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The best programs for creating an ISO disk image. How to create a disk image in ultraiso

The disk image is a complete, "photographic" copy of the optical disk (for example, CD or DVD). Unlike a simple copy of the disk, its image is not just a set of folders, but a file that contains information about the disk format, boot data, about its structure and the data itself.

The disk image files very often have an extension .ISO usually in this format on the Internet circulate images of loading discs or computer games. Consider how you can create an ISO disk image.

To create an ISO image image, emulators are used, creating virtual drives, which, however, the operating system of the computer perceives as quite real. There are several such programs, but we will look at how to create an ISO image of a disk using two of them: Daemon Tools. and ultraiso.

How to create an ISO disk image, Daemon Tools

The program is a simple and free version of its version allows you to create an ISO image of a disk from any optical disk placed in your computer's drive.

After installing the program to a computer in the lower right corner of the desktop, the Daemon Tools program will appear. Clicking on it right mouse button, we will see the following picture:

Using the pop-up hint, look at it the image creation icon (second left). After clicking on this icon, a window will open with the same name:

In this window, after you insert the disk into the computer drive, we note the save folder and the format of the future disk image file (ISO), we will decide whether we will compress it or not, and use or refuse protection iSO file With a password.

We press "Start" and at the end of the processing operation find the created ISO image of the disk in the specified folder.

How to create an ISO disk image, ultraiso

Ultraiso program is more functional than free version Daemon Tools and allows you to create an ISO disk image from files stored in computer folders.

The Ultraiso interface window consists of two parts, each of which has a conductor structure.

We find at the bottom of the file or folder from which we want to create an ISO image of the disk and drag it into the upper part.

Then open the "Properties" window by clicking on the button next to the "Image" field, set the type-size of the desired disk image and the format of the file name "Standard". Click in the "Properties" window OK, and in the main window of the program "Save As".

In the window that opens, select the file format (ISO file), give it a name, specify the save folder and click "Save". Everything, after the processing operation, we find the disk image created by the ISO in the specified folder.

To date, many are interested in how to create an ISO disk image of the Windows 10 operating system. We will immediately make it easy to make it simple enough, however, it will take a special utility that Microsoft has been developed to create an image. Moreover, this program allows not only to update the current system, but also write it to the removable medium (CD or).

You should start with the preparation of a removable drive - it is important that its volume makes at least 8 gigabytes; The creation of such a drive is available for the following versions of the described OS:

  • Windows 10 Pro;
  • Windows 10 "home".

Now proceed directly to the process. Below is the algorithm of the required actions.

Step by step guide to create an ISO disk in Windows 10 through the installation program

At first, connect the disk to the computer (it is quite obvious that it should be a DVD-R) or a removable drive, then check whether the information carrier required by the required amount of memory. Further act according to the instructions.

Step one. Click on the "Windows 10 Installation Program" icon. The next window will then appear in which you need to select the second item ("Create installation carrier... "), as shown in the image below. After that, click the Next button.

Step two. In the next window, this utility will offer you to specify the required parameters, including architecture, language, and so on. Selecting everything you need, press the Next button again.

Note! It is imperative that the selected ISO image architecture corresponds to the parameters of the computer itself, where it is planned to install it. Which is characteristic, the program allows you to choose not only a 32 / 64th nuclear system, but also both options at once.

If you have chosen the first option, you will have two ways:

  • run the DVD record;
  • first create a disc.

In the second embodiment, respectively, the record is possible exclusively at the removable drive.

Step fourth. When you select the appropriate item, click "Next". If the record occurs immediately on the USB flash drive, the operating system will demonstrate the circumferential media.

Note! Who does not know, during recording all the information available on the flash drive will be deleted.

Pitch fifth. When you click the Next button again, the installation or recording will continue.

Step Six. In the first version, that is, when it comes to choosing a "ISO file" item, several folders will be applied, where the image will be saved, or the drive. It is quite obvious that there is already a DVD-R disk, which has the required amount of memory. Saving, you will subsequently write it to any convenient medium.

Note! Such operations are possible only on those computers on which Windows Operations 7 or higher.

Windows 10 installation features with image

Install the operating system is simple enough, no special skills or skills are required for this. To start the installation, insert a flash drive or disk, after which, when the computer reboots, press any button after the appearance of the corresponding message ("Press any button to download ..." or something similar, it all depends on the specific type of system). Prior to this, you must click on the BIOS settings download from a disk or flash drive.

The next stage is that the system will require enter the product key. You will find this key on the package or if you simply update the OS, select "I do not have a key."

Take terms of use and decide on the installation type. If you do not belong to "advanced" users, then the selective installation is better not to use.

Then you will find yourself in the section selection window where the operating system is installed.

When all the required actions are completed, the system will be installed, after which it will ask you to adjust it "for yourself." To speak more specifically, these settings include:

  • install / Set up standard programs;
  • creating your account.

Here you can independently decide, leave basic settings Or configure the parameters again. That's all, now you know how to create an ISO image of Windows 10. For more detailed familiarization, we recommend to see the following thematic video. Good luck!

Video - Create Windows 10 boot disk

Any operating system is not protected by one hundred percent of unforeseen pains, breakdowns, failures. Windows 7 is no exception. So as not to lose valuable system settings that you for a long time Pressed themselves, it is recommended to create a disk image with an ISO expansion at least once every six months. In this way, you will protect yourself from long and tedious recovery after failures or breakdowns of the operating system. You can burn the received file to a DVD, a memory card, or any other digital media. A B. the right moment Just download it back. If you still decided to do this, follow the instructions in this article.

Creating an ISO image for Windows 7 through the official site of Microsoft

Not so long ago, the company's software developer made it possible to users independently generate image files directly through the official website. To do this, follow the link:

Before starting work, make sure that your medium accommodates more than 4 GB of memory, as well as a stable Internet connection:

  • go on the link above and read the next to the Soviets and Instructions,
  • scroll down the page down and you will see the key entering the key of your Windows 7 product,
  • now roll the browser and go to the control panel,
  • select the "System and Security" tab,

  • in the window that appears, click on the "System" section,

  • you will immediately direct on the page where the activation key of your product is in the bottom. Carefully rewrite it in the browser string and click "Check",

  • wait until the system check your Windows 7 and the relevance of its license. The process will take from minute to five. If everything is in order with the key, then the utility in the browser will immediately be created by creating an ISO image of your entire system. If something is wrong with the key, it is not suitable for other reasons, go to the second point of instructions.

Creating an ISO image of Windows 7 without third-party programs

  • You can create an image in your computer without installing excess software. To do this, go to the control panel and find the "Archiving and Recovery" section.

  • In the left window that appears, find the link "Creating a System Image" link. Click on it.

  • Wait a few minutes until Windows finds all ways to create and write images.

  • The system will automatically open up all possible options for recording media images. Most likely, you will have three options: "Hard disk", "DVD carrier" and "Network Placement". If you have a DVD disk, insert it and select the second way.

  • If only one disk on your computer is on the screenshot below, you can't have to choose. If the disks are somewhat, then you can choose one of them either all. Click on the "Archive" button to start writing an ISO image to disk.

  • If you have chosen the third option: network accommodation, the process will be slightly different. Please note that the file may not be protected in the network location.

  • Enter the network location address.

After pressing the "OK" button, copy will begin. It is also possible to write a manual image record through programs such as Daemon Tools. The process is very similar, but takes a few more time. To do this, you need to download the program, mount the image in it and write it to the digital media.

If you could not create an image of Windows 7 after all the above items, then it may be easier for you to download ready-made ISO images from the Internet.

Several interesting words about windows images 7 You can learn from the video below:

Disk image call a file containing full copy Structures and content of data that are on the disk. All information is stored on it, with which the location and content of a certain storage device is duplicated. The sectors of the data sectors repeats on the image, but the structure built on it is ignored.

The purpose of the creation was originally backup Discounted disk, where the exact source structure has retained. Currently, due to the spread of optical media, images are more the form of ISO fileswhich can be used instead of CDs. ISO has fewer data - no service information.

Using archiving software supporting the opening of this type of data, you can remove and see the contents of this file. About the same, as with what tools you can play the disk image will be discussed further.

Create an image using Ultraiso

One of the most accessible methods for creating an ISO is the use of Ultraiso utility. The program is paid, but you can use a trial trial version that you download from the official site.

The essence of the use is as follows: yes two main fields - Mounted image directory tree on the left and the data in them stored on the right. Below the directories and files stored on the computer.

We specify a name future copy, for which we click on it with the left button, propertyRename. We introduce a new name.

Then drag folders and files from the storage area on the computer to the image file area. To find the necessary, use the directory under the conductor below.

Note, at the top displays total documents.

Actually, it remains only to save: FileSave as.

From the proposed formats we take.iso and persist.

The save process will appear, after which you will find a copy in the place you specified.

Record the image using Daemon Tools

No less popular image recording program is Daemon Tools.

There are several variations in this software, among them free Daemon Tools Lite. After installing a free license, you will have a virtual DVD drive.

After starting, click on the button at the bottom to create a copy of the disk.

IN settings refer to drive unitwhere the disk is located and the folder where the image will be saved.

Specify the type of copy MDS or ISO..

Smonimit You can check it in a virtual drive.

We use Ashampoo Burning Studio Free

FREE version of this program is free, it will allow you to record a disk image. Download from off. Site, simple and understandable installation.

After installation, the application will start independently. Choose Disk imageCreate.

If we create on the basis of a real disk - pre- insert it into the drive.

Specify the place for storage and click Further To start the process.

After the procedure is completed, you can open a folder containing the file.

How to create a disk copy using CdBurnerXP

To create an ISO in the CDBURNERXP utility in the menu, select Filesave project like ISO.

Specify the directorywhere to save the file and press Create ISO..

You can configure parametersTaks like: name, description, date, identifier, copyright and other settings. Opening the boot options will see a dialog box with additional poles.

ISO with imgburn

Imgburn Convenient tool for writing ISO images. Everything is done very quickly and quite simple.

By downloading and installing the program you will see the following window.

As you can see, here you can record image on the disk and make it from files available.

In this case, we are interested in the last.

Special additional settings You do not need to specify (the only one, if you wish, you can change the recording speed and number of copies), specify the drive from which we want to count the data and click Reading

The copying process will go, at the end of which the message will signal us about the successful completion.


The program is free, it is easy to use and simplicity.

After starting, you will need to choose SELECT CD/ DVD. Device., that is, the drive for reading (specify the path). Further place where we will save the resulting file. Then Zhmem. Covert. And we are waiting for the final completion of the copying procedure.


Also free, download it from the official site.

The interface, though the English-speaking, but quite intuitive. Some users do not recommend using it to mount virtual drives, but with the task of creating an ISO, it copes with a bang.

If something with your operating system will suddenly happen - this can entail a huge number of problems. At best, it will have to reinstall, search on the Internet drivers and installers of the programs you need. In the worst case, there is a risk and to lose all personal information, unique photos, important documents and projects. Usually the OS recovery in this case is unlikely to help - it works only with Windows settings. Therefore, it is important to know how to create a spare disk image from your Windows 7.

Types of images

The DVD drive itself is not necessary for this. There is a specialized software (for example, Ultraiso utility), with which you can do everything you need directly on your computer. You are preparing a set of folders and files, and with the program form a disk image.

Second view - backup of the operating system. It can be done even with standard Windows tools. It is needed to restore its OS in case of unforeseen emergency situations.

In fact, it is a hard disk cast. The computer scans the entire contents of the specified HDD, and sees it to a special archive. If something happens - you can always restore everything back.

Windows backup

To create backup data on a disk, no additional software is needed. You just need to do the following:

The whole process can take a long time. Volumes of stored data are usually high. In general, the duration depends on the number of information copied, generation of USB or SATA / SAS interfaces, network speed (depending on the backup) and computer performance.

Disk recovery

After the backup process is completed, the system will prompt you to create special disk Recovery. This is a complex of useful programs that can help users if their OS has ceased to run. It can be found on it to restore the MBR boot sector, sets of system files required to start, and so on.

Creating an ISO image

If you want to record the contents of DVD or CD in the ISO digital format, you will need a special program. The easiest and most reliable example of such a utility - free app Imgburn.

Good day, blog visitors.

Many users are encountered with the situation when they need to use the same plastic disk constantly. Or there is a need to save files on the CD / DVD in exactly the same form as they are. Previously, this tool was often used in relation to games, because the constant work of the plastic, quickly detected him. Today I will tell you how to create an ISO disk image in Windows 7. There are several basic ways that will be discussed in the article.

Immediately need to clarify that in Windows 7 does not exist standard Utilitieswhich can CD / DVD translate into format * .iso..

application Ultraiso. It is considered one of the most popular computers among users. Create a disk image or even make it from a set of files will not be difficult. We carry out a number of actions:

If you want to make a set of documents without a disk, we do the following:

    Choose separate files. Call context menu, click " Add».

    After that go to the menu, " File", and then " Save" Select the desired format.

Daemon Tools.( )

Another equally popular program can be called Daemon Tools.. The application is considered one of the very first in this area. For interaction, you must perform a number of actions:

This program is perfectly used for games. Especially paid professional version, because it allows you to cope with different species protection installed by developers.

Alcohol 120.( )

On exactly the first two can be called. This application allows you to create, and subsequently, and use virtual images of the most popular formats, including the aforementioned as well as * .ccd., * .bin. and many others.

The main disadvantage of the application is a license. You can find another version by contacting torrent trackers.

So, we carry out the following:

    Download installation files. Run them, and using the prompts, place the software on your device.

    We open, and then in the main menu choose " Creature…».

    Click " Start"And wait for the end.

It is worth noting that the processing time of various tasks can be very different depending on the carrier. It can be five minutes, and sometimes half an hour.
If you do not remember where the image you need is located, go to " Conductor"And then in top string Search specify " * .iso." Built-in tools will find all files with such an extension.

( )

Another convenient solution is. You can download the installer with official page. The application will delight wide functionality and at the same time understandable to use. It can even figure out any newcomer.

In addition, it is worth noting that even official support Microsoft recommends that this application for creating a download disk of its products.
It is also convenient to use it as other tools described above.

If suddenly it became incomprehensible, you always have the opportunity to watch the video on this topic:

Record image( )

It is interesting that all the above applications allow only to create virtual media, as well as in all means to interact with them. The main thing is that these programs are deprived - writing to another portable device.

This provides for the mass of other solutions. So, one of the first and most popular previously considered Nero.. The application has a lot of functions. True, it will only help when using CD / DVD.

Almost every advanced computer user knows what iSO imageBut does not know how to create it properly.

Consider how to create an ISO image from files and folders and how to create an ISO image from a disk. We will use multiple programs that are used in the Internet. Creating an ISO image This is not such a complex process as it seems. Just a couple of clicks and all the image is ready.

List of programs:

  • Ultra Iso.
  • Poweriso.
  • Burnaware free.
  • imgburn.

these programs are divided by category paid and free. Paid programs It is possible to use, but with a limit of 300mV. But free also do not inferrence fee and even lead. Consider these programs.

How to create an ISO image from files using the Ultra ISO program.

At first we go to the developer's website and download this program. Installing the installation is set and run.

The program has a paid license and is it possible to try for free. In the trial use, the Ultra ISO program has a limit up to 300 mV. The program has a function to convert the image under similar utilities, for example:

  • CloneCD.
  • Nero (.nrg)
  • And also customizes under format.cue and compressed ISO (.isz)

Creating an image from files and folders

If you decide to create an ISO image, then you need the files you want to write to the image. These files are, the installation disk or files for recording on boot disk or automotive disk

Open the utility. The program is divided into two windows. In the first top, it finds files prepared for recording A, in the lower files are on our computer.

To create an ISO image at the bottom of the program, open the files that we want to write, allocate them all and click "Add".

Or you can also open the partition on the computer where there are files, we allocate and drag to the top window of the program.

In my case, I create an image for Windows 7.

With this program and not difficult acts performed, we created an image for further writing to the disk or flash drive.

Creating an ISO image from files and folders from an optical disk

This method Mainly applies to copy a few copies of the disk you like for example: excellent assembly of the operating system. Consider this method. To begin with, we need a disc with which we want to create an ISO image.

On the top menu go to "Tools" by clicking "Create a CD image" or simply press the F8 key

  1. This window opens, if you choose a few drives on your computer dVD drive.

  2. And the last section is the output of the format.

We look at the list and make a choice of formats, the format in our cases is "ISO" if you further plan to use this image in the programs listed in the section, select the appropriate option.

Create an ISO image with Poweriso

This program is also paid as Ultra ISO has the same recording limit with above 300mB. The program also has the ability to convert the image into formats.

  • Bin / cue.

Create an ISO image from files and folders in Poweriso

Similar to the previous prog, download the program to install and run. To create an ISO image, you need to download all files from which to create an image. To do this, on the top panel of the toolbox there is a "Add" button. Click it.

Or dragging out of the computer where these files are on the program window.

We allocate everything required files and add.

Create an ISO image from an optical disk with Poweriso program

To create an ISO from a disk on top laying, go to "Tools" and click "Create a CD / DVD-ROM image file"

Create an ISO image with BurnaWare Free

Downloading this software, it is completely free and leading among competitors, and why you yourself know. Install and run. The window opens with great capabilities.

Create an ISO image from BurnaWare FREE FILE files

In this section, to write an ISO image by clicking "Create ISO". After the window will open

Choose file System "ISO 9660" click "OK".

on the top panel, press the "Add Files" icon. Allocate all files Click "Add" and after adding click "Close"

Now we go through the "File" to bring the mouse cursor to the "compilation" and click "Create". Next, as always we write the name, specify the location and click "Save".

Create an ISO image from an optical disk Prog BurnaWare Free

In this program, the window is divided into 4 masonry


The window that opens, choose as usual DVD drive and specify the ISO or Bin format further press copy, after waiting for the end of the process.

Create an ISO using a utility with imgburn

The first thing you need to do this, load, install and run the ImgBurn utility. The program is distributed free of charge. ImgBurn has an English interface, but it can also rush it. To do this, go to the developer's program. We go through the download section.

Which is located in the folder where you installed the imgburn program

Create an ISO image from files using the imgburn utility

Open the program and select the "Create image from files / folders" to create an ISO

We allocate all the necessary files and click Open. After performing these actions to create you need to click on this icon.

Write the name Indicate the place and save the image.

Create an ISO image from a disk using a utility imgburn.

In order to create an ISO image from the disc, open the ImgBurn program and the window that opens, go the section "Create an image from the disk"

And now the final stage is pressed on this button.

Software for creating an image of ISO only from the disk

Creating an ISO image from a disk with ISODISK program

ISODISK uses to create an image from the disk. With the support of the ISODISK utility, it is possible for two clicks to create an ISO image from any disk.

First, you download the program from the official site, set and run. The program has a simple appearance and will be understood even the teapot. The interface of this program on english language. ISODISK includes two sections:

Fastening ISO-image as a virtual disk

Create an image from an optical disk

Select the section "Create an image from an optical disk"

The window that opens, select DVD drive click on this icon

Creating an image of an ISO C disk using the Ashampoo Burning Studio 14 program

Download and open a program. This utility in my opinion has a very beautiful interface that simply pleases the eye. The prog has a lot of functions for divert work and discs.

And our cases we need a section "Creating an Image". We bring the mouse cursor to this section and choose "Create an image"

Choose your DVD drive and wait until the program will load the disk.

In the next window, specify a place to save the image, write a name, select the ISO format and click "Next"

Create an image of an ISO C disk using the Daemon Tools Lite program

This program is simple use and has a simple interface that is understandable to everyone. Open the program.

On the tool panel are in the center of the window, click on the "Create Disk Image" icon

As in all above the listed programs, select the drive, indicate the path storage, and press the start

Creating an image of an ISO C disk with a Utility ALCOHOL 120%

Download, install and launch the program Alcohol 120%. Like some of these utilities is paid.

But despite this, you can use the program waiting for starting about 8 seconds. Opened window on the left panel of tools, choose "Creating an image"

Here you specify the name, path, the format of the created ISO image and click "Start"

Create an image of an ISO C disk using the Nero 2015 program

To create an ISO image from an optical disk using this program, insert the disk drive from which you want to create an image and run nero program 2015.

Now choose the path, specify the drive and write a name for this ISO. Further click on the "Copy" button

Create an image of an ISO C disk using the CDBURNERXP program

A similar installation process as in all cases. Open the CDBurnerXP program, then select the "Copy Disc" section, click "OK".

The window will open there as and in all cases choose the drive, specify the path, write the name. Further insert a tick " hDD"And click" Copy Disk ".


In this article, I told about the most well-known methods to create an ISO image from files and folders and from an optical disk.

In my opinion, the recording with the image of the ISO is more convenient and more efficient than just copying the disk, since when writing with the ISO image, we get a 100% copy of the original.

As everyone knows that optical disks Serve not for a very long time, if used more often.

Therefore, in order not to risk it better to make a copy of your disk using these recommendations in this article and sleep with a relaxing soul.

On this I finish the article. Hope this information It was useful. If you have any questions write comments. Until!

You will be interested

If you have a disk, then you can make an ISO image and work with a disk image setting it in.
Just if you have an installation windows diskBut there is no drive in the laptop, you can make a disk image on a computer and using special software and already from the flash drive to install the operating system.

If you think that creating ISO images is very difficult, then remember how to get understandable explanations You coped even with the most difficult task.
In this article, I will tell you what iso image is and what you need to make an ISO image from the disk.

What is ISO image

ISO image is a file that is an exact copy of the CD, DVD or hard diskcontaining various information. Often ISO files are used to record software and games, followed by their installation. In ISO format, audio and video files can also be recorded, sometimes images. ISO file can be self-loading. In order to create an ISO image or open it, a special software is used - the Ultraiso program is most often used. This program Created specifically to record, edit, extract and run files that contain an ISO image.
Ultraiso can also work with images recorded in other formats: MDS (Alcohol 120%), CCD (CLONECD), NRG (NERO) and near others.

Create an ISO image from the time of downloading the program

In order to record a disk with the ISO file type, use the Ultraiso program.
If you have this utility installed, then the first item can skip and start from the second.

In order to record an ISO image using the Ultraiso program, it is originally necessary to install the program to a computer. To do this, use the Internet and download software. You can enter a request in search engine "Ultraiso download", and she will give you a lot of links by clicking on which you can download Ultraiso.
We strongly recommend downloading the program only from the official site. To do this, go to the following link
The page will have this kind:

(Picture 1)
Choose "Russian" and press the green arrow, left or right, choosing from which server we will download the file.
As a result, we will be offered to save the file.

About how to upload files and prescribe the location of the program installation file, written in detail in the article dedicated to the installation of the game ".

You can also click "Run".
Wherein installation file It will boot on the computer yourself, and the program will start the installation.

1.2. Installation Ultraiso utility
You managed to download the Ultraiso program to your computer in the installed place.
Now perform the following actions:
1.2.1. Find an installation file. It looks like this:

(Figure 2)
And click two times the left mouse button.
1.2.2. Close all programs and click "Next".
1.2.3. Ready license agreementWe accept the conditions and click "Next".
1.2.4. Choose a place to install. Leave the "default" - as it is. Click "Next".
1.2.5. In the next window, we leave everything as it is.
1.2.6. In the "Select Additional Tasks" window, if you are a supporter of a clean desktop, you can remove the upper tick, but it is better to leave as it is. The second point that concerns the association can be left unchanged if you do not want to install another program for reading out of formats. The third point is left: the virtual drive is created and it is still useful to us. If there is a virtual drive, then take it off.
1.2.7. Everything is ready to install, it remains to click "Set".
1.2.8. After a few seconds, the Ultraiso Installation Wizard Wizard window appears. We remove all the checkboxes and click "complete".

2. Create an ISO image - step by step
After installing the Ultraiso program, it's time to tell you about how to make an image.
2.1. Run the program for this, locate the icon on the desktop. If the program is not registered, then this is such a window:

(Figure 3)
Either buy a utility and enter the registration code, or we use the "Test Period" button
2.2. Create an ISO disk image. To do this, select "Create an Image CD". Select the Tools tab on the main panel:

(Figure 4)

2.3. As a result, a window will be offered to create a disk image.
But first you need to enter the following parameters:
2.3.1. Select a drive where the disk is lies;
2.3.2. Specify the place where the program will retain the resulting image;
2.3.3. By pressing the "Make" key to confirm your choice.

(Figure 5)

Going to "My Computer", you can see the drive CD drive letter, so as not to record a disk from another drive if you have two of them. Also pay attention to free space on disks. If there is no free space on the disk, - Keep on logical disk D.

The program will begin work on creating an image.

(Figure 6)
The time of creating an ISO image depends on the size of the disk and computer performance.
After the work is successfully completed, the program will propose to open the resulting image.

Possible problems and solutions

Problems with record
- When writing files from the format, problems may arise. The main reason is the incorrectly installed software and conflict of drivers.
To solve the problem, reinstall Ultraiso and check the settings of the antivirus program.
- Another problem is an inaccurate copy of the ISO image. In most cases, this is due to the fact that you are trying to make a copy from the licensed disk, which is protected from copying protection systems such as AACS, CSS, RPC HDCP, MMC, Safedisc and the famous StarForce. In this case, you violate the licensed rights of the right holder, and copying is illegal, as well as the dissemination of information on how this protection is bypass, although there are options.

Other programs for writing an ISO image
If you intend to thoroughly figure out and find out how to make an ISO image of a disk by programs, in addition to Ultraiso, you can create copies of disks and with such famous programsLike Alcohol 120%, Nero, Imgburn, ISO Master, Poweriso.
However, those who want to save time will take advantage of the program for writing an ISO image - Ultraiso, because it is small in size and undemanding to the computer resources utility.
A simple and intuitive interface allows you to make drawings without any problems.

Transmit many small files via the Internet - not very convenient. It is for this that various builds operating systems You can download from the Internet as an image stored in ISO format. The downloaded image can be stored on a computer or write on any device, so you can make a Windows boot flash drive or disk.

If you have a disk, for example, with a game or various programs, you can create an image from the ISO disk in which the files and its structure will be completely saved. Then use special programsFor example, Alcohol 120% or Daemon Tools, you can run the created image through. If over time you need to record a disk from the image that you created, read the article on this topicby clicking on the link.

In this article, we will look at how you can make an ISO image from files and folders. In this form, they are more convenient to transmit them over the network, and the image transmission rate will be higher than each file separately.

To begin with, we consider creating an ISO image using alcohol programs 120% . Read the description and you can on our website by clicking on the link.

In the menu on the left click on the button "Mastering images".

To create an image from files, click on the "Dob. File" button. If you want to create an ISO image from the folder, click "Dob. Pap".

Select the desired files or folders on your computer and click Open.

You can create folders and in the program itself, and then add files to them. To do this, right-click in the program window and select " new folder" You can also use the corresponding button on the right side.

After adding all files, click "Next".

Next, specify the hard disk space where you want to save the ISO image created. In the "Image Format" field from the drop-down list, select "ISO image". You can change the "Image Name". Click "Start". I will name the image of "myphoto" and saving it on the desktop.

Wait for the process to be completed. In the same window, you can see how much space is made by the ISO image on the computer. Click "Finish."

Now on the desktop I have a created image in ISO format.

I click on it twice by the mouse, you can mount the image into a virtual drive, and see files stored in it. Note, the amount of memory virtual drivecorresponds to the size of the created image.

Now let's look at how to make an ISO image using Ultraiso program. It is the most popular program that is used to create images, edit them and write to the disk.

Run Ultraiso. At the bottom of the program window, find the necessary files and folders on the computer, and drag them into the upper area. You can also highlight them and click on the Add button.

The image will be saved in the specified location. It can also be installed in a virtual drive.

I think now you understand how, using the described programs, you can create an ISO image from files and folders that are stored on your computer.

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