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How to unpack the archive damaged, multi-volume and usual. Open the Zip archive

Good day Dear readers and guests blog, today an article for novice users, and with the promotion of me to writing such a situation that a large number of People do not know what to do with the set of archive files. As you know, I create my updated assembly of Windows 7 and many others, I set all available updates in them, due to which the ISO image is greatly growing. I pour all my files in cloud Service Mail and there is a limit on the size of the transmitted data through the browser in the amount of 2GB, so in order to transfer the large volume file there, it is necessary to connect it to the parts using WinRAR or 7Zip archivers. Many users, as it turned out, there are questions, what to do with these files and in this article I will tell you, the topic of discussion will be the question: how to unzip the file to the computer Two clicks.

What are RAR and ZIP archives

As I wrote above, special programs are used to transfer large data, they are called archivers in whose tasks include breaking big File On small, equal parts, for subsequent transmission of them according to the necessary communication channels, an example may appear emailwhere most often there are restrictions on the transfer of files at 10-50 megabytes, in the Skype messenger restriction on the transfer of files of 300 megabytes.

There are two main players in this segment:

  • WinRAR (
  • 7zip (

Both programs archivers are essentially free, Viryrira will write every time the archive opening, which would be great if you would buy it, but it does not affect it.

How to archive files in rar archive

Let's analyze the process of archiving a large file in the WinRar archiver. You can download it by reference to the above. Suppose I have file iso. And you do not need to pass it to a person, I will use the Mail cloud, as I said, there is a limitation in 2 GB, so the file I will deal with the archives of this size.

To archive files to send, you need to click on the right mouse click on the right click and select from the context menu, item "Add to Archive", in the case of a folder, the same.

On the General tab, you need to configure two parameters:

  1. Put a tick "Add information to recovery information", will be required if your archive file is damaged during transmission.
  2. Specify which size will be when breaking the file, in my example it is 1.9 GB, most often megabytes are used to transfer archives via email.

Still useful for the user will be the "Advanced" tab, it has useful feature "Install the password" for the archived file.

Try to ask complex passwords.

Click OK and the archiving of the RAR file begins, it takes some time that the straight line depends on the speed of your rigid or solid-state disk and the number of files placed in the archive.

At the output you will receive archive files, indicating their sequence number.

In this method, you can archive absolutely any file, whether:

  • Video
  • and many others

How to unpack the rar archive

And so let's consider the situation that you downloaded Windows 10 or another version and got three archives, what to do with them and how to unpack files. Here everything is just putting them in a separate folder, make sure that all files are present in the account. You click on the first of them with the right click and from the context menu select "Extract to the current folder" or "Extract to the folder with the file name". The second option is preferable when there are a lot of files in the archive, and so that they do not climb your current directory, it is more logical to extract them into a separate folder.

You will start the process of extracting data, it takes the same time, depending on the size of the archive and the number of elements in it.

Everything is now when iSO image Received, you can make the loading flash drive from it. I think how to unzip the file on a computer using Winrar you understand, moving to 7zip.

How to archive files in zip archive

Now let's look at how to archive the file in 7zip, here the principle is the same. You choose the desired object, click on it right mouse button and select "7-Zip\u003e Add to Archive"

Set the parameters:

  1. Name archive
  2. Block size
  3. Compression ratio
  4. Password task
  5. Drought on Toma

Press the "OK" button and the data compression process begins and creating zip. archive.

How to unpack zip archive

Now let's see how to unzip the zip file, everything is as in the case of RAR, click on the desired archive with the right click and say "7-zip\u003e unpack." Specify that the extraction of the ZIP archive will be here or in a separate folder and that's it.

We see that there is a unpacking.

- Igor (Administrator)

When you just start to master the computer and in particular the Internet, then many things are incomprehensible for you. And there is nothing surprising in this, everyone began with the most Zack. So, for example, the question how to unpack the zip archive for experienced users will not cause any difficulties, smoothly as with archival rAR files and 7z, but not at beginners. Therefore, as part of this article, I will tell you what to do with such files and how to unpack them.

And I will start with what is meant under the archive file. Simple wordsThe archive is a file within which other files and directories are contained. At the same time, the files themselves are stored in a special format, which allows you to save space on the hard disk (data is compressed). For example, 10 ordinary files can occupy 5 MB, and after compressing them to one archive file, they can take 2 MB. As you can see, the difference is essential. In addition, it is much easier to store and transmit such files than the mountains of individual folders and files. According to this, a number of other reasons, on the Internet, many data is stored in the form of archive files.

Some of the most famous formats are ZIP, RAR and 7Z. It is worthwing to know that by default in Windows 7 the ZIP format can be opened by simply by clicking on it in the explorer, as you do in the case of a regular directory. However, today there is such a huge number of archives formats that it is better to immediately learn to use specialized programs.

How to unpack the archive ZIP, RAR and 7Z using the 7-zip program

One of the well-known, fully free and convenient programs To unpack the ZIP, RAR and 7Z archives is a 7-zip program (link to an article where you can download the program). You need to download the program and install on the computer. After that, nothing needs to be launched, as it usually occurs in the case of regular programs for documents and other things, since 7-zip is integrated with Windows 7 conductor (available from the conductor menu).

Now, it is enough to open the desired directory where the archive is stored. Right-click on the file with the archive. Then in the drop-down menu that appears on the point " 7-zip.", then choose necessary option Unpacking. There are three options:

  • Item " Unpack"If you select it, you will open a special window where you can select a directory where all the contents of the archive file will be unpacked (still say unzipped). In practice, this item is very rarely used, since it is much faster to copy the archive much faster. the desired folder and take advantage of the following two points.
  • Item " Unpack here"This item allows you to unpack all the contents of the archive file within the catalog where the archive is located. For example, if you were in the" My Documents "directory and copied the archive there, within which there are two file files, then after they are unpacking, they will be in the folder "My Documents". Convenient and fast.
  • Item " Unpack in% file name%", where instead" % name archive%"The name of the archive file will be substituted with the right mouse button. For example, if the file is called" ", the item will" unpack in Test "this option is particularly convenient in cases where there are many files within the archive and Some of them can coincide by the name with already existing files (so as not to overwrite their files). The essence of the item is similar to the previous one to the exception that the directory will be created with the name of the archive file (if you take an example with the file "", then The directory will be called "Test"), and then the files and folders from the archive will be unpacked in the created directory. In practice, this item is one of the most used, since when using "on autopilot" you will not erase your files that in archive.

As you can see, nothing complicated with archival files Zip, RAR and 7Z. And now you know how to unpack the archives easily, quickly and comfortable.

One of the most common species electronic documents On the Internet are archives. Previously, in the time of modems and low velocities of the Internet connection, the overwhelming majority of information stored on the expanses World Wide Web It was presented in the form of packaged archives. At first, they were a zip format files (ZIP), and after more advanced analogs appeared - rAR format and 7z.

The archives are created for storing a different kind of files In the compressed state inside the folders of your computer. Due to the various compression technologies, there is an opportunity to save space on your hard disk personal computer. This is achieved by the fact that the file placed in the archive may occupy a much less space than in its usual condition.

In this article, you will learn about how easy and without much effort to unzip any documents on a computer running the Windows operating system, how to unpack a zip archive or archive of any other format, be it rar or 7z. This article will be considered as ways to extract files from archives. standard methods, using the built-in operating system Archiver and using different third-party programs, such as WinRAR or 7-Zip.

Most popular archivers for Windows

Built-in archiver

In Windows, starting with the seventh version, there is a built-in archiverallowing you to unpack the zip format files. It is quite convenient because there is no need for downloading third-party programs to the computer. However, minus the built-in archiver of Windows is that it supports exclusively one format is a zip format. Files Painted by other methods, unfortunately, will not unzip.


This program is one of famous programs - archivers, gives her only WinZip, whose creation date is already 1989. WinRar program The public was presented in 1995. An unusually known archiver with a conditionally free distribution model. The disadvantage of the program is that its licensed version costs about 35 dollars. Regarding the degree of compression and speed of operation, this is definitely one of the best and well-proven programs for unpacking. Supports the great many formats, among which there are also little-known.


The oldest program - unpacker Zip. Archives from all existing computer utilities on the market. The license version will cost approximately 30 dollars. Supports a large number of formats. Before the appearance free analog considered the most popular archiver.


To date the most popular and also free archiver For Windows operating system. The program fully supports almost all known on currently Archives formats, as well as a high degree of compression. Definitely the best free archiver released back in 1999.

Unpacking using the built-in archiver

As mentioned above, this method of unpacking is suitable only for ZIP format. Built in operational windows system, Archiver No other formats, unfortunately, does not support.

Consider in detail the process of unpacking the archive by this method..

In the event that the folder does not open when opening the ZIP format archive, and some third-party utility starts, make the following:

  • Click on the zip format file with the right mouse button and select "Extract all" in the menu. If this item is not in the menu, try to install free program 7-zip.
  • A separate window will open in which you will need to specify the path where you want to start unpacking the compressed file.
  • Specify the folder to which the archive contents should be copied and then click on the Extract button.
  • The built-in archiver will start retrieving files, after which you can find them in a unpacked form in the folder you specified in the dispacker path selection window.

Unpacking with 7-zip

First thing download the program from the official site. And install it on your computer. After the installation is successfully completed, context menuThis occurs when you click on the archive right mouse button, a new section called 7-Zip will appear. With this new partition, you can easily unpack the files of various popular formats, as well as, on the contrary, to pack any files to the archives for saving space on the hard disk of the computer.

Unpacking with WinRar

Order of unpacking archives.

Greetings, today we will analyze with you a bunch of ways how to open the Zip folder and save the received files ... We will use and software, and in Windows itself there is such an opportunity - all this you will learn from the article!

In order for your desktop, there are fewer files downloaded or created by you, zip-archivation is used. Thanks to this, the files are placed in one folder, and accordingly, do not occupy such a number of space. But how to open the Zip folder we will tell.

In general, there is nothing complicated in this, and once a survey of the skill, you will easily do it later. So, I remove the archive:

How to open a zip folder and save

Method number 1.

Allocate the archive with computer mouseBy clicking on it with the left side once. The archive was released - click right-click, just once. The menu appears, in it we find the string "Extract files ..."

The setup window will appear to extract files from the ZIP archive. If you wish, you can register a path to extract the archive - specify the name of the folder where you will remove the archive. The file retrieval settings are also mentioned in the File Extraction settings of the archive.

You can not specify anything at all, and then a unpacked file will appear in the current folder.

Once all instructions are made, and entered in the Settings window, click OK, which is located at the bottom of the window.

After you click "OK", the execution of the command will begin, the retriever command and files from the ZIP archive will start. After a short time, the ZIP folder will be open, the opening time depends on the power of your computer and the volume of the created file.

In general, ZIP archives, these are just files extended with ZIP and with the files already enabled. Therefore, if you have windows Explorer 7, how to open the Zip folder, the question will not become no longer.

There is another way to unpack the ZIP folder, choose the way you will like you will be yourself.

Method number 2.

When you need to extract all files subjected to archiving, it is enough to click on the mouse folder by clicking on the right button. In the window that appears, we see the "Extract files" command, and then go to the "path and parameters of the extraction". There is a catalog with a tree-shaped structure. Moving around the branches, you specify a folder to which you want to unzip files or by creating new folder, confirm your actions by clicking OK.

When you select "Extract to the current folder", the files are retrieved to the folder in which the archive was located. For example, when you find the archive on the desktop, it is there and the files during unzipping will be moved. They will be saved without a new folder.

If you specify the "Extract to the name of the ZIP archive" in the command, the files will be scented in a folder with the name of the same name, similar to the ZIP archive.

When you click on the zip archive with the left side of the mouse, a window with a full archive content will open, and clicking on the "Removal" button, the "Path and Extract Settings" will appear.

Method number 3.

It is still possible to keep the "Commands" menu in the top line to save the files, and when another window appears, click on the "Extract to the specified folder".

Extract paths, as you understood a lot, convenient you will choose, trying all the offered or immediately stopping on one. Therefore, another way:

Method number 4.

You can, after you have been following the "Extract" command, and "path and removal parameters" command, select the files you need to unzip, and leaving them allocated, drag using the mouse to the desired folder, and it is important not to let it be squeezed left buttonotherwise the files will not respond.

What is interesting, with the method, the folder in which you pull the files, you can not even open, they will arrange strictly in order as they are archived.

Method number 5.

It happens that the archive for some reason the archive was not fully downloaded, but it is important to open it. In this case, by right-clicking on the archive we need and also click "Extract Files". After opening the WinRAR menu, select the folder to extract files. Find in the "Miscelound" archiver in which you select damaged files on the disk, and then approx. The computer will give you information about the impossibility of holding a further command. Press "Cancel" and go to the folder previously specified for the unpacked file. The file will be there, but, of course, only the part that was transmitted when archived.

If you do not open a folder, or when you try to unzip errors, it means that the archive damage occurred. In this case, try downloading the archive, and open the zip folder again.

To view files in the archive, without removing them, it is enough to click on the zip archive two times the left side of the computer mouse. As a result, the folder will open to view the filling. In this case, the files will remain compressed.

If you have an archive consisting of several volumes, you need all the components of the archive, so that the ripples have passed successfully. Unzip the file standing first in conventional methoddescribed above. The remaining parts of the archive will begin the process automatically, because usually in such archives after the name there are numbers in order and unzipping occurs in an oddness. In the case when it exists in this folder and the archive without a number, it must be opened first.

You need to know that if you created multivolume zip-archives through the WinRAR program, these zip-archives are unpaid, also through this program. But the multi-volume archives created using other programs, WinRAR will not open. So when opening the ZIP folders, remember what program it is created.

P.S.. Well, here we have been disassembled how to open the Zip folder and save the received files to four ways - I hope you will not have any questions, but I will still be glad to your comments!

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Hello, dear friends!

I think all you understand what archive is. This is a kind of file, but with the features of the folder, it can contain many files, folders and even archives.

If you are still sigh, getting folders in Zip, Rar, Tar GZ, then this article is for you. In it, I will tell you how to unpack the archive quickly and simple. And I will begin, perhaps, with unpacking the most popular today - the ZIP archive.

And if you want to know how to create archives, then you two articles:


Files with such an extension for unzipping do not require any special programs, since everything you need for this already exists in Windows Explorer.

To remove the content, it is enough to simply click on the right mouse button on the file and select "Extract" to select.

You will appear in front of you, in which you will need to assign a removal path or leave it by default (in the folder in which you are).


Standard WINDOVS conductor, unfortunately, can not work with RAR. Therefore, for these files you will need special program, for example, 7-zip or winrar.

The 7-ZIP program is a free and very simple tool that can reveal RAR, ZIP, 7Z. This application Available for download on the developer's web resource.

Use it is as simple as the disclosure using the conductor. You just need to right-click on the archived file and select any of the following options in the context menu:

  1. In the "folder name" - transfer to the folder with the name of the archive;
  2. "Here" - to extract to the current directory;
  3. "Unpack" - to open a dialogue indicating the path to extract.

It is most convenient to use the first two options, because after them you do not need to perform any additional actions.

Selecting the last option, you will open the dialog box where you will need to specify the extraction path. The choice of a parameter called "without paths" will lead to the fact that all the contents will simply "diverged" from it with one pile without subfolders. The "Overwriting" parameter adjusts the overwriting of the available dads. In the "Default" mode, the application will specify the questions regarding each individual element.

The WinRar application is very often used when working with RAR. With it, you can reveal and multi-volume consisting of several parts, the archive. This software product is well suited for both PCs and devices on android. You can download it for free on the resource of the developer.

Downloaded? Now I will tell you how to use the utility? Although there is no ... the principle is the same: Press the right button of the mouse right file And select the appropriate command in the menu.

In addition, with WinRAR, you can unpack a damaged archive file. If it contains an error, either will be saved, then you cannot remove the default content from it. But if you check the box next to the "Leave on the disk ..." line, then damaged items will be extracted. Fullness and quality, of course, depends on how strong damage is.


Here to extract should open command line And enter the following command:

The following keys are applied in this command:

  • Z - makes it possible to carry out the processing of archival documents having extension. GZ (GZIP). If you do not specify it, TAR will display an error message.
  • F - Used to indicate the name of the archive.
  • V - visualizes the process of extraction of information.
  • X is the main key that makes it possible to extract the contents of the archive.


Format. Lee is widely used in Symbian, Windows, DOS operations. EXE file It is self-extracting. It can be easily open archivers winrar. either WinZip.

The disclosure process, both with the help of the first and the second program, is almost the same: everything happens after double pressing the left mouse button on the archive file.

Now you know how to get the documents you need from archives. Hopefully explained accessible? If you still have unsolved questions about the archives or generally on computer themes, I advise you to go through the training course " Genius genemist" If you want to master the computer and the Internet, then this course is exactly what you need!

Tell us about the received information to your friends, subscribe to blog news and know the computer world with me. Before fast meetings on the blog pages!

With respect! Abdullin Ruslan