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The supervisory department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Regulations on the territorial department (separation) of the supervisory activities of the management of supervisory activities and the preventive work of the Main Department of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia in the Omsk region


to the order of the Main Department of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia Omsk region

from ___________ № __________


about the Territorial Department (department) supervisory activity

management of supervisory activities and preventive work

Main Department of EMERCOM of Russia in the Omsk region

1. General provisions

1.1. The territorial department (separation) of supervisory activities is a structural division of the management of supervisory activities and the preventive work of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Omsk Region and is intended for the implementation of the federal state fire supervision, supervisory functions in the region civil Defense , Protection of the population and territories from Natural and Technogenic emergencies in the territory of the Omsk region.

1.2. The territorial department (separation) is created, reorganized and eliminated in the manner prescribed legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.3. The territorial department (separation) at the same time is an authority of the inquiry of the management of supervisory activities and the preventive work of the Main Department of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia in the Omsk region.

1.4. Territorial department (separation) in its activities is guided Constitution of the Russian Federation , federal constitutional laws, federal laws, decisions of the President of the Russian Federation, regulatory and legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation, EMERCOM of Russia, and, in terms of supervisory activities, are other federal executive bodies; International treaties of the Russian Federation, orders and instructions of the Siberian Regional Center for EMERCOM of Russia, the Main Department of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia in the Omsk Region, guidelines for the management of supervisory activities and preventive work, as well as this Regulation.

1.5. The territorial department (separation) operates in cooperation with the structural units of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Omsk Region, law enforcement and other supervisory authorities.

1.6. The material and technical and financial support of the activities of the territorial department (separation) is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the regulatory acts of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the orders of the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Omsk region.

2. The main task of the Territorial Department (separation)

The main task of the territorial department (separation) is the organization and control over the implementation of activities aimed at preventing, identifying and preventing violations by organizations and citizens of the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on fire safety, through the organization and conduct in the established procedure for inspections of organizations and citizens, states used (operated) with objects of protection, as well as to systematically monitors the execution of fire safety requirements, analysis and prediction of the state of execution of these requirements in the implementation of their activities and citizens; implementation in the prescribed manner of supervisory and control functions in the field of civil defense, the protection of the population and territories from emergency situations, and the adoption of measures on the results of these inspections, as well as the verification of the fulfillment by federal executive bodies, special objects underlying federal executive bodies (by coordination) local governments , organizations (legal entities, individual entrepreneurs), as well as officials and citizens (subjects of supervision) requirements and activities in the field of civil defense, the protection of the population and territories from the emergencies of the natural and technogenic nature of the regulatory legal acts Of the Russian Federation, take action on the results of these inspections.

3. The main functions of the territorial department (separation)

The territorial department (separation) of supervisory activities in accordance with the assigned tasks is carried out by the following main functions:

3.1. Organizes and controls the execution by the inspection composition of the state function on oversight of the fulfillment of fire safety requirements, in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and technogenic emergencies.

3.2. Heads information and analysis of the activities of the department (separation), collects, generalization and analysis of indicators characterizing the state of supervisory activities.

3.3. Organizes the implementation of the 1st stage of the contests "Best State Inspector for Fire Supervision", "The Best Investigator of the GPN bodies.

3.4. Considers the appeals and complaints of organizations and citizens, analyzes the information entering the "confidence telephone" on fire safety, civil defense, the protection of the population and territories from the emergency situations of the natural and technogenic nature and the implementation of supervisory activities.

3.5. Organizes control (supervision) for compliance with the requirements of fire safety at construction sites, reconstruction or overhaul, after commissioning is commissioned - acceptance for supervision.

3.6. It organizes and conducting official and independent training of state inspectors for fire supervision, conducts employees testing for knowledge of regulatory documents.

3.43. Participates within its competence in determining the causes and conditions of violations of the requirements and civil defense activities, requirements for the prevention and elimination of emergency situations, as well as in identifying officials and citizens involved in their occurrence.

3.44. Puts in the prescribed manner informing the authorities of state power and local self-government, organizations and citizens, the media on violation of the requirements and activities in the field of civil defense, requirements for the protection of the population and territories from natural and technogenic emergencies, in the respective territories and in organizations .

3.45. Monitors the availability of contracts mandatory insurance civil responsibility owners Dangerous facilities, in the implementation of inspections of the subjects of supervision in the field of population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies.

3.46. Exercises within its competence interaction with local governments, public associations and organizations, including with state control authorities (supervision) in the field of providing requirements and measures for state supervision in the field of civil defense, requirements for protection against emergency situations of natural and technogenic character.

3.47. Conducts surveys of objects for compliance with the requirements of fire safety at the request of ships, legal entities and citizens when considering the issue of recognition property rights On arbitrary constructed objects in court (within their competence).

3.48. Participates in court sessions on the recognition of ownership of unauthorized objects (within its competence).

3.49. Organizes interaction with local governments authorized to issue permits for input capital construction facilities In order to obtain information about the construction of the construction commissioned after the construction (reconstruction) (for the regions of the region).

3.50. Carries out the interaction of S. municipalities (settlements I. urban districts) to develop documents territorial planning , approval general Plans settlements and urban districts, in terms of accounting for fire safety requirements (for the regions of the region).

4. Powers of the Territorial Department (Department)

Territorial Department (separation) within its competence:

4.1. Makes the head of the Office of Supervisory Activities and Preventive Work Offers necessary for the organization and coordination of works on the federal state fire supervision, state supervision in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from emergency situations in the Omsk Region;

4.2. Implements in the prescribed manner aimed at preventing and preventing violations by organizations and citizens of the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on fire safety; supervision of compliance with the requirements in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from emergency situations by local governments, organizations, as well as officials, citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons;

4.3. In the prescribed manner, requests and receives from local governments, organizations and citizens the information necessary to fulfill the tasks assigned to the department (separation);

4.4. At the request of the court, it issues a conclusion on the claim for compensation for harm caused to life, human health, harm caused to animals, plants, the environment, the property of individuals and legal entities, state or municipal property due to violations of fire safety requirements;

4.5. Manages the work of the inspection composition, in accordance with administrative regulations takes out the reception of the state function;

4.6. Uses transport, technical means and equipment to perform tasks assigned to the department (separation).

4.7. Represents the interests of the department (separation) of supervisory activities in the courts of various instances.

4.8. In the prescribed manner, it organizes the provision of state services for the preparation within its competence of conclusions based on the results of the consideration of the declarations of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities;

4.9. Performs other measures to state oversight in the field of fire safety, civil defense, protection of the population and territories from emergency situations provided for by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

4.10. Performs law enforcement practice in the prescribed manner when carrying out supervisory activities within its powers.

4.11. Conducts inquiry for fires

5. Powers of the Head of the Territorial Department (Department)

5.1. The work of the department (separation) directly leads the boss, appointed and exempted from office by order of the head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Omsk Region on the Representation of the Head of Management.

5.2. The head of the department (separation) obeys the head of the Office and its deputies.

5.3. The head of the department (separation) is by the post of chief state inspector of the district (district) for fire supervision and at the same time the head of (territorial) inquiry authority.

5.4. The head of the department (separation) is authorized to implement state supervisors in the field of civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies.

5.5. Head of Department (separation) within its competence:

5.5.1. Manuals department (separation) based on uniagnosed is personally responsible for the implementation of tasks assigned to the department.

5.5.2. He is the immediate boss for officials of the department (separation).

5.5.3. Carries out the rights and obligations of the head of the inquiry authority.

5.5.4. Organizes and accepts, registration and verification of reports of crimes and other incidents in the inquiry authority.

5.5.5 organizes and supervises the implementation by local governments, organizations, officials and citizens of the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on fire safety, civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and technogenic emergencies;

5.5.6. Controls the timely execution of documents received in the prescribed manner to the department (separation).

5.5.7. Contributes in the prescribed manner of the Office of the Supervisory Activities of the proposal for the appointment, movement and liberation from the post, about the promotion and disciplinary recovery For subordinate employees.

5.5.8. Having visits official documentation within the competence established by the head of the Office of Supervisory Activities;

5.5.9. Organizes the work of the department (separation) in accordance with the principles of the legality, respect and compliance with the rights and freedoms of subordinate employees guaranteed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.5.10. Constantly increases its level of knowledge during practical activity by studying methodological and guidelines.

5.5.11. With the failure to comply with the assigned tasks, disciplinary and other liability in accordance with applicable law.

5.5.12. Requires from the staff of the department (separation) timely and qualitative execution of tasks to them, gives them appropriate instructions.

5.5.13. Requires a careful attitude towards the property of the department (separation), compliance with the rules of the internal regulation.

5.5.14 organizes the participation of subordinate employees in all judicial processes related to the protection of the interests of the management of the supervisory activities of the Main Department of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia in the Omsk region.

5.6 Head of the Department (separation) in the authority of the authority of the Inquiry authority is authorized:


5.6.2 Call officials of organizations and citizens on the production of cases and materials about fires, to receive the necessary explanations, certificates, documents and copies of them.

5.6.3 According to the motivated petition of the investigator, to extend up to 10 days the term established by Part 1 of Art. 144 Code of Criminal Procedure.

5.6.4 To decide on the production of the inquiry of the group of investigators, the change in its composition in accordance with Art. 223.2 Code of Criminal Procedure.

5.6.5 To approve the indisputant comprinisy (indictment).

5.7 Head of the Department (separation) within its competence is obliged to:

5.7.1. Organize and personally carry out measures to oversee the implementation by local governments, organizations, officials and citizens established by the legislation of the Russian Federation requirements on fire safety, civil defense, protection of the population and territories from natural and technogenic emergencies on fixed facilities.

5.7.2. Organize, ensure and monitor the participation of subordinate employees in all judicial processes related to the protection of the interests of the management of the supervisory activities of the Main Department of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia in the Omsk region.

5.7.3. Imagine the Office of the Office for the provision of annual main and additional short-term paid leave.

5.7.4. To the subordinate sense of responsibility for serving duties.

5.7.5. Fight publicity and objectivity in assessing the official activities of subordinates, respect their honor and dignity.

5.7.6. Know the moral and psychological state of the personnel of the department (department), to achieve a single understanding of the subordinate tasks.

5.7.7. Provide protection I. information security When serving a correspondence.

5.8. Head of the Department (separation) is responsible:

5.8.1. For violations of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the orders of the EMERCOM of Russia regarding subordinate employees, non-compliance with the guarantees of their legal and social protection , incorrect use of the rights provided, non-performance or improper execution of the assigned duties.

5.8.2. Within their competence, for organizing the protection of information and official information constituting the state secret.

5.8.3. For the state of office discipline among subordinate officers of the department (separation).

Deputy Head of the Main Department

EMERCOM of Russia in the Omsk region -

head of Supervisory Management

and preventive work

colonel internal service