the Internet Windows Android

Why Windows 10 blocks the installation of the Firevolo Komodo. Installing and configuring Comodo Firewall Firewall

The main modes of the firewall in the Advanced Settings window: The user set of rules when for all programs that do not have a network rule will be an alert, and the secure mode when trusted programs are allowed outgoing compounds. Details The procedure for applying rules. Additional, low-used modes: Full blocking when any network activity is supplied, regardless of the rules, and the learning mode in which any connections are allowed and automatically created by allowing rules.

The option "Create Rules for Safe Applications" is prescribed in "Safe Mode" not only to allow the network activity with trusted programs, but also automatically create rules for them. I do not recommend include, as well as. To work in the "Custom Rule Set" mode, this option does not affect.

If the option "Do not Show Alerts" is noted, then the selected action will be applied instead of alert: resolution or blocking. New rules will not be created. I recommend setting the "Do not show alert mode: block requests" after creating all the necessary rules.

If, when answering a notification, mark the "Remember My Choice" option in it, then the appropriate rule will be created. The option "The level of alerts" determines how detailed will be this rule. If, for example, set the "very low" level, the rule will allow or prohibit any network activity at once. I recommend the level "very high": then the rule will contain the IP address and port.

If the "Automatically detect private network" option is enabled on the Network Zones tab, then when you connect to the new network, it will appear offering to specify its status. At the same time, a new entry will be created in the list of network zones, and in the case of the selection of the "home" or "working" network, the resolution will also be created for it. If simultaneously with this option included the option "Do not show alert, considering that the Internet connection location ...", then new records of network zones and allowing rules for them will be created automatically, without alerts. I recommend to disable both options: In this case, the connection will occur without warning and without creating new rules, i.e. The network will be silently perceived as "public."

When connected to an unprotected Wi-Fi network, alerts arise with a proposal to use the TRUSTCONNECT paid service. The show of these alerts is disabled with the corresponding option.

To control connections inside the computer (for example, to prohibit certain programs to the Internet via the local proxy server), you will need to note the "Enable Loopback Traffic Filter" option (I recommend).

To monitor connections on the IP protocol version, not only IPv4, but also IPv6 should be noted the option "Enable Filtering IPv6-Traffic" (I recommend).

The "Block Fragmented IP traffic" option protects against an attack based on the departure of the TCP packet, fragmented so much that it is not possible to determine its heading and accessory to the TCP session. I recommend to turn on.

The "Analyze Protocol" option prescribes to check each packet for compliance with the standards of the protocol, fake packages are blocked. I recommend to turn on.

Finally, the "Enable Arp-Script Protection" option protects the ARP table from changing the attacker, sending "Spontaneous ARP response" (response without request). I recommend to turn on.

Creation of firewall rules

Rules for applications

Normal order creation order for application:

  • open the "Rules for Application" tab, click "Add";
  • specify the application, this can be done in different ways:
    • press Overview → Files and specify the file;
    • press Overview → Running processes and choose the application;
    • press Overview and choose a group of files;
    • directly in the "Name" field enter the path (or a template using characters * and? and environment variables);
  • set rules:
    • either click "Use Rules Set" and select the desired set from the list;
    • or click "Use your own set of rules" and add your own rules (you can copy any set);
  • press "OK" and arrange rules for applications using the Up / Down buttons.

When adding your own rule, you will need to specify:

  • action: "Allow", "Block", or "Ask";
  • direction: incoming (i.e., initiated remotely), outgoing (i.e., initiated on this computer) or any;
  • description: Text representing this rule; If you do not specify, a detailed description will be displayed in the list of rules;
  • address of departure and destination address;
  • protocol:
    • IP, in this case, you can specify the protocol on the "IP Details" tab;
    • ICMP, in this case, on the ICMP Details tab, you can specify the type and ICMP message;
    • TCP and / or UDP, in this case you can specify the port of the source and the destination port;
  • option, whether to register network activity in the journal.

I will note that as an alternate IP address, but also a network zone, and many other objects, and you can also invert the option "Exclude" option can also be inverted. Similar to source / destination ports can be port sets, incl. Inverted. It should be borne in mind that the remote address for the outgoing connection is the "destination address", and the remote for the incoming is the "departure address"; Similarly with ports. Therefore, generally speaking, the simultaneous resolution of incoming and outgoing connections with any remote node is given by two rules:

  • one rule allows those incoming from the remote node to any address;
  • other permits outgoing from any address to this remote node.

When you specify a set of several rules, you should streamline them, taking into account that the priority has a rule located above.

Global Rules

Global rules determine the network activity of the computer as a whole, their restrictions take priority over the rules for applications. Bans specified in global rules are more effective than in the rules for applications. In particular, the global hide ports makes the computer invisible when trying to scan them.

There are pre-installed sets of global rules. The switching interface between them is represented as a choice of computer visibility mode on the network: "Block incoming connections" or "Notify about incoming connections" ( Main window → Tasks → Faervol tasks → Hide ports).

Selecting the "Incoming" mode removes the global prohibition of incoming compounds and places further control of the rules for applications. However, it is still safer than permissive only on certain ports and / or from certain networks, and the rest is blocked. Thus, in the screenshot, a sample of global rules with minimal resolution of incoming connections required only for replies to ping queries from a local network, open access to files, a network environment for file vision and to work a torrent client. There are approaches and for.

Creating your own global rules is made similarly, differs only by the lack of action to "ask."

Groups of Files, Network Zones, Port Sets and Rule Sets

You can reduce the set of one-type operations and achieve a more visible view of the rules, if you create your file groups, network zones, port sets and their rules sets.

File groups are formed on the tab File rating → File groupsIs it a named sets of ways of their templates using wildcard characters * and? and environment variables. For example, their use allows you to create rules for work and auto-updating Flash player or Java, since these processes change file names and temporarily created loaders are used. You can specify name templates without using file groups, however groups are preferable due to visibility, compactness, as well as the ability to assign restrictions of a certain kind simultaneously in different protection components. For example, you can start a "NoInternet" group, which will be simultaneously prohibited by direct Internet connections, DNS requests, use the BITS service, start a browser and access to its memory.

On the Rules Sets tab, you can see which rules are contained in the predefined firewall policies, as well as change these policies or create their own. In the future, you can assign these policies to applications: through the "Rules for Annexes" tab or through firewall alerts. I note that only those policies in which one specifically specified for this network activity is set to alerts will be offered: permission or prohibition. For example, if the application tries to contact the web server to port 80, then the "mail client" policy will not be proposed in the alert, but the web browser policies, FTP client and others will be.

On the "Port Sets" tab, you can group any combination of ports to the named set, then use it in the rules as a port of sending or destination. When creating sets, you can combine single ports, port ranges, as well as their inversion.

The Network Zones tab has the following feature: it can not only group addresses in the named "zones" for their further use in the rules (as an address of sending or destination), but also set the status of these zones. So, if you create a zone, and then add it to the "Blocked zones" tab, then all connections will be blocked, regardless of the rules. In addition, the network zone can be noted by the status "network of shared access".

The procedure for applying firewall rules

When network activity is detected, first is checked, whether the remote address to any one belongs to any. If belongs, the connection blocked. If not - the consideration begins global Rules.

Global rules are visible from top to bottom. If the requested type of connection is the first to be detected by the rule with the action "Block", connection forbidden. If the appropriate rule is not or the first one is detected by the allowing rule - the consideration begins rules for applications.

When any program is trying to establish a connection (permitted by global rules), the list of applications and rules for them is viewed from top to bottom. With the first found coincidence (i.e., when this program, or containing its program group and the requested type of connection), the following is valid in the rule: allow, block or show alert (If the "Do not show alerts" option is enabled in the setting, then instead of alert, the action specified in this option: resolution or blocking).

If there are no suitable in the list of firewall rules, the connection will be automatically enabled in the following cases:

  • when the firewall works in "Training mode" (in this case, the permitting rule will be created);
  • when the option "Do not show alerts: Allow requests" is enabled;
  • when the firewall works in "Safe Mode", the option "Do not show alerts" is disabled, and the program is trusted and implemented in a real environment;
  • when the firewall works in "Safe Mode", the program is a trusted and executed in a real environment, and the requested compound outgoing.

In other cases, an alert occurs or if the option "Do not show alerts: block requests" is enabled, the connection is prohibited.

In particular, I note that programs running virtually controlled by the firewall regardless of their rating. Therefore, even if the firewall operates in "Safe Mode," you will need to create permissive rules to use browsers.

It can be noted that with "safe mode" the firewall is somewhat illogical processes incoming Connections of trusted programs. Probably this bug.

Access to the resources of the local network

By default, there are no permits for obtaining information about a network environment, opening in the local network of sharing files, etc. These permissions are not needed if the network is used only to access the Internet.

Status of the "trusted network"

Permissions for the local network are the easiest way to be appointed by the status of "trusted". This can be done in different ways.

If the "Automatically detect new private network" option is enabled on the Network Zones tab, then when connecting to a new network, an alert occurs in which you want to specify your location. The status of "trusted" is appointed by choosing the options of "house" or "at work". This will create a pair of global rules that resolve any outgoing and any incoming connections with this network, and a pair of similar rules for the System process (System). When choosing the option "in a public place", new rules are not created.

If the detection of new networks is disabled or network previously assigned the status of "public", then you should open the "Network Management" window ( Main window → Tasks → Faervol Tasks), Mark the item "Trust Networks" and click "OK". The result will be similar to the previous one.

To return a neutral status back to the network, the easiest to mention the "Block Network" item in the Network Management window, and then open the tab in the Settings window Network zones → Blocked zones and delete this network from there.

There is a bug: when a network zone is not created for the active network and actually this network is processed as "public", then the "Truster" status will be indicated in the Network Management window for this network.

Attention! If you press the "OK" button in such a window, then the active network will really become "trusted", i.e. A corresponding entry will appear in the list of network zones and the firewall rules will be created, allowing connections in this network. If the network confidence is not required, then the "Network Management" window should be closed by the "Cancel" button.

Example of permissions to access the local network

Install the confidence of the local network can be confirable only in the case of its full safety. Therefore, it is recommended to assign a network neutral status ("Public Place"), including, and then add the necessary permissions. Usually, it is necessary to access network resources, in addition to the rules initially available, allow the SYSTEM process (System) the following incoming connections (everywhere "Departure Address" - Local Network):

  • UDP connections with a port of the source 137 and the destination port 137: so that you can access computers via NetBIOS names;
  • UDP connections with a source port 138 and a port of destination 138: To see the network environment;
  • TCP connections with a port of 445: to open sharing files.

In order to specify the "System" as an application when creating rules, you need to select it from running processes.

All these permissions must be duplicated in global rules. Also, they should allow incoming ICMPV4 connections sent from the local network with the Echo request message; This is not only necessary to respond to ping queries, but also to open sharing files. An example of a set of global rules.

Features of Firevol

Firewall Comodo does not control incoming loopback connections (but controls outgoing). Thus, when using a local proxy, it is enough to allow only outgoing Internet connections for a proxy server and outgoing in "Localhost" for a browser (while many other firewalls would still need to allow the incoming "Localhost" to proxy server).

It is peculiar to: if you specify a domain name as an address as an address, the CIS will find the minimum and maximum IP address for this name, and then all intermediate IP will be considered to be belonging to it.

The feature of the CIS 10 version, which can be called dignity, was to determine the identity of ICMP traffic with various applications. The former CIS versions (as well as, for example, Windows Firewall) perceived this traffic to the SYSTEM process.

Content filter

The content-filter component restricts access to websites to their addresses. To determine the security of addresses, the Comodo updated lists are used, you can also specify custom lists. When you try to open a prohibited site, the user will see a page with a blocking message, as well as, depending on the setting, with the proposal to temporarily ignore the ban or put this site in exceptions.

Categories. Import custom lists

Lists of addresses or their (using characters * and?) Are called categories. Own category Comodo - "Secure Sites", "Phishing Sites" and "Malicious Sites". They are updated automatically, they cannot be viewed or modified. The remaining categories are available for changing the user - are set on the Content Filter tab\u003e "Categories". Initially, there is a category "exceptions", there are sites, excluded from blocking through alerts in the browser.

It makes sense to add categories with lists of malicious sites from other sources. Lists and Symantec WebSecurity are recommended. For the last one follows on the MalwarePatrol website.

To use the optional list, you follow the "Categories" tab through the context menu, create a new empty category, and then import a list from the file. If you select the file, you must specify the list format, otherwise the content filter will work incorrectly (typical user error).

Record Format in Content Filter Categories

The recording in the form of a template covers the addresses, the whole corresponding to this template. For example, records * corresponds to the address, but not and not

Recording without substitution symbols is identical to the template obtained by adding at its end of the symbol *. For example, the entries and https: //* are identical, they are consistent with the addresses, and https: //example..Example .com. Thus, the record in the form of a domain name site also covers its catalogs, but not subdomains.

The designation of the HTTP protocol in the content filter is absence Protocol. For example, the records of the view will comprise the address, but not Records of the type* corresponds to the address Attention! The address does not match the entries http * * and * / *, i.e. At least part of the protocol specifying.

The HTTPS protocol is indicated explicitly either using templates. For example, the entries correspond to the addresses,, etc. Entries * // corresponds to the address, but not and not

It should be said that the blocking of the HTTPS-pages content filter occurs without notifications and proposals to cancel the ban. Moreover, the blocking of HTTPS pages may not work, depending on the browser used.

So, suppose it is required to block the EXAMPLE.COM website at the same time for HTTP and HTTPS protocols, with catalogs, but without subdomains. To make it the most "sighting", we will make the 4 records in the blockable category:


(Using a sign? Instead of any letter prevents the symbol * by the end of the line.)

Alternatively, you can do the only view of the type of * *, but then not only the required addresses will be blocked, but, https: //myexample..common.html.

Content filter rules

Each content-filter rule contains a list of categories to which it applies, and a list of users or their groups indicating their restrictions. The interface change in the category list is obvious.

Users and their groups are added via the context menu in the "Restrictions" field: "Add"\u003e Advanced ... »\u003e Object Types\u003e Mark All\u003e OK\u003e Search\u003e Select the desired entry\u003e OK.

Usually, the "All" group is used as a user. If you want to set different restrictions from different users, it follows be sure to specify limitations for each of them.. Otherwise, it is possible that the user not specified in the rule will receive access to sites from the listed categories, even if there is another prohibiting rule.

According to, for Windows 8 and above, in each rule, you should add "all application packages" to the list of users ("All Application Packages") with the same limitations as users. Otherwise, the blocking will not work for Internet Explorer 11.

For correct operation with exceptions from blocking, the "Allowed Sites" rule should be above the "Blocked Sites" rules.

2492 23.12.2009



Let's start acquaintance with Comodo Firewall from its installation.

When starting the installation file, a warning window appears about the need to delete other programs of the same purpose to avoid conflict situations.

If you have already installed any Firewall, remove it if not, then continue.
Now click on the warning window on the "Yes" button. Further installation is standard for most Windows programs. You only need to press "Next". At the end, the program will offer configuration options: automatic or user

Leave automatic. To finish the installation, you can only restart the computer.

After rebooting, you will immediately begin to ask questions about the activity of programs that can use the network.

Here you need to understand which of the programs you allow or prohibit activity. When you press the "Allow" or "Prohibit" button, the firewall will once be missed or will not miss the program on the Internet. In case of repeating the attempt of the program to enter the Internet window about its activity will be issued again. If you are confident in the program trying to access the Internet, you can check the "Remember my answer for this application" and click "Allow". Comodo Firewall will continue to understand that you trust this application, and will allow him to work freely. In the same way, a ban is established for the program: a check mark "Remember my answer for this application" and click "prohibit". Comodo will always block this program.

During testing, the first questions were specified relative to alg.exe and svchost.exe.

These system programs and access they need to be resolved. About user programs questions will be set as they started. If the program is designed to work on the Internet or via the Internet, then it must be resolved. If it is clear that the program shows excessive diligence in the care of the user and wants to download something from the Internet or pass over the Internet, then it needs to be prohibited. Thus, you interested in your secure stay in the global network, after a while create rules for all programs installed on the computer.

After making an erroneous ban or resolving the activity of the program, you can always use the Comodo Firewall settings and correct the situation. Looking at the right lower corner of the screen, where the clock is located, you will see the icon with the shield. This is Comodo. By clicking on the right-click icon, choose open. Immediately the main program window will open

The main window is clearly shown by the basic parameters of the Firewall functioning.
At the top of the window, the choice between the panels "Summary", "Protection", "Activity".

On the left lined up icons to switch between the windows of this panel:

Tasks - In this window, you can quickly resolve or prohibit access to the network program, as well as select other options whose capabilities are well described called each of the features. Without the need to touch anything better.

Monitor applications - Designed to view and edit the list of applications that the user trusts. The window is presented in the form of the table, which indicates:

  • program name (application),
  • The IP address on which the connection is connected (recipient),
  • the port number on which the interaction is carried out (port),
  • the protocol, within which the reception and transfer of information (Protocol) is carried out,
  • Well, the graph (permission), which shows, allowed or disabled access to the application.

Pay attention to the rapid action options:

  • Enable / Disable - you can temporarily turn off, for example, in test purposes.
  • Add - Fully customizable ability to create a new rule.
  • Edit - editing the rules on which the cursor is installed.
  • Delete - permanent deletion rule from the list.

Double-click on the left mouse button on the program name or by clicking "Edit", you will get the rules in the fine configuration window (edit)

This window indicates the full path to the program on the disk, the path to the program, which is parental to customizable. It does not need to change anything here.

And looking at the deposits below, you can:
- Assign the program action on the activity of the application, specify the protocol and direction of the activity of the program (whether the program takes the information (incoming), sends (outgoing) or and accepts and sends)
- Specify one or more IP addresses with which the application interacts. One or more ports that the application opens, exercising their interaction.

Monitor components - Designed to track the integrity of important files - sometimes viruses are trying to change files and Comodo can impede it.

Network monitor - Attention! Here is the procedure for following the rules! Comodo Firewall browsing the rules from top to bottom. This bookmark is finely adjusting the filtering parameters by the firewall of data transmission over IP addresses and ports. Here you can forcibly close potentially dangerous ports. Here's how to do it:
Click the "Add" button and in the window that appears

select "Block" action and specify on the "Source port" tab "One port", as well as write the port number, for example, 137. Press the "OK" button. The new rule will appear in the list.
Arrows "Up" or "Down" Set the location of the rule on the list. In order not to be mistaken while you can simply place the rule in the middle.

On the tab "Additionally" Window "Protection" You can additionally configure Firewall. These features need to be mastered gradually, as you work with the program you will understand when the need for additional settings will appear.

Going on the panel "Activity" We will see two bookmarks: "Connections" and "Magazine"
IN "Connections" A list of programs that are currently active are displayed. Here you can see if there is no suspicious among the programs that you trust something. As well as the volume of transmitted / received data.

IN "Journal" The chronological record of important events is underway. You can always contact him when analyzing some of the programs.

And of course, do not forget to update the components of the program. By pressing the "Update" button at the very top, you will start the download wizard of new components. This simple procedure does not allow new emerging malicious programs to carry out destructive actions on your computer. By default, automatic update check is set in the settings.

Easy to use and configure the Comodo firewall program will protect your stay on the Internet and will help you learn to understand the processes occurring during the exchange of information through the network.



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Hello, dear blog readers Site! In this article, I continue to affect the big topic about protecting the computer from different types of threats. In the last article on this topic, I began to talk about protecting your Internet access and program control using a special firewall protection component (Firewall), which is part of the advanced protection of Kaspersky - Kaspersky Internet Security. A different firewall is also called "Network Screen" or "Firewall".

And now I will talk again about protecting the firewall, but already from another developer and which can be installed separately with any antivirus product without establishing specially integrated protection from one manufacturer. The product I want to tell is called - Comodo Firewall. His most important advantages are free and high quality traffic protection!

In one of the previous articles, I already mentioned that Comodo also offers free Antivirus (read about it here :) or free comprehensive protection: Comodo Internet Security. However, the anti-virus itself from this developer is not so reliable, as, for example, Kaspersky Anti-Virus or Avast, so I recommend to install only firewall from Comodo and separately - reliable antivirus from another developer. Or use the Kaspersky Internet Security package.

Consider the installation and basic settings of the Firevola from Comodo.

Comodo Firewall installation process

Installing a separate product Comodo Firewall, can be said at all, it does not differ anything from installing antivirus from Comodo, so I will sieve this process more briefly - without comments to each custom option.

More detailed installation comments can be found at the beginning of the article, the reference to which is given above.

So, start:

Customizing Comodo Firewall

Configuring a firewall from Comodo is simple and almost everything will be easier than the default is the most optimal. We will only have to check and if you need to correct something. Before setting up the component of the firewall, we will do some actions with the basic settings of Comodo:

    Immediately after installing the firewall, a pop-up window will appear in which you want to select to which network you are connected. We choose "I am at home":

    Now we run the main Comodo Firewall window, clicking on the tray icon (area near Windows clock) and see a large exclamation mark (which reports that some component does not work) and the active button "Fit". In this case, only a reboot is required from us, because after installation, not all protection components have been launched.

    Just press the "Fix" button:

    The computer will restart and after loading the system, the firewall components will already be turned on and the warning icon will disappear.

    If you have Windows 7, then on the right on the desktop it will be bunned by an unnecessary completely widget from Comodo :) That's how it looks:

    Remove it. To do this, click the right mouse button on the Comodo icon in the tray, select the "widget" item, and then click on the button marked with the "Show" checkbox:

    As a result, the widget will disappear and will no longer corulte eyes, as well as consume system resources :)

    Now I start the main Comodo Firewall window again from the desktop or from the tray and perform the database update by pressing the appropriate button (see the image below):

    The database update will start and if there are new versions, they will be updated. After that, the window closes automatically after a few seconds.

    Even if you have installed the latest version of antivirus or firewall from the developer's official website, I still recommend immediately after installing the product to check updates.

    Now go directly to check the component settings - firewall. For convenient access to all settings, switch to the advanced mode of the main window. To do this, in the upper left corner, click on the small button as in the image below:

    Now the main window Comodo Firewall is a bit converted a bit, and we will see more functions. But the main thing is that now we can easily go to the settings of the firewall itself. To do this, simply click on the reference "Firewall" in the upper left corner:

    As a result, we fall into the first windows of the Comodo Firevol.

    Once we switched to the settings, the first menu from the "Firewall" category will be open before us.

    These settings are optimal, but I will do some comments.

    Tick \u200b\u200b"Include a firewall", understandable, is responsible for switching on or disabling protection. In no case, do not remove a tick, otherwise it will not be any sense from the Comodo Firewall immediately, because the firewall itself will simply be turned off :)

    Next to the checkmark to enable / disable the firewall, there is a list where you can choose the security mode. I will tell you briefly about these modes:

    • Full blockage. Choosing this mode, the firewall will block absolutely all compounds, both incoming and outgoing and from any networks. Your computer will be as if it is isolated if you disable all networks on your computer and removed the network cable.

      This mode, in principle, is not needed as such, since the feasibility of its application can only be when working in extremely dangerous unprotected networks in which the crowds are walking with various viral threats.

      Custom rules set. By selecting this mode, the firewall will work and perform traffic lock only guided by the rules for programs and networks that we task themselves. At the same time, the firewall will not take into account that the program is a trusted and has a digital signature. It will make decisions only on the basis of the rules we specified.

      Safe mode. It is this mode that I recommend using. When working in this mode, the firewall itself creates most of the rules for trusted applications that have valid digital signatures. Based on this, he chooses which connections to allow one or another application, and which - no. When unidentified and incredulous programs are detected, Comodo will provide the user to choose, allowing or blocking a connection, telling what actions was going to perform this application.

      Training mode. In this mode, the firewall will not show any notifications and will create rules for all applications by allowing them network requests. Mode can only be used if you are 100% confident in the reliability of the applications installed on the computer. As a rule, this can not be, therefore I do not recommend using this mode :)

    In the Firewall menu "Rules for applications", we can set the rules for any applications or see the rules already created.

    All the already created rules will be seen immediately if you click on the "Rules for Applications" menu. In order to add a rule, right-click on an empty area in the window and select "Add" item:

    Now I'll show you on the example how to block access to the network any of the programs.

    To do this, in the window that opens, first of all, you need to select the program for which we create a rule (as I specified for Example: Block output to the network). Click on the "Overview" button, after which you can select multiple files at once, selecting the "File Group" item and marking the corresponding group. You can also select one of the current processes in the system and create a lock rule for it. But it is more convenient to choose "Files" item:

    After you choose "Files", the conductor will open, where you need to select the program for which we will create a rule. For example, I will block the access to the Internet to a well-known browser - Mozilla Firefox. I am looking for a folder where Firefox is installed and choosing a file responsible for starting (Firefox.exe). Then click the "Open" button in the conductor:

    Now we will automatically return to the previous window and see that the path to the program specified by us now appeared in the "Name" field. We mark the item "Use a set of rules", after which to the right of the list of ready-made rules select "Blocked Annex":

    After all settings in this window are set, press the "OK" button down to save them:

    As a result, we will return to the window with a set of rules for programs and in the list we will see the newly added program (in my example - Firefox) with the Rule "Blocked Annex". In order to immediately check the result, you need to apply all changes in the rules and press the "OK" button at the bottom:

    To check your action, I launch the Mozilla Firefox browser and trying, for example, to open our favorite blog - site :) As a result, I get an error "Attempting the connection failed":

    And this is exactly what we needed for example :) Connections for Firefox are blocked. It is clear that Firefox, if seriously, block, of course, do not need. It was just an example :) You can block and need programs that do not need an Internet or programs that are incredulous.

    The created rule is even easier. You need to go back to the firewall menu again - "Rules for applications" and, by clicking the right mouse button on the right rule, select the item "Remove from the list":

    In our selected mode, "Safe Mode", Comodo Firewall will be very good to select rules for applications and we have a rare time to dig yourself and configure the rules. In principle, this actually end the important settings for Firevola from Comodo for beginners. I do not recommend any settings in the rest of the firewall menvol, because they are already intended for much more experienced users who are disassembered in computer networks and have more complete knowledge of working with networks in operating systems.

The settings that I showed, will be enough to protect your computer from attack by a hacker and block the output to the Internet offend applications or the fact that we ourselves choose.

Surely you noticed that in addition to the "Firewall" section, there are other sections in the settings, for example: "Protection +", "File Rating", "General Settings". The desired settings from the listed sections I have already described in one of my previous articles - "Another good free antivirus - Comodo", so if necessary, then you can read about them in that article by clicking on the link above.

And on this, the last of the articles planned by me on these data, I complete.

Ahead of you is still waiting for any article on computer themes, for example: backup data, remote computer management and others :) I think that a periodic deviation from the topic of surfing and earnings towards technical moments is even useful. Thus, on the same beloved blog, we study in addition to the solid information about earnings, also your computer and everything connected with it :)

See you soon! Good luck to you;)

The firewall is designed to protect the PC network connections from scanning and attacks. This category is mandatory, not additional, as many users are mistakenly considered. Installing the anti-virus program (without firewall) only partially solves the security problem, since with open network ports, the computer is still vulnerable to hacking.

One of the best network protection options for PC - Comodo Firewall. A free software solution has a proactive protection module, sandbox (SanBox) with flexible settings, powerful tools for monitoring OS in real time.

Where and how to download Comodo Firewall, and how to install it correctly and configure the following instruction:

Search and download

1. In the search engine make a request firewall Comodo..

2. In the extradition of finding the official website of the developer and go to it.

3. On the page that opens in the right side of the image with proposals under the inscription "Comodo Free Firewall" click the "Continue Download" button.

4. A panel with the "DOWNLOAD NOW" button will appear, which you need to click so that the installer is downloaded to the PC.

5. Wait for the end of the installer download.


1. Run the downloaded installation program. In Windows 7 and older, it needs to be done with the user authority of the administrator. Clear mouse pc on the installer icon. From the context menu, select the appropriate item.

2. During the installation process, the user has the ability to install / do not install additional items and services.

In order to exclude the installation you need to remove the checkbox, opposite the name of the option.

3. Wait until the Installation Wizard activates the license. Progress will be displayed as a percentage in a new window.

5. In the firewall widget, which will appear after installation on the right side of the desktop, click on the message "Requires".

6. The display will appear the Comodo panel. Press the "Fix" directive.

The PC will automatically restart and the firewall settings made will take effect.

7. In order to start the program again, the general information panel is no longer displayed, you need to set the option "no longer show ..."

and close the window.

8. About the proper installation of Comodo Firewall will testify the icon in the tray.

Flexible network filtering settings in Firewall Comodo allow you to maximize its operation as applied to specific user tasks, build reliable port protection bastion. And also make the process of using the firewall as convenient and understandable as possible.

How to open the settings panel.

1. Access to the Faervola settings is carried out through the Comodo main control menu. To open it, you need to click the firewall icon in the tray mouse LK twice.

2. In the menu that opens, click on the left at the top button "Detailed Summary".

Group settings.

The panel with settings consists of three functional blocks (one of the optimal settings options is depicted in the screenshot):

1. Mode of operation.

The topmost menu block. A tick opposite "Turn on the firewall ...", suggests that the network screen is activated and protects the PC. If you need to change the mode, you need to click on the next button right. A drop-down menu with choices options:

Full blocking - any network activity is excluded. Excellent for emergency shutdown, in case of problems or infection of the PC.

The user set of rules (recommended) - hard control over the connections, requires the participation of the user. Each network query, in the absence of rules for its connection, will be accompanied by the issue of Comodo - Allow / block.

Safe mode - along with the rules created by the user, the firewall automatically permits the network activity of the software that is in the list of trusted. With such a semi-automatic setting, the firewall sets fewer questions and, accordingly, less distracts.

Training Mode - Network screen Performs only the function of monitoring events without interfering with the activity of applications.

2. Alert settings.

The options of this block are responsible for the user's information system:

3. Extended settings. The inclusion of these options increases the level of protection against invasion:

  1. "Enable IPv6 filtering ..." - control over the connections via IPv6 protocol;
  2. "Enable LOOPBACK filtering ..." - control over connections that use the LOOPBACK connection mechanism (application sent by traffic, and gets it);
  3. "Block fragmented ..." - All Frangmented IP traffic will be blocked. Prevents many methods of probing and launching malware;
  4. "Analyzing the Protocol" - detecting fake packages. In case the protocol does not comply with the standard, it is blocked;
  5. "Include protection ..." - prevent traffic interception by attacking ARP-spoofing;

Getting to the settings are quite problematic, as there is no button of the same name. However, in the menu Tasks You saw a button Advanced settings (Sandbox tasks and advanced tasks) by clicking which you can get into the parameter window (Fig. 4.99).

Fig. 4.99. Advanced settings

The window is divided into two parts: left - categories of settings, right - changeable parameters. There are only two categories: General settings and Security Settings (Fig. 4.100).

Fig. 4.100. General settings

In general settings there are four subcategories.

Interface. In this subcategory, you can change the language of the program, as well as configure visual and sound parameters. To do this, check the checkboxes opposite the respective parameters. The more they are turned on, the more often the program reminds of its presence on the computer. Separately, it should be noted the possibility of blocking access to the program settings through the password. To do this, select the Protect Password Settings check box, click the Set Password and enter your password in the window that appears.

Updates. We are talking about updating both anti-virus databases and the program itself. It is here that you can configure the frequency of update checking (Fig. 4.101).

Logging. You can disable logging or, on the contrary, turn on.

Configuration. Subcategory is responsible for protection priorities. By default, Comodo - Internet Security is selected, which sensitively reacts to threats from the Internet. If you spend a lot of time on the network, then do not change anything. Comodo - Proactive Security aims to protect inside. Select it if your computer had a large number of viruses. Comodo - Firewall Security conducts only network protection (firewall). To change the configuration, double-click the mouse button at the required paragraph (Fig. 4.102).

Fig. 4.101. Setting up updates

Fig. 4.101. Configuration configuration

Security settings are set up by default at a very high level (Fig. 4.103). The only thing you can do is reduce the protection and exclude individual files from scanning. An ordinary user, these settings are unlikely to be useful, so we will not stop in detail them.

Fig. 4.103. Security Settings

Computer checking

You can start scanning in the main window using the button Scan. You can also use the button. Tasks (general tasks scan). In the window that opens, select Scan Type (Fig. 4.104):

Rapid scanning - checking the areas of the computer subject to infection;

Full scan - check all files on your computer;

Custom scanning - checking individual files or folders ( Custom scan scan folderor Scan file) (Fig. 4.106).

fig. 4.104. Scan profiles

Fig. 4.106. Custom scan

In addition, you have the opportunity to create your profile. To do this in the menu Custom scan Press the button Other options, in the window that opens, click Add (Fig. 4.107).

Fig. 4.107. Creating a scan profile

In the next window (Fig. 4.108), assign a name to the profile and add scan objects: separate files and entire areas (tab Objects). On the tab Options Select Check care. The more check the flags, the more carefully the check will be. In the tab Schedule Play time and frequency of this type of scan. Click OK.

Fig. 4.108. Setting the scan profile

Now in the window Scanning (See Fig. 4.104) A created object verification profile will appear. Check the checkbox for its activation - and in the scheduled time the antivirus will start checking.

Summing up, it should be noted the high efficiency of Comodo Antivirus. He perfectly copes with the task assigned to him. The minuses need to be attributed not a very understandable interface.

Review We in detail and "pictures" reviewed the installation process of freeComodo Firewallon computer. Now, as promised, I will tell you howfirewall optimally, with a minimum pop-up alerts, quickly and independently configure. The author's version of the advanced settings of the program largely coincides withrecommended in the Russian part INTERNATIONAL.Comodo Forums.(branch " CIS / CFP for newcomers in the windows"). Forum data can be visited by clicking on the tab"miscellanea "Item" Visit the Support Forum ". The only thing you will get to the main English page, so not to look for, here is a direct link to the forum" In Russian / Russian "(clickable!). Useful information on the topic a lot - those who wish, of course, can" dig ". And I, as usual, for conveniencethe points i start the promised.

Advanced Comodo Firewall Settings

1. At the beginning I propose to change the default (default) Serious-unemployed "face" Comodo Firewall On something more interesting. To do this, in the same tab "Miscellaneous" Zhmm " Settings" → "Appearance "→ In the" topic "change the" sulfur "topic" Comodo Default Normal "on, for example," Comodo Blue Norma "L (first screenshot) and," smoking ", moving on.

2. The first of the advanced program settings will include the "Invisibility" mode of your computer on the network. To do this in the tab " Farwall"Click applet" Master of hidden ports "→ choose" Block all incoming connections and hide my ports for all incoming connections "(Screenshot above) and confirm your choice through" OK ".

3. Next, in the same tab " Farwall"Go to" Firewall settings "And on the" General settings "tab" activate " "Now now for all applications from the list of trusted will automatically be created by the allowing rules that will save you from unnecessary permissions manually. In addition, check the presence of a tick opposite the item "Automatically detect new private networks "(which after the detection of your network can be removed) and, most importantly," Firewall mode "Leave invariably" Safe ".

All changes in the settings confirm with button " OK".

4. We will deal with the settings of the mode " Proactive defense". For this in the tab" Protection +. "Click" Configuring proactive protection "And, by analogy with the previous item of settings, activate" Create rules for secure applications ". In the event that you are confident in the purity of the system from viruses and have an effective antivirus scanner (about the need for which I wrote in a note" ") Type free, feel free to put" Mode "Pure PC "- Again, to get rid of" annoying "alerts. Also check the absence of a tank opposite" Enable Enhanced Protection Mode "And the presence is opposite item" BUT dap the mode of operation at low system resources " (No comments).

5. In the same settings for the proactive protection of the firewall in the tab " Application Performance Control Settings "Check that the unknown files are processed as" Partially limited "(default) or" Suspicious "- Under other settings, some applications refuse to start.

6. Users of old versions Comodo Firewall

And do not forget to confirm the changes in the settings of the button " OK ".

Note:With a completely deactivated proactive protection, this option ("Sandbox") is automatically shut off.

7. The final tweak from the category "at will": in the tab " miscellanea " → "Settings "→ on the tab" General "Remove the check mark in front of the item" Automatically check for program updates"(penultimate screenshot), especially since the option" Check for updates "Always" at hand "(last screenshot).

Another click on the button " OK "And you can close the submissive Comodo Firewall - After Windows restart, with this configuration, "Comfortable" for the user, the program reliably protects the computer from network threats.

As a result of unsuccessful attempts to make updating the bases, I decided to simply deliver Comodo anew, but the younger version to test it. Comodo Internet Security is a full-fledged protection that includes antivirus, firewall and branded features, such as HIPS and so on.

Before Comodo, I tried various antiviruses. This is Dr. Web, Kaspersky, AVG, NOD32, Avast, Panda, Malvareantimalwar and even Chinese Rising, which is surprisingly working normally.

Most of all I like Kaspersky, who faithfully served me for several years, but it's time to find something to replace him and as a result of long searches I chose free comodo. Now he protects, for several years, a computer.

In Comodo, and this is all recognized, awesome firewall. In fact, only one decides the security problem in the network. Antivirus is also excellent, but I prefer not to use it, although it works in normal mode. Instead of antivirus, I download the scanner from Drweb called Cureit and once a few months I check the computer.

Comodo has a huge number of settings and impress the very professional (and this is also) of the product. In general, I like Comodo and I am satisfied with him. It only needs to be adjusted correctly. I easily understand any programs, so much difficulty understand the Comodo settings for me was not made up.

I specifically made several Comodo screenshots for this article, for which I had to go to WinXP, where I am installed Comodo the most recent version, where I did not come, probably from six months.

I will not tell about all Comodo settings. All sorts of updates, messages, alerts you yourself decide to leave or not. I will tell only about the most basic settings, as well as some tricks in these settings.

What if the browser is infected? Read about it.

From the 5th version, this Comodo is distinguished by its improved and beautiful interface.

In my opinion, despite the beauty, the 5th version, the same, more comfortable. There all settings are better grouped and informative.

For example, in the new version of Comodo it is not clear when an anti-virus base was updated; No date. In the 5th version it says the update date.

Settings for anti-virus scanning profiles and exceptions are sampled so that they can only be found well to imagine the structure of the Comodo interface for the same versions.

About this little below. Although, let's right with that and begin.

As for the antivirus, then you can leave the computer's memory scan setting when starting. By default, the archive scan canken. I always clean it, because often there are pills in the archives, and the antivirus reluctantly removes them.

As for cumulative scanning, in this mode, those files in which changes have occurred since the previous check will be checked. You can select "Access Scanning". Here to solve you. I always choose cumulative scanning.

Namudrili American developers, in my opinion, with a scan list. The fact is that if you do not know how to configure the antivirus, each time you start the computer, the antivirus check will occur. Not everyone and not always it is necessary. And to disable it automatic scanning, you need to know where to do it. Comodo workers made it unclear, for some reason. In general, to set up as we need to go to the "list of scans" and there see the default list, and at the bottom there is barely noticeable arrow.

Here it is necessary for us. Top up, appears "Add", "change" and DR, where we can already do something. We cannot remove default scanning list profiles, but we can change them or add yours. In the "Schedule" line, set the desired position so that the scanning does not start automatically with the start of the system. If we needed scanning, then we can always run it manually from the main antivirus window by clicking on the "Scan" button.

However, profiles can be configured in such a way that scanning turned on once a week, for example, at night or day. The idea with the "full" or "fast" scanning schedule is good, but it was necessary to make it clearly, and not to hide far away in the subsoil program from the user.

Similar situation and "exceptions". The configuration of this, extremely important point, the developments also managed to hide here for such an arrow, which is visible at the bottom of the window when you go along the path "Antivirus ---\u003e exceptions."

We are taking this arrow up and get out the window with actions, thanks to which we can already fully work with exceptions.

We enter into the "exceptions" all the files and folders that should be, in our opinion, are ignored by Comodo.

A few words about proactive protection mode. This is the COMODO branded chip, which they think almost the main thing in the protection of the company. In the version we consider, there is a HAPS setting (HOST-based Intrusion Prevention System or simply "intrusion prevention system"). Settings below on the screen. You can select "Safe Mode". In it, all unknown action on the computer will be controlled. If you know / confident that there are no viruses on the computer and it is clean, then you can set the "Pure PC" mode. In this mode, all files are confiscated, and we get fewer alerts from Comodo. I put in the settings "Pure PC".

Hips Use optionally, you can disable. But if you use, then I recommend you to put a tank opposite "Create Rules for Safe Applications", specially allocated green. By this, you will facilitate further interaction with Comodo. It will create rules and once confirming them, you will not receive messages from the Komodo one by one and the same occasion.

Well, setting up a network screen, or simply a firewall. Comodo network screen is one of the best on the market. This recognize all experts and simple users. Some specifically download only the Firewall Comodo to use it with third-party antivirus. There is nothing complicated here in the settings.

The same, as in the screenshot above, be sure to put a tank to create the rules not to receive permanent messages from Comodo. The rest is at your discretion. I exhibit "Safe Mode." Even with default settings, the firewall perfectly copes with its duties.

If you want to make a computer invisible on the network, you can enable the locking mode of all incoming connections and hide your ports to all incoming connections. But, if you use the home network, which most often happens, it is better to activate the alert mode of incoming connections and accepting a separate solution for each port. For particularly advanced: in the extended firewall settings, you can put a daws everywhere, except for NDIS monitoring other than TCP / IP.

A little about Sandbox mode. This cool thing, if enabled, isolates all unknown files and starts them in yourself (sandbox). In this mode, the files, if they are dangerous, do not harm the system. Not in every paid antivirus there is a sandbox. There is a free comodo. So use.

It should be known that the Sandbox modes and the protection plus (proactive) are not required to activate. Without them, just with antivirus and firewall, you can normally protect your system. But the above-mentioned modes make protection even more reliable and more powerful.

And I also wanted to say about configurations. They are default, three. This is: Internet Security, Proactive Security and Firewall Security. For many these things are incomprehensible, but there is nothing complicated. This is, in fact, kinda, presets, ready presets. Firewall Security Priority gives protection in the network, the activity of antivirus, as if, declining: it seems to work, and it seems not. In general, it is almost not visible and not heard in this mode. In other modes, the same thing: in the proactive priority is given to proactive protection, in Internet Security, the priority is given to antivirus and network protection. I put, usually, Internet Security. In any mode, if that, you can do the settings to the desired functional.

As the flight is said normal, only the product is paid and after 30 days will stop working, asks for money. Tell me, and there is any free firewall of the same quality.

Hi friends! Today's article about popular and free Firewall Firewall.

Popularity in the Software market Protective software from the company-developer Comodo Group has won due to the presence of three important components in the software products, the sought-after application, simplicity and convenience of the interface, as well as free distribution. Separately, it is worth noting the flexibility of the developer approach. Thus, a software package for protecting a computer, consisting of antivirus, firewall, "sandbox" and other modules can be installed as entirely and selectively, installing only individual modules or Comodo Antivirus anti-virus, or Comodo Firewall firewall. It is about the last more detailed speech and will go below. Consider the features of the firewall Comodo Firewall, how to install this program and how to configure it.

Tasks and features Comodo Firewall

Firewall Comodo Firewall, despite the fact that the product is free, provides full-fledged computer protection from network threats. Moreover, he not once became the winner of various tests conducted by software Internet resources in order to identify the best software solution for the Firewall class. Comodo Firewall is able to protect against hacker attacks and spreading on the network of malware at a level with paid advanced firewalls type OUTPOST Firewall Pro. I will say easier, the same in quality and the more free, you will not find the software market.

Comodo Firewall analyzes the suspicious activity of programs on the computer and checks all their active ingredients by blocking the start of all that can harm the computer. Thanks to the STEALTH MODE program, the computer is made invisible to scan ports of malware. Comodo Firewall automatically defines the trusted zones of the computer, that is, those folders and files that are authorized open to shared home or local network access.

Unlike its counterpart - which carries out in one system not with each antivirus, Comodo Firewall is loyal in this regard. Even if you do not like the specifics or efficiency of the Comodo Antivirus anti-virus module, you can install any other antivirus, since Comodo Firewall, as a rule, does not conflict with third-party software.

Several modes of operation and flexible COMODO FireWall settings will allow you to configure the desired firewall behavior as novice, so more experienced users.

Installing Comodo Firewall

Run the downloaded Comodo Firewall installer.

The installation process is somewhat different from the standard, since initially implies the setting of some parameters of the program. After selecting the program language, we will see the installation wizard window where you need to select some options. It is not necessary to specify your e-mail.

Leave all preset options without changing anything only in such cases:

When it comes to a productive computer or laptop and high-speed Internet connection;

You fundamentally want to participate in improving the protective software, in particular, Comodo products so that the company improves user protection;

You do not trust DNS your provider.

A window with the options for installing a program where the developer, hoping that you hurry to install and do not dig in the settings of the installation, prepared the Comodo Firewall to the firewall automatic installation of two more programs - this is a technical support client from the COMODO GeekBuddy developer and browser With enhanced protection with the Comodo Dragon web surfing. It makes no sense to contact the first program to those who do not know English and is not going to pay for technical support from Comodo at the end of the free period. Other program - Browser Comodo Dragon based on Chromium - you can download for free on the Internet and install at any other convenient moment when the question is about changing the browser.

Now you can already safely press the "Forward" button.

In the next window, we are imposed on the associated installation of Yandex elements and ignore this search engine in the browser. Let's give up this service, since it is unlikely to be called an overlooking opportunity in life. Click the start button at the bottom.

The program will be installed. After running it, you will see that the computer is restarted. Click the "Fix" button.

Running Comodo Firewall

The computer will restart, and we will find on the desktop mass of the Comodo Firewall windows - information certificate of Comodo technologies, the program's work gadget and the firewall pre-settings window, where we need to specify how the computer is connected to home, to the working or network in public Place, for example, with Wi-Fi access point.

After that, Comodo Firewall will be killed in the system tray, from where the program interface can be called at any time.

On any action performed on the computer, for which the firewall has not yet created a rule, you need to give it approval, if, of course, we are not talking about unauthorized launch.

Approve the launch on the computer of each unknown Comodo Firewall program will have until the firewall develops for itself for behavior for each of the programs running. Of course, at first it will have to tinker, but it is actually a small fee for the ability to control network connections.

Customizing Comodo Firewall

Comodo Firewall is designed for a wide range of users, including newbies, and the computer will be safe even with pre-installed developer settings. But more experienced users will probably be interested to use the possibilities of Comodo Firewall for enhanced computer protection.

Run the firewall using its label in the system tray. In the main window that opens before us, we see the status of the program - a computer under protection. We also see the number of network intrusions, the number of blocked invasions, software updates.

Using the button in the upper left corner, we can switch to the display of a detailed report program. And then back to display in a brief summary mode.

In the main Comodo Firewall window, the "Game Mode" option is located. Game mode is, in fact, full-screen mode not only in games, but also when watching videos, as well as in any other applications that are displayed on the entire screen. When switching to this mode, the firewall will not disturb us with its notifications and all solutions will take it yourself.

To open the extended firewall settings, mostly the Comodo Firewall window with a detailed summary, click the Firewall link.

Detailed firewall settings will open, where you can change those or other preset parameters.

You can, for example, at the top of the settings window, change the pre-installed "Safe mode" of the firewall, when the network activity of programs located in the Trusted list is allowed, and Comodo Firewall does not twist for each occasion to other modes. For example:

"Full blocking" - in this mode, any network activity is excluded. This mode is simply an indispensable thing in the case of a computer with a virus.

The "user set of rules" - as can be seen from the mode name, it provides for hard control and participation of the user in making decisions on each network query for which there are no previously specified rules.

"Training Mode" - In this case, Comodo Firewall does not interfere with the activity of running programs, but only monitor events.

Comodo Internet Security (CIS) - This is antivirus + firewall. Also in Comodo Internet Security there is an Sandbox (sandbox) in which you can run applications so that they do not affect the system (in an isolated medium). It is possible to filter all traffic via DNS servers Comodo minimizing the threat of viruses and malicious sites. There is a virtual desktop, in a virtual desktop you can safely run programs and climb on the Internet, it also protects against keyboard spies (keyloggers). You can use the tablet mode and Windows desktop mode.

There is also a HAPS intrusion prevention system (Host-Based Intrusion Prevention System), which analyzes the behavior of programs.

Comodo Internet Security (CIS) is the best free antivirus and firewall.

Download Comodo Internet Security can be on the official website

When installing the program can also be installed:

- Comodo Dragon. (Internet browser of increased security from Comodo). Earlier I did.
- Comodo Antivirus. (antivirus)
- Comodo Firewall (Firewall)
- Comodo Geekbuddy.This is a conditional free service (60 days limit). Works on the principle of round-the-clock technical support. Communication occurs using the built-in Internet messenger program)

What to install, and what you can not choose during the installation of the program package.

So begin the installation of the Comodo Internet Security. Run the installer and starts unpacking files for installation.

If you get control of accounts with a question: Allow the passing program to make changes on this computer? Press yes.

Select the Comodo Internet Security Premium Installation language and click OK.

You can enter your email address (optional).

You can install a tick to the item " I want to provide additional security on the Internet by clicking on Comodo Secure DNS ServiceBy minimizing the threat of viruses and malicious sites so that all requests are filtered and processed on Comodo servers and malicious sites were blocked and other threats did not pass to you. "

You can set a tick to the item "I want to use a cloud analysis of application behavior, transferring unidentified programs in Comodo in compliance with the terms of privacy policy."

You can set a tick to the item "Anonymously send data on the use of the application (configuration information, accidents, errors, etc.) to make changes that improve the program."

Press forward.

Remove ticks from items:

Install Yandex Elements
- Make Yandex Homepage (applies to all supported browsers)
- Make Yandex search engines by default (applies to all supported browsers)

Click agree. Install.

The Comodo Internet Security Premium is starting. The first is the Comodo Dragon browser.

Then the Comodo Internet Security Premium is started.

After installing Comodo Internet Security Premium on the Windows desktop, the Comodo Internet Security Premium widget appears, which shows the system security, Internet speed, also quickly launch Internet browsers.

During the first launch of the Comodo Internet Security Premium scans the computer for threats.

You can stop it or continue scanning in the background (while the scanning will be executed longer, but use less resources and load a computer less). This is called a hidden task - this is the task, the execution of which requires smaller resources than performing an active task.

This is what the main window Comodo Internet Security Premium looks like.

This window will also come out with a brief story about Viruscope programs, a content filter, GeekBuddy. We put a tick at the bottom left to the item no longer show this window and close it.

Network detected. Please specify your location:

I am at home. Select if you connected the computer to the home LAN
- I am at work. Select if you connected the computer to the office local network
- I am in a public place. Select if you are in a public place, for example, in a cafe, hotel, schools, etc.

I chose I am in a public place.

By pressing the right on the tasks, we switch to the tasks.

Back can be switched by clicking on the main window.

In tasks, you can enter the challenges of the firewall and select extended settings to set up different aspects of the firewall.

Firewall settings. You can enable or disable the firewall and select the mode of its operation. Do not show alerts, automatically detect private networks, show alerts, TrustConnect, show an animation on the CIS icon in the notification area, create rules for secure applications, configure alert frequency level, alert showing time on the screen, enable IPv6-traffic filtering, block fragmented IP Traffic, analyze the protocol.

Global rules.

The following global rules are active on this computer:

Allow IP outgoing from Mac any in Mac any
- Allow ICMPv4 incoming Mac any in Mac any
- Block IP incoming Mac any in Mac any

You can add a new firewall rule.

Sets of rules.

Here you can configure which on this computer the sets of rules are used.

Content filter.

This option configures firewall to filter access to sites in accordance with the following rules and profiles.

Antivirus monitoring.

Real time scanning (recommended).
Continuous anti-virus monitoring is performed in parallel with the execution of custom tasks.

Forming a cache if the computer is in standby mode, when you start a computer, scan memory, do not show alerts, unzip and scan files :.jar, .exe, customize the level of heuristic analysis, search for potential unwanted applications.


You can change the interface to Classic Theme, Tile Theme, Modern Theme. Also show notifications from the Comodo messaging center, show informational messages, when starting, showing a greeting, show the widget on the desktop, show information messages when the task windows are minimized or tasks are performed in the background, accompany the alerts by the audio signal, protect the password settings.


Check the availability of program updates.

Automatically download updates of the program. If the option is enabled, the program updates will be loaded automatically. When to install them, you will decide on your own. Check the availability of the anti-virus database updates once every 6 hours.

Do not check updates if these connections are used.

Do not check the availability of updates when working from the battery.

Proxy settings.


In this section, you can import and export configurations, as well as shift the current configuration.

Types of scan.

On this page you can add, delete or edit profiles and scan schedules.

Protected objects.

Objects protected on this computer.

Here you can add a folder or a file that you need to protect against changes that do not do you, as well as from invasions by other programs.

Use the cloud check (recommended) so that the file is checked with the base in the cloud. Follow the cloud analysis of unknown files, allowing you to receive quick results and save computer resources. Trust applications signed by trusted suppliers. Trust applications set by the help of trusted installers.

The Comodo Internet Security widget on the desktop can be disabled, or put a brief summary, also include links to browsers, social. Networks and so that the widget show your Internet traffic.

In Comodo Internet Security Premium, you can enable a virtual desktop to safely climb on the Internet for example without fear that someone will steal your password or run the virus to check its action without damaging the system, or run an application that will not affect your System, but only act within the virtual desktop.

To enjoy a virtual desktop you need to download and install Microsoft Silverlight. Press Yes to start downloading and installing.

Click agree. Install.

Loading Microsoft Silverlight 5.1.

The virtual desktop is loaded.

You can return back to Windows.

You can enter the settings ...

and change the virtual desktop mode with a tablet PC to a regular PC.

You can free use the COMODO virtual machine.

Starting in Sanbox is needed to isolate the application from the system.

You can clean the computer from viruses and threats using Comodo Cleaning Essentials.

Using Comodo Cleaning Essentials, you can start scanning and detect and remove viruses, rootkits, hidden files and malicious elements in the system registry.

Checking the MBR (Windows boot area).

To complete the scan, a reboot is required.

You can view activity and monitor current processes using Comodo Killswitch.

Allow account control action by clicking Yes.

Click agree. Install to download and install Comodo Killswitch.

The comodo killswitch is loaded.

Comodo Killswitch Initialization of the application.

In Comodo Killswitch, you can see the activity of all processes in the system and stop them if they seem suspicious and not needed, also to find an application that eats a lot of system resources. You can also see how downloaded CPU and see what application consumes Internet traffic.

How to find in Tor something forbidden