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Google 1 Social Network Login. What is Google Plus - Infographics


It must be said that today the communication of people with each other becomes more and more new forms, which is not without the help of modern IT technologies, ranging from ordinary email and ending with direct video links!

This state of affairs has eased somewhere, and somewhere in general made possible direct communication of people. This is especially true of those who are far from each other.

So Google decided to give the world a fundamentally new social network! Everything is different here, although there is a feeling of something familiar. However, you still have nothing to see anything else!

That is why I advise you to go through this guide to using the Google Plus social network. Here you will learn about the main program interface and you can figure it out in this amazing, bright, colorful and fascinating world of Google+.

Let's start in order!

All about Google Plus +

Basic interface

the main working panel Located vertically on the left side of the screen. It contains 8 main use buttons:

  1. « Tape"- Here you can read or view information published by people who are added to your circles (see below). And also you yourself can publish something for general viewing.
  2. « Profile"This is not a little important option in which you can leave information about yourself, upload your avatar and view all records ever published by you.
  3. « Overview»- Here you can view the most popular videos, news and network statements.
  4. « Video meeting"This is an excellent opportunity to see your relatives, loved ones and friends. With this option, you can collect all friends to communicate without leaving the house by creating a video assembly immediately with several people, or join the already created meeting.
  5. « Photo"This button says for itself. Here you can create your albums, download interesting photos, as well as post photos in the "Photo with me", where you can celebrate your person.
  6. « Circles"- This button is one of the most visible differences between Google+ from other social networks. With the help of circles you can split people into groups. Initially, their four: "Family", "Friends", "Familiar" and "Subscriptions". If you need, you can create new circles (see below). Such a division allows you to adjust the availability of information available on your page. For example, what will see the circle of people "Family" will not be able to see people from the circle "Friends". With the help of circles you can add new people interesting to you. Details on how to use the circles below.
  7. « Games"- The name speaks for itself. In this column is a large number of Flash games for every taste. In order to start playing one of them, just click on her icon. And you will find yourself in an amazing virtual world!
  8. « Yet"- When you hover the cursor, a small tab" + Pages "leaves on the right button on the right. When you click on this tab, a window appears that displays all the pages to which access you are granted, or which you created yourself. Pages can be five categories: "Business or place", "Product or Brand", "Company or Organization", "Art, Entertainment or Sport", "Other". In the community, you can also use video cards, create circles and publish the events you are interested in and news.

Main page

If you press in the upper left corner on the Google+ icon, then you will display the main page of the network with your account on your screens. At the very top there is a search string, with which you can find the news, community, video or people in Google+ you can find.

Under the search string there are four tabs: "Ribbon", "Friends", "Family", "More". When you click on the "Ribbon" tab, all news, events and publications from the pages that you have a subscription and to which you have access are displayed. The remaining tabs are circles. When you click on one of these tabs, you will see the publications of people belonging to a particular circle.

The right of the tab is the icon in the form of a gear. If you press it, a dialog box with four graphs will pop up: "Settings", "Help", "Leave feedback", " Short review» .

The Count "Settings" allows you to adjust your page on Google+. When you click on the "Settings", you will appear configurations of alerts, basic privacy settings and working with a photo. Six sections will be located on the left side of the screen: "Account Settings", "Privacy", "Google+", "Products", "Language", "Data Export". When you click on the "Settings" button, you automatically fall to the "Google+" section, where an almost completely intuitive interface is made, and in those places where questions may arise, it is worth the link "More details", when you go on to clear instructions, allowing you to perform Action you need.

"Account settings" . There is nothing complicated here too. In this section, you can change the password, change the email address, enable or disable the "+1" function (it allows the Google+ system to find suitable content and ads from other websites, relying on the data in your profile, while leaving your Right to confidentiality), connect to Google+ accounts from other servers (Facebook, Yahoo, Flicker, etc.), delete your profile and all information about it, as well as delete the entire account. Here you can configure "two-stage authentication". This feature will help you strengthen the security of your page.

In order to make it you need to click on the "two-stage authentication" on the "Change" link. You will be the window on which preliminary actions for authentication will be shown. Next, you need to click on the right side of the "Continue" button. In the next window you will be prompted to enter the number mobile phoneto which the code will be sent. Enter and click "Send Code", after receiving the code for SMS, drive it into the field that appears and click "Next". After that, it will be written that everything went successfully.

On not reliable computers this procedure will need to be carried out every time, and on the reluctal only once every 30 days, while if you change the number, or one more, you can always change it (or add) in your profile this algorithm: Account settings / Security / Double-step authentication / change / phone / change (for change); Account Settings / Security / Double-step authentication / Edit / Additional phone number / Add phone number (for adding).

"Privacy". Here you can configure information access To your page, privacy (some of your friends will be able to see other users), change the access settings for photos, visit personal Area (in which you can produce a large number of profile settings), familiarize yourself with the system privacy policy. In this section, everything is built on intuition, so it makes no sense to thoroughly disassemble every aspect. The only one should tell a little about setting up the circles. When you follow the link "Setting circles", you will get to the sixth "Basic Interface" button (see section I. source interface). All your communication circles will be presented before you. If you want to expand any circle of communication, then simply drag into it the right contact.

Also with circles you can produce several manipulations

When you click on the "Change Circle" button, the window pops up in which there will be two lines: the top (narrower) to drive the name, the bottom to describe the circle. Delete previous information and drive a new one, click "Save". Everything, the circle is changed.

When you press the "Delete Circle" button, a window pops up in which a number of warnings about the effects of the circle removal are written, including loss of communication with the participants of the circle.

You can also create a new circle. To do this, click on the circle, circled by a dotted line or drag into it the contact you need. And in that and in another case, you will need to click on the inscription "Create a circle", located in the center of the circle. After that, you will pop up a window in which you will need to enter a circle name, if you want to make a description of it, you will need to click on the suggestion under the name line "Click to add a description." Then you must choose the participants in the circle. This can be done by searching in the right part of the "Search in Circle" window, or via the "+ Add" button located in the left corner of the window. After all this, click "Create a Circle".

These are not cunning manipulations with circles.

"Products". This section shows what Google systems you use, as well as the services from other users with similar preferences.

"Language" . This section allows you to change or add a Google product language.

"Data Export". Here you can download photos, video, data profiles, circles, contacts, records from your own PCs from the Google+ system.

Also in the sign of the gear there are Counts "Help" in which you can find all the information you need, "send feedback" and "brief overview" (here is talking about updates to Google+).

Also on main page In the upper right corner there are three buttons: "Start video clip", "account name" (to change the condition), "Chat with the user".

When you click the Start Video Software button to pop up a separate window. In order for you to communicate through Google+ you will be asked to install a special plugin. Click set. Installation takes no more than three minutes. Further in the center at the bottom image of your webcam. Above the image will be the inscription "Add more people". Click on this button and choose interlocutors, then click "Start". Also, you can create a publicly accessible meeting to which anyone can join. To do this, click the green button "Join".

When you click on the "Account name", a dialog box will fall out on which one click you can choose your state: "On the spot", "do not disturb", "invisible." Also, using this button, you can get out of the chat by clicking on the same line.

The "Chat with the User" button allows you to invite a person you need to communicate. You just need to click on the inscription, drive the contact address, click "Enter" and click on the inscription Send an invitation.

These were the most basic use tools. google system Plus. This is enough to start a fascinating journey through the endless expanses of the new social network. There are many here additional features, tricks and subtleties. But to describe them all would have to write a whole book! Yes, and it would hardly be interesting to know everything immediately without having time to even go to the social network.

So, otherwise, you will have to deal with yourself. It will be not difficult, because the Google+ developers make sure that in their social network everything is extremely clear.

Google+ (Google Plus) - Entrance to the official website:

Google Plus Login to My Page

Based on google work+ Lies the concept of circles (Circles), thanks to which you are regulating your communication. In the Google Plus network, you can create an unlimited number of circles, including their acquaintances in them. It is based on the circles that the user is divided by content, determining which circle will have access to information, and which is not. The entire exchange of user materials goes in a special tape (Stream), in which you can follow the updates of the participants in the circles publishing news, messages, photos, links or video.

Entrance to Google Plus. Open the Google+ site. Enter the username and password of the Google account, and then click the Login button. If you have already entered into another service from Google: Search, YouTube, Gmail, Chrome, Chrome (browser), Google Disc - In this browser, the login in Google+ will be automatically executed. If you go to the service on someone else's computer, do not forget to leave your account, so that you cannot use outsiders. If the site is blocked - we enter an anonymizer.

Video: "Google+ Profile Setup"

"My Page" - a web address on Google+ is a short and easily memorable web address of your profile on Google+ (for example, The address is created automatically based on the username or site name. If you wish, you can add several letters or numbers to it. Personal URL pages You can not change, so be very careful when creating it.

Previous Social Initiatives search giant were not too successful - remember at least the experimental web platform of the Wave messaging, which I had to roll over about one and a half years after the launch, or the "live ribbon", which was so almost no one to use.

To the launch of the third social service Google prepared more thoroughly. Wave failed mainly due to an uncomfortable interface, and the launch of the "live ribbon" was accompanied by loud scandals associated with insufficient attention to data security published by users. Therefore, on Google+, the company made a bet on the familiar interface, "diluing" by some interesting features, including those related to the confidentiality of published content. It turned out quite well.

By the already established tradition, access to Google+ is open only by invitation. This Google approach practices since the launch of Gmail in 2004. As a result - millions of messages on the forums and blogs "Give an invite!" And heated user interest. However, as shown by the launch of the already mentioned WAVE, one such PR stroke to ensure the popularity of little.

So, having received an invitation, you need to go short registrationAfter that you get to the home page of Google+, where the tape of entries is displayed. The tape occupies the central part of the page, and on the sides there are information blocks intended for the transition to other sections that are offered to invite other users to themselves, download mobile app etc. In general, everything is quite standard - it is possible that the side blocks in the future will be used for advertising as on Facebook.

Google+ can be criticized for the similarity of the interface with Facebook and other social networks, but this is done, of course, not at all because Google has no ideas in this area. Just at this stage, the main goal is to create another place in the network, where users will be comfortable and familiar. And this can be achieved only if the interface is somewhat repeated appearance Already familiar to them social networks. Most likely, slightly fixed, Google+ will change, including externally.

Together with the start of Google+, the user profile page has been changed. Now it is proposed to fill out much more fields with the data about yourself, pointing out the place of work and study, the generation, personal and working contacts, noting the place of residence and telling the place of living and telling who you meet or marry. In general, maximum information. Profile can be hidden for search engines.

⇡ Circles

In Google+, in contrast to what was in Wave, it is rather crowded - having received an invitation, you will most likely discover that many of your gmail contacts have already published messages in a new social network, and therefore the ribbon is not empty at all. To see the publication of other people, you need them, as usual, "Zarthinem". However, there is no such term on Google+. Instead of friends and groups of friends there are circles (Circles).

The circle is a group of people whom, from your point of view, something unites, for example, all of them can be found to the family or to colleagues. The default four circles have already been created, but you can easily add new ones. Interestingly, the users who are added to the circles receive a notice about this, but in which circle they added them, do not know. Thanks to the circles, you can flexibly determine which messages from your tape will be visible to other people. Publishing a message, you can choose a circle for which it is intended, and then only those who are included in this circle will be seen.

In other words, you can easily publish from one account and personal photos, and send notifications to colleagues, and appoint a meeting to friends, without fear that messages will see those people for whom they are not intended. It cannot be said that this idea is one hundred percent Nova, but it is implemented at the highest level.

Adding a user occurs simply dragging the corresponding icon on the desired circle icon. On the one hand, simply, on the other, is beautiful. Going to the "Circles" page, you can immediately see those people who are already Google+ users. Among them, by the way, not only your contacts, but also "friends of friends." Of course, those who are already here, it is interesting to add first.

Google offers to add from the list of contacts and other people who can not work with Google+. However, information will be divided with them only in limited mode - to receive tape updates they can only e-mail, and comment will not be able to comment. If the right person has not found among the contacts offered by the service, you can enter e-mail address manually.

By the way, according to the statistics of, the most popular user Google+ is ... Mark Zuckerberg. It is he who leads by the number of people who wanted to add it to their circles - in currently more than 20 thousand users. Google's first persons follow him with a big margin. True, nothing interesting about the opinion of the brand regarding the main competitor to any of 20 thousand people could not find out - not a single public recording in the Google+ ribbon he has not yet.

⇡ Tape messages

When the first contacts are added, you can go to the "ribbon" (Stream), read the records of others and leave your own. In the tape, you can publish almost any content: text, links, photos, videos, and also specify your location. The size of text fragments is not limited.

There is good news and for lovers to publish in the network photos. Available via Google+ is not counted in the total Picasa photo record quota. At the same time, all photos automatically decrease to 2048 pixels for the most side. Interestingly, for those who already use Google+, improved and the conditions for free storage of photos on the Picasa itself - upon reaching a gigabyte limit, all the photographs loadable in web albums decrease to 2048 pixels for the most side, and not up to 800 pixels as for users not yet connected to Google+.

As for the video, then on Google+, of course, there is the ability to quickly insert the rollers with YouTube. In addition, you can download video from hard disk, and if its duration is less than 15 minutes, it is also not counted in the gigabyte picasa limit.

As already mentioned above, when adding a message, you can choose a circle to which it will be available. In addition, you can make a message visible for all circles. When choosing the "Extended Circles" option, the Message will see users who are included in your circles and in the circles of your friends, and the option "for all" opens the publication for everyone who looks into your tape.

⇡ Photos

Another component Google+ - photos. What can be seen by going to the "Photo" section? First, photos from Picasa web albums. For each album, confidential settings made in the upper part of the page are shown. Add new photos to any of the albums is the easiest way straight from Google+.

The "Photo" page also displays photos added on Google+ users from circles. It is both photos from Picasa's publicly available albums and those that were published in tape messages.

By clicking on any photo, the type of gallery opens and it becomes possible to move between the pictures without returning to the main window. Looking through the photos, you can immediately leave comments and celebrate pictures of familiar people.

If someone will notice you on the photos downloaded to the service, then such pictures will appear in the "Photo with me" section. Users mobile client Google+ for Android can also use the "Photo from the phone" function, which allows you to automatically download all photos and clips from the phone in account. At the same time, for them by default, visibility will be installed only for the account owner.

⇡ Chat: text, voice and even video!

Google+, as in Gmail, have a chat with the possibility of voice calls. It differs from integrated in the fact that with the help of circles, you can limit the number of people who can contact you in this way. But if the usual chat is unlikely to cause a large excitement, the possibility of holding group video conferencing is really interesting. There was still nothing like the competitors, although from day to day video chat based on Skype, promise to run on Facebook.

After pressing the "VideoStrech" button (Hangouts), it is possible to organize a video chat, determining which users need to be notified of its beginning. The message about the beginning of the video conference appears in the tape. In addition, a link is generated, which can be sent to those who need to be invited to the video component.

A total of ten people can communicate in the chat at the same time. In the chat window, small images from the web cameras of each chat participant are displayed, and in the main window you can see someone who speaks at the moment.

With Hangouts, you can also simultaneously view the video on YouTube video. Video chat is based on XMPP, Jingle, RTP, ICE, Stun, SRTP standards, and information transmitted by it is fully encrypted using HTTPS + SRTP.

⇡ Conclusion

The first stage of the conquest of the social networking market is to "attract" - for Google+, it seems, it is quite successful (how much about this can be judged at the stage of limited testing), the second stage will be "to hold". Will be the new service from Google, when the excitement of the first months will fall, it's hard to say.

In many ways, it will depend on whether Google will leave the service in such a state, as now, or will actively develop it. Everything indicates that the search giant for this time the intentions are quite serious. For example, fighting in source codeThe enthusiasts found an instructions on the fact that on Google+ may appear games, as well as service issues and answers. There is no doubt that many other ideas that perhaps in Google will help you to make Google+ in the same couple of years as usual for millions of users like Facebook. Of course, the brand brand Zuckerberg is so easy not to surrenders, and we will be watched with interest to the struggle of two competitors whose forces are approximately equal.

Greetings! Today I will tell you an amazing news: it became known about the launch of the social network Google Plus. from the leader of world search. So far, it is at the testing stage and mass access to it is limited, but I was lucky to get an invite (invitation) and open access.

I saw with my own eyes what is new social network And share the first impressions with you! By the way, the article will be a small bonus, so read carefully.

It is noteworthy that before I did not have to meet references to such an event, did Google manage to maintain this serious development in secret? What is the future waiting for social network and can she overcome difficulties, to fasten the main competitors?

Google + 1 button and its impact on the search results

Probably, the Google +1 button, which appeared relatively recently, has close integration with the social network. What is it intended, can they influence the promotion of the site and if so, how?

In the center of Google's webmakers, an additional section appeared - indicators +1, consisting of such reports as an impact on the search results, activity and audience. This allows you to keep track of clicks on the button and transitions on the recommendations in the search results (see the image on the left).

Thus, there is a real confirmation of the effect of the +1 button on the search results, which means another legal way to promote the site in Google appeared. Sites marked with friends will be better ranked in personalized issuance.

To place a button on the site you need to get its code by following the link to google page WebMaster Tools.

On the settings page, you can select the language and size of the button, and several more parameters are available in the extended settings, for example, display the counter next to the or button:

For example, in order to add a standard meter button to the site, you must insert the following code in the section. or immediately in front of the closing tag


Now the previously promised bonus! If you care about, you will be disappointed. After inserting the last fragment of the code, the page will not be checked. But do not despair, there is a solution to this problem! Replace the last fragment to the following code:

4 <dIV Class \u003d "G-Plusone"\u003e

And the button will no longer call errors. That's the whole secret 😉

Opportunities of the Google + Social Network

In the Google+ social network, you can download photos, exchange messages, download video and most important for webmasters - share. This is a great place to accommodate announcements of records, their discussion. Great tool for website promotion!

On the main page of the profile there is a news feed. When publishing news, you can configure any of the circles of communication will be visible Announcement - it is very convenient and allows you to break the target audience into separate streams.

There are still many interesting features that I myself have not yet fully studied, but I am sure that Google+ will firmly enter our lives and piss such giants as Facebook and other social networks.

Closing Google+ for ordinary users

In December 2018, it was announced a decision to close the social google Network+ for individual users. This is due to the low popularity of the service and the inexpediency of its service.

From February 4, 2019, on Google+, it is impossible to create profiles, pages, communities and events. And from April 2 ordinary google accounts+ And all the created pages will stop working, the entire content will be deleted. Access will be available only in corporate users of the G Suite package - the service is paid.

Good afternoon dear readers of my site. Today we will talk about a relatively new social Network Google Plus. We have already remembered about it when, in this review we will consider this social network from all sides. We will analyze registration B. Google Plus., Entry and capabilities of this social network, setting up a profile in Google + and what has changed in this social network with a change in the overall design of Google products.

For many years, Google has tried to become a participant in the social network market. Even an attempt to buy Twitter social network. But this attempt failed and several years ago, Google presented its Google's social network.

Over the past years, Google Plus is in constant development. The company makes no little effort to popularize his child. Most of the Google products are already tied to Google+'s profile, and this process does not stop. This gives his positive shifts - today, registered users of Social School Google + has more than 200 million people (according to the company). On the other hand, such a behavior of Google causes an abnormality by an audience, which does not want to see in all products of Google compulsory registration, or dependence on the Google social network.

It is this company's behavior and leads to disappointing results. According to some sources, the time of staying in the Google + social network is calculated in minutes, while in other popular social networks (Facebook, VKontakte), the user can be for several hours.

Registration in Google Plus

In order to sign up Google +No need to make any complex manipulations. As stated in past articles, Google introduced a single account for its users to all its products. To register Google enough to register and get your mailbox

By registering a new box, create an account in Google. It is enough just to enter your drawer's address and write a password from it. All, you have your account in Google and access to all its products.

The list of possible software products of the company can be seen on the top search engine page. On it click on the square, in the right upper corner And you will find a list of Google products. Choosing Google Plus.

By clicking on the G + icon, you get to the news feed page. Before using all the capabilities of this social network, you need to create your profile in Google Plus. To do this, click " Join to…"And in the dropping window, check the correctness of your data. The data is taken from your e-mailbox.

Checking the data or entering new, click " Create a profile" In the next window, you can add your profile photo.

On this, the creation of the profile is actually over. Now you are available full list Opportunities and Google+ services. Talk about it below.

You can configure your page in Google Plus. To do this, go to the tab " Profile».

This is my Google Plus page. To change the photo of the background or photograph of the profile, and make small changes to the profile you need to click on the button " Change profile" You can create a selection - this is a kind of group VKontakte. It posted records, photos, links relating to a certain topic. She, like the group, community, may be subscribers. Create a new selection in Google + just:

We enter the name, short description Collections and for whom it is intended. By default, your selection see all network users, you can limit visibility with your circles, show only yourself to your loved one or offer your own option.

Your choice of visibility of the selection - participants of your circles (friends, family, acquaintances) or through the search to find people you need.

By pressing the pencil in my Google Plus page, you can leave the record. This is a kind of wall entry in other social networks. Your subscribers will see it.

Thus, we registered in Google Plus and configured their profile in this social network.

Features Google Plus - Tape, selections, communities and people

Now let's go to the most interesting - use social Network Google Plus. When entering your account you enter the news feed page. It reflects all the records that left the users in which you are signed and popular recordings. This is a kind of RSS ribbon.

In this tape you can also leave your record. It's just done.

Opens a window to add your tape entry

In this window you can not just leave your entry in the ribbon, but

  1. Share a photo, image
  2. Interesting reference
  3. Create survey
  4. Leave your coordinates on Google maps

When creating a message, you can determine for whom it is intended: for all, for a specific circle or found through the search for whom it is intended.

Any entry in Ribe Google Plus can be commenting, shares the link to it, ignore or complain to it.

Selection - These are the materials of users collected in one group on certain features, mostly on one subject. Each user social network Google Plus may not be one selection. It all depends on the interests of the user.

Collections can be created in your profile or subscribe to other people's profile. A large selection selection can be found on the "tab" Selection».

In the tab " My»Presented the selections you have created.

If you have not seen the selection you need, then it can be found through the search. Choosing what you were looking for, you can subscribe. You can do this or on the main page of the tab " selection"Or directly on the main selection page.

After the subscription is issued, you will receive notifications about new selection materials. They will also be displayed in the "tab" Subscriptions».

Community Google Plus. By analogy with subscriptions in communities, materials on certain topics are collected. The differences between the communities is that the materials published in them can be comment.

The interface of the community partition is organized by analogy with the selection. You can join all communities, but some of them require a pre-filing request. After that, the community moderator decides on your entry.

Tab "People". In the old Interface of Google Plus instead of this tab was tab "Circles". These are the circles of your communication in the Google+ social network.

By going to this tab, you will see the default several of your community circles. At the beginning, one will be empty, but by increasing communication they will be filled by you. To add a person to any circle, you need to subscribe to it, it is pre-found it through the search. Establishing a subscription you choose a person falls into your circles Google Plus and is located at the top of the page. At that moment he is not in any of your circles. To add it there, you need to click on the button " Subscriptions"At the bottom of the human avatar. In the proposed list, choose which circle of communication to determine it.

After that, he will appear in the circle of communication in Google +.

If there is no circle you need, you can create it by clicking on the button " Create a circle».

In the tab " Who add»We are the recommendations of other network users on which you are signed.

Tab " Subscribers»Contains a list of your subscribers. You can choose any of their list of subscribers and add it in a similar way to the Google Plus communion you need.

What has changed in the new interface Google Plus

That year, Google has gone out new interface For all its products, including Google Plus. Today on the Internet there are many instructions for working with Google +, but they are all based on the old interface of the Google plus, in a new version of some products and possibilities are no longer. Let's look at what is not in the new Google+.


This feature was removed from Google Plus and was made as a separate Google product, not referring to a plus.

Hangouts. - This feature of direct video broadcast directly to the network. It was before, and now it's a separate google Service, Analog Skype. Thanks to this application, you can arrange a video conferencing, make calls with users registered in Hangouts Google, chatting in chat.

Brand page Google "+ Page"

In the new interface you will no longer find the opportunity to create branded pages, that is, service + Pages Moved to Google's software products. And submitted called " My business" It is located in the same right window, where all Google products are presented (shown in the screenshot from above).

How to create + page for business

We go to the application "My Business". Opened before us landing page Applications. Since we have an account in Google, then click "Log in" and get into the Create Wizard + pages.

Before us opens a page with a choice of company type. Presented three types " Business-tied to the place», « Exit services», « Brand" Now a little more about each type + pages

  1. Business attached to the place is restaurants, shops, all types of business that have a fixed address on the map
  2. Exit services. Services that can be rendered at the place of residence of the client, that is, this type of business is not tied to the physical address, Mobile Business (Pizza Delivery, Taxi, Flower delivery, and so on)
  3. Brand. This type + pages are called to convey to users exactly the name of the company, firms, trademark. Need for promotion brand.

Here you yourself must make a choice based on the above recommendations. In my case, I chose " Brand" In the window that opens, fill data about your brand, click " Create + page».

The next step in front of us will open by us + page for our brand. I want to immediately say, at least the application "+ page" and left the Google+ menu, it still remains fully tied to the profile of the G + social network. Now we will see it.

What do we see on the business page of the brand?

  1. Binding to the Google+ profile. If you click on "Publish Update", then automatically create new account in google + with information from + pages
  2. Google Analytics. It is possible to connect analytics to your brand page
  3. The "Change" button will take you to your page in Google Plus, where you can change information about your company, logo and photos of your profile. You can configure Google Plus profile as previously described.

As you can see, the page is completely tied with a profile in Google +. This page shows the statistics on visiting, the number of subscribers.

This is how the brand + page is created. Thanks to her, you can follow the development of your profile in Google Plus, keep statistics and attract new admirers of your brand.


Google+ social network It is a kind of network, in comparison with other popular social networks. It has its own raisin. But something still lacks for its greater popularization. I think with google time Will be able to understand this and correct the shortcomings.

In terms of website promotion, I want to note that, placing the announcements in Ribe Google Plus, the search engine much faster indexing your page.

If you missed something or something wrong, please write in the comments, correct me or supplement me.