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Unlimited Mobile Internet Beeline - Tariffs and Connection. Favorable Beeline Tariffs for Mobile Internet

Internet - satellite of each active person. No wonder in some countries the right to use the Internet legislatively equal to the inalienable. But this concerns the usual wired Internet. Mobile situation is more difficult and much more interesting.

Each of us uses a smartphone, a USB moderem, a tablet or other devices. Most of them regularly update their system files And applications via the Internet. And often - in the background. And this is the traffic that is expensive. So why consider each megabyte, it is much more convenient to connect a favorable tariff for mobile Internet, and do not think about the "voraciousness" of its electronics.

This approach is justified also because speeds mobile Internet Comparable with wired network indicators. But the mobile Internet has one important advantage - they can be used almost everywhere: in nature, during a trip, at the university or on a business meeting. Therefore, we recommend that you pay attention to unlimited Internet tariffs from Beeline.

Tariffs for unlimited mobile Internet

Unlimited Internet is offered in two main categories: economical and comfortable. What are they interesting?


An excellent option for those whose Internet is not permanently needed, but periodically. Those who want to just sit in social networks, watch the series on YouTube, etc. For 13 rubles a day, you get 2 GB of traffic per month without speed limit. After the daytime package exhaustion, the speed will be reduced. Such unlimited Internet for the day from Beeline is convenient during trips, since it acts throughout Russia.

The main parameters of the tariff:

  • Subscription fee - 13 rubles / day.
  • 2 GB Internet traffic without speed limit. After the package exhaustion, the speed is reduced to 64 kbps before the next estimated period.
  • Operates throughout Russia except the Far East.

The possibility is always and everywhere stay online. Communicate with friends, listen to the Internet radio, see and post photos. Unlimited Internet in your phone or tablet in any city of Russia.

For business

Control your business work even when you are not in the office. Yours workplace Where it is convenient for you. Use email, work online, spend phone conferences - be always in touch with your colleagues and business partners.

Tariffs for use
Mobile Internet

Unlimited Internet 1000.

1000 rubles


Volume and speed

  • Unlimited Internet traffic
  • speed not limited
  • acts in Moscow and the region
Mobile Internet 900.

900 rubles

mobile Internet

  • acts in all Russia in the network Beeline

gPRS-traffic packages
For all tariffs

Mobile Internet for phone and tablet
Package Subscription
Zone of action
Fast and out 1.5 GB 200 rubles. Moscow region
Fast and Furious 4 GB 350 rub. All Russia
Fast and Furious 8 GB 550 rub. All Russia
Fast and Furious 16 GB850 rub.All Russia
Purple 32 GB 1150 rub. All Russia

Tariffs "Fastsage 4 GB", "Fast and Furious 8 GB", "Furious 16 GB", "Furious 32 GB" operate throughout the Russian Federation. When in roaming in the territory,

Magadan region, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Kamchatka Territory, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): Internet traffic is provided at speeds up to 128

Kbit / s. The speed is restored for two days from the moment the last online session beyond these territories. In the territory

republic of Crimea and G.Sevastopol The cost of 1 MB will be 9.95 rubles.

After exhausting the volume of traffic included in the subscription fee - the Internet speed automatically decreases to 64 kb / s

Despite frantic development communication technologiesThe main means of communication still remains a mobile phone.

Most business, personal and friendly negotiations are conducted through cellular communication. We want you to communicate with your relatives, friends, partners and colleagues without restrictions. This is possible - just to buy a unlimited Beeline rate.

Mobile Internet opens a lot of opportunities for modern man - At any time you can look into email, chat in social networks and so on. For active users Beeline offers unlimited Internet services within the following tariffs:

  • Postphoto tariff plans of the "All" line - initially the subscriber uses mobile services, and then at the end of each current month pays for them;
  • The service "# Care" is provided online traffic to use social networks and musical services;
  • Tariff plans for tablets - "# You can make it. Blancas" and "Internet forever";
  • The service of the Highway series - provides nightly unimiterate Internet, which is available with the o'clock in the morning until eight in the morning.

Postphoto Tariffs "All"

When moving to the postpositive tariff plan, the subscriber receives a monthly individual expense limit. Connecting to tariffs with a postposal calculation system is usually carried out in the departments of the mobile operator.

The ruler of the "All" tariffs includes different package options:

RateMobile InternetCalls to all home regions operators and Beeline throughout RussiaSMS on all rooms of the home region and on trips to RussiaSubscription fee
All 1.1 GB300 minutes 11.7 rubles. per day
All 2.6 GB400 minutes500 sms18.3 rubles. per day
All 3.10 GB1200 minutes500 sms30 rubles. per day
All 4.15 GB2000 minutes500 sms50 rubles. per day
All 5.15 GB5000 minutes500 sms83.3 rubles. per day

In each of these tariff plans Enter unlimited conversations across the country, unlimited Internet, batch minutes to communicate with subscribers of other operators and SMS. For each tariff, it is defined by its scope of batch services and for different regions it may be different.

How to connect "all" tariffs?

  • All 1.
  • All 2.
  • All 3.. To connect this tariff, call the number. Or use the binomer to go to the tariff:
  • All 4.. To connect this tariff, call the number. Or use the binomer to go to the tariff:
  • All 5.. To connect this tariff, call the number. Or use the binomer to go to the tariff:
Also to go to another tariff, you can use the Bilayna personal account or through the application "My Beeline".

For different regions, the cost and conditions of the tariff can be different.

Tariffs "All" Postpayment: Cons

Despite the fact that Beeline allows you to use the mobile Internet in an unlimited volume, but at the same time puts forward a number of conditions:

  • When using a phone with a SIM as a modem device or access point to Wi-Fi, the Internet entry restrictions are provided. Nothing is said about specific speed limitations, but usually the network completely disappears.
  • For subscribers connected to the postposteen "All" tariff plans, no option "Internet is on everything", which allows you to share traffic with other users.
  • The operator does not give any guarantees that the speed will be normal with network loads.
  • Tariff packages "All" with postplood are intended only for phones and are not suitable for other devices (tablets, modems, etc.).
  • For "All" tariffs, high-speed limitations are provided when working in file sharing networks. This means that downloading files through torrent clients is impossible.

Service "# can

When this service is connected, you are provided with 10 GB of Internet for spending on social networks through official applications (VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and listening to music in the services of VKontakte, Yandex.Music and ZVOOQ.

We use a smartphone every day, and in particular we use it to view web pages, video and listening to music. All this can consume a lot of traffic, but Beeline cleans the restrictions and introduces full unlimited on the Internet. Let's try to figure it out, is it really so good as we say.


The tariff "You can do everything" from Beeline includes packages of free calls, messages and unlimited Internet traffic. And pay for it as they say in advertising only 10 rubles a day, yes, daily payment is convenient, but they do not mention that it is only for first month.

Each subsequent month will cost 13 rubles and 20 rubles a day for Moscow and the region. It turns out that the tariff "you can do everything" from Beeline is not so cheap compared to others. Let's look at what is included in the tariff:

  • Calls to Beeline subscribers are always free
  • Unlimited mobile Internet
  • 250 free minutes for calls by numbers of other operators
  • 250 free SMS messages for sending by region

But the volume of free minutes and SMS varies depending on the region and can be 100 minutes and SMS.

To go to the tariff "you can all" from Beeline, for residents of Moscow and the region after August 18, 2016. need to be on the account not less 600 rubles. This amount immediately will immediately, and from the next month will be taken daily for 20 rubles.

If free packages ended

By the way, it is worth mentioning that free minutes are spent Regardless of whether you communicate with the Beeline subscriber or another operator, minutes and SMS will be charged the same.

It turns out that it turns out, I call the beeline numbers although it can be called free, and write off as if I call on another operator. What will be the cost after the exhaustion of minutes and SMS:

In general, it turns out not so riddling as I would like, but here it is certainly that you have in priority. If you basically use your mobile Internet this tariff for you, And if you are important, there are also calls to see other tariffs of whether even the operator.

Pros and cons

Plus the tariff plan "You can all" from Beeline that we get unlimited Internet good quality And small packages of free minutes and the SMS of which should be enough if you don't communicate much by phone. Despite the fact that it is beautifully described in advertising, though this tariff has its limitations and it is not always pleasant. As much minus for someone, payment can be paid for as to distribute the Internet from its smartphone.

Tariff plans from the company Beeline choose a simple reason - for a specific monthly payment, the subscriber can use "unlimited" access to the network, unlimited minutes of calls, as well as post packets. Unlimited traffic here plays the most important role, because this requirement for the tariff presents the lion's share of consumers. But it should be noted that it is not available in all sentences.

Beeline has at the moment created several proposals that have no restrictions on Internet access - these are "All for 500" tariffs and "you can do everything." It is on how to connect unlimited Internet on Beeline, we will talk in this review.

First of all, the tariff is interesting for unlimited access to the network, but now it is necessary to consider all the main properties. It should be emphasized that the report is carried out according to the post-payment version, because the prepaid option has several other conditions of use, in particular access to the Internet there is provided on a specific MB package.

Important! The presented tariff plan involves the difference in the cost of options, which depends on the region of its use. In other regions of the country, it can be referred to as "all for 300" or as "all for 400". As part of this review, a proposal is considered for Moscow and the region. The main characteristics for all versions are absolutely identical, the only difference is the name and cost.

Subscribers are provided:

  • Unlimited minutes to make calls to users of Beeline, both in the "own" region and throughout the country.
  • 600 bonus minutes for conversations with subscribers of other operators.
  • Package from 300 SMS messages to all rooms.
  • Unlimited mobile Internet with unlimited traffic. The only limitation that takes place in this case is a ban on the use in the router and distribution of traffic to other gadgets.

Internet on tariff

"All for 500" postophal name unlimited tariff will not work. When a smartphone with a SIM card is applied as a router or an access point for wi-Fi distributions, then access to the network is immediately limited. First of all, the connection speed suffers - the device with great difficulty loads the usual web page. The SIM card refuses to work in the router. Also blocked a torrent file jump. Unlimited traffic is available only when using the tariff on the smartphone.

To remove such restrictions, the operator proposes to activate the "Internet distribution" option. But its value, to put it mildly, is high - daily payment is equal to 150 rubles, which is completely unprofitable.


The name of the tariff plan is voiced by its value. For Moscow and the region, the subscription for 30 days of use is 500 rubles. Required condition The operator is a guarantee payment by consumers, the amount of which is 500 rubles. Go to this tariff Not paid.

Postopulation system acts as follows - the subscriber first uses options cellular communication, and pays for them later. The warranty contribution made by the consumer is not blocked. It is credited to the balance of cellular and can be used as a mandatory monthly payment.

How to connect

Unfortunately, to activate using USSD commands or the SMS messages will not succeed. They simply are not provided. And this is not only a flaw "Everything for 500" is a pattern for any tariff plan involving a post-payment system.

To activate the consumer, you will need to contact the operator's office. There will be a transition to the tariff with the current SIM card or acquire a new one on which it is already pre-installed.

Attention! To activate this tariff on your SIM card, make sure that it is registered to your passport details. If it is framed on another person, the Beeline employee will refuse to replace. The fact is that the owner of the SIM card is obliged to sign in a concluded contract.

Detailed description of the service "You can all"

In Bilena, care about consumers feel confident and comfortable. With the tariff plan "You can all" the subscriber no longer have to worry about the rest of the bonus account or the allocated package of Internet traffic. And all because their operator provides in unlimited quantities.

As part of the service, the user is provided:

  • Unlimited network access.
  • The limitless number of minutes for calls in "its" region and beyond.
  • 250 bonus minutes for conversations with users of other operators.
  • Package of 250 SMS messages to all rooms.

To find out the balance of bonus minutes and the messages provided, the subscriber needs to make a free request by 06745.


The activation of the tariff plan is completely free, but only with the condition that after replacing the old tariff, 30 days have not passed. When switching to it from the balance of the consumer, the amount of 600 rubles is written off - the subscription at once in 30 days. The same transition will cost the user in 100 rubles. The daily vacation fee is 20 rubles.

After 250 bonus minutes, intended for challenges to other operators, each minute of communication will cost the consumer in 1.60 rubles. The same applies to the SMS package in 250 pieces - after their consolidation, each sent notification will cost 1.60 rubles. Multimedia message MMS. will be charged by the amount of 7.95 rubles.

Internet on the tariff plan

Consumers "You can all" get unlimited Internet Beeline on the phone. In this case, unlimited traffic is provided at the maximum connection rate in 2G, 3G or 4G networks. We can spend traffic throughout the country.

It would seem that everything is extremely profitable for the subscriber, but there are also their limitations. The proposal under consideration is calculated solely on the functioning in the smartphone. From it, the distribution of traffic will not work, as well as how to use it as an access point. For operation in the router, it is also not intended.

For distribution of traffic on other gadgets, the operator proposes to connect the service with the name "distribution of the Internet". It can connect with such commands:

  • * 157 * 1 # - Activation option for 60 minutes. Cost 50 rubles.
  • * 157 * 24 # - Activation option for a day. The cost is 150 rubles.

If the network is overloaded, the connection speed can significantly decrease.

Important! Unlimited network access does not function in some regions of the country: Chukotka district; city \u200b\u200bof Norilsk; Taimyr region; Magadan Region; Crimea and in particular the city of Sevastopol, as well as Yakutia.

How to connect

You can use the offer on your subscriber number different ways, namely:

  • Buy in the official communication salon new SIM card, with already pre-installed this tariff plan.
  • Use personal Area User. In the "Tariffs" tab, you can connect any available. After ordering the transition to new tariff the consumer on the cell will come sms with special codeto be entered in the "Personal Account". Only after that the tariff will be activated.
  • Make free call By number 0781. Next, you must follow the commands of the automatic assistant.
  • Call the Customer Support Center with a request to activate the tariff plan. Can be used telephone number 0611 or 8 800 700 0611.

How to disable

Deactivation can also be made by several simple methods:

  • Purchase a SIM card with another tariff plan or just go to some new one.
  • Call the Support Service 0611 asking for deactivation.
  • Through a personal account where in the "Tariffs" tab, the consumer can independently choose a new tariff plan and deactivate the old one.
  • Call on service number 0781, where the automatic assistant will give detailed instructions on trip.

After carrying out any of the following operations, the tariff plan will be deactivated.

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Quick response:
In order to learn / change your current tariff there are 3 simple ways:

  • Call to the operator - the most fast way Change / find out the tariff plan, you can call the operator by number 0611 (from the phone Beeline) or 8-800-700-0611 (from any phone in Russia).

Detailed features of all available tariffs are presented below.

Modern Internet is no longer limited to the framework stationary computers and laptops. This is due to the development of mobile gadgets, which are equipped with 3G communication modules, widescreen displays and a bunch of embedded applications that require access to the network. As a result, providers are forced to do their customers. profitable offer With the Internet for mobile devices. Do not lag behind competitors and a yellow striped operator. Beeline Tariffs with mobile Internet are presented on the market a fairly wide range. Therefore, each subscriber can choose a tariff plan proportionally corresponding to Internet traffic expenditures.

Today, Beeline does not provide tariffs with unlimited mobile Internet, 10 February 2017, the company decided to abandon such tariffs, which is not known in detail. Therefore, the question in choosing a tariff is quite sharp, on the one hand, at most tariffs, a fairly large mobile Internet limit is installed, which is enough for most users, but with the active use of the Internet, when downloading files, when watching a video, you can encounter the problem of full internet blocking, Either reduce its speed to a minimum, with the exhaustion of a certain limit.

In this article, we will tell you about all current tariffs for mobile Internet on Beeline.

Tariffs for mobile phones

Beams Beeline for Mobile Internet

Begin an overview follows from tariffs where Internet on the phone is not provided for by the terms of the contract, but subscribers can access the network on relatively good conditions. Here you can note such suggestions:

Here is accidents only when entering the Internet. The cost of 1 MB of traffic is 9.95 rubles. Such packages are beneficial to users who do not plan to reproduce streaming video, download applications and communicate in social networks.

When using 1 MB of Internet traffic in any of the calendar months after connecting / transition to the tariff plan, the option "1.5 GB Internet Package" will automatically be connected, including 1.5 GB of Internet traffic per month at maximum speed. If traffic consumption per month is less than 1 MB, the option "Internet package 1.5 GB" will not connect.

The cost of the option "Pack of the Internet 1.5 GB" - 8 rubles. per day

Line "Untile

Such popular tariff plans today are tariffs from the "Untile" line, it is on these rates that all new services and opportunities from the Beeline operator appear.

Below is a table of tariffs of the "Untiless" line:

Rate the Internet Calls SMS Subscription fee
Untime 1. 3 GB per month 300 minutes per month 300 SMS per month 13,33 rub / day
Untile 2. 15 GB per month 500 minutes a month 300 SMS per month 20 rub / day
Untime 3. 22 GB per month 1200 minutes per month 300 SMS per month 30 rubles / day
Untile 4. 30 GB per month 2000 minutes a month 300 SMS per month 50 rub / day
Completely ugly 30 GB per month 5000 minutes a month 300 SMS per month 83,33 rub / day

Important! The Internet at the rate is valid when the subscriber is in home network And on trips throughout Russia in the Beeline network with the exception of the Chukchi auth. County. The cost of 1 MB in the Chukchi AO is 9.95 rubles.

Line "All!"

Tariffs of the line "All!" They are postpositive and they are mostly focused on mobile Internet and calls throughout Rosyia.

Tariffs "Everything!" - Post-payment with the federal number

Rate the Internet Calls SMS Subscription fee
All for 500. 10 GB per month 600 minutes per month 300 SMS per month 500 rubles / month
All for 800. 14 GB per month 1100 minutes per month 500 SMS per month 800 rubles / month
All for 1200. 20 GB per month 2200 minutes per month 1000 SMS per month 1200 rubles / month
All for 1800. 30 GB per month 3300 minutes per month 3000 SMS per month 1800 rub / month

EVERYTHING! (post-payment) with city number

Rate the Internet Calls SMS Subscription fee
All for 1450. 10 GB per month 650 minutes per month 300 SMS per month 1450 rub / month
All for 1750. 12 GB per month 1100 minutes per month 500 SMS per month 1750 rub / month
All for 2350. 20 GB per month 2200 minutes per month 1000 SMS per month 2350 rubles / month
All for 3550. 30 GB per month 5000 minutes a month 3000 SMS per month 3550 rubles / month

In addition, in the line "Everything!" There is a separate rate specifically for international roaming:

Important! Tariffs of the line "All!" They are postpositive, which means to go to them from another tariff you will need a passport and a visit to the operator's office or a call to the call center by calling 0611 (for mobile) or 88007000611 (for urban numbers).

Premium service "quite all"

Premium service and a large package of minutes, SMS and the Internet, which can be used in roaming worldwide:

  • Mobile Internet 60 GB per month
  • Local and long-distance calls anywhere in Russia - 6000 minutes per month
  • Subscription fee - 6000 rubles per month
  • Transport cost - 0 rubles

Tariffs for tablet

For tablets there is a special tariff "Untile 2 for the tablet". It provides 19 GB of Internet traffic per month for 600 rubles per month. .

"Internet for tablet"

"Internet for the tablet" Another tariff with a post-plating system of calculations and has the following limitations:

  • 400 rubles per month, 6 GB of Internet traffic - Internet for the tablet. Postoplative + Highway 6 GB. .
  • 600 rubles per month, 12 GB of Internet traffic - Internet for the tablet. Postoplative + Highway 12 GB. .

Tariffs for modems

For USB-models there is only 1 tariff - "Untile 3" for Computer, 30 GB of Internet traffic per month, subscription fee 900 rubles per month. .

How to find out or change the tariff?

In order to learn / change your current tariff there are 3 simple ways:

  • Through the personal account - perhaps the most convenient way, You can simply log in to your boulder account and view / change absolutely any information relating to the SIM card.
  • The call to the operator is the fastest way to change / find out the tariff plan, you can call the operator by number 0611 (from the phone Beeline) or 8-800-700-0611 (from any phone in Russia).
  • A visit to the official office of Beeline is the most uncomfortable and unprecedented way of changing the tariff plan, the map of the Beeline offices throughout Russia.


For users who are not interested in permanent entry into the Internet, and a periodic access to the network is needed, there are plug-in traffic volumes, relevant to any tariff. Here you can allocate the Internet for the day with opening access to 100 and 500 MB of traffic daily. The cost is 19-29 rubles, depending on the activated package.

Today, unlimited internet for the modem without limiting traffic uses considerable demand among users. The main issue at the same time becomes how to choose the correct operator, which will provide unlimited Internet for the 4G modem. Depending on the specific operator, there are various Internet tariffs for 4G modem.

When there are no restrictions

Many believe that unlimited mobile Internet will allow them to unlimited to be online for a specific fee. But if you analyze tariffs, you can see that it is rare. If you look at the advertisement of some operator, you start thinking that you only need to pay a specific amount - after that it will be possible to use the connection. But in reality, it turns out that only access to social networks is unimited if USB modem is used. Therefore, not always "unlimited" is so unlimited.

With the development of technologies, the conditions for using the Internet are changing.

  • First, you can use the tariffs for your modem for your smartphone, because the operator is most often provided by an unlimited number of gigabytes.
  • Secondly, now your smartphone can serve as a full-fledged modem device if it is correct.

Detailed review of tariffs


MegaFon has two basic tariff with completely unlimited Internet for all.

Rate Calls the Internet Media Price, rub / month.
"Turn around! Look + " 1500 min. Unlimited. Megafon TV 50 channels, + Amiditec package 1000
"Turn around! Premium " 5000 min. Unlimited. Megafon TV 100 channels, + package "Ameditec" 3000

For other tariffs of the line "Turn around", it is possible to get unlimited gigabytes for free. To do this, check your fare for compatibility with this option on the official website.

For older tariff plans, an option - "Internet XL" is available. It costs 1300 rubles. per month. But unlimited can only be used from 01:00 to 06:59. The rest of the time is allowed to spend only 30 GB monthly. So when an essential volume of LTE traffic is applied on the computer, it is quite profitable.

Judging by the comments, the night "Unlimited" from the megaphone, as a rule, performs work normally. Files are loaded using the so-called torrent clients. There are no limits for using a SIM card in the device. The tariff is also possible to apply in the router and perform the distribution of the Internet via Wi-Fi. It is confused by the fact that traffic is not subject to accounting only at night.


MTS offers to its own users somewhat completely unlimited packages For modem.

Also, the modem is perfectly suitable packages with unlimited mobile Internet at night - such are Internet VIP and Internet Maxy. In the afternoon, it is possible to apply a monthly 30 and 15 gigabytes, respectively.

Sometime, the "Internet - VIP" connection provided the user completely unlimited Internet for a computer or any other device. No restrictions were imposed on this option. But such times have long been long and now you can only be content with unlimited at night. The amount of monthly subscription payment is determined based on the area where the modem is applied. In particular, users of the capital and Moscow region need to pay for the option of 1200 rubles. At the same time, if you use the global network outside the home subject, it is additionally charged fifty rubles per day.


"Anline" is the main tariff Beeline with unlimited traffic. Its cost is 10 rubles per day, subject to order on the site. (Otherwise, 20 rubles per day). The package also includes 500 minutes to conversations per month.

Also Beeline offers the "Untile 3" tariff, so that you can use LTE modem. On it can be spent by 30 gigabytes price 900 rubles. monthly. At the same time there is a series of Highway. Conditions can be viewed in the section "Services" directly on the official website. And from all available offers only when using two, it becomes available from a computer to LTE - it is highway to 2 and 5 gigabytes. Price, respectively, equals 100 and 200 rubles. every month.

Why does LTE do not apply to more significant highway traffic with a volume of 30 gigabytes? This is explained by the capabilities of the channel, that is, it throughput. As you know, the speed is distributed on all at the same time connected subscribers and what they are present more, it becomes less.

As a result, Beeline is improved from claims as to which there is no 4G when big number synchronous connections. But this only mobile operator Offers its customers home Internet 4G, designed for a computer.

Beeline also offers completely unlimited Internet 4 Ji. Of all the tariff plans for the 4G modem, this is the only one without any restrictions and its cost equals 350 rubles. per day. At the same time, payment is debited only in the days of application.


Tele2 provides one tariff with unlimited Internet - this is "my unlimited" at a price of 500 rubles / m. You can also connect the option "20 GB" or "50 GB" with unlimited Internet at night, the cost of packages is 699 and 999 rubles / m.


Tariffs from iota for such a device, as with unlimited Internet, can refer many LTE users. At the same time on the official website, the subscriber can independently establish the cost based on speed. The step is not very big, because if the subscriber does not have enough fifty rubles, then it will still have the ability to connect a computer modem to the global network, but on a bit low speed. There is a variation of prices. So, the speed of five Mbps. costs 900 rubles. per month.

Experts are recommended when choosing the optimal tariff to navigate the terrain, where the modem connects to the Internet. At the same time, the switch can be instantly. Such flexibility gives Yota important advantages compared to other operators.

At the same time, many users do not choose "iota" because they believe that the operator is not affordable in all regions. In fact, it carries out work in the network of megaphone, which means that the mering "Yota" is available throughout Russian Federation. It would seem that the Internet is free without any limitation and you can safely place the Yota SIM card. But specialists are not recommended too hurry, offering at first to think well before accepting this decision. You should also read the comments on the tariffs that are provided. After all, sometimes in the network block P2P protocols, the network itself can work with constant overload and the connection of the modem with the global network can be unstable.

These prices are relevant to the Russian capital, as well as the Moscow region. To clarify information for other regions, users need to visit the official websites of mobile operators.