the Internet Windows Android

The download folder in Windows 10 has changed the name. How to change the location of files from the Internet

Apple sometimes produces strange products that can be used not only for direct intended. Moreover, you can always contact the community of lovers of "apple" products and ask for advice. For example, the 3 TV console from this company can be found to such gadgets.

It seems that you can still do with it? Prefix and so capable of a lot. However, there were fifteentifiers that transformed it into a VCR. And that is not all…

In this material we will analyze one of these gadgets - Apple Time. Capsule for Mac. Let's start, as always, with "appearance".

Gadget goes in a small box. When autopsy, the gadget itself is detected, the power cord, the disks with software for the "native" Operations and Windows 7. The product is not legally in our country due to the difficulties of IEEE 802.11n certification. Power cord requires adapter for Russian outlets.

You can connect Time Capsule for Mac, without fear of fire. Support voltage level - up to 240 V.

By type, the gadget is a small plastic rectangle of a lactic shade. No buttons at all. In front - only the light indicator.

There is a hole with a hidden RESET element. It is located in the rear. Many first believe that it is not necessary to apply it, but most often they are mistaken ...

Rear also see a lot of nests:

  • to connect an ADSL or modem on the cable.
  • to connect PCs / laptops or network gadgets.
  • USB is a socket for connecting a printer or an external disk.

Dimensions of the prefixes are small - 19.7x19.7x0.36 cm. Weight begins from 1.5 kg - dependent on the variation. Recently, products with Winchester in 1-2 GB are distributed.

More pro appearance There is nothing to say. Let us turn to a much more interesting and important issue - how to configure Time Capsule for Mac.

Getting to work

This gadget is 100% identical to AirPort Extreme 802.11n on functionality. Therefore, when placing it in the desired network without wires, it is possible to configure as the main base station, and not the client. So productivity will increase, and unexpected speed fluctuations will be excluded during the backup.

Apple Airport software is used to configure Time Capsule. By the way, she goes to the gadget bundle, so do not have to look for anything and install. The download is made using the update option by either on the support service page.

Please note that one variation can be adopted here. But there are other. For example, room Capsule to the AIRPORT current network. Detailed information On this question, you can find in the manual.

So, the setup process is performed by this algorithm:

  • Using the Ethernet cord, the DSL modem is connected or cable (WAN port Time Capsule).
  • The Gadget Element is connected to the outlet.
  • The AirPort software is opening in the Utility subsection with folders with software.
  • Gadget assigned original name. A sequence element is pressed.
  • Section of the formation of a new wireless network is selected and the continuation element is pressed.
  • Other commands that pop up on the display are performed. In order to use new Time Capsule values \u200b\u200bwill reboot.

As you can see, nothing complicated configuration of Time Capsule represents. Even a novice user will cope with the operation. And our instruction is to help you.

Time Machine

The main task of Time Capsule is the use of Winchester for Backup. Everything is all at the primitive level. At first, Time Machine is selected, activated, the disc is specified (of course, Time Capsule).

After that, Backup will be produced on the machine. On the operational function of the network, it will not be affected by any way, but the time will take a bit too much. Yes, and many sorry for space on such an excellent network disk. When switching to "Fresh" laptops, many connected external USB elements and receive backup at times faster. By the way, many noted that the BACKUP operation has decent time.

Finishing touch

So, what can be done with the help of AirPort Time Capsule? Above the work algorithm was described, which is very simple. In essence, it is just a point of access and disk to save and play different files. Yes, directly from the capsule is great, it turns out to view the videos with the video. There are no "hanging" and "slowchairing". The main thing to learn how to configure the console. And it is not more complicated than connecting any printer.

This device is a mini station and can help you when performing such tasks:

  • when adjusting a new Internet connection prepared for devices and their connection to each other;
  • increase your Internet network: You can add any gadgets when working on the Internet;
  • using gadgets connected to this unit, make an exchange of any files.

In this article we will talk about apple Airport. Time Capsule 2TB and make it setting.

Step 1 Take out the broadband wire with which the Internet is available from your previous router and insert it to the WAN-port of our unit. The device itself turns on the power supply. In "Programs" on your computer, we are looking for "utilities" and click on the AIRPORT branded utility.

Step 2 In the window in the upper left corner of the screen, select the name of your device, then press the "Continue" button, after which you select the "Create New wireless network"And again click" Continue ". After that, your unit must reboot that all the manipulation you have entered into force.

Step 3 Now you need to restart the Airport in the window (left top corner Screen) Select the name of your aggregate, click on it and select the Customize Manual tab. Depending on what kind of communication type you have (PPPOE or VNP - these data are presented in the Service Agreement with your Internet provider), choose:

  • if you have a PPPoe Communication: "Connect via PPPoE" and enter the login and password from the contract with the provider;
  • if you have a VNP connection: open the "Wireless Network" - you assign the name and password there and click "Update".

Step 4 Now you have access to your wireless station. In the same utility, select the Time Capsule tab and enter the name of the station and password. Click the "Update" button and all settings will take effect.

Step 5 Through the Time Mashine program, which is provided on all devices with the Mac Operation, when it is started, our installed device is automatically detected. Through this program you can work with the unit when solving any tasks.

AirPort Time Capsule 3 TB and its setting is no different from the steps described above. This rule can be attributed to any model of these devices.

As you can see, creating another connection on Apple Airport Time Capsule 3TB and its setup occupy quite a bit of time, but the possibilities that will be available after the implementation of all the steps described above will uniquely delight any user.

You can configure AirPort Time Capsule using a Mac computer or iOS device.

AirPort Time Capsule can be configured to perform one of the following tasks.

ÂÂ Creating a new wireless network that computers and other devices will be able to use to connect to the Internet and to each other.

ÂÂ expanding the existing network. If the network is connected to the Internet, all computers and other devices on the AIRPORT network will also be able to connect to the Internet.

Computers connected to AirPort Time Capsule via Ethernet can also access the network for sharing files and connect to the Internet.

If the AirPort Time Capsule is used to connect to the Internet, will need account Broadband (for DSL modem or cable modem) provided by the Internet provider, or communication with the Internet via an existing Ethernet network. If you have received special information from your Internet provider (for example, a permanent IP address or client ID DHCP, you may need to enter it in the AIRPORT utility. Before the beginning aIRPORT settings Time Capsule Take care so that this information is available.

Setting up AirPort Time Capsule using a MAC computer

You will need:

ÂÂ Mac computer with Wi-Fi or computer MAC.connected to the AirPort Time Capsule Ethernet cable (to configure using Ethernet).

 OS X version 10.7.5 or newer.

ÂÂ "Utility Airport" version 6.3 or newer.

For the latest OS X versions and the Airport utility, use the software update program.

To configure the following steps.

1 Open the AIRPORT utility program, which is located in the "Programs / Utilities" folder.

2 Select the desired AirPort Time Capsule and click "Continue." If the required Airport Time Capsule is not listed, select it in the status menu.Wi-Fi in the menu bar.

Setting up AirPort Time Capsule using the iOS device

You will need:

ÂÂ iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch device. ÂÂ ios 6.1 or newer.

To obtain last version iOS, open the "Settings" on your iOS device. To configure the following steps.

1 Click "Settings" on the main screen, then click"Wi-Fi".

2 Enter a name for AirPort Time Capsule.

3 Follow the instructions on the screen to create new network or expand the existing one.

12 Chapter 2 Setting up AirPort Time Capsule

Setting up additional parameters

To configure additional parameters, use the AIRPORT utility on the computer or install this iOS program on your device from App Store.. You can configure a new AirPort Time Capsule device or set additional settings, such as additional security parameters, closed networks, DHCP possession duration, access control, IPv6 and many others.

To configure additional parameters or make changes to the configured Network, follow these steps.

1 Select the wireless network that you want to change.

ÂÂ On Mac Computer Use Wi-Fi status menu in the menu bar. ÂÂ On the iOS device, select the desired network in the Wi-Fi settings.

If you have not yet settled basic station AirPort Extreme, by default the station name will look like this: Apple Network XXXXXX, where XXXXXX is the last six digits of the AIRPORT ID ID.

2 Open the AIRPORT utility.

3 Choose the desired device AirPort Time Capsule and click Edit.

4 If necessary, enter the password.

5 Change the settings for the AirPort Time Capsule and your network.

Using Time Machine with AirPort Time Capsule

Time Machine allows you to back up all data on Mac computers, including photos, music, movies and documents.

After setting, the Time Machine program will regularly automatically back up your computer.

Chapter 2 Setting up AirPort Time Capsule 13

If you are using Mac OS X version 10.5.7 or newer, when you first connect to AirPort Time Capsule, Time Machine program will offer to back up files. Select "Use as a backup disk" - everything else Time Machine will do it yourself.

In the Time Machine parameters, you can configure automatic backup, select another disc for reserve copy Or adjust other settings.

Configuring Time Machine on a computer with Mac OS X version 10.5.7 or newer:

1 Select Apple\u003e menu item. System settings"And then click" Time Machine ".

2 Move the switch to the "On" position And click "Select Disc".

3 Select the required AIRPORT TIME CAPSULE device and click "Use Disk".

Important. Depending on the volume of copied data, creating the first backup from aIRPORT Time Capsule and Time Machine can take all night or more time. To speed up the first backup, connect the AirPort Time Capsule device to the computer using the Ethernet cable. With each subsequent backup copying, the Time Machine program copies only files changed from the moment of the previous copy, so subsequent backups take less time.

Airport Time Capsule is an excellent solution for backing up portable computers data. The first backup requires some time, so connect the portable computer to the power supply using the power adapter - this will save the battery charge and ensures that backup execution will not be interrupted.

If a MAC computer is turned off during backup, the MAC mode is switched to sleep, Time Machine stops copying, which is resumed from the stop point after re-running the Mac computer.

14 Chapter 2 Setting up AirPort Time Capsule

Good day! In one breath, I continue manuals on the work of the devices with Apple devices. Now I want to talk about connecting to the Time Capsule disk with mobile devices. As you understand, it will be about iOS devices and Android devices. I will immediately say that on Android with Time Capsule it is easier to work easier and there are more synchronization functions, which is very strange, like Apple, and it works defective, and then only with the iPad (the found way to connect to the iPhone is a big human thank you). So, let's begin.

1. A little theory and what we need.

Let's start with the theory, or why so just connect? Everything is very simple: Time Capsule works on the SMB protocol, which is supported by some programs. When finished with the theory, we turn to the list of programs:
For iPad: OPLAYER HD (
3. Click +, then "Windows Server (Samba)" and see the window:

Host - Time Capsule IP address on the network ( or - it all depends on the settings, by default
Port - do not touch
Login - Time Capsule disk user name
Password - Password User Time Capsule
Name - any name of the server (Kolya, Lesha, Time Capsule Home and TD)
4. Click "Save" and Voua-La, the server added:

Now you can watch movies directly with Time Capsule
Bugs: When laying pause, the sound / picture is suspended.

"Friend Android with Time Capsule"

Here you have to tinker a little, but the result is worth: movies, music and files - all this can be swing right on the device! So, let's begin:
1. Open ES Explorer (RUS ES Explorer):

2. Make a swipe left or right, click "Network" (Left Top Angle):

3. Select LAN:

4. Click "Create"
5. Select the "server":

6. Window opens:

Domain - do not touch;
Address - IP address Time Capsule on the net ( or - it all depends on the settings, by default;
Login - Time Capsule disk user name;
Password - Password of user Time Capsule;
Name - any name of the server (Kolya, Lesha, Time Capsule Home and TD).
7. Wu-Ala, the server appeared in the program.
8. You ask for what we put Rock-Player, I will answer: To view the video from the capsule! The video goes quite comfortable, the player supports many file formats, in general - I recommend! The same program you can play video from the device.

Here is generally all possible settings. Everything is not really difficult, as it seems. If you have questions - ask, let's understand together