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The phone does not turn on the screensaver. How to deal with it? HTC 516 Dual SIM turns on

In our world, people no longer imagine their lives without a smartphone. He became the continuation of our hand. Most breakdowns of the beloved gadget will cause panic and hysterics. This, of course, is not very good, but with this you have to put up. Modern mobile devices - Very capricious things. Sometimes they behave unpredictable. In order not to stay without communication, you need to know what to do with the device if he suddenly "hungry" and does not respond to the user's actions. The most rapid problem of gadgets is that the phone does not turn on the screensaver. What to do in order to revive your petty? Let's try to give this answer.

Possible causes of breakdown

For such behavior of the smartphone there are several reasons. And depending on them will be a decision on repairs. The first (and the most common) reason that the phone does not turn on the "Android" screensaver - failure during the installation of the update operating system. It happens because the OS "Android" is not very stable. It is still Polbie. However, the same result may turn out after the decline of the device from a fair height. It is much worse.

Also common causes can be a battery malfunction, charger or the connector itself for charging the gadget. Now we will analyze, then the screensavers. In most cases, everything can be corrected independently. Fatal cases of breakdowns are extremely rare. But at the initial stage, the main thing is to properly diagnose the problem in order not to make mistakes in the future.

System failure

This is the safest of everything that may be. If the operating system fails, go to the recovery mode and reset the factory settings with cache cleaning. Be careful! After this procedure will not be left third-party application, user installed. You can enter the recovery by closing the volume button at the same time and the power button. True, various models of devices can be different combinations. Then you need to go to the item Wipe Data And. factory Reset. And confirm your choice. Then you need to mark item Reboot System Now. After that, the phone will reboot. If everything is fine, then the reason that the phone does not turn on continuing the Lenovo screensaver was in the system fail.

Sometimes the reset to the factory settings does not help. Then there is another option. You just need to reflash the phone. Make it is not so difficult. The network is full of instructions for each specific smartphone. And on any adequate forum, you will gladly help to make a conceived. Do not fall in spirit.

If the reason is in the battery and charging

Check it can be very simple. It is enough to find anywhere like a battery and a similar charger. If, replacing all the components, you did not see the changes, it means that the reason that hTC phone No further screensavers are turned on, much deeper than you thought. Here are only two options: breakage of the charging socket or the board itself.

Credit with a faulty battery or "gluching" charging simply. This is not particularly expensive components of the smartphone. They can be simply replaced with new ones. Much will notice the problem with the hardware board. Here already (in most cases) can not do without a visit to the workshop. Sometimes it has to pay for the repair a very tangible amount.

If the reason in the board and the "hardware"

This is very difficult to do something on your own. You need to possess certain knowledge in electronics and own the appropriate tool. If you have it all, you can easily solve the problem. But if the phone does not turn on the screensaver because of the faulty board, and you do not understand anything in this matter, then it is better to take a gadget to the service center. For settling the repair of sow forces, you risk turning your device into a dead brick.

You can try to find a familiar hardware repair specialist smartphones and save on repairs. Only it is unlikely to reanimate your device for free. Only if it is a very good friend. But, in any case, you will have to spend money on Magarych. And it is unknown, how much it turns out.


Now you know the main reasons for the screensaver. There are ways to combat this unpleasant phenomenon. If only this is not the problem of "iron". But, as statistics shows, in most cases such a problem is caused by the failure of the operating system. And eliminate this annoying misunderstanding is very simple using several buttons.

HTC Desire 516 DUAL SIM - a smartphone, which, like many other android devices, can be flashing in several ways. Reinstalling systemic software - The need arising is not so rarely at the owners of the model under consideration. Such manipulations allow, with proper and successful implementation, to some extent to "refresh" the device in the program plan, as well as to restore the performance lost as a result of failures and errors.

The success of firmware procedures predetermines the correct preparation of tools and files that will be needed during the work, as well as a clear execution of instructions. In addition, we should not forget the following:

Responsibility for the result of manipulations with the device is solely the user who spends them. All the following actions are performed by the owner of the smartphone at their own risk!

Preparatory procedures preceding the direct process of transferring files to the divisions sections can take a fair time, but their execution is extremely recommended to be carried out in advance. Especially, in the case of HTC Desire 516 Dual SIM, the model often creates problems with its users in the process of manipulation with system software.


Installing the drivers to pair the device and software tools for firmware usually does not cause difficulties. You only need to perform steps instructions for Qualcomm devices from the article:

Just in case, the archive with drivers for manual installation is always available for download by reference:


In view of possible occurrence The need to restore the software of the smartphone, as well as the mandatory deletion of user data from the device during the software installation process, you need to save all the valuable information contained in the phone's memory, in a safe place. And it is also extremely recommended to create a backup of all sections using ADB Run. Instructions can be found in the material on the link:

Since several ways to install software are applicable to the device under consideration, which are quite significantly different, download links required programs and files will be posted in the description of the methods. Before switching to the direct execution of instructions, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with all the steps that you have to exercise, as well as download all required files.


Depending on the state of the device, as well as the goals that the user performs the firmware is selected in front of the procedure. The methods described below are arranged in order of simple to more complex.

Method 1: MicroSD + factory recovery environment

The first method by which you can try to install Android on HTC Desire 516 is the use of the manufacturer of the possibilities of the "native" recovery environment (recovery). This method is considered official, and therefore relatively safe and easy to implement. Download the software package for installation according to the instructions below, you can link:

As a result of the execution of the following steps, we get a smartphone with the installed official firmwareintended for the European Region version.

Russian language is missing! The Russification of the interface will be described in the additional step of the instruction below.

Optional: Russification

To Russify the European version of the OS, you can use the Android application MORELOCALE 2. The program is available on Google Play.

Method 2: AdB Run

The result of the instruction below will be a smartphone with the official firmware version. 1.10.708.001 (the last existing for the model) containing Russian. You can download the archive with the firmware by reference:

  1. Load and unpack the archive with the firmware.
  2. In the resulting unpacking folder is present multi-volume archivecontaining the most important image to install - "SYSTEM". It also needs to be retrieved to the directory with the other image files.
  3. Install AdB Run.
  4. Open the directory with ADB Run in the conductor, which is located on the path C: / ADB, and then go to the folder "IMG".
  5. Copy files boot.img, system.img., recovery.imgobtained as a result of unpacking the firmware in the folders with the corresponding names contained in the C: / ADB / IMG / directory (i.e. boot.img - in the folder C: \\ adb \\ img \\ boot and so on).
  6. Recording the three above file-image images to the appropriate sections of the HTC Desire 516 flash memory can be considered a full-fledged system setting. The rest of the file images in the usual case is not necessary, but if such a need is still there, copy them to the C: \\ adb \\ img \\ all folder.
  7. Turn on USB debugging and connect the device to the PC.
  8. Run ADB Run and reboot with it using the device in mode "FastBoot". To do this, first choose paragraph 4 "Reboot Devices" In the main menu of the application,

    and then enter the number 3 from the keyboard - item "Reboot Bootloader". Press "ENTER".

  9. Smartphone will restart into a state "DOWNLOAD"what does the boot screen saver say about the screen "HTC" on white background.
  10. In ADB Run, press any key, and then return to the main menu of the program - item "10 - Back to Menu".

    Choose "5-FastBoot".

  11. The next window - the memory selection menu in which the file image from the corresponding folder in the C: \\ ADB \\ IMG directory will be transferred.

  12. Optional, but recommended procedure. We make cleaning sections that are going to record, as well as the section "DATA". Choose E - Clear Partitions (Erase) ».

    And then alternately go to items corresponding to the names of the sections:

    "Modem" and "SPLASH1" Wash no need!

  13. Returning in the image selection menu and write partitions.

  • Similar to the previous step manual to transfer file image "Recovery"

    and "SYSTEM" In memory of HTC Desire 516.

    Form "SYSTEM"in essence, the OS android, which is established in the examined apparatus. This section is the largest in volume and therefore its rewriting lasts long enough. It is impossible to interrupt the process!

  • If there is a need to flash the rest of the sections and the corresponding image files are copied to the C: \\ ADB \\ IMG \\ ALL directory, you need to select item. "1 - Firmware All Partitions" In the selection menu "FastBoot Menu".

    And wait for the completion of the process.

  • At the end of the record last image Select in the query screen "Reboot Device Normal Mode (N)"By entering from the keyboard "N" and clicking "ENTER".

    This will restart the smartphone, long-lasting, and in the end - the appearance of the original setup screen for HTC Desire 516.

  • Method 3: FastBoot

    If the firmware method of each HTC Desire 516 memory partition seems too complex or long, you can use one of the FastBoot commands, which allows you to record the main part of the system without in some cases of unnecessary actions from the user.

  • Check the correctness of the interface of the smartphone and PC. In the command prompt send the command:
    FastBoot Devices.

    The response system should become serial number 0123456789Abcdef and inscription "FastBoot".

  • To avoid errors when performing the following steps, specify the foldboot the location of the images by entering the command: set Android_Product_out \u003d C: \\_name_S_FastBoot_name
  • To start the firmware, enter the command: FastBoot Flashall. Press "ENTER" And observe the process of execution.
  • Upon completion of the procedure, sections will be overwritten. "Boot", "Recovery" and "SYSTEM"And the device will reboot in Android automatically.
  • If there is no need to overwrite other HTC Desire 516 memory sections in this way, place the desired file images to the folder with the FastBoot, and then use the following syntax commands:

    fastBoot Flash name_name_In name.img

    For example, install the section "Modem". By the way, for the device under consideration, the section "modem" section is a procedure that may be needed after restoring a smartphone from a non-working state if the smartphone works as needed, but there is no connection.

    Copy the desired image (s) to the directory with FastBoot (1) and send the command (s) (2):
    FastBoot Flash Modem Modem.img

  • Upon completion of work restart HTC Desire 516 from command line: FastBoot Reboot
  • Method 4: Custom firmware

    The HTC Desire 516 model has not gained wide popularity due to its hardware and software features, so it is impossible to say that for the apparatus, a variety of modified firmware is prevented.

    One way to convert and refresh the device under consideration in the program plan is to install a modified one of the users of the apparatus of the Android enabled, called Lolifox. Download all the necessary files that will be needed when performing the steps of the following instructions, you can link below.

    In the proposed solution, his author conducted a serious work in terms of changing the OS interface (looks like Android 5.0), deodexed the firmware, deleted unnecessary applications from HTC and Google, and also added an item to the settings that allows you to manage the autoload of applications. In general, the caste works quickly and stable.

    Installing custom recovery.

    To install the modified OS, the possibilities of custom recovery will be needed. We will use CLOCKWORKMOD Recovery (CWM), although the device exists including the TWRP port, download which you can. In general, installation in D516 and work with different custom recovery are similar.

    Setting Caste Lolifox.

    After the modified recovery is installed in HTC Desire 516, the installation of custom software does not cause difficulties. It suffices to perform the steps of the instructions from the lesson on the link below, which assume the installation of zip-packets.

    Let us dwell on only a few points recommended for the execution for the model under consideration.

    Method 5: Restoration of non-working HTC Desire 516

    When operating and the firmware of any android device, a trouble may occur - as a result of various failures and errors, the device hangs at a certain stage, ceases to turn on, it is infinitely rebooted, etc. Among users, the device in this state was called "Brick". The output from the situation may be the following.

    Recovery methodology ("expanding") HTC Desire 516 DUAL SIM implies execution pretty large number actions and use of several tools. Carefully, step by step, carry out the following instructions.

    Switching the smartphone to Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader9008 mode

    1. We download and unpack the archive with all the necessary files and tools for recovery.

      As a result of the unpacking, the following should be obtained:

    2. To restore, you must translate the smartphone into a special alarm mode QDLoader 9006. Remove the cover with a closing battery.
    3. Remove the battery, SIM card and memory card. Then unscrew 11 screws:
    4. Gently remove the part of the housing closing the motherboard of the apparatus.
    5. On the motherboard we find two contacts designated "GND" and "DP". Subsequently, they will need to move before connecting the device to the PC.
    6. Install the QPST software complex from the folder of the same name obtained as a result of the archive unpacking on the link above.
    7. Go to the QPST directory (C: \\ Program Files \\ Qualcomm \\ Qpst \\ Bin \\) and launch the file Qpstconfig.exe.
    8. Open "Device Manager"Prepare a cable associated with the port of Yusb PC. Closer contacts "GND" and "DP" On the D516 motherboard and, not blurring them, we insert the cable into the microusb phone connector.
    9. Remove the jumper and look out the window "Device Manager". If everything is done correctly, the device will determine how Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader9008.
    10. Go to Qpstconfig and make sure that the device decided right as in the screenshot below. Do not close qpstconfig!
    11. Open the QPST file folder and run the file emmcswdownload.exe. On behalf of the administrator.
    12. In the field of the opened window, add files:
    13. Press the buttons and specify the program Location Files:
    14. Check the correctness of the fill in all fields (it must be on the screenshot below) and click "DOWNLOAD".
    15. As a result of the operation, HTC Desire 516 Dual SIM will be translated into a mode that is suitable for recording a dump in memory. In the device manager, the device must decide as . If after manipulations via QPST, the device decided somehow otherwise, install manually drivers from the folder "Qualcomm_USB_DRIVERS_WINDOW".


    In the event that during the QPST process, errors occur and switch the smartphone to mode Qualcomm HS-USB Diagnostics9006 » It is not possible to implement, try to produce this manipulation through the Miflash program. Download the firmware version suitable for manipulations with HTC Desire 516 DUAL SIM, as well as the necessary files can be referenced:

    1. Unpack the archive and install Miflash.
    2. We perform steps 8-9 described above in the instructions, that is, we connect the device to the computer in the state when it is determined in the device manager as Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader9008 ».
    3. Run Miflash.
    4. Press the button Browse In the program and specify the path to the catalog "Files_FOR_MIFLASH"located in the folder obtained as a result of unpacking the archive loaded on the link above.
    5. Press "Refresh"What will lead to the definition of the device program.
    6. Call the list of button options Browseby clicking on the image of the triangle near the latter

      and choosing in the menu opened "Advanced ...".

    7. In the window "Advanced" Using buttons Browse add files to the fields from the folder "Files_FOR_MIFLASH" in the following way:

      After all files are added, click "OK".

    8. Next will need attentiveness. We make a visible window "Device Manager".
    9. Press the button "Flash" In the firmware and watch the section COM ports in "Dispatcher".
    10. Immediately after the moment when the smartphone is defined as Qualcomm HS-USB Diagnostics9006 », Complete the work of Miflash, without waiting for the end of manipulations in the program, and go to the next HTC Desire 516 recovery step.

    File system recovery

    Thus, having studied ways to install system software in HTC Desire 516 Dual SIM, the user receives complete control over the device and can simply restore the device's performance if necessary, as well as to give the smartphone "second life" using customization.

    • Block diagnostics of the phone HTC Desire 516

      When block diagnostics determine which particular element (body, safety glass, sensor, printed circuit board, connectors, speakers, microphone, antenna, battery) failed.

      Algorithm of block diagnostics of the phone:

      HTC Desire 516 phone is not charging;

      • Check z. askorkaIf charging from the phone is integer, otherwise:
      • We check if you are working:
      • If all of the above is not suitable for you, then you will need or.

      HTC Desire 516 will not turn on or loaded;

      • Check p ginger chargeIf the phone battery is charged then:
      • Check and make sure power button on the phone;
      • If nothing at this stage found the cause of the breakdown, I remember - if the phone was flooded with a fluid, or the phone fell and stopped turning on, most likely needed.

      HTC Desire 516 phone does not catch the network or does not see SIM card;

      • Checking the phone detects other SIM cardIf it detects that:
      • Check phone settingsif the settings are correct then:
      • Needless.

      HTC Desire 516 does not see the SD card, does not define the flash drive;

      • Check phone Flash Mapif it is good:
      • Check flashki connectoron the phone, if it is also working, then:
      • You need or remedy motherboard phone

      HTC Desire 516 does not charge via USB;

      • Check uSB cable If the cable is fine:
      • Check if it is in order then:
      • You need or.

      HTC Desire 516 is not updated;

      • Check settingsif the settings are correct, then:
      • Check internet connectionIf the connection is stable, then you need a phone.

      HTC Desire 516 does not connect to WiFi;

      • Check phone settingsIf the settings are correct then:
      • Check WiFi adapter. Phone if required.

      HTC Desire 516 does not see the computer;

      • Check connection cable To computer if the cable is something:
      • Check driversphone on your computer if the correct drivers are installed, then:
      • Needed phone.

      HTC Desire 516 Turns, but there is no images on the screen or it is distorted by phone:

      • Check for availability physical damage Screen, if not, then:
      • Check prelay from display Phone if the cable is intact, then:
      • Needed phone or repair.

      The sensor on HTC Desire 516 stopped working:

      • We check the integrity for damage if it is suitable:
      • Check plume touch display if that is suitable:
      • Need a phone, or repair of the controller Display.

      Microphone does not work on HTC Desire 516;

      • Check phone settingsif the settings are correct then:
      • We check if the device is:
      • We check works by Lie microphone controlleron the phone if it works:
      • Needless.

    • HTC Desire 516 Serving Source Phone Replacement

      Changing the protective glass of the HTC Desire 516 phone.

      Display mobile phone HTC Desire 516 protects special damage safety glass. If glass crane or on it will appear as a result of falling, then display Your phone in the risk area: It may be damaged too, and the image of MZHET becomes the "blurry" or generally the phone Desire 516 will stop showing. If dust or petty garbage fall behind the glass, which will make it even more. Our experts service Center maybe replace HTC Desire 516 Phone Protection Glassto prevent possible.

    • Component diagnostics of the phone HTC Desire 516

      Component The diagnostics of the HTC Desire 516 phone is the diagnostics of the telephone board. This type diagnostics, being more complicated, is the identification of damaged element On the HTC Desire 516 phone board. Repairs Devices After this diagnostic is a microcircuit and replacing non-educated elements on the HTC Desire 516 phone board.

    • HTC Desire Phone Phone Firmware 516

      Every year, phones perform more and more functions, and are already mini computers. And for stable operation requires a well-established operating system.

      The phone firmware may be required with most problems - starting from the fact that the phone stopped detecting a computer before the phone display stopped working.

      Cases when the HTC Desire 516 smartphone is required:

      • Microphone is not working on HTC Desire 516;
      • The sensor on the phone HTC Desire 516 stopped working:
      • The HTC Desire 516 phone turns on, but no image on screen Or it is distorted by phone:
      • HTC Desire 516 does not see the computer;
      • HTC Desire 516 does not connect to WiFi;
      • HTC Desire 516 is not updated;
      • HTC Desire 516. does not turn on or not loaded;
      • HTC Desire 516 phone does not catch a network or does not see the sim card;
      • HTC Desire 516 does not see the SD card, does not define the flash drive;
      • HTC Desire 516. not charging via USB.

      In most cases, the problems of the HTC Desire 516 phone occur due to the firmware or incorrect update. Due to a failure in the phone firmware, settings are knocked down, or the drivers of some controllers and some functions can simply stop working.

    Today, buying a phone, it is impossible to be 100% sure that it will work without various problems throughout the agreed warranty period.

    Therefore, you need to be prepared for the most different incidents. It may be a sudden reboot of the device, and stop recharging, and even the usual shutdown of the smartphone.

    The last incident may arise from all modern models, unfortunately, and phones from the company HTC. Further, we will try to determine in the article why the device does not want to give signs of life, as well as try to determine the solutions to this difficulty.

    Causes are not included

    In fact, you can select a decent number of reasons why HTC does not turn on:

    The problem of the discharged battery

    If your smartphone turned off and does not turn on due to the discharged battery, you can easily exhale. Nothing serious happened. To solve the problem, you just need to start charging your phone. If there is no sign of the life of the smartphone after connecting the charger, then you should not despair.

    There are cases that simply disappears the connection between the contacts of the phone and the battery. To solve the difficulty, you must remove the battery from the device, and then paste it back. The problem will be solved.

    Connect breaks between the power button and the phone

    Such a casus may also occur while working with a smartphone. All devices, and HTC is no exception, they make telephones with small gaps between the button and the hole for it. This is provided for it can be conveniently turned on and off the device.

    The process of working with the device can pass in various conditions, so different dust particles, sand, etc. can fall into this small gap. In this regard, the work of the button itself is disturbed, and it does not respond to pressing. Therefore, the smartphone may not be turned on.

    To solve this difficulty, it is better to seek help in a specialized service center. If you wish, of course, you can clean the alcohol button yourself, but there is a risk that after that the smartphone will not work much better.

    Internal memory failure

    As a rule, when there are violations in work internal memory, And all other microchips and contacts are good, then after the device vibrates 7 times, it simply does not apply signs of life. In this case, it is better not to climb the phone itself in order to find the source of the problem, but it is better to immediately seek help from experts.

    As a preliminary trip to the service center, you can do the following:

    If the proper effect did not bring these actions, only a specialist can help.

    Operating system does not prode

    It can also be one of the tasks if the device turned off and is not turned on again.

    There are several ways to solve the difficulty:

    1. try to solve it by manual flashing smartphone. As a rule, the problem with the inclusion occurs after an unsuccessful update of the operating system, which must be reinstalled. Make it possible with personal computer. Setting better already proven versions of firmware so that there are no similar difficulties;
    2. contact the service center of the company. Specialists of the Center always have only proven ways to solve such tasks, and they will be able to put a new operating system on your smartphone without any problems.

    The difficulty with the OS is not the most tangible, and therefore assistance in her decision will not cost big money.

    Chicken or battery

    Check that the HTC does not turn on through the fault of the battery, very simple. To do this, you need to open rear panel Devices and see what state is the battery. If it swelled or on her surfaces are visible spots of fluid, then it is necessary to replace urgently. The cost of this element is not very big

    Where tangle for the wallet can be the combustion of one of the chip. Then the very decision can not be solved. The only option is to go to the service center for the help of a specialist. Depending on the complexity of works and the rarity chip Price for the repair can cost up to a third of the value of the smartphone itself.

    How to behave if HTC does not turn on

    Surely you know the situation when you have a panic with an unfinished smartphone. First of all, you knock on him in the hope that you can reanimate it in this way. But naturally, it does not help.

    So how to act, if suddenly the device turned off and does not apply signs of life?

    Video: HTC Nexus One PB99100 does not turn on

    What adds difficulties?

    Of course, the telephone turned off is always a problem, regardless of whether it is expensive or super-budget. But considering the characteristics of some models, independently check the cause of the incident is extremely difficult.

    We are talking about HTC models, which are produced in such a way that the battery and everything else is non-removable. In this regard, even a small difficulty with the battery can pour into a completely large incident.

    Therefore, it is not necessary to climb inside your device, if the simplest action by solving the problem did not help. It is better to immediately seek qualified help from the employees of the HTC service center.

    The article is devoted to a common problem - the HTC phone does not turn on. The main reasons for this, as well as possible paths solutions.
