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Passport in the form pb 10 518 02. Devices and safe operation of construction hoists


resolution of Gosgortekhnadzor

Russia dated 25.06.02 N 37,

registered Ministry

justice Russian Federation 04.12.02,

registration N 3994


devices and safe operation construction hoists

PB 10-518-02

I. General provisions

1.1. These Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Construction Hoists*1 establish requirements for the design, construction, manufacture, installation and operation of construction hoists used in the construction, decoration and repair of buildings and structures.

1.2. These Regulations apply to the following construction hoists*1:

cargo-passenger lifts with cable or rack drive;

cargo lifts with rope or rack drive;

facade lifts with cable drive (cradles, platforms).

1.3. The rules do not apply to the following construction hoists:

lifts installed on load-lifting machines and on self-propelled vehicles;

means of scaffolding (scaffolding, scaffolding, platforms, telescopic towers);

lifts (towers) self-propelled, trailer and pneumatic wheel;

fire lifts;

special lifts installed in the mines of the mining industry and on floating structures;

cargo lifts with hydraulic and screw lifting mechanisms;

1.4. The main terms and definitions used in the text of these Rules are given in Appendix 1.

II. Design

2.1. General requirements

2.1.1. Lifts must be designed and manufactured in accordance with these Rules and other normative documents. Load capacity, area of ​​load-carrying devices and other parameters of the lift must be set terms of reference for design.

2.1.2. Lifts purchased abroad must comply with the requirements of these Rules and have a certificate of conformity of the established form in accordance with the list technical devices used at hazardous production facilities and subject to certification (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 11.08.1998 N 928 "On the list of technical devices used at hazardous production facilities and subject to certification")*1.

*1 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, N 33, art. 4030; Russian newspaper. 1998. N 163. 26 Aug.

Together with the delivered lifts, operational documentation is made in Russian.

2.1.3. Electrical equipment lifts, their installation, current supply and grounding must comply with the requirements of the rules for the installation of electrical installations.

2.1.4. Lifts designed for outdoor operation must be carried out in accordance with established state standards and ensure safe operation in areas with ambient temperatures from -40 ° C to +40 ° C.

Lifts intended for operation in areas with temperatures below -40 ° C must be manufactured in the HL version in accordance with established state standards.

2.1.5. Free-standing lifts, not attached to the structure, used in areas with seismic activity of more than 6 points (in accordance with the established building codes and regulations), must be made in an earthquake-resistant design with an indication of the permissible installation area in the passport.

2.1.6. Each lift must be provided with the following operational documentation:

passport (PS);

operating manual (OM), including a technical description and operating instructions;

installation instructions.

2.1.7. The passport must be drawn up in accordance with Annexes 2 and 3. The passport for a specific lift from the list of information contained in the passport form includes information that relates to this type lift. If necessary, additional information can be added to the passport that characterizes the specifics of a particular lift.

2.1.8. The elevator passport must contain information about the permissible installation area for wind load, taken in accordance with established state standards and determining the wind speed of the non-operating state.

The passport must also indicate the wind speed of the operating state, above which the operation of the lift must be stopped.

2.1.9. The electrical equipment of lifts intended for operation in explosive and flammable environments must be explosion- and fireproof, which must be specified in the passport.

2.1.10. The operating manual must be developed in accordance with established state standards and taking into account the requirements set forth in the Rules.

The manual, along with other information, should include:

periodicity Maintenance and repair;

possible damage to metal structures and ways to eliminate them;

limiting norms of rejection of critical parts;

ways to adjust the brakes;

ways to adjust and test catchers;

list of wearing parts;

instructions for bringing the lift to a safe position when not in use;

safety requirements in emergency situations;

the procedure for conducting a technical examination;

service life (resource) of the lift.

2.1.11. Acceleration (deceleration) during the movement of the cabin and the cradle in the operating mode should not exceed 4 m/s.

2.1.12. The design of mast and shaft lifts must ensure the installation (dismantling) of the mast, shaft and wall supports using their own mechanisms.

2.1.13. The strength and stability of the lift and its components must be confirmed by calculation.

2.1.14. When completing lifts from components and parts manufactured by several organizations, the execution of operational documentation is carried out by the manufacturer that completes the lift. The passport of the lift is compiled according to the documents of organizations that manufacture individual components. These documents must be kept in the organization completing the lift.

2.2. Steel structures, guides

2.2.1. Steel structures of lifts, including guides, must comply with the requirements of state standards and regulations.

2.2.2. Masts (shafts) of lifts must provide attachment points to the building structure (except for lifts made in a free-standing design) with hard adjustable links designed for maximum loads.

It is allowed to fasten the mast (shaft) with stretch marks from a steel rope, equipped with devices for tension control.

2.2.3. The movement of the load-carrying device of the cargo-passenger and cargo lift (cab, platform, bucket, monorail, etc.) and the counterweight must be carried out along rigid guides. It is allowed to equip cargo lifts with flexible guides.

2.2.4. The height of the guides should be determined from the condition that, with possible movements of the load-carrying device (counterweight) beyond the extreme positions, the support rollers (shoes) would not leave the guides.

2.2.5. The guides must be designed for working loads, as well as for the loads that occur when the load-carrying device (counterweight) is mounted on catchers and buffers.

2.2.6. Rack and pinion mast sections must be interchangeable to ensure consistent rack pitch and smooth load-carrying movement.

2.2.8. The design of facade lift consoles should provide for their disassembly into separate units, allowing them to be carried manually.

2.2.9. Materials in the design of metal structures and their elements must be used in accordance with state standards and regulations.

The choice of materials for the design of metal structures should be made taking into account the lower limit values ​​of ambient temperatures for the working and non-working states of the lift, the degree of loading of the elements and the aggressiveness of the environment.

2.2.10. Metal structures, guides and other metal parts of the lift must be protected from corrosion. In box-shaped and tubular metal structures operating in the open air, measures must be taken against the accumulation of moisture in them.

2.3. Load-carrying devices

2.3.1. Requirements for cabins of cargo-passenger lifts. The cabin must have a fence on all sides. The clear height of the cabin must be at least 2 m. The cabin must have a door, and with a solid fence - and windows (window). The height of the doors must be at least 1.8 m, the width of the doors must be at least 0.6 m. The light openings (windows) of the cabin must be made of unbreakable (shatterproof) glass. The height of the window from the cabin floor is not less than 1000 mm. The roof of the cabin must be designed for the load from the mass of two people and the installation tool based on the load of 1000 N per person and per tool, distributed over an area of ​​0.3x0.3 m. If there is a hatch in the cabin ceiling, the dimensions of the hatch must be at least 750x750 mm. The hatch must be closed with a lid that opens outward and withstands the loads according to clause In the open position, the hatch cover should not extend beyond the dimensions of the cabin in plan. The hatch must be equipped with a lock and can only be opened with a special key. The cabin floor must not be slippery. When equipping the cab with a ladder for access to the building or to the transition platform, the ladder in the non-working position (when the cab is moving) should not go beyond the dimensions of the cab. The installation of the retractable ladder into the working position (and vice versa) must be carried out under control from the cab after it has stopped.

The ladder must be securely fixed from arbitrary movement before the cabin door is opened. The ladder must be designed for the loads that occur during loading and unloading operations.

2.3.2. Requirements for the load-carrying devices of cargo hoists. Cargo lifts, at the request of the consumer, can be equipped with interchangeable load-carrying devices (load platform, monorail, jib, etc.) for supplying building materials, including liquid, loose, long, etc. It is allowed to equip the platform with a ladder designed for the loads arising in the process of loading and unloading operations. In the non-working position (when moving the platform), the ladder must be rigidly fixed on the platform. Cargo lifts that allow a person to enter the cargo platform must be designed for the resulting loads and be equipped with devices that ensure safety when people are on the platform. The possibility of people exiting the platform must be recorded in the lift passport. Elevators with a monorail, jib and other devices for lowering cargo onto ceilings through window openings must be able to move the cargo vertically by at least 1 m.

2.3.3. Requirements for hanging cradles. The cradle should be made in the form of a frame with a platform to accommodate the worker (workers). The floor area of ​​the cradle for one person must be at least 0.7 m. The floor of the cradle must not be slippery. A single-suspension cradle must be suspended on one lifting rope and have one safety rope. A two-suspension cradle must be suspended on two lifting ropes and have two safety ropes. The carrying capacity of single-suspension cradles must be at least 120 kg, for double-suspension - at least 300 kg. Cradles around the perimeter must be fenced. The height of the fence from non-working sides must be at least 1200 mm, and from the side of the work front - at least 1000 mm. The device of a door in a cradle protection is not allowed. Guardrails must be designed for a load of at least 1300 N for fastening carabiners of safety belts for workers and halyards for tools. The cradles must be hung from consoles installed on top of the building (structure). The coefficient of stability of freely laid consoles must be at least 2.2. The stability of the cradles during operation and during relocation should be checked by calculation. In order to exclude the buildup of cradles, they can be equipped with devices for leaning on the structure. Cradles must be equipped with running rollers for movement on the ground.

2.4. Ropes (chains)

2.4.1. In lifts, steel ropes and chains are used, which must meet the requirements of these Rules, state standards and regulatory documents.

2.4.2. The ropes of passenger-and-freight and facade hoists, according to their purpose, must correspond to the type GL (human cargo), the ropes of cargo hoists - type G (freight).

2.4.3. Ropes must be certified.

2.4.4. Chains must have a document on their testing in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents.

2.4.5. Rope splicing is not allowed.

2.4.6. Cabin suspension is carried out on at least two independent steel ropes or two separate chains. Lifting ropes must be of the same design and the same diameter. The suspension of the counterweight is allowed to be carried out on one rope.

2.4.7. As a traction body, the use of plate or roller (sleeve) chains is allowed.

2.4.8. When suspending a load-carrying device on two or more ropes, a leveling device must be provided.

2.4.9. The fastening of the ends of the rope to the elements of the hoist must be designed for working and test loads.

2.4.10. The ropes must be fastened to the drums using a wedge, using clamps (at least three) or clamping bars (at least two).

2.4.11. Ropes (chains) must be checked by calculation. The calculation is carried out according to the formula

where R - breaking force of the rope (chain) as a whole, taken according to the data state standard(during calculation) or according to the certificate (during manufacture), N;

S- design (static) force in the rope (chain) indicated in the passport, N;

- rope (chain) utilization factor (factor of safety), taken according to Table. 1, application 4.

2.4.12. The safety factor of chains used as a traction element must be at least 9.

2.4.13. If the rope certificate indicates the total breaking force of the wires of the rope, the value R can be determined by multiplying the total breaking force of the wires by 0.83.

2.4.14. The rejection rates for steel ropes must comply with the requirements given in Appendix 6.

2.5. Drums and blocks

2.5.1. The minimum diameters of drums, pulleys and traction sheaves wrapped around by a steel rope should be determined by the formula

where d- rope diameter;

D - diameter of the drum, block, traction sheave, measured along the center line of the coiled rope;

h- coefficients for choosing the diameter of the drum, block or traction sheave, determined from Table. 2, appendix 4.

2.5.2. The fastening and location of the ropes (chains) on the hoist should exclude the possibility of them falling off the drums, blocks or sprockets and chafing due to contact with structural elements or other ropes.

2.5.3. The rope capacity of the drum must be selected from the condition of ensuring the lifting of the load-carrying device to its full height (until it touches the stops), while, if the load-carrying device is in the lowest position, at least one and a half turns of the rope must remain on the drum, not counting the turns under the clamping device .

2.5.4. Drums designed for a single-layer winding of a rope must have grooves cut along a helix.

2.5.5. At hoists, multi-layer winding of ropes on a smooth drum is allowed. In this case, the angle of the rope on the drum in the absence of a rope layer should not exceed 3 °.

2.5.6. The angle of deflection of the rope on the traction sheaves, the number of turns, the profile of the stream and the minimum tensile force in the running rope branch are determined by calculation.

2.5.7. The drums must have flanges on both sides of the drum, with the exception of drums intended for single-layer winding of two rope branches wound from the edges of the drum to the middle.

2.5.8. The drum flanges must rise above the top layer of the wound rope by at least two of its diameters.

2.5.9. Blocks must have a device that prevents the rope from exiting the block's groove. gap between specified device and the flange of the block should be no more than 20% of the rope diameter.

2.5.10. When using a double chain hoist, the installation of an equalizing block or balancer is mandatory.

2.6. Mechanisms

2.6.1. Mechanisms must be designed in such a way that spontaneous engagement or disengagement of the mechanisms is impossible.

2.6.2. Machine-driven hoists must be designed so that the lowering of the load is carried out only from a running engine.

2.6.3. In the elements of the lifting mechanisms that transmit torque, toothed, splined, keyed, bolted and similar connections should be used, excluding their arbitrary unscrewing or separation.

2.6.4. The rack and pinion drive of the hoist mechanism must be protected from direct contact with construction debris on its drive gear.

2.6.5. Requirements for the chassis, drives and other devices of rail-mounted hoists must comply with the requirements of the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Hoist Cranes in relation to tower cranes, approved by the Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated December 31, 1999 N 98 and recognized as not requiring state registration by the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation, Letter No. 6884-ER of 17.08.2000.

2.7. brakes

2.7.1. Lifts must be equipped with automatically operating brakes of normally closed type. The use of band brakes is not allowed.

2.7.2. Winches for facade lifts must be equipped with two brakes (normally closed and load-resistant), acting independently of each other.

2.7.3. The braking torque of the brake must be generated by means of compression springs (springs) or a load.

2.7.4. As a brake pulley for a shoe brake, it is allowed to use a half-coupling for connecting the electric motor to the gearbox located on the gearbox shaft.

2.7.5. The hoist brake must stop the moving masses in the operating mode, as well as hold the cabin, platform, cradle during static tests.

2.7.6. The brakes of the cargo-passenger and facade lifts must be provided with a device for manual release in accordance with the design documentation. When the impact on this device stops, the brake action should be automatically restored.

2.7.7. The braking reserve factor in the lifting mechanism drive must be sufficient to stop and hold the cabin, platform, cradle in all possible modes of their operation (lifting-lowering the maximum load, raising-lowering the empty cabin, platform, cradle, during installation) and must be at least 1.5.

2.7.8. Winches with a manual drive for vertical movement of the cage (cargo) after placing it in the window opening of the building or for performing installation operations must be equipped with a load-resistant brake with a braking safety factor of at least 1.25.

2.7.9. The brakes of the hoist movement mechanism on the rail track must ensure the hoist stop and hold at the allowable track slope and operating state wind action.

2.8. Counterweight and ballast

2.8.1. The counterweight of the lift must be designed for loads arising from:

during the working mode of movement;

when landing a counterweight on buffers;

when landing the cabin on catchers and buffers.

2.8.2. The counterweight must be equipped with rollers that must not leave the guides, both during operation and during testing.

2.8.3. The mass of the counterweight for hoists with traction sheaves should be taken equal to 100% of the mass of the car plus 50% of the load capacity.

2.8.4. The mass of the counterweight for rack and pinion hoists and drum winches must not exceed the total mass of the empty load-carrying device and overhead cable with a length equal to the maximum lifting height.

2.8.5. The mass of the ballast used to load the freely installed winches and jibs should be taken from the condition of ensuring their stability at a double working load.

2.8.6. The counterweight, consisting of individual weights, must be designed in such a way that the displacement of each weight relative to the others would be impossible.


... Are commonprovisions construction construction materials and construction ... 35. REGULATIONSDEVICES AND SAFEOPERATIONSBUILDINGLIFT. PB10 -518 -02 Approved by Decree...

  • Methodological documentation in construction methodological manual for conducting training on labor protection for managers and specialists of construction organizations (2)


    ... Are commonprovisions 4.1. Organization and performance of work in construction production, industry construction materials and construction ... 35. REGULATIONSDEVICES AND SAFEOPERATIONSBUILDINGLIFT. PB10 -518 -02 Approved by Decree...

    1.1. Real Rules... N 3994) 8. REGULATIONSDEVICES AND SAFEOPERATIONSBUILDINGLIFT. PB10 -518 -02* (extracts) 4.1. ...

  • Type: PB 10-518-02

    Status: Not valid - Not applicable. by order Federal Service on Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision No. 533 dated November 12, 2013, the Decree of the Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia No. 37 dated June 25, 2002 is not subject to application (the order enters into force 10 days after the day of its official publication, the text of the order published in the Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive bodies dated February 24, 2014 No. 8)

    Document text: present

    Document image: present

    Pages per document: 105

    Approved by: Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, 06/25/2002

    Comment: Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on December 4, 2002, registration number 3994.

    Application area:

    The rules for the design and safe operation of construction hoists1 establish requirements for the design, construction, manufacture, installation and operation of construction hoists used in the construction, decoration and repair of buildings and structures.
    The regulations apply to the following construction hoists2:
    - cargo-passenger lifts with cable or rack drive;
    - cargo lifts with cable or rack drive;
    - facade lifts with cable drive (cradles, platforms).
    The rules do not apply to the following construction hoists:
    - lifts installed on lifting machines and on self-propelled vehicles;
    - means of scaffolding (scaffolding, scaffolding, platforms, telescopic towers);
    - lifts (towers) self-propelled, trailer and pneumatic wheel;
    - fire lifts;
    - special lifts installed in the mines of the mining industry and on floating structures;
    - cargo lifts with hydraulic and screw lifting mechanisms;
    - elevators.


    Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation dated June 25, 2002 No. 37

    "On approval of the Rules for the design and safe operation

    construction hoists"

    The Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia decides:

    1. Approve Rules for the design and safe operation of construction hoists.

    2. Send the Rules for the construction and safe operation of construction hoists to state registration to the Russian Ministry of Justice.

    Head of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia

    V.M. Kulechev

    device and safe operation rules

    construction hoists

    PB 10-518-2002

    Rules for the construction and safe operation of construction hoists have been developed for the first time. These Rules give the mandatory standards that must be met by the designed and manufactured construction hoists, as well as the requirements for their installation and ensuring safety during operation.

    When developing these Rules, the requirements federal laws"O industrial safety hazardous production facilities”, “On Licensing Certain Types of Activities” and other regulatory documents and resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Prior to the development of these Rules, in the manufacture, organization of supervision of construction hoists, the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Elevators, Section 10 "Construction Elevators", approved by the State Committee for Supervision of Safe Work in Industry and Mining Supervision under the Council of Ministers of the USSR on January 26, 1971, were used. which caused great inconvenience in application and interpretation.

    These Rules are binding on all executives and responsible specialists of organizations involved in the design, manufacture, reconstruction, repair, installation, operation and diagnosis of construction hoists, regardless of the form of ownership and departmental affiliation, as well as individual entrepreneurs.

    I. General provisions

    1.1. These Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Construction Hoists1 establish requirements for the design, construction, manufacture, installation and operation of construction hoists used in the construction, decoration and repair of buildings and structures.

    1.2. These Regulations apply to the following construction hoists2:

    Cargo-passenger lifts with rope or rack drive,

    Cargo lifts with rope or rack drive,

    Front elevators with the cable drive (cradles, platforms).

    1.3. The rules do not apply to the following construction hoists:

    Lifts installed on lifting machines and on self-propelled vehicles;

    Scaffolding means (scaffolding, scaffolding, platforms, telescopic towers),

    Lifts (towers) self-propelled, trailed and pneumatic wheeled,

    fire lifts,

    Special lifts installed in the mines of the mining industry and on floating structures,

    Cargo lifts with hydraulic and screw lifting mechanisms,

    1.4. The main terms and definitions used in the text of these Rules are given in Appendix 1.

    II. Design

    2.1. General requirements

    2.1.1. Lifts must be designed and manufactured in accordance with these Rules and other regulatory documents. The carrying capacity, the area of ​​the load-carrying devices and other parameters of the lift must be established by the terms of reference for the design.

    2.1.2. Lifts purchased abroad must comply with the requirements of these Rules and have a certificate of conformity in accordance with the list of technical devices used at hazardous production facilities and subject to certification (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 11.08.1998 No. production facilities and subject to certification")1.

    1 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, No. 33, art. 4030; Russian newspaper. 1998. No. 163, 26 Aug.

    Together with the delivered lifts, operational documentation is made in Russian.

    2.1.3. The electrical equipment of lifts, their installation, current supply and grounding must comply with the requirements of the rules for the installation of electrical installations.

    2.1.4. Lifts designed for outdoor operation must be made in accordance with established state standards and ensure safe operation in areas with an ambient temperature of - 40°C to + 40°C.

    Lifts designed for operation in areas with temperatures below -40°C must be manufactured in HL version in accordance with established state standards.

    2.1.5. Free-standing lifts, not attached to the structure, used in areas with seismic activity of more than 6 points (in accordance with the established building codes and regulations), must be made in an earthquake-resistant design with an indication of the permissible installation area in the passport.

    2.1.6. Each lift must be provided with the following operational documentation:

    Passport (PS),

    Operating manual (OM), including a technical description and operating instructions,

    Installation instructions.

    2.1.7. The passport must be drawn up in accordance with Annexes 2 and 3. The passport for a specific lift from the list of information contained in the passport form includes information that relates to this type of lift. If necessary, additional information can be added to the passport that characterizes the specifics of a particular lift.

    2.1.8. The elevator passport must contain information about the permissible installation area for wind load, taken in accordance with established state standards and determining the wind speed of the non-operating state.

    The passport must also indicate the wind speed of the operating state, above which the operation of the lift must be stopped.

    2.1.9. The electrical equipment of lifts intended for operation in explosive and flammable environments must be explosion- and fireproof, which must be specified in the passport.

    2.1.10. The operating manual must be developed in accordance with established state standards and taking into account the requirements set forth in the Rules.

    The Guide, along with other information, should include:

    The frequency of maintenance and repair,

    Possible damage to metal structures and ways to eliminate them,

    Limiting norms for rejection of critical parts,

    Ways to adjust the brakes

    Methods for adjusting and testing catchers,

    List of wearing parts,

    Instructions for bringing the lift to a safe position when not in use,

    Safety requirements in emergency situations,

    The procedure for conducting a technical examination,

    The service life (resource) of the lift.

    2.1.11. Acceleration (deceleration) during the movement of the cab and the cradle in the operating mode should not exceed 4 m/s2.

    2.1.12. The design of mast and shaft lifts must ensure the installation (dismantling) of the mast, shaft and wall supports using their own mechanisms.

    2.1.13. The strength and stability of the lift and its components must be confirmed by calculation.

    2.1.14. When completing lifts from components and parts manufactured by several organizations, the execution of operational documentation is carried out by the manufacturer that completes the lift. The passport of the lift is compiled according to the documents of organizations that manufacture individual components. These documents must be kept in the organization completing the lift.

    2.2. Steel structures, guides

    2.2.1. Steel structures of lifts, including guides, must comply with the requirements of state standards and regulations.

    2.2.2. The masts (shafts) of the hoists must provide attachment points to the building structure (except for hoists made in a free-standing design) using rigid adjustable braces designed for maximum loads.

    It is allowed to fasten the mast (shaft) with stretch marks from a steel rope, equipped with devices for tension control.

    2.2.3. The movement of the load-carrying device of the cargo-passenger and cargo lift (cab, platform, bucket, monorail, etc.) and the counterweight must be carried out along rigid guides. It is allowed to equip cargo lifts with flexible guides.

    2.2.4. The height of the guides should be determined from the condition that, with possible movements of the load-carrying device (counterweight) beyond the extreme positions, the support rollers (shoes) would not leave the guides.

    2.2.5. The guides must be designed for working loads, as well as for the loads that occur when the load-carrying device (counterweight) is mounted on catchers and buffers.

    2.2.6. Rack and pinion mast sections must be interchangeable to ensure consistent rack pitch and smooth load-carrying movement.

    2.2.8. The design of facade lift consoles should provide for their disassembly into separate units, allowing them to be carried manually.

    2.2.9. Materials in the design of metal structures and their elements must be used in accordance with state standards and regulations.

    The choice of materials for the design of metal structures should be made taking into account the lower limit values ​​of ambient temperatures for the working and non-working states of the lift, the degree of loading of the elements and the aggressiveness of the environment.

    2.2.10. Metal structures, guides and other metal parts of the lift must be protected from corrosion. In box-shaped and tubular metal structures operating in the open air, measures must be taken against the accumulation of moisture in them.

    2.3. Load-carrying devices

    2.3.1. Requirements for cabins of cargo-passenger lifts The cabin must have a fence on all sides. The clear height of the cabin must be at least 2 m. The cabin must have a door and with a solid fence - and windows (window). The height of the doors must be at least 1.8 m, the width of the doors must be at least 0.6 m. The light openings (windows) of the cabin must be made of unbreakable (shatterproof) glass. The height of the window from the cabin floor - not less than 1000 mm The cabin roof must be designed for the load from the mass of two people and the installation tool, based on the load of 1000 N for each person and for the tool, distributed over an area of ​​0.3 0.3 m. If there is a hatch in the cabin ceiling, the dimensions of the hatch must be at least 750 750 mm. The hatch must be closed with a lid that opens outward and withstands the loads according to clause In the open position, the hatch cover should not extend beyond the dimensions of the cabin in plan. The hatch must be equipped with a lock and can only be opened with a special key. The cabin floor must not be slippery. When equipping the cab with a ladder for access to the building or to the transition platform, the ladder in the non-working position (when the cab is moving) should not go beyond the dimensions of the cab. The installation of the retractable ladder into the working position (and vice versa) must be carried out under control from the cab after it has stopped.

    The ladder must be securely fixed from arbitrary movement before the cabin door is opened. The ladder must be designed for the loads that occur during loading and unloading operations.

    2.3.2. Requirements for the load-carrying devices of cargo hoists. Cargo lifts, at the request of the consumer, can be equipped with interchangeable load-carrying devices (load platform, monorail, jib, etc.) for supplying building materials, including liquid, loose, long, etc. It is allowed to equip the platform with a ladder designed for the loads arising in the process of loading and unloading operations. In the non-working position (when moving the platform), the ladder must be rigidly fixed on the platform. Cargo lifts that allow a person to enter the cargo platform must be designed for the resulting loads and be equipped with devices that ensure safety when people are on the platform. The possibility of people exiting the platform must be recorded in the lift passport. Elevators with a monorail, jib and other devices for lowering cargo onto floors through window openings must be able to move the cargo vertically by at least 1 m.

    2.3.3. Requirements for hanging cradles The cradle should be made in the form of a frame with a platform to accommodate the worker (workers). The floor area of ​​the cradle per person must be at least 0.7 m2. The floor of the cradle must not be slippery. A single-suspension cradle must be suspended on one lifting rope and have one safety rope. A two-suspension cradle must be suspended on two lifting ropes and have two safety ropes. The carrying capacity of single-suspension cradles must be at least 120 kg, for double-suspension - at least 300 kg. Cradles around the perimeter must be fenced. The height of the fence from non-working sides must be at least 1200 mm, and from the side of the work front - at least 1000 mm. The device of a door in a cradle protection is not allowed. Guardrails must be designed for a load of at least 1300 N for fastening carabiners of safety belts for workers and halyards for tools. The cradles must be hung from consoles installed on top of the building (structure). The coefficient of stability of freely laid consoles must be at least 2.2. The stability of the cradles during operation and during relocation should be checked by calculation. In order to exclude the buildup of cradles, they can be equipped with devices for leaning on the structure. Cradles must be equipped with running rollers for movement on the ground.

    2.4. Ropes (chains)

    2.4.1. In lifts, steel ropes and chains are used, which must meet the requirements of these Rules, state standards and regulatory documents.

    2.4.2. The ropes of passenger-and-freight and facade hoists, according to their purpose, must correspond to the type GL (human cargo), the ropes of cargo hoists - type G (freight).

    2.4.3. Ropes must be certified.

    2.4.4. Chains must have a document on their testing in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents.

    2.4.5. Rope splicing is not allowed.

    2.4.6. Cabin suspension is carried out on at least two independent steel ropes or two separate chains. Lifting ropes must be of the same design and the same diameter. The suspension of the counterweight is allowed to be carried out on one rope.

    2.4.7. As a traction body, the use of plate or roller (sleeve) chains is allowed.

    2.4.8. When suspending a load-carrying device on two or more ropes, a leveling device must be provided,

    2.4.9. The fastening of the ends of the rope to the elements of the hoist must be designed for working and test loads.

    2.4.10. The ropes should be fastened to the drums: using a wedge, using clamps (at least three) or clamping bars (at least two).

    2.4.11. Ropes (chains) must be checked by calculation.

    The calculation is carried out according to the formula

    P/S Zp;

    where P is the breaking force of the rope (chain) as a whole, taken according to the state standard (during calculation) or according to the certificate (during manufacture), N.

    S - design (static) force in the rope (chain), indicated in the passport, N.

    Zp - rope (chain) utilization factor (factor of safety), taken according to table. 1, application 4.

    2.4.12. The safety factor of chains used as a traction element must be at least 9.

    2.4.13. If the rope quality certificate indicates the total breaking strength of the wires of the rope, the value of P can be determined by multiplying the total breaking strength of the wires by 0.83.

    2.4.14. The rejection rates for steel ropes must comply with the requirements given in Appendix 6.

    2.5. Drums and blocks

    2.5.1. The minimum diameters of drums, pulleys and traction sheaves wrapped around by a steel rope should be determined by the formula

    D h d,

    where d is the diameter of the rope.

    D - diameter of the drum, block, traction sheave, measured along the center line of the coiled rope,

    h - coefficients for choosing the diameter of the drum, block or traction sheave, determined from Table. 2, appendix 4.

    2.5.2. The fastening and location of the ropes (chains) on the hoist should exclude the possibility of them falling off the drums, blocks or sprockets and chafing due to contact with structural elements or other ropes.

    2.5.3. The rope capacity of the drum must be selected from the condition of ensuring the lifting of the load-carrying device to its full height (until it touches the stops), while, if the load-carrying device is in the lowest position, at least one and a half turns of the rope must remain on the drum, not counting the turns under the clamping device .

    2.5.4. Drums designed for a single-layer winding of a rope must have grooves cut along a helix.

    2.5.5. At hoists, multi-layer winding of ropes on a smooth drum is allowed. In this case, the angle of the rope on the drum in the absence of a rope layer should not exceed 3 °.

    2.5.6. The rope deviation angle on the traction sheaves, the number of turns, the profile of the stream and the minimum tensile force in the running rope branch are determined by calculation.

    2.5.7. The drums must have flanges on both sides of the drum, with the exception of drums intended for single-layer winding of two rope branches wound from the edges of the drum to the middle.

    2.5.8. The drum flanges must rise above the top layer of the wound rope by at least two of its diameters.

    2.5.9. Blocks must have a device that prevents the rope from exiting the block's groove. The gap between the specified device and the flange of the block must be no more than 20% of the rope diameter.

    2.5.10. When using a double chain hoist, the installation of an equalizing block or balancer is mandatory.

    2.6. Mechanisms

    2.6.1 The mechanisms must be designed in such a way that spontaneous engagement or disengagement of the mechanisms is impossible.

    2.6.2 Machine-driven hoists must be designed so that the lowering of the load is carried out only from a running engine.

    2.6.3 In the elements of the crane mechanisms that transmit torque, toothed, splined, keyed, bolted and similar connections should be used, excluding their arbitrary unscrewing or separation.

    2.6.4. The rack and pinion drive of the lifting mechanism must be protected from direct contact with construction debris on its drive gear.

    2.6.5 Requirements for the chassis, drives and other devices of rail-mounted hoists must comply with the requirements of the Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Hoisting Cranes in relation to tower cranes, approved by Resolution No. 98 of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia dated 31.12. registration by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, letter dated 17.08.2000 No. 6884-ER.

    2.7. brakes

    2.7.1 Hoists must be equipped with automatically operating brakes of normally closed type. The use of band brakes is not allowed.

    2.7.2. Winches for facade lifts must be equipped with two brakes (normally closed and load-resistant), acting independently of each other.

    2.7.3. The braking torque of the brake must be generated by means of compression springs (springs) or a load.

    2.7.4. As a brake pulley, it is allowed to use a half-coupling for connecting the electric motor to the gearbox, located on the gearbox shaft.

    2.7.5. The hoist brake must stop the moving masses in the operating mode, as well as hold the cabin, platform, cradle during static tests.

    2.7.6. The brakes of the cargo-passenger and facade lifts must be provided with a device for manual release in accordance with the design documentation. When the impact on this device stops, the brake action should be automatically restored.

    2.7.7. The braking reserve factor in the lifting mechanism drive must be sufficient to stop and hold the cabin, platform, cradle in all possible modes of their operation (lifting-lowering the maximum load, raising-lowering the empty cabin, platform, cradle, during installation) and must be at least 1.5.

    2.7.8. Winches with a manual drive for vertical movement of the cage (cargo) after placing it in the window opening of the building or for performing installation operations must be equipped with a load-resistant brake with a braking safety factor of at least 1.25.

    2.7.9. The brakes of the hoist movement mechanism on the rail track must ensure the hoist stop and hold at the allowable track slope and operating state wind action.

    2.8. Counterweight and ballast

    2.8.1. The counterweight of the lift must be designed for loads arising from:

    During the working mode of movement;

    When landing a counterweight on buffers;

    When landing the cabin on catchers and buffers.

    2.8.2 The counterweight must be equipped with rollers that must not leave the guides both during operation and during testing.

    2.8.3. The mass of the counterweight for hoists with traction sheaves should be taken equal to 100% of the mass of the car plus 50% of the load capacity

    2.8.4. The mass of the counterweight for rack and pinion hoists and drum winches must not exceed the total mass of the empty load-carrying device and overhead cable with a length equal to the maximum lifting height.

    2.8.5. The mass of the ballast used to load the freely installed winches and jibs should be taken from the condition of ensuring their stability at a double working load.

    2.8.6. The counterweight, consisting of individual weights, must be designed in such a way that the displacement of each weight relative to the others would be impossible.

    2.8.7. Counterweight elements and ballast shall be marked with their actual mass.

    2.8.8. Only calibrated counterweight and ballast weights are allowed.

    2.9. electrical equipment

    2.9.1 The electrical equipment and power supply of the lift must meet established requirements rules for electrical installations. The operation of electrical equipment must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of these Rules, as well as the rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations.

    2.9.2 Electrical equipment and wiring used on the lift must comply with the parameters of the lift in terms of voltage and frequency of the power supply, current loads, as well as the conditions of its operation, storage and transportation.

    2.9.3 Voltage from the power source must be supplied to the hoist through a manually operated input device.

    2.9.4 The input device must have a device for locking it in the off position, as well as an indicator of the position of its handle: "On." - "Off".

    2.9.5 The supply voltage of power circuits should not exceed 380 V alternating current with a frequency of 50 Hz, and for control, lighting and signaling circuits - no higher than 220 V.

    2.9.6 It is allowed to use the phase and neutral wire of the mains for supplying control, lighting and signaling circuits, while one output of the coils of electric devices must be connected to the neutral wire.

    2.9.7 The voltage of the power supply circuit of portable lighting lamps should not exceed 42 V. The use of autotransformers or potentiometers to lower the voltage is not allowed.

    2.9.8 The metal structure of the lift, as well as metal non-current-carrying parts of its electrical equipment (housings of electric motors, safety switches, frames of control cabinets, casings of devices, etc.) must be grounded by connecting the neutral wire of the power supply network to them in accordance with the requirements of the rules for electrical installations .

    2.9.9 On cargo and passenger lifts, as an additional protective measure, the neutral wire must be re-grounded in accordance with the rules for electrical installations.

    2.9.10. The inclusion of fuses, contacts and other disconnecting elements in the neutral wire is not allowed.

    2.9.11 For grounding (zeroing) of the load-carrying device when installing electric devices on it, it is necessary to use a strand of an overhead cable suitable for it. It is recommended to use shielding sheaths and load-bearing steel cores of these cables, as well as steel hoisting ropes of the load-carrying device, as additional grounding conductors.

    2.9.12 Grounding of a remote control panel in a metal case must be carried out using two cores of a cable suitable for it, connected to the case at different points.

    2.9.13. The electric drive of the lift must meet the following requirements:

    a) the removal of the mechanical brake must occur simultaneously with the switching on of the electric motor or after it is switched on;

    b) turning off the electric motor must be accompanied by the application of a mechanical brake;

    c) self-starting of the electric motor after the restoration of voltage in the supply network should be excluded;

    d) the power circuit of the electric motor must be interrupted by two independent electrical devices (switches).

    2.9.14. Switching off the electric motor of the lift and applying a mechanical brake should occur when:

    a) thermal overload of the electric motor;

    b) short circuit in the power circuit or control circuit;

    c) breakage of one of the phases of the supply network;

    d) operation of safety switches.

    2.9.15 The suspension cable going to the load-carrying device must be designed for the mechanical loads that occur during the operation of the lift.

    2.9.16. The overhead cable must have a device that prevents the cable from swinging, as well as a device for its laying (except for facade lifts).

    2.9.17. Wires and cable cores must be marked in accordance with the electrical diagrams of the lift.

    2.9.18 Electric controls on cabinets and consoles must be provided with inscriptions or symbols of their functional purpose.

    2.9.19 An electrical circuit diagram made in a way that ensures its safety.

    2.9.20 Lighting and signaling circuits must be connected to the lift power circuit breaker.

    2.9.21 The lift cabin must:

    Have working lighting;

    be equipped sound signal anization that differs in tone from car signals, turned on by the driver;

    Be equipped with communication (telephone or radio) between the driver and the builders.

    Have a socket for a portable lighting lamp.

    2.9.22. When installing heaters in the hoist cab, they must comply with fire safety requirements.

    2.10. Control systems

    2.10.1. Lifts can have the following types of control:

    a) internal, in which the control panel is installed on the load-carrying device;

    b) outdoor, in which the load-carrying device is controlled from a remote control located outside the lift.

    2.10.2 Cargo-passenger and facade lifts must have internal control as a working one.

    2.10.3. In a passenger-and-freight lift, the control panel should be located in the cab near the door facing the building.

    2.10.4. The length of the remote control cable must allow the remote control to be located outside the hazardous area during testing, which is accepted in accordance with the requirements of building codes and regulations.

    2.10.5. The remote control used as a worker must be equipped with a locking device that excludes the control of the lift by an unauthorized person.

    2.10.6. For rack-and-pinion lifts and facade lifts on a remote control, to check emergency stops in the "Test" mode, a button for releasing the drive (without turning on its electric motor) must be provided.

    2.10.7. Control devices (push-button, lever) must be carried out with their self-return to the zero position, at which the electric motor is turned off.

    2.10.8 A "Stop" button must be provided on the control panel or near it, which turns off the control circuit of the lift.

    2.10.9. On a passenger-and-freight lift, it is allowed to use a control device that simultaneously acts on two separate devices that provide a double break in the power circuit of the electric motor.

    2.10.10 The lift control system must meet the following requirements:

    a) operation of the lift in all modes provided for by the operational documentation ("Operation", "Installation", "Testing", "Inspection"), should only occur when the button or lever of the control apparatus is pressed;

    b) in the control circuit, a mode selection switch must be provided that provides control of the lift in only one of these modes;

    c) the stop of the load-carrying body in the extreme positions should occur automatically.

    2.10.11. The movement of the cab in the "Inspection" mode when controlled from the roof should be possible only when the contacts of all the safety switches of the lift are closed.

    2.10.12. The speed of the cabin in the "Revision" mode when controlled from the roof should be no more than 0.4 m / s, while it is allowed on lifts with a single-speed AC motor to move at a speed of no more than 0.71 m / s.

    2.10.13. In the "Test" mode, the lift must be controlled from the remote control.

    2.10.14. Lift control in all modes specified in Art. 2.10.10a, must be carried out in accordance with the operational documentation.

    2.10.15. Cargo lifts can have group control of several lifts from a remote control installed in a separate room. The room should provide an overview of the lift operation area to the entire height of the structure and should be equipped with lighting, heating and two-way communication with all loading platforms when they are more than 20 m away from the room.

    2.10.16. At group management Only one lift is allowed to operate at a time.

    2.10.17. Two-suspension facade lifts must have a switch that provides joint or separate control of the winches.

    2.11. Security Devices

    2.11.1 Safety switches Passenger-and-goods lifts must be equipped with the following safety switches:

    a) limit switches limiting the extreme upper and lower positions of the cab;

    b) control of the closed position of the doors of the lower enclosure of the cab;

    c) control of the closed position of the entrance and exit doors of the cab;

    d) control of the position of the ladder (if any);

    e) control of operation of safety catchers (on lifts with a cable drive);

    e) control of slack or breakage of lifting ropes;

    g) monitoring the operation of the speed limiter (on rack and pinion lifts);

    h) control of the position of the speed limiter rope tensioner;

    i) "Stop" button. Cargo lifts, other than the switches specified in paragraphs. a, d, e, g, i, shall be equipped with the following safety switches:

    a) control of the extension of the device for feeding the load into the opening of the building (monorail, jib, etc.), blocking the operation of the lifting winch.

    b) restrictions in the horizontal extreme positions of the above device for supplying cargo into the opening of the building;

    c) control of the open position of the end fence of the platform facing the opening of the building (if necessary);

    d) restrictions on the way of movement of the lift on rails along the facade of the structure. Facade lifts must be equipped with:

    a) two limit switches that automatically turn off the winch motor when the cradle approaches the console installed on the roof of the building at a distance of at least 0.5 m;

    b) a switch that blocks the inclusion of the winch motor when the removable handle is installed to move the cradle manually. The speed limiter must operate when the speed of the cab, platform exceeds the nominal speed by at least 15% and not more than 40%. Combining the functions of a safety switch and a work switch in one switch is not allowed. Safety switches shall have a design in which a change in their switching position occurs only as a result of direct mechanical action (or removal of this action) on the corresponding element of the switch. Only switches with a contact break must be used as safety switches. electrical circuit(contact devices). The use of magnetically controlled contacts (reed switches) is not allowed. It is not allowed to shunt the contacts of the safety switches by installing current-carrying jumpers. The design of the limit switch for the extreme positions of the cab, safety switches, slack of the lifting ropes and the rope of the speed limiter (taking into account their installation) must be non-self-resetting.

    It is allowed to carry out the specified switches and/or their installation as self-resetting, subject to the following requirements:

    a) the element that directly caused the switch to operate must fix it in this position;

    b) the subsequent normal operation of the lift should be possible only after the elimination of the cause that caused the switch to operate, and after a new command has been issued. The limit switch should be activated when the load-carrying device passes:

    a) the lower level established by the operational documentation, excluding the contact of the cabin with the buffers when it stops;

    b) the upper level established by the operational documentation, but not more than 200 mm (for lifts without a counterweight);

    c) the upper level established by the operational documentation, excluding the contact of the counterweight with the buffers when it stops. Safety switches must be included in the control circuit. The operation of the limit switches should lead to the opening of the control circuit and / or the power circuit of the electric motor. When installing limit switches in the control circuit of a passenger-and-freight hoist with a drum winch or rack and pinion drive, it is necessary to provide at least two switches that operate in each direction of cab movement. The limit switches must act on separate electromagnetic devices that provide a double break in the power circuit of the winch motor. The installation of two limit switches in the control circuit must also be carried out for a cargo-passenger hoist equipped with a winch with a traction sheave, when the weight of the hoisting ropes is such that the ropes do not slip on the traction sheave when the counterweight (cabin) is landing on the buffer. When limit switches are installed in the control circuit of the cargo lift, it is allowed to install one switch for each direction of movement of the load-carrying device, acting on its electromagnetic devices, providing a break in the power circuit of the winch electric motor with the mandatory installation of the "Stop" button on the control panel.

    2.11.2 Pointers Free-standing and mobile lifts with a mast height of more than 15 m must be equipped with an anemometer that automatically turns on the sound signal when the wind speed specified in the lift's passport is reached. Cargo and cargo-passenger lifts must be equipped with hour meters.

    2.11.3 Catchers, emergency stops Catchers (emergency stops) must stop and hold on the guides the cabin, platform, or cradle moving down with the load in case of exceeding the speed of movement, the appearance of slack or a break in the ropes or chains. Activation of safety devices and emergency stops from electrical, hydraulic or pneumatic devices is not allowed. When calculating safety gear and emergency stop, the weight of the cargo should be taken equal to 110% of the rated carrying capacity. For the estimated speed of landing on safety gear (activation of an emergency stop), one should take the speed that will be reached by the cabin, platform, by the time the braking starts after the speed limiter is turned on, adjusted according to the upper limit set for it.

    When the safety catchers are activated by a device that is triggered by a break or slack in all lifting ropes (chains), the speed of the cabin, platform, cradle by the moment the braking starts after the operation of the specified device should be taken as the calculated speed of landing on the safety catchers. Hoists with a rated speed of more than 1 m/s shall be equipped with soft braking safety gears or combined safety gears. After the cab is removed from the safety gear, they should automatically return to their original position and be ready for operation. The deceleration of an empty cabin should not exceed 25 m/s2 for smooth braking safety devices and 30 m/s2 for hard braking safety devices. It is allowed to exceed these values ​​if the duration of the deceleration action is not more than 0.04 s, with the exception of the cab equipped with combined safety gears with a shock-absorbing element of an energy-accumulating type (spring, elastic gasket, etc.). In order to hold the cabin moving downwards at a speed exceeding the permissible one, in elevators with a lifting rack and pinion drive, an emergency stop must be used.

    The emergency stop must be actuated from the speed limiter and keep the cab moving down on the rack when the stop is activated. The emergency stop must have a device for returning to its original position after the cab has been stopped by an emergency stop.

    The emergency stop reset device must be operated manually using a tool in the cab. Catchers and emergency stops must be provided with a plate indicating the name of the manufacturer and its trademark, serial number, year of manufacture, type (hard braking, smooth braking, combined), rated speed of the load-carrying device and the estimated mass to be caught. The cabin of a passenger-and-freight mast lift must be equipped with safety shoes located below the running rollers in case of breakage of the rollers, their axles or the rollers going beyond the guides.

    2.11.4 Buffers In the lower part of the movement zone of the cabin and the loading platform, buffers shall be provided for damping and stopping the movement of the cabin (counterweight) when the lower working position is changed. The buffers must be designed for landing a cabin with a load or a counterweight moving at a speed exceeding the nominal speed by 15%, while the mass of the load must exceed the lifting capacity of the lift by 10%, while the deceleration must be no more than 25 m/s2. When using an energy dissipative type buffer, a deceleration exceeding this value is allowed if the duration of the latter is not more than 0.04 s.

    The average deceleration of the cab with a load corresponding to the rated load capacity should be no more than 10 m/s2. Buffer springs of a passenger-and-freight lift must be supplied with a passport indicating the name of the manufacturer, year of manufacture and characteristics of the spring.

    2.12. Fences, means of access

    2.12.1. The area where the cabin (counterweight) of the cargo-and-passenger hoist is located on the lower landing site must be fenced off on all sides to a height of at least 2000 mm. The specified guard for cargo and facade lifts is not required.

    2.12.2. The following safety distances must be maintained between moving and stationary elements of the lift:

    a) between the threshold of the cab (stairway) and the threshold of the floor of the landing area - no more than 50 mm,

    b) between the cabin and the mast - at least 20 mm,

    c) between the cabin and the counterweight - at least 50 mm,

    2.12.3 In cases where it is impossible to maintain the distance between the threshold of the loading platform and the threshold of the cabin provided for by these Rules, the platform may be equipped with an exit from the cabin to the platform through a gangway, which must be controlled from the cabin after it has stopped.

    2.12.4. Opening of the cabin door should be carried out after bringing the ladder to the working position or forcibly together with the movement of the ladder.

    2.12.5. Closing the cabin must be done before bringing the ladder to its original working position or forcibly together with the movement of the ladder.

    2.12.6 On the sides, the ladder must have railings with a height of at least 1000 mm.

    2.12.7. The roof of the cab, which can be accessed by people, must be equipped with railings with a height of at least 1000 mm along the perimeter. It is allowed not to install a railing in the area adjacent to the mast. The distance from the edge of the roof to the railing is no more than 150 mm. The railing must have a handrail, a continuous sheathing at the bottom with a height of 100 mm and a bar located at the middle of the height of the railing. Handrails are allowed to be removable.

    2.12.8. Doors in cabins and landing areas can be made:

    Swing (with opening only inside, respectively, the cabin or structure),

    Horizontally sliding and

    Vertically sliding (with balanced doors).

    Opening (closing) of the door can be done manually or automatically.

    2.12.9. When using vertically sliding (lifting) doors, the door panels must be hung on at least two independent load-bearing elements.

    2.12.10. The cargo platform must be fenced on all sides. It is allowed to fence the platform from three sides, provided that there are devices that prevent the possible displacement of the load beyond the dimensions of the platform. In this case, a locking device for the entrance and exit openings can serve as a fence on one side.

    Guardrails in the form of railings must be made with a height of at least 1000 mm with a continuous sheathing at the bottom to a height of at least 200 mm. For platforms where access of people is excluded, the height of the fence can be reduced to 500 mm.

    2.12.11. The cab door on the side of the building must be opened from inside the cab. The door on the opposite side of the cab must open both from the inside and from the outside.

    2.12.12. The door must be equipped with an interlock switch that prevents the cabin from moving with the door open or not fully closed.

    A lock must be provided in the cabin door to lock it when the lift is inoperative.

    2.12.13. The cabin doors of the passenger-and-freight lift and its lower guard must be unlocked (locked) with a key held by the driver. In this case, the use of automatic locks is not required.

    2.12.14. If it is possible for people to get into the working area of ​​the lifting winch, the latter must be fenced.

    2.12.15. For the maintenance of mechanisms, electrical equipment and safety, convenient and safe access must be provided to them.

    2.12.16. Easily accessible, moving parts of the lifts that can cause an accident should be covered with removable metal guards that allow easy inspection and lubrication.

    2.13. Installation of lifts

    2.13.1. Lifts must be installed permanently in the immediate vicinity of the structure being erected. It is allowed to install a freight hoist on a rail track if the hoist is equipped with an appropriate undercarriage.

    2.13.2. A permanently installed lift must be placed on a horizontal leveled area, made in accordance with the operational documentation, which should contain the requirements for preparing the site for the installation of the lift (degree of compaction, slope, drainage, etc.).

    2.13.3. The place of installation and placement of the lift, the installation of decking, door railings on the floors should be taken into account the type of load-carrying device and should be determined by the project for the production of work at the construction site with reference to the structure.

    2.13.4. The rail track of a mobile cargo hoist must be carried out in accordance with the project or the requirements set forth in the operational documentation.

    In the absence of instructions on the arrangement of the track in these documents, the rail track must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents for the rail tracks of tower cranes.

    2.13.5. To increase the stability of freely installed facade hoist winches, they should be ballasted. The weight of the ballast must correspond to twice the design pulling force of the winch. Fixing the console to the protruding parts of the building should not be taken into account in the stability calculation.

    2.13.6. When installing facade lifts, the distance from their protruding parts (not counting the supporting rollers, on which the cradle can be supported during lifting) to the protruding parts of the building must be at least 200 mm.

    2.13.7. The area under the load carrier to be lifted is a danger zone. The boundary of the danger zone, within which a danger may occur due to falling objects, is determined in accordance with building codes and regulations.

    III. Manufacturing, reconstruction, repair and installation

    3.1. Manufacturing

    3.1.1. Lifts and their components must be manufactured in accordance with the designs, these Rules, state standards, specifications and other regulatory documents.

    3.1.2. Hoists must be manufactured by manufacturing organizations that have technical means and qualified professionals.

    3.1.3. A permit for the manufacture, reconstruction, repair and installation of lifts is issued in accordance with the Rules for the use of technical devices at hazardous production facilities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 1998 No. 15401.

    1 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 1, Art. 191; Russian newspaper. 1999. No. 11, Jan. 21

    3.1.4. In the manufacture of a prototype lift in the passport should be stamped "Prototype".

    3.1.5. The regulatory documents for manufacturing, along with other instructions, should provide for requirements for quality control of welding and rejection indicators, the procedure for accepting assemblies and the finished product, as well as information about the metals and welding materials used for manufacturing.

    3.1.6. To check the quality of manufacture of lifts, their compliance with these Rules and specifications, state standards and other regulatory documents, the enterprise must conduct preliminary (factory), acceptance, qualification, periodic, acceptance, type and certification tests.

    Each prototype must be subjected to preliminary, acceptance or qualification tests.

    3.1.7. Preliminary (factory) and acceptance tests, as well as qualification tests, are organized and carried out by the manufacturer of the prototype lift according to the program and methodology drawn up by the project developer and agreed with the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia (for registered lifts). Representatives of the organization that developed the working documentation and the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia should participate in the tests. For unregistered lifts, the participation of a representative of Gosgortekhnadzor is not required.

    3.1.8. Periodic and type tests of mass-produced lifts are carried out in accordance with the program. Participation of a representative of the Gosgortekhnadzor body in the testing of a lift subject to registration is mandatory. Periodic tests are carried out once every 3 years.

    3.1.9. Each manufactured lift must be subjected to acceptance tests according to the program developed by the manufacturer. The organization shall keep records of the lifts produced.

    3.1.10. On each lift, in a place accessible for review, a plate must be fixed containing the name of the manufacturer, the symbol of the lift, load capacity, serial number, year, month of manufacture. The dimensions of the plate must comply with the requirements of established state standards.

    3.1.11. The manufacturer is obliged to keep a record of the defects in the design and manufacture of lifts identified during operation and take measures to eliminate them. In cases where the identified deficiencies may affect the safety of using lifts, the manufacturer must notify all organizations operating them of the need and methods for eliminating such deficiencies.

    The notification must also be sent to the state technical supervision authority that issued the permit for the manufacture of the lift.

    3.2. Reconstruction, repair and installation

    3.2.1. The reconstruction of the lift must be carried out according to the project developed by the manufacturer or a specialized organization.

    3.2.2. An organization that performs repairs and reconstruction using welding must have technical specifications indicating the welding materials used, welding control methods, rejection standards for welded joints, the procedure for accepting assemblies and issuing repair and operational documentation.

    3.2.3. The organization that carried out the repair of critical components or the reconstruction of the lift reflects in the Act the nature of the work performed and enters into it information about the material used, indicating the certificate. The act must be attached to the lift's passport. Documents confirming the quality of the materials used and welding must be kept by the owner of the lift.

    In the passport of the lift, the organization that performed the repair (reconstruction) of the lift must make a record of the work performed.

    3.3. materials

    3.3.1. Materials for the manufacture, reconstruction and repair of lifts and their elements must be used in accordance with the requirements of the project in accordance with Art. 2.2.9.

    3.3.2. The quality of the material used in the manufacture, reconstruction, repair of lifts must be confirmed by a certificate from the organization - the manufacturer of the material and incoming control. In the absence of a certificate, the material may be used after it has been tested in accordance with state standards and other regulatory documents by an accredited laboratory.

    3.3.3. Welding consumables and the welding technology used must ensure the mechanical properties of the metal, seam and welded joint (tensile strength, relative elongation, bend angle, impact strength) not lower than the lower limit of the listed properties of the base metal of the structure, established for this steel grade by the state standard or technical conditions .

    3.4. Welding

    3.4.1. Welding of calculated metal structures and quality control of welded joints must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of these Rules, state standards and regulatory documents.

    3.4.2. Welding and tacking of elements of design metal structures, welding of platforms, railings and stairs should be allowed by welders certified in the prescribed manner.

    3.4.3. Welding work must be carried out according to technological documents developed by the manufacturer or a specialized organization in accordance with state standards and regulations.

    3.4.4. Welding must be carried out under conditions that exclude the influence of adverse weather conditions on the quality of welded joints. Welding work in the open air and at negative temperatures is allowed according to a special technology, provided that the welding places are protected from precipitation and wind.

    3.4.5. Tacks made during the assembly process of the structure may not be removed if they are completely melted during welding.

    Tacks must be cleaned of slag before welding.

    3.4.6. Design welded joints must have a stamp or other designation that allows you to establish the name of the welder who performed the welding. The marking method used for welded joints should not impair the quality of products. Marking must be carried out by methods that ensure its safety during the operation of the lift. The place and method of marking shall be indicated in the drawings.

    3.5 Quality control of welded joints

    3.5.1. Quality control of welded joints, carried out during the manufacture, reconstruction, repair of lifts should be carried out by external inspection and measurements, mechanical tests, non-destructive testing methods provided for by regulatory documents.

    The results of the inspection of welded joints should be reflected in the relevant documents (journals, maps, etc.).

    3.5.2 All welded joints are subject to external inspection and measurements in order to identify the following possible external defects in them:

    a) cracks of all types and directions;

    b) non-parallelism or non-perpendicularity of the axes of the connected elements;

    c) displacement of the edges of the connected elements;

    d) deviations in the size and shape of the seams from the drawings (in height, leg and width of the seam, in uniformity of reinforcement, etc.);

    e) sags, undercuts, burns, unwelded craters, lack of fusion, porosity and other technological defects.

    Inspection and measurement of butt welded joints of design elements should be carried out along the entire length of the joint. If the inner surface of the welded joint is not accessible for inspection, inspection and measurement are carried out only from the outside.

    3.5.3. Inspection of welded joints by transillumination and ultrasonic inspection must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of state standards and other regulatory documents. Inspection of welded joints of elements of design metal structures is carried out only after the elimination of defects identified by external inspection. At the same time, the beginning and end of welds of butt joints of chords and walls of box-shaped metal structures are subject to mandatory control.

    With any method of control, the total length of the controlled sections of welded joints is established by regulatory documents and must be at least:

    50% of the length of the joint - at each joint of the stretched belt of a box-shaped or lattice metal structure;

    25% of the length of the joint - for all other butt joints;

    25% of the weld length - for other types of welded joints specified in the working drawings.

    3.5.4. The assessment of the quality of welded joints based on the results of external inspection and non-destructive testing should be carried out in accordance with the technical specifications for the manufacture, reconstruction, repair of lifts, which should contain standards for assessing the quality of welded joints, excluding the release of products with defects that reduce their strength and operational reliability.

    3.5.5. The quality of welded joints is considered unsatisfactory if, during any type of control, internal or external defects are found in them that go beyond the limits established by these Rules and regulatory documents for the manufacture, reconstruction, repair of the lift.

    IV. Exploitation

    4.1. registration

    4.1.1. Registration of objects on which lifts are operated is carried out in accordance with the Rules for the registration of objects in state register hazardous production facilities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 1998 No. 13711.

    1 Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1998, No. 48, Art. 5938; Russian newspaper. 1998. No. 228, 1 Dec.

    4.1.2. Prior to commissioning, registration with the state technical supervision bodies is subject to:

    Cargo-passenger lifts;

    Facade lifts.

    4.1.3. Cargo lifts are not subject to registration with the bodies of the State Gortekhnadzor.

    4.1.4. Registration of lifts in the bodies of the State Gortekhnadzor is carried out upon a written application of the owner in the presence of a lift passport.

    The application must indicate that the owner has specialists who have passed the test of knowledge of these Rules and trained personnel for servicing the lift, and it must also be confirmed that the technical condition of the lift allows its safe operation.

    If the owner does not have the necessary specialists, then at registration a contract with a specialized organization for the maintenance of the lift is submitted.

    4.1.5 When registering passenger-and-freight lifts, an act confirming the completion of installation work in accordance with the installation instructions must be attached to the passport.

    For a lift that has worked out its standard service life, a conclusion of a specialized organization on the possibility of its further operation must be submitted.

    When registering lifts manufactured abroad, an expert opinion (certificate of conformity) is submitted on the compliance of the lift with the requirements of these Rules and regulatory documents.

    4.1.6. Registration of a lift that does not have a passport with the Gosgortekhnadzor bodies can be carried out on the basis of a new passport drawn up by a specialized organization.

    4.1.7. Lifts are subject to re-registration after:

    a) reconstruction;

    b) transfer of the lift to another owner.

    4.1.8. When re-registering a lift subjected to reconstruction, the following documentation must be attached along with the passport:

    a) a certificate of the nature of the reconstruction, signed by a specialized organization that developed the reconstruction project;

    b) characteristics of the lift, general view drawings with the main overall dimensions, circuit diagrams, kinematic diagrams, rope reeving diagrams (if they have changed);

    c) copies of certificates (extracts from certificates) for the metal used in the reconstruction of the lift;

    d) information on the results of quality control of welding of metal structures;

    e) an act on a complete technical examination.

    4.1.9. The answer to the application for registration (re-registration) must be given to the owner no later than within five days from the date of receipt of the documents by the state technical supervision bodies.

    In case of refusal to register the lift, the reasons for refusal must be indicated in writing with reference to the relevant articles of these Rules and regulatory documents.

    4.1.10. The lift is subject to deregistration in the bodies of state technical supervision in cases of its write-off or transfer to another owner.

    Deregistration of the lift is carried out by the State Gortekhnadzor bodies upon a written application of the owner with an entry in the passport about the reasons for deregistration.

    4.1.11. Freight lifts that are not subject to registration with the state technical supervision authorities are assigned individual numbers by the owner with registration in the register.

    4.2. Permission to start work

    4.2.1. Permission to start up the lift, subject to registration with the state technical supervision authorities, must be obtained in the following cases:

    a) before putting into operation a newly registered lift;

    b) after the installation of a passenger-and-freight hoist at a new location;

    c) after reconstruction;

    d) after repair with replacement of calculated elements or nodes of the lift metal structures using welding.

    4.2.2. Permission to put the lift into operation after its registration is issued by the territorial body of the state technical supervision on the basis of the results of a full technical examination. At the same time, the condition of the lift is checked, as well as the system for organizing the supervision of the lift and its maintenance. The owner is obliged to notify the territorial body of the State Gortekhnadzor at least 5 days in advance about the upcoming start-up of the lift.

    4.2.3. Permission to put into operation cargo lifts is issued by an engineering and technical worker for supervision of the safe operation of lifts on the basis of the manufacturer's documentation and the results of a technical examination.

    4.3. Technical certification

    4.3.1. Lifts must be subjected to a full technical examination before being put into operation. The full technical examination aims to establish that:

    a) the lift and its installation comply with these Rules, passport data and documentation submitted for registration;

    b) the lift is in good condition, ensuring its safe operation.

    Technical examination must be carried out in accordance with the operating manual of the lift, drawn up in accordance with these Rules.

    4.3.2. Lifts in operation must be subject to a full technical examination conducted by specialized organizations or engineering centers, at least once every 12 months.

    4.3.3. A complete technical inspection of the lift must also be carried out after:

    a) installation of a cargo-passenger lift at a new location;

    b) reconstruction of the lift.

    4.3.4. A partial technical examination should be carried out after replacing and re-rolling the ropes, replacing or repairing the lifting mechanism, replacing safety gears and speed limiters, making changes to wiring diagram, control system

    Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation of June 25, 2002 N 37
    "On approval of the Rules for the design and safe operation of construction hoists"

    The Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia decides:
    1. Approve Rules for the design and safe operation of construction hoists.
    2. Submit the Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Construction Hoists for state registration with the Ministry of Justice of Russia.

    Head of Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia V.M.Kulechev

    device and safe operation of construction hoists
    (approved by the resolution of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation of June 25, 2002 N 37)

    These Rules are assigned code PB 10-518-02

    See also Rules for the design and safe operation of lifts (towers), approved by the Decree of the Gosgortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation of June 11, 2003 N 87

    I. General provisions
    II. Design
    III. Manufacturing, reconstruction, repair and installation
    IV. Exploitation
    V. Procedure for investigating accidents and accidents
    VI. Final provisions

    Annex 1. Terms and definitions
    Appendix 2. Passport of a cargo-passenger, cargo lift
    Appendix 3. Passport of the facade lift
    Annex 4. Tables 1 and 2
    Table 1 Rope safety factors
    Table 2. Coefficients for selection of drum and block diameters
    Annex 5. Watch log (delivery and acceptance of shifts)
    Annex 6. Norms of rejection of steel ropes

    I. General provisions

    1.1. These Rules for the Construction and Safe Operation of Construction Hoists*(1) establish requirements for the design, construction, manufacture, installation and operation of construction hoists used in the construction, decoration and repair of buildings and structures.
    1.2. This Regulation applies to the following construction hoists*(2):
    - cargo-passenger lifts with cable or rack drive,
    - cargo lifts with rope or rack drive,
    - facade lifts with cable drive (cradles, platforms).
    1.3. The rules do not apply to the following construction hoists:
    - lifts installed on lifting machines and on self-propelled vehicles,
    - means of scaffolding (scaffolding, scaffolding, platforms, telescopic towers),
    - lifts (towers) self-propelled, trailed and pneumatic wheeled,
    - fire lifts,
    - special lifts installed in the mines of the mining industry and on floating structures,
    - cargo lifts with hydraulic and screw lifting mechanisms, elevators.
    1.4. The main terms and definitions used in the text of these Rules are given in Appendix 1.

    II. Design

    2.1. General requirements
    2.3. Load-carrying devices
    2.4. Ropes (chains)
    2.5. Drums and blocks
    2.6. Mechanisms
    2.7. brakes
    2.8. Counterweight and ballast
    2.9. electrical equipment
    2.10. Control systems
    2.11. Security Devices
    2.12. Fences, means of access
    2.13. Installation of lifts

    2.1. General requirements

    2.1.1. Lifts must be designed and manufactured in accordance with these Rules and other regulatory documents. The carrying capacity, the area of ​​the load-carrying devices and other parameters of the lift must be established by the terms of reference for the design.
    2.1.2. Lifts purchased abroad must comply with the requirements of these Rules and have a certificate of conformity of the established form in accordance with the List of technical devices used at hazardous production facilities and subject to certification (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 11.08.1998, N 928 "On the list of technical devices, used at hazardous production facilities and subject to certification")*(3).
    Together with the delivered lifts, operational documentation is made in Russian.
    2.1.3. The electrical equipment of lifts, their installation, current supply and grounding must comply with the requirements of the rules for the installation of electrical installations.
    2.1.4. Lifts designed for outdoor operation must be made in accordance with established state standards and ensure safe operation in areas with ambient temperatures from minus 40°С to plus 40°С.
    Lifts designed for operation in areas with temperatures below minus 40 ° C must be manufactured in the HL version in accordance with established state standards.
    2.1.5. Free-standing lifts, not attached to the structure, used in areas with seismic activity of more than 6 points (in accordance with the established building codes and regulations), must be made in an earthquake-resistant design with an indication of the permissible installation area in the passport.
    2.1.6. Each lift must be provided with the following operational documentation:
    - passport (PS),
    - operating manual (OM), including a technical description and operating instructions,
    - installation instructions.
    2.1.7. The passport must be drawn up in accordance with Annexes 2 and 3. The passport for a specific lift from the list of information contained in the passport form includes information that relates to this type of lift. If necessary, additional information can be added to the passport that characterizes the specifics of a particular lift.
    2.1.8. The elevator passport must contain information about the permissible installation area for wind load, taken in accordance with established state standards and determining the wind speed of the non-operating state.
    The passport must also indicate the wind speed of the operating state, above which the operation of the lift must be stopped.
    2.1.9. The electrical equipment of lifts intended for operation in explosive and flammable environments must be explosion- and fireproof, which must be specified in the passport.
    2.1.10. The operating manual must be developed in accordance with established state standards and taking into account the requirements set forth in the Rules.
    The Guide, along with other information, should include:
    - frequency of maintenance and repair,
    - possible damage to metal structures and ways to eliminate them,
    - limiting norms for rejection of critical parts,
    - ways to adjust the brakes,
    - methods of adjusting and testing safety catchers,
    - a list of wearing parts,
    - instructions for bringing the lift to a safe position when not in use,
    - safety requirements in emergency situations,
    - the procedure for conducting a technical examination,
    - service life (resource) of the lift.
    2.1.11. Acceleration (deceleration) during the movement of the cab and the cradle in the operating mode should not exceed 4 m/s2.
    2.1.12. The design of mast and shaft lifts must ensure the installation (dismantling) of the mast, shaft and wall supports using their own mechanisms.
    2.1.13. The strength and stability of the lift and its components must be confirmed by calculation.
    2.1.14. When completing lifts from components and parts manufactured by several organizations, the execution of operational documentation is carried out by the manufacturer that completes the lift. The passport of the lift is compiled according to the documents of organizations that manufacture individual components. These documents must be kept in the organization completing the lift.

    2.2. Steel structures, guides

    2.2.1. Steel structures of lifts, including guides, must comply with the requirements of state standards and regulations.
    2.2.2. The masts (shafts) of the hoists must provide attachment points to the building structure (except for hoists made in a free-standing design) using rigid adjustable braces designed for maximum loads.
    It is allowed to fasten the mast (shaft) with stretch marks from a steel rope, equipped with devices for tension control.
    2.2.3. The movement of the load-carrying device of the cargo-passenger and cargo lift (cab, platform, bucket, monorail, etc.) and the counterweight must be carried out along rigid guides. It is allowed to equip cargo lifts with flexible guides.
    2.2.4. The height of the guides should be determined from the condition that, with possible movements of the load-carrying device (counterweight) beyond the extreme positions, the support rollers (shoes) would not leave the guides.
    2.2.5. The guides must be designed for working loads, as well as for the loads that occur when the load-carrying device (counterweight) is mounted on catchers and buffers.
    2.2.6. Rack and pinion mast sections must be interchangeable to ensure consistent rack pitch and smooth load-carrying movement.
    2.2.7. Guides and their joints must be protected from mutual displacement.
    2.2.8. The design of facade lift consoles should provide for their disassembly into separate units, allowing them to be carried manually.
    2.2.9. Materials in the design of metal structures and their elements must be used in accordance with state standards and regulations.
    The choice of materials for the design of metal structures should be made taking into account the lower limit values ​​of ambient temperatures for the working and non-working states of the lift, the degree of loading of the elements and the aggressiveness of the environment.
    2.2.10. Metal structures, guides and other metal parts of the lift must be protected from corrosion. In box-shaped and tubular metal structures operating in the open air, measures must be taken against the accumulation of moisture in them.

    2.3. Load-carrying devices

    2.3.1. Requirements for cabins of cargo-passenger lifts The cabin must have a fence on all sides. The clear height of the cabin must be at least 2 m. The cabin must have a door and with a solid fence - and windows (window). The height of the doors must be at least 1.8 m, the width of the doors must be at least 0.6 m. The light openings (windows) of the cabin must be made of unbreakable (shatterproof) glass. The height of the window from the cabin floor is not less than 1000 mm. The roof of the cabin must be designed for the load from the mass of two people and the installation tool, based on a load of 1000 N per person and per tool, distributed over an area of ​​0.3 x 0.3 m. If there is a hatch in the cabin ceiling, the dimensions of the hatch must be at least 750 x 750 mm. The hatch must be closed with a lid that opens outward and withstands the loads according to clause In the open position, the hatch cover should not extend beyond the dimensions of the cabin in plan. The hatch must be equipped with a lock and can only be opened with a special key. The cabin floor must not be slippery. When equipping the cab with a ladder for access to the building or to the transition platform, the ladder in the non-working position (when the cab is moving) should not go beyond the dimensions of the cab. The installation of the retractable ladder into the working position (and vice versa) must be carried out under control from the cab after it has stopped.
    The ladder must be securely fixed from arbitrary movement before the cabin door is opened. The ladder must be designed for the loads that occur during loading and unloading operations.

    2.3.2. Requirements for the load-carrying devices of cargo hoists Cargo lifts, at the request of the consumer, can be equipped with interchangeable load-carrying devices (load platform, monorail, jib, etc.) for supplying building materials, including liquid, loose, long, etc. It is allowed to equip the platform with a ladder designed for the loads arising in the process of loading and unloading operations. In the non-working position (when moving the platform), the ladder must be rigidly fixed on the platform. Cargo lifts that allow a person to enter the cargo platform must be designed for the resulting loads and be equipped with devices that ensure safety when people are on the platform. The possibility of people exiting the platform must be recorded in the lift passport. Elevators with a monorail, jib and other devices for lowering cargo onto floors through window openings must be able to move the cargo vertically by at least 1 m.

    2.3.3. Requirements for hanging cradles The cradle should be made in the form of a frame with a platform to accommodate the worker (workers). The floor area of ​​the cradle per person must be at least 0.7 m2. The floor of the cradle must not be slippery. A single-suspension cradle must be suspended on one lifting rope and have one safety rope. A two-suspension cradle must be suspended on two lifting ropes and have two safety ropes. The carrying capacity of single-suspension cradles must be at least 120 kg, for double-suspension - at least 300 kg. Cradles around the perimeter must be fenced. The height of the fence from non-working sides must be at least 1200 mm, and from the side of the work front - at least 1000 mm. The device of a door in a cradle protection is not allowed. Guardrails must be designed for a load of at least 1300 N for fastening carabiners of safety belts for workers and halyards for tools. The cradles must be hung from consoles installed on top of the building (structure). The coefficient of stability of freely laid consoles must be at least 2.2. The stability of the cradles during operation and during relocation should be checked by calculation. In order to exclude the buildup of cradles, they can be equipped with devices for leaning on the structure. Cradles must be equipped with running rollers for movement on the ground.

    2.4. Ropes (chains)

    2.4.1. In lifts, steel ropes and chains are used, which must meet the requirements of these Rules, state standards and regulatory documents.
    2.4.2. The ropes of cargo-passenger and facade hoists, according to their purpose, must correspond to the type GL (cargo-human), the ropes of cargo hoists - type G (freight).
    2.4.3. Ropes must be certified.
    2.4.4. Chains must have a document on their testing in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents.
    2.4.5. Rope splicing is not allowed.
    2.4.6. Cabin suspension is carried out on at least two independent steel ropes or two separate chains. Lifting ropes must be of the same design and the same diameter. The suspension of the counterweight is allowed to be carried out on one rope.
    2.4.7. As a traction body, the use of plate or roller (sleeve) chains is allowed.
    2.4.8. When suspending a load-carrying device on two or more ropes, a leveling device must be provided.
    2.4.9. The fastening of the ends of the rope to the elements of the hoist must be designed for working and test loads.
    2.4.10. The ropes should be fastened to the drums: using a wedge, using clamps (at least three) or clamping bars (at least two).
    2.4.11. Ropes (chains) must be checked by calculation.

    The calculation is carried out according to the formula: P / S >= Z:

    Where P is the breaking force of the rope (chain) as a whole, taken according to
    according to the state standard (when calculating) or according to the data
    certificate (during manufacture), N,
    S - design (static) force in the rope (chain), indicated in
    passport, N,
    Z - rope (chain) utilization factor (reserve factor
    p strength), taken according to Table 1, Appendix 4.

    2.4.12. The safety factor of chains used as a traction element must be at least 9.
    2.4.13. If the rope certificate lists the total breaking strength of the wires in the rope, the P value can be determined by multiplying the total breaking strength of the wires by 0.83.
    2.4.14. The rejection rates for steel ropes must comply with the requirements given in Appendix 6.

    2.5. Drums and blocks

    2.5.1. The minimum diameters of drums, pulleys and traction sheaves wrapped around by a steel rope should be determined by the formula:

    D >= h x d,
    where d is the diameter of the rope,

    D - diameter of the drum, block, traction sheave, measured by
    the center line of the coiled rope,
    h - coefficients for choosing the diameter of the drum, block or rope guide
    pulley, determined according to Table 2, Appendix 4.

    2.5.2. The fastening and location of the ropes (chains) on the hoist should exclude the possibility of them falling off the drums, blocks or sprockets and chafing due to contact with structural elements or other ropes.
    2.5.3. The rope capacity of the drum must be selected from the condition of ensuring the lifting of the load-carrying device to its full height (until it touches the stops), while, if the load-carrying device is in the lowest position, at least one and a half turns of the rope must remain on the drum, not counting the turns under the clamping device .
    2.5.4. Drums designed for a single-layer winding of a rope must have grooves cut along a helix.
    2.5.5. At hoists, multi-layer winding of ropes on a smooth drum is allowed. In this case, the angle of the rope on the drum in the absence of a rope layer should not exceed 3 °.
    2.5.6. The rope deviation angle on the traction sheaves, the number of turns, the profile of the stream and the minimum tensile force in the running rope branch are determined by calculation.
    2.5.7. The drums must have flanges on both sides of the drum, with the exception of drums intended for single-layer winding of two rope branches wound from the edges of the drum to the middle.
    2.5.8. The drum flanges must rise above the top layer of the wound rope by at least two of its diameters.
    2.5.9. Blocks must have a device that prevents the rope from exiting the block's groove. The gap between the specified device and the flange of the block must be no more than 20% of the rope diameter.
    2.5.10. When using a double chain hoist, the installation of an equalizing block or balancer is mandatory.

    ... Full version document with tables, images and applications in the attached file...