation, because in Twitter for them, it is not provided for them separately, as, for example, a destination field in the mail, the username occupy a full-fledged place in scarce 140 tweet signs. Moreover, it often happens that the discussion participants are forgotten from which it all started, and completely distracted topics begin to discuss, for example, they argue about the last resonance film or, according to the results of the conversation, each other is missing for a long time. Your Ribbon Replaev continues to be updated (after all, your users there was there at the very beginning!) And prevents to see truly important answers. Therefore, take myself to my habit immediately remove users of people from the correspondence, if you understand that now they are already replacing them.

8. Feel free to expressions

Do not give too much time to design text. Golden Standard - Do not start sentences with capital letter And do not put a point at the end of the tweet. But if you suddenly do everything according to the rules of the Russian language, it will not be a great crime. On the commas in Twitter do not pay attention, but God forbid you make an obvious spelling error like "tsya / eat" - you will be crucified. Special attention deserves obscene vocabulary. Mat - flesh and blood of the Russian "Twitter". It can be used in any quantities, and I experience real moral suffering, making up this guide without a mat. The only iron rule is never replacing the letters inside such words as an asterisk, it's terrible. It is also better not to use exotic, sophisticated modifications and content with a simple single-chamber classic mat. It is especially well suited to comment on the news news picture: instead of 140 words - one.

I'm newcomer on Twitter. Where to get started?

We will assume that you already have a twitter account (s) (you registered them yourself or somewhere bought) and now you need to start their promotion and content content. Below we will tell you how to make it competently and safely.

Basic concepts

  • Account - Twitter page of the type My_Account (on the Login) user receives when registering. Login can contain only Latin letters, numbers and sign "_". Each account is unique. You can enter the account as specifying the username and password and the e-mail (specified during registration) and the password.
  • Bank Account - Blocking (suspension) twitter account for one reason or another. The owner of the account log in to such an account can, however, for other users, tweets of the blocked account are unseen.
  • Fallloving - Those Twitter accounts that you read. The value of the number of follovins is displayed in your account.
  • Folloviers (readers) - Those Twitter accounts that read you. The value of the number of follovers is displayed in your account.
  • Tweet - A message up to 140 characters is inclusive that the twitter account holder places in its twitter account. After placing the tweet, it is added to the ribbon of the account owner and appears in the tapes of Follov this Account. The value of the number of tweets is displayed in your account.
  • Twitter ID - Unique (within the Twitter service) numeric value allowing to distinguish one tweet from another.
  • Retwatt - Transfer to your tape tweet from another account. Retwriting becomes visible to all follovers of this account.
  • Replian - Public appeal on behalf of one account to another account. Replica is visible to all the follovers of this account.
  • DM (Direct Message) - Private message that only sends the sender and recipient.
  • Follovy - Increase the number of those whom you read.
  • Anpholl - Reduce the number of those whom you read.

Why do you need twitter?

Twitter usually use for three things:

  • That, in fact, for what he was created - for communication, traffic to the site, etc.
  • For SEO activity.
  • For monetization (which does not exclude the first two items of this list).

In the first case, you will need a live audience of interest to what you write about. For example, if you have an online store of goods for car enthusiasts, this means that you need auto owner readers. From lovers, such as domestic animals, you will most likely not get any communication or transitions to your site, nor the retwees.

In second case, everything is so categorical. Here usually the task to drive with twitter new pages in the index search engines and / or lift the pages above low-frequency requests with top. A live audience is not important here, it is rather the number of follovers. But here it is necessary to understand that if all your follovers are bots, then such an account can be simply ignored by search engines.

How and what to fill the twitter account?

Before promoting, twitter accounts must be prepared - install a non-standard avatar, change the background, fill in the field "About yourself" and then start filled with content.

The content is implied by posting tweets, as well as such activity as replica and retwest. For each of these actions in the program Twidium Accounter. There are the project of the same name. There is also a project that allows you to quickly change the avatar, background, description, etc. In the whole group of twitter accounts. You can read each of the projects by reading the program in the program :.

How to spin twitter account?

Under the promotion of twitter accounts means an increase in the number of readers (Folloviers). In addition to the obvious way - everywhere talk about your wonderful tweetre account, there is a purely technical method called "Massfolloving". The essence of it in the search and Folloving Twitter accounts, which are close to your account on topics. Having received a request for "friendship", the account owner will go to you. If you have an interesting account, then he zaphollovit him in response.

The search for thematic accounts and their folloving takes on our program Twidium Inviter.. In the process of work in your account, the number of accounts that you read will first. After a while, the number of people reading you will begin to grow. Then from those whom you read no longer want you can unsubscribe. IN Twidium Inviter. This process is called "Anpholloving".

About how to unwind twitter accounts you can read in our manual on the page.