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Office manager of electrical (thermal) networks. Ekd - Dispatcher of the Electric (Heat) Networks, Electrical Software Description of the Heating Support Organization Manager

I approve the head "_____________________" ________________ (_________________) (signature) (Full name) "___" ________ ____ G. M.P. "___" ________ ____ G. N ___

_________________________________ (name of company)

Official instructions of the controller of the electric (thermal) networks, electrical substation


1.1. This job description defines the functional responsibilities, rights and responsibility of the dispatcher of the area of \u200b\u200belectric (thermal) networks, electrical resistance (hereinafter - the employee) ________________________. (name of company)

1.2. The employee is appointed for the position and is exempt from the position in the order of the head of the manager _________________________, the order in the established work legislation.

1.3. The employee obeys directly _______________________.

1.4. Requirements for qualifications:

Higher professional (technical) education, work experience of electric (thermal) networking equipment for at least 1 year and additional training according to the established program or secondary professional (technical) education, work experience in the operation of electric (thermal) networks for at least 3 years and Additional training on the installed program.

1.5. The employee in its activities is guided by:

The rules of the internal labor regulation;

Orders and orders of the head of the organization;

This official instruction.

1.6. The employee must know:

Organizational and administrative, regulatory, methodological documents on the operation of electric equipment (thermal) networks, electrical substation, power supply consumers, dispatching control of electrical (thermal) networks;

Rules for the technical operation of electric stations and networks of the Russian Federation;

Rules of the device of electrical installations;

Rules for working with personnel in the organizations of the electric power industry of the Russian Federation;

Rules for applying and testing the means of protection used in electrical installations, technical requirements for them;

Methods and instructions for conducting training, briefing, testing knowledge; provisions, instructions for investigating causes and accounting of accidents and other technological disorders in the work of electric (thermal) networks, industrial accidents;

List and procedure for maintaining operational documentation at the workplaces of operational personnel of the area of \u200b\u200belectric (thermal) networks (electrical substation);

Official and production instructions for operational personnel of the area of \u200b\u200belectric (thermal) networks (electrical substation);

The main scheme of electrical (thermal) networks of the area (electrical substation), the schemes of primary connections and power supply of their own electrical applications (electrical substation), boiler, pumping stations, possible options for their changes in normal, emergency and repair modes;

Schemes of joining industrial and wholesale energy consumers to electrical (thermal) networks of the area (electrical substation);

Methods for regulating the voltage, parameters of the coolant, mapping water in the heat networks of the region;

Communication network schemes and rules for the operation of communication and alarm systems at the facilities of the area (electrical substation);

Installation sites of devices of automation, locks, switching equipment in the area of \u200b\u200belectrical networks (for electrical substation);

Structural scheme for constructing ASDA in electrical (thermal) networks;

Advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of operational management in areas of electrical (thermal) networks on electrical substations with a voltage of 330 kV and higher;

Basics of the economy and organization of production, labor and management in the energy sector;

Basics of labor legislation;

Rules for labor protection and fire safety.

1.7. In the absence of an employee of his function performs _______________________.

2. Official duties


2.1. Carries out operational management of the exploitation of electrical (thermal) networks of the area or an assembly electrical substation with a voltage of 330 kV and above, serviced by the operational dispatch change with the number of personnel at least 2 (two) people.

2.2. Provides uninterrupted and high-quality energy supply of consumers, maintaining reliable and economical operation modes of networks in the maintenance area of \u200b\u200bthe network area (Equipment Equipment).

2.3. Conducts acceptance and change of shift in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents.

2.4. Provides the coordinated operation of the operational and operational and repair personnel of the energy facilities of the area (electrical substation) to maintain the normal operation of the equipment and energy supply of consumers, the operational identification and elimination of the causes of faults in the work of networks (electrical substation), carry out planned and emergency switching, inclusion and disable equipment, lines power transmission, pipelines, thermal points, pumping stations, etc.

2.5. Performs constant control of the operation modes of the equipment, the load of power lines, pipelines, transformers, pumping equipment, the positions of switching devices, voltage levels of the electric current, the parameters of coolants in the control points of networks and in energy consumers, the health of the dispatch and technological management (SDTU), etc. d.

2.6. Conducts in person or through the subordinate staff operational switching in electrical (thermal) networks (electrical substation), switching on, disconnection, change of operation modes of equipment.

2.7. Accepts and systematizes applications for the withdrawal of equipment, protection and automation devices, SDTU, disconnecting individual energy consumers or the transfer of their power supply from other sources, transmits them to a higher dispatcher or managing the network area (electrical substation, group of electrical substation), coordinates them with energy consumers, Informs about the decisions made.

2.8. Controls the observance of the timing of work on equipment in accordance with orders and orders.

2.9. Reflects changes in the operational scheme of networks (electrical substation) on the mnemonic, tablet, makes records of changes in the operational journal.

2.10. Takes from a higher dispatcher and transfers the leadership of the district (electrical substation), consumers of energy, subordinate operational personnel. Emergency reports on system and network accidents, natural disasters, accidents, an unfavorable meteorological forecast, the upcoming disconnection of consumers or the restriction of energy supply.

2.11. Ensures the adoption of the necessary measures to prevent the possible consequences of adverse situations.

2.12. Carries out an operational verification of the accuracy of the information on interruptions or poor-quality energy supply of consumers, ensures the identification and elimination of the causes of the power supply.

2.13. Takes part in training, classes (exercises) on civil defense, the development of personnel actions in emergency situations, analysis of personnel actions after their completion.

2.14. Internship instructs internships and duplication in the workplace of the dispatcher of the area of \u200b\u200bnetworks (electrical substation), and controls their actions.

2.15. Carries out operational control of the work of the electrical system.

2.16. Conducts classes with operational personnel, visits the workplaces of duty personnel of electrical substation, boiler, operational and field and operational repair teams.

2.17. Carries out compliance with the operational personnel of the area of \u200b\u200bregulatory documents when performing operational switchings, preparation of jobs for work on equipment, operational documentation.

2.18. Participates in the work of the knowledge verification commissions, investigating the causes of accidents and accidents.

2.19. Hours familiarization of operational personnel with new regulatory documents, information reports on accidents.

2.20. Exercises the study of new equipment of the area of \u200b\u200bnetworks (electrical substation), electrical and heat-speaking energy consumers.

2.21. It is trained in a training center with a subsequent test of knowledge.

2.22. Participates in the introduction of new software and technical means and implementing new tasks of the automated control system (ASDU).

3. Employee Rights

The worker has the right to:

3.1. Providing him of work due to the employment contract.

3.2. Workplace, which meets the state regulatory requirements of labor protection and conditions provided for by the collective agreement.

3.3. Timely and fully paid wages in accordance with their qualifications, complexity of labor, the number and quality of work performed.

3.4. Rest, provided by the establishment of a normal working time, abbreviated working time for individual professions and categories of workers, the provision of weekly weekend days, non-working holidays paid for annual holidays.

3.5. Complete reliable information on working conditions and labor protection requirements.

3.6. Professional training, retraining and improve their qualifications in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

3.7. Association, including the right to establish trade unions and entry into them to protect their labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests.

3.8. Participation in the management of the Organization in the Russian Federation provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws and collective forms of forms.

3.9. Conducting collective bargaining and conclusion of collective agreements and agreements through their representatives, as well as information on the implementation of the collective agreement, agreements.

3.10. Protection of its labor rights, freedoms and legitimate interests by all non-prohibited by law methods.

3.11. The resolution of individual and collective labor disputes, including the right to strike, in the manner prescribed by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws.

3.12. Compensation of harm caused to him due to the execution of labor duties and compensation for moral damage in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws.

3.13. Mandatory social insurance in cases provided for by federal laws.

3.14. Obtaining materials and documents related to their activities.

3.15. Interaction with other employer units to solve operational issues of their professional activities.

Worker has the right:

3.16. To give subordinate employees of instructions, tasks in a circle of issues included in its functional duties.

3.17. Control the execution of planned tasks, timely execution of individual instructions and tasks, the work of subordinate workers.

3.18. Require from the head of the organization to assist in the performance of their duties.

3.19. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the head of the organization concerning the activities of the employee.

3.20. Submit proposals to the head of the Organization on its activities.

3.21. Receive the service information necessary to fulfill their duties.

4. Employee duties

The worker is obliged:

Conscientiously performing your employment responsibilities assigned to it by the employment contract and the job description;

Comply with the rules of the internal labor regulation;

Observe labor discipline;

Perform established labor standards;

Comply with the labor protection requirements and labor safety;

Carefully refer to the property of the employer (including the property of third parties at the employer, if the employer is responsible for the safety of this property) and other employees;

Immediately inform the employer either to the direct head about the emergence of a situation that represents the threat of life and health of people, the safety of the employer's property (including the property of third parties located at the employer, if the employer is responsible for the safety of this property).

5. Responsibility

The employee is responsible:

5.1. For improper performance or non-fulfillment of its official duties stipulated by this official instruction, within the limits defined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. For offenses committed in the process of carrying out its activities, within the limits defined by the administrative, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation.

5.3. For causing material damage - within the limits defined by the Labor and Civil Law of the Russian Federation.

6. Conditions and evaluation of work

6.1. The work of the employee is determined in accordance with the rules of the internal labor regulation established by the employer.

6.2. Work rating:

Regular - carried out by direct supervisor in the process of execution by the employee of labor functions;

- ________________________________________________________________. (specify the order and grounds for other types of work evaluation)

This job description was developed in accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of January 29, 2004 No. 4 "On approval of the qualifying reference book of managers, specialists and other employees of electric power organizations."

Direct supervisor ___________________________________ (signature) (F.I.O.) agreed: Head of the Legal Department (Legal Counsel) _________________________________ (signature) (Full name) "___" ___________________________________________ (___________________ Signature) (Full name) "___" ________ ____

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Thermal networks are the basis of municipal communal services of modern cities. It is from them that the quality and efficacy of the coolant depends, which means heat in apartment buildings. However, thermal networks are the weakest link in the heat supply system. They require emergency observation of parameters, as well as planned repairs and maintenance. Otherwise, utility accidents and leaks with heat loss become inevitable.

The essence of the operator of thermal networks

In any major city, thermal networks are divided into trunk and distribution. Observation is carried out with a special dispatch console, which is in the heat supply organization.

It is the operator of thermal networks (dispatcher) monitors the smoothness of the work of the entire system, and also accepts fault messages. Its responsibilities include:

    control over pressure inside pipes;

    maintaining the necessary thermal regime;

    monitoring the temperature of water coming back from consumers;

    observation of pumping stations;

    control over the status of backup boiler rooms and switching to them in the case of a large accident;

    receiving messages from the population about accidents;

    work with emergency brigades and maintenance of network service, issuing tasks to eliminate accidents;

    maintaining the accounting magazine and other operational documentation.

Dispatcher on the heating network, as you can see, performs a rather wide range of responsibilities. He needs to closely monitor all the parameters of the system, to respond quickly to any messages about malfunctions.

Such work is organized by sewn (2/2, or 1/3). Most of all work of dispatchers in the autumn-winter period, when most accidents and leaks occur. At this time, the repair reports come almost around the clock. However, in the summer, the operator of thermal networks there is enough work - it is he who monitors the progress of hydraulic tests (crimping) heating networks.

Requirements for qualifications and skills of thermal network operators

The main task of the operator (dispatcher) of thermal networks is to monitor the parameters of the system. Therefore, it takes high attentiveness, responsibility and pedantry.

The positions of the operators of the heat network, as practice shows, most often women work. The employer prefers to take them due to better stress resistance and greater care when working.

Random people, as a rule, are not delayed at such work for a long time, because they have to perform many cases at the same time, while regularly contact with an angry population.

One way or another, the thermal network operator should know:

    schemes of the heat network of the service area;

    schedule of heat consumers;

    device of control and measuring equipment;

    device of steam heaters, installations for preparing water preparation, etc.

The work of the dispatcher also includes documentation, therefore the knowledge of the rules for filling outformulas and other documents, accuracy when conducting accounting is mandatory conditions for successful work.

Where to learn from the operator (dispatcher) of thermal networks

Specialists in this area are prepared from scratch in educational institutions of secondary vocational education. As a rule, these are colleges and technical schools of urban economy.

In this case, the receipt is possible both after grade 9, and after grade 11 secondary school. Terms of study are 3 years with production practices.

Another option is a professional retraining in the presence of a basic specialty. Such services also provide colleges and technical schools, as well as private training centers. However, the experience in the field of communal services is very desirable.

Qualification discharges of thermal network operators on ETKS and their responsibilities

In a single tariff-qualifying reference book of works and the profession of workers (ETKS), only one category for thermal network operators - the third.

How many operators (dispatchers) of thermal networks

Vacanists of dispatchers in the labor market are not much, as it should be expected. Employers prefer to take proven workers with experience on the long-term basis.

The average salary in the province is 30 thousand rubles.

Pros and disadvantages of the profession of thermal network operator

Among plus you can note:

    the possibility of rapid retraining;

    official employment.

Minuses much more:

    small salary;

    weak demand in the labor market;

    high responsibility;

    small perspectives for career growth.

V.G. Semenov,
Editor-in-chief of the magazine "Heat News"


The dispatcher is an employee coordinating the work of other workers or organizations. The dispatcher does not directly manage the performance of work: with continuous production, this function usually performs duty personnel (for example, a duty engineer shift). Since several dispatchers participate in heat management and heat consumption processes, their actions must be agreed.

It is necessary to solve a few questions.

  • Is economic dispatching in heat supply with competition of thermal supply subjects in real time.
  • Whether the main dispatcher is needed, which is subject to all the others.
  • Is it possible to specify a list of mandatory mutual dispatching teams.

Dispatcher of the housing and operational organization or housing partnership

This dispatcher is not obliged to know how heat, water, gas, power supply systems are arranged. Headlight, he must know the permissible parameters of the coolant at the entrance to the house, and when they deviates them to record the violation of the mode and report to the heat supply organization with which the heat supply contract is concluded.

According to Article 543, paragraph 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Subscriber is obliged to immediately inform the heat supply organization about accidents, faults of accounting devices and other disorders arising from the use of thermal energy.

At the same time, the heat supply organization under Article 546 p. 2.3 should prevent the Subscriber on the restriction or termination of energy supply. With emergency restrictions, it is obliged to immediately notify the subscriber.

If an energy break is allowed, according to article 547 of paragraph 2, the energy supply organization is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper performance of contractual obligations in the presence of its guilt. In arbitration practice, one of the main evidence of guilt is the lack of a subscriber's warning of restrictions or disabilities.

Thus, the requirements of the interaction of dispatchers of housing and operational and heat supply organizations in emergency situations are definitely clear from the norms of the Group. Failure to fulfill their functions can lead to violations of operating modes and damage from both sides. In this case, the guilty party is obliged to reimburse the real damage caused (Art. 547 p. 1).

In staff situations, there is no need to interact dispatchers.

In developed countries, dispatchers of housing and communal services in our understanding are generally absent. Heat supply organizations receive all the necessary information using automated dispatching systems, and violations of heat supply modes are extremely rare.

In Russia, the functions of such dispatchers perform the most active citizens who write complaints and call in Housing.

Organization dispatcher operating laying thermal networks

If this organization is a heat supply and concludes heat supply contracts with consumer connected to its networks, then in relation to the organization owning trunk heat networks, it itself is a consumer-subscriber. It applies to the same norms of the Civil Code as in the previous case.

Repair plans can be coordinated, sharing networks are carried out, together issues technical conditions on attachment, etc., but these tasks do not solve dispatchers.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the overall hydraulic mode of thermal networks leads a dispatcher of an organization that owns trunk thermal networks. The second organization controls only the parameters of the coolant on branches and requires them to maintain them in the regulatory limits.

At the same time, in difficult cases, for example, in Petrozavodsk, most pumping stations belong to the city, and the overall hydraulic regime leads a dispatcher of the municipal enterprise that does not own trunk heat networks. Those. Both options are viable. The main thing is to conclude a coordination agreement.

If an organization that operates the separating thermal networks does not have its own heat powers working on a common network, then there are no possibilities of economic dispatching - the rate is determined by RECs, and sales - consumers. In the same case, when this organization acts as a heating network, providing the services of another heat supply organization for the transport of thermal energy and the coolant, the functions of its dispatcher are being narrowed so much that it actually only coordinates the work of the enterprise's duty units without technological regulation.

Thus, there must be a mandatory legitimate procedure for entering into an agreement, even in the context of conflict on economic or political reasons. And the most important point in this agreement should be the technological subordination of one dispatcher to another. Such a section can be made in the heat supply contract, and now there is no longer anything prevents anything - the question is only the will of the parties.

Manager of the enterprise owning trunk thermal networks

The role of the dispatcher increases in proportion to the size of the heat supply system, because Increases the number of switches, more heat sources and jumpers between them.

Feature of Russian heat supply systems - an ubiquitous dependent diagram of the addition of heating through elevators without a separation heat exchanger.

These heat supply systems are technologically most complex in the world. Hydraulic and temperature modes in the main thermal networks directly determine thermal comfort in each apartment without intermediate control circuits.

The lack of control automation in the connected buildings is partially compensated by periodic adjustment with the installation of unregulated throttle devices. Partial automation of subscriber inputs further complicates the task of qualitative control of parameters in consumers, not equipped with automation systems, due to the mutual influence of consumers to hydraulic modes.

In complex systems, the output to the mode occurs 1-2 months after starting heating, and the setup work continues the entire heating season. Any switching is undesirable and carried out only through the preliminary shutdown of the heat networks, i.e. With the temporary cessation of consumer heat supply.

The switch controller must provide minimal pressure in the return pipe sufficient to prevent bringing the heating systems of the connected buildings, at the same time the pressure in cast iron radiators should not exceed 6 kg / cm 2 to exception from the rupture. Pressure drops between direct and return pipelines at the introduction of buildings cannot be less than 2 kg / cm 2 to ensure the circulation of the coolant using elevators.

It is impossible to carry out fast reference of the system, because Throttle devices can be installed everywhere in the summer when the heat network is disconnected, and so far unregulated washers are mainly applied.

Usually, any major switching leads to a decrease in drops from finite consumers and deterioration of the operation of systems for the heating of buildings. Residents usually pretty quickly begin to react to it, opening plums from batteries into sewage. The modes deteriorate even more, and in severe frosts consequences can be disastrous. After reaching the threshold volume of the drain, the situation becomes unmanageable.

If you take into account restrictions on the throughput of pipelines, the lack of planning in the development of networks, the habit of staffing to work on an isolated contour from each source, to solve in the near future the problem of economic dispatching of heat networks in most cases is not submitted for technical reasons.

Is it possible whether the operational leadership of the controllers of thermal networks is possible from the CHP duty personnel, power system dispatchers or the operators of the wholesale electricity market? To answer this question, it is necessary to understand what exactly they can lead. Hydraulic mode? It is determined by the need to ensure the reliability of heat supply. The volume of supplies in the absence of the possibility of operational replacement from other heat sources is determined by the consumer. The temperature regime remains, and in many regions to date, attempts to netechnological regulation of water temperature in the supply pipeline of the heating network continue.

The decrease in the temperature of the coolant leads to unreasonable punishment of all consumers: and those who pay, and those who do not pay, and force them to build their own heat sources.

The biggest problems today exactly those CHPs on which they consciously went to manipulate temperature modes. Consumers are disconnected, the cost of thermal energy and tariffs grow, which provokes further disconnection of consumers, and the system falls apart.

Reducing the temperature of the coolant actually increases the cost of heat supply due to a sharp increase in the coolant costs, feeding to compensate for plums, etc. The costs of society are entirely increasingly increasing due to the need to increase the diameters of heat networks, the dimensions of heat exchangers and radiators, the cost of electric heating, treatment of people, etc.

The Supreme Manager for the Controller of the Heating Sewage is a consumer. The main task of the dispatcher is to control the quality and reliability of heat supply, and to ensure this task, it must be able to issue operational orders of both the heating system and the HDEC and the power grid personnel.

In case of accidents, the task of the controller of the Heating network - as soon as possible to restore the heat supply modes as possible, until the consumer began to interfere and independently adjust the heat consumption mode. Those. In this situation, he is also the main one.

Foreign experience

Most CHPs work on thermal graphics without condensing production. The parameters of all heat sources working on the general network sets the controller of the heating network. Consumers work responsible for sales, because Operational shutdowns - extraordinary rarity. The thermal networks from the heat source to the consumer in most cases are in one owner, and the problem of coordination of the dispatch operation is absent.

There are two models of economic dispatching.

Model number 1 - on the example of Helsinki

The central heat supply system of Helsinki and suburbs consists of three technologically isolated systems belonging to different owners. On jumpers connecting these systems, very powerful heat exchange points were built, allowing heat energy through heat exchanger in both directions.

Heat supply systems in the main elements (the power of the heat sources, the diameters of the main thermal networks) have an almost double power supply. The dispatchers of individual systems depending on the emerging conjunction on the heat and electric energy market make a decision on the loading of own heat sources, or the purchase of heat from the side.

Technically, the system is very reliable, but extremely road, especially for the consumer, which is forced to pay the content of excessive capacities.

Unified intersystem dispatch control is missing, because There are no tasks that it might decide.

Model number 2 - All former Socialist countries (no CIS)

All consumers have individual automated thermal items with an independent circuit connected. Networks are very developed.

As a result of real power saving and reduction of industrial loads, the network has a bandwidth. But even in these conditions, the heat supply organizations of large cities that fulfill the role of a single procurement, do not go to the introduction of free competition of heat sources, preferring to her long-term contracts. Competition, of course, is present, but competition is long-term proposals.

It is reasonably believed that free competition 3-4 suppliers will inevitably lead to their oligopol collusion, or to the absorption of one. In addition, even in such developed networks there may be problems with heat supply modes with free variation of the source loading.

Complete technical and economic calculations are updated every year and they are based on technological maps of loading CHP, basic and peak boilers for different weather conditions. Dispatchers of thermal networks work in accordance with them.

Many heat sources continue to work on their insulated system, because Trunk ring networks are very expensive.

In Poland, a ban on accounting in tariffs of costs for the maintenance of excess power of power sources (more than 25% of the required power) is introduced.

Russian perspectives

In real Russian conditions, the limited solvent demand in large cities will gradually introduce scheme No. 2.

There is already a movement in this direction. In many cities, thermal networks are combined in one organization. The level of automation increases. Increasing the cost of fuel, the need to load the CHP forces the design options for the transfer of boiler rooms to the peak mode of operation.

Construction of GTU-CHP, non-competitive outside the basic thermal mode of operation, i.e. With variable consumption of the coolant, forces to engage in variable hydraulic modes of thermal networks.

Of course, this work is only at the very beginning. Even in Moscow and St. Petersburg to prepare a technical system for partial implementation in certain areas of scheme No. 2 will take several years. A good plan for the development of the system and its significant technical update is necessary. And only at the end of this huge work, the dispatcher will have a regime map of economically optimal loading of heat sources.

I would like, of course, so that everything is the opposite. Just give the power to some kind of operational dispatcher and it will do in the existing system so that the consumer will be pleased, and the business will get big profit. But, probably, it is easier to simulate situations and decide whether.

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Dispatcher of the electric (thermal) network, electrical substation

Official duties. Carries out the operational management of the operation of electrical (thermal) networks of the area or nodular electrical substation with a voltage of 330 kV and above, serviced by the operational dispatch change with the number of personnel at least 2 people. Provides uninterrupted and high-quality energy supply of consumers, maintaining reliable and economical operation modes of networks in the maintenance area of \u200b\u200bthe network area (Equipment Equipment). Conducts acceptance and change of shift in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents. Provides the coordinated operation of the operational and operational and repair personnel of the energy facilities of the area (electrical substation) to maintain the normal operation of the equipment and energy supply of consumers, the operational identification and elimination of the causes of faults in the work of networks (electrical substation), carry out planned and emergency switching, inclusion and disable equipment, lines power transmission, pipelines, thermal points, pumping stations, etc. Performs constant control of the operation modes of the equipment, the load of power lines, pipelines, transformers, pumping equipment, the positions of switching devices, voltage levels of the electric current, the parameters of coolants in the control points of networks and in energy consumers, the health of the dispatch and technological management (SDTU), etc. d. Conducts in person or through the subordinate staff operational switching in electrical (thermal) networks (electrical substation), switching on, disconnection, change of operation modes of equipment. Accepts and systematizes applications for the withdrawal of equipment, protection and automation devices, SDTU, disconnecting individual energy consumers or the transfer of their power supply from other sources, transmits them to a higher dispatcher or managing the network area (electrical substation, group of electrical substation), coordinates them with energy consumers, Informs about the decisions made. Controls the observance of the timing of work on equipment in accordance with orders and orders. Reflects changes in the operational scheme of networks (electrical substation) on the mnemonic, tablet, makes records of changes in the operational journal. Takes from a higher dispatcher and transfers the leadership of the district (electrical substation), consumers of energy, subordinate operational personnel. Emergency reports on system and network accidents, natural disasters, accidents, an unfavorable meteorological forecast, the upcoming disconnection of consumers or the restriction of energy supply. Ensures the adoption of the necessary measures to prevent the possible consequences of adverse situations. Carries out an operational verification of the accuracy of the information on interruptions or poor-quality energy supply of consumers, ensures the identification and elimination of the causes of the power supply. Takes part in training, classes (exercises) on civil defense, the development of personnel actions in emergency situations, analysis of personnel actions after their completion. Internship instructs internships and duplication in the workplace of the dispatcher of the area of \u200b\u200bnetworks (electrical substation), and controls their actions. Carries out operational control of the work of the electrical system. Conducts classes with operational personnel, visits the workplaces of duty personnel of electrical substation, boiler, operational and field and operational repair teams. Carries out compliance with the operational personnel of the area of \u200b\u200bregulatory documents when performing operational switchings, preparation of jobs for work on equipment, operational documentation. Participates in the work of the knowledge verification commissions, investigating the causes of accidents and accidents. Hours familiarization of operational personnel with new regulatory documents, information reports on accidents. Exercises the study of new equipment of the area of \u200b\u200bnetworks (electrical substation), electrical and heat-speaking energy consumers. It is trained in a training center with a subsequent test of knowledge. Participates in the introduction of new software and technical means and implementing new tasks of the automated control system (ASDU).

Must know: Organizational and administrative, regulatory, methodological documents on the operation of electrical (thermal) network equipment, electrical substation, power supply of consumers, dispatching control of electrical (thermal) networks, the rules for the technical operation of electric stations and networks of the Russian Federation, rules of the electrical installation device, the rules for working with personnel in Electric power industry organizations of the Russian Federation, rules for the application and testing of the means of protection used in electrical installations, technical requirements for them, methods and instructions for conducting training, instructions, testing, provisions, regulations, instructions for investigating the causes and accounting of accidents and other technological disorders in the work of electric ( thermal) networks, industrial accidents, list and procedure for maintaining operational documentation at workplaces of operational personnel of the area of \u200b\u200belectric (thermal) networks (electrical substation), official and production insulating ins. Tructions of operational personnel of the area of \u200b\u200belectric (thermal) networks (electrical substation), the main scheme of electrical (thermal) networks of the region (electrical substation), the schemes of primary connections and power supply of their own needs of the electrical substation (electrical substation), boiler, pumping stations, possible options for their change in normal, emergency and repair modes, induction schemes of industrial and wholesale energy consumers to electrical (thermal) networks of the area (electrical substation), voltage control methods, coolant parameters, mapping water in the heat networks of the region, communication networks and the rules for the operation of communication tools and alarm systems on the serviceable objects area (electrical substation), installations of automation devices, locks, switching equipment in the area of \u200b\u200belectrical networks (for electrical substation), structural scheme for building ASDU in electrical (thermal) networks, advanced domestic and foreign experience in the field of operational management In areas of electrical (thermal) networks, on electrical substations with a voltage of 330 kV and above, the basics of the economy and the organization of production, labor and management in the energy sector, the basics of labor legislation, rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Requirements for qualifications. Higher professional (technical) education, work experience of electric (thermal) networking equipment for at least 1 year and additional training according to the established program or secondary professional (technical) education, work experience in the operation of electric (thermal) networks for at least 3 years and Additional training on the installed program.

Jobs For office dispatcher of the area of \u200b\u200belectric (thermal) networks, electrical substation in the All-Russian Base of vacancies

15.1. Tasks and organization management

15.1.1. When exploiting heat supply systems and heat consumption with a capacity of 10 Gcal / h and a 24-hour dispatch control is organized, with a capacity of less than 10 Gcal / h, dispatch control is established by relationship responsible for good condition and safe operation.

15.1.2. The tasks of the dispatch control are: development and maintenance of the specified mode of operation of thermal power plants and networks in the divisions of the organization;

planning and preparation of repair work;

ensuring the stability of heat supply and heat consumption systems;

fulfillment of the quality of thermal energy;

ensuring the efficiency of the operation of heat supply systems and the rational use of energy resources while compliance with consumption modes;

preventing and eliminating technological disorders in the production, transformation, transmission and consumption of thermal energy.

15.1.3. In an organization carrying out production activities for the production, transmission and distribution of thermal energy, round-the-clock operational management of equipment, whose tasks are:

maintaining the required mode of operation;

manufacture of switching, launches and stops;

localization of accidents and restoring the mode of operation;

preparation for the production of repair work.

If the equipment of the heat supply system is operated by various organizations, agreed control of dispatch management, decorated by administrative documents and instructions, should be organized between them.

15.1.4. Office is organized with the distribution of operational control and control functions between individual levels, as well as taking into account the subordination of the lower levels of the supervisory levels.

15.1.5. For each dispatch level, two categories of control of equipment and structures are installed - operational management and operational management.

15.1.6. In the operational management of the dispatcher, equipment, heat pipelines, relay protection devices, equipment of anti-emergency and regulatory automation systems, means of dispatch and technological control, operations with which are required to coordinate the actions of subordinate operational dispatch personnel and agreed changes in several objects of different operational subordination.

Operations with specified equipment and devices are manufactured under the direction of the dispatcher.

15.1.7. In the operational management of the dispatcher are equipment, heat transfer, relay protection devices, equipment of anti-emergency and mode automation systems, means of dispatch and technological management, operational information complexes, the state and mode of which affect the disposable power and reserve of thermal power plants, heat supply systems in general, mode and the reliability of thermal networks, as well as the adjustment of anti-emergency automation.

Operations with specified equipment and devices are manufactured with the permission of the dispatcher.

15.1.8. All thermal power plants and networks are distributed from dispatch control levels.

Lists of thermal conductors, equipment and devices that are in operational management or operational management of dispatchers are drawn up taking into account solutions to the higher authority of the operational dispatch management and are approved by the management of the Organization.

15.1.9. The relationship between the staff of various levels of operational dispatch control is regulated by the corresponding typical positions. The relationships of specialists of various control levels in the organization are governed by local instructions.

15.1.10. Management is carried out with dispatching points and control panels equipped with means of dispatch and technological management and control systems, as well as commissioned by operational schemes.

15.1.11. In each organization, instructions for operational dispatcher management, operational negotiations and records, the production of switching and elimination of emergency regimes, taking into account the specifics and structural features of power plants, are being developed. The organization carrying out production activities on thermal power plants is drawn up and approved by the technical leader of the organization a list of persons authorizing operational negotiations with the power supply organization of the heat supply system that needs to be informed.

15.1.12. All operational negotiations, operational dispatching documentation at all levels of dispatch management are carried out using a unified generally accepted terminology, type orders, messages and records.

15.2. Operating mode management

15.2.1. The mode of operation of thermal power plants is organized on the basis of daily charts.

Sources of thermal energy are required in normal conditions to perform a specified load schedule and the reserve included.

On forced deviations from the schedule, the operational staff of the source of thermal energy immediately reports the dispatcher of the thermal networks.

15.2.2. The control of heat carrier parameters of heat networks provides maintenance of a given pressure and temperature of the coolant in control points.

The deviation of the coolant temperature from the specified values \u200b\u200bis allowed with a short-term (no more than 3 hours) a change in the approved graph, unless otherwise provided by contractual relations between the source of thermal energy and consumers of heat.

15.2.3. Adjusting the parameters of the coolant in thermal networks is automatically carried out or manually by impact on:

operation of sources and consumers of heat;

hydraulic mode of thermal networks, including changes in overflow and operation modes of pumping stations and heat-consuming power plants;

mODE MODE by maintaining the constant readiness of water preparatory installations of thermal energy sources to the coating of the changing costs of feeding water.

15.3. Equipment management

15.3.1. The thermal power plants of the organization taken into account are in one of the four operational states: work, reserve, repair or conservation.

15.3.2. The withdrawal of thermal power plants from the work and reserve for repair and testing, even according to the approved plan, is issued by the application submitted according to the list of their operational management and operational management in the relevant dispatching service.

The deadlines for submitting applications and messages about their resolution are established by the relevant dispatching service.

At the source of thermal energy, the applications are consistent with the technical manager of the thermal networks and are approved by the technical supervisor of the source.

15.3.3. Tests, as a result of which the power supply regime can significantly change, are carried out on a working program approved by the technical manager of a power supply organization.

Working programs of other test equipment for thermal power plants are approved by the management of the Organization.

The test work program seems to approve and approval no later than 7 days before they are started.

15.3.4. Applications are divided into planned, corresponding to the approved plan of repair and disconnection, and urgent - to carry out non-planning and urgent repairs. Urgent applications are allowed to submit directly to the dispatcher directly directly, in the control or maintenance of the disabled equipment.

The dispatcher has the right to allow repair to pour for a period within its shift. Permission for a longer period is issued according to the main dispatcher (head of the dispatch service) of the organization or technical leader of the organization.

15.3.5. If you need to immediately shut down the equipment is disabled by the organization's operational personnel in accordance with the requirements of the instructions for use with preliminary, if possible, or the subsequent notification of higher operational dispatch personnel.

After stopping the equipment, an urgent application is drawn up indicating the causes and indicative time of repair.

15.3.6. The permission to withdraw or transfer to the capital or current repairs of the main equipment of the organization is issued in the prescribed manner on the application of the organization's dispatch service.

15.3.7. The time of operations associated with the output to the repair and commissioning of equipment, as well as milling boilers, a set on them of the required load, is included in the repair period allowed by application.

If for any reason the equipment has not been disabled in the planned period, the repair duration is reduced, and the inclusion date remains the same. Extend the repair period can only the organization's dispatch service can.

15.3.8. Despite the allowed application, the withdrawal of equipment from work and reserve or testing can be pulled from the permission of the dispatch service immediately before conclusion from the work and reserve of equipment or before conducting tests.

15.3.9. Equipment is considered entered into work from repair after notifying the operating organization on the completion of repair work, including it to work and closing an operational application.

15.4. Prevention and liquidation of technological disorders

15.4.1. The main tasks of the dispatch control in the elimination of technological disorders are:

preventing the development of violations, the elimination of injury and damage to equipment, not affected by technological disorders;

the creation of the most reliable postabaria scheme and the operation mode of the system as a whole and its parts;

finding out the state of the disconnected and disconnected equipment and, if possible, turn it on to work;

enable it to work and restore network scheme.

15.4.2. The main directions of the prevention of technological violations and maintaining the constant readiness of the organization to their liquidation are:

permanent preparation of personnel to the elimination of possible technological violations by timely conducting emergency training, improving the quality of vocational training;

creating the necessary emergency stocks of materials to equipment;

provision of personnel by means of communication, fire extinguishing, vehicles and other mechanisms necessary to protect funds;

timely provision of workplaces by schemes of technological pipelines, instructions for the elimination of technological violations, switching programs;

training personnel in gym points using simulators that are maximally relevant to real production conditions, as well as with the use of personal computers;

testing staff when taking to work, as well as in the process of work on readiness for operational work.

15.4.3. At each dispatching point, the control panel of the organization is:

local Instructions for the prevention and elimination of technological disorders, which is drawn up in accordance with the model instruction and instructions of the superior operational authority, and the liquidation of technological disorders in thermal networks, fuel and boiler houses;

plans to eliminate technological disorders in the thermal networks of cities and major settlements must be agreed in the prescribed manner.

Documents that determine their interaction in the elimination of technological disorders in organizations are agreed by emergency dispatching services of cities and organizations.

15.4.4. The elimination of technological disorders at the heat source is managed by the head of the change of thermal energy source.

The elimination of technological disorders in thermal networks performs a thermal network dispatcher. Its instructions are also mandatory for the sources of thermal energy sources.

If necessary, the operational leaders or heads of the structural units mentioned above have the right to instruct the management of the liquidation of the technological violation to another person or take the guidance on themselves by making a record in the operational journal. The replacement is informed as a higher and subordinate operational staff.

15.4.5. Acceptance and change of shift during the elimination of technological disorders is not allowed.

The operational staff that came to replace is used at the discretion of the person leading to the liquidation of technological disorders. With the protracted liquidation of the technological violation, depending on its nature, the transfer is allowed to give a change from the permission of higher operational dispatch personnel.

In cases where, when liquidating the technological violation of the operation, operations are made on equipment that are not in operational management or maintenance of higher operational dispatch staff, the transfer of shift is allowed with the permission of guidance management personnel and the organization's specialists in which the technological violation occurred.

15.4.6. Taking decisions and implementing measures to restore the normal regime, the operational dispatch staff is responsible for the elimination of the technological violation.

15.5. Operational dispatching staff

15.5.1. Operational dispatching staff of organizations in the presence of dispatching management include: operational staff, operational and repair personnel and operational leaders.

15.5.2. Operational dispatching staff keeps a safe, reliable and economical mode of operation of the organization's equipment in accordance with job descriptions and instructions for operation, operational orders of superior operational personnel.

Completion of operational dispatch staff for numbers and qualifications is carried out in accordance with industry regulatory documents and these Rules.

The combination of workplaces of operational dispatch staff, when working in a change, the incomplete can only be permitted by written in the organization's leadership.

15.5.3. Operational-dispatching staff during a change is responsible for operating equipment in operational management or conduct, in accordance with these rules, instructions of equipment manufacturers and local instructions, safety regulations and other manual documents, as well as for unconditional execution of orders Hasional operational dispatch personnel.

15.5.4. With violations of the modes of operation, damage to equipment, as well as in the event of a fire, operational dispatch staff immediately takes measures to restore the normal operation and elimination of the emergency, to prevent the development of a technological violation, and also reports that the relevant operational dispatch and managerial personnel, specialists Approved list. The disposal of the higher operational dispatch staff on issues included in its competence, be sure to execute the subordinate operational dispatch personnel.

15.5.5. Equipment in operational management or operational management of higher operational dispatch staff cannot be included in the work or derived from work without the permission of higher operational dispatch staff, with the exception of cases of obvious hazards for people and equipment.

15.5.6. The operational order of higher operational dispatch staff is issued clear, brief. After listening to the order, the subordinate operational dispatch personnel literally repeats the text of the order and receives confirmation that the order is understood correctly. The order of higher operational dispatch personnel is performed immediately and accurately.

Operational dispatching staff, giving or receiving an order or permission, writes it to the operational log. If there is a tape recorder, the recording volume in the operational log is determined by the relevant management personnel and specialists.

15.5.7. Operational negotiations are conducted in accordance with the accepted terminology. All thermal power plants, networks, technological protection and automation devices are called fully as established by the dispatch names. It is not allowed to retreat from technical terminology and dispatching items.

15.5.8. At orders to change the operation of the organization's equipment, the required value of the variable mode parameters and the time to which the specified value of individual parameters must be achieved, as well as the disposal time.

15.5.9. Operational dispatching staff, having received the disposal of management personnel and specialists in matters within the competence of higher operational dispatch personnel, fulfills it only with the consent of the latter.

15.5.10. Responsibility for failure to comply with the disposal of higher operational dispatch personnel, persons who have not fulfilled the disposal, as well as managers, authorized his failure to comply.

15.5.11. In the event that the order of higher operational dispatch personnel is subordinate to the subordinate operational dispatch personnel erroneous, he immediately reports the person who has given an order. If you confirm the order, the operational dispatching staff performs it and records the operational journal.

15.5.12. The persons of the operational dispatch personnel, which are in reserve can be brought to the performance of maintenance maintenance work within the framework of the job description and only with the permission of the relevant guidance operational dispatch personnel, which is in a change, with a record in the operational journal and the journal of accounting for outhouses and orders.

15.5.13. The replacement of one person from the number of operational-dispatch staff to others before the start of shift, if necessary, is allowed with the permission of the relevant management personnel and specialists who have signed schedule, and with the notification of higher operational dispatch staff.

Work for two shifts in a row is not allowed.

15.5.14. Each employee from the number of operational dispatch staff, standing at the workplace, takes a shift from the previous employee, and after the end of the work, it replaces the employee to be shifted.

Care from duty without putting a shift is not allowed. Operational leaders take measures to ensure the replacement of operational dispatch personnel.

15.5.15. When accepting a change, an employee from among the operational dispatch staff should:

familiarize yourself with the condition, scheme and mode of operation of thermal power plants, which are in its operational management and maintenance, in the amount determined by the relevant instructions;

to get information from the shift of equipment that you need to conduct a particularly thorough observation to prevent violations in work, and on equipment located in reserve and repair;

find out what work is carried out on requests, outfits and orders on the plot enshrined after it;

check and take the tool, materials, keys to premises, operational documentation and documentation of the workplace;

read all records and orders for the time passed from his previous duty;

take a report from subordinate personnel and report to the immediate boss on the change on joining duty and disadvantages identified at the acceptance of a shift;

make an acceptance of a change with a record in a magazine or a statement for his signature and signature by paying a shift.

15.5.16. Operational dispatching staff periodically in accordance with the local instruction deals the action of automation, alarm, alarm devices, means of communication, and also checks the correctness of the readings of the clock at the workplace, etc.

15.5.17. Operational-dispatching staff according to approved graphics carry out the transition from work equipment to the backup, performs testing and prophylactic equipment inspections.

15.5.18. Operational managers can replace fully or partially subordinate operational-dispatch personnel who do not fulfill their duties, or to redistribute duties in shift. At the same time, a record is made in the operational journal or a written order is issued and is notified by the cooding staff of the relevant levels of operational dispatch management.

15.5.19. Operational dispatching staff to resolve the operational leader may be briefly involved in repair work and testing with exemption on this time from the execution of duties in the workplace and record in the operational journal.

15.6. Switching in thermal schemes of boiler and thermal networks

15.6.1. All switching in thermal circuits are performed in accordance with local operating instructions and are recorded in operational documentation.

15.6.2. In cases not provided for by the instructions, as well as the participation of two or more adjacent divisions or switching organizations, are performed according to the program.

Complex switching described in the instructions is also performed according to the program.

15.6.3. The silent is complex: in thermal circuits with complex connections; long-lasting;

at the objects of great length; Rarely performed.

To rarely executed switching can be classified: input of the main equipment after installation and reconstruction; Test for the strength and density of equipment and thermal networks;

special equipment tests;

check and testing new non-traditional methods of operation of equipment, etc.

The degree of switching complexity and the need to draw up a program for their implementation are determined by the technical manager depending on the specifics of the working conditions.

15.6.4. Each organization develops a list of complex switches approved by a technical manager. The list is adjusted taking into account the input, reconstruction or dismantling of equipment, changes in technological schemes and technological protection and automation schemes, etc. The list is revised 1 time in 3 years. Copies of the list are at the workplace of the organization's operational dispatch staff.

15.6.5. The technical leader of the Organization approves a list of persons from managerial personnel and specialists who have the right to control the performance of switchings conducted by programs. The list is adjusted when the staff is changed. Copies of the list are at the workplace of the operational-dispatch staff of the workshop and from the serviceable state and safe operation of thermal power plants and (or) networks.

15.6.6. The switching program indicates: the purpose of switching;

object switching;

a list of measures to prepare for switching; Terms of switching;

the planned time of the beginning and end of switching, which can be refined in operational manner;

if necessary, the circuit of the switching object (name and numbering of elements of thermal power plants in the diagram must fully comply with the names and numbering adopted in the organization);

the order and sequence of operations with an indication of the position of shut-off and regulatory organs and the elements of the chains of technological protection and automation;

operational dispatcher personnel performing switching;

personnel involved in participation in switching;

operational dispatcher personnel, managing switching;

in the case of participation in the switching of two or more divisions of the organization - a person from managerial personnel and specialists engaged in general guidance;

in the case of participation in the switching of two or more organizations, persons from managerial personnel and specialists responsible for performing switchings in each organization, and a person from the number of managerial personnel and specialists carrying out the overall guide to switching;

responsibilities and responsibilities of the persons specified in the Program;

list of activities to ensure the safety of work;

personnel actions in emergency or position, threatening the lives of people and integrity of equipment.

15.6.7. The program is approved by the technical leader of the Organization, and when the program is running outside the program, the technical managers of organizations involved in the switching program.

15.6.8. For repeated switches, pre-compiled typical programs are applied.

Typical programs are reviewed 1 time in 3 years and are adjusted with the introduction, reconstruction or dismantling of equipment, changes in technological schemes and technological protection and automation schemes.

15.6.9. The switching program and type switching programs are applied by operational dispatcher personnel and are operational documents when performing switchings.

15.6.10. In the presence of the organization that the thermoshem of thermal power plants and (or) networks, all changes are reflected on it after the end of the switching.