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What is the automatic keyboard switch to install? Overview of free language switches on the keyboard. Automatic Switching Logging on Keyboard - Best Programs

Hello, dear blog readers Website. Today I want to continue the conversation about useful programs.

In fact, when working with the design of the site, when adding new materials, we will definitely use a number of auxiliary utilities - invisible, but more practically indispensable. For example, our today's hero is used to switch the keyboard layout and call Punto Switcher.. I will not exaggerate if I say that it is probably already at the vast majority of Runet users.

Punto Svitcher is a very convenient, simple and, important, reliable programwhich allows you to forget about how, in fact, the keyboard layout switching is performed on your computer. But besides its main function, it has a number of pretty convenient features, such as transliterate the contents of the clipboard, saving its history (the last 30 copy buffers), forced to change the keyboard layout, auto-plane (you can hang frequently used words and phrases for hotkeys) and Much.

Features of the free program Punto Svitcher

Of course, most of the additional features of Punto Switcher are also available with other programs, but this utility is already on your computer and will be loaded along with the Operation. Therefore, I personally seems quite convenient that a set of features that it provides, with the exception of only the functions of saving the history of the clipboard. For this purpose, I use another program (Clipdiary), the descriptions of the capabilities of which also touched at the end of this article.

So, Punto Svitcher has always been free program. Personally, I have been using it for about ten years and I got used to it so much that work on the computer does not cause me something that discomfort, but simply infuriates and with time it can bring to white crown. In general, I do not quite understand why a great and terrible small melkosphat is not preset to your Operation a similar possibility, because it is very convenient not to bother with what exactly the keyboard layout you are trying to fill the text.

Some time ago Program Developer Team Punto Switcher passed under the wing of YandexWhich since then tirelessly her piure even on his own and I think that for this, the company Yandex has its own reason.

I will not say that BAR is a bad addition, but the Yandex interest is apparent here - to popularize your search and at the same time get the opportunity to collect statistics on users' behavior at the sites visited by them. Remember about and associated with them new way Content quality assessment on the site? Here are different bars there and can be one of the sources of collecting these very data. But this does not understand the advantages of Punto Schitcher, and you can refuse from installing an additional set. We have democracy.

So You can always download Punto Switcher absolutely free And at the same time, it is not afraid that Ruckit or Troyan could be introduced into a free utility, because it is not answered by someone, but the "Runet Mirror" itself. After installation, it automatically sucks into the autoload and will please you with the appearance of the corresponding icon in the tray after each launch operating system.

All, now you can forget (score), which hot keys on your computer activated the keyboard layout switch. Punto will fly to analyze the characters you enter and if such a combination of letters will be unlikely for the keyboard layout currently installed at the moment, it will happen automatic switching At the time of the set of words symbols.

Switching layouts will be accompanied by an audible signal that looks like a return carriage in a circuit machine. If the Punto SWITCHER program cannot finally decide on during the word set, it will definitely do it when you press the space key. Her errors also happen, but quite rare.

Nevertheless, you always have the ability to manually change the selected layout. To cancel incorrect selection, it is enough to click on the keyboard key Pause / Break. True, this can be done only for the last typed word until you started the set of next. It is somewhat uncomfortable, but you can get used to it.

Probably, it is because of sometimes emerging errors when choosing a keyboard layout and ignorance of how you can influence this, still there are still haters Punto Schitcher, which belong to this program with prejudice. But still she has a lot more fans. So let's try to run through its settings and consider those additional featureswhich she provides us (rubbing the layout switch).

So, Punto by default will run automatically together with the loading of the operating system and it will live in the tray (bottom right) in the form of a badge with a visual display of the dialing language currently. Therefore, the default language panel displayed in Windows is deactivated.

To access the Schortcher settings, you need to click on this program icon by right-click and select from the Context menu "Settings":

On the tab general settings There is nothing particularly interesting:

True at the bottom of the settings window you have the opportunity to assign your own hot keys to manually switch the keyboard layout other than that you have been selected in Windows. Personally, I do not use the layout by manual switching from the moment of the first installation of the PUNTO switch to your computer. It never occurred to remove the "auto deduction" checkbox, for why then I need this utility.

Manager Exchange Buffer in Punto Switcher and Clipdiary

The only thing I changed, so it removed a tick from the "Show useful advice" On the "Additional" tab you can put or remove a tick in the field "Monitor the clipboard":

Punto Switcher has a so-called exchange buffer manager, which is able to retain the last thirty additions to it. If you put a tick in the field shown in the screenshot, the program will begin to store stack from the thirty latest copying to the buffer. Access to the contents of this manager you can get in several ways:

Calling in one way or another the exchange buffer manager you will see its contents:

So To insert something saved in the desired place in the buffer in the right place, you need to put the mouse cursor to this place, call the clipboard history in Punto (it is best to hang it before a combination of hot keys), find the line with the fragment you are interested in and click on it mouse. In general, everything is simple.

By itself, the buffer of the operating system windows systems Stores the data transmitted directly to random access memory And erases the old entry when adding a new one. From here there are two main disadvantages of the standard Windows tool:

  • the impossibility of adding several fragments immediately into clipboard
  • when rebooting or crashing a computer, data from the standard exchange buffer is lost

In fact, with constant work with texts, it is very often necessary to use the clipboard history. Described by a slightly higher impedacle to Punto, the switch solves these problems, but I personally seem to be a small stack for thirty values, and there is not enough search for the search on the history of the buffer.

Therefore, I, in addition to Punto Switcher, also use a separate program. For personal non-commercial use, this utility can free download. It will independently register yourself in autoload and you will only need to set a combination of hot keys to call the window with the clipboard.

To do this, click the left button on the ClipDiary icon with a yellow folder and select "File" - "Settings" from the top menu.

Now everything that you will copy to the clipboard using Ctrl + C and Ctrl + X, as well as through the context menu, will be saved on the hard disk in the ClipDiary database. In the settings you yourself can specify the number of stored records from the clipboard and, if necessary, clean the database:

CLIPDIARY You can search for the history of the buffer and, that is not unavailable, all you copy now will be stored not in volatile memory, but on the hard disk. One day it saved me from re-writing a part of the article when an unexpected voltage throw forced to reboot the computer.

Transliteration in Punto Svitcher, Change of Register and Auto Plan

But back to Punto Switcher. So, as you can see, in its settings it is possible to hang on the hot keys of quite a lot of action, except for showing the clipboard's history, which we have already talked about.

I still really like it and I constantly use it - possibility of authoring:

You assign a key combination and hang on it inserting any text, code, etc. I personally quite actively use the author and I have a lot of combinations in Punto Svitcher (for all occasions). For example, it is quite quickly able to print blindly (thanks), but only in the Russian layout of the keyboard. But with Latin, I have troubles.

Therefore, all the terms on the Latinians who often use in many articles, preferred to hang on the Hot Trucks in Punto (for example, the words Joomla, Wordpress, Virtuemart, Webmoney, HTML and others).

I already introduce the specified combinations to insert the desired word while the set of the same word in the Latin layout causes me some inconveniences (you need to rise from the lying position of the computer chair in the sedentary and start the unusual search process for the desired keys on the keyboard).

Also, I periodically add to the old articles links to new publications, which would be appropriate in the course of the story. Thereby improving such an important factor of promotion, like internal transfine. Make changes to the texts to me more convenient to me, for there is the ability to roll back. But in NotePad ++ there is no visual editor, and therefore for the insertion of the hyperlink I would have to write her code every time for all HTML rules.

P.S. Now I have discovered for myself in a non-type ++ Plugin WebEdit, which adds buttons to the toolbar:

Auto Plant in Punto Switcher allows you to automate this process, hanging opening and closing hTML tags Links to two hot key combinations. To do this, click the "Add" button in the settings (see Screenshot Located above) and enter the desired sequence of characters, which later be replaced with the text or code fragment you need:

When you configure all the combinations you need, you can choose in the PUNTO switcher settings, by clicking on which button it will be produced. There are two options, of which I most suitable for the first (ENTER or TAB), because I sometimes triggered the automatin on the press on the gap, in an unnecessary place.

Now, focusing on our example, we can insert two letters in the text "XX" in the text (or two "CC" in the Russian layout), and then press the "Tab" key on the keyboard .. In my opinion, it is very convenient. Yes, there are many programs implementing the auto transaction, but after all the Punto Switcher has already installed and additionally, it is not necessary to fasten the operation.

And now let's go again in the settings to the Hot Keys tab. The most interesting there seems to me already appointed combinations in the first four lines:

I have already mentioned the first of them - this is the abolition of the erroneous switching of the layout using the Pause / Break key. Punto Sweatcher is sometimes mistaken and if you immediately noticed this, you can click "Pause / Break" to change the layout of the last introduced word. If you noticed it later, you can select the desired word or words, and then press the hot key combination "SHIFT + PAUSE / BREAK" - The layout of the highlighted words will change.

Sometimes it is necessary change register of letters in the word On the opposite (for example, if you gained text when "Caps Look" is enabled) and for this in Punto Switcher is provided for combinations of hot keys "ALT + PAUSE / BREAK". You will need to highlight all the word (words) or only a few problem letters, and then click on the "Alt + Pause / Break" keyboard - the dedicated letter register will change to the opposite.

Well, finally, another very convenient opportunity integrated into this utility, which I regularly use is the ability to conduct a language (that is, not a direct translation, such as in, namely the replacement of Russian letters Latin on sound). Transliteration is used to write Russian words in Latin letters. Why can it be needed?

Here the thing is that for search engines (in particular, Yandex) The use of translite in pages is the best optionrather than the use of Russian characters or words on english language. No, of course, transliteration will not give you a hundred points forward, but it can be the last straw, which allowed you to get and stay in the top search results. Negregate it is not worth it.

So, Punto Svitcher allows you to instantly make the transliteration of the dedicated fragment of Russian text. To do this, use a combination of hot keys "ALT + SCROLL / LOCK". Quickly and simple. Personally, I use this feature to transfer to translines file names with images added in the content of my blog.

The fact is that the optimization of images is reduced not only to use the necessary B, but it will also be desirable to use the same keys in the title of the image file.

In addition, you can use the possibility of instant transliteration by means of Punto Switcher in Jumle. The fact is that when activated, you will have to fill in the "pseudonym" field when writing articles. The contents of this field will be added to the URL page address with this article and to improve search engine optimization It is best to use that translite.

So You can copy the title of the article in the field "Pseudonym", arrange a dash between words and carry out the transliteration of the entire text using Punto Svitcher ("Alt + Scroll / Lock"). Although I personally prefer to use for a component that does all this on the machine, but there are cases where the use of this component is either efficient or not possible.

In general, you will probably have a need to use translite, layout and register change with hot Punto keys. Of course, you can say that everything described by me in this article is small things and not meaningful trifles.

But here it is necessary to make a discount on the fact that these little things from Arsenal Punto Svitcher A little simplification in the routine, which any webmaster is engaged in day to day. Believe me, feel relief immediately and for a long time you will remember the good word of the authors of the program for such minor, but very facilitating the life of trifles.

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

see more Rollers you can go on

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Punto Switcher. - A program for automatically switching the keyboard layout (language) when typing text. And that's it.

This is the best program for this task. She is so Surov, which was not even updated for more than a year. It's just nothing to update - everything works perfectly, because the great Yandex itself produced it. Of course, switch the layout can also with built-in tools of the system, simply put by the sequential press of the "ALT" and "SHIFT" or "CTRL" and "SHIFT" keys (from anyone like) ...

But why break your fingers and brains if Punto Switcher will cope with this itself. You only need not stopping to print text, but program for automatic switching layout (Language) will figure it out on what language you are creating your masterpiece and switch the layout with a machine with a specific sound. You can configure the rules for different programs. And you can change the sound when you click any key (install a fossil sound, for example, and hang friends).

Let's finally proceed ...

Download Punto Switcher

Install Punto Switcher

Click the label ...

Take a tick (clicking on it with the left mouse button) in the square, which is indicated by the arrow and no longer changing anything (instead of E: you most likely there will be C: - Just the system I have on the disk E:, in any case, do not change anything) (Install) ...

Remove the specified checkboxes and everything - (complete).

Now, in fact, it remains to include Punto Switcher. We go to the "Start" menu, looking for a program and click on it ...

The Punto Switcher icon appeared in the tray (right, near the clock). Congratulations.

Setting up Punto Switcher

Click on this icon right mouse button and click on (settings) ...

We get ...

I only put these two ticks and that's it. More nowhere changed anything.

To assign sound when you press any key (what I spoke at the beginning) when printing, go to (sounds) ...

Put two ticks from above, and then click the (Edit) button. The folder with sounds will open. To use your sound it must be pre-saved in the "Sounds" folder (Sounds) Punto Switcher.and choose it

We are all though, s HFP YF, BHFKB is incomprehensible. Fortunately, many programs have long been developed for automatic layout shift. Someone loves them. Someone hates. And I will help you make the right decision and choose a suitable program.

OS: Windows
Language: Russian English
Last update: Stable version of 05.02.2018
Price: 0 rubles - non-profit use, from 399 rubles - commercial use

The main minus of Everylang is the requirement of installing framework .NET for the program. Of the advantages - the presence of a portable version.

The program interface looks modern, but it is not so important for a program that works in the background. IN free versionIn addition to correcting layouts, a translator is also available and spelling on the hot key.

In the paid version also unlock:

  • Exchange buffer manager
  • Text input diary
  • Layout indicator
  • History of translations
  • SmartClick (You can go on the text link click of the mouse)

Everylang really liked both externally and functionality and quality of work. If it were not for the requirement .Net, I would gladly try to use this program daily. Paid functions are not necessary for everyone, but will undoubtedly help to simplify work with the text.

Key Switcher.

OS: Windows
Language: 24 languages, including Russian
Last update: 09.07.2013
Price: Free - for non-commercial use, but zoom. There are corporate licenses.

The program has no interface. All work is done through the icon in the tray. Despite the support of the Russian language, during startup part of the menu will still be in English. We must once again choose a language in the program settings.

From the capabilities - the auto-rotation of the layout, auto execution according to the rules and a simple password manager. For each of the programs, you can configure the sensitivity of the auto detection or disable at all.

If you need just a distributor layout, then Key Switcher will be the perfect option. The program can be completely hidden and it will work in the background. But the project is clearly not developing, and problems are possible with the presence of vulnerabilities.

Keyboard Ninja.

OS: Windows
Language: 7 languages, including Russian
Last update: 6.11.2006
Price: is free

The program does not require installation, and when downloading, you can choose a set of languages. On Windows 10 Keyboard Ninja just refused to work and began to fall with errors. If she worked, I would have received the following options:

  • Autotlow
  • Translation of the Russian-speaking text in translite
  • Text Auto Plant according to the rules
  • Work with clipboard

OS: Windows, online version
Language: English
Last update: ?
Price: is free

Among the features of the program:

  • Fixing layout
  • Sending text to phone
  • Translator

The program interface leaves much to be desired. Text switching, the correction of capital on the line and other occurs only when the word is highlighted and press hot key. Sending text to mobile happens using a QR code scanning.


OS: Windows
Language: Russian English
Last update: 10.04.2018
Price: is free

Mahou does not require installation, but it is necessary to work .NET 4.0. Program with open source code And actively develops.

The program has a lot of functions and a confusing interface. By default, the program only works with certain combinations of languages \u200b\u200band therefore "from the box" may not work. Honestly, I did not succeed, even after setting.

Punto Switcher.

OS: Windows, MAC
Language: Russian
Last update: 13.03.2018
Price: is free

Punto Switcher is a nominal name for such type of programs. After buying Yandex, the installation will actively offer Yandex.Browser and other developer programs.

The program works "out of the box" and does not require additional settings. You can set up your rules for switching, exceptions and autonability phrases. There is also work with the clipboard.

X Neural Switcher

OS: X Window System, BSD, Linux
Language: 19 languages, including Russian
Last update: 23.11.2016
Price: is free

Put the X Neural Switcher to me not for that, so honestly steal the description from the developer's site.

X Neural Switcher is a program for automatically switching the keyboard layouts, depending on the type of text. Those. When typing, if it is recruited in the wrong language, XNEUR automatically (or on request) switches the language to the desired one.

For convenience, there are two modes: automatic and manual.

When working in automatic XNEUR mode automatically determines the layout of the text input and changes the tongue for you. In this mode, it is possible to specify exception applications in which the automatic mode will be replaced with manual.


OS: Linux.
Language: not
Last update: 01.08.2016
Price: is free

LOLO SWITCHER is a low-level local keyboard switch for the X11 window system. It is capable of working in any desktop environment: KDE3, KDE4, GNOME, LXDE and others. LLS works directly with the input device, very compact and fast, supports any keyboards and joystick models. LLS is capable of working transparently parallel with other keyboard switches. LLS contains built-in code diagnostics tools transmitted from the input device to the computer.

When working in text editors, Messenger, Internet, etc. We often have to change the input language on the keyboard from Russian into English and vice versa. Most advanced users make it on the machine, but, unfortunately, there are also such that this question still remains open. If you feel about the second category of users, then instructions on how to switch the key on the keyboard for you. Here we will analyze which keys to be responsible for the quick switching of the input language, how their combinations change and which programs exist to automatically shift the language layout of the computer keyboard.

Standard method

So, how to switch the language on the keyboard using standard hotkeys? Everything is very simple. To quickly switch keyboard layouts in windows Environment There are two combinations of hot keys. The first one, as a rule, it is worth the default buttons "SHIFT" and "ALT". Their simultaneous pressing allows you to quickly change the input language from English into Russian and vice versa.

The second combination consists of the "SHIFT" and "CTRL" buttons.

What a combination you can check the experimental way, controlling the process on the language panel icon in the notification area.

Changing the key combination to switch input language

If you are not satisfied with the combination of fast input language switch buttons, it can be easily changed. For example, instead of the combination "SHIFT + ALT" you use the "SHIFT" and "CTRL" button. This can be done from the "Language and Regional Standards" section. To do this, through the Start menu, go to the control panel.

In the next window, go to the "Switching keyboard" tab and click "Create a keyboard key".

Finally, change the settings at your discretion.

Third-party software for automatic language switching

To simplify a task when typing texts, not paying attention to the keyboard layout, there is a wonderful program "Punto Switcher". In fact, this is an automatic language switch when working with texts. The language switches with it automatically. For example, when set by the Russian word Latin, the program automatically replaces the input language, correcting the wrong word entered. The program is free and intuitive.

As can be seen from the picture, the program is replete with the settings. Thus, it can be customized.

Well, hello again. Perhaps you guessed the header about what will be discussed. Yes, it is on how to make automatic switching of the keyboard language layout. Perhaps you remember that in a recent article, we examined in detail the question of a combination of hot keys. But, whether you considered how many a day you print characters and words on computer keyboard And it is very not pleasant when you raise your eyes and take a similar picture:
"Hi Let's go go today in the cinema KinoFresh? NFV BLTN JNKBXYSQ ABKMV ... "
All familiar situation? And it is necessary to reprint the text, like a trifle, and not pleasant. And all due to the fact that you forgot to switch the language on time. So let's talk about how to configure the automatic keypad language switching.
Yes, in our time, when almost any process is automated, even related to finance, make automatic shift Language will not be any problems. So, let's talk about how to do this, of course you will have to install an additional software called from the well-known company yandex, since standard means Windows 7 or 8 cannot be done. You can download it by direct link absolutely free and always fresh version.
So, after you download and install this programYou have another icon in your taskbar:

She, as well as standard language bar Helling you about the keyboard layout, and if necessary, automatically switches the layout accompanying this process with a characteristic sound signal. In the program, it is also possible to switch the layout manually. All this and much more, you can additionally configure in the program, including language switching rules, exception programs, where you do not need to automatically switch the keyboard layout:

How to disable automatic language switching
After you downloaded and installed the program, the "auto-section" is enabled by default - this means that the program will change the layout itself if necessary. But sometimes it is not necessary for us, let's say in some programs. In this case, you can easily turn off this feature. For this, in the taskbar we click on the icon right mouse button and remove the check mark:

Either can be stolen the necessary program The list of exception programs in the settings.
With this program, you can print the text without thinking about whether you have switched the language or not, because it will do everything for you! Interfes is extremely simple, convenient and understandable, and I think that there will be no problems with it, but if they still happen to answer all your questions in the comments to this article.

Download Punto Switcher for free