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Auto switching keyboard from Russian into English. Disappeared the language panel in Windows - what to do? We solve the problem Cardino

Program Review

When entering the symbols of the word Punto Switcher. With the help of a special algorithm, it will determine the possibility of a combination of characters for selected languages. For example, if a combination of characters does not correspond to the English language, the program will automatically delete the word-scored word, switches the keyboard layout into Russian and enters in the correct form.

System requirements

  • System:Windows 10, Windows 8 (8.1), Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-Bit)| Mac OS x 10.x.x.
Program capabilities
Auto discharge layout
Automatic switching layout from the Russian language into English (and vice versa) or using hot key "Pause / Break".
Automatic text replacement according to the templates specified in the program. For example, when entering characters, "ha", Punto Svitcher automatically swillss them on the word "funny" or "haha" on "very funny."
Russian translation or english text In translite through the clipboard. For example, the word "Peter" is "PITER".
Support list of typos. If a typo will be assumed in the Word, the program will automatically fix it.
Maintaining a diary
All diagrams in chat rooms, browsers, computer programs Will be saved in the Punto Switcher diary. For example, in the diary you can copy or delete selected entries.
Search for information
Search for a highlighted word in search engine "Yandex.".
Search for the identification of the highlighted word in " Yandex-dictionaries".
Representation detailed information According to the selected Word in the popular Anglo-Russian Encyclopedia Wikipedia.

Punto Switcher 4.4.3 for Windows
  • Improved diary stability.
  • Added the ability to install a password for a diary.
  • Improved compatibility with office programs.
  • Added support for GitGui and Atom programs.
Punto SWITCHER 2.1 for Mac OS X
  • Added searching for site from the search string.
  • Rules updated.
Screenshots of the program

Restore the language panel is actually very simple.

First, try to restart the computer, sometimes helps

Did not help? Then:

1. Right-click on the taskbar, in the Mouse over the Mouse over the "Toolbar" in the menu and check the tick on the language panel, as shown in Figure:

2. In the Start menu, select the control panel:

then choose the "language and regional standards" by clicking on this item twice:

Go to the "Languages" tab and click the "Read more" button:

On the Options tab, click "":

turn on the top tick (display the language panel) if it is not turned on and click OK:

Now go to the "Advanced" tab. The lower tick must be turned off. If it is there, remove it and click OK:

If after that the language panel does not appear, restart the computer and repeat step 1

Does not help? Then the following option:

3. Right-click on the taskbar and run the task manager:

On the Processes tab, we are looking for a CTFMON.exe file:

If he is there, and the language panel is still not visible, go to step 4

If this process is not visible there, then we go to the folder C: \\ Windows \\ System32 We are looking for a CTFMON file and launch it:

If there is no such file there, then you download it from here:, put it in the C: \\ Windows \\ System32 folder and run.

After that, repeat step 1 and reboot the computer, the language panel should appear.

Still not appear? Then:

4. Download this file: and run. This file makes changes to the registry to return the language panel. If the antivirus begins to swear - send it far away.

5. If all previous steps did not help - put your Punto Switcher program. It and the language panel shows, and languages \u200b\u200bswitches, and even automatic switching Supports if necessary.

The main purpose of the program Punto Switcher. is an automatic shift Keyboard layouts from English into Russian (and vice versa) when the set is not on the language that is required. This process constantly monitored using a built-in dictionary that contains enough a large number of The most commonly used phrases. Thus, dialing on the keyboard the text, you can no longer worry about that it will have to rewrite it again, the Punto Switcher program converts everything automatically. However, if for some reason this does not occur, you can use the built-in transliterator, which will lead the text to the readable species for the split second.
Punto Switcher works using the principle of the impossibility of combinations of some letters for Russian and english. In Russian, for example, the word can not start with the letter "b". The program monitors which letters on the keyboard are recruited and if the program sees an invalid combination, for example, the oscillate (more), after pressing the space, ENTER or TAB is automatically switching the layout. A dictionary of several million words is used to determine the impossible combinations. Please, please, in mind that the program works correctly with Russian and english layouts Keyboard, switch rules are based on Russian and English rules.


  • creating and editing your own user dictionary;
  • correction of accidental pressed capslock;
  • canceling switching and correcting the type-click on the break. For example, you want to turn the newly dialed "We" in "VS" - click Break;
  • prevent switching and correction. For example, you dial with Latin letters and do not want to switch the layout. Press the right arrow (key →) and the layout will not switch, and the text is called correctly;
  • sound signal during typos;
  • correction of the first two capital letters, for example, in the case of Russia - Russia;
  • setting the way to switch layouts;
  • auto plane. Now you can create abbreviations that will unfold. For example, you write - "SNP", and these three letters turn into the phrase: "Best regards." Also, you can put the name of your company in the author's office, for example, CCM - "Samara Cable Company".

The Punto Switcher program includes a diary - Punto Diary. The diary is designed to help you preserve and streamline meaningful text, which is usually sprayed for conferences, letters, chats. Punto Dairy has the ability to search around the text that man has gained during the week, month, year. A journalist from this can make an article, a writer - a book, and you can, a lying diary, remember what you did last spring. Punto Diary can be useful for citing a forgotten conversation in a chat, restore text after a program failure, etc.

Active users of the operating system from Bill Gates have probably stuck with the fact that the Language Panel in Window 7 is not displayed.

Why so happens - the question is good, but for sure it will not require a response if you know how to eliminate this shortcoming.

The easiest way to solve the problem

There are many options for why the language panel can the abyss and most popular of them are the wrong operation of one or several applications at once.

This method apply most users seek to eliminate the error of the language panel. The algorithm of action is as follows:

  • In the lower right corner of your screen, find the tab "Start".
  • Click on the "Control Panel" string.
  • Find the key of the keyboard layout and click on it.
  • Click on the pop-up window "Language and regional standards".
  • Find the "Keyboard Language" tab and click "Change Keypad".
  • In a new window "Languages \u200b\u200band text input services".

Tip! If after all settings the language panel on your screen does not appear, then check how many languages \u200b\u200bare actively in your computer. The actions algorithm will be useless if only one language is active.

Check the number of active languages \u200b\u200bas follows:

  • Again go through two points of the above algorithm;
  • Find the General tab.

Inexplicable, but the fact, Russian-speaking users windows version 7 noted that the language panel with the Russian language disappears most often. Why does it come out and is it really unknown.

But you can conduct an experiment yourself if you set the English layout or any other language.

Restoring job scheduler on Windows 7

The language panel on Windows 7 has one main difference from the same Windows XP - for the launch of the language model in this case corresponds to the task scheduler.

If a this program It will not be launched, accordingly, the language panel will not be displayed. This can be traced as follows:

  • On the desktop, locate and open the "My Computer" label.
  • Find the Control tab and click on it.
  • Then to the right in the list you will find the "Services and Applications" string. Select the "Service" icon.
  • In the pop-up window to the right to see the service scheduler.
  • After opening the service, pay attention to the fact that it displays the working condition. We also advise you to specify the automatic startup type.
  • If the service is displayed in the manual startup type, then double clicks right mouse button swap it to "automatic".
  • The last step you can restart the computer and check for the presence of the language panel.

Consider the option when all settings are in order, however, the language panel on the monitor screen is missing.

Most likely, the point is that the task is disabled within the service itself.

  • On the monitor screen in the lower right corner, click on the "Start" string.
  • Then, in the search engine, enter the word "job scheduler".
  • Find the task scheduler library string and click on it.
  • Then, specify two commands at once one after another: textservicesframework and msctfmonitor.
  • The MSCTFMONITOR command needs to click the right mouse button twice so that the "Enable" string appears and click on it.

Tip! Pay attention to the MSCTFMONITOR command state. If the string has already been indicated "included", which means that the cause of the lack of the language panel is something else.

Please note that the MSCTFMONITOR service is installed in each computer. Without it, return the control panel in place is unlikely to succeed. You can independently create this program according to the following algorithm of action:

  • Download the program and unpack it;
  • Open the downloaded file;
  • In the main menu on the right, find the section TextServicesFramework;
  • Click on the TextServicesFramework dual-clicking right buttons to open the "Import Task" tab;
  • Double click left mouse buttons Click on the downloaded file;
  • Click on the task and then restart the computer to make sure the language panel returned to the place.

Use the registry to restore the language panel

If none of the above methods helped you, it means that it makes sense to check for health system registry. Earlier operational windows systems Different from the seventh topics, the language panel could be controlled using ctfmon.exe.

But in this case, it can also be appropriate. Download the program and then unpack it. If any problems arose with the work, then act like this:

  • To start the system registry, enter the combination "Win" + "R". After enter the "REGEDITE" command.
  • Next, click on the line.
  • Then, in the empty right-hand side, right-click the "Create" string. Note it as ctfmon.exe.
  • Click on the header with the left mouse button to access the C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Ctfmon.exe link.

If you clearly follow the algorithm of action, then try to restart your computer and check if the language panel appeared.

Solutions to problems via Punto Switcher

If none of the above methods have helped you, then in the extreme case there is always a solution that has repeatedly rescued users of the Windows 7 operating system.

You can do this with the help of Yandex, or rather, using the program from its developers - Punto Switcher.

To be accurate, the essence of this program is not to return to the monitor screen a linguistic line, but what to become its replacement if necessary. In the Punto Switcher program you can switch from one language to another.

After the "Settings" mode appears in the main menu, click on it to switch to the keyboard language. The problem is solved. Simply put, you downloaded an analogue of the language panel for the lack of the original.

Tip! The program includes more than a hundred languages. So that you do not have to spend time to find the search you need, you will behave several who will use most often, for example: Russian-German-English.

So the language panel has disappeared from the Windows 7 operating system taskbar. Meet such a problem? After all, from time to time it happens. At the same time, the user does not see what language is now used for a set of text.

Often to restore it through the section of the control panel called "Language and Regional Standards" does not work.

Such a problem of the disappearance of the panel occurs most often due to dropping the registry key that is responsible for launching the "CTFMON.EXE" file (it is this file that makes it work). During the searches for solving this problem on the Internet, a tool was found, which, when started, corrects (adds) information in the operating system register, thereby restoring the performance of the language windows panels 7.

So, you are offered to you step-by-step instruction on recovery. We will proceed to solve the problem on the real example.

Language panel disappeared

Download from our site (no viruses!) And unpack it using the WinRar program (MD5: CFAD01A5EA5BD160FBC06624BCDD3F55) or any archiver installed in the desired hard disk space.

Open the folder that appears and run a secure file to edit the registry named "lang.reg" and agree to add information to the registry (this step depends on the setting of access rights to work with the operating system files).

We receive a message to a successful information on the system registry and press the "OK" button.

Restart OS. In most cases, these actions are enough in order to restore the performance of the desired object. If the above solution did not help and the language panel does not want to be displayed, then you are most likely missing or damaged file "ctfmon.exe", which is on the path C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Ctfmon.exe.

It is better to copy it to this folder from the official image of the installation disk with operating system, from another computer or download from the Internet, previously making sure the reliability of the source. Please post comments and share links with friends in social networks. Thanks for attention!