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Install Windows 10 from the boot flash drive. Video: Disk conversion using Paragon Partition Manager

Using a USB drive, easily reinstall the latest Windows 10 to any stationary computer or laptop. In the modern world, the flash drives are very popular, of course, they can be used to reinstall any operating system. To know how to reinstall Windows 10 from a flash drive, it is not necessary to be a programmer or other cool specialist in the field of IT technologies. You can independently reinstall the operating system by reading this detailed instructions. It will be about Windows 10, although the process is not very different from windows installations 8 or 7.

The instruction is written on the example of the laptop of ASUS, so the screenshots will correspond. This article is suitable for those who are going to put Windows 10 on the computer without the OS available on it, instead of the existing operating system or wants to install Windows 10 next to the existing operating system. The article proposes an instruction for installing Windows 10 from scratch, but not to perform an update existing on the operating system device.

For laptop owners, there are many articles telling about how to install Windows 10 on any model.

The procedure is divided into sections. The goal is not to confuse experienced users.

How to record Windows 10 for the drive

Cooking a flash drive to which the 10 version will be loaded. Why not download the software developed by Microsoft - Media Creation Tool. This application is available on the official Microsoft website.

After installing and starting the program, you must select the "Create Installation Drive for another computer" item. You should select the language, the version of the operating system and its architecture, select the media (in this case, the flash drive). After that, the image loading of Windows 10 will begin, copying it to a USB drive.

On the Internet, it is not difficult to find various methods Records operating system on flash drive. Programs such as WinsetupFromusb, Ultraiso will help you drop the loaded image of the operating system on the USB flash drive.

Disk Information with

If Windows 10 is installed on a new device on which there are no personal data, this item can be skipped and go further. If the laptop or computer contains a personal information that needs to be preserved, it should be transferred to another hDD. When installing a new operating system, all information from the disk C will be deleted, that is, it will be formatted. In addition, files from the My Documents folder should be transferred, for example, on a hard drive D, otherwise they will also be lost. Good option There will be copying all personal information on a separate USB flash drive. This guarantees its safety.

Tip: Before reinstallation, write the size of the disc with and an unoccupied volume onto a sheet of paper. This information It is useful during the installation in order to accidentally install the operating system to D drive D. In this case, all data from the disk will be irretrievably lost.

So, all important information is transferred from the disk with, so you can start installing Windows 10 from the flash drive.

Settings to download OS with flash drive

To start the Windows 10 installation, the laptop is required or stationary computer With flash drive. When using a regular disk, it is enough to insert it into the computer drive and reboot. Starting the installation can be automatic after the reboot is stocked. If you appear Press Any Key to Boot from CD or DVD, you need to immediately press any key, then install the operating system.

  • Using Boot Menu - option is more understandable and simple. Reboot the device, immediately press the ESC button (for ASUS laptops, the differences are possible for other models). After that, a dialog box appears where you need to select a USB drive with a loaded operating system. Key combinations may differ from different manufacturers laptops. To enable Boot Menu, press F11, ESC, F12, F8.
  • If you select the settings in the BIOS, you must install the flash drive to the first place (or the drive, depending on which boot option is planned). Note that the USB drive must be connected to the device before entering the BIOS. The procedure may differ depending on the BIOS version on the device. For example, an old version with a gray-blue background and a keyboard only work or a UEFI view with a modern appearance and the ability to control the mouse, not the keyboard.

How to reinstall Windows 10 from a flash drive: step first

After starting booting the operating system with a flash drive, you must specify the language, the format of monetary units and time and keyboard layout (or data entry method). Press the button Next in the lower right corner.

Press "Set" (shown in the screenshot below).

The next screen offers to specify the product key.

  1. Enter the key if the OS was officially bought.
  2. If Windows 7, 8 (8.1 was previously installed earlier), it is licensed, with a key (not earlier 12.11.2015), then you can try to enter it. The version of the installation system must be downloaded from Microsoft after November 12, 2015.
  3. If the key is absent, you should select the corresponding button at the bottom of the screen.

When writing to USB two windows options 10, for example x64 and x86 or Pro and home, it will be necessary to choose one of them before the installation starts. Press "Next"

After that, it is proposed to familiarize yourself and take the license agreement. Read this agreement or not - the choice of each. In the square "I accept the terms of the agreement" you need to put a daw, without this the further installation will not work.

After that, it is proposed to select a selective installation of Windows. The first option (updating the system, in the screenshot below) is not suitable, since this article is about installing the OS from scratch.

Where to install Windows 10: Selecting a section for installation

One of the most responsible steps. If with hard disk All important information has already been copied, then you can delete all the sections shown. After that, all the necessary partitions are created again using the Create key. From the newly created partitions you need to choose one to install Windows 10.

Suppose that Windows already installed on the computer, sections are already identified, then it remains only to click on the one that corresponds to the disk S. The size of this disk was recorded earlier (recall the preparation for reinstalling), therefore it is not difficult to identify it. In case of doubts, we advise you to stop loading and double-check the volume of the C. Select the desired partition, click "format" and then "Next".

The names of the sections on the proposed screenshot may differ, as they depend on the brand of the computer and the laptop. The main benchmark in this case is the size of the sections.

If an error occurs - the wrong partition is selected, then another system will be installed. Moreover, when the computer is turned on, you must click on the name of the OS, which is going to run.

Error appearance

A detailed description of the solution when an error appears "Unable to install Windows in the section ..." is easily on the Internet. Solution options are offered several. For example, to avoid this situation, you can select a flash drive without a UEFI signature when loading.

Copying files will start as soon as the partition is selected. You can monitor the installation process by green checks near the relevant item.

When the computer finishes downloading data from a flash drive, will happen automatic reset Devices.

If the installation of Windows 10 was conducted from the flash drive and the download was via the BIOS, as soon as the computer reboots, the system boot will return. All required data is already transferred to the device, so the USB flash drive can be removed from the computer or laptop. Next, the device will reboot reboot and the installation will begin, but already from the hard disk.

Next, the computer will prepare for the installation, the parameters will be configured. It is necessary to enter the key again. If the key is available, then we enter. If not - you should choose to "make later" (in the lower left corner). Press "Next".

Next step - Connecting to wireless wi-Fi network (if such is available within a radius of action). Next, two options: come up with a login and password and register or enter the login and password of an existing entry. If there is no wifi connection and you can only make a local account, in this case, this item should be skipped (in the lower left corner).

During the installation, it is possible to manually select the desired parameters using the Settings button. Compare standard parameters? Select the corresponding item - "Use Standard Parameters". What items include standard parameters, described in detail in the screenshot. We advise you to get acquainted with them.

After that you want to create a regular account for the device. If there is a connection to the network, then go to the existing Microsoft account.

You can start installing drivers and all kinds of utilities. The advantage is that Windows 10 selects and even installs almost all the driver you need. Unfortunately, this version of the development of events is rare. Search and install drivers most often takes time.

Search drivers should start from the official website of the manufacturer of the device and its components ( motherboard, eg). A significant disadvantage can be the lack of Windows 10 drivers under specific model Laptop or other device.

At any search engine With ease, you can find many useful articles on further personalization of the Windows interface 10.

Many users are interested in how to reinstall Windows 10 from a flash drive: how to correctly run the operating system or what section to select for the correct installation. This instruction Gives a clear description of all actions. After reading this article, perform reinstalling Windows 10 will not be difficult. Successes!


Despite the fact that many users criticize Windows 10, nevertheless, it is gaining popularity. New computers and laptops - so completely and near all with Windows 10 (Yes, the drivers for old equipment cease to release, and therefore over time, everything will be on the new OS 👌). For example, I have already switched to this OS ...

In principle, by and large, installing Windows 10 is not much different from installing previous Windows 7, 8 (and even XP). The algorithm of actions is the same: create a bootable media, configure the BIOS (UEFI) accordingly, start the installer and act according to its recommendations ...

In this article, I will consider following the steps, how and what to do that in what sequence to create to make installation new Windows 10 on your PC / laptop. The instruction, first of all, is focused on novice users, after reading it - anyone was able to establish OS.

Step 1: Creating a bootable media

The first, and most importantly, that you need to install - this is a bootable medium (in our case, it will be a USB flash drive). In general, instead you can take the usual DVD. But, first, the DVD drive is not all PCs / laptops (compared to the USB port)Secondly, the installation is faster from the flash drive faster, well, and thirdly, the flash drive is easier and easier to carry with you.

The choice is obvious!

What a flash drive is needed: The most common, size of at least 4 GB (better than 8 GB). By the way, you can use flash drives supporting USB 3.0, with them the installation will pass much faster (they are marked with blue).

The easiest way to prepare bootable media is to use special. A tool from Microsoft (on the official site). After loading and running this utility, it will easily and quickly prepare the loading flash drive (automatically downloads the system you need from the Microsoft server and write to the USB flash drive). See Screen below.

Download ISO or immediately prepare a flash drive / Means from Microsoft

In order not to describe here in detail each step (on how to create such carriers), I recommend to get acquainted with my recent article (reference to it below).

Creating a boot USB flash drive with Windows 10 -

Step 2: Saving copies of drivers and important documents

This advice refers to those users who have already installed Windows (and who wants to replace it / reinstall).

Many instructions do not contain similar subjects this CouncilAnd I still recommend saving all my drivers to the backup (so that if anything - you can restore all your files and drivers).

By the way, in addition to drivers - be sure to keep all your important documents On the USB flash drive / external hard drive / cloud. When installing OS - anything happens ...

To help!

1) ONEDRIVE: What is it? Automatic backup of my documents in the cloud! -

2) how to create backup drivers -

Step 3: Configuring BIOS (UEFI) to download from a flash drive or using Boot Menu

In order to boot from the installation flash drive, you can go in two ways: use Boot Menu (approx. : boot menu) - i.e. Select the loading media from special. List, without changing the BIOS settings; Either set up BIOS - i.e. Change the download queue to which add a flash drive (usually, this line in the BIOS is called as USB-HDD).

Important! Before bIOS setup (and input to the Boot Menu) - the installation flash drive must be connected to the USB port.

Step 4: Start Installation

If the flash drive was correctly recorded, and the BIOS (UEFI) is properly configured - after restarting the PC / laptop, you must see the first welcome window - the selection of the language (starting the installation). Select "Russian" (usually, it is specified automatically) and click the "Next" button.

In the next step windows Installer 10 will ask you to choose one of the actions: either the restoration of the system, or its installation. In our case, click on the button "Install" .

In the next step, I recommend choosing "Selective installation" And manually set all the parameters. Despite the warnings of Windows what to do this is recommended only to experienced users - I can say that there is nothing difficult there ✌ ...

Step 5: Disk breakdown!

Perhaps this is one of the most important and responsible steps when installing OS (so I took it into a separate part of the article).

In this step you need to specify where you want to install Windows 10 - i.e. Choose need section hard disk (or general SSD).

Important! When formatting, creating and removing partitions - all information on the hard disk will be deleted. That is why the second step after creating a flash drive - I recommended backup of important data (or, install the OS on that disc on which there are no necessary documents).


  1. one section: Make a size of 50 ÷ 100 GB and install Windows;
  2. second section: All remaining disk space, and use it under the files: music, documents, movies, etc.

If you suddenly have to reinstall Windows - then you simply format the first partition on the disk and install a new OS on it, and all your files on the second section will remain integer.

GenerallyTo start installation: Create a hard disk partition ("Create" button)After selecting it to install and click the Next button. In principle, nothing complicated ...

When all files are copied to your disk, are unpacked, etc. - the installer will start restarting the computer. To do not start the installation after restarting, the flash drive, after the reboot, it is better to remove from the USB port - it is not needed, because The installation will go from your disk.

The next stage in the installation is the introduction of the product key. If there is - Enter if not, you can do it later - just click "Make later" (see the arrow on the screen below).

In the next step, Windows will offer to configure the input parameters using voice, keyboard, data on the location of your PC, protection against malicious contents of web pages, etc.

In my opinion, all this is convenient to configure in the OS itself, going into the Windows Control Panel. Therefore, I recommend pressing the button "Use Standard Parameters" .

Use standard parameters

I recommend mastering the account on Latin (the fact is that it will save you from various errors In programs and games that do not always work correctly with Russian characters encountered in the ways to your documents).

Password at your discretion (if there are children in the house - I recommend putting).

The last stage in installing Windows is to wait for the final system configuration. Usually, at this time the OS displays the window: (in fact it can be saved as 5 min. And all 25!). This is especially true for old computers to which they decided to put a new OS.

By the way, many users at this point mistakenly believe that the installation hung and reboot the PC - do not need to do this.

Finishing installation

Step 7: Installation is completed, but 2 more important actions left!

Actually, this instruction completed. Further you can start your usual classes, and I will allow myself to give a couple of recommendations in the last step ...

Windows 10 installed! The first icons on the desktop appeared ...

Here is such a provocative header ✌. The first to advise is to install and update the drivers to all your glands (you can backupI advised to make in one of the steps of this instruction), and you can use the programs from the article, the reference to which is shown below.


Many after installing Windows 10 do not update the drivers - after all it works (this is earlier, 15 years ago, after installing Windows 2000 / XP, there was no video driver in the system, and the image that the eyes are instantly tired - so everyone immediately set the drivers (without reminders)).

Now OS "Poomnel" and put the driver automatically for most equipment. However, selected Windows Driver - leave much to be desired. Subsequently, it is often necessary to deal with problems in games, when setting up Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, in audio and video programs, etc.

The Microsoft Entoramon has done everything to make as many users you switched to Windows 10: I sent a free update, made the most simple creation The loading flash drive is how to write it ,.

It remains to simplify the installation of the system from this flash drive itself, although now the installation does not cause special problems. But certain underwater stones are, and since you got here, it means that you want to avoid them and put the "dozen" right and beautiful.

Computer preparation

In fact, no special preparation is required. At first, experts recommended to first update to Windows 10 with previous systemAnd then perform a clean installation. Now there is no such need: you can immediately install the "dozen". The main thing is to know license key - We use everything official versions, truth?

Usually, user data is stored on a separate drive section and remain intact when reinstalling the system on a C drive. If you are not sure that important files will remain in retaining, transfer them to a removable media or another volume of the hard disk that will not be involved in the installation Windows. To be clear - the disc will overwrite will be overwritten on which there is a Windows folder. Be sure to remember its size - during the installation process, this information is useful to determine the desired partition.

After saving files, the last step remains before installing the system - installing the download from the flash drive. This can be done during the reboot of the computer in two ways:

  1. Go to the BIOS and in the Load Priority section, install on the first USB place. After completing the installation of Windows, do not forget to return the initial configuration, with the load priority from the hard disk.
  2. Call BOOT MENU and select a flash drive source with a recorded WINDOVS distribution.
    The second way is faster and more convenient. You just run the installation with a USB flash drive, and then quietly work with the system without worrying about whether the configuration is correct exposed in the BIOS. There is nothing terrible in BIOS, but if you can do without entering it, you need to use this option.

After downloading from the flash drive, a black screen will appear with the phrase "Press Any Key ...". Well, I will follow the advice and click on any button on the keyboard to run the installation program.

System installation

Installation starts with a proposal to select the language, the format of monetary units and time, keyboard layout. Put the "Russian" everywhere and click "Next". Naturally, no one forbids choosing any other parameters - the system is pre-installed a large number of Language packs.

The next window shows a large button "Set" and a small link to system recovery tools. Now you need to click "Install", but the recovery can be useful in the future, so remember, at what stage this link is.

Then the installation wizard will propose to activate Windows. If you bought the "top ten", the license key will be written inside the box or in the message on emailsent after the acquisition of a digital copy. If you reinstall the system (go with a licensed "seven" or "eight") or perform a clean installation after the pre-update to the "dozens", then you do not need to enter any key: Windows will be activated automatically based on the existing license.

You can not enter the key at all and use the unactivated version. While it does not bring any special problems, except that some functions do not work: it is impossible to personalize appearanceThe system updates do not come.

In the next step, you choose the editors. This question may not appear if the installer automatically determined the version of the license key. If he failed to do it, help and choose the option of the system that was previously on the computer, that is, there is a license. If the licenses were not, or you will refuse it, you can choose any option. The text of the license agreement will then appear. Read the conditions and check the box that you take them. Only after that you can continue to install Windows 10 from the flash drive.

  1. Update. Files, parameters installed software are saved, and the previous system is packaged in windows folder.old.
  2. Selective installation. Pure installation with saving (or without saving) files. You can select a section for the system, format the disk to completely delete the previous version of Windows if it is.

The usual update is not interested, because it could be performed without creating a loading flash drive. Since we started installing the "top ten", we will not work out by half, and we will carry out clean installation with formatting or erasing and creating volumes on the carrier.

After clicking on the "Selective" option, a page with disk sections will open. On the previously used drives you will see more volumes than displayed in the conductor - Meet, this system sections. If the same version Windows It was pre-installed by the manufacturer (often found on laptops), then apart from three system sections there will be another one, from 10 to 20 GB. It is extremely undesirable to touch it, as it contains an image of the system recovery.

The system sections themselves cannot be touched too. The only exception is the full formatting of the drive. If you want to delete all the information and place the disk, you can carry all the sections and do not worry about anything.

At this stage, there are generally a lot of conditions. Consider all possible options:

  1. If you want to install Windows to the same section on which there was a previous version, format it or delete it, and then allow the installer to automatically create the necessary sectors.
  2. If you miss the deletion or formatting of the partition, the previous version of the system will be saved in the Windows.old folder. Plus - you can quickly roll back to it if necessary. Minus is the loss of a huge amount of free space (up to 20 GB).
  3. If you choose to install the other volume, then the computer will have two operating systems - the previous version and the "dozen".
  4. If there is no hard disk important information, You can delete all sections and place a reservoir. If the disk is new, then simply create two volumes for the user and user files. The remaining sections installer will create automatically.

There is no one right way - all methods work, the only question is what you want. But if we talk about the most proper method clean installationthen he will be to conclus full removal Section C. previous version. Then you need to highlight the unintended area that appears and continue the installation. The installation wizard will create a new section.

Fuh, the most difficult place passed, now you can relax. The installer will start copying and cooking files, set components and updates. When this stage is completed, the computer will reboot. The preparation and configuration will continue, during which the screen will become black, hang, the computer will restart several more times. Do not do anything while the master is offered to establish a connection to the network.

If such a proposal does not appear, nothing terrible - just installer did not find the necessary equipment on the computer. It is fraught with the need to search for drivers network cardTo establish an Internet connection, but Windows does not affect the installation of Windows 10.


When all these preparations and reboots are completed, the installer will prompt you to configure the basic parameters of the system.

The final step is to configure privacy parameters. You can cut down all the switches, but it is better to carefully read every item and think if you need a "dozen" to define your location, recognized speech and made another bunch of strange things.

First start

Installation completed, pre-tuning, too, before your eyes a wonderful clean worker windows table 10. What to do next:

In Windows 10, many functions that can be turned off or on the contrary, but this does not apply to the initial system setup. The "dozen" is fairly modern to work "out of the box", without unnecessary movements from the user. Different setup options only allow you to make a system convenient for a particular person, but are not defining windows.

Equipment requirements:

USB Requirements:
1. The amount of memory is at least 16 GB (preferably 32 GB or more).
2. NTFS file system.
3. USB 2.0 or USB 3.0 interface (second is preferable, since it has a much greater read / write speed).

Computer Requirements:
1. A processor with a frequency of at least 1 GHz.
2. RAM of at least 2 GB.
3. Availability of a USB port with USB 2.0 or USB 3.0 interface support.

It is worth noting that the loading of the operating system from a USB drive is possible only if it is connected directly to the computer (loading from the drive connected to a USB hub, it is impossible).

Some comments.

1. Due to the fact that the operation of the operating system requires a huge number of read / write operations, we recommend using as a removable media for windows records 10 Removable Winchester or SSD disk with a USB interface, since a flash drive is unsuitable for such a number of operations can quickly fail.
2. It should be noted that the speed of operation of such an operating system when using drives with uSB interface 2.0 will be significantly lower than the speed of the system in normal mode (we recommend using USB 3.0).
3. When preparing a USB drive to record the operating system, it will be completely cleaned, therefore, note that there are no valuable information on it.

Ways to install Windows 10 per USB drive.

To solve our goals, we can use the programs specially invented for this, such as WinNTsetUp or Pwboot. Either make it standard (built into the operating system) tools. For the most inquisitive, we also collapse in detail the installation option with command line. In all cases, we will need an image of the operating system. It must be previously unzipped with some archiver, such as WinRar.

1 way. Installing Windows 10 to USB media using WinNTSetup.

When you first start the WinNTSetup program, a notification is notified of the need to download ADK files. We agree by clicking OK.

In the main window of the program, set the installation parameters. In our case, you need the second tab. Here we first specify the path to the Install.wim file, which is located in the folder with the unzipped system. Then you specify the disc to which the bootloader will be installed, and below, the disk to which the system will be installed - in both cases, specify a USB carrier (in our example Disk E). And if the OS optimization is not required, click the "Installation" button.

If necessary, you can configure some parameters that optimize the installed operating system by pressing the OS Optimization button.

After clicking the "Installation" button, the information window will fall as in the figure below. Without changing the click "OK".

If the error fails during the installation process, "the system image! 0x52" appears as in the figure below,

then you need to check whether you chose file System USB media. The disk must be formatted in the NTFS system. After formatting to the desired file system, we repeat the steps described above.
If the errors did not arise, then after 1.5 - 2 hours, the archive unpacking will be completed, and a reboot request will fall. We agree and load with USB.
Now it remains to boot from the USB media, how to do this is described.

Windows 10 installations using WinNTSetup

2nd way to install Windows 10 on a USB USB flash drive / hard disk using the command line.

Benefits this method before others in that no additional software, it is implemented on any windows version (including HOME and Professional), any drive is suitable for installation, with sufficient memory. To install, we will need only a few utilities built into the operating system, work with which we will use the command line interface and of course the image of the operating windows systems 10.

So, run the command line and enter diskpart. The diskpart.exe utility window will open, where we sequentially enter the following commands (start the command by pressing the "Enter" key:
1. lIST DISK. - show a list of disks (on the size of the disk we can determine the number of the USB drive we need);
2. sELECT DISK 1. - Select Disk 1 (In your case, it can be another disk number. Select a number very carefully to not delete what is superfluous);
3. clean. - cleaning sections configuration;
4. cREATE PARTITION PRIMARY. - creation of the main partition;
5. format FS \u003d NTFS Quick - formatting of the created partition (Quick - for quick formatting);
6. active. - we make the section active;
7. assign Letter \u003d Z - We assign a letter to the section (you can choose any other, not occupied by other sections letter);
8. eXIT - Finish the application.

To perform the next step, we create on the disk with the windowstogo folder and copy the Windows 10 operating system there (install.wim file), which is located in the Sources folder.

Now we need to deploy on our carrier image of Windows. 10. To do this, use the Dism.exe utility. Run a command line again, but now with the administrator privileges (click on the right key on the command line icon and select the "Run from the administrator" item from the context menu).

First we will find out which images are inside the install.wim file.
You can make it a team:
dISM / Get-Wiminfo /Wimfile :C:\\WindowStogo\\Install.wimwhere C: \\ Windowstogo \\ install.wim is the path to the previously copied image.

Now that the image number is known to us, we can start unpacking it on our drive. To do this, enter the command:
dISM / Apply-image /ImageFile:C:\\WindowStogo\\Install.wim / index: 1 / applydir: z: \\where C: \\ windowstogo \\ install.wim is the path to the operating system image, / index: 1 - the image number, z - the letter of the section on the USB carrier.
On the medium power computer ( intel processor I3 frequency of 2 GHz, 4 GB RAM) Deploying an image to a USB 3.0 USB interface took about two hours.

It remains only to wait for the end of the deployment procedure. After rebooting, it will take another 15 minutes to prepare for the first launch.

The next step must be booting from the created media how to do this is described.

Video installation Windows 10 on a USB flash drive using a commercial string.

3rd Method - Windows To Go

Installation This way is not suitable for all in mind that this option is available only to Windows 10 versions of Enterprise (Corporate) and Education (for educational institutions). The fact is that Windows to Go for large organizations was conceived as a way to organize workplace activities with the possibility of non-standard placement. In addition, not any carrier is suitable for recording the operating system C using windows to go, since there are certain requirements for this to do with drives.

The list of devices certified for Windows to Go can be viewed on the Microsoft technical factory (\u003dws.11 ).aspx#wtg_hardware). If your equipment does not meet the specified requirements, then try using the installation method.
To start Windows to Go, use the built-in "search engine" and enter to Go or Windows to Go. Among the proposed options, select the desired and follow the instructions of the wizard.

Detailed instructions How to install Windows 10 yourself from the flash drive

Often we are faced with the need to set the system after purchasing a computer or laptop.

The device is not always sold with the already pre-installed system. Or on it, it may not be that operating systemwhich we need.

Or she stopped loading damaged by the virus, or with an iron upgrade when reinstallation is required.

As a result, we conclude to the decision to do it yourself.

The Windows installation process from the flash drive does not constitute anything complicated.

Any task will cope with this task, it suffices to follow the step-by-step instructions.

When reinstalling the OS, you need to take care of the safety of important working documents, family photos or video.

They can be copied to a removable hard drive, or USB, or transfer to the cloud.

For example, Dropbox, cloud Mail.Ru, Yandex.Disk, Microsoft OneDrive, or another cloud storage.

When the primary installation is performed on new computer or laptop, backup It is not required, here immediately proceed to the installation.

Media Creation Tool

First you need to create a bootable media - USB flash drive.

It is important to do it correctly, not enough to download the distribution and simply copy it to the USB flash drive.

For these purposes, special programs are used.

Microsoft has developed a tool for creating a bootable media - Media Creation Tool..

Which we download free on the official Microsoft website, on the download page.

If 4 GB and more, then create an image of 64-bit windows 10.

64-bit operating system on a computer with 2 GB random access memory It will work, but at the same time will slow down.

Conversely, a 32-bit OS on a computer with an installed RAM bar for more than 4 GB will not be able to use the entire volume of RAM.

It simply will not see more than 4 GB, but to use more than 3.5 GB, this is due to the limited computational abilities of 32-bit OS.

By the way, 64 digits - they know how to work with RAM plackets to millions of terabytes, but such humanity has not yet invented .

We can choose the option "both", then we will create an image in which there will be both bit to install on different computers. In this case, the flash drive is needed at least 8 GB.

Cleaning the disk from temporary files

It is important to remember that in the process of creating an image, it is loaded into the computer's memory, and then it is written on the USB flash drive.

Therefore, there should be no less than 8 GB of free space on the hard disk.

In the event of a shortage of free disk space, a corresponding message will appear in the window.

Then we need to clean the system disk from unnecessary files.

To do this, you can use the function "Cleaning the disk".

And, of course, check the files stored on the desktop in the folders "Basket" "Downloads" and "Documentation".

There, often you can detect tons of forgotten downloads, media files, movies, music, which only occupy a useful disk space.

You can still look into the "Temp" folder on the disk from: it stores a huge number of temporary files, sometimes the volume of temporary storage can reach tens of GB.

All these temporary files can safely delete. The main thing is not to delete the folder itself "Pace".

2 We need to create a USB flash drive, so we leave the label at the point "USB flash memory device" and click further.

3 Choose our media. If not one flash drive is connected to the computer, we note the one that is needed and clicking below.

The time of downloading the image and writing it onto the carrier depends on the speed of the Internet connection.

If the speed is small, it may be necessary for a while.

With a high-speed connection, the whole process usually takes about 20 minutes.

Upon completion of the recording, the click is ready. The program will delete temporary files and closes the itself.

With this utility you can also create just ISO Image. Then on the computer on which it is not possible to create a bootable flash drive using the Ultraiso utility. Also, everything is simple, run Ultraiso utility, open our ISO image on the hard disk and create a bootable medium. After that, you can start to install.

Loading priority in bios

1 Insert our bootable USB flash drive in PC. And reboot it.

To do this, at the time of inclusion, when checking POST, click on the key.

This is usually the Delete or F2 key. Depending on the motherboard, the key may differ.

You can move to the BIOS menu by the keyboard arrows.

The interface, of course, does not pretend to the prize of visual sympathies, but it is not necessary.

Here everything is concise and in the case. Switches the Boot tab.

The firmware on computers is different and the tab can be called otherwise, but in any case the word name will be present in the title of the section.

In more modern motherboards, you can find the graphical interface of the bios or UEFI.

The interface here can be switched to Russian and navigation in it is more understandable.

3 looking for section Boot Device. Priority - open it and switch the USB to the first place, the state must be enabled.

4 After switching the bootable media to the first place, you need to save the changes. To do this, click the F10 key, then in the dialog box, confirm the Y key - which means (yes), or click OK.

In this case, to load into the BIOS and set the priority of the download does not have to.

In addition, after installing Windows, you will need to return the priority for the hard disk back.

To do this, when rebooting the click on one of the keys in the Boot Menu.

For different models PC and laptops The key may differ. Here are the most common keys for boot boot MENU, ESC, F8, F9, F12, F11.

In the window that opens, the arrows on the keyboard, switch to our USB flash drive and confirm - ENTER.

After that, the WINDOVS 10 installation process will begin.

1 Press any key on the keyboard when this message appears.

Press Any Key To Boot From USB

We will see the windows 10 logo on the black background.

2 In the first window, select the language and layout of the keyboard.

3 Click on the button "Install".

Below is the "Restore System" button, it is not needed now. This option can be used if installed on PCWindows 10, and she for some reason stopped functioning normally or loaded. Then you can restore the damaged boot sector or files through the "Restore System", save important documents, and then it is clearly reinstalled.

After the accommodation period for free updates, all computers under windows control 7 and 8 to the version of wine 10, and the subsequent clean reinstall, the key is not required.

The digital key is attached to the equipment. It is important only to install the OS of the same bit.

It is automatically activated when the network is first connected.

When primary installation, the license key will still be needed.

But you can buy a license later, after installing Windows 10. Only before activation, some functions will not be available.

6 Agree with the terms of the license agreement and continue the installation.

7 Select item « Full setting For experienced users. In this case, the installation is performed by formatting hard disk or system partition.

First option "Update" It is the installation of Windows with saving all files to the computer, and the old system will be placed in the Windows OLD folder.

For a clean installation, it is not suitable for us, as the new OS and the old will occupy a lot of space on the disk.

Clean installation windows 10

1 First, we need to place the disk to sections (one or more), if necessary. If a PC or hard drive is new. Click create.

2 Write volume local diskwhich we want to stay for the system and click to confirm.

3 Agree with the creation of additional backup sections.

4 and also we do with all the remaining space - create a new section or partitions.

5 Select the disk on which Windows will be installed and click Next.

When reinstalling Windows, you may need to save the information on other logic disks D, E, F, and so on.

In the event you only need to format disk with the system, the rest logic discs And the reserved sections can not be touched.

Otherwise, install Windows will not be able to format the entire hard disk.

It threatens the loss of important data. Determine which disk you need to format in size.

If necessary - format

The whole process lasts from 20 minutes to 40 minutes, depending on speed hard work disk.

After copying all installation and files to configure, the computer will restart.

WINDOVS 10 settings

2 Keyboard layout - click skip, or add the second layout.

Here you can add a layout if necessary (version for one language does not support other layouts other than the main language).

3 With an active Internet connection, the program immediately installs updates.

4 Select the way to configure for personal use or for the organization.

6 VNOSE account and password and click further.

7 In the next window, set the PIN code.

But this option, the requirements of the PIN code or password when starting the system, can be turned off in confidentiality settings.

After entering the number on the phone comes SMS with reference to the application.

it Microsoft Launcher.which is installed in the phone with which we can optimize our work on the computer through mobile device, Load any files in ONEDRIVE on the phone, and they will automatically appear in the PC and vice versa.

This is an optional step, you can skip it by pressing the button to postpone.

11 Here we are waiting for several points with brief description. Disconnect all the options that, for various reasons you, do not suit. You can click on the button more to read full information for each option, it is needed or not, will you benefit.

Click on the Accept button, after which the final will begin setting up windows 10.

We set up your applications

We do not need anything else, with the exception of the time zone setting the date and time on computers without the Internet.

But so that we do not bounce, various messages that change the brightness of the background will appear for the progress of setting parameters.

After that, the desktop will be loaded, and we can set third-party software to download applications from the store to install drivers and utilities.

Free Windows 10.

Since the period of free update to Windows 10 ended in 2016, Microsoft developers still left the opportunity to get a product for free for a limited circle of faces.

In particular, these are users with disabilities.

On the Update page for persons with disabilities, you can update your PCs on Windows 7 or 8 to the "Dozens" for free.

It is enough just to confirm your conditional restrictions.

Of course, no one will not be checked for documentary evidence.

In this case, Windows 10 will be installed on the computer for one language.

After that, Windows 10 on this PC can be clearly reinstalling from a disk or flash drives as we stepped out in the article and get an eternal license for Windows 10 on this equipment.

In the case of an iron upgrade (replacement of components), motherboard or some other modules activation can fly.

But if the activation key from Windows 7 remains, then through the support service, you can return the key and activate Windows 10 for free.