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How to find out when the Internet page was created. How to quickly and quickly find out the date of creating a page of VKontakte multiple simple ways? Why find out the date of creation

The tool will help you quickly find out the date when Yandex first found checked pages when indexing. You can check both site pages and, for example, the age of the VKontakte page. Maximum in the instrument you can check the age of up to 50 pages at a time.

Why define the age of the pages?

The age of the document is an important ranking factor in promoting search engines. The value is used by experienced optimizers for holding a comparative analysis of age with pages from the top 10 issuing on the required query in the Yandex search engine.

The age of the page and the age of the site are absolutely different things that cannot be confused. To determine the age of the site, check the age of its main page or. The big age of the site itself, of course affects the initial trust of new pages, but it is precisely the age of the page itself determines its search in the "sandbox" of the search engine.

Date of registration "VKontakte" determined on the basis of located on the official website XML file. With FOAF information. You can always independently check the registration date of the profile, passing this file as the ID parameter ID page identifier. For example, opening the source code of the page\u003d1 you will see:



The desired value will be in the tag Where Yyyy-Mm-DD is a year, month and day, HH: MM: SS - watch, minutes and seconds, a + hh: mm - time zone. In cases where it is impossible to determine the date of registration record, for example, when the user's page is removed, it is calculated on the basis of neighboring accounts, the registration date of which is known.

In addition, built frame registration schedule. It shows the number of friends who registered for the entire period of the existence of VKontakte. On its basis, you can make some conclusions about the profile checked. For example, the presence of friends on the left side of the graph says that the user has trusted by time the owners of real accounts trusted. Even if a person has registered recently.

Such a schedule suggests that a person adds to friends of everyone without parsing. Most likely, this person leads some active activity of VKontakte. Nevertheless, the presence of a large number of friends in the left side suggests that the old-timers of the social network trust this person. And as in the previous case, regardless of the date of its registration.

But this schedule should alert you. This account was registered quite recently, besides, friendly with the same "green" profiles. Of course, it can be a real person and his real friends, but in this case, before you a teenager, or even a child who has recently learned to the use of the Internet.

Pages with a small number of friends may also testify to a low confidence in the character being checked. Although in this case it can be a real person. As in all previous charts, an important role is played by no number of friends, but their concentration in certain parts of the schedule. Share this material with the rest, if we agree with the author of this article. Or leave a comment if you do not agree. Do not forget to specify a link to the original source. Thanks for attention.

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The answer to questions "How to find out"

  • page host phone number;
  • the number that was used for registration;
  • current city;
  • in which city was registered;
  • IP addresses from which the user enters VK;
  • from which aip-address a page was created;
  • recent correspondence ...

VC such information does not provide. But you can ask about this page owner. ;-)

Today's article will be more for curious people. Today we will learn to learn the date of registration of any page on the social network VKontakte.

It may be necessary, as pure for the sake of interest and for business. For example, to find out how long a person has registered, is it a fake page and is it possible to deal with him at all.

You can find out all this business, both with the help of a special service on the Internet and using the installation of an official application directly to your account. In this article we will analyze both methods.

We learn from the date of registration using the application

We go to your page in VC and in the left menu click on the item "Games". In the new design of VK, it is there that can be installed all applications:

In the search for applications, we enter a request "I on the network" and click on the same name:

Similarly, this application can be reached by clicking on the link.

At the next stage, click on the button "Start with ....":

Immediately after launch, you are displayed for the number of days that you are already registered on the social network VKontakte.

But this is not the most basic advantage of this application. There is a function with which we can find out the number of registration of any user. To do this, click on the "Check Date VKontakte" button:

We have a window to search, in which I enter a link to the user page, the number of which we want to know.

After entering, click on the "Search" button:

All, we are given the name of the user plus the exact date when it appeared in VK:

How to check the date of registration by ID using a special service

To do this, it's just enough to use the site This is a fairly simple service. It is enough just to go and enter the address of the page in VK in the field, the date of registration of which we want to know.

We enter, click on the "Find" button and the result is immediately displayed. By the way, as you can see, I checked the number of registration in two ways and in both cases it coincided, so we are on the right track:

Well, that's all, dear friends. I hope the next my advice on working with the social network VKontakte you came in handy. See you in new articles and lessons.

Site analysis services

So, it is worth using any service that analyzes the domain to various indicators. Among other things, there can be an accurate date of domain registration. is a page from the Sprinthost hosting, where you can choose a domain, that is, check out an exercise. Accordingly, simply enter the address of the desired resource here and get information about it. The service shows the date of registration of the domain, as well as the date to which it is extended. - a wonderful analyzer in which you can find out not only when the site has been created, but also about various indicators - the number of pages in the index, TIC, PR, AlexaRank, etc. All this is very useful in terms of monitoring whether the resource develops in the right direction.

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Actually, such services is very much and seeing their meaning, anyone will show you the relevant information. Enter in the search engine - "WHOIS" and you will find a lot of such services. It is worth noting that in the footer sometimes you can see the year of creating a project, but you will not find the exact date.

Why find out the date of creation

The easiest answer is just interesting. Sometimes on the network you can accumulate to different projects and may interest you how much they exist on the network and for what time they were able to reach their current level. As a rule, the determination of age is one of the factors when evaluating competitors. Since we started talking about it, let's consider how it affects the search issuance.

How the age of the web resource affects the issuance

The fact that old resources have an advantage over young is a long-proven fact. But how much is this serious factor? We can say that serious enough. The fact is that all projects that exist from only 1 to 12 months can be under the action of a special filter that will interfere with them to occupy high positions on competitive high-frequency and mid-frequency queries.

This is done in order not to give too young sites to quickly get into the top. The fact is that the attitude towards such web resources from search engines at first suspicious. So it should be, it allows you to cut off various spam sites created only with the aim of rapid earnings.

Old, authoritative domain gets a slight advantage, because it is more confidence. If the site exists long, it means that it lives according to the rules of search engines, it hosts useful information and the creators of the web resource do not resort to different screws: buy thousands of links to the site, cheat visitors, etc. All this today is very strictly punished by Yandex and Google.

Basically, the age factor matters for young sites. So, the difference between 3 months and 1 year can be very significant, while the difference between two years and six will almost not be - both sites will be sufficiently proven and authoritative.

I think now you will not have a question, how to see the site creation date, everything is extremely simple and this is done using any analyzer.

Many people are interested in how to find out when a page is created in contact. Some want to get information about their profile, others about others. Why do you need such information? It does not bear any practical benefit. The date of registration in VK is not noted in the calendar, it is not equal to the holidays. In most cases, users drive curiosity. And sometimes it is possible to assume to friends that you know when they first appeared on the social network. They may not know how to get such information. It will be a reason to shine with erudition and surprise long-time acquaintances.

There are several ways to find out when the page in VK is registered. Calculate the date of registration of your own account easier. To take possession of information about other people's profiles will have to work hard.

How to theoretically, know when a person appeared on a social network for the first time? Many users hide information about friends, colleagues, hobbies, but rarely closed access to their wall. Although this place fully characterizes its owner. We will have to spend time, luraged someone else's wall down to the first record. But the works will be rewarded.

Most users create a greeting note on the day of registration.

Look, what number does it date? You are real Sherlock Holmes. The mystery of the registration of a friend is known!

There is a risk that the first record was left after some time after creating an account. Then it will not work up to the right information, and the time spent and efforts will not pay off. If you are not in a hurry, why not take advantage of this method. He requires patience. But it is the easiest and safest. Unlike others.

How to find out when a person registered in VK?

Do not want to spend a few hours in search of information? Take advantage of third-party mobile applications. The most elementary way to install the Yavkontakte application on the phone.

How to check the relevance of the data? In no way, you will have to trust the site algorithms. Someone from friends has an application? Enough to play spies, ask him the date of registration in VK.

How to find out the date of registration in VK by id?

There is a way to find out when a user page was created in contact belonging to a third party. Special sites that broke up on the Internet as "mushrooms after the rain" will give all the information you need completely free. The method is fast and, as far as you can judge, truthful. Doubt? Learn the date of creating your own profile. If information coincides with real, then these data is reliable. We enter an ID of the PC page of another person and start checking.

On many sites it is enough to drive the address of the VK user wall to see when he registered. Me not make sense to memorize the names of the services, the great set on the Internet.

Almost every day new ways appear how to determine the date of registration of the user on the social network.

Who can use information about creating a page?

Many online stores appeared on the basis of VK. Deciding to buy goods from someone, you can check how reliable it is. If the page has been registered for a long time, the seller has many friends and reviews, you can not be afraid of deception. Man, for several years industrial earnings in VC, will not risk income for the sake of hundreds of rubles. On the other hand, knowing that the page is registered a couple of months ago, you can avoid deception and communication with a fraudster.