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BSOD what to do. What to do when the blue screen or automatic reboot of the computer appears

So it happened that blue screen Death always scares PC users. Play yourself in CS: Go or Dota 2 - how suddenly the blue screen will fly out. Or wrote coursework 2 hours - and again this error. And if the auto storage has been disabled, then generally wonderful.

Why shut down a blue screen? And how to fix this problem? Here you have to tinker, because the blue screen on the PC (or laptop) signals a critical error.

10 main reasons

To begin with, consider the main reasons why the blue screen of death flies:

  1. HDD breakdown, video cards, RAM, etc.
  2. Conflict devices (usually this is a new RAM).
  3. Incompatibility of some device with Windows.
  4. Overheating of devices (most often - video card or processor).
  5. Inappropriate driver (or its incompatibility with Windows).
  6. Conflict drivers.
  7. Incorrect BIOS parameters.
  8. Not enough free space on the local disk FROM.
  9. Acceleration of the processor or RAM.
  10. Infection with viruses.

In 70% of cases, the blue screen appears due to drivers. Therefore, establish them only from the official developer site.

Cleans the blue screen of death: what to do?

Now consider ways to fix the blue screen of death. First you need to configure that the computer or laptop does not restart after this error. What for? To record its code, and on it find a solution to the problem.

Instructions for Windows 7, 8 and XP are the same:

Ready. Now that the blue screen of death will appear again, you need to record / remember the error code. Where is he? See on the example of the screenshot below:

In this case, this is 0x0000004e. Write it up and looking for what it means. For example, you can search here - the most common error codes are collected on this site.

Here there is information and about 0x0000004e: the error appears due to incorrect driver operation. What exactly? This is not said, but there is one simple way to find out.

To do this, you will need a BlueScreenView utility (you can find it, a link to download almost at the very bottom of the page). It will automatically find a file, because of which the blue screen of death appears and displays it in the report. To do this, just run the program.

For example, in the screenshot above it is clear that the blue screen on the computer crashes because of the ATI2DVAG.DLL file. He is connected by S. aMD video card (You can guess by the name ATI or search the Internet according to his name), therefore, most likely, you need to install new drivers for it. Or vice versa - old (it is best to use a disc that comes with a PC). After that, the blue screen on a laptop or computer should no longer appear.

In this way, step by step, you can find an error, find out the reason for its appearance, as well as the file that causes it. And then eliminate this malfunction and restore the work of Windows.

Blue screen: What else can I do?

And finally, a few more advice that will help to fix the blue screen of death:

Now you know what to do if a blue screen of death appears. One of these tips should help. And if not, you can always independently determine the cause of the fault using the BlueScreenView utility (as it is written above).

With blue screens windows death (B.lUE S.creen o.f. D.eAD) I did not come across, perhaps, only a rare lucky one. Most of us had "happiness" to see this phenomenon on our own PC. And very many, it drives into panic: what if the computer is the lid?

In order not to get lost when the blue "lantern" suddenly lit up on the screen, you need to be able to watch the enemy "in the face". That is, learning how to find out what led to the appearance of BSOD, as far as the situation is critical and know what to do so that she is no longer repeated.

"Blue Lantern" turns on unexpectedly

In the process windows work There are many errors, the bulk of which the system eliminates unnoticed for the user. But among them there are so serious that the continuation of the session of work becomes impossible. Or the problem that has arisen threatens Windows or gland irreversible damage. In such cases, BSOD pops up. The system seems to tell the user: "Sorry, friend, but I did not have another choice. If it were not for an emergency completion, something did not happen. "

Blue screens of death occur at any stage of the download and operation of the computer. And leads to them the following:

  • The incorrect operation of devices drivers due to poor compatibility with the operating system, conflict with other drivers, damage or change parameters.
  • Incorrect work software, More often that it creates its own services - antiviruses, firewalls, equipment emulators, etc.
  • Infection of malicious programs.
  • Hardware problems - RAM faults, disk drives, network, sound adapters, video subsystems, motherboard, power supply and other equipment.
  • Non-standard devices - overheating, unstable food, acceleration.
  • Data exchange breaks between devices - bad contact in connectors, faulty cables and loops.
  • Incompatibility of devices.

By the way, a single BSOD after connecting to a new device's computer, if in the future everything works without complaints, can be considered the norm.

What can I learn from the information on the blue screen

Fortunately, the overwhelming majority of blue death screens are caused software failureswhich the user can eliminate independently and relatively quickly, without resorting to reinstalling Windows. For software problems, the randomous BSODs are characterized with the same or similar error codes.

Hardware "BUSINESS" are more likely to occur in the same conditions (for example, with an increase in the load on the video card, an attempt to open a bulk file) and have different codes. Or these codes indicate the problems of specific equipment, such as: access errors to device, the impossibility of reading, recognition.

However, these signs make only the assumption of the cause of the problem. To clarify it, more detailed information is needed.

The blue screen of Windows 10's death looks like this:

Error information in it carries a string " Stop.code." In my example, it is Critical Process Died.

Bybaning the QR code, which is here, you can go to the site stopcode, Where includes general fault elimination tips. Microsoft tips are sometimes useful, but there is nothing about the reason for the reason for the case of your case, and therefore you have to look for this data in another source, for example:

  • On computer forums.
  • In reference books on various error codes, in particular, and in.

But this is not quite complete information. Each error is unique, and the most accurate information about it is contained in the file that the system saves to the disk at the time of failure. Namely - in a small dump of memory, which we will learn to analyze. And so that such files are created, you need to make several small settings.

How to enable the function of creating and saving small memory dumps

To save memory dumps on the hard disk, the system must be needed, which should be located in the same section where Windows folder. Its size can be from 2 MB and more.

  • Go through context menu in the properties of the folder " A computer».

  • Click in the window that opens the button " Additional system parameters».

»Press the button" Parameters».

  • In the section of the new window " System failure" from the list " Writing debug information»Select" Small memory dump" Let it be indicated as a save place «% Systemroot% \\Minidump"(% Systemroot% is a Windows folder).

On this setting is completed. Now the BSOD information will be stored in the above directory.

How to analyze minidamp content

Exists different methods Analysis of emergency dumps windows's memoryBut we will get acquainted with the most, in my opinion, comfortable and simple - with the help of a free utility.

BlueScreenView is especially convenient because it does not require installation on a computer bulky packages Debugging Tools for Windows and can run from any media, it is enough to click on the file of the same name.

The utility interface, despite the lack of Russian, is very friendly. The main window is divided into 2 halves. At the top - the table of minidambles - files from the Windows \\ minidump folder with the date and time of creation (column Crash Time.), error code in hexadecimal format (column Bug Check Code.), four of its parameters and other information. However, the data on a specific failure is more convenient to view in a separate window, which opens with a double click on the row of interest (shown below). The main window gives more information about the problem as a whole if bsods happened repeatedly. It is easy to track the dates of the incidents and error codes, on the repeatability of which can be judged by the nature of the problem.

The lower half of the main window displays the drivers loaded into memory at the time of an emergency on a specific dump allocated in the list. Rows highlighted with pink show the contents of the event flow stack, and the drivers mentioned in them have the most direct relationship to the cause of the failure.

We will analyze for example one of the small memory dumps with an error code 0x00000154. I'll tell you that he was caused by the plume's hall hard disk. Starting analysis, look at the driver list on the event stack. There is nothing but Ntoskrnl.exe - a Windows core, which, of course, is not guilty in the problem - just during failure, not a single drivers in the stack was not, and it always is always there.

To verify this version, we estimate the S.A.A.R.t of the hard disk of the computer that tracks the Hard Disk Sentinel program. On the day of the accident, the following attributes appeared here:

  • 188 Command Timeout.
  • 199 Ultradma CRC Error Count.

Both indicate data errors over the interface cable. The test surface test and checking the deviation file structure did not reveal, so the problem was solved by replacing the loop.

Consider another case of the blue screen of death caused Kaspersky Anti-Virus. BSOD periodically arose during windows startup 10 and when the computer is output from the sleep mode.

The error was fixed several times under the same code - 0x000000d1, which means the following: "The kernel mode driver tried to access the memory page in the IRQL process, which had too high priority." This time BlueScreenView pointed to the problem in the NDIS.SYS driver, which is responsible for network connections. So, the likelihood is high, the failure has a program origin and is associated with something that uses the network.

To identify the culprit, it was necessary to analyze the autoload of applications. At the early stage of launch operating system This PC started not too many programs that are allowed access to the Internet, more precisely, one Kaspersky. In confirmation of his involvement, I again turned to the list of drivers uploaded in the memory of the drivers in BlueScreenView and among what is present here usually discovered KL1.SYS belonging to the antivirus.

After removing Kaspersky, the blue screens no longer pop up.

The BlueScreenView utility allows you to analyze emergency memory dumps received not only where it is running, but also on another computer. For this you do not need to copy them to windows folder\\ Minidump your PC, which is loaded into the default program. Copy them at any convenient place, for example, on your desktop, and specify the program a new directory location to be downloaded.

The function of selecting a folder with dump files is in the menu " Options.» – « Advanced Options."(Opens with a combination of Ctrl + O keys) and called" Load From The Following MiniDUMP FOLDER».

Hello, friends! Finally, we got to the topic of blue screens in Windows. This is familiar to each fan of Microsoft operating systems. When it just started his acquaintance with computers thought it should be. Once a week or two to catch the blue screen is normal. The technique is, as they say, not iron. But not. As it turned out good users It is extremely rare. And the less often the better. Moreover, the OS is trying in every way to help you with taking tips on blue screen of death Windows 7 (In Windows 8 information on the screen is much less) of which you can search in Google and with a huge probability to solve your problem. This is with you and we will deal with.

While we did not leave the head at the technical moments, I will say. The main thing is to determine the driver and the error code called the blue screen. This is devoted to most of the article. Then, using the help of an old Google and good Yandex to search for answers. This is the magical formula to eliminate critical errors in Windows operating systems.

Configuring a computer to diagnose blue death screens in Windows 7

Dump memory is a memory image or its content at a certain point in time. Accordingly, a minidamp or a small dump is part of the memory content. Most likely important.

On the Advanced tab, in the Download and Recovery section, click Parameters…

Zhmem. OK

Everything. The computer is well-configured to work with blue screens.

In principle, this is already enough to diagnose and search for error code.

Now you need to tell where to watch and write.

The picture shows a typical blue screen of Windows death.

What is there:

  1. Error name
  2. That you can try to do what such is no longer
  3. Stop error code (0x1000007e)
  4. Error parameters
  5. File or driver which may have caused a blue screen
  6. The address, as it seems to me, the RAM for which an error may have happened

Now you can start in search of information without excitement:

  • by name error
  • by code of mistakes
  • by code error + driver (5)
  • by code of errors and the first parameter

Here you can wish you success and patience. Do not give up since you are not one. On the line, your mistake has already been disassembled on the bones on some forum.

Memory Dump Analysis With BlueScreenView

BlueScreenView utility will help us get useful information After analyzing the dumps.

You can download it and necessary from the official site.

You can see the discharge of your Windows in the properties of your computer.

Start\u003e Computer\u003e Properties System Type

You can read in more detail about the size of Windows.

The table below can download your language for the program. Download, unpack and copy the BlueScreenView_lng.ini file to the program folder. Restart the program and it is in your native language.

Russified options can be downloaded below

  • For 64-bit - BlueScreenView-x64.rar
  • For 32-bit - BlueScreenView-x32.rar

BlueScreenView Default Determines Multidamp Location

C: \\ Windows \\ miniDUMP

If you have other dumps, (for example, you want to analyze dumps from another computer) you can copy them to the same folder. If you do not want to interfere with dumps different computersYou can copy them to the root on the C disc and delete after analysis.

In any case, you must specify the location of them

The first thing you need to do is clean your computer from dust. Second, it is replaced by a battery on the motherboard. After that, work and watch there will be blue screens. If you read on.

You can smash the reasons for the appearance of blue death screens in Windows for three components:

  1. Equipment
  2. Drivers
  3. Programs

Computer equipment or components

One of the most common causes of blue screens in this category is RAM errors. We will have to test. How to do it - .

The same malfunctions are possible in the storage system. In other words, your hard disk wants to retire. It is necessary to make HDD diagnostics. And yes. Lack of hard disk space can also cause BSOD.

After we tested all the components, it would be nice to give a load on the entire system using the same OCCT for example.

If all components are used separately, and during a total load failure, the power supply fails. At the time of the test, it is advisable to put a more powerful BP. It would be nice to measure temperatures and if they are translated, then change the thermal and carry or carry a complete warranty configuration if there is.

Another excellent option is to disconnect all the connectors from the rear wall of the computer housing and inside it (from the motherboard, video card, hard drives and SSD, from optical drives) and reinstall. Perhaps any contact oxidized and because of this, the system does not receive proper nutrition.

I completely forgot about BIOS. At the time of the tests it is desirable to remove all accelerations and generally reset the default settings. You can read about the BIOS configuration.

If it does not help, it is advisable to update the BIOS.


According to some not proven sources, they are the causes of 70% of the blue screens.

If it does not help, then go to the manufacturer's website and download a fresh driver, remove the old one. And install a new one.

Delete the driver can simply be in the device manager. Choose a suspicious device. Right-click on it and choose properties. On the Driver tab, you click Delete.

If a fresh drivers No, put an older version. If nothing helps here, then check the equipment compatibility with Windows installed. If there is no compatibility, it is either changing the equipment or reinstall the operating system.

Drivers which in most cases cause a blue screen of death -.


With programs as well as with drivers. First you need to reinstall the existing one. Then go to the developer's website and download the latest version. If a fresh versions No, try older.

An excellent program to remove other programs with all the guts is Revo Uninstaller.

Also one of possible causes Critical errors is to install two antivirus solutions at once on one computer. It is not recommended to do so categorically.


That is what I will do with my stationary computer since he also sometimes makes me happy with its blue screens of Windows 7 death.

The most important thing! Swing drivers, programs and other pieces from official sites! It greatly increase your system's vitality.

A few more references would not lose them yourself.

Sincerely, Anton Dyachenko

Blue Screen of Death, It is a BSOD and a blue screen of death, is a Windows response to critical errors in the computer. On the screen, white inscriptions appear on the screen on a blue background, after which the device is usually rebooted, freezes or turned off.

After restarting, the system works normally for a while. But then, if you do not fix the error, BSOD appears again.

Sometimes this state leads errors in the drivers or failure of the computer hardware parts. Causes can also be in failure system settings, viruses or even installed programs.

What if the blue screen of death appeared

You can help special services built into the operating system.

If you have Windows 10, open the Start section → "Parameters" (gear) → "Update and Security" → "Troubleshooting". Scroll through the list of available services at the very end and select "Blue Screen". Click "Run a troubleshooting tool" and follow the system prompts.

If you have more old version OS or the above-mentioned tool did not work, open the Windows Control Panel and go to the Security and Service Center section. In some versions, this path may look like this: "Control Panel" → "System and Security" → "Support Center".

Expand the "Maintenance" tab and check whether the recommendations on the decision are displayed. windows problems. If so, use the proposed advice.

If nothing helps, go to the next item.

At the appearance of a blue screen of death can be hundreds of various reasons and each has their own ways to solve. Learning the cause of BSOD on your computer, you can find the best way to eliminate the problem.

On the Windows Death screen displays the code that caused its error. It may look like a set of numbers and letters (0x0000000F) or a combination of different words written in the upper case and frequently related handles (spin_lock_already_owned).

You need to enter the error code in the search engine and thus find the individual correction instructions. On the blue screen, there may even be a special QR code. Scanning it through mobile deviceYou will get to Microsoft's website with an interactive assistant solution.

If immediately after the blue screen appears, the computer restarts and you do not have time to write the error code, turn off the automatic restart. To do this, right-click on the "Computer" icon and select "Properties" → "Advanced system parameters". In the window that opens, go to the "Advanced" tab, click "Parameters" and uncheck the "Run Automatic Reload" checkbox.

If you do not want to look the desired instruction And to delve into it or the solution found in the network does not help, use the methods listed below.

3. Try simple universal measures.

These general measures affect many system parameters and help restore its normal operation. Including they can correct errors that lead to a blue screen of death.

  1. In the system settings, go to the Center windows updates"And check for updates. If they are available, install them.
  2. Check the system using.
  3. Update drivers. You can go to the manufacturer's website of your computer and download all drivers for self-installation. But you can use and free Services like

Good day. You have been such - you work you work, you sit in the internet, and here Batz blue screen with white letters on english language, all sorts, and return to work again you can only after pressing the button RESET () on the case system Block? Similar phenomenon got a name - Blue Death Screen BSOD. Neightening thing. Today I will tell you about this nasty, what it is and how to deal with it.


I will try to make a brief statement what Blue BSOD death screen. This screen appears when an irreparable error occurs in the Windows operating system because of which the OS cannot continue further work. All that the system can make is to write to a special dump file the cause of this error. Next, a message is displayed about the cause of the error and what caused it, then restart or not, depending on the settings. Everything else that you did not have time to save will be irretrievably lost. In general, the blue screen of death is not so bad on the one hand, because it signals the user, that in his computer there is a serious problem that needs to be urgently solved. If the screen appeared once or twice, then in principle you can forget about it. But if it pops up regularly, then this is a reason for concern.

Blue screen as it looks

When I first heard about this phenomenon, I thought: maybe I already had a similar case, because I saw a couple of such screens? Let's figure out that there is something.

  1. BIOS Setup.. Screen S. bIOS settings. This program in which is the settings of your computer equipment. You can get into the BIOS only at the very beginning of the PC load, pressing the DEL key. If you accidentally pressed on this key and saw this window, then do not be scared it is not a blue screen of death. In order to exit ESC.

  1. Disk check screen for errors, cHKDSK program work. This program launches most often as a result of incorrect completion. windows systems. For example, you turned off the light, and the source uninterrupted power not. Or lazy to wait for the completion of the system, you simply twist the plug out of the outlet. After this case, this screen can jump out. OS start as soon as the program Chkdsk.he will finish his work.

  1. But this is already Blue Death Screen BSOD

B Win Vista was discovered a red screen of death. If this was met, then you know all the berries of one field.

Causes of the blue screen of death

  • Failures in drivers. This is the most common cause.
  • Incorrect, "left drives".
  • Conflict applications. This can be attributed to the failure of antivirus ( if not one installed them, but two), firewalls.
  • Failures in the work of equipment (iron). Overheating of the processor, defective memory chips, or simply poorly inserted in slots of RAM chips, errors on the hard disk. Failures in the video card, motherboard with devices that are placed on it.
  • Viruses, but it is rare.


Now consider those hieroglyphs that appear on the screen.
The text we see up to Technical information,describes the error and what to do to eliminate it.

Technical informationcontains the following:

  • error code
  • the name of the driver in which the error occurred
  • address Place Errors

Enabling the recording of debugging information (dumps)

So, we gradually move to practical actions. As mentioned above at the time of occurrence critical error, the system can special File Save information about this error. By default, this feature is disabled. You need to turn it on. And usually the computer after an error immediately reboots, it also needs to be corrected.

For users Windows XP.:

StartControl PanelSystem— – ParametersSystem failure.

Remove the checkbox in the point in paragraph Writing debug information, put Small memory dump After click OK.. Immediately below indicates the folder of the small dump. Usually dump files are saved in C: WindowsMinidump.

For users Windows Vista / 7:
Start - Control Panel - System - Advanced - Download and Recovery - Parameters. Take a tick Perform an automatic reboot Click OK..

Blue screen can be called and forcibly. For what? And to learn the current problems of the operating system. This is done by double keystroke Scroll Lock. When holding the key Ctrl. But that this function to work this function needs to be included. This is done like this:

  1. Run registry editor StartPerformRegedit.
  2. Go to K. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - System - CurrentControlSet - Services - I8042PRT - Parameters.
  3. Create a new parameter DWord. With name Crashonctrlscroll and assign to him the meaning 1 .
  4. Restart PC. Well, then, as written above, clamp Ctrland twice on Scroll Lock.

BSOD dump analysis analysis

In this section, I will tell you about how you can reveal the reason for the blue screen of death almost ( although this may be and not submitted by the beginning of the JOU). Most often, the problems with the blue screen arise precisely because of the drivers, then the dump analysis will help to identify this driver and eliminate the cause of the error and further failures.

Program BlueScreenView.designed to analyze dumps. Free and easy to use. Download and install. After starting, specify a folder with dumps.

Elimination of the reasons for the blue screen of death

Elimination of causes may be a very difficult task. But still, in some cases, this problem is quite solved. The following is described how to solve the most common cases.

To this point, you must have a file name that causes an error. File name and program or driver to which it belongs:

  • aFW.SYS., afwcore.sys. and filtnt.sysAgnitum Outpost..
  • spider.sys., dwprot.sys.Dr.Web..
  • rT *** and aLC *** - Driver for devices Realtek.. This is usually a sound or network card.
  • cNX *** - Driver for devices Conexant..
  • nV *** - Driver for devices nVIDIA. This is usually a video card.
  • aTI *** - Driver for devices ATI. This is usually a video card
  • ig *** - Driver for devices Intel. This is usually built-in video outlets from Intel.

When problem driver Or the program is detected, they should be updated or replaced with other versions. Check out rAM For errors program memtest86.because Often blue Death Screen BSOD pops up as a result of memory problems.

Well, it seems so far that's all on this.