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Creating a Business Page on Facebook. Create a company page on Facebook: from A to Z

Want to receive customers from Facebook?

Just imagine:94.1% are adults.

Are there any customers among them? Yes! Facebook is excellent for sales of both B2B products / services and for B2C.

But to attract customers, you must be present in this social network. This can be done with the help of the page of your company.

In this guide, I will show you how to create and configure a business page on Facebook for a company or for a personal brand.

Also you will learn how to get your first subscribers absolutely free.

More ...

Important: Facebook often makes changes to the page design. In the article I give instructions for creating a page in the new design of 2017.

So let's start!

The first thing you need to do is press on the right top corner on the menu panel on Facebook and select item " create a page".

Step 1. Choose category (Type) Business Pages

In the window that opens, you will see 6 pages categories and many subcategories that Facebook offers to choose:

Your business can approach several categories. Therefore, many spend a lot of time to choose a suitable.

Below, I will tell how to make the right choice!

Is there a difference between the types of pages? Yes there is. Some of them have additional functions that others do not have.

Look at the table of functionality:

Consider in more detail each type of page so that you understand what you are best to choose.

1. Local company or place

Customers who visited your organization will be able to noted it on your page.

For example, if you have a bar, then this information will be available on your page:

If you have a local business, and you sell products / provide services, for example, only in your city, then boldly choose this category.

2. Company, organization or institution

3. Brand or Product

Also, this page type is best to choose if you promote your blog / site.

This is one of the most commonly used categories. If you do not have a local business, then feel free to choose this type of page.

4. Artist, Music Group or Public Personality

The topic of personal branding is now very popular. If you are a professional in your area, you promote your name (your brand) and want to receive customers through Facebook, then this category will suit you the best.

It is also suitable for actors, bloggers, fitness coaches, etc.

5. Entertainment

If you are promoting books, cinemas, bookstores, TV shows, film, then this category is best suited. Most people who are currently reading this article, this category is definitely not suitable.

6. Total case or community

This type of page is suitable for you if you create a community of interest.

What category of the page still choose?

If you have a local business (shop, bar, restaurant), choose a category local company or place.

If you sell products / online services, choose a category brand / ProductSo you promote your site.

If you are promoting yourself as a specialist, blogger, public personality, choose a category

and fitter, musical group or public personality.

Important: You can change the category at any time. You will not lose anything, except for reviews, if you have previously had a category "Local Company or Place".

Make a choice and go to the next step ...

Step # 2. Write the name of your business page

This name will be displayed on your page immediately under the avatar.

How to come up with a name for your page? Use one of 3 options below:

Option number 1 - Name the page with the name of your brand / company

It is very the best waySince all the same you create a page to promote your company / your brand.

For example:

  • Skyrocket Marketing.
  • Alexey Khasbiulin
  • Coca-Cola.
  • Microsoft.

Option number 2 - Name Page by keywords

If you do not have a brand, or you make an entertainment community, then this option is for you. Using keywords, you explicitly give to understand users what your page is dedicated.

For example:

  • Business Promotion Online
  • Website creation on WordPress
  • All about accounting
  • Interesting planet

You can see in, what keywords Request most often, and add them to the name.

Option number 3 - Brand + keyword

It is best to use this option when the name of your brand is not clear what you are doing. By adding a keyword, the sphere of your activity will immediately become visitor to visitors.

For example:

  • School struggle "Fight"
  • Marketing Courses Up
  • Business coach (Your name and surname)

The main thing is not to make your name very long and difficult to remember.

Your page name will also be displayed above all the posts you post.

You can easily change the name of your page in the Information tab. I will tell about it further in the article.

Write your page name and click the Start button.

In 2017, the process of creating a business page in Facebook has changed, so immediately after selecting a category and names you fall on an empty page.

She looks like this:

Let's start to configure it ...

Step # 3. Create a username for a page

In fact, "username" is nothing but a web address (URL) of your business page. What is it like domain name Your site, but only on Facebook.

For example, the address of my page: skyRocketMarketing

What are the requirements for the user names:

  • The name must be free
  • You can use only Latin letters, numbers and points.
  • Maximum name length - 50 characters

What name is better to choose?

If you have a brand, then make it the name of the business page (like me).

If you called the page using keywords, you should not use all these words in the name.

The shorter the username for the page, the better!

To create a username click on the link "Create @ username for page"

In the window that appears, enter the name. If the name is correct and not occupied, to the right you will see a green tick. Now press the "Create username".

Step # 4. Add information about your page

In the open tab, you will see items that you can fill.

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

But not all of them are important.

Let's go through each item separately.


It is at this point that you can change the category, the name (name) and the username of your page. If you are mistaken when it is created, now the time to make edits.

Information about the company

Here you can specify the date of the founding of your company (or indicate, from which year you do this type of activity) and its mission. If you have this data, I advise you to fill out.

Contact Information

If your clients make orders by phone or by email, then definitely indicate them.

The last item in this category " Edit other accounts". Here you can add your accounts from other social networks.

If you have them, be sure to add.

More info

In Point "Information" briefly write (limit 255 characters), what your page is about. This information will also be displayed on the main page of the page.

If you do not live in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, then boldly skip the Impressum item.

At the very end of this item, depending on the category of your page there will be an active link. In my case, this is a "website". If you have a community, it will be indicated by the "community". With this point you do not need to do anything.


This is an important point, since it is here that you can describe what you can help a potential customer and tell more about your company / experience.

Your task is to "hook" a visitor to subscribe to your page or moved to the site.

By filling out all items for visitors, the "Information" page will be displayed like this:

Additional options

If you chose the category "Local Company or Place" or "Company, Organization or Institution", I click on the "Edit" link in the "Information" tab, you can add additional data:

  • Opening hours
  • Physical adress
  • Map
  • Price range (from $ to $$$$)

If these fields are filling in the "Information" tab and on the business page itself, the map and opening hours will be displayed.

The photo is a picture that is displayed on the left on your page.

If you are promoting the company, add your logo. If you are promoting a personal brand, then add a photo of a person.

The size of the downloaded photo should be at least 170 to 170 pixels. On the smartphone, the photo size decreases to 128 per 128 pixels.

One of the most frequent problems you may encounter - the quality of photography. When loading Facebook compresses it. To your photo was the maximum good quality, Load it in PNG format.

To add a photo, click on the left on the page on "Add a photo".

After downloading the photo you will be updated by an avatar, and the most photo will also appear in your ribbon.

In addition to the business page, the avatar will be displayed next to the advertisements that you can place through targeted Facebook advertising, as well as next to all published posts.

And what about the cover for the page?

When a person comes to your page, the cover is the first thing he sees. You have literally 3-5 seconds so that a person understands what a page (or what do you offer him).

The correct cover should show either the place you promote (for example, a sports room), or a person (personal brand), or a goal for which this page is created.

Look at some examples:

Each of these covers carries a certain goal.

The first transmits the mood (Coca-Cola), the second gives an understanding which will be the content (DigitalMarketer), the third filters the audience (for advanced) and promotes the personal brand (Jon Loomer).

What is the best way to display on the cover?

  1. Show photos of your company (if a local business)
  2. Let the visitor understand what content you will lay out
  3. Announce Your Events / Products

For the objectives listed, be sure to use the text. Earlier, FB limited the number of text on the cover up to 20%. Now this restriction is not, but this does not mean that it is necessary to completely "score" the text all.

The picture and information on it must look organically.

What size is Facebook?

In January 2017, the cover of the cover was updated and now there are 820 pixels in width and 312 pixels in height.

On the smartphone, the cover is displayed in the amount: 560 per 312 pixels. Everything that goes over a width of 560 pixels will be cropped.

In order for the quality of your cover to be spoiled when downloading to FB, load it in PNG format.

So how to add a cover?

To download the cover click on the "Add Coven" button.

In the window that appears, select the cover and boot it. The default cover will also appear in your page ribbon.

This is what happened in the end:

If you want to receive additional traffic On your website with covers and photos, then click on them and add a description and link to your site.

How to create a cover for a business page?

Even if you are not a designer, then you can use the services canva.or pageModo.

In these free online editors you can choose ready template And change it as you need: change the picture, add icons, impose text and much more.

  1. Book Service.
  • Book
  • Contact us
    • Call
    • Contact us
    • send a message
    • check in
    • Send email letter
  • To learn more
    • Watch the video
    • More details
  • Make a purchase or donation
    • In the store
    • Get an offer
  • Download app or game
    • Use the application
    • Play

    Depending on your promotion strategy (as well as from your cover) you can choose the option that suits you.

    To add the click Click on "Add button".

    In the window that appears, select the option you want and specify (depending on the button selected): Telephone for communication, email Address Or link to your site.

    Be sure to check the correctness of your button. To do this, just hover over it with the mouse and select the "Test Button" option. Here you can also edit it, delete and see the statistics of clicks.

    To proceed to the page settings, click on the "Settings" tab on the right.

    Before you will open a window with 12 sections:

    • general
    • message exchange
    • edit page
    • authorship publication
    • notifications
    • page Roles
    • people and other pages
    • preferred page audience
    • advertising in Instagram.
    • Showing
    • Crosspost
    • Part of support

    How to set up a business page right?

    Consider the most basic settings that you may need.

    1. General

    (Click on the picture to enlarge)

    Page status

    By default, all created pages are available to visitors. As long as you do not configure your business page, I advise you to check the page "Cancel Publishing Page."

    Publications of visitors

    You can either prohibit, or allow foreign people to publish messages on your page. I recommend allowing publications, but be sure to check "Check publications before they appear on the page."


    You can enable or prohibit the publication of feedback. If you allow them to publish, a rating will appear on the main screen of the pages and the opportunity to see the reviews themselves.

    You will not be able to remove feedback from your page.

    But, if suddenly the feedback posted a person who is not your client, you can send a "complaint" on this review. Facebook will consider it and can remove false review.


    Also on the page will be displayed how quickly you respond to messages.

    All people who will write a message will be sent you, you can send a newsletter that will come right in a personal. I think that it is not worth saying that the% opening of such messages compared to email sending simply stalking (~ 70-80%).

    If you want me to tell you how to configure it, share an article and write a comment. As 200 "shared" will be checked, I will prepare an article.

    If you have enabled this tick, then when a person will sign on another page like a similar category, Facebook will offer him to subscribe to similar pages, among which can be yours.

    2. Messaging

    If you have enabled visitors to send you messages, then on this tab you can create 3 types of automatic answers:

    1. Send a message when you do not have a computer or phone.
    2. Send a message when a person writes you.
    3. Show greeting when a person opens a chat (Messenger).

    You can change all these messages and personalize, automatic substituting human data: the name and surname.

    3. Edit page

    On the left on your page there is a menu you can manage: add and delete items.

    You can manage these items yourself or choose one of the templates that Facebook offers: Company, Shopping, Playgrounds, Politics, Services, Restaurants and Cafes, Standard.

    Templates are distinguished by only menu items that are displayed. I recommend you to customize them yourself.

    To do this, not a touch top switch, click below on "Add a Tab".

    Before you, a window will appear where you can select Additional tabs:

    • Score
    • Services
    • Notes
    • Events
    • suggestions

    Consider each extra. Item Read more:


    With this tab, you can post your goods on the business page. When adding goods, they will be displayed in this tab, as well as in a separate block on your page.

    When clicking on the goods, a card appears, which includes a photo, title, price, description, "Send Message" button and link to the site.


    Creating a service, it also, as well as the goods, will appear on your page in a separate block.

    When clicking on the service, a window will appear with its detailed description.

    An important difference from the "products" is that in "services" you cannot use an active link to your site. Even if you add it to the description, it will be displayed as ordinary text.


    Using notes, you can create beautifully decorated articles.

    You can use them to create, for example, a selection of posts that have come out on your page.


    If you have seminars, webinars, sales, etc., then you can create a list of events and with their help to receive sales.

    When creating an event, you need to arrange it: come up with a name and description, specify dates, price and add a picture.

    This is how the event is displayed on the "Events" tab on the page:


    If you take promotions, sales or you have special offer For your audience, be sure to use this functionality.

    With it, you can create a separate advertising publication that can be promoted.

    Check out an example:

    A feature of "sentences" is that the number of people who took advantage of them are below.

    You do not need to use all the left menu items immediately, especially if you only create a business page from scratch. I recommend that you first fully make a business page and only then return to setting up tabs.

    4. Authorship of publications

    When you post publications, their author (logo and title / name) is always displayed above them. And here you can choose from whom you will publish messages: From yourself ( personal Account) or from the page.

    Since you are promoting a business or personal brand, select "Publish on behalf of the page."

    5. Notifications

    When the page occurs on your page, for example, someone signed or comments on publications, you can receive notifications through messages in Facebook, by email or SMS.

    On this tab, you can choose which notifications you want to receive, or you can turn them off at all.

    6. Roles on the page

    When you create a page, you are assigned to its administrator. The administrator has full control over the page.

    If, in addition to you, the page will be managed by other people, for example, place content, then you can assign them certain roles:

    • Administrator
    • Editor
    • Moderator
    • Advertiser
    • Analyst
    • Representative of the Page on Ether

    Each role gives certain powers. For example, the editor can post publications and respond in the comments, and the advertiser can only post advertisement, but can not make publications.

    In no case never give anyone the role of the administrator. In this case new admin Get full control over the page: can deprive you the role of the administrator, as well as delete the page itself.

    7. Preferred Page Audience

    At this point, you can suggest Facebook for whom your page is intended, and who are the target audience.

    You can set:

    • age
    • interests
    • geography
    • languages

    I advise you to fill this field.

    8. Advertising in Instagram

    Everything is very simple here. You can bind your account in Instagram to your business page on Facebook. To do this, you need to enter a username and password Instagram account.

    If there is no account, then you can create it right here.

    3. In the window that appears, select the page from which you want to put "Like"

    4. Go to the "Showing" section in the settings of your page and there, select the page that you just looked. As a result, she will fall into the "liked" block.

    How to add a page owner?

    In this case, your personal information will be listed in the "Information" section on the business page, and the link to it will appear in your personal profile.

    Pozdd and pray!

    Your business page is created, but so far there is no point in promoting it, because even if someone goes to it, it will not subscribe to an empty and incomprehensible page.

    First you need to add some content to your audience.

    To place content, on the main page, click on "Share a photo or video":

    If you already have a content plan and content itself, then excellent. But what if you do not have any content, nor ideas for writing it?

    In this case, you can act on this algorithm:

    1. Find the company's pages
    2. Through the service [there is a free period] Look, what content is the most popular on the page of your competitors
    3. Prepare similar content

    1. Like your page

    When you do it, then in the news feed your friends will see that you liked the page and some of them if they are interested, they will be able to subscribe to it.

    If you are actively conducting a personal account, you can get a lot of subscribers.

    2. Invite all your friends Subscribe to this page.

    To do this go to main page and on the left click on the item " Like friends".

    Once again I emphasize your attention that if your page is not published, then you will not have this item.

    After clicking, you will see a list of friends with the "Invite" buttons. Now just click on these buttons, and your friends get a personal invitation from you.

  • Step # 5. Add photo and page cover
  • Step # 6. Add the call button to the page
  • Step # 7. Adjust your page
  • Step # 8. Add content to page
  • Step # 9. Like a page and invite your friends to subscribe
  • With it, you can build relationships with your subscribers, set up advertising and receive new customers.

    If you did not create a page, in parallel, reading the article, then I recommend that you do it right now. It will take literally 15-30 minutes. If you do not have a photo for the cover, then do at least a rough version!

    Facebook interface design changes enviable regularity. It also applies to all procedures / action to social. Networks, including the procedure for creating new public pages. Therefore, at the time when the reader will get acquainted with the content of this article, some moments ( appearance Certain elements of social. Networks, necessary actions and their sequence) may change.

    It is not important, because within the current note we will not show so much on which buttons to harm how much we give answers to a little more fundamental question: how to create a page on FB, how to come up with a name, how to decide in the choice of category, etc. So, from words - to business ...

    On any Facebook page - click the mouse at the extreme right icon of the navigation pane (the arrow on the blue stripe at the very top of the site), in the drop-down menu, the first item find "Create a new page".

    The first screen (1 of 2) creation of a public page on the FB with the title of the same name. In the text, we remind us: "it's free" :). Below, the center of the screen is 6 squares, they are categories, you need to choose one of them. Which one? Now let's tell ...

    UPD. 07/04/2018

    Not so long ago, we noticed that the procedure for creating a business account in the FB changed somewhat. Now the choice of category looks a little different:

    If you have a company (firm), brand, product / product, online store, or you sell something without your site - choose the 1st category. In all other cases, the "community or public personality". In the second step, you will be asked to choose the name of your page and the most appropriate category.

    We will tell you how to come up with a name for the community. In the Category field, we simply write 1-2 keywords that characterize your future community - "smart search" will tell you the category. We introduced only 1 letter and found the necessary partition.

    P.S. The following subsection information is slightly outdated due to updating the page creation interface in FB. However, if you can not decide on the choice of category - it will be useful for you ...

    What category to choose for a page in Facebook?

    1. Local organization or place

    If your business has a physical address and, if your business has a regional character, that is, on the globe is localized in one particular place - this category for you. For example, you are the owner of a stall with Shawarma in the beautiful city of Zhashkov, and you want to create a business community of the company to promote your business / enterprise in Facebook.

    However, this category is suitable not only to business owners, but equally for any other, both a commercial and non-commercial regional organization (school, hospital, cinema) or a specific place (stadium, railway station, local attraction). Here, if, for example, you provide any services at home (haircuts, manicure), etc. etc.

    From the drop-down list, choose the most suitable subcategory. Fill out other fields: name, address, telephone.

    2. Company, organization or institution

    All the same as in the previous paragraph, but for companies or organizations are not regional. For example, if your business has branches in several cities, or several representative offices in one city, or is represented in several countries. Including, if a company or organization is physically located in one place (enterprise office), but maintains activities (providing services or implements goods) throughout the country.

    In any of these cases: we choose a subcategory, indicate the name, click "Start".

    3. Brand or Product

    Perhaps the most popular category on Facebook and, with a high degree of probability, this section is suitable for your business page, because almost anything else can be attributed to the category "Brand or Product". P.S. Again, if you have a regional / local business, it will be more correctly choosing the first category.

    "Brand or Product" is a universal category. In particular, it is perfect for any business on the Internet. The creation of the fan community of our site (site) on Facebook fits very well into this category, choose the "Website website" subcategory, we enter the name, click "Start".

    4. Artist, Music Group, Public Personality

    Category For all those who want to create a business account on Facebook, tied to a company, organization, product, site etc., and for a specific person or a group of persons. Ideal for promoting a personal brand.

    Politician, showman, singer (musical group), fitness coach, writer, scientist, blogger, etc. etc. - Any public person, including if you post your photos in Bikini in Instagram, you have fans and you want to create a community around your person on Facebook.

    And of course, for photographers, organizers of Praznikov (Tamada), and all those engaged in business as a private person, on their own behalf.

    5. Entertainment

    If the subject of your future public page on the FB, one way or another can be attributed to the section "Entertainment", as an option, you can consider this category. It implies (it goes without saying) that the page has a non-commercial nature. This can be anything or anyone in the Internet and offline (real life): the site about the movies, computer games, page of the radio station, TV show, festivals, a community of a non-professional sports team on Facebook, a group of fans of some fictional character Cinema or books, etc.

    6. Total case or community

    The only category that has no subsections. Designed for anything, which is not suitable for any of the 5 listed categories above. The subject of the page of this section can be any (in addition to obviously prohibited by themes).

    For example, it is suitable for creating an informal fan community of something "official". That is, if you create a page dedicated to your favorite football team or a musical group, or a specific person, with a hint of the "Official" of your page, sooner or later Facebook will block it. But in this category you can easily create, for example, the fan community "connoisseurs of creativity of the Ukupnik", or the unofficial page "I can not live without a house 2" dedicated to this TV project.

    How to call a page?

    The correct name of the page is important not only because it is the first thing that reflects the essence of your community, and not only because: "How the ship will call, so he sails," but will have great importance When promoting Facebook-page in the issuance of search engines.

    Inventing name for new page, strive to make it as short as possible, ideally - up to 3 words. And to save you from the need to break your head over the issues of nemining, follow up by 3 universal rules:

    1. Ideally, if you create a business community on Facebook for a company, their names must match accuracy. For GlobalinvestpromStrekhbud, the best name of the public page in Facebook will be "Globalinvestpromstroytekhbud". For the website community page, the best name will be This name will be displayed on the community page in Faisbook and in the news feed. Each time the subscribers in FB will see the domain name of your site, ultimately - it will remember him well.

      P.S. As, for example, in our case. With intricate, hardly simple and easily memorable domain site, we simply could not call our page on Facebook somehow differently. P.P.S. However, we are not sure that even after that our readers will remember the name of our site 😉

    2. If the brand / company is not particularly known, or there is no sense in promoting the brand, the name should be made up from a set of keywords. So, for the regional company, which is engaged in the windows, its business account on the social network can be called "Metal-plastic windows in Mariupol".
    3. In addition to using keywords, you can come up with a simple laconic name, which is not better to reflect the essence of your page. In particular, it is suitable for a fan page, united by some subject, for example: "Sport is life," "Lose weight of Lighting", well, or "Schurdovika-Tugosry".

    Loading avatars and page covers

    1. Step one. Loading image profile (avatar);
    2. Step second - loading pictures for the cover of the business community (background image).

    If you have not managed to prepare images, just press "skip", it will be possible to make it anyone later. If you already have pictures (avatar and cover) - mouse click on "Upload a photo", in the dialog box selection for downloading the desired images.

    After loading the last picture, the user is redirected to the newly created Facebook page. Soc. The network that hour is taken for the distribution of advice on further work with its community, the first of which: the creation of publication.

    However, it is still early to do, because, despite the fact that the page is already displayed, it is still not created formally.

    Brief description and URL

    It remains to do only 2 manipulations, again, for a minute or two of your time. We use the prompt in the central part of the screen immediately under the area with the background image.

    Short description. Your task is to submit your business page, concisely tell "what is it?", Restricting, at the same time, 155 characters. Well, if you manage to come up with something, not so mediocre as we prescribed for our page.

    A brief description will be displayed on the Information tab. You can hardly be called a significant text of the text in the case of the community, which wears, rather entertaining or informational (as in our case). But this should not be neglected by either official organizations or business.

    The second, and the final article in the list of tasks in the list - the creation of a "username" for the page, or its URL. In the case of a Facebook page of a website, including an online store, it makes sense as a "username" specify a domain (along with a domain zone, FB allows you to use a point). Not very beautiful, but an acceptable option (for example, for a regional enterprise) - use keywords written by translite. One way or another, you need to strive for the "username" as short as possible. In particular, it is important if you plan to place a reference to your business account in Facebook on printed products (business cards, etc.).

    After creating a "name", you will receive a notification containing the short URL of the following form: FB.ME & SAT. It is on it that your page will be available, and it will be it will be displayed in the address bar of the browser visitors to your page.

    Step one. check in

    Most likely, you already have your own profile in the social network. If you are a newcomer, before creating a page in Facebook, you will have to register. Standard fields, so that you have no difficulty when filling you. Main rule - Write reliable data.

    I remember (or even writing) your password, boldly click the "Registration" button. The system will tell you about the need to confirm your desire to register on Facebook. To do this, the address you specified email A letter with reference will come. You can only go through it and follow further instructions.

    The system will prompt you to make 4 steps:

    1. Find on Facebook friends with whom you communicate in other social suites;
    2. fill out personal information, incl. school number and university that you visited;
    3. choose from the list of pages that could interest you;
    4. put avatar.

    All this is optional, so you can simply use the button "Skip this step" and go directly to the creation of a community page.

    Step second. Create a page

    The most difficult thing is to find the most cherished button "Create" (here is a direct link to it - She is hidden under the mysterious word "more" by clicking on which you will receive a list additional features. Choose the "Create page" item and be prepared for the most responsible part of the process.

    On the page that appears, you will see six categories, of which you have to choose a suitable. It can be the official page of the company, brand or a famous personality. However, the community page is considered the most popular. It is her who we will create in our learning. One click on the picture in the lower right corner - and your clean line appears in front of which you need to enter the name of the future community. Conditionally call it a "brief excursion to the expanses of Facebook."

    Important: In the future, it will be impossible to change the name, so you immediately choose the final version!

    Be sure to put the "magic" checkbox (you read the terms of use pages Facebook.? :)) And launch the page using the Start Wheel button.

    Step Three. Creative

    Now the most interesting thing begins - filling out a new page. Your goal is to attract maximum amount visitors, so it should be informative, entertaining and beautiful.

    Filling the page "Page Description", try to immediately passivate visitors and reveal the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe community. Choose a memorable avatar that will be easy to find among the photos of other pages. Next, you are offered to choose a payment method in the case if you ever decide to make a paid promotion of your community. Facebook provides three options:

    • Credit card;
    • PayPal;
    • direct debit.

    We are not interested in this offer, so we miss this item and immediately find ourselves on the community page, where we warn us that all posts will be published on behalf of the "Short Excursion to Facebook." At the same time there is an opportunity to post and from his personal name.

    A good helper will be pop-up from time to time tips, telling about the partitions of the page. Everything else is the fruit of your imagination, which can be implemented in the form of interesting posts, bright photos, exciting videos, etc.

    So, in just 15 minutes you were able to create a page on Facebook, which you now have to actively promote and constantly replenish an interesting material. It remains to wish you creative success and mass recognition of users. Good luck!

    Hello, dear readers!

    Today I would like to tell you how to create a web resource page of my company on Facebook.

    But before talking about how to create a site on Facebook, let's figure it out, why do you need to do it.

    Why do I need a company page on Facebook?

    Facebook today is the largest and most popular social network, which has more than 900 million users all over the world.

    Business page on Facebook - This is an opportunity to declare your brand for the whole world. Moreover, it is not dependent on which information is posted on the site.

    I do not advise you to create a page of your online resource in the form of a personal profile. From the profile, the business page is characterized by some functionality, for example:

    • several administrators can manage the page;
    • unlike personal profile, a page is available to the general public;
    • after creating a page indexed in Facebook search engine and other search systems;
    • the system allows you to define a category, thanks to which the page will be able to quickly and easily find social users. network.

    It should be noted that in this social network you can make certain parts of the page available only for yourself, or for a limited circle of persons. To configure the access right, the "Access Rights Management" section sets the desired values.

    Registration of Account

    Before creating a representative office for the organization in the most popular social network of the world, the first thing is necessary to register there itself, that is, to create your account. It is done very easily. Come on the Facebook website in the right upper corner There is a form for registration that you must fill. Enter all the necessary data, click on the "Registration" button.

    After successful registration, you will be sent to the settings page. First find your friends who are on this resource. Then fill in your personal data account: interests, mobile number (can be without a phone), place of work, the city in which they live and so on. After that, download your photo.

    When the account configuration is completed, you will be transferred to the profile page. And do not forget to check mailboxwhich you indicated during registration - there will be a confirmation letter there. Open this letter, go to the Facebook indicated on it and is completed.

    How to create a page of your organization on Facebook?

    But now you can start creating a page for the company. It is created absolutely free. This largely resembles the creation of a personal account. You need to go through a few simple stages, and your company's Internet representation in the largest social network will be available to its users.

    For example, I will create a page for your blog. I am sure that it will not be superfluous

    These are these eight stages:

    Now you know how to make a representative office of your organization on Facebook. Develop your business through social networks and attract the attention of new customers.

    Yours faithfully! Abdullin Ruslan

    If for you Facebook is just a service for communication and entertainment, accept the fact: you lose money and lose competitors. To reach a new level, urgently master this social network to promote your business or personal brand.

    Start from the simplest - disperse how to create a business page on Facebook, and proceed to its publication on the network.

    In the article, we combined the instructions for creating a page and the upgrade tips on the upgrade of the interface, relevant for 2018.

    What is a business page on Facebook and what it differs from a personal profile

    I find answers in conditions user Agreement. There is clear definitions Personal profile and business pages. The main differences are concluded for purposes and functions.

    The profile represents only a person. The user creates it exclusively for socialization and entertainment, that is, for non-commercial use. Facebook Involim: There is no advertising and sales. If you violate this rule, then at any time the account can be locked. Except not provided.

    Want to earn on Facebook, create a business page. Otherwise, it is called fan page. This is an efficient and free SMM tool. It is used to promote, launch advertising campaigns, blog monetization.

    The page is suitable for companies, regardless of the scale of their activities, organizations, public individuals. Entrepreneurs with a small business often cost even without their site. Its functions performs a business profile in the social network.

    For the work of the owners of Facebook pages offers the following features:

    • indexing search engines;
    • access to statistics;
    • independent administration and attraction for this other person;
    • setting up advertising, including targeted and third-party resources using Audience Network;
    • connecting applications.

    Number of subscribers from a personal and business account after recent changes not limited. The "Add to Friends" feature is provided only for the profile.

    There is one more type of account on Fabuk - group. Otherwise, it can be called a community of interest. For promotion and earning it is also prohibited.

    Important!Create a page without a personal profile is impossible.

    Why start a business account - 3 main reasons

    The brand brand Zuckerberg attracts business representatives to the main quality of their audience - solvency.

    Companies, entrepreneurs, public figures actively use this platform, implementing several key goals at once. Let's call the main reasons to open your own online representation on Facebook.

    Cause 1. Promotion of goods and services in social networks

    Today in social networks people come not only with the desire to spend time with virtual friends. Information about goods and services on Facebook is hardly looking more often than in search engines. It is no less important that users are ready to buy here.

    Reason 2. Formation and maintenance of a positive image of the company

    Even negative reviews really pay for good. Often customers when problems arise, not only contact support, but also write comments (reviews) on the social network pages.

    The page administrator responds to requests, offers options for solving complex situations. Other users see similar dialogues and understand: the company takes care of people, all the difficulties are solvable.

    Cause 3. Ability to analyze the audience

    Business page is an ideal communication platform with potential buyers. Statistics help to understand who are interested in thematic posts, determine the best time to publish. Based on data, it is much easier to make a portrait of my target audience, find out the "pain" of the client.

    Through polls and analysis of comments, messages with questions from visitors, marketers arrange a dialogue with subscribers, study their preferences and interests. Forming feedback. Such information is priceless in the formation of a marketing strategy.

    How to create a business page on Facebook - step by step algorithm

    Enter your personal profile.

    If it is not, step 1 becomes registration. You will need an email address or number mobile phone. Creating an account takes a few minutes. Further click on the triangle icon in the top of the profile panel, then "Create a page".

    Step 1. Select page type

    Previously, the user chose out of 6 options, only 2 main types of page are now proposed:

    1. "Company or brand".
    2. "Community or Public Personality."

    Option 1 is preferred for organizations and representative offices that have a specific address, a place where customers will contact: office, shop, cafe, gym, workshop, etc. If your business is not tied geographically or your goal is a personal branding, stop at version 2. Click "Start".

    Step 2. Download the photo and make out the cover

    If you have not yet decided on the visual page, you can skip and return to it later.

    Requirements for images:

    Ideal for photo account suitable logo. It will be displayed next to each post in the tape, as well as accompany the records and comments. Please note that on the photo page will be standard, and in publications and announcements - round.

    Cover photo is a thematic image. On it placed inscriptions, slogans and another text information. Download images recommended in pNG format.

    Step 3. Invent the name of the page, select the category and create a username

    Name the company's name page (brand) or use the keywords related to the area of \u200b\u200bactivity. For example, "computers repair", "job search", "SEO services". It is allowed to "dilute" name by specifying the city, regions: "Rent apartments in Voronezh".

    Not suitable for the name:

    • long Slogans Calls: "Come to us for delicious dinners";
    • general words and geographical names without clarifications. It is impossible: St. Petersburg, "shoes". Permissible: "Excursion tours. St. Petersburg "," Petrovich's shoes ".

    The username should not be used by other page owners. It consists only of Latin letters, numbers. To split words, it is permissible to use points. For example, @ remont.noyt.

    Step 4. Add account information

    Open the "Information" menu and fill out those sections that you consider key. Stop on the main thing. In priority: history, mission, contact details, website, opening hours.

    Step 5. Add a call button to action

    Under the cover photo is the Add button menu. Choose a suitable option. For example, "Contact". Then click "Test the button" and check how it works. If you decide to change the call for action, in the same menu there is an item "Edit a button".

    Step 6. Customize account

    Open the "Settings" section. The menu is extensive, but on the start it is worth setting up a basic minimum. In the "General" paragraph, determine which users can see your page, publish your posts in the tape, and also be sure to open the ability to write messages and reviews.

    Step 7. Fill the page content

    In the ribbon, choose "write a publication", create post, then click "Publish". Prepare a page to promote, make it active and informative. The key to success is regular posting and diverse content.

    Place expert articles, videos, photos, entertainment posts, carry out Live broadcasts. Only "pretty", that is, the audience involved goes to the category of customers.

    Feel free to ask questions to support Audience Network FB.

    Look at the small video on YouTube on how to create a page on Facebook:

    How to issue a page to attract more customers - Useful Tips and Recommendations

    Sometimes a few more simple actions so that the visitor to pay attention to the page.

    A couple of interesting strokes in the design and conversion increases by 2-3 times. Here are 4. important advicethat will help you make the page more attractive and earn more.

    Tip 1. Use the product or product line on the cover

    If the profile photo can be compared with a business card of the page, the cover is your free advertising shield. Use its full potential.

    Remember that you have no more than 10 seconds that the user understands, for which the page is created, and lingered on it. Visual information Combine with text. There are no restrictions now, but the optimal size of the text block is not more than 30% of the total area.

    Any important information Must be in sight. Therefore, discounts, bonuses and other "buns" tell in the post, which will not lose in the tape. Use the "Stop Up Page" function. New posts will then appear under the publication of the actual action. Briefly adjusted discounts on the cover of the page.

    Determine what step is to make a visitmber: Call, Send a message, book a product, go to the order page. In accordance with this, add the "Call-to-Action" button. Or connect it to the downloaded video. Call may be in the text of the post: remind of it, targe potential customers for certain actions.

    Tip 4 Call Visitors Go to the site

    The main goal of the business page in Facebook is to attract more buyers to your business and increase earnings. To accomplish this task, work on an increase in conversion - an increase in the number of transitions to the site.

    Use intriguing headers for posts, Lure useful information. In this case, the entire article or all the necessary data promise to tell only on the site. Offer remuneration if the user shares your post. As an option: "Tell your friends about our promotion and come to the project site for a pleasant surprise!".