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How to make good cooling for the processor. Silent Creek: Collect water cooling system for PC

Summer has rapidly entered into their rights; The thermometer column crawling up, and more and more often have to think about how to provide a comfortable temperature. Believe: For computers, the problem of struggle against heat is no less relevant than for their users. Even if the conditions indoors are quite normal (20 - 22 ° C), the temperature in system block Reaches 30-32 ° C. And this is at best. The hotter on the street and in apartments, the sharper the issue of protection against overheating and the more close attention to the cooling systems of the system unit and its components.

In order to correctly solve the problem, it is necessary to represent at least in general terms, why do you need computers of the cooling system, why system blocks overheat and how to protect the "computing friend" from a thermal impact. In this article, you will not find a long list of coolers models, but by reading it, you can choose the appropriate components of the PC cooling system and competently approach the selection of a new case.

Why he heats up

The cause of trivial: like any electrical appliance, the computer dispels the part (sometimes very significant) electricity consumed in the form of heat - for example, the processor translates almost all used to heat. The more it is necessary to the system unit, the more its components are heated. If it is warm on time, it can lead to the most unpleasant results (see "Consequences overheating"). Especially relevant the problem of heat and cooling for modern models of processors (both central and graphic), establishing all new records of performance (and often heat generation).

Each component of a PC scattering a lot of heat is equipped with a cooling device. As a rule, there are a metal radiator and a fan in such devices - it is from these components that the typical cooler consists. The thermointerface is also important between it and the heating component - usually it is a thermalcaste (mixture of substances with good thermal conductivity), which provides effective heat transfer to the cooler radiator.

Progress in the field of cooling systems, thanks to which such technological innovations appeared as thermal tubes, provided the creators of components for personal computers new features, allowing noisy coolers. Some computers are equipped with water cooling systems - they have their advantages and disadvantages. All this is described below.

Heath of heat dissipation of PC

The main reason why computers allocate more and more heat is that their computational power increases. The most significant are the following factors:

  • rising processor clock frequencies, chipset, memory tires and other tires;
  • an increase in the number of transistors and memory cells in PC chips;
  • increase power consumed by PC nodes.

The more powerful the computer, the more electricity he "eats" - therefore, the growth of heat dissipation is inevitable. Despite the use of sophisticated technological processes in the production of chips, their power consumed is still growing, increasing the amount of heat dissipated in the PC housing. In addition, the area of \u200b\u200bvideo card boards increases (for example, due to the fact that it is necessary to place more memory chips). The result is the growth of the aerodynamic resistance of the case: the bulky fee is simply overlaps the cooling air access to the processor and the power supply. This problem is particularly relevant for PCs in small cases, where the distance between the video card and the "basket" for HDD is 2-3 cm, and in fact, the cables and other cables are still laid in this space ... microcircuits random access memory Also, everything is "voracious", and modern OS demands more and more RAM. For example, in Windows 7, 4 GB is recommended for it - thus, there are several dozen watts of heat, which further aggravates the situation with heat dissipation. The system logic microcircuit on the motherboard is also a very "hot" component.

Vulnerability of hard drives

Inside the housing hard disk Over the surface of rotating plates slide moving magnetic heads controlled by high-precision mechanics. They record and read data. When heated, the materials from which the disc components are made are expanding. In the operating range of temperatures, the mechanics and electronics fully copble with thermal expansion. However, when overheated, it exceeds the allowable limits, and the hard disk heads can "miss", recording the data is not where it is necessary until the computer is turned off. And when it turns on it, cooled hDD It will not be able to find data recorded in overheated state. In such a case, information can be saved only with complex and expensive special equipment. If the temperature exceeds 45 ° C, it is recommended to install an additional fan to cool the hard disk.

There is a paradox: the thermal load in modern buildings is growing with high rates, and their design almost does not change: manufacturers are taken as the basis recommended by Intel design almost 10 years old. Models adapted to intensive heat dissipation are infrequently, and low noise - and even less often.

Consequences overheating

With an excess of heat, the computer will at best begin to brake and hang, and at worst - one or more components will fail. High temperatures are very harmful to "health" of the element base (chip, capacitors, etc.), especially for a hard disk, overheating which is fraught with loss of data.

Approximate heat generation parameters

Exemplary parameters for the heat generation of the components of the mid-duty system of the computer (with high computing load). The main sources of heat are the motherboard, cPU And the graphics processor of the video card (there are more than half of the heat dissipation).

The capacity of modern HDD allows you to store on them extensive collections of music and video, work documents, digital photo albums, games and more. The discs are becoming more compact and faster, but for it you have to pay a greater density of data recording, the fragility of the design, and therefore the vulnerability of the filling. Tolerances for the production of capacious drives are measured by microns, so the slightest "step to the side" displays the disk. Because HDD is so sensitive to external influences. If the disk has to work in non-optimal conditions (for example, with overheating), the probability of losing recorded data increases sharply.

Cooling PC: Aza

If the air temperature in the system unit holds at 36 ° C or higher, and the temperature of the processor is more than 60 ° C (or the hard drive is constantly heated to 45 ° C), it is time to take measures to improve cooling.

But before running to the store for the new cooler, take into account a few moments. It is possible that overheating problem can be solved more than simple way. For example, the system unit should be located so that there is free air access to all air vents. The distance to which his back will be from the wall or furniture should be no less than two diameters of the exhaust fan. Otherwise, the resistance of the air outflow increases, and the main thing - the heated air remains longer next to the ventilation holes, so that it is a significant part of it again in the system unit. If it is set incorrectly, even the most powerful cooler will not save from overheating (the effectiveness of which is determined by the difference between its temperature and the temperature of the cooling radiator air).

Peltier Effect Cooler

One of the latest models in which the Peltier effect is used. Usually in such coolers is a complete set of recent technological advances: TEM, thermal tubes, fans with advanced aerodynamics and spectacular design. The result is impressive; There would be enough space in the system unit ...

Maximum efficient cooling is achieved with equality of air temperature in the system unit and indoors where it is located. The only way Get such a result - to ensure effective ventilation. This uses coolers of all kinds of designs.

In standard modern personal Computer Multiple coolers are usually installed:

  • in power supply;
  • on the central processor;
  • on the graphics processor (if there is a discrete video card in the computer).

In some cases, additional fans are applied:

  • for the microcircuits of the system logic located on the motherboard;
  • for hard drives;
  • for PC housing.

Cooling efficiency

Choosing a housing for the PC system unit, each of the users is guided by its own criteria. For example, modes require an original designer solution or the possibility of reworking to implement it. Overclockers need a housing in which a disheveled processor, a video card, RAM (the list can be continued) is comfortable. And at the same time, everything, of course, want the system unit to be quiet and small in size.

However, a pc can allocate up to 500 W heat (see table below). Are the wishes from the point of view of the laws of physics?

How much heat allocates computer

There are several ways to measure heat dissipation.

1. By values \u200b\u200bof power consumed specified in the documentation for PC components.

  • Advantages: accessibility, simplicity.
  • Disadvantages: High error and as a result - overestimated requirements for the cooling system.

2. With the help of sites providing a service for calculating heat dissipation (and power consumption), for example,

  • Advantages: You do not have to rummage in manuals or traveling by manufacturers - the necessary data are available in the bases of the services offered.
  • Disadvantages: Base compilers do not sleep behind the manufacturers of nodes, so the base often contain unreliable data.

3. By values \u200b\u200bof power consumed power supplies and coefficients found in the documentation or measured independently. This method is for professionals or large enthusiasts of cooling system optimization.

  • Advantages: gives the most accurate results and allows you to most effectively optimize the work of the PC.
  • Disadvantages: To use this method, serious knowledge and considerable experience is needed.

Ways Solutions

Main principle: To take heat, you need to skip through the system unit a certain amount of air. Moreover, its volume should be the greater the hotter in the room and the stronger overheating.

Simple installation of additional fans the problem is not solved. After all, than they are numerous, more powerful and "turning", the topics of the PC. Not only that the engines and the blades of the fans are noisy, - due to vibrations, the entire system unit is noisy (it happens especially when it happens with poor-quality assembly and the use of cheap buildings). To correct this situation, it is recommended to use low-swivel fans of large diameter.

To achieve efficient cooling, without using noisy fans, the system unit must have a low air resistance, which passes through it (in a professional language it is called aerodynamic resistance). Speaking simply - if the air with difficulty "breaks" through the close space, clogged with cables and components, has to put fans with high excess pressure, and they inevitably create strong noise. Another problem is dust: the more air it is necessary to pump, the more often it is necessary to clean the inside of the case (talk separately).

Aerodynamic resistance

For optimal cooling, it is always desirable to use a large case. Only so you can achieve comfortable work without noise and overheating even with anomalous (over 40 ° C) heat. The small body is appropriate only if the computer has low heat dissipation or used water cooling.

However, to minimize noise it is not at all necessary to collect an air-cooled PC in the marine container or in the refrigerator. It is enough to take into account the recommendations of specialists. Thus, the free section in any section of the case should be 2-5 times the cross section of exhaust fans. It also applies to air holes.

Cooler on thermal tubes

Coolers on thermal tubes "silence" and allow to cool even the very hot components of PCs, such as graphic processors of video cards. However, it is necessary to take into account the specific features of these cooling systems.

Hybrid systems include, along with thermal tubes and radiators, conventional fans. But the presence of thermal pipes that facilitate heat removal allows you to do the smaller fan or use low-speed, and therefore not so noisy models.

In order to reduce aerodynamic resistance, you need:

  • provide enough free space For air flow (it must be several times more than the total cross section of exhaust fans);
  • gently lay cables inside the system unit using ties;
  • at the place of air supply to the case, install a filter, delaying dust, but not having a strong resistance to airflow;
  • the filter should be cleaned regularly.

Compliance with non-good rules will allow you to install low-speed exhaust fans. As already mentioned, the body should provide cold air from the room, where there is a PC, to all the "hot" components without high energy costs (that is, the minimum number of fans). The air volume should be sufficient that its temperature at the outlet from the housing is too high: for the effective heat transfer of the PC components, the air temperature difference at the inlet and at the outlet from the system unit should not exceed several degrees.

Options for the layout of fans and elements of the system unit, providing efficient cooling of PC

Here is one of the concepts of constructing an air cooling system:

  • air fence is carried out at the bottom and in front, in the "cold" zone;
  • air output is performed at the top and rear, through the power supply. This corresponds to the natural movement of heated air up;
  • if necessary, an additional exhaust fan is installed with automatic adjustmentlocated near BP;
  • additional air intake for the video card through the PCIE plug;
  • it provides a weak ventilation of compartments 3 "and 5" disks due to a slightly bent plugs of unoccupied compartments;
  • it is important to start the main air flow through the hottest "components;
  • the total area of \u200b\u200bthe intake openings is desirable to bring to the doubled area of \u200b\u200bthe fans (no longer required, since the effect does not give it, and the accumulation of dust will increase).

In accordance with these recommendations, it is possible to refine the hulls on their own (interesting, but troublesome) or when buying, choosing the relevant models. Approximate options for organizing air flow through the system unit are presented above.

"Right" fan

If the system unit is weakly "resisting" the flow of the air intake, you can use any fan, if only it gave a stream for cooling (you can learn about it from his passport, as well as using onlineniquetors). Another thing, if the resistance of the air flow is significantly - this is the case with fans mounted in tightly "populated" housings, on radiators and holes polarized by perforation.

If you decide to independently replace the fan in the case or on the cooler, install such that does not have fewer consumption and overpressive air pressure (see passport). If there is no appropriate information, use a similar fan in responsible nodes (for example, to cool the processor) is not recommended.

If the noise level is not too important, you can install "disgusting" fans of larger diameter. More "thick" models make it possible to reduce the noise level, at the same time increasing air pressure.

In any case, pay attention to the gap between the blades and the rim of the fan: it should not be large (the optimal value is calculated by the tenths of the millimeter). If the distance between the blades and the rim is more than 2 mm, the fan will be ineffective.

Air or water?

The opinion is quite widespread, according to which water systems are much more effective and quieter of ordinary air. Is it really? Indeed, the heat capacity of the water is twice as well, and the density is 830 times higher than that of the air. This means that an equal volume of water is able to take 1658 times more heat.

However, everything is not so simple with noise. After all, the coolant (water) in the end gives the heat to the same "fear" air, and water radiators (with the exception of huge structures) are equipped with the same fans - their noise is added to the noise of the water pump. Therefore, the win, if it is, is not so great.

The design is greatly complicated when it is necessary to cool several components of the flow of water proportional to their heat dissipation. Apart from branched tubes, it is necessary to apply complex regulatory instruments (no simple tees and crosses will cost). Alternative option - use the design with times and permanently adjusted at the factory streams; But in this case, the user is deprived of the ability to significantly change the PC configuration.

Dust and fighting her

Due to the velocity drops, computer blocks of computers become real dust collectors. The speed of air going through the inlet holes has repeatedly exceeds the flow rate inside the housing. In addition, air flows often change the direction, rich components of the PC. Therefore, the majority (up to 70%) from the outside of dust settles inside the hull; It is necessary at least once a year to clean.

However, dust can be your "ally" in the struggle for improving the efficiency of the cooling system. After all, its active settlement is observed just in those places where air flows are not distributed in an optimal way.

Air filters

Fibrous filters intercept more than 70% of dust, which allows you to clean the housing much less often. Often, several exhaust fans with a diameter of 120 mm are often installed in the body of modern PCs, and the air enters the housing through a plurality of inlet holes dispersed throughout the design - their total area is much less than the fans area. Install the filter into such a case without refinement is meaningless. Professionals give a number of recommendations here:

  • the inlet openings for the intake of cooling air must be located as close as possible to its base;
  • points of input and air output, the path of its passage should be organized so that the air flows are "washy" the most heated PC elements;
  • the area of \u200b\u200bthe air fence should be 2-5 times the area of \u200b\u200bexhaust fans.

Cools on Peltier Elements

Peltier elements - or, as they are also called, thermoelectric modules (TEM), operating on the principle of Peltier effect, are produced on an industrial scale for many years. They are embedded in automotive refrigerators, beer coolers, industrial coolers for cooling processors. There are models for both PCs, although they are still quite rare.

First - about the principle of work. As it is easy to guess, Peltier's effect is opened by French Jean-Charl Peltier; It happened in 1834. The cooling module based on this effect includes a plurality of sequentially connected semiconductor elements N and PPPs. When passing a DC through such a connection, one half of the P-Nontacts will be heated, the other is cool.

These semiconductor elements are oriented so that the heating contacts go to one side, and cooled to another. A plate is obtained, which is covered with ceramic material on both sides. If a sufficiently strong current is enough for such a module, the temperature difference between the parties can achieve several dozen degrees.

It can be said that TEM is a kind of "thermal pump", which, spending energy external source Nutrition, pumps the highlighted heat from the source (for example, the processor) to the heat exchanger - the radiator, according to the cooling process.

To effectively remove heat from powerful processor, you have to use TEM from 100-200 elements (which, by the way, rather fragile); Therefore, the TEM is equipped with an additional copper contact plate, which increases the size of the device and requires the applied of additional layers of thermal paste.

This reduces the efficiency of heat dissipation. The problem is partially solved by replacing the thermal paws soldering, but in the models available in the market, this method is rarely applied. Note that the power consumption of the TEM itself is quite large and comparable to the amount of heat than the heat (approximately the third of the energy used also turns into heat).

Another difficulty arising from the use of TEM in coolers is the need to accurately regulate the temperature of the module; It is ensured by using special boards with controllers. This increases the cost of the cooler, and the board takes an extra room in the system unit. If the temperature is not adjusted, it can fall to negative values; It is also possible to form condensate, which is unacceptable for the electronic components of the computer.

So, high-quality coolers based on TEM roads (from 2.5 thousand rubles), complicated, cumbersome and not as effective as you might think, judging by their size. The only area in which such coolers are indispensable - cooling industrial computers working in hot (above 50 ° C) conditions; However, this does not apply to the topic of our article.

Thermal interface and thermalcaste

As already mentioned, an integral part of any cooling system (including a computer cooler) is a thermal interface - a component through which thermocontact is carried out between the fuel and heat sink devices. The thermal papers acting in this role provides effective heat transfer between, for example, a processor and cooler.

Why do you need a thermal conducting paste

If the cooler radiator is easily adjacent to the cooled chip, the efficiency of the entire cooling system is immediately reduced (the air is a good heat insulator). Make the surface of the radiator is smooth and flat (for perfect contact with the cooled device) is very difficult, and sometimes it is not suiced. Here and comes to the aid of the thermal paste, filling irregularities on contacting surfaces and thereby significantly improving heat transfer efficiency between them.

It is important that the viscosity of the thermal paste is not too high: it is necessary to displace air from the thermocontact site with the minimum layer of thermal paste. Consider, by the way, that polishing the cooler soles to the mirror state itself may not improve heat exchange. The fact is that with manual processing it is practically unrealistic to make the surface strictly parallel, - as a result, the gap between the radiator and the processor may even increase.

Before applying a new thermalist, diligently get rid of the old. For this, napkins are used from nonwovens (they should not leave fibers on the surfaces). It is extremely undesirable to breed the paste, as it greatly worsens thermal conducting properties. Let's give some more recommendations:

  • use thermal policies with thermal conductivity of more than 2-4 W / (K * M) and low viscosity;
  • by installing the cooler, each time apply a fresh thermal paste;
  • when installing, it is necessary, fixing the cooler mount, strongly (but not too, otherwise damage is possible) to press it with hand and turn several times around the axis within the existing backlats. In any case, installation requires skill and accuracy.

Thermal pipes

The thermal tubes are remarkably suitable for removal of excess heat. They are compact and silent. According to the design, these are sealed cylinders (can be rather long and randomly curved), partially filled with heat carrier. Inside the cylinder is another tube made in the form of a capillary.

The thermal tube works as follows: In the heated region, the coolant evaporates, its pairs goes into a cooled part of the thermal tube and condensed there - and the condensate on the capillary inner tube is returned to the heated area.

The main advantage of the thermal tubes is high thermal conductivity: heat propagation rate is equal to the speed with which the coolant pairs pass the tube from the end to the end (it is very large and close to the speed of the sound propagation). In conditions of changing heat dissipation, cooling systems on thermal tubes are very effective. This is important, for example, to cool the processors, which, depending on the mode of operation, allocate different amounts of heat.

Thermal windows manufactured now are capable of removing 20-80 W heat. When constructing coolers, tubes with a diameter of 5-8 mm and up to 300 mm are usually used.

However, with all the advantages of thermal pipes, they have one significant limit on which they are not always written in the manuals. Manufacturers usually do not indicate the booster temperature of the cooler in the cooler thermal tubes, meanwhile it determines the threshold, when crossing which the thermal tube begins to effectively remove heat. Up to this point, a passive cooler on thermal pipes that does not have a fan works as a normal radiator. In general, the lower the booster temperature of the coolant, the more efficient and safer cooler on the thermal tubes; The recommended value is 35-40 ° C (better if the booster temperature is specified in the documentation).

Let's summarize. Coolers on heat pipes are especially useful at high (more than 100 W) heat dissipation, but they can also be applied in other cases - if the price does not bother them. In this case, it is necessary to use thermal paste, effectively transmitting heat - this will allow to fully implement the capabilities of the cooler. The general principle of choice is: the more the thermal tubes and what they are thicker, the better.

Varieties of thermal tubes

High pressure thermal tubes (HTS). At the end of 2005, Ice Hammer Electronics introduced a new type of cooler on high-pressure heat pipes built using Heat Transporting System (HTS) technology. It can be said that this system occupies an intermediate position between thermal tubes and liquid cooling systems. The heat carrier in it is water with an impurity of ammonia and other chemical compounds under normal atmospheric pressure. Due to the rise of bubbles formed when the mixture boils, the coolant circulation is significantly accelerated. Apparently, such systems work as efficiently as possible when the tubes occupy a vertical position.

NanospReader technology allows you to create hollow heat-conducting tapes from copper 70-500 mm wide and 1.5-3.5 mm thick, filled with heat carrier. The role of the capillary plays a canvas of copper fibers returning the condensed coolant from the condensation zone to the heating area and evaporation. Flat ribbon shape supports elastic coenal material, which does not allow the walls to fall and provides free movement of vapors. The main advantages of heat tapes are a small thickness and the ability to cover large areas.

Modding and cooling systems

The word "modding" is formed from English modify (modify, modify). Modners (those who are engaged in modding) convert the hulls and the "insides" of computers in order to improve the technical characteristics, and most importantly - the appearance. Like automotive tuning lovers, computer users want to personify their work tools and creativity, an indispensable means of communication and a home entertainment center. Modding is a powerful means of self-expression; This is definitely creativity, the opportunity to work heads and hands, acquire valuable experience.

Products for modding

There is a lot of specialized online stores (both Russian and foreign), which offer goods for modding, delivering them around the world. Domestic use more convenient to use: with foreign more troubles (for example, when transferring money), and delivery is usually expensive. Similar specialized resources are easy to find using search engines.

Sometimes accessories for modding are completely unexpectedly found in the price list of ordinary online stores, and the price of them is sometimes lower than in specialized. Therefore, we recommend not to rush with the purchase of a particular accessory - first carefully examine several price lists.

That modests change in computers

It is unlikely that the average modder is able to redo the complex stuffing: the possibilities of a user who does not have special knowledge in the field of electronics and circuitry, is still limited. Therefore, computer modding suggests mainly the "cosmetic" transformation of the computer case.

Main producers of goods for modding

To better navigate in components, it makes sense to know the names of some companies specializing in the release of models: Sunbeam, Floston, Gembird, Revoltec, Vizo, Sharkoon, Vantec, Spire, Hanyang, 3r System, GM Corporation, Korealcom, Raidmax, Sirtec ( Computer Cases and Power Supplies), Zalman, Akaasa (BP, Cooling Systems), Koolance, Swifttech (Water Cooling), Vapochill (Cryogenic Cooling Systems), Thermaltake (mainly case and mod panels).

In particular, the so-called blowhole modes are carried out: holes for ventilation are cut in the housing, as well as to install additional coolers. Such modifications do not just improve appearance - They are useful for the overall "health" of the computer, since the cooling of the system components is enhanced.

Experienced modests often combine pleasant with useful: Fluid cooling systems are installed (most of them have a completely futuristic design).

The construction of an effective water cooling system (its) is not the task of the lungs and in technical, and in the financial sense. As mentioned, a solid luggage of special knowledge, which is not far from everyone; Yes, and without technical skills do not do. All this greatly stimulates ready to buy. Leaning back to this option, be prepared pretty to upset. And far from the fact that the increase in the performance of the processor and other components of the system unit, even overclocked due to the effective alloy of the heat of the new one, will pay off the cost difference compared to the standard (or even improved) air cooling system. But this option has obvious advantages. By purchasing it, you will not have to select individual components yourself, order them on sites of different manufacturers or sellers, expect delivery, etc. In addition, it is not necessary to engage in the modification of the PC housing - often this advantage outweighs all flaws. Finally, its serial usually cheaper models collected in parts.

An example of its providing a reasonable compromise between free creativity and simplicity of assembly (without compromising cooling efficiency) is the KoolanceExos-2 V2 system. It allows you to use a variety of water blocks (so called hollow heat exchangers covering the cooled element) from a wide range produced by the company. A block of this unites radiator-heat exchanger with fans, pump, expansion tank, sensors and control electronics.

The installation process and connection of such it is very simple - it is described in detail in the user manual. Note that the vent holes are located on top. Accordingly, the fans should be sufficiently free space for the outflow of heated air (at least 240 mM with a diameter of 120 mm fans). If there is no such space from above (for example, the computer table countertop interferes), you can simply put the block of it next to the system unit - although this option is not described in the instructions.

The easiest and most obvious way of modding is the replacement of regular coolers on the modern backlit (their choice is also quite wide: there are also powerful processor coolers, and weak - decorative).

Main rule: compare prices in different search engines and internet shops! The amplitude of oscillations will surprise you a lot. Of course, you should choose cheaper suggestions, certainly paying attention to the terms of payment, delivery and warranty.

Every year, computer microchip manufacturers try to reduce the process manufacturing, improve technology, apply new materials. We are already this question. As you remember, one of the main problems that engineers are struggling are increased heat dissipation. Simply put, heating.

When the heating has become a real problem of computing equipment, engineers began to develop various cooling systems. At the beginning, these were small aluminum radiators, then the coolers were added to the design. Over time, cooling technology has become more complicated, as all new and more high-performance systems are released. Of course, you will deny, saying that the standard "boxes" coolers did not have changed from the moment they appear. But we are talking about the most advanced technologies on our site, and they require very non-standard approaches. There are a lot of such non-standard cooling systems, both large companies and simple fans of modding and overclocking.

The system called Orgasmatron is quite original. The AODQW97 collector created it completely "from scratch" back in 2005.

On the front panel of the computer, you can notice the original buttons for reset and power on, and on the right of them a special toggle switch turns on / off cooling hard disks. The housing itself is made of acrylic, and the tubes are sensitive to ultraviolet, they are glowing in the dark with the corresponding backlight.

Sledgehammer from Tommytech

This system Water cooling is called Sledgehammer, while it contains a rather original cylindrical tank, mounted on the side of the 4U rack case. The tank to the maximum is not filled, so there is a beautiful effect of bubbles when operating the system. The front panel has a fan speed adjustment control panel and pump velocity. This system cools CPU, GPU and chipset. It is enough, on my account.

Fancy heat exchanger from Syman_leeds_uk

We have a water cooling system with a radiator that can be called unusual. A round sheet of metal with copper tubes is attached to the wall - all this was done with their own hands. A very large area of \u200b\u200bmetal allows it to dispel heat into the air without the help of fans, which reduces the overall noise level.
A large cylinder on the background that looks like a water heater is actually a computer. A good way to save on heating in winter. The only question is what to do in the summer?

Green Cooling from PCGH Extreme

The system in the photo uses a cylindrical internal tank filled with green liquid. Thanks to the bubbles, the effect resembling jelly is created. In any case, the system looks very stylish.

One hundred tubes from Silviarb20det

The photo shows the system of one of the modests with water-cooled. The number of tubes is simply amazing. When you upgrade something, it is not easy to cope with the tubes.

Huge number of fans from Rubin1456

Although not a water cooling system, but a rather original body, consisting of a huge number of 120 mm fans. The system is cooled not only from behind and in front, but also from all sides, including the bottom!
Of course, you can not dream about an optimized airflow in such a system. Is it effectively cooling? Unlikely. But who before that is a matter, just another crazy modder decided to stand out from the crowd. Well, he succeeded!

Submersible computer from PUGET SYSTEMS

Puget Systems sells submersible computer systems both ready and simply "case-aquarium". The motherboard is mounted inside and all components, with the exception of hard drives, after which the housing is poured with oil, which PUGET is put into the package. And you get your own immersion system with liquid cooling. It remains to run fish.

Project Monolith from Rainwulf

The system shown in the photo is collected Rainwulf from the site and named Project Monolith. The system is completely built "from scratch": from the body and to the tubes. Of all the systems that we reviewed in this review, the Rainwulf model can be called the most insane. Even the power supply has water cooling! Rainwulf fully described the entire manufacturing and assembly process with which you can familiarize yourself.

See what Rainwulf made with a video card. You can see stunning attention to all details. All this had to be carefully planned.

An unusual cooling system surprised us apple company, having released a new model of your workstation - Mac Pro.. The entire station housing is an aluminum cylinder resembling a turbine of the aircraft. Inside all components are planted around an unusual triangular radiator.

Such a non-standard location allowed Apple to accommodate such a powerful stuffing in a small and very stylish building. What is the most amazing - the cooling system of the workstation works very quietly and does not irritate the hearing.

Another cooling system has long been assembled, but deserves attention. If only because her author tried very much. Name such a layout is quite difficult, but it works, and this is a fact.

The whole story began with the modernization of the system. I wanted to change it aMD processor Athlon XP on Athlon 64.

And from this it followed that the change of processor here would not cost. So I had to change

  • Processor: AMD Athlon 64 3000+ Socket 754 (NEWCASLE)
  • Motherland: ASUS K8N-E Deluxe
  • Memory: Two modules of 256 MB PC-3200
  • Video: Albatron GeForce 4 TI4800SE 128MB AGP8X
  • HDD: WD SATA 80GB 7200RPM (8MB buffer), Seagate Barracuda ATA-100 40GB 7200RPM (2MB buffer)
  • CD-RW NEC 48X / 24X / 48X
  • FDD Mitsumi.
  • Case with power supply by 420w
  • Cooling: Cooler Titan 4800RPM + 4 additional fans

But I ask you to notice this configuration, obtained after the completion of the upgrade, and so far the power supply is 300W in the system, and there were no additional fans, as well as a powerful sound system that in this list Not specified, but about it at the end of this article.
In the meantime, we start moving a little bit in front. The first impression of the acquired iron, overshadowed all the problems of the system, but soon I had to specifically think about them.

Let's move on to the first problem, namely the problem of noise. I probably did not yet say that when changing the iron, the system unit was not replaced with a new one, which led to an increase in noise when working on a cooler at the full speed of rotation. In fact, the problem was not in the system desk, but in the cooler, apparently, the manufacturer did not take into account his aerodynamic flaws, in this regard, it seemed that my system unit was about to leave (in the literal sense, rattling was simply unbearable).
But one of the troubles without another there is no other, and it happened that when playing in the Doom3 in my power supply, something burned down, and he flatly refused to include the system. It was decided to buy the thermaltake dual fan 420w power supply unit, the choice fell on it not by chance, because His weight was almost two and a half kilograms, and the regulation system of the fan speed could not increase the noise of the computer. Yes, and the presence of a second fan, pulling hot air from the system, helped very much when pulling hot air from the processor. After installing the power supply, it turned out that my systemist no longer wants to buzz and jump, or rather the sound of the cooler began to merge with the sound of the power supply fans. And, therefore, the first problem after that completely disappeared.
But two more problems remained, namely the cooling problem and the problem of good sound. Well, let's start with cooling problems. It was decided to buy three 80x80mm fans and set them into the system unit. Moreover, with two fans, there were no problems well, but a small problem arose with the third, namely, its installation on a non-standard place, in one of the side panels of the system unit.

Place of installation of this fan was chosen directly opposite slots PCI. To install this fan, it was decided to drill 4 holes in the lid of the system unit, the distance between which was about 80mm, i.e. The direct purpose of these holes was in fixing the fan. But it was also necessary to think about the air fence, and, consequently, it was necessary to drill holes under the working part of the fan, for this it was drawn 3 circumference and holes were drilled, the distance between which was approximately 3-5mm. As a result, it turned out such a drawing:

In this case, the temperature of the processor did not exceed 55 degrees. It turned out something like this scheme of air passage:

From this scheme, it can be seen that, as it should be the bottom in the system, the cold air flows (thanks to two fans running on blowing), climbing to the top of the air, heats up and ejected (thanks to the fans of the power supply unit and the system unit, which is working on vacuum). That was how the second problem was cheaply and not straining.
The third problem is probably the most important. This is the installation of a 6-channel sound system without a subwoofer. In the beginning of the house, the old pretty columns were found (if we assume that they were connected to the computer). Next, these columns were decided to connect me to a computer. But then the problem arose, namely the absence of a sound amplifier. The solution of this problem came somehow by itself, it was necessary to simply buy inexpensive columns in the price range of about 200-300 rubles. The choice fell on Genius SP-Q06. After purchasing the second column, immediately at the arrival of home was immediately disassembled, and the wire from old headphones was soldered to its dynamics (in my case with the help of the most ordinary twist) with wires going on large speakers.

After turning on this design it turned out that the sound of large columns replaces the subwoofer. Next, to create the effect of surround speaker, the column were separated by different parts of the room (and large and at all were hidden in the most secluded places, because had an obscene view).

Well, as it turned out, all my efforts were not in vain. If earlier my games were not tightened very much, now during the game from a strong and sharp sound on the body involuntarily began to run goosebumps.
Thus, my needs in the system were satisfied, and it was much more pleasant to sit at the computer. I hope that you will help you with this article in the implementation of your ideas.

More than a year has passed since I collected my first completed water cooling system based on a ready-made kit (see). A month later (on the new platform), the system was significantly upgraded - in the cooling circuit, the North Bridge and the video card turned on, and also replaced the processor Waterleblock. And all these waterblocks made himself. Despite the fact that the basic elements of the system unit were enough hot: athlon processor [Email Protected] 2800+ The 1.85V core voltage, the overclocked GeForse 4 Ti 4600 video card and the north bridge with the Peltier element, the system with honor passed the test of southern summer heat. Even at the air temperature in the room 32 degrees, the temperature of the processor kernel did not exceed 55 degrees.

When it became necessary in the second computer, he was going to, mainly from what remained from previous modernization. Unfortunately, the remaining hull is a minoriety. But, since the normal air cooler did not climb any sideways, I had to do it.


Everything, it would seem, nothing, if it were not for one important circumstance - getting used to once to a quiet computer with water-cooled, in the future it is simply impossible to refuse this habit. So there was a desire: to create a quiet and with an effective water cooling system.

Why is it all water? There is enough reason to that. Since in any cooling system, the device is an air radiator with a fan, the noise parameters of the system are determined by the device. the main thing, airflow speed, blowing the edge (plates, pins, etc.) of the radiator. And the greater thermal power it is necessary to remove with the same noise level, the greater the size of the radiator and the fan is necessary.

A bright example - a cooler Zalman CNPSA-CU - the best of affordable (and not only available - it has right Construction): Dimensions - 109x62x109mm; Mass - 770g; Fan - 92mm; Plates area - 3170 square centimeters; Turns, noise level and thermal resistance in quiet and normal modes, respectively: 1350 and 2400 rpm; 20 and 25 dB (during acceleration, by the way, the quiet regime is invalid, and 25 and even 20 DB is not very quiet) and 0.27 and 0.2k / W. We will remember these figures, in the future they will be useful to us. And it should not be thought that this, and him like coolers, are needed only for newest processors Heat out to 90 - 100W.