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WIX Mobile version. Discounts for annual tariffs

Surely, many of you stumbled on a promising advertising of the rapidly gaining popularity of the service. Reviews and its reviews appear in the network almost constantly. But what do simple users and specialists think about this design site? Let's find out.

History of creation

Work on the development of the service, the reviews of which were raised in the network a large hype, began in 2006. After a stubborn breeic work in the summer of 2008, the world saw a beta version of the designer. A team of thirty professionals worked on the project. Already during the first year of work, Wix combined over its wing over a million users!

There was no doubt no longer: the designer demonstrated just a huge potential, and the creators of the service took advantage of the moment and parallel released Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Polish and other versions.

At the moment it is difficult to find a person who would never hear about The project reviews confirm that the results of many years of work of the team did not pass in vain: the system boasts 41 million users, and the company's offices can be seen at different points of the planet - in New York, San Francisco, Tel Aviv, Vilnius. The company employs more than five hundred employees and continues to grow.


What is the main idea of \u200b\u200bWIX? User reviews in this regard are not distinguished by a variety: the service is very similar to most alternative site designers, it is intended to leave "behind the scenes" of all complex technical tasks and questions, providing users with a truly simple and intuitive way to create a site.

WIX is a service that positions itself as a universal designer. And this means that it is equally well suited for both the simplest sites and personal pages and to work with full-fledged online stores.

Just a quick look at the proposed templates to determine target audience The project is, first of all, artists, designers and representatives of other creative professions. Undoubtedly, for small business is also a find - restaurants and online stores are actively using the services of this system.


What do users get by registering on Reviews posted on the network say that it is the patterns that are one of the strongest sides of the system. In this designer, they are divided into various categories: business and services, entertainment, music, restaurants and hotels, online shopping, photography, etc. In addition, each category includes several subcategories with dozens of diverse templates - unlike analogs The project, in the WIX system, the selection is provided truly impressive.

Depending on your preferences, you can create a site on Flash or HTML5. An important advantage is the possibility of simultaneously creating mobile versions - for this purpose, the developers introduced a special editor of Wix Mobile, which makes it possible to adapt the appearance of sites for smartphones. Although it should be noted that this function does not apply to all templates - those that are suitable for working with it are highlighted by the corresponding mark "compatible with Mobile".

However, the process of working with templates is not devoid of its pitfalls. The key disadvantage is the inability to change the template already selected for one or another site. That is, by choosing it once, in the future you will not be able to change your decision and replace it with another option. Given the constantly changing trends, it may become a serious problem. It is worth saying that the template's absolutely unrealizable task is not, but it will have to do it literally through the stump deck.


We continue to consider positive and negative features of the service User feedbacks often mention another small defect system - choosing a domain name. This problem does not concern those who wish to use their own, pre-purchased and paid domain. But those who want to use the free name from the WIX system itself may face certain difficulties: the service provides its users with a non-standard third-level subdomain, but a domain of the type of Naturally, it negatively affects memorableness and makes you think about buying a premium account, which makes it possible to transfer the site to your own, simpler and clear domain.


But now we got to the most interesting. Standard features of the service

Unfortunately, the fact that the Wix hides all the technical details of "behind the scenes" and uses a simple DRAG-and-Drop interface, is not only its advantage, but also a disadvantage - the process of creating a new site is invariably tied to the proposed blocks and forms. However, due to the presence of a special WIX App Market, this problem is not so acute - in the store you can find a huge amount of plugins and widgets that allow you to significantly expand the basic functionality of the service.

Every year millions of people who want to create their own website come to Reviews about this service are quite contradictory - from enthusiastic to disappointed. However, the fact remains a fact: even despite the existing shortcomings, from all currently existing free site designers, he has no equal in the plan of simplicity, or in terms of functionality.

Let's sum up

So, considering the main possibilities of the system, we can make an approximate view of it and allocate the main advantages and disadvantages of


Falieful domain nameprovided by the system (in format);
- in order to change the domain, you need to pay a premium account;
- It is not possible to view the statistics of visits to the site and user activity;
- advertising on the site located by the system (characteristic of all free designers);
- limited memory for storing files (up to 500 MB);
- In the process of editing the template, a huge amount is used. random access memory (For example, when working with Firefox, this indicator may exceed 1.5 million megabytes).


Truly high-quality, stylish modern templates;
- Wide functionality (additionally expands due to the store WIX App Market);
- soil for SEO-optimization and promotion in search engines;
- Easy and intuitive interface, allowing even those users who do not understand the features of the site buildings, create a convenient and beautiful site;
- opportunities for integration with social networks;
- a large number of instructions, tutorials and useful learning information in Russian;
- Detailed F.A.Q. And good, promptly working technical support.

Did you create your website on

As you can see this service He produced a real revolution in the world of site designers and simplified the process of creating and running to work as much as possible. If you have already enjoyed this service and created sites using http: // RU. WIX. COM, reviews left by you will help with choosing site designer to other people.

The best thing suitable for creating of various kinds site business cards-Connect with designer and functional points of view: portfolio, business website, promo page or lending. Blogs are very successful - they are easy to do, it is convenient to lead. Ecommerce component is also developed, especially with accounting applications and branded know-how like Wix Code.

Scope Wix. It is possible to characterize three factors:

  1. Sites S. a small number of pagesSince the design of each you need to form manually. Blogs, forums, shop windows and other dynamically expanding types of pages do not complicate work on the site. It affects the volume of static pages like contacts, advantages, conditions of cooperation, stories of companies, production and other things.
  2. Necessity deep and fine design settings, as well as input a large number of small functional elements.
  3. WIX application store contains rich assortment of additional functionality (In essence, modules, if you take by the analogy with other systems). Several categories useful applications (more than 250 items) will help to achieve almost any reasonable goal.

Ideal for creating small and medium-sized sites with complex design and functionality. This designer can be simple, superficial, if necessary: \u200b\u200btook a ready-made pattern, replaced demo content, corrected colors, got the site. With the same success, it can be used to design an arbitrarily complex pages with a bunch of parts: animations, effects, forms for collecting and packaging information into databases, interactive elements that pop-up windows of authorization of different stages of admission to information, all sorts of polls, columns, columns, and Other

Vixa can be used both to create the first site or training platform and as a commercial tool - the development of complex and beautiful client sites. This is a good first designer and a good tool to help experienced designer. The system is constructed in such a way that it makes it easy to increase design capabilities. And even create their own, which are not in stock delivery. Vix is \u200b\u200bavailable for mastering the average PC user.

Who Wix will definitely be interesting

  • entrepreneurs of small and medium businesses;
  • artists, designers, makeup artists, musicians, stylists;
  • writers, journalists, bloggers, fashion designers;
  • everyone, whose activity is related to creativity and self-realization.

The service is able to inspire your view, help implement tricky with technical and / or design points of the idea. Basic rich designer with wide additional features for scaling the Write functional and deep.

You can master Vix in two days, and in a quick mode - for 20 minutes. This is candidate # 1. In the queue when meeting with WYSIWYG services.


Cumulative WIX capabilities consist of: editor functional, general settings, control panels, installed third-party applications and options that can be implemented on their own using the Wix Code tool.

Any editor section contains prompts to work with it. When you hover the cursor on the "I" circle will display a brief explanation and a link to the full FAQ on the topic. Absolutely all options and widgets are supplied by explanations, just some need to click on the sign "?" To call a pop-up window with instructions. You can also immediately go to the Support Center - the Wix Knowledge Base with the ability to search for answers on request. Blooming the categories of knowledge base with eyes, you can get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe possibilities of the designer - the names of the FAQ partitions clearly list the functionality.

Structure of the WIX Site Design Editor:

The basis of the functionality determines the Sidebar with several sections of options and functions.

  1. Menu and Pages . List of all static pages of the site and related menu items. When adding a page, the menu item will automatically be added, which is dragging you can put it wherever you need or make an sub-clause menu item (nesting up to level 2). You can create new pages, links to the menu (anchor, web address, mail, phone number, document or promo) and set the script of their opening (in the current or new window). You can also add dynamic pages to the site that will tighten the content as it is updated from the cloud or the database created by you in the Wix Code. For each page, you can assign visibility and configure SEO, duplicate, make the main one, set a general view of the layout, the access rules or convert to a dynamic page.

  2. Background . Here you can choose a background for the site as a picture (downloaded or stock from Wix), color or even video. The latter can turn your site very in a bright and memorable spectacle. Roller for the video font can be downloaded any. You can activate the effect of parallax to give the site of the visual depth when scrolling due to the difference in the speed of movement of objects located at different distances;

  3. Add . Extensive selection of types of items that can be added to the page. It includes:
  4. App Market. . Corporate Application Store, which can be added to the site. Very strong part WIX. Using this section is slightly expanding the stock functional platform. It contains a huge amount (on this moment 252) Applications of various focus: forms, work with social networks, galleries, apps for shop and marketing. You can add an interactive calendar, for example, tools for email marketing, polls, Dropbox, eCommerce, SEO-tools and other usefulness to help standard designer functionality. All applications are sorted by category. Most of them are designed by the WIX team, the rest, as a rule, are the integration of third-party operations. Approximately half of the applications are completely free, and the rest have both a free use option and paid with additional features.

  5. My downloads . Load your photos, documents and audio files on hosting. This will be your library, the files of which you can post on the site.
  6. Blog . This section appears after the blog activation on the site. From here you can add new and edit existing posts. When creating a material, you can choose the heading, view of the CNC link, fill out the meta tags and add photo / video. By the way, the formatting parameters appear after the selection of the text, they are hidden by default. You can choose the call feed option - in the column, tiles, cards. Also here will see references to adjacent on the meaning of the application for quick installation (Wix Events, Forum, Instagram Feed, etc.).

  7. Online recording . A separate section with the functionality of the Wix Bookings application - a powerful tool for collecting applications for booking anything (recording to the doctor, renting houses, hotel rooms). You can customize the reception of group (yoga classes, dance) or personal (hairdresser's services, psychotherapist, for example) calendar applications, connect the use of online payments through PayPal, set up employment schedules for employees and collect the client base. Widget for access to visitors to the service can be placed in any part of the site. A detailed setting of the layout of the block, its design and selection of the displayed data (price, description, duration, days, service name) are available.

    The top of the editor takes the panel with all useful things: saving changes, step back, preview, publish, access to the editor of the mobile version of the template. Immediately located additional features:

  8. Website - Quick access menu to a large number of important features and sections: Site saving, repost link to the site in the social network or post accounts to attract feedback, publication and search engine optimization, connection of the domain, activation of the site version for visually impaired (mandatory thing for government agencies sites) , enhancing the sharpness of published photos, access to general settings and control panels, as well as viewing site history (list backups recovery).

  9. Instruments - activation of the toolbar to adjust the sizes and fitting the elements of the site, their automatic alignment, adding the line, site boundaries, and enabling the developer functions (properties panel, display of hidden items, activate the Wix Code and the ability to create new features using JavaScript).
  10. Help - List of hot key editor (copy-pastel, duplication, shift on pixel, refund, removal, rotation, element sampling, preview, etc.), FAQ on how to work with the editor and SEO-optimization site, Terms of Use and Privacy Policy WIX.
  11. Connect premium - Selection and purchase of a suitable WIX tariff plan.

How to work in the Wix visual editor

Visual WYSIWYG editor ("What you see is what you get" - "What you see, then you will get") supports the function dRAG-N-DROP, So, the ability to drag widgets, pulling the "Drag" label on their upper boundary. By means of narrowing or expanding dotted lines at the boundaries of objects, you can change the sizes using the mouse. When you allocate any element or block on the page, icons leading to settings and rapid action above the object will appear. Usually we are talking about setting up the design, database connection, selecting layout displayed elements and their parameters. For example, for the gallery, you can choose and sort the photo, for the video - to put a link to the video or select the downloaded from the library, assign playback rules. All by context, always logical and appropriate.

There is Vix and sinegrafs - Collection of images with smooth animation in GIF format (you can find in the background settings - the free library Wix, the category "Cinema"). Yes, the designer offers a large collection of free finished pictures on the set of topics, there are also paid stock options. In the settings of the background of the strip-sections, you can turn parallax and other bloc scrolling effects. The same can be done with individual elements by selecting them and choosing "Animation".

By the way, photos can be downloaded to the site with Instagram, and in the social network itself, leave links to your site. Owners of advanced accounts and photographers should help. Complements the topic of decoration of the site the possibility loading your own fonts. By default, you can use Google Fonts fonts. If this seems not enough, you can use your own. This is done in the "My Downloads" section - "Download Fonts".

Let's return to the main functional branch. The editor contains not all available features. Heart, the main command item site is the Wix control panel. It is displayed in the form of tiles. important functionsAvailable by default and all installed applications. Here you can access the entire set of site capabilities and control the process. Here's what you get in stock immediately after creating the site:

  • Wix Blog. - Connect the blog to the site and its configuration in the editor.
  • SEO master - A comprehensive tool for website promotion (more details below).
  • Marketing mailing. - Creating news and advertising mailings to your postal bases using Shoutout, a specialized application. You need to create a letter layout using design settings and select the mailing mailbox. Possible starts automatic mailings According to the specified conditions, the selection of templates for banners and letters, attachment of the subscription form to the newsletter and control statistics on launched mailing.
  • Domains and mail - Buying a new or attaching an existing domain to the site, adding corporate mail with all Gmail business tools (mail with a domain name, office application package, letters of letters, video conferencing).
  • Bills - Creating and sending accounts to customers, reception online payment (debit and credit cards, PayPal), tracking status tracking, reports. Account format is configured, taxes can be added, select currency and numbering procedure.
  • Contacts - Customer base site. Can be used for mailing, information collection, subscriptions and other things. It is possible to divide users into groups, locks, filtering sampling and manual creation of new contacts.
  • AutoLink - Setting up automatically sent letters on various scenarios. By default, there are templates for greeting new contacts registered and subscribed to the site updates. In this way, you can send files, thank for purchases, offer discount coupons, invite to visit the store re-ask for leave feedback, congratulate on holidays and everything in such a spirit. Schedules, mailing conditions and investment conditions can be flexibly configured.
  • Site co-authors - Adding people through the postal address with administrator rights or a back office manager. For what? To help you behave and fill the site.
  • Database - Creating collections of information that will be stored in the cloud. The data must be added to the tables with the number of columns and fields you specify. These collections can be connected to various items on the site to collect information or vice versa - its issuance.

All new applications will also be added to the control panel for quick and convenient access to the manner of those partitions that are listed above. This structure makes it easy to navigate in the extensive Wix functional flow. By the way, most applications are decorated and submitted similar to the constructor interface - stylistically and in terms of easy use. That is, owning the VIX interface, you can safely set an arbitrarily large number of applications without risk to get confused. Even if they are serious in their essence and opportunities, they will disassemble more difficult in them than in the whole other interface. Adding new features will not complicate work on the site, which is important.

We consider it necessary to note a few more powerful applications. Wix Forum. - Tool for adding to the site full forum with sections, themes, design settings, structure and access rules. Wix Music. - An application for adding albums, singles, playlists for free listening or sale. Beautiful player, many settings. Wix Events. - Adding activities with the possibility of registration in them. Wedding, concert, seminar, single events and billboards with schedules, sending invitations, guests of guests, tickets - we are talking about it. Wix Video - loading rollers up to 15 GB, broadcast with YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, postal mailings to promote your video channels, collection of subscriptions, video sale and receiving statistics throughout the process. We took some examples of obviously useful WIX applications to form a general presentation. They are much more, it is better to see the range with its own eyes.

Finally, I will beat other useful features and nuances that remained behind the scenes:

  • You can connect to the site for free. SSL certificate (Site protection by HTTPS Protocol);
  • Wix has mobile Applications iOS / Android, allowing you to drive a living chat with the clients of the site (for this you need to activate the Wix Chat application in the control panel), add photos, products or post the materials in the blog;
  • Opportunity optimize images To display in the mobile version of the site. You need to go to the Mobile Template Editor, select the desired picture and sprink, increasing / reducing the source and leaving the part that you need;
  • Can be put on the background images 360 ° using Appendix 360 Images;
  • Can passwords Separate site pages either hide them at all;
  • Thanks marking grid Always visible the area that will appear in the mobile version of the site;
  • Wix Hotelsfree appgiving a complete room booking configuration mechanism for hotel owners;
  • WIX RESTAURTS. - Free application that allows you to form an online menu on all the laws of the genre and take orders for food delivery;
  • In the editor you can use layers, hide individual elements and restore them as needed;
  • When activating the developer mode will appear the properties panel of elements and console To add values \u200b\u200bto these properties;
  • Can create copies One site inside the account or transfer the site to another account.

Obviously, the stock functionality of the designer is inextricably linked with the capabilities of applications from the branded store. They can even be regarded as modules that are not installed by default (on the UCOZ manner, for example, you can select your module set). In the process of work, add the necessary in any quantity - and forward. Applications are written either by the developers of the Wix itself, or teams of other companies wishing to synchronize their products from the ecosystem of the most popular site constructor in the world. Therefore, the quality of modules can be trusted - both parties benefit from maintaining its high level for obvious reasons.

Designs and work with templates

WIX currently contains 500+ templates, sorted by category: Store, Business, Photography, Video, Music, Design, Restaurants, Events, Portfolio, Blog, Beauty and Health, Fashion, Art, Landing. Immediately after registration you will be offered to choose the design for the site. You can filter the sample on novelty or popularity. By the way, one day the selected template cannot be changed. in progress. So choose more or less thoughtfully. Fullscreen preview is possible.

WIX has the most interesting in the niche set ready templates. They are nice to consider, the variety of approaches and structures is rapid. Periodically, developers replenish the library of designs. About 30-60 new samples come per year. All of them can be use for free. Each template is adaptive. You can also choose a blank sheet and arrange each page of your site from scratch in the editor.

By the way, the impossibility of changing the template in the process is explained by the absolute positioning of elements on Wix sites. This gives freedom of action in design design, but the root of the export of settings and content in the root new template. That is, the rule of one template, let's call it, due to the purely technical causes. Such is the payment for the flexibility of customization of design.

Mobile version of the template You can configure separately by switching to it in the editor header. Menu, image format, fixing individual items (contacts, button "Top"), background, hide elements can be adjusted. You can also use automatic optimization into one click - the result is good. Changes in the mobile version of the site will not touch the desktop. When editing a large version, the page center will be highlighted by dotted lines - it is this area that will fall into a mobile pattern. You can navigate it.

The editor allows you to change the stock design by adding new sections (widget "Strip"), widgets, images and settings for their appearance. Everywhere you can add effects, animations, if necessary, set up dimensions, indents, layers, backgrounds, fonts, forms of elements, etc. Appearance The site on the WIX is more dependent on your design skills than from the selected template. Although you can publish your content with a minimum of changes in the appropriate subject of the template and get a ready-made site. How best to like it.

Price policy

Wix can be used for free of free of charge for a long time who suits the site on the subdomain of the type: Most designer features will be available. Connect your domain and get rich in functionality after payment one of the following tariff plans.

WIX tariff plans:

Important: When paying tariff plans will be additionally charged by VAT.

Note that older tariff plans include all the advantages of younger plus add something new. The first tariff may be interesting to create a business card website. space page On your domain. A small and simple site with a moderate amount of media system. Combo is suitable for the same goals, but already with a big scope - you can make a portfolio with a lot of photos, to start a blog or create a site of some organization.

Unlimited should be chosen in the case when it is planned to download a lot of content and expects a dense influx of traffic in the future. These are blogs with a forum, corporate sites and other similar complexity and volume projects. Ecommerce for those who want to trade. Particularly interesting is the possibility of selling digital goods. For the design of showcases with thousands of positions of instruments, building materials, workwear and other things there are more appropriate designers, but for sale of music, illustrations or photos from Wix - a very successful idea.

Discounts for annual tariffs

WIX. often conducts shares Duration from a couple of days to a month, knocking the value of tariff plans to 50%. Discounts are valid when paying for annual plans. What do you need to participate? Just to impede the moment. In order not to skip the next sale, register with the WIX. As soon as the promotion happens, you will receive a notice by mail:

The terms of the action, that is, the percentage of discounts and the list of tariffs, which can be obtained, may differ from time to once. The essence is that, having decided to use WIX, you can be guaranteed to start approximately in full. In the year a lot of holidays and just good days, many of them developers squeeze this kind of shares.

Tip: Sign up, start creating a site. By the time of completion of work, the next discount is most matured - the interval between them is usually small. Run the site, saving some money with other things being equal.

Pros and cons

About Wix I want to speak well. Many things for the first time in Niche appeared in this designer. New and useful ideas whose analogues have not yet been implemented. Basic functional at the highest level. Quality confirmation serve more than 120 million sites published by users within the WIX. It is unlikely that all these people are mistaken.

So what did they all find in this designer? Most of the answers are set out higher in sections on functionality. Large volumes of features, strong quality implementation, standardization of application interfaces, creative atmosphere, tons of detailed reference materials, text and video (Wix has a channel on YouTube). The WIX machine has long gained momentum, its developers can afford to invest in new functions. What they do.

In this particular case, we allocate only the specific and ideological advantages of Vix. Once again, I will not list the functionality, repeat, - if the parts are interesting, read the viewing sections above or go to WIX, look at everything yourself. So, what is really good to worry?

Pluses Wix:

  • Frequent updates. New chips like Wix Code, ADI, integrated graphic Editor, add 360-degree pictures and bluegrafts, co-authors for the site and many others come to a niche from Wix. Something more, something is less in importance, however, Vix often acts as legislator models in the world of sighting holders with a visual editor.
  • . A large range of really useful things made in a single interface stylist with the designer. Applications are perceived as native, but temporarily not connected site modules. With their help, you can solve many important and specific tasks, especially not tightening.
  • Cool interface. This is manifested everywhere - in the ergonomics and atmosphere of the editor, all sorts of menus, options, the format of the control panel, transparency of individual elements, their size and other things. Nice to use.
  • Design design. WIX allows you to create really diverse, interesting visual sites. The elements on the layout are not attached to each other (absolute positioning), they can be combined in any combination and positions. All this without coding.
  • Profitability. The cost of WIX tariffs is comparable to the majority of more or less worthy competitors. Somewhere slightly more expensive, somewhere cheaper. Nevertheless, the flagship designer constantly issues huge discounts, unlike many other systems. The price policy is soft. Yes, marketing. But what's the difference if the price has become much lower?

Cons WIX:

  • Not intuitive. Many settings, applications, editor capabilities, design of design layout ... It's hard to use all this than you would like. Especially at first. The interface helps the user in every way, however, you need time to get used to it and master the scripts of using the constructor's capabilities.
  • There is no import of goods. It is strange that the developers still did not add the possibility of loading goods to the store from CSV so that the section of the physical goods is filled from the table file. The people would approve.
  • There are limitations. On two younger tariff plans There is a limitation of channel bandwidth. That is, when large quantities Media files on the pages and middle breath of visitors the site will begin noticeably lagging, pages can start refusing to load.

If you have something to add to the impressions of use, write in the comments to the review. And good experience, and bad. We believe that all readers will be interested in familiarizing themselves.

Analogs and competitors

WIX feels easily against other designers with a visual editor. With its functionality in this class, it is difficult to take a wild amount of integration, applications, editor flexibility, template quality, branded chips (Wix ADI, Code, Arena developer portal) and other make the product with a strong nutrition.

- overlaps the failure of Vica when creating volumetric projects - large online stores, forums, cool blogs, multi-page portals, bulletin boards and similar pieces that the hero of the review is implemented by applications. WIX from a different test and only formally adapted to create such sites. Yukosis In this regard, it is more convenient, more efficient: functionality at the CMS level and a completely different type of page editor make it easy to erect the volume sites of any type.

WIX in any case looks cheerfully - this is an exceptional designer in its own way. Business sites with designer templates, cute blogs and small shops are included in his profile.

But due to the specifics of the editor, it is badly combined with the development of large projects. Despite all the power and dignity. Here it is eaten powerful profile designers. It is not even in value, although in this parameter puts the upset of UKIT: it is cheaper and easier is perceived, allowing you to create visiting sites of the same level.

Examples of sites

Cracker Wix - small sites with a stylish design. No wonder Many photographers, artists, designers, movie stars, musicians and other creative centers of the whole world are the first thing to look for Vix in search of ways to implement their ideas. It is like a default designer for Bohemia.

Nevertheless, it is suitable for creating more practical sites, tangible topics - drilling wells in Nizhny Novgorod, sale of scrap metal in Vladivostok, dentist services in Moscow or a hundred in Yekaterinburg. Full life things, ordinary business.

Sites on Wix:

WIX - the best and prospective site designer In niche solutions with a visual editor. From technical and designer points of view. His developers set themselves and solved several complex tasks:

  • Made an interface in which it is convenient to work, despite a million functions.
  • We went beyond the limitations of the WYSIWYG editor, introducing Wix Code.
  • Implemented artificial Intelligence Wix ADI, which after a while will build us sites that almost do not require edit.
  • Made an application store an integral part of the interface and the functionality that I want to use.

WIX - multipurpose machine To create a variety of sites. Thanks to high-quality applications and flexible editor, the function framework is very broad, and, taking into account the potential of Wix Code, they practically disappear. Using HTML and JavaScript is possible, but completely optional. It's a simple, bright constructor, with a bunch of useful, and even amazing niche surprises. With direct comparison of the analogs, it does not have any part functionality.

The designer will suit everyone who needs a website-business card of any subject, portfolio, landing or promotional page, blog or shop for sale of digital goods, some craft, piece things, brand clothes, watchmakers And other things in such a spirit. We recommend to draw the attention of business owners for rental housing, restaurants, cafes, concert sites (ticket booking) and all who have activities related to customer reception on schedule (hairdressers, makeup artists, dentists, coaching, yoga, dancing, tutoring).

The service is perfect for the role of the first site constructor. Even if you have not yet decided to create a site, we recommend that you meet the case, first of all, it is from WIX. He will meet expectations.

By the way, if you want to change the structure of the selected stock template, then it must be used for this. widget "Strip". This is an analogue of the block (empty or with content), building material. Adop it, and the top layer in the resulting area is placed any widgets with content - forms, images, text, tabs, video player or something else. Compound design can be in a free order. You can even choose an empty pattern and start with zero to draw up its structure and filling - designers so even easier. By the way, in terms of site design you can help a solid set of vector graphics - hundreds free images Different topics that can be added to the site, giving them the desired size, proportion, color and degree of transparency. You can find them in the "Add - Graphics" section.

We recommend choosing a template that just fits your type of site. Theme is not very important. Next, you can change it beyond recognition, not limited to the replacement of demo texts and pictures. If you doubt the choice, you can see examples of ready-made custom sites In the relevant section. Look for examples, inspiration. Each site pops up the plate indicating the stock pattern on the basis of which site is made. Perhaps realizing what other people do, it will be easier for you to choose. Or it is better to understand what to seek and what you can navigate.

In addition, you can immediately go to freshly adjusted or popular templates, which will also help facilitate the choice. All of them are free , take anyone and use. But you should choose with the mind: after making a solution, you will not be able to change the design. Probably it's good. If a huge audience of WIX starts to change the designs on their sites every other day, what will be with their at least conditional uniqueness? Although nothing will prevent you from changing the template in the editor to be unrecognizable. In terms of the range and design of templates WIX, perhaps, does not have direct competitors . In it laid a huge bore for the implementation of ideas of creative people. This is the best. Tiffid 5.


Wix is \u200b\u200bgreat for creating business cards and ledding. Also on it, blogs and shops are thorough. In the site editor you will get immediately after selecting the template. The administrative panel produces a very pleasant impression, causes interest. She wants to consider, ride in numerous and well ordered settings.

Wix features provides an impressive amount. Editor Visual , everything is done through Drag-N-Drop, but it is far from the easiest in his class. We will have to be mastered due to the abundance of the possibilities and the need to manually adjust the blocks of blocks. You need to get used to and fumbled a little, so that the added elements seek organically, they did not put one on the other, etc. administrative panel pleases the eye: Beautiful, intuitive and packed with useful features.

We do not see the meaning in the enumeration of banal functions. It is clear that here you can create pages, insert texts, pictures, make headlines and so on. This is important, of course, but not interesting. This should be everywhere. Let's better poison attention on the most colorful functionality:

WIX allows put video on the background of the site . It looks expected impressive. You can download any roller with a PC or select it from an extensive designer library. Playback speed and effects are configured.

You can apply the effect of parallax to the background, which will give it a depth, some three dimensions of perception. The bottom line is that when scrolling the page slows down the movement of remote objects in relation to located near. Cool looks. In addition to the classic parallax effect, you can choose one of the three types of it: with increasing, disclosure or manifestation. It looks bright and fresh, although the very idea of \u200b\u200bthis effect is far from Nova. This is also found in UKIT and, perhaps, anywhere else. We do not recommend mixing on one page all types of parallax - it will spoil the picture, select something one. You can also set the layers by moving some elements under others. You can enable transparency, configure dimensions, turn, etc.. All together it allows you to work interesting things with the design.

We all saw widescreen strips on sites. Most often, they can be found on Ledding. They share blocks, elegantly emphasizing transitions from one section to another. In the WIX there are also such strips. They can change the background (photo, video, color), height and more. In fact, you can only with the help of some such strips, fill in a variety of content, assigning your each background (for example, the alternation of dark and bright areas looks interesting) and so on.

It consists of 3 categories of tools: communication, social networks, online store. This is another pearl platform. Many interesting here can be found here: Online payment systems, consultants, galleries, shapes, players, social networking widgets, etc. Choose from what. We liked the set.

Anchor menu. If you are going to create a long single-page site, this feature is very useful. You can place on it floating during the scrolling menu, whose items will refer to the specified areas of the page. Very comfortable and beautiful navigation.

High degree of customization of elements. You can customize the designs of individual buttons, block layouts, page numbering, descriptions of descriptions and much more. Almost everything that the look will fall. Everywhere there is an opportunity to use both ready-made options and create your own. If only fantasy was enough, you can implement much.

Score. He is very well organized. Yes, megamarket on the Wix you are unlikely to build, but the high-quality average of the production of the product site is easy. You can configure payment methods (there is an online reception of payments), delivery, discount coupons, taxes and so on. The showcase looks good, working with goods / orders is convenient. It is possible to use, but keep in mind: all goods will have to add manually by one - there is no import from CSV.

The ability to add a variety of boxes. Create banners, signs, containers of any shapes and colors. They can host a variety of content. Quite an interesting and useful opportunity.

Those who need the ability to online recordings on the site (stylist services, doctor, trainings, etc.) or booking by visitors (hotels, rental apartments, etc.), can take advantage wix Bookings application. With it, you can configure calendars, schedules, add services, work with CRM on requests and so on. Related to significance by the application is Wix Events.which allows you to announce the activities, accept applications for participation, keep registering users, keep in sight a list of guests and everything in such a spirit. In general, a significant part of the constructor's capabilities is laid in applications (you can call them by modules by analogy with other systems), we recommend them to active use.

By itself, WIX allows you to connect analytics, configure SEO in detail , Forwarding, put Favon, etc. Among other things, you can separately edit the desktop and mobile version of the project, configure the alignment of the elements, the boundaries of the site and much more. List to list. Also on each partition there is a detailed FAQ at hand (sign "?") - Do not confuse.

The highlight of the engine is the built-in appMarket Store (AppMarket) which contains a huge number of widgets for all occasions. For example, with their help you can add pop-up windows with any content ("Wait, you forgot to get a discount" or "only today we have tra-ta-ta") or beautiful text animations. You can add your music for sale through Wix Music. Or online broadcasts of various TV channels. You can also configure mailing, create discount cards, connect social networking widgets, publish polls to collect customer information, trade subscriptions to digital goods and much, much more. The total number of applications is more than 150 items. There are interactive calendars, with which customers will be able to record on the reception, order services, etc. You can add Flash animations, banners, all sorts of graphics, presentations and much more. Summarizing this: if you did not find a widget responsible for the implementation of the desired opportunity, then most likely just looking for a bad job.

Among other things, the engine provides wide capabilities for working with blogs and social networks . Here you can connect the possibility of commenting through the majority of popular social skins (VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.), configure the tag system to quickly find information, add video, photos and music from popular resources and much more.

WIX also contains a unique functionality in its kind, which is currently no competitors analogue. We are talking primarily about WIX ADI (Artificial Design Intelligence) - Fundamentally easy to use sites based on information provided by the user. Instead of searching and selecting a template, the settings of the common parameters of the site and the editors of the design, it is necessary to simply consistently respond to several questions of the system: what kind of business is the business, what is the name of the functionality (choice from the list), the company's geographical position.

After the data entry WIX thinks for a minute, scanning a network in search of references to the client company, after which the result will issue. The algorithm automatically lines the design and structure of the site based on the information received from you and from the Internet. Also in the analysis process, the client base of WIX sites is played a considerable role, because it helps the algorithm to determine what is suitable for use in this project. As a result, the user receives a website with ready-made quality design and even partially filled with content if the business is present on social networks or other resources.

Of course, in terms of content it will be a damp option. Clearly, you can not use one to one undelated texts. Nevertheless, the structure and design of the site will be selected successfully and without your participation. And the individually selected demo content will help better assess the result and understand what and how to fill for the best display. Design, if desired, can be corrected by means of the standard Wix visual editor. That is, you can work with the project from Wix Adi in the same way as with any other site in the system. This is simply an alternative traditional way to automatically generate sites.

Wix ADI is a fresh feature that is currently running running in the Western market. In the Russian-language version of the site, it is still missing. You can test the work of this thing by choosing english In the profile and starting the creation of a new site (a fork will appear - Wix ADI or the selection of the template). Probably, the Russian version will be delivered later.

Another curious feature without analogs on the market - Wix Code. . In fact, this is a corporate application designer. It seems that, with his help, the developers decided to dissolve the framework, which by default there is any WYSIWYG system - a set of widgets, means of their settings and the structure of the site. From now on, the user can create a functionality individually for its needs. Contrary to the name of the instrument, it is not necessary to be able to drive at all for its use (although it will take this to use the API). We are talking about an interface that allows you to build the logic of behavior from the finished elements and the set of components of the future application. Suppose you can create a database from pictures decorated in the gallery, after which it is possible to place them in 1 click anywhere in place of manual sample. Or create new effects and assign them to individual elements of the site. All this will help to achieve an unprecedented functional flexibility. At the moment, Wix Code is in the beta testing stage, which can be joined by filling out personal data.

And with the help of applications (about 300, it is possible, for example, to place the Wix Store showcase on Facebook, publish voice reviews of customers about your company or publish images of 360 degrees, which is convenient for hotel owners, realtors and many others. There are applications for beautiful design events (posters, ordering and purchase of tickets, booking), restaurant, hotel business, airlines and travel agencies. For marketing and SEO there is just a clondike: optimization, mailing, boosters, pop-up windows, banners and everything else in such a spirit. At the same time, all these things look good and actually give effect.

If you wish to work in a team, you can easily add co-authors to website . This is done by simply attaching the mail of the necessary people. As a result, the filling of the site will go much faster. Cautors cannot view billing data and make significant changes to the site. This is intended for security reasons. Edit content, add pages - yes. There is still an opportunity to set accounts to customers, manual and automatic email settings, as well as a separate feature for hotel owners. You can book rooms in conveniently.

You can also publish password-protected pages that can be seen only certain categories of users or those who will receive a link to them from you. Wix allows you to manage contacts from the client base, copy the site, invoice, view the history of the changes made to the site and much more. Opportunities of the sea. Surely, among them you can find the perfect set to implement your tasks.

In terms of work with domains WIX no surprises in itself are not tatt. You will receive after registering a domain view of for free. But for connecting your own domain name you need to buy a premium tariff.

It is not bad and not good. Standard practice of most platforms. By the way, after connecting the premium tariff (except Connect Domain), the domain is given for 1 year for free as a bonus.

The functionality and ergonomics of the WIX frankly pleased. I liked everything without exception. The possibilities of the sea and they are pleasantly swimming. Against the background of expressive advantages of obvious drawbacks, it is simply not visible. If they are in general. Beautiful, comfortable, friendly and powerful - here are epithets characterizing the Wix editor. At this point is the beginning. SiteBilder is clearly rushing to excellent students.

Optimization (SEO) and Promotion

In terms of tools search engine optimization Wix looks well done . Technically, it provides the same opportunities as most of the site supplements. No worse and no better. But the optimization settings interface very comfortable, friendly . It is focused on people who understand little in SEO issues. Under each item contains a short description of which kind of data it should be filled. Get confused.

There is a special master available for each site through the item. "Management" - "SEO-Master". Here after the publication of the site (this can be done immediately and free) you can pass a few steps that will help you position the project for search engines.

Also in the site editor in the category "Pages" you can and must be manually configure SEO-parameters For each page: Title, description, keywords and CNC. It is also possible to hide individual pages from search robots, which is sometimes useful. What is noteworthy, you can immediately see how your site will look like search resultsBy clicking "View in the search engine."

Do not forget about the importance unique texts. They must meet the stated topics, being interesting to target visitors and SEO-optimized. We recommend for all pages to find a list of 3-4 keywords through Yandex.WordStat. And evenly place them in the bodies of pages. In the title / description (meta tags), try to also use niche words or the same key, be laconic and accurate.

You should also not forget that the SSL protocol can be connected to the site on any premium tariff. It is no secret that Google more loyally refers to sites that have a secure connection (HTTPS). That is, the protocol connection can be considered an element of the project optimization of the project. Yes, and in the eyes of HTTPS users with a green lock, in the browser string inspires more default confidence. Not everyone knows what it is really, but that "cooler" ordinary is for sure. So take SSL for weapons, especially if you have a store. Connection Protocol - the item is absolutely necessary in this case.

Try to use maximum available tools for promotion site But do not overdo it. Everything should be appropriate and thought out. Without fanaticism. If you have a channel on YouTube, find the reason to place some videos on your site. Or create it. In the descriptions to the video, do not forget to specify a link to your site to obtain viewers more detailed information.

In general, WIX not only does not limit the possibilities of effective promotion, but also creates comfortable conditions for it through a thoughtful and rich set of built-in tools. Do not forget to submit applications for indexing in Google and Yandex after publishing the site. This will speed up the process.

Pricing policy (prices for tariffs)

Although WIX can be used for free, we will not focus on this attention. In this case, the user will not be able to connect its own domain. This is not serious. Make a cool site in one of the best designers and sit on the unreadable domain? No, nonsense, dismiss. If you really need free Site , then better look in the direction ucoz. . It will allow you to publish and start promoting a full-fledged project by attaching your domain to it, already on the FREE Tariff.

In WIX, it makes sense to talk only about paid packages. There are four of them four:

  1. Connect Domain (5.95 $ / month) - Does not remove Wix advertising, but allows you to connect your domain. Gives 500 MB of disk space;
  2. Combo (10.95 $ / month) - 3 GB of space and bandwidth in 2 GB;
  3. Unlimited (15.95 $ / month) - removes advertising, gives 10 GB of disk space, unlimited site bandwidth, as well as Google AdWords voucher for $ 75;
  4. ecommerce (19.90 $ / month) - 20 GB of places, 10 GB of site bandwidth and availability of shopping basket.

WIX is a chic designer who skillfully masses the limitations caused by the use of a widget system and a visual editor, a huge set of features. The system went on the way to increase strength and versatility. The store on the WIX looks great, the blog is excellent, the business card is excellent. Platform Even the forum allows you to create that the rarity is rare for designers.

SiteBilder is more than suitable for use, if you do not take into account the minor oddities. Disadvantages of WIX insignificant. Even the cost can be tangible, acting through the mind. The main problem of the system is the existence of other strong players in the market. WIX is difficult to choose an alternative In his class, but still possible (). UKIT on business cards and lendings can quietly compete with him due to the quality, utmost simplicity and convenience. There is a question of the wallet and taste.

Wix - engine, to put it mildly, interesting. No doubt one of the best. If it were necessary to describe it in one word, then the "spectacular" would come. It is very well adapted for high-quality filming of graphic content, and in itself it looks aesthetically, expensive.

Wix is \u200b\u200bconstantly complemented by new templates and capabilities. This is one of the most promising designers today. You are unlikely to make a social network or a dating site, but any site of the average volume and complexity of the structure is easy. The result is obtained very attractive, and it is achieved relatively simple. We recommend this service to familiarize, you will not regret the time spent!

Today, no one will not surprise the site on the Internet, but really high-quality sites, unfortunately, are not often found, and:

  • they were either Assa in their business for big money;
  • or they did ACI in their business for themselves.

Cheap and good - it is unreal! .. That is how people think, becoming before the problem.

Are you really so problematic? Open a good resource that will work and solve the priority owner's tasks:

  • Attract visitors;
  • Be a pleasant design;
  • Simple to usability and so on!

Until recently, it was possible to say: no, this option is possible, but for big money. Today you yourself can make everything in life!

Yes yes, yourself, do it yourself. Now with help online designer Wix. (Vix) - The creation of the site does not represent any difficulty! But first things first.

Now you might think:

  • Yes, it's just an advertising trick one!
  • It is just another site designer with minimal features and restrictions!

You can only convince you by showing the real example of creating a site to Vix with your own hands. It:

  • Very fast;
  • As simple as possible;
  • 100% effective!

So, just look at this instruction, and already after 15 minutes, you yourself will create your own resource., Just having studied the online site constructor for free!

Create your site for free!

And, believe me, the result will satisfy you, the resulting site will not give way to the resources created by professional studios.

It's time to proceed with the point!

Stage 1. Registration / Authorization

For full work so that you, in the literal sense of the word, felt like at home, you need to go through simple registration on the site.

After fast registration You will see your login in the upper right corner. Now you can proceed directly to creating your site! Online site constructor for free at your disposal.

Stage 2. We start work on creating a site!

You will see an invitation from the site administration, in which it will be said "Start the site creation"!

Everything is simple and intuitive!

Let's imagine that you are planning to open a company website that sells children's clothing. Now we will see a step with a step, as the Internet representation of this company is born.

Attention! Now we work with you in absolutely free mode!

Stage 3. Choose a template for the site.

So by clicking on the button, we will be automatically redirected to the selection of template for the site. Yes, choose from what, and it pleases! Free Online Designer Sites offers division by category, and their mass. That is, choose what is suitable for the specifics of your activity:

We are simply ideal for the selection of a template for a company specializing in selling children's clothing, this template:

Please note that there are both free templates and paid ( however, their cost is very symbolic.).

Stage 4. We place the site!

And now you can see directly designer sites WIX.. First, give the name to your resource (then you can change it at any time).

You can also at any time bind your domain to your site.
You can change absolutely all items. This feature offers WIX sites designer:

As you can see on the illustration, on the left there is a toolbar where the following features are available:

From here you can at any time:

  • Change the name of the site;
  • Add SEO elements to promote;
  • Include mobile version;
  • Add the form of contacts and social network profiles;
  • Explore statistics;
  • Add Favon and Other.

Here is an example with the filling of SEO:

As well as there is a very interesting opportunity provided for designer sites WIX.:

These are very useful in the application and appliqués that can be added to your site in 2 accounts ( very much free that it can not but rejoice).

For example, add right now the opportunity to follow you on Twitter:

You can also simply change the style of the photo:

Add text, talk about yourself, your company, activities. Create a website for free in 5 minutes - it is real - just click and write:

Write what you like, stretch, as you wish, insert into any place of the site:

Subject with copywrites:

Creating a website of the business card for free in 5 minutes becomes real, because you do not make actions to the touch in complex editors, but simply collect all parts of the whole.

At any time, you can press the "Preview" to evaluate the changes made to "save" so that the actions are not lost, as well as when everything is ready, to the "publication", and the site will appear on the network! The Upgrade button will include new features at your chosen tariff!

Before publishing the site you will have several simple settings:

Check the following items:
  • Allow search engines index the site;
  • Show the mobile version control panel;
  • Confirm your contact details.

Everything! Creating a website business card completed! You can always make adjustments without difficulties, complement, improve, and develop your website!

Benefits WIX (Vix)

As you could already clearly make sure, create a website in WIX is very simple. We can say with confidence that Wix - best designer sites from existing at the moment. And here are some of its advantages:

  • No need to possess any special skills, everything is intuitive! About programming no and speech;
  • WIX is a universal and one-of-a-kind Designer Drag & Drop (Drag and Insert) with HTML5 functionality;
  • In stock Huge number of original templates;
  • Many applications extending basic functionality;
  • You can customize your site for yourself, under your corporate identity. It is easy and simple. Website creation with your own hands turns into pleasure. You just collect everything on the screen and immediately see the change;
  • You also get professional hosting absolutely free - even on basic tariff without subscription fee! 100% benefits;
  • There is an integration with social networks and Smo marketing;
  • Additional paid Premium rates on more than democratic prices open up new features!

Create your site for free!

The benefits of the Premium tariff are obvious:

  • No advertising;
  • The low cost of 1 month is comparable in cost with 2 cups of coffee;
  • Coupon for 2000r per advertising company in Yandex.Direct;
  • Connecting your domain name + Favonki;
  • Even more space for your data;
  • Unlimited channel speed;
  • 99.9% UPTIME + DDOS protection;
  • Quality assurance;
  • VIP support.

And many many others!

That's why this online site designer is the best! You had to make sure this is an example of creating a site! Create and enjoy!