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We look at the list of visits in the browser and delete it

Your computer while entering the page on the Internet saves everything: where, when, that you watched. What for? - you ask. It happens that the page was inappropriately closed, not stored in the Favorites, and the information from her suddenly needed, and to reborn in the search for hundreds of pages there is no time and desire. It is easier to find it through a list of viewed pages that are in every browser. Also, this feature helps to trace, find out where other users of your computer came, thereby quickly find the necessary information, check the visits to sites by children, subordinate employees. Let's look at where information is stored, how to see the history of visiting sites.

The most popular browsers for Windows

In the most popular browsers for opening a list of sites where younger, there is a key combination: Ctrl + H or Ctrl + SHIFT + H. The list also opens with the built-in function.

Consider how to check the history of visiting sites in separate browsers, most common.

Google Chrome.

Open Google Chrome. Near the address bar there is a setting button. By clicking on it, open the menu where you should choose the item "History". You can now see the list of sites of sites located by the date of viewing. Knowing, let's say that you came to the desired page yesterday, you will easily find it, without revising the links visited earlier and later.

History in Google Chrome


The popular browser contains information about the views in the "magazine", in which to check, click on "show all the magazine". It is in the top menu or you can call it by pressing the left alt. Firefox divided links by date, and on the left there is a list of the menu, you can choose in it, for what period of the story: today's visits, yesterday, a week, month.

Magazine in Firefox


In Opera, click on the button on the left, calling the browser menu. Go to the item "History".


In Yandex, functions are similar to Chrome, you also find the story under the settings icon located at the top on the right. When you want to see and check the addresses, click on the "History" list - "History Manager".


In Internet Explorer, to open visits information, click on the stars on the toolbar. In the menu that appears after that, choose the "magazine". You can now see a list of sites, structured by date.

Deleting a list of visited sites

If you do not want someone to know about your "walks" on the network, you can delete a list of links to the sites you visit. If you do not know how to remove the history of visiting sites from the computer, read below.

There are several ways to clear the history of visits. Of course, an uncomfortable option requiring time spending is to remove each link separately from the magazine. However, the browsers provide a cleansing easier way.

Google Chrome.

Go to "Tools" - "Deleting Document Viewed Data". Specify the depth of deletion in the drop-down list. Near the "Clean History" put a tick and click on deletion.

You can use the combination of Ctrl + SHIFT + DEL.


In this browser, find the "Tools" section, on the "Settings" string. In the window that opens, go to the "Privacy" tab - "Clear Immediately". A new window "Deleting unnecessary data" appears. Check that the label is on the point indicating the visiting log. Slide the tags on what you need to clean, then press "Delete".


In IE, the tour of the visits is called the "Browser magazine". The path to it lies through the menu, section "Service", there is a line "Delete Journal", then click on "Delete History".


In the browser menu, go to the "Settings", locate the "Delete Personal Data" option. The default settings are hidden in the settings, deploy them by pressing "Detailed Settings". Go to "Clearing the history of the visited pages", carefully look at everything so as not to destroy the desired one.


Safari has a separate section in the "History" browser menu. Go to it, you will see a link to delete information.


In the browser, click on the icon near the address stitch, which resembles a wrench. Next, go to the "story". See a list of visited sites, Slip the ticks opposite those that you want to delete, press the corresponding button.

Using utilities

You can clear the browser magazine through specialties, quickly cleaning and removing everything you want. Just be careful, download utilities from official sources, fear the unverified pages, because you can get on scammers sending viruses. The utilities themselves mentioned below are an excellent means to remove unnecessary information, garbage, allow you to qualitatively solve the problem.

  1. The most popular -ccleaner. Can delete programs from which not to get rid of ordinary techniques, clean the registry, removing erroneous records. Runing the utility, start the analysis, then slide the checkboxes in the strings indicating the remote, click the cleaning button.
  2. Alternative to the above program -WisediskCleaner. Also perfectly cleans everything, removes the garbage, performs defragmentation. There are Russian-speaking support. Press the Analysis button, agree with the items offered by WisediskCleaner for cleaning, press the corresponding button.

Find a list of viewed pages in the browser, clean it is not difficult, you can easily handle the task, reading the recommendations above by applying them. The problem is solved without special time costs, does not need to be called specialists. Each user will be able to perform everything you need.