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Where old windows. How to delete Windows OLD folder (Old Windows)

For reinstalling Windows Without formatting hard drive, it remains a folder with a margin. It saves information about the previous installation. operating system. As a rule, delete this folder is under the lack of free disk space. There are several techniques:

  1. Removal formatting.
  2. Removal manually.
  3. Delete with disk cleaning.

On a note! Upon AprilWindows 10 folder Deleted automatically after ten days. When installedXP performed full formatting hard disk, so old version Not saved.

The way sureless and irreversible. During installation it is worth removing all partitions of the hard disk and place it again. Note, you should not choose the option " Fast formatting"Since it does not check for bad sectors (Bad, broken sectors) of the Winchester. However, with full formatting, take care of the preservation of information, it will not be possible to restore it after installation.

Manual removal

Step 1. Enter the disk directory with the installed system.

Step 2. Highlight the Windows.old folder, and use the SHIFT + DEL combination. On request confirm deletion.

On a note! Do not delete the folder to the basket through context menu or key "Del. " Winches Cleaning will not be produced - data in the basket still occupy a place.

Delete via the command line

Actually this method It is also possible to remove manually, but uninstallation is carried out at a low level, which guarantees the best result, due to the associated scanning of the Winchester sectors.

Step 1. For challenge command line In the "Start" menu in the "Find Programs and Files" menu, you need to enter the CMD command, call the context menu and start the handler on behalf of the administrator.

Step 2. To delete the directory, enter the RMDIR / S C: \\ Windows.old command.

On a note! Instead of a teamrMDIR can be usedrD. Pay attention to the syntax - the command is insensitive to the register, that is, "Rmdir "and"rMDIR "both are equivalent and equal. At the same time, pay attention to the regulation of the directory - if the folder intended for removing is the name " ", And you will specify"windows.oLD ", then nothing will be removed.

Step 3. Confirm the deletion of the Windows.old folder by pressing the "N" and "Enter" key.

On a note! Key "/s »Allows you to delete directory, including all subfolders and hidden files. If add key "/q ", then the request confirmation will not be required, however, in order to avoid deleting the wrong folder, the request is better to leave.

Removal through the "Cleaning Disc utility"

Step 1. To call the utility in the "Find Programs and Files" string, you need to enter the "Disk Cleaning" string, and run the program on behalf of the administrator.

In the "Find Programs and Files" string, enter the "Disk Cleaning" line and run the program on behalf of the administrator

Step 2.

Step 3.

Step 4. At the end of the analysis, a window will be displayed, with the transfer of possible items intended to remove partitions. Run the system of cleaning the system file cleaning by clicking on the corresponding button.

Step 5. Select a device on which you want to clean, and click OK.

Select the device on which the cleaning should be performed and click "OK"

Step 6. Wait for the end of the analysis process. The assessment is made according to the sections of the hard drive.

Step 7. Select the "Previous Windows Settings" item and click OK.

Step 8. Wait for the completion of the cleaning process.

Video - How to remove old windows after installing a new


We described four ways to remove the old system. All of the above methods are standard for Windows Operating Systems, and do not require an additional installation. software. After cleaning your system, you must use the disk defragmentation procedure - this is allowed to use the remaining volume of disk space as efficiently as possible. Evaluation of each method is given in the consolidated table.

Information \\ NameRemoval formattingManual removalCommand lineDisk Cleaning Utility
LicenseSupply from Windows.Supply from Windows.Supply from Windows.Supply from Windows.
Russian languageDepending on the version of WindowsDepending on the version of WindowsDepending on the version of Windows
Check for broken sectorsWith full formattingNotYesNot
Cleansing registryYesNotNotYes
Ease of interface (from 1 to 5)3 5 4 5

After installation large update operating system in May 2019, the user can notice the loss of more than 10 gigabytes free space On the hard disk of your PC or laptop. Our size of the busy space on HDD increased by 28.0 GB. Today we will show you how to remove previous version Windows 10 and effectively free such a precious place.

If you have a computer equipped hard disk Large volume, then you can and not notice these unnecessary data. The OS functionality will clean them after the expiration of 10 days (in the case of a predetermined option).

Do not want to wait? Then let's go to the case. Attention: manual should be done only if after an extreme update, your Windows 10 version 1903 operating system is properly running.

It is also worth understanding that after the liberation of the place, you will not be able to return to the old assembly of the OS. The necessary files for the recovery process will be deleted.

So, the main object for cleaning is the folder " Windows.old.". See what size it has in file conductor! Manually remove anything from it, since some system filesTo be interrelated removal can be outside this folder. It is better to seek help to system tools, especially for this created by Microsoft developers.

How to delete the previous version of Windows 10

Run the system "parameters" by the Win + i key combination on your keyboard. Next, do the following:

  • go to the system parameters "System";
  • click on the "Device Memory" section on the left;
  • right click on the "Configure Memory Control or Run It";
  • find a subsection to "free space now";
  • put the mark to "Delete previous OS versions";
  • click the "Clear Now" button.

Attention: Previously, in the same window, check the settings for deleting files from the basket and the "Download" folder! There may be the necessary objects for you. If necessary, make them or save them to another disk space.

Now, if you need to return to the previous assembly, you will have to reinstall it with. That's all!

We hope that our instructions on how to delete the previous version of Windows 10 and add free space to the hard disk, will help you if necessary. We will be very grateful for your reviews and comments on it. Thanks for attention!

WINDOVS operating systems although they are incredible popularity, still can not boast to long-term sustainable work. So, in some cases, the need to reinstallation occurs several times a month - everything depends on the programs that the user works with.

In the light of this there is nothing surprising that many are interested in the question of how to remove old windows. The fact is that installation new system over the existing old is extremely recommended, as it rarely eliminates software errors And the failures, rather, adds new ones. Starting from the Vista operating system, the developers in Microsoft accounted for the wishes of users and added to the installer special opportunityThrough which it became much easier to figure out how to remove old Windows.

Advanced installation mechanism

Before we tell you how to remove old Windows, let's analyze the behavior of the installer in Win XP systems (and earlier versions), as well as Vista (and then follow).

When installing old systems on section hard The disk where a copy of the system was already attended, the installer offered the user to make a choice - erase the existing Windows folder or start setting into a directory with a non-standard name. In both the first and second cases, all the data from the "Documents" section, the "desktop" and other key folders were lost. I had to study how to remove the old Windows, while maintaining files. With the advent of Vista, the situation has changed: the installer by finding a copy of the system, renamed it in Windows.old, and all the associated folders have moved there. The value of this small innovation for end users is difficult to overestimate - it is revolutionary.

How to remove OldWindows 7.

Depending on the system being installed, preparation changes. Consider a more complex option when Winchester is installed Win XP. The easiest way to save any files from previous system - It is to prepare a carrier with the LiveCD boot version.

There are quite a lot of data solutions, so there should be no problems with the choice. You should download LiveCD from the Internet. According to the instructions with it, write to the disk / USB flash drive. Then boot into this mini system and copy the necessary data. The next step is to delete Windows folders, Program Files. If we are talking about Win 7, you can also erase ProgramData, users. It will only be possible to reboot and start the installation. In the event that a new version of the system is installed, the LiveCD will not need: after completing the installation, the Windows directorium will be on the disk, where all system data is transferred. The desired from here must be copied, but too much - erase. Removing the remains of the previous system can be performed through the "Clearing disk" function in the "Start" menu - "standard" - "service" by specifying in the "Previous Settings" list. Sometimes people wishing to use the system for free, wonder how to remove the old Windows 7 activator. To do this, re-run this program And choose an uninstall item. No less effective, another method consisting in installing a new solution is simply over the old one. All key links will be automatically overwritten.

When reinstalling Windows always remain old versions. Of course storing old versions on the disk, especially if this disk SSD. And it has a small volume too wasteful. Therefore, old versions and files are better removed and released the hard disk space. But you need to delete them correctly so that there are no extra tails occupying a place on Winchester.

Delete old versions of Windows

Old Windows versions are on boot disk In the folder with: //windows.old. Remove sometimes this folder It does not work directly from the disk, and if it is possible, you remain unnecessary tail files of the system.

So you need to delete old windows system Correctly and correct.

To remove old versions of Windows and temporary unnecessary files, go to the "Start" menu (Fig. 1-claim 1).


Press the "Parameters" gear button (clause 2).

We go to the "System" menu (Fig. 1).

Then we go to the item "Release the place now" (Fig.4). After that, we will appear with various types of temporary files that can be deleted. And thereby freeing the disk space.

Now putting, ticks before the items that we want to remove. First of all, we are interested in "Previous Windows Settings" (Fig. 5). As we see, they occupy 25.2 GB, agree is a very significant amount of disk space, which is spent in empty.

This is especially true for SSD discs, which are expensive and therefore usually have a small volume. And here it is very important to have free space on the hard drive to install the necessary services and programs.

Read Articles:

After we installed all the necessary checkboxes to remove old versions of Windows and temporary files. Click the "Delete Files" button.

After that, the removal of unnecessary temporary files and systems will begin. This process may take some time. Therefore, it will be necessary to wait and not exit ahead of time so that removal and cleaning passed to the end.

When everything is deleted, a message to delete temporary files will appear.

Thus, in this article we disassembled both correctly and correctly delete old installations of Windows and other temporary files.

I will be glad to your questions and comments

I wish you success
Sincerely Vladimir Shishkov

Hello dear readers site site. Today I would like to tell, and if more specifically windows OLD folders. In the article, I described a method for cleaning the computer, but did not describe how to delete also previous installations of Windows And now I will fix it.

How to delete previous Windows installations or Windows OLD folders?

Remove is actually very easy, at first, when I saw repeatedly windows OLD foldersand naturally tried to remove them, but it was not here, they did not remove. And then I began to look for a solution to a solution that I was under my nose.

How to remove Windows OLD in Windows 7

The fact is that delete folder Windows.old. It does not work due to the fact that the administrator of the system is different, and the right to remove the previous one. You can certainly set the administrator rights in the properties of the folder or delete on behalf of the administrator, but why, when the system can do everything itself.

To do this, go into a launch - all programs - standard - service

Select the disc on which you have a previous operating system.

I have this disc C.

Press oK.

The system scans that you can delete.

A list of unnecessary files from the point of view will appear. I wrote about this in the article.

Choose previous Windows installations Well, if you need to go through the list and check the ticks that you need. And press OK.

A window appears in which click delete files. After cleaning, restart the computer and preferably make it.

Windows OLD How to remove on windows 10 and 8

In Windows 8 and 10, the procedure is the same, just to start the cleaning tool need to open a computer, right-click on the disk on which this folder is located.

Do not be afraid, the program will start only the analysis of the disk.

After analysis, prompt files to delete. But we click Clear System Files.

The program again analyzes files to delete and find previous Windows installations in the list. We put a tick at this point and in other items if you need to remove something else and click OK.

All, previous installing Windows Remote, as well as the Windows.old folder is not deleted too.