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What enters the technical means of computer networks. Technical means of computer networks

Personal computer architecture Determined by the set of properties essential for the user, and include the structure of the computer and its functionalitywhich can be divided into basic and additional. The main functions determine the purpose of the computer, i.e. Processing, storage of information and information exchange with external objects. Additional functions Enhance the effectiveness of the main functions: ensuring efficient operation modes, user dialogue, high reliability, etc. These functions are solved using the components of the architecture of a personal computer - hardware and software.

Computer structure - some model setting the composition, order and principles of the interaction of components included in it.

PC structure is central System Blockto which external devices are connected through the connectors, the keyboard that allows you to enter the characters into the computer, and the monitor for the image textual and graphic information.

The system unit consists of:

n systemic (maternal) board on which is located microprocessor (CISC - with a complete set of commands, RISC -C reduced command set, MISC is a minimum set of commands, Intel, AMD, Cyrix), designed to manage the work of all PC blocks and to perform arithmetic and logical operations. Microprocessors differ from each other with two characteristics: type (model) and clock frequency. The microprocessor includes:

control devices (supplies control pulses that obtain from the clock pulse generator generates addresses of memory cells);

arithmetic logical device intended for all arithmetic and logical operations over numerical and symbolic information;

microprocessor memorywhich is based on registers and provides high PC speed, interface system MP. To communicate with other devices

mathematical coprocessorintended for accelerated operations over floating semicolons;

n power supply;

n of the clock pulse generator generating the sequence of electrical pulses whose frequency determines the clock frequency of the PC. The clock frequency is one of the main characteristics of the PC, determines the speed of its operation, because Each operation is performed for a certain amount of clocks. The clock frequency is measured in megahertz (MHz) indicates how many elementary operations (clocks) microprocessor performs in one second.

n system bus that ensures the conjugation of all PC devices between themselves and exchanges data between MP and OP, between the MP and the I / O system, between the OD and the I / O system.

n chips random access memory (RAM - RAM - Memory and ROM - ROM - Memory, Register Cash Memory - Superoperative Memory, which is a buffer between OP and MP.

Structural OP consists of millions of memory cells with a capacity of 1 bytes each. The capacity of RAM is 2 orders of magnitude exceeds the ROM capacitance.

n keyboard adapters, NGMD and NGMD

n power source - block containing autonomous and power supply systems

n Interrupt Controller, executing a temporary stop of the operation of one program for the purpose of operational execution of another (priority).

n timer (intramaneshine electronic watches, providing automatic machine time);

n drive of flexible disks

n. hDD


n connectors for additional devices

n boards extensions with controllers - adapters of external devices

External (peripheral) devices:

n data storage devices

Hard disks NJMD

Flexible NGMD Magnetic Disks




Magneto optical devices

n data entry devices

Keyboard ( special keyboard)

Manipulators (mouse, trackball, foamus, infrared mouse)

graphic plates (Digitizers)

scanners (manual, tablet, drum, shape scanners, barckers)

digital cameras

n data output devices

printers (Matrix, Laser, LED, Inkjet)

video monitor (radiation: soft x-ray, ultraviolet, radio emission, electrostatics; protective filters: grid, film, glass)

grafopostroiler (plotters)


n communication devices and telecommunications

Many devices from listed are funds multimedia,there are a complex of hardware and software to communicate with a PC using a variety of different environments: sound, video, graphics, texts, animation, etc.

Information technology (IT) is a set of funds and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data (primary information) to obtain information about the state of the object, process or phenomenon (information product).

The purpose of the information technology is the production of information for its analysis by man and adopting a decision on the implementation of any action.

The practical application of methods and data processing methods may be different, so it is advisable to allocate global basic and specific information technologies.

Global Information Technology includes models methods and means formalizing and allowing informational resources societies.

Basic information technology is intended for a specific area of \u200b\u200bapplication (production, scientific research, training, etc.).

Specific information technologies implement data processing when solving user functional tasks (for example, accounting tasks, planning, analysis).

Like all technologies, information technologies are in constant development and improvement. This is facilitated by the emergence of new technical means, the development of new concepts, methods of organizing data, their transfer, storage and processing, forms of interaction of users with technical and other components of information and computing systems.

Expansion of the circle of persons having access to information and computational resources of data processing systems, as well as the use of computing networks that combine geographically deleted users from each other, especially sharply put the problem of ensuring the reliability of data and protect them from unauthorized access. In this regard, modern information technologies are based on the concept of using special hardware and software tools providing information protection

Next step in improvement information technologiesUsed in organizational and economic management is to expand the scope of the use of knowledge bases and the corresponding artificial intelligence systems.

The knowledge base is the most important element of the expert system created at the workplace of the management specialist. It acts as a knowledge drive in a specific area of \u200b\u200bprofessional activity and assistant when analyzing the economic situation in the process of developing and making a management decision.

Types of modern computers.

The manufacturers of modern computers offer a fairly wide range of various models of computers that differ from each other not only in terms of performance, but also by appearance, sizes and destination. Modern computers are the following types: desktop, laptops, netbooks, pocket computers, desktop minicomputers, tablet computers and game consoles.

Desktop computers (Stationary) usually consist of three separate blocks: monitor, keyboard and system unit. For convenience, the mouse manipulator can be used. As additional (peripheral) devices to the computer can be connected: webcams, printers, scanners, columns, plotters and other devices.

Desktop minicomputers have a systemic block of smaller size.

Laptops (portable computers) are performed in the form of flat portable devices. Most of all, they are suitable for those people whose activities are associated with constant movements. The laptop is a single block consisting of a keyboard, screen and system Block. The high cost and complexity of modernization are the main laptops of the laptop.

Netbooks in appearance are largely similar to laptops, but have a smaller size and are capable of performing a narrower range of tasks, which significantly reduces its cost. This type of computers is more designed to work on the Internet.

Tablet computers are made in the form of flat touchscreen. For driving tablet computer A special pencil is needed - the stylus. Pocket computers (minicomputers) have compact sizes, which allows them to wear ordinary trousers in the pocket. With this computer, you can listen to music, watch video, work on the Internet and play games. High cost, small power and impossibility of working with computer graphics are the main disadvantages of pocket computers.

11. Personal computer: appointment, architecture. Basic PC devices, assignments, functions, characteristics.

A computer is a multifunctional electronic device designed to accumulate, process and transmiss information. Under the architecture of the personal computer, its logic organization, structure and resources are understood, i.e. the means of computing system that can be allocated to the data processing process at a certain time interval.

The principle of software management - the program consists of a set of commands that are performed by the processor automatically after each other in a specific sequence.

The principle of uniformity of memory - programs and other are stored in the same memory; Over the commands you can perform the same actions as the data!

The principle of targeting is the main memory structurally consists of numbered cells.

The computer architecture defines the principle of operation, information connections and the mutual connection of the bottom logical nodes of the computer, to which include:


main memory;

external memory;


Structurally, personal computers are made in the form of a central system unit to which other devices are attached through special connectors. The system unit includes all the main components of the computer:


power Supply;

hard magnetic disk drive;

drive on a flexible magnetic disk;

drive on the optical disk;

connectors for additional devices.

On the systemic (maternal) board, in turn, are posted:


mathematical coprocessor;

clock pulse generator;

memory chips;

controllers of external devices;

sound and video cards;

Architecture modern personal computers Based on the trunk-modular principle. The modular principle allows the user to set the computer's configuration you want and produce its upgrade if necessary. The modular organization of the system relies on the trunk principle of information exchange. All device controllers interact with the microprocessor and the RAM through the system data line, called the system bus. The system tire is performed as a printed bridge on motherboard.

The microprocessor is the central block of a personal computer designed to control the work of all blocks of the machine and to perform arithmetic and logical information on information.

The system bus is the main computer interface system that provides the conjugation and connection of all its devices among themselves. The system bus provides three information transfer directions:

between the microprocessor and the main memory;

between the microprocessor and the I / O ports of external devices;

between the main memory and I / O ports of external devices.

The I / O ports of all devices through the corresponding connectors (slots) are connected to the bus either directly or through special controllers (adapters).

The main memory is intended for storing and promptly exchange information with other computers blocks.

External memory is used for long-term storage of information, which may be further used to solve problems. The power source is a block containing the system of autonomous and power supply of the computer.

Timer is intramaneshine electronic watches providing automatic removal current moment time. The timer is connected to the autonomous power supply and when the computer is disconnected from the network continues to work.

External computer devices provide environmental interaction with the environment: users, control objects and other computers.

The main functional characteristics of the personal computer are:

performance, speed, clock frequency.

available software and type of operating system; type of the video monitor and video adapter;

1.1. The composition of technical means

All devices included in the modern computer are divided into two classes - central devices (primarily the processor and the main memory) and external devices. Moreover, the external devices are not called by their placement, but according to functions. Central devices work with information presented in a specific form - in the form of binary numbers. The main purpose of external devices is to organize the connection of the central devices with the outside world, that is, to convert information from the species, understandable to the user, in an intramaistral representation and vice versa. In addition, external devices are applied to long-term storage of large amounts of information, for communication with other computers, etc.

All external devices can be divided into four groups.

1. Information entry devices : Keyboard, manual manipulators ("mouse"), scanner, CD ROM, etc.

2. Information output devices : Video System, Printer, Graphoplator, etc.

3. Information storage devices : External storage devices.

4. Communication devices and transformation : Modems, Network Boards (adapters), etc.

The general scheme of the computing complex on the basis of a personal computer can be represented in this way (Fig. 1):

Fig. 1. General scheme of the computing complex

In Russia, the so-called so-called IBM-compatible personal computers.

1.2. Central computer devices

Fig. 2. The structure of the system (maternal) board

Usually all central devices are placed on the so-called systemic (maternal) board. The general structure of the motherboard is presented in Fig. 2. Briefly consider its contents.

Central Processor -a software-controlled electronic digital device intended for processing various information presented in digital form.

The main functions of the processor are:

§ Managing the work of the entire computing complex.

§ Performing mathematical and logical actions with data.

Conducting control functions, the processor ensures proper interaction of the computer system components with each other. Control is performed using pulse signals sent controlled components.

When performing computing and logical operations, the processor is configured to various operations and directly performs them.

IBM-compatible computers are equipped with Intel type microprocessors or similar. Modern computers are equipped with microprocessors of the Pentium model.

The most important parameter of the specific processor model - clock frequency, which is measured in frequency units (megahertz and gigarets). This indicator determines the speed of the processor and, therefore, its performance. Typical clock values \u200b\u200bfor some processors are shown in the table. It should be said that an increase in the order number of the processor indicates the growth of its characteristics and, consequently, to improve the parameters of the computer as a whole.


Clock frequency


75 - 200 MHz

Pentium. II.

160 - 400 MHz

Pentium. III

400 MHz- 1.1 GHz

Pentium. IV.

1.1 GHz - 2.0 GHz

Main memory - Electronic device designed to store information. The main memory consists of two parts: RAM and permanent memory. RAM is intended for storing the information necessary for the current session. It provides both read and record data. This memory is energo-dependentbecause Its content is destroyed when the power is turned off. Permanent memory provides only reading data. The contents of this part of the memory are constantly and can only be changed only by special techniques. it non-volatile Memory and its content does not disappear in the absence of nutrition.

TO the most important characteristics Memory includes its capacity (volume) and access time. Memory is the number of elements included in it (cells). The main memory of the computer is largely determined by the user needs and is established, based on the user's capabilities and the class of tasks solved. It should be noted that a small amount of memory significantly slows down the passage of tasks, up to the complete impossibility of solving them. Too much memory is irrational, as it increases the price of the computer. For most personal computers general purpose Currently, the amount of memory lies within 32 MB¸ 256 MB. Access time Determined as the time interval between the moment the memory request occurs (in order to read or write information) and the moment when the information is read or recorded. The typical value of this value for modern 4 * 10 -8 memory chips¸ 0.5 * 10 -8 s.

Controllers external devices etc ensure software-controlled electronic blocks for matching (pairing) of external and central computer devices. The need to use controllers is called by the fact that external devices are usually impossible to directly connect to the central one. One of the reasons for this is the fact that the nature of signals generated by or perceived by the processor, as a rule, differs from signals generated or perceived by the corresponding external device. Controller and ensures the negotiation of these signals. In addition, since the controller is a software-controlled tool, then with the appropriate software, the same controller can provide a connection to a computer. different types external devices. The use of controllers somewhat complicates the design of the computer, but it is possible to easily increase its technical capabilities.

System Magistral (The total bus) serves to transmit signals between the elements of the system board. The employment control of the highway and controlling the passage of signals according to it is carried out by the system of controlling the system main. It does not allow the tire to appeal in those moments when it is already busy and "regulates" the movement of information on the highway.

Portscomputer serve to connect external devices to the central block.

1.3. Exterior Suitcomputer

External computers designed to store large amounts of information are called external storage devices. IN modern computers Most often external information drives are used on magnetic disks. There are disk drives of two types: on flexible disks and on hard drives.

The first-type devices consist of two parts: a drive that allows you to read or record information (drive), and information carrier (diskette). The drive is installed in the computer, and the carrier is removable. As a carrier of information, a disk from a synthetic material coated with a magnetic layer is used. Currently, drives are used diameter 3.5 inches (about 90 mm ). They are placed in a plastic protective envelope. The information is recorded and read from the disk with magnetic heads using well-known magnetic record principles. Before use, the new diskette is definitely placed by a magnetic field (formatted). The information container is quite small and is 1.44 MB.

Another modern variety of magnetic disk drives are drives hard magnetic disks. The fundamental differences in them is that the discs are made of aluminum alloy and are incommensuate. The entire mechanism (drives, drives, heads, etc.) are placed in a hermetic case, which significantly increases the durability of the device. High quality Magnetic coating, high speed of rotation and other technical solutions make it possible to increase the record density in the information storage devices of this type. The information container of serial drives is up to 40 GB, and individual models reaches hundreds of GB.

A fundamentally different method of recording and reading information is used in devices with laser CDs (CD disks). They have several varieties. The simplest and cheap of them allow only to read the information. Such devices are called
CD ROM. . Strictly speaking, they should be attributed to information entry devices. More expensive CD drives allow you to record information. They're calledCD - RW. . Standard CD capacity - about 650 MB.

The most modern current is the record standard calledDVD (digital multipurpose disk). Already in the first of the models that appeared the capacity was more than 4 GB. Following them appeared Tens of GB Tens.

Access time to external memory devices is significantly more than the main memory of the PC. For drives on hard and optical discs, it is microseconds, and for devices with flexible discs there are already tenths and even seconds.

1.4. Information I / O devices

Consider the basic I / O devices for modern computers.

Keyboard. It serves to manually enter information in the PC and to manage the work of the computer. The keyboard contains the keys of numbers, Latin and Russian letters, operations and punctuation signs, functional and control keys. The keyboard recognizes the pressed key, generates the appropriate digital code and transmits it to the central devices.

Mouse. It is a device that allows you to control the computer. The mouse connects to the computer with a flexible cable and has two or three buttons serving controls. When you move the mouse on the computer screen, a special pointer is synchronously moving, depending on the program or situation, the appearance of the arrow, rectangle, etc. Working with the mouse is reduced to pressing, holding and releasing the buttons in a specific order.

Scanner. This is the name of the device for entering the computer graphics information. With the help of scanners, pictures, photos and even texts are usually introduced. The information entered by the scanner may subsequently processed.

CD ROM. Device for reading information from an optical disk (CD). The principles of its work are the same as that of similar devices of household appliances (CD-player). The advantage of CD ROM is a large amount of information stored on the disk (hundreds of megabytes), and the security of this information.

Video System. Used to display displayed information on the screen. The main parts of the video system are a video monitor and a video adapter. Modern monitors make it possible to display information while preserving halftone (brightness gradations), as in domestic TVs. The main function of the video adapter (video card) is the conversion of signals from the central devices into the form available for the monitor.

Printers. Printing device (printer) is intended to display information on paper. As a rule, the following types of printers are used: matrix shock, inkjet and laser.

Plotter (Graft Construction). This is a device for outputting paper sheets of a large format of graphic information, primarily technical and scientific character. In principle, it is possible to output illustrative material with the help of printers, but it is not always convenient, ineffective and often impossible. The plotter is a specialized device for displaying graphic images and is particularly convenient for building technical drawings, diagrams, and so on.

1. 5. B. alive networks

The computing network is a system of computers connected by information transmission channels. Networks allow you to increase computing power through the use of network resources and redistribution of the load between the machines. Networks allow you to organize a number of additional services, such as operational meetings, email, training, etc.

Distinguish local and distributed Computing networks. In a distributed computing network, computers can be removed for hundreds and thousands of kilometers from each other. They are connected by telecommunications communication lines to exchange information. In local networks (LAN), the maximum distance between the machines does not exceed a few kilometers. As a rule, LANs are intended for processing information within one organization. At the same time, network nodes are computers (workstations) and other subscriber equipment.

The main technical parameter of the network is the data transfer rate. W. modern networks It is usually up to 100 Mbps.

As technical devices For me to combine computers to the network use the following hardware.

Network adapters. Are electronic devicesallowing you to combine individual computers into single computing networks. The network adapter is installed in the computer and connects with similar devices of other computers with special communication lines. Usually, such networks are combined not too deleted computers from each other.

Modems and fax modems.The modem is a device that allows the computer to communicate with the outside world. Unlike network adapters, the modem allows you to access remote computer systems. The modem connects the computer to the available communication lines, such as telephone, radio relay, etc. A special type of information that computers can exchange are faxes that allow you to transmit images. This uses a device called a fax modem. With it, any documents are sent.

Fig. 3. Network of tire topology with a dedicated file server

An important property of the network is the method of connecting computers in it (network topology). There are several types of network topologies. The simplest is the network of tire topology (Fig. 3). It is a common cable to which network adapters of workstations and others are connected. network devices. Each node of such a network is physically associated with two adjacent nodes. The message passes sequentially through all workstations.

By priority (significance) of computers in the network distinguish the following types of networks.

IN peer-eyed Networks All network workplaces are equal and have the same priority. At each moment, the data transfer controls that computer that initiates the transfer process. However, the use of peer-to-peer networks is justified only with a small number of workstations - up to ten or a little more. With increasing number of network nodes, the performance and data transfer rate drops sharply. Therefore, for networks with a large number of workstations, one of the computers is assigned tasks of network management. In this case, it turns out a network with a dedicated file server. In such networks, not only the transmission of information between workstations is carried out, but it is also possible to use machine resources (processor, part of RAM) of one workstations to meet the needs of other stations. Network resource allocation, data transfer management and other operations are presented to the file server enhanced requirements. To ensure work large number users The computer used as a server must have a large amount of operational and disk memory, powerful processor and high-speed system highway.

Fig. 4. Computer network scheme type "Star" with file server and hub

Computer networks with a large number of jobs often have a star-shaped topology, when each workplace is connected to the server by a separate cable (Fig. 4). Topologies are easier and more economical than star-like, as less cable is consumed for them, but they are very sensitive to the cable system malfunctions.

Workstations are usually connected to the network not directly, but through the access devices to the environment that perform the role of multiphort concentrators. Hubs are passive and active. Active hubs do not simply transmit a signal to each of their ports, but also regenerate it by performing the amplifier function. Applying these devices is often due to restrictions on the length of the network and the number of workstations. Hubs are a key component and to ensure reliability. local networkBecause they are placed in the center of the network.

Regulars of computer stores, regular readers of Chip magazines, " Home computerAnd other magazines and newspapers specializing in computer theme can skip this paragraph. He is for those who are not familiar with the computer "gland" and believes that it is time to fill this gap in its education.

A computer(he is a PC, computer) - the necessary and main element of the implementation of any computer technology. To implement network technologies, you need to have several computers combined into the network. Comprises system block, monitor, keyboard. When working with graphical operating systems, the technical means becomes necessary for work mouse Manipulator . The system block of the computer is not a single indivisible device. Principle open architectureimplemented in modern PCs allows in the process of assembling a computer from individual standardized components to achieve the desired technical characteristics (the performance of the processor, the volume of RAM and hard disk, video card performance, etc.). Thus, the PC includes the possibility and its further upgrades, as well as connecting to it different peripheral devicesraising his capabilities. A set of devices connected to a computer depends on the need to solve certain tasks and may be the most diverse. The basis of the system unit is maternal (or system) fee on which they are mounted cPU , memory Chips, Control Systems (Controllers) all PC devices. Internal modems, TV, FM - tuners and other devices, traditionally attached to devices peripheral, as well as in the form of separate blocks and devices can be mounted in the system unit in the form of individual boards. discovers for diskettes and CDs, disk drives (Winchesters) . The necessary components of the system unit is power supply and ventilation system consisting of one or more fans.

PC monitorsdesigned to visually display the results of the computer. There are monitors with electron beam tubes (CRT) and monitors with liquid crystal screens (TFT monitors). The latter have the following advantages compared to monitors with COT:

They have no x-rays harmful to health, as well as they do not create electromagnetic fields interfering with the operation of electronic devices.

They are almost completely used by the work surface of the screen.

They, as a rule, have greater contrast and light output compared to monitors for CRT.

Consume less electricity and differ less weighing and dimensions.

The work of the monitor largely depends on performance video card computer and to create an optimal visualization system, the technical characteristics of both devices are important. Of the main technical characteristics of monitors, the most significant are considered screen size(diagonal), resolution(the number of luminous points - pixels, on the screen), frequency change of personnel.

External storage devicesor devices to work with interchangeable discs (diskettes), CD (CD-ROM), optical disks (DVD-ROM), and other media are intended to create file archives and transfer information from one computer to another. Can be used to disseminate information (electronic publications on CDs). In modern conditions, there are mandatory elements of the "standard" configuration of the PC.

Printersdesigned for printing documents on paper or other materials (for example, film). Distinguish matrix, inkjet and laser printers. The first allows you to organize the cheapest process of printing documents, although with insufficient in many cases quality. The second is used for inexpensive color printing, including printing photos and graphic images. Relatively low cost makes inkjet printers The main device for printing documents in domestic conditions. Laser printers for black and white printing are more expensive than inkjet, but allow you to get savings during operation due to the low cost of consumables (in terms of the number of pages printed when you refuel). These printers found the widest use in modern offices. Colored laser printers Used in publishing houses, advertising agencies, etc. Organizations, where significant initial investments in the purchase of these expensive devices pay off due to large volumes of color graphics.

Plotters- Devices for widescreen printing. Used in the manufacture of posters, posters, drawings, etc.

Scanners- Devices for entering graphic information to a computer (document scan). Used to transfer to machine carriers of photographic materials obtained by traditional methods, handwritten texts and other documents from paper information.

Microphones, headphones, acoustic systems- devices necessary to work with sound in multimedia programs. Can be used to record and reproduce sound information when conducting meetings, presentations, viewing videos, etc.

Web cameras- Device for recording in memory of the computer video information. It can be used when conducting video conferencing, in video telephony, as well as during mass events.

Digital cameras- Autonomous devices for receiving photo images on machine media. Use in digital graphics information display formats traditional for computer processing makes promising sharing Digital cameras and computer to create high-quality photographic materials.

TV, World Cup - tuners- devices that allow you to receive and play on devices connected to a computer and television program.

Multimedia projectors- devices for projection on the video information screen, similar to the information displayed by the monitor. Focus are widely used when conducting presentations, conferences, assembly of the organization team, in exhibition activities, etc.

Appointment of devices important for the organization of work on the network: modems network cards, concentrators, routers and bridges already seen in the section on computer networks.

Sources of uninterrupted power- devices allowing you to keep computer performance with sudden power outages. Necessary to improve the reliability of work both separate computers and computer networks generally.

It is impossible to make an immense. Midi keyboard, Joysticks and a number of other devices remained beyond our consideration. All those who want to get a greater amount of information on this topic can be recommended to read the magazines already mentioned above, reflecting the news of the computer market.