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Elektronna Mail J. Google (Google) Mail - Login (Registration)

To work with Gmail Mail, you need to create a Google account.

How to create a Google account?

Google Account - allows you to use all Google services without additional registration.
To enter any of them, you must enter the username and password of your account. - mail entrance to email - login and password.
If you have already created account In Google on the tablet, telephone or used Gmail, Google + or YouTube services, then you already have a Google account. Using the username and password that you already have, you can enter any new service Google.

Otherwise create new account.

GERMANY (DE). City: Unknown.

mail Gmail. - Anyone can register a free mailbox on Google - Mail Gmail.

For registration by mail server Gmail Go to page -

Or page - login - Google Accounts. by clicking on the link - Create an account
(If you already have a Google account, you can enter it here.)

In order to create your own unique email address on Gmail - Free Google Post Service

[Email Protected] ([email protected]),

you need to come up with and enter the registration form in Google services in the Google service, the name, surname, username, password, date of birth. eg:
Aleks Petrov.
[Email Protected] *
(Keep in mind that your chosen username can already be occupied, so maybe you will have to come up with another.)

In the password you can use letters (in different registers), numbers and other characters. The minimum password length is eight characters. Do not use passwords from other sites or words as "password", "password", as well as combinations of consecutive characters, like "QWERTY", "Qazwsx", "abcd1234". When entering simple passwords A message will be displayed -
this password is very common. Protect an account from hacking - come up with a more complex password.

In order not to ask questions at the Reference Forum: I can not enter Gmail, I forgot Login and Password Mail Gmail ...

Be sure to save the username and password of the Gmail mail in the notebook.

Enter the data in all the registration form fields and click on the button below.

Notify the backup email address optional.

If you did not enter the phone number in the account registration form, then you will need to do this on the next page.

Google Account Confirmation using SMS

click on the icon - (Google applications) and, then mail -

gmail mail Entry from another computer.

Gmail supports two-step authentication.

When entering the account from the new device, you will have to enter not only the name and password, but also the verification code.

This is a combination of six digits (after g-), which is sent to the phone via SMS or using voice message - G-297979

If you enter Gmail mail from another computer, then

confirm that it is you

You entered the account not as usual. confirm
What are you, by following the task proposed below.

Enter the phone number to get
confirmation code in SMS or
with voice call

Enter confirmation code
SMS with confirmation code Sent to the number +79374709535

Here, taking care of the restoration of your accountTry to remove additional phone numbers and email addresses.
"If you forget the password or become a victim of hacking, you will not be able to restore access to the account without a phone number and an additional email address."
You can not add an additional phone number and backup email address

Click on the button - Ready

Click on the icon - (Google Applications) and select Gmail Mail.

In folder - Incoming, your gmail mail, see the message -
Your account includes logging from Windows through the Firefox application.

Security Alerts:
Google will tell you about changes in your account data.

your account is logged with Windows device through the Firefox application.

in account [Email Protected] * Log in via the "Firefox" application
on the windows device.

Aleks Petrov.
[Email Protected] *

Friday, January 13, 2017, 8:53 (Yekaterinburg, Standard Time)
Ekaterinburg, Russia * Firefox

You did not do this?
Browse the list of newly used devices.

this letter was sent, because Google is serious about security issues and wants you to know the action in the account. Failed to determine if the input of this browser or device was previously carried out. You may first log in on a new computer, telephone or in a new browser. In addition, you could view mail while in incognito mode, or simply delete cookies files. If you did not do anything like this, the likelihood is high, that your account was hacked.

additional information can be found at the Google Account Reference Center.

Checking mailbox on

Attention! If you have a personal mail address Gmail (ends on, the location of the points in it does not matter.

if you are using a point in the username, you can get messages sent to the address that is similar to yours, but is distinguished by the number or location of points.

all messages sent to these addresses will fall to one user:

Click on the icon - (Google Applications) and select Gmail Mail.

From the folder - Incoming Clicking on - write

Write and send an email to your Gmail email address.

In folder IncomingClick on the line - first trial report.

And read the letter sent to yourself.
Your Gmail email address is running.

mail Gmail Login - Problems?

If you have forgotten the password, do not remember the username or Gmail email address to enter the account, remember the username and password, but you can not log in to Google Account.

The only way to restore access to Google account is only a form on the page - find a Google account. Try to check on stationary computerwhich most often use the one that used when registering an account Find Google Account

To confirm that Google account belongs to you, you will need to answer questions.

Google Account Recovery Shape - Find Account

Enter the email address Gmail
([email protected].),
Which you use to enter the Google account.

google - Create a data archive. How to download your data?

You can export and download data from Google products (for example, Gmail, calendar or google photo) For local storage or use in other services.

Go to page - My account and click on the link - Control Content.

On the page - google - My Account, In chapter - Download and transferring data
click the link - create an archive.

Select Data
Select Google Services and change the settings for each of them. The archive with data services will be available only to you.

  • Specify the data from which Google services should be exported. To see detailed information and additional settingsClick on the arrows icon

Select, to save your account data,
file format - zip
Select the method of obtaining an archive
method of receipt - by reference

and click on the button - create an archive

Attention. To create an archive, depending on the amount of information in your account, it is required from 5 to 10 minutes to several hours (and sometimes days).

Over time, the amount of information on 14 services of your Google account will reach tens of gigabytes (only on google Disc 15 GB can be stored.)
When the archive is created, you, by e-mail, will be sent message with reference to downloading it.
As a rule, the link to download the archive comes already on the request day.

No need to wait for the end of the creation of the archive.

In the folder - incoming, Gmail Mail, open the message -
Data Export - Data Archive Ready.

Your account is your data.
archive google datarequested on January 19, 2017, ready.
The archive contains the following services:
groups, tasks, bookmarks, search history, cards (your reviews and places), Fit, Google photos, Hangouts, Hangouts in live air, Keep, Gmail Mail, Contacts, Disk and Google Play Books.
Archive can be downloaded until January 26, 2017

In the resulting letter, click - Download Archive.

Enter the password from your Gmail mailbox. again.

On the page - data Exports: Archives, read the warnings and click - download.

If you decide to upload your photos, documents or other files to any online service, be sure to check if you can then download them back to your computer. Perhaps one day you will stop using the service, but your files will remain there. Do not download your archives on public computers and do not download them to where other users can see them.
By downloading data, you can change the account settings or delete it on the page.
Note.Content from Google Play Music does not turn on to the archive. You can download it using the download manager.

Save the archive with in a safe place on the computer,
where enough free space.

If you have access to computers in foreign people, export data to google disk or other repository that you can enjoy only.

There are many different mail services where you can start your own email box (e-mail). Gmail is one of the best postal services on the Internet, register and create a new box in it can be free. Login to is available from both computers and phone numbers.

This mailbox has a large capacity, easy and convenient interface, good security and reliability of your letters and information stored on it. Also after registering the mailbox, you will have access to other services from Google: YouTube, Google documents, remote Disk And a lot more.

Registration in - Brief Instruction

To register the Gmail mailbox in Russian, follow the link to the official website: New window opens post serviceTo properly register, see the tips on our site, and there fill all the fields:

Consider briefly what to write in each field:

  • What is your name - here specify the real name and last name, because this box most likely you will have the main one.
  • Come up with the username - this is the name of your mailbox and login to enter the account. Pick up such a name that you can easily remember. Names like Ivan, Alex, Irina are already busy. The system will tell you the name or free. To create a name, you can use the letters of the Latin alphabet, numbers and points.
  • Come up with the password - the password can contain both letters as well as the numbers, and must have a minimum of 8 characters. System will prompt you created a lightweight or complex password.
  • Confirm the password - in this row, repeat your password that you created.

  • Mobile phone number (optional).
  • Backup email address (optional).
  • Date of Birth.

To upload a profile photo, click on the beam in the right upper corner And the Change button, as indicated in the picture:

How to install the Russian language in gmail

Interface google accountcan be changed to any language. If you are installed english, I can easily change it into Russian. In your account, press the setup button (it is in the upper right corner)

Login to Gmail (Gmail)

If you have already registered, then to enter Gmail mail, click the link.

In the window that opens, enter the username and password and you will fall on your page in the mail service.

Access Google Services

By registering in the mail, you can enter any login and password in any google Service.

Click the button that is listed in the picture above, and the most popular services in Google will open:, YouTube, news, maps, etc.

How to create mail on - Free service from Google? There is nothing easier. At the same time you get the most functional and secure postal service. But it's not all, together with email you get google account, and with it - access to numerous free Services from Google. Email Google provides free.

1. What services from Google will be available with Gmail mail?

  • Google Disccloud storage (15 GB)
  • YouTube. - access to creating your channel on a popular video hosting,
  • Google+ - this is social networkif you have your own website, then to promote Google I recommend publishing here announcements of articles,
  • Google Play. - a huge portal for downloading games, programs, books,
  • Google documents - Presentations, Tables ( free alternative XLS), drawings,
  • Blogger. - Free hosting, for siting sites,
  • Google Keep. - to save the desired information in one click,
  • Google Calendar - for planning meetings and affairs,
  • Google Hangouts. - online chat and video and voice communication (alternative to Skype),
  • Google photo- storage, editing, publishing photo. The photo is stored on the disk,
  • Google Translate- Translation of sites and texts.
More recently, Gmail service from Google came out on the 1st place in the world by the number of users, overtaking the popular service.

2. What are the benefits of mail?

  • functionality, multiple times exceeding other mail services,
  • access from any device that is connected to the Internet,
  • ability to connect sending letters from your other mailboxes,
  • security, protection against hacking (work through protected by encryption HTTPS protocol),
  • automatic sorting of incoming letters,
  • protection against spam, one of the best spashes.

3. How to choose a name for email addresses?

If the mail is needed to you for online business, I recommend using your real name Or the name of your site, it will cause the maximum trust of your partners and customers.

Since Google has tremendous popularity, get the desired name for email address is quite problematic. Keep in mind that when it is created, you can use points.

IMPORTANT! Before starting registration instructions, I think, you should inform you such useful information. Do not confuse C The latter has nothing to do with Google. Gmail.Ru is a paid postal service.

4. How to create mail on

To create an email to, follow the link:

Registering Mail \u003e\u003e\u003e

Enter your data, including a phone number to restore the password if necessary, enter the country, click "Next".

In the next screen, confirm an agreement with the privacy policy and the terms of using Gmail by clicking the Accept button.

5. How to set up a safe entrance to your mail, protect mail from hacking?

At this step I highly recommend you Configure security and input.If you want to protect your mail from hacking, install two-step authentication Inputs in Gmail Mail: with the password and send code to the phone. Moreover, when it is activated, you can define your computer, as reliable, then when you enter it, you will not need to enter the code sent to the phone every time. Settings can be performed by this link:

Here is an explanatory video about dual authentication from Google developers:

6. How to enter mail?

You can always enter your mail, or typing in the search bar ""either from any page of any of the google services, clicked on the buttonwhich is located in the upper right corner of the screen. Then click on the mail icon Gmail and Voila - you are in your mail!

So, here your interface new mail The first welcoming letter from Google came.

7. How to perform basic settings?

Settings I. useful features There are a lot. For their description it would be necessary for a separate article. To use the mail, it will be enough to perform several settings that I will tell now.

  1. "Install Gmail" button. To have access to mail from the phone, install Gmail application to your mobile phoneBy clicking on this button and follow the simple instructions.
  2. "How to use Gmail Mail" button. Be sure to familiarize yourself, there are many useful information.
  3. The "Select theme" button provides the choice of background for mail.
  4. Button "Change Profile Photos" Allows you to set a photo profile by selecting and downloading photos from a computer. The photo will be displayed in the upper right corner of the screen.
  5. The "Import Address and Mail" button will allow you to adjust sending letters from all your other mailboxes to see all the letters in one application. You can receive letters and send from the name of any of your postal address.

8. Mail Inbox - How to set up?

Here it is necessary to note the fact that the mail from Google has one of the world's best spashes, while other mail services do not fight with spam at all.

Further, if all the letters fall into one folder "Inbox", then thousands of unread letters will be accumulated very soon. Therefore, it is better to configure automatic sorting of letters. In particular, mailings annoy me, which cannot be unsubscribed. So, you can perform the settings for sending them to a separate folder (create a shortcut for it) with simultaneous removal.

Automatic sorting of incoming letters in the mail Gmail is very firmly using this useful video:

So, you now know how to create mail on, how to set up safe input and protect your mail from hacking, how to perform basic mail settings, including very important automatic sorting of incoming letters.

I wish inspiration for all your plans and projects!

Write your questions in the comments.

Email Google or Gmail is one of the best world email services. One of the main advantages of this service is reliability. - It always works and works, as it should. Correspondence is reliably encrypted, and because This postal service is included in the whole complex of Google's services and it is American, then algorithms for encryption American high cryptographic resistance. Those. Our special services, do not like Gmail, because It is not able to decrypt mail messages. So how to make

Entrance to the mail Google

If you already have a Google account, you can go to Gmail. The window opens.

In the appropriate fields enter the email you used when registering an account and password. Click the button To come in. The window opens.

Everything. you did entrance to Google Mail.

But if you do not have a drawer in this service, then you need to create it. Google company is not only a well-known search engine, but it provides a bunch additional features, for example, mail, games, diaries, Google+, YouTube and a lot and more. And done so to use the whole bunch of utilities you need to start one account.

Come in. The registration page opens.

In the upper right corner, click the Healthy Blue Create Account button. The registration form opens.

How and "Chevo" fill? We look at what we ask and do.

  • What is your name - we enter a name and surname;
  • Come up with the username. Here we enter what we want, but all we write in Latin letters (more simply speaking English). Choose such a name that is easy to remember. And remember that simultaneously with the register of the account there is a post office. Those. If you selected the Serge username, then your email address will be [Email Protected]
  • Come up and confirm the password. The longer, the better, and most importantly in different registers (with a large and small letter). Tip: Each of us has any significant word, i.e.clovo close only to you. For example, the name of your favorite cat or nickname best friend etc. So you turn the keyboard layout into English and Russian letters and enter this word. I explain. Suppose for me a significant word - "Liberast" (so I call my Korean). So B. english layout It will be "KB, THFCN". This will be easy to memorize me and difficult to select all sorts of dark personalities of your password;
  • date of birth and the floor all clearly;
  • mobile phone -pish person is consistent to restore the account if suddenly something happens and it will be impossible to enter it. If, for some reasons, do not want to write your real number, then read the article;
  • email Spare Email Address Mail which you already have;
  • the main default page is how you want;
  • prove that you are not a robot - we enter what we see;
  • Country are simple;
  • I accept the conditions ... - put a tick;
  • click the button Next.

After that, you have created an account, and at the same time the mailbox.

post office is reliable, comfortable and safe The postal service is very popular among users, so it appears more and more fans worldwide.

In addition to getting and sending letters, photos and documents, google Mail provides many additional Services which significantly simplify and enrich the life of the user.

Directly in your email browser you can quickly find the following google applications and services:

  1. Managing your account.
  2. Schedule services Google. You will not need to go to Search is already there among applications.
  3. Google Maps.
  4. YouTube and Google Play.
  5. Social google Network+.
  6. Access photos and documents.
  7. Translator, calendar and other useful services.

Before you get all of these benefits of Google's postal service, you need, of course, to enter it. Make it easier simple if you are a registered mail user Gmailcom: Email entrance is carried out standard, using the login and password.

  1. Scroll to to the address string (Ji-mail is read, if that) and the system transfers you to Google's postal service. There is a simpler way - in search engine Google in the upper right corner is the Mail button.
  2. Going to the postparticle, you enter your electronic address (This will be login) and your password.
  3. If you forget the password, Under the Icon to enter, click on the option "Need help". Select the problem "I do not remember the password" and click "Continue." The system will offer you to enter the password you remember. If you cannot enter a single password, the system will offer you to use the phone or the address of the second mail (if you have it). Password recovery through the phone provides that the SMS code will come to your number, which you will enter with a new password.
  4. When the email address and password were entered, entering Gmailcom mail through the login and password is considered successfully completed. Congratulations now you are in your email Account , referred to as some circles "My Page".

What else attracts users in Google mail?

  • Regular updating of letters (Number of unread), from whom the letter came, and what is the subject of the letter.
  • You can create mail with your domain, that is, you will not have an email address, but your own stylish name, for example [Email Protected]
  • Ability to archive lettersIf they are not relevant.
  • Celebrate important letters.
  • Ability to filter emails at, on the topic, etc. And create labels.
  • Using google mail on the phone and other gadgets.

Video: Log in Gmail