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Split the disk to the program sections. Programs for working with hard disk sections

To work with the partitions of a hard disk (separation to sections or associations to one) in the Windows 10 operating system there is a built-in utility " Disk management" Its use, in my opinion, is preferable to install all sided tools. how own means "Dozens" split a hard disk or, on the contrary, combine its sections can be found in individual articles of this site: split and combine. But sometimes there are situations when it is quite difficult to do without third-party tools.

This article is written in response to the questions of the readers of the site, which have problems with the division of the Winchester or the combination of its volumes. Built in Windows 10 Disk Management utility Despite all its advantages, it has its drawbacks: sometimes it does not allow you to create a section of the desired size, it does not allow to divide the hard disk at all, sometimes it does not turn out to be combined into one necessary volumes. In these problem situations (and only in them!) I recommend using a third-party, albeit free program for managing the sections of the hard disk in the "top ten". It is worth remembering that the use of any third-party control operating system Can carry a potential danger. I am not inclined to dramatize the situation, but I think that it is obliged to warn about it, even if the probability possible problems This is one chance out of ten thousand. Therefore, when it is possible, it is better to still use the "Disk Management" utility built in Windows 10, developed by Microsoft.

When I prepared this article, I spent a few hours of time to find really completely free, reliable and authoritative program for dividing a hard disk to sections (or associations them). In this area, a lot of frank lies and dubious programs of incomprehensible origin. A separate item in my search was the question to be found software It was not only free, but also possessed a Russian-speaking interface and also turned out to be completely compatible with Windows 10. The last question is far from idle - the fact is that on the Internet you can find information on how some programs for dividing the disk created for Windows 7 or 8 spoiled the Winchester users of Windows 10.

So, as a result of long and thorough searches, I still found and tried myself Aomei Partition Assistant.. In general, its full version of the Professional Edition costs from 59 dollars and is much higher. But let it not frighten you, because the functional of her free Standard Edition branch is quite enough to:

  • Split hard disk to sections
  • Combine Tom Winchester into one section

In general, the presence of a paid version speaks only in favor of this software. After all, this indicates the seriousness of the intentions of its authors. Those who create programs for money are probably and free of charge decisions, albeit with a somewhat limited functionality (even more so, it is enough for us). Another proof of the authority of Aomei Partition Assistant, in my opinion, is the presence of an article about it in Wikipedia. By the way, if you doubt the reliability and security of a program or another, always check through the search engine, whether Wikipedia writes about it. This, of course, is not a 100% guarantee, but still, since this electronic encyclopedia is committed to maximum objectivity, in the articles on the software you can find information about possible "pitfalls" of a particular program. It was there, in Wikipedia, it is better to take a link to the official website of the program. The fact is that in search engines first places often occupy not official sites of certain programs.

On the official site Aomei Tech. I immediately found section dedicated to the Partition Assistant program. Let's go down on this page a bit down to the second screen. There for download free version We need programs for management hard disk We find item Partition Assistant Standart Edition And (understandable) Click "Download". Do not be scared that the site on english languageThe program itself has official Russian-speaking localization. Please note the options for jumping this program for different needs on the page several - for home free use Choose the version Standart. Edition.

The process of installing the program is not at all complicated. First, it is proposed to select a language, then traditionally take a use agreement, if necessary, select a folder where the program will be stored - here, in general, and that's it. After installation, the program will automatically start, if at the last stage, leave a tick at the "Run This Program" item.

Consider all the use of Aomei Partition Assistant to control a hard disk I will not. Establish in detail only the question of how this can free program split the hard disk into several sections in Windows 10. Everything else (including combining Tomov.) It is done by analogy.

The division of the hard disk to the Sections of the free program Aomei Partition Assistant in Windows 10

When the program starts at its lower part of it, all physical hard drives installed on your computer or laptop, as well as sections that exist on them are displayed. In order to divide the disk into several volumes, you first need to push off a piece of space from the existing partition. To do this, stand on the donor and by clicking on it right mouse button, select " Resize section».

A new window will appear in which you need to specify which size you want to leave the existing one. All the rest of the space will be released for the new section. I left a C 150 GB disk. Click OK.

Now we see that we have a free space with a label " Unoccupied" We need to create a new section on it (Tom). To do this, click again the right mouse button on it and choose the item " Creating a section».

The pop-up window appears again. In it, we all leave the default and click OK.

After that, a new section will appear on the program screen. It would seem that you can rejoice. But it was not there. It turns out changes on the rigid disk are not yet produced! So that the operation has been completed, you must click the button " Apply».

As a rule, to complete the operation you need to restart the computer. It is about this that tells us a new window in the Aomei Partition Assistant program. Click it "Go." A tick opposite the Check Partitions Before Execution item is better to leave. It will allow the program to check the sections for errors before division.

After that, a new window will appear again with a prevention of a computer reboot. We agree and click "Yes."

After the reboot, the physical separation of the hard disk into two sections itself begins. It occurs before the operating room boot windows systems 10 in Preos mode.

Personally, I took this process for a couple of minutes. Most likely, the fact is that on the division hard disk I did not have anything except myself profitable Windows 10 installed and several programs. Therefore, there is no time to move files. If the computer is weak, and there is a lot of information on the disk, then the division process can take much longer. My computer rebooted twice, and then started in normal mode. After that, a new section appeared in the conductor, and the already existed less.

Let me remind you that by analogy with this instruction in Windows 10 With the free Aomei Partition Assistant program, you can combine hard disk sections.

I foresee a question from some of the exhaust readers of my site, why I considered only one free program for managing hard drives on the Ten. Will explain. The fact is that the rest of the programs studied by me for various reasons did not suit: some of them did not have the Russian language (and for many it is important), other functionality in the free version turned out to be too strong, the third caused doubts about the plan Safety for the operating system and compatibility with Windows 10. In addition, I absolutely do not see the point of looking for solving enough rarely arising tasks something else. I think that considered by the hurray copes with the tasks assigned and has undoubted advantages over all other free programs that I studied. So why then score to yourself and other too much information?)

For normal and stable operation of the operating system of any personal computer Or a laptop It is necessary to carry out the correct separation of the space on the rigid disk (run the HDD breakdown). Often buying a computer in the store, you may encounter the fact that all the Winches space is allocated only under one system disk (usually this system disk "C"). Such a setting for the distribution of HDD memory is not entirely correct. In addition, it can adversely affect the operation of the computer, because the threat of disappearance may be important documents and system files (Under such data it is recommended to use a separate section on a rigid disk).

Therefore, in order to avoid any troubles related to the incorrect use of the computer's HDD memory, it is customary to break into several additional partitions (disks), one of which is usually assigned to the needs of the operating system. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that the process of separating the hard disk is a very responsible and scrupulous procedure. Before it starts, it is recommended to produce backup All important documents on a USB flash drive or other carrier of information, after which it is already moving directly to a change in the size of the disk space.

So, in order to divide the hard disk, you have to go through a few step-by-step procedures. First of all, you should select a disc partition that must be divided into subsections. After that, you must specify the size of the new partition you want to create with the type of file system. Passing all these items, you can run the HDD breakdown procedure itself. As a result of a successful execution of this operation, the program will display a list of completed changes. It should also be noted that most of the modern programs for working with hard disks will help you not only be broken down by HDD, but also to merge, make deep formatting and other complex procedures.

After purchasing a computer or installing a new hard diskAs a rule, you will have only 1 section on it. About this today and let's talk: how to divide hDD 2 or more of the section. This example Will be shown on Windows 7 by operating system by installing additional software.

How many sections should be:

For correct windows work 7 is enough 1 section "Disc C". It is installed on it and no longer need anything. It has all the necessary folders. But, in terms of convenience and its own security, at least 2 sections are recommended, this is the "C" disc and disk. Why 2? Everything is simple! The C disc is desirable to leave only for Windows and programs, and disk D use for games, music, movies, photos, etc. Thus, in case of failure and reinstalling Windows all important information Not suffer.

How to split the C disk into multiple disks

In order to break the disk to the partitions, open: Start Menu, Control Panel. Next, we will have to work with the "System and Security" tab.

All, we came to where you need and before you should be like this window:

To see which sections already installed, open "Disk Management". The operating system is usually located on the disk "C", so you need to be careful when working with it.

To split the "C" disk to the partitions, click on it with the right mouse button and select "SHAT TOM".

In a new window, which opens, enter the desired size of the new section:

Now click "Create". In the window that opens, enter, what volume do you want.

In a new window, on a not marked area, right-click and select "Create a simple Tom" as below:

Ready. You can proceed to work, but it is advisable to restart the computer.

HDD breakdown program to sections

Personally, I prefer to do without third-party programs, if you have the opportunity to do with Windows, I do it. How to break the HDD without a program I have already written above, now let's look at alternative way using third-party software.

For example, I took the simplest, free and very convenient program "DISK MANAGER FREE"

Poured it on Yandex drive, you can free download -

Installation and use is simple as doors. To break the disk you need to do everything, too, as in the example above without programs. As you can see, there is no sense from it, in my opinion and it is better to do everything as in the example above, without downloading anything.

From time to time, users want to redistribute free space on the hard disk. This happens in cases if, for example, in one place it was already over, while there are still quite a lot of it. To perform separation free space Without any problems, it is recommended to watch special software for editing. In principle, try to make all the work can be done with the help of standard windowsHowever, it is better to use exactly those software that have been developed specifically for these purposes. Despite the fact that you can download many different applications, we will describe only some of them that have won great popularity.

One of the best, undoubtedly, is the program for separation hard Disc called Partition Magic. The software boasts a variety of positive qualities and advantages, among which you can select a convenient and understandable interface, as well as rich functionality. Its possibilities are very high, to move information, change, merger, delete, as well as the creation of new sections.

Among other things, the FREE PARTITION MAGIC program is designed to work with all known file systems, including NTFS, FAT and FAT32. You will be able to convert one system to another without data loss. In general, if you need a high-quality and useful, which will quickly cope with any tasks for working with hard drives, then it is necessary to study Partition Magic - you will like the software very much.

Also called Paragon Partiton Manager. The software is characterized by a high speed of all separation operations. In this case, its functionality allows you to convert file Systems, Establish download problems, back up individual files and electrical disks. Unfortunately, it can only be installed on Windows, which causes all other users to find an alternative.

Finally, we will tell about the class utility Acronis Disk Director - a full-fledged software package that includes a large number of Important components - Manager of movement sections, copying, removal, merge. In addition, if you install, users will be able to restore partitions on the Winchester if you were lost as a result of the system failure.

Easeus Partition Master Free 12.9 - a program for splitting a hard disk to sections. This software will help you create local disk partitions directly from the program window. You do not have to do it via BIOS or reinstall Windows.

When buying a computer, there is often such a situation when only one local volume with an operating system has been created on the computer, which takes all the hard disk memory. But for ease of use, properly store system files separately from others. Share the hard disk to the sections will help Easeus Partition Master.

Features Easeus Partition Master Free

When you first start, the program scans your hard disk to detect the amount of free memory and local disks. In the main interface window, scan information will be displayed. I.e local disksIf they are present and the remaining non-marked memory area. Below, in the form of the progress of the bar, the occupied and free Memory on disks.

The main features of the program are made by separate buttons for quick access to them. This is: Creating / Changing Disc Sizes, Delete, Connection, Formatting and Copying. Easeus Partition Master has the ability to convert the MBR disc in GPT and vice versa without data loss.

Each operation can be canceled before its execution. And if you are confident in your actions, a window with a progress indicator will appear by clicking. Depending on the selected operation, it will last from several to a tent of minutes.

Also in the program there are data recovery and creation functions boot disk. This software is free, and you can download it without registration, completely free.


Version: Easeus Partition Master Free 12.9
Russian language
Status: Free
Posted by: Easeus.
System: Windows All
Size: 27.8 MB