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How to synchronize contacts from Google account. Enabling Google Account On Android

Most people are used to adding phone numbers in memory of their smartphone. At the same time, this method of storage provides a failure.

In order to protect the device's memory, the Android platform developers have added synchronization with Google to their smartphones to import contacts. According to many users, it is the safest system of "cloud" storage. The level of confidence in it rises every year.

  • how to add to "Google cloud";
  • how to see google;
  • how to transfer from Google to the device's memory;
  • how to save through Gmail.

Main advantages

One of the main advantages of such a transfer method is that you will never be able to lose this information. The technical protection system ensures that the information will not be available to third parties.

You can edit information from both a personal computer and through a smartphone or tablet. For each person in Google, you can choose a photo and add other phone numbers to it.

For the convenience of search, the service allows you to share information into groups: by the name of the organization, addresses, the nature of the activity, and so on. You can also add:

  • Email;
  • Date of birth;
  • Address of residence;
  • Personal site on the Internet.

As a result, you get a unique notebookwhere the whole will be described in detail the necessary information. In case if mobile device It stops functioning and the information on it will disappear, then they can be restored through Google.

In order to start synchronization, boot personal Area, after which you will understand how to transfer data from the phone

Creating Google Account

First register your email. For this you need:

  1. Pass to the official website of the system;
  2. After click on the "Mail" tab. If you have never registered an email, a page with registration form will open;
  3. Fill out your personal information, namely F. I. O., number, come up with login (it should not coincide with existing ones), pick up the password;
  4. Then click "Save".

Google takes you to the page created email.

In the event that you have several communication tools at once, and on all devices you need to have the same number lists, then bring each device to your account. Then, when adding a new number on one device, it automatically duplicates each other.

Many wonder how to transfer contacts from the smartphone to the storage cloud. So, synchronization will spread on notes, records in the calendar, photos, videos, applications, or other information contained in the phone.

How to synchronize contacts in your phone

After the account is created, you can start setting the synchronization of contacts in Android with cloud storage. For this you need:

  1. Enter the main menu of the mobile apparatus;
  2. Select the "Settings" section;
  3. Go to "Accounts and Synchronization", where you will find the "Add Account" button at the bottom of the screen;
  4. To do this, use your email you have registered earlier. Some smartphone models can offer to start a new account;
  5. Specify your username and password, after which you close the tab;
  6. Then open the desired section;
  7. In the Settings menu, click the Import - Export tab. Among the sources for copying, choose your account, which will be represented as an email;
  8. Then click "Next". You can then notice those numbers you want to move to the cloud. As soon as they finished, press the "Copy" sign, which is located in the lower right corner;
  9. For some time, the system will produce this operation, then you can go to the desired partition from Google Account. Independently edit the list as it is convenient.

If you specify a question how to transfer contacts with SIM card Phone in Google, then in the section "Select the source", choose it.

How to transfer contacts from the Google account to the device's memory

If you have a need to pull out the contacts and copy them from the cloud into the memory of the device, for this go to the site:

  1. Go to your email. Near the main Gmail logo is the arrogant, click on it;
  2. After that, appears in the menu from which you select the item with the data;
  3. Mark everything and click "Download".

They can be transferred in three ways:

Methods are universal, as you do not need to synchronize your phones. In order to organize the transfer from the Google account on Android you need:

  1. Copy it in microsoft program Outlook or Outlook Express. Services are designed specifically for storage;
  2. Save the document to your computer;
  3. Connect your smartphone via USB and transfer the document to the phone's memory;
  4. Open it through a mobile editor and gradually copy the information of the corresponding partition.

If your smartphone is synchronized with Google, then this process can be accelerated several times. For this:

  1. In your phone, open a folder with objects;
  2. In the menu section, click "Advanced".
  3. In order to transfer them, choose the item "Import".

The source will be a document that is in Google. After that, endure everything in memory of your smartphone.


I hope our tips helped you. Try to perform a universal algorithm described above. I tried to tell the most detail how to import contacts in the Google cloud, and then, if necessary, download contacts back. Also above is set out detailed instructions On registration account, synchronization and other features.

See you on site pages!

Video instruction

Cynchronization google contacts - this is very useful featurewhich, for some reason, not all use.

3) contact synchronization;

Without an account, you can also do, but, on the other hand, why then the smartphone? In addition, all the features of the gadget are opened only when the account is activated.

Samasinchronization of Android contacts of the Android C is GoogleCord in order to combine contacts from all devices in one repository.

Suppose you have 2 phone, tablet, "smart" clock and a few more devices. Each of them is equipped with their contacts.

The problem occurs when the desired phone is located on a discharged smartphone, but it is extremely necessary at the moment.

How to combine all data under the auspices of one google account?

To begin with, we find the settings, after which they are leafing down until we stumble upon the required item.

Click on it and see a single button "Add account". Boldly click on it and move on.

We see a list of pre-installed applications, for the correct operation of which you need to enter a login and password.

A complete list of all data that was previously on your phone will be displayed, but then "moved" to the Internet.

Now you can combine several numbers under one name and break your friends into groups. This is more than convenient.

In addition, when flashing the device, all rooms do not have to restore the grains.

iOS - Google

With one sorted out. Go to apple products.

Despite the fact that the owners of devices from "Steve Jobs" for some reason do not like the admirers, they often use Google services.

Synchronization of contacts with Google is easy enough. To begin with, open the list of applications and looking for settings.

We are interested in such a point as "Mail". Click on it and go to the submenu where you want to click on adding account.

In the list of proposed options, choose the required, i.e. Click on Google logo.

Fill in all fields that exist, paying special attention to the second and third.

In the first, enter the name or nickname, but the graph "Description" is created in order that you do not lose numbers in the phone's record book. Write it up so as not to forget.

It remains only to go to the list of contacts to make sure that the manipulation is correct. Do not be surprised if you don't see anything.

Where is it better to store contacts - in the memory of a mobile device or on the SIM card? In the case of a scheduled transition to the maintenance of another mobile operator or when buying a new mobile device, in principle, there is no difference. Today, the transfer of phone numbers do not even need to be done manually, because modern mobile devices are equipped with the function of exporting contacts. Understanding force majeure, the memory of the mobile device at the memory of the SIM card will win the convenience of data presentation. The memory of the smartphone provides unnecessary conditions for the task of the names of contacts, while SIM cards tightly cut the length of the symbols, especially Cyrillic. And also contacts in the memory of the smartphone can be combined into groups, install different ringtones for subscribers, pictures, pictures, indicate e-mail, etc.

But with the SIM card will be sense when resetting the mobile device settings, as well as in the case of its destruction. At the same time, of course, the SIM card itself should not suffer. But when you destroy both or with the loss of a mobile device with contacts, or you have to say goodbye, or make efforts to restore them. In such cases, mobile operators are usually able to make it possible to suggest the details of calls for a period. The most reliable way to store contacts for Android gadget owners is a Google account. And not only reliable, but also convenient due to cross-platform. On the benefits of storage of contacts in Google account, how to transfer data from the Android-device phonebook or SIM card, we will talk in detail in this article.

1. Contacts, trusted companies Google

After pressing the new contact button in phone book Android devices Before opening a form for entering data, we will see the request to choose from the contact location - Mobile device, SIM card and Google Account. What benefits do you get by choosing the last to store contacts?

Contact storage using Google Account is a guarantee that nothing happens to the data. Now Google is at the peak of his power, and its potential is enough for another couple of decades. If there is a more reliable storage area than the server search giantSo it is except paper notepad, locked in refractory and waterproof tank. Even when moving to a mobile device with different from Android operating system and lack of synchronization capabilities directly with Google Account Contacts can be transferred through universal File VCARD import export (file with extension ".vcf"). Such, in particular, supported by Apple devices.

You can even change the Android device every day or reset its settings to the factory, the contact book will be restored after a couple of seconds after connecting the Google account and completing the synchronization process. The conditions necessary for this - the availability of the Internet and the active autoxronization function, if not the entire account, then at least the contact applications.

Now about the above cross-platform. The contacts of the Android device can be controlled in the browser window on a computer with any desktop operating system - at least Windows, at least Mac OS, even Linux. Google Web Service Contacts is an interface for working with storage and synchronized on mobile phone book data devices. Edits included in the contacts within the web service will be available in the Android phonebook or within a few seconds if the Internet is connected, or when it appears. Conversely: The contacts edited in the smartphone phonebook with active Internet connections will be displayed in the Google web interface of contacts.

2. Google Web Service Contacts

Google Web Service Contacts, authorization in which is carried out by the Unified Google account, it can offer a convenient functionality to create and edit contacts, the ability to combine subscribers in groups, search for similar contacts, import-export data, the ability to restore contacts at any time during the previous 30 -This days. Plus, contact details are displayed in the web service. google circles+ - friends, families, acquaintances, subscriptions in the social network and on YouTube. These contacts are not synchronized with mobile devices, they are only available in the service web interface. But just one click can be copied to contacts, synchronized with Android devices.

And synchronized with Android devices, contacts are presented in the main web service window, it is the same section "All Contacts". To create a new contact, click the button at the bottom of the browser window.

We enter the name of the subscriber, click "Create".

Fill out the necessary form fields, if you wish, we can add a photo and click "Save".

Existing entries are edited and removed using the buttons at the end of the line of each individual contact.

Selecting the desired subscriber, directly from the Google web service window contacts this subscriber you can call through the other Google service - Hangouts. True, call numbers mobile operators Thus, the pleasure is not cheap. And before that, naturally, it is necessary to replenish the balance of the account.

3. Connecting Google Account on Android Device

Connecting Google Account on the Android device in most cases is only a matter of time. Without authorization using a single Google account, a portion of the mobile device may be simply available. In particular, it concerns access to applications and games Google Play.. Fortunately, a Google account is created very simple. In case, if such is not yet created or not connected, we go to the Android device to the "Settings" section, click "Add Account".

In early versions of Android, this section of settings is called "Accounts and Synchronization". Inside it, you need to press the "Add Card" button.

Select account, respectively, google.

4. Transfer existing contacts to Google Account

With the benefits of storage of contacts in the Google account, it was sorted out, its connection on the Android device was considered, it's time to bring order in the phone book. With new contacts, everything is simple - what will have to be done in the future, so it is when creating choosing their storage place in Google account. And what to do with old records in the phone or SIM card? How to transfer them to Google account without unnecessary red tape? This process will look at the example of Android version 4.4.2.

We go on the smartphone into the contact application and select "Settings". In other Android versions, it can be a button with three dots vertically or touch button on the smartphone panel. In the settings we need a section "Import-export of contacts".

In it, select the "Custom Import / Export" item. In other Android versions, the inscriptions of options may differ, but the point will be the same.

In the list of sources of receiving contact data, you specify either a phone or a SIM card. If you need to export data from both sources, we first work with one, then we repeat the procedure with another. Click "Next".

The next step is to choose a place where contact data must be transferred. Accordingly, choose Google account. Click "Next".

After a couple of seconds, you can go to Google contacts and work with data in the web interface.

But Android is whimping platform. The described option in some cases may not work, hanging on the data export stage in the Google account. In this case, you can resort to the method of export-import of contacts using the file universal format VCard. In the same version of Android 4.4.2 by selecting in the settings of the phone book "Import-export of contacts", select another item - "Export to the drive".

A confirmation window will follow, where the path of saving the VCARD file with exported contacts will be specified.

Now the VCard file must be imported by Google Web Service Contacts. Opening his way of accommodation in file Manager Android device, vcard file can be transferred to computer by any available channels Communication.

And we can transfer this file to a computer by connecting your smartphone to it using a USB cord. To import the Google web service, the VCARD file is not necessary to participate the computer. Web service can be opened in the smartphone browser window, simply the size of the screen not every Android device will make this process fast and convenient. In the Google web interface, the contacts click the "Import" function and select the "Import CSV or VCARD file" item.

Google Site Contacts Translated on Material Design, and some of the web service features in a new interface format do not work. But these features are opened when switching in a new tab to an old interface format. Click "Go to former version Contacts. "

Click "Import Contacts".

In the window that appears, click the View button with the inscription "Select File" and specify the path to the file with exported contacts (Recall, its extension is ".vcf"). Next, click the "Import" button.

After that, all the records of the smartphone telephone book will be in the Google service web interface.

Import-export of contacts is possible with third-party applications From the Google Play store. But there is no need for any need, since the fully functional Android can fully cope with these responsibilities. So, the ability to transfer contacts to Google account from a phone or SIM card memory supports even old version Android 2.3. In the contact application, you need to set up the tuning button and select the inscription "Combine from Google". This is the option of transferring contacts to Google account, though, only for records in the phone's memory. To transfer all contacts to Google account, you must first be stored on the SIM card, copy to the phone's memory. This is done by pressing the inscription "Import-Export" and the further selection of the "Import from the SIM card" item.

5. Forced contact sync on the Android device

If you entered in the Google service web interface, the contacts of the contacts must be urgently displayed in the Android phonebook, and synchronization is late, this process can be started forced. We go into Android settings, select the "Accounts" section (in the early versions of the platform, as mentioned, this section is called "Accounts and Synchronization"), choose "Google".

We enter the synchronization parameters.

We find the item "Contacts" and by clicking on it launch the synchronization of the phone book forcibly.

Not so long ago, 10 years ago, everyone kept telephone numbers in special notepads or phone books. Today it is very important to remember the significant dates of friends, their birthdays, email names, addresses and, of course, phones. All this data in the modern world is sufficiently important, so it is necessary to change their attitude towards peace and save their contacts without the likelihood of losing them.

To save your contacts from the phonebook once and for all, you can use many ways. The most successful option is to communicate with, because Android is the creation of this company. Therefore, synchronization S. google Mail will be a successful and maximum functional solution.

If the account on Google is not yet, respectively, there is no Android connection with the account, it must be done certainly without deposits. Only registered users will be able to appreciate all the charms of work with Android.

What do you mean by synchronization? If the phone suddenly lost, or the owner of the phone will buy new model, Or there is another device on Android'e, then the general list of contacts, in principle, and the blacklist of the rooms will always be at hand. This list will never lose.

All contacts are stored on a mobile device and on Google's server in a registered account. After purchasing a new phone, you need to immediately go to the account and all saved records will instantly turn out to be in the phone.

To synchronize your device from Google, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. log in Android under the created account in Google;
  2. enable the option " Synchronization with its mail»In the Settings tab - Accounts and Synchronization;
  3. in the "Phone Menu - Contacts" tab, put the way to save new contacts to the Gmail account;
  4. existing contacts are imported into Google using the phone menu;
  5. old contacts are removed, only synchronized remains.

After synchronization, you can forever forget about the fear of losing an important telephone number And other data. You can edit synchronized information from a computer, laptop, tablet. In general, from any device that has the opportunity to go online and log in to Google account.

After changing all the data is synchronized on all connected devices. In addition, you can attach a photo and configure the contacts "for yourself".

The phone does not guarantee data security. Inadequate formatting, return to factory settings or loss of the gadget - and important contacts are lost forever. However, the lost data is possible to return if you use the synchronization feature.

What is useful to sync contacts with Google Android?

The term "synchronization" is quite extensive and its meaning depends on the scope of application, but in this case it will designate the connection of two devices between itself in order for certain information from one gadget to the maximum data on the other. For example, the synchronization of contacts with Google Android. This procedure will help save not only phone numbers, but also data from programs, and accounts with applications.

The benefits of this considerable:

  1. You can easily move this data to another mobile device. For example, if the smartphone was lost, then you do not need to run madly and search for the necessary phone numbers, as the synchronization of contacts with Google Android will help restore the phone book.
  2. With it, you can collect information from other social networks and communication programs on Google+, after which you copy them to your device.

The flaws of this procedure are a bit, but you can select one basic: among the plurality of contacts you can easily get confused, since the data from Skype or another application is not particularly distinguished. However, in the settings you can change the procedure for displaying numbers from different sources.

How to synchronize with "Google"?

To do this, you need to have an account in the system. The owner of the device with the "Android" it should be, because without him you can not go into Play Market.. Therefore, if there is no account suddenly, then it is necessary to get it. Make it easier simple: go to, click "Register", fill out the form - and ready.

Synchronization is now possible android contacts With Google. We go to the settings, looking for "Accounts and Synchronization" clause, go there. Click on the Google account and put the ticks opposite the necessary sections with the data. If there is no such and empty squares are missing, then you need to enable the synchronization feature. To do this, we return a step back to the "Accounts and Synchronization" section, and click on the switch, which is in the upper right corner. After that, you can go to the desired profile and synchronize.

After that, you need to connect synchronized information. We go to the phone book, where we click on the options, choose "Import". After that, the choice is provided to save the data: in the phone's memory, on a SIM card or memory card.

After choosing, from which account will be synchronized by the contacts with Google Android. We note what data you need to save, and copy them.

Computer to help

Synchronization of contacts with Google Android is possible through PC. You can do it both through the USB cable and Wi-Fi. It is possible to synchronize in several ways.

  • Via USB.Before you proceed to send data, you need to download special application On the smartphone, for example, My Phone Explorer. You can download it on the "PlayInmark". The same program must be installed on a computer from the official site of the developer. Next, we go to the phone settings, in the "Functions for Developers" section, and put a tick on the Debug on USB. Now you can connect the device to the PC and run the program. Synchronization of Android contacts with Google through a computer will take a few minutes, after which it will be possible to control the data from the phone through the computer.

  • Via wi-fi. For this method, the router will be required, sinking Wi-Fi. Also need special program To connect the device to personal computer. Download from the "Market" application File Sync, and install Cheetah Sync on the PC.

To synchronize, you will need to set a password and enter it on another device, after which the data transmission will begin.

FTP server.

The meaning of this method is to turn the smartphone in fTP server. To do this, you will need an application, such as FTP-Server. The application is very simple and understandable to use. Run the application and click on the large red button in the middle of the screen, after which the server will be started. The button will become green, and the IP address will be displayed under it. This address will need to be entered in a computer conductor (go to "My Computer" and enter to the address bar). After that, access to data on the mobile device will appear.

Other applications

The synchronization of Android contacts from Google is already known. However, on one "Google", the wedge did not come down. In World Wide Web There are a lot of other boxes, social networks And other communication programs that have an application for a smartphone and with which you can synchronize. Applications Mail.Ru, Yandex.poche, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Skype are enjoying much popularity. And with them can also be easily synchronized. We go into the same section "Accounts and synchronization" and click on the "Add New Account" button. From the list, choose the necessary account and synchronize.

Changes can be seen by going into contacts. For example, if the VKontakte application was connected, new numbers will appear in the user's telephone book, which they are listed on the page. Perhaps on some of them will even appear avatars from the social network.

Fix errors

There are cases when a Google Android contact synchronization error occurs. The reason can be anything. First of all, you need to restart the device. Perhaps for some reason was closed system file.responsible for applications and synchronization accounts. It is also worth checking the Internet connection with a browser or something else. If it does not help, then you need to remove the non-working account and create it again, after which the synchronization of Android 4.2.2 contacts with Google should occur.