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It turns out to make the screenshot of the phone screen. How to make a screenshot on android in different ways

Who would have thought that the word "Android", literally ten years ago, implied a robot endowed with human intelligence, just as firmly in our lives. But this is exactly the most popular platform for mobile devices in the world. And it is under this platform that there are millions of games and applications. In greatest demand for users of mobile devices, oddly enough, uses the "Creating a Screen Snapshot" service. To help the owners of mobile devices based on Android in this issue, this article has been created.

Screenshot? Never heard!

The word "screen" (screen) is derived from the word "screenshot" (SCREEN SHOT), and it is literally translated from English to Russian as a snapshot of the screen. Creating screen shots and passing them by mail either through social networks It is a fairly popular occupation among network users.

Many have the skills to create screen shots on personal Computer or laptop. And those who do not own, having studied a thoroughly keyboard, will be able to detect a button with the print screen (option with the abbreviated name PRTSCR). Pressing this button will make the screenshot of the entire screen and placed it in the clipboard. If, when you press the PRINT SCREEN button, hold the ALT button, the screen snapshot will be made only one window, active at the time of the application snapshot. The saved image from the clipboard can be placed in a separate file, for example, using the Paint program, insert directly into the window text editor or messages. Some owners of mobile devices, especially tablets, have in stock wireless keyboard For ease of use, but what to do the rest of the owners of mobile devices based on the android operating system, which does not have a full keyboard? How to make a screen on "Android" in such cases?

"Android" 4 and above: hardware

Make a screen on "Android" with the operating system of the fourth version and above will not be much difficult. Manufacturers of smartphones with pre-installed system "Android" 4 laid the functionality of the screenshots in the hardware.

Simultaneous pressing the "Ludge" buttons and "Disable Phone" buttons on the device for one or two seconds will create a screen of the current device window, which will notify the specific sound of the camera's triggering shutter. This method is described in the instructions that are attached to any device based on the "Android" fourth version and above. For smartphones from HTC and Samsung manufacturers, another combination is used. In the gadget instructions on how to make a screen on "Android", it is written that you need to simultaneously hold the "Home" button and "Turning off the phone". The problem may arise with the search for the screenshots on the mobile device, as there is no agreement between manufacturers in this matter. It is recommended after creating a screen on the device to enter the photo gallery. Finding the desired picture, go to its properties and see the way of placement photos.


The developers, apparently, were also wondering how to make a screen on "Android", since Introduced the program to create screen shots on mobile devices. The action applies both for devices with the pre-installed "Android" system 4 and higher and for devices released with the old versions of the Android operating system, but able to upgrade to the fourth version. To learn about the possibility of updating the operating system to the "Android" version 4, you can on the manufacturer's website or from the seller individually for each mobile device.

A list of actions, how to make a screen on "Android" programmatically, is shown below. If you press the shutdown button on the mobile device housing and hold the off button for a few seconds, a dialog box appears. In some mobile devices, hold the power button for five or more seconds, it causes an additional action, for example, "rebooting the operating system" or "transition to service menu". This fact must be taken into account and try to hold the power button for no more than three seconds. In the list of proposed actions of the dialog box, among those such as" turn off the power "," mode in the aircraft "," reboot "and other all kinds of proposals, you can find the item" Screenshot ". It's enough to press the hand to the" Screenshot "menu item - and" Android "will make a snapshot of the current view of the mobile device screen. Next, places the picture in the graphics file and stubbing into one of the folders file System. File search is carried out through the gallery of the device.

Step back - Devices on Android Third Version

Perhaps a few years ago, someone from the developers "Android" of the third version wondered how to make a screenshot on Android, as a result of which many modifications of the operating system "Android" 3.0 - 3.2 got software solution To create a script on the device. To take a screen shot, you need to hold the "Recent Programs" button for a few seconds. You can find the screenshot path through the gallery.

Magical programs for the owners "Android" 3.2 and below

The owners of old devices unequivocally conceived, how to make screen screen on "Android" versions 3.2, 2.3, 2.0 and below. At the dawn of the development of the Android operating system, some manufacturers, such as Samsung and Nexus, endowed their brainchild the possibility of creating screenshots. Some procedures are quite complex - you need to hold a few buttons in a specific sequence or find the hidden button on the housing and click on it with a stylus. And if there are no secret buttons? It comes to the rescue software of Google Play. - Enough to go to the app and type "Screen" in Russian or "Screen" in English. In the list that appears, select need program, having reviewed its capabilities or having studied feedback from users. A huge number of programs for creating screenshots under the Android operating system 3.2 and below shows that the owners of old devices have a lot and the program is very in demand. And thanks to the feedback of users on the GOOGE Play website, the programs for creating screenshots are constantly updated by developers who complement their brainchild with new features and capabilities. However, there is not everything smoothly, as it seems. For the performance of programs that create a screen on "Android", you need access to service files on the device, and for this you need to have special access rights, called root.

What is ROOT rights and how to get them

It all starts with small. Someone prevents the sound of the triggering of the shutter when shooting a photo on a mobile phone running "Android". And someone suffers the question of how to make a screen screen. Android with the operating system below 3.2 does not allow to use programs that work with system files without root rights. With the help of special software, you can get complete rights over the system. For each mobile device model getting Root It is individual. Instructions for hacking can be found in many forums. You can resort to services service Centerwhose specialists will fulfill the task very quickly.

Lack of hacking One - Mobile device loses free warranty service. But most advantages:

Full access to system files such as icons, fonts, sounds - you can change everything and delete;

The ability to install games and applications, without exception, to the memory card, which allows you to free up the device's memory;

Hacking games for resources, the ability to install hacked programs.

Breaking - Do not build: More Root Overview

How to make a screen on "android" with an old operating system, if there is no desire to hack it? There is such an option. There are several programs to receive root rights For the time of one session of the device (up to the subsequent reboot) without hacking system files. For example, NO Root Screenshot IT application.

After installing on Android-Defense this application suggests download a free utility for a personal computer on windows database or Mac. The device is connected to a PC cable, a loaded utility is started, which temporarily gives root-rights an application that allows you to make screen screen on "Android".

Great editing capabilities with correct programs

Screen screen on "Android" is obtained by pressing one or two buttons, manufacturers simplified user action. Pressed the button - get the result. Everything is simple and affordable, provided that the image received does not need to be edited, for example, before sending to another person. Turning to Google Play, you can detect a lot interesting programsallowing not only to create a screen, but immediately edit it - trim, draw or add comments. That's just for the work of this software requires all the same root rights.

Many people when choosing a mobile phone give preference to the operating system "Android". It is convenient for its simplicity. Even the new owner of the phone will be able to deal with Android. This operating system It has a huge amount of opportunity. Sometimes you have to think about the "Android" to take a picture of the screen. What will be required to implement ideas in life? Can I generally take a picture of what is happening on the display? Answers to all these questions will be given below.

Ways to create screenshotov

To begin, it should be noted that there are several options for solving the task. Screenshots on mobile android phone Can do everyone. But you have to take into account the features of a particular smartphone.

I wonder how on "android" take a picture of the screen? Offered:

  • use system phone capabilities;
  • use the gadget control buttons;
  • through additional devices (for samsung);
  • work with third-party programs.

In the second case, several methods for activating the image capture function from the display are provided. Next will be described about all possible methods for creating screenshots on Android.

System opportunities

To begin with, consider the method implying work with the gadget settings. If a person thought about how to photograph the screen on "Android" ("Samsung Galaxy"), you can take advantage of one very interesting technique.

It is important to consider that the proposed version of 100% works on Samsung. To create a screenshot will be required:

  1. Enable smartphone. Go to the main menu of the gadget.
  2. Open "Settings".
  3. Go to "Gesture Management" section - "Action when driving hands."
  4. Press the Palm Swipe to Capture line.
  5. Open page or picture you want to fall out.
  6. Hold a hand (for example, palm) on the display in the direction from left to right.

The actions made will lead to the fact that the screen will fall asleep. The owner of the phone will see the preservation of the picture. That's all!

Buttons to help

But this is just the beginning! There is still a lot of answers to the question of how on "Android" take a picture of the screen. Most often, the owners of smartphones try to use buttons to implement ideas in life. This is the fastest and safest solution. Only it is necessary to take into account the features of each mobile phone.

How to photograph the screen on android? The following tips can help:

  1. Open the desired page and click simultaneously on the "Enable" and "Volume Reduction" button. This method works great on mobile phones htc., LG, Sony, Xiaomi, Motorola, Lenovo. Sometimes the option is suitable for Samsung.
  2. Press the "Turn on the power" and "home" button. Ideal for creating screenshots on Samsung.
  3. Click at the same time the home and "back" button. Another technique that helps work with Samsung.
  4. Click on the phone shutdown button and select the "Screenshot" item in the function menu. It does not act on all smartphones.

From now on, it is clear how to photograph the screen on "Android" ("Samsung" and a number of other phones). It can be noted that all the proposed methods are very simple in mastering.

Additional devices

The next Council is relevant for mobile from Samsung. This manufacturer has a special stylus called Spen. It allows you to quickly capture the image on the display.

How exactly act in this case? It is proposed to act approximately like this:

  1. Open the desired image on the phone.
  2. Get Spen. Press the device activation button.
  3. Twice consumes the screen of the smartphone.

There will be saved the resulting image. You can find it in Pictures / Screenshots or Pictures / ScreenCapture.


How to photograph the screen on android? You can download additional program For your mobile phone, designed to capture the image from the display. This method has a number of its advantages and minuses. For example, in all programs it provides its activation method - somewhere you need to start the application, open the picture on the phone and click on the appropriate button, and some software allows you to capture the image by shaking.

To date, to create screenshots on Android, you can use the programs:

  • "Screenshot" (for "Samsung");
  • Easy Screenshot.

This is not an exhaustive list. All such programs can be logged in Play Market.. It is here that it is proposed to download completely secure and proven programs! Now it is clear how to take a picture of the screen "Android".

Be able to take a screen shot or screenshot should each user. And it is easy. On Apple products, it is enough to press two buttons simultaneously, and in Windows click on the key with the print screen. But how to owner devices on android? How difficult it is to draw a screenshot if "as an operating system (OS) acts" green robot"? In this article, consider how to make a screenshot on android.

Already on the 4th and 5 version of Android, the following method is available, allowing you to quickly photograph or "scrape" screen. To do this, you just need to simultaneously press two keys. Only not on the virtual keyboard, but on the case of a smartphone or tablet. For this:

  1. Turn on the device.
  2. We choose the image, the screenshot of which we need to do.
  3. Simultaneously press 2 buttons - POWER (Turn on / off / sleep mode) and "Volume Down" ( bottom part Volume controller). Hold them 1-2 seconds.
  4. We are waiting when the display is blinking and a specific sound from the shutter of the camera will appear. All screenshot is ready!

By the way, this method Works on smartphones and tablets of almost all manufacturers - Samsung, Lenovo, Irbis, Mikromax, Hayskrin, Philips, Sony, Huaway, etc. The only condition is the Android version 4.0 and higher.

But how to be if you have pretty old smartphone? After all, on such a device, the third android can be as an operating system. Here also provides for the function of creating screens. It is only necessary to hold the "recent programs" item for a long time. But on the "ancient" android 1 or 2 versions of the screenshots can only be done through a separate application. By default, there is no such function in OS.

Many are interested in which screenshots on Android are saved? There are several options. Most often in the "Photo (snapshots) of the camera" or in a separate folder "Screenshots" in the gallery. Here you can find a screen made, view old pictures and remove those that are no longer needed. Sometimes screenshots are saved in Pictures / Screenshots on the device's memory card.

How is the easiest way to make a screenshot on android 6 and 7?

Progress does not stand still. Therefore, in 2015, the developers released an update for Android 6, which allows you to make screenshots with one touch. It is convenient on tablets and mobile phones With a large screen diagonal, where two buttons are simultaneously pressed.

So if you have a device with android 6 or 7, then it has the opportunity to make screenshots as follows:

Agree, everything is simple. However, some users criticize this way to create screenshots. The main reason is a lot of time on the entire procedure. Approximately 7-8 seconds. Whereas through the pressing on the "Power" and "Volume Down", it is possible to stick the image almost instantly. You will not argue with it. But it is not always convenient to clamp two buttons simultaneously. Therefore, it is sometimes easier to make a screen via NOW ON TAP.

Branded and special ways to create screenshots

Many manufacturers trying to expand the functionality of their products and make it more convenient for the user, additional tools are introduced to make screenshots. Let's look at several options on the example of Samsung devices:

  • Make screen screen on an old samsung Phone Galaxy S with Android 2.3 can be pressed and holding the "Home" and "back" buttons.
  • On such gadgets as Samsung Galaxy A3, J3, etc., screen is created by simultaneously pressing the "Turning on" and "Home" buttons.
  • How to make android? Most models support the following option: Press and hold the power button until the menu appears in which the "Screenshot" point is selected.
  • Samsung's flagship devices support the snapshot of the screen with palm. That is, with its help you can make a screen screen without pressing the buttons. It is enough just to hold the edge of the palm on the display (touching it!). Moreover, you can both from left to right and vice versa. This option is activated in "Settings", in the "Advanced Functions" section.

As for the rest of the manufacturers of smartphones and tablets, they are constantly introducing new ways to create screen screenshots.

  • On many devices htc And Meizu "Cool" The image on the display can be pressing the "Enable" and "Home" buttons.
  • Xiaomi products can in the fast menu click the icon in the form of scissors with the inscription "Screenshot". After that, the screen snapshot will be saved in the device's memory. In addition, on some gadgets from Xiaomi implemented the ability to make screenshots with a gesture of three fingers down.
  • On LG smartphones, the default is the Quick Memo proprietary application. It also allows you to quickly make screenshots. Quick Memo runs through the top "curtain" of the notification panel.
  • On mobile sony devices (Xperia series) Screenshot can be obtained through a special window that is called by long pressing the power button.

Is it possible to make a screenshot on android using applications?

Of course, it is possible to screenshot and with the help of additional software. There are a number of applications (available in Play Market or Google Play) in functionality which include the creation of screenshots. What are their plus? No need to bother and remember what buttons a screen shot is taken. Enough to go to the program, select the appropriate item and make a screenshot. In addition, many similar applications offer and convenient tools for editing a script.

If you do not know which software to choose, then pay attention to the following programs:

  • Screenshot Ultimate;
  • Screenshot Pro;
  • No root screenshot it.

These applications allow you absolutely differently to make screen screenshots - by shaking a smartphone, touching the widget on the desktop, through a separate shortcut or on the timer settings, due to the long holding key, etc. At the same time, using such a software, you can choose the format of "stained »Images (JPEG, PNG, etc.) and quickly send it through a special service.

Some applications that make screenshots require root, that is, the so-called superuser rights!

For reference! If the screenshot is not saved, then check whether it is free place On the carrier where the picture should be downloaded. If the disk is really clogged, then you use the CCleaner application or delete the cache.


Let's summarize all the above. It turns out that it is possible to make a screenshot of the screen on android different ways. In our opinion, the easiest way to use the standard options, where you just need to press one or two buttons. Although someone chooses to create screen screenshots and special applications. The choice is yours! In any case, make screenshots on the android is no more difficult than IOS and Windows.

On many modern android smartphones there is a special button that allows you to make screen screen. It is most often on the desktop. While using this feature, all photos immediately fall into a special folder with the corresponding name of the SCREENSHOTS or SSCREEN CAPTURE type.

If the smartphone manufacturer does not provide such a function, you can make the screenshot of the screen on the phone in two ways.

The first, as a rule, it is possible to apply on most modern devices. You can make screen screen using a specific key combination. Different phone models it may differ. The most common option is to press the menu and lock buttons. If this combination of the keys to get a screenshot could not, try other combinations:

For Android 4.0 and above - the blocking and loudness button;

For Android 3.2 - a long press on the "Recent Documents" key;

For some brand phones Sony - a long pressing of the power button before the corresponding menu appears;

For Samsung Galaxy - a combination of the menu buttons and back.

If the key combination does not work out the key, then you can go second by using special programs. Some of them are installed on the computer. For example, Android SDK. In this case, you can take a snapshot of the screen when connecting a computer and phone uSB cable. Others are installed directly on the smartphone. Among them, you can select Screenshot it, Screenshot UX, Screenshot ER Pro, etc. To make the screenshot of the screen on the phone using the application from the market you will need root rights.

How to make a screenshot of a smartphone screen on windows

Make screen screen on nokia phones Lumia 520, 620, 720, 820, 920, 925, HTC Mozart., W8S, W8X or other windows phones can be pressing the lock and start keys. The syrette is saved to the folder with photos in the screen shots section.

If the keys do a photo of the screen fails, you can install the Screen Capture program.

In iPhones, a special function is provided that allows you to make a screenshot of the screen. To get an image, you need to press the round HOME button under the screen and the lock key on the top end of the phone housing.

The snapshot will be saved in the folder where all other photos are placed. On the "apple" phone to make a screenshot of the screen, being in any application, and even during a call or working with the camera.

How to make screenshots on the phone

Screenshots are very convenient, and sometimes there is a need when working or communicating. However, in some users it causes difficulties in view of the fact that no one has written in the instructions for the phone as it is. Of course, the way to analyze the screenshot on the smartphone depends on the operating system. The most popular in our time are:

Screenshots on models of phones with different OS

On the features of the screenshots of each of them, let's talk below.

First consider iOS from the developers from Cupertino. If you want to make a screenshot on the iPhone, simultaneously press the "Home" buttons and lock (power). Your smartphone "flashing", granting that the screen is made. You can find it right in the photo film album, where all the pictures you make are added.

With devices under android management Everything is more interesting. Since Android itself is an open and flexible system, each developer did not fail to create a so-called shell, which will allow the user to associate OS with this brand of smartphone. From this heats, that, depending on which brand is your device, there will be a way "photographing" screen.

The most famous method among Android devices is to keep the locking keys and reduce the volume. Such a combination is operated in smartphones:

  • Lenovo;
  • Xiaomi;
  • Motorola;
  • Nexus (As you know, Nexus release various companies).

If you use the device from Samsung, then everything is just as easy as on iOS: simultaneously press the "Home" buttons and blocking (power). In newer versions of the shell from Samsung Touchwiz, you can make the edge of the palm from the edge to the edge, as if we wipe the screen. This feature must be enabled in addition to the settings in the "Management" section - "Land Control".

In the event that you use old version Android (2.3 or below), take a picture of the screen. You can solely with a third-party program, it will have to download it from the Google store.

You can find the pictures made on the Android-smartphone in the gallery, namely in the "Pictures" or "Screenshots" folders.

As for the devices on Windows Phone, then in the case of using the eighth version of the OS, you must click and hold the "Start" and blocking buttons. If you have 8.1, you need to press the power buttons and increase the volume. On your Windows-smartphone will be created new folder In the "Photos" section, so do not worry, the photos from the screen will not be lost.

As you can see, take pictures from the screen of your smartphone is quite simple. All you need is to know what kind of brand is the brand. Make screenshots, write comments and leave your opinion about what methods are more convenient for you personally.

How to make a screenshot on the phone (smartphone) android?

For those who do not know or just forgot what the screenshot is, we remind you that this is an instant screen shot. It can be needed in order for you, for example, could capture any point occurring on the screen of your phone (smartphone).

On a computer or laptop, it is quite easy to make a screenshot - just press the PRINT SCREEN button on the keyboard. And how to make it on the device, where there is only a virtual keyboard? The method is there and no keyboard you will need.

Those users who prefer iPhone or iPad, perfectly know that the screenshot on Apple devices is made simultaneously by pressing the "Enable" and "Home" buttons. In the case of Android, the situation is different. Since the versions of the firmware android are a great set, and all the devices are different, the manufacturers use a different key combination. However, for most devices, including those that work on the basis of standard android firmware, Screen can be made as follows: You need to simultaneously press the "Turning on" key and the volume button to reduce. After about a second, a characteristic click will be distributed, and at the top of the screen you will see the appropriate notification. For example, you wanted to save the picture on the screen. As soon as you make a click, a notification will appear in its top:

And if you push the curtain, it will be said in it, that the screenshot is saved:

Of course, on your device to create a screenshot you may need to clamp other keys. Here are all possible options:

  • The "Turning on" key and the sound reduction button (this option is the most common).
  • "Enable" key and a sound increase button.
  • The "Turning on" key and the Home button.
  • The "Home" key and a sound reduction button.
  • The "Home" key and the zoom button.

An example of the location of the buttons on Nexus 5:

  • SAMSUNG devices can use a combination of "Home" and "Back" buttons. For some devices, for example, Samsung Galaxy, a combination of the "Turning on" and "Home" keys works.
  • On the devices from the HTC, press the "Turning on" and "home" keys, after which the screenshot will be saved.
  • If you use devices from ASUS or Acer, you can use the standard combination - clamp the "Turning on" key and the sound reduction button.
  • Sony also has everything standard - a combination of the "Turning on" key and the volume button is used here.
  • In the case of Huawei, everything is the same as Sony.

By the way, many companies began to add a button to create a screenshot into the drop-down menu (curtain). She looks like this way.

Some Samsung type devices Galaxy Note. To create a screenshot, you can use an electronic pen.

Applications for creating screenshots

Screenshots can be done with third-party applications. True, there is one big one here - for this you need to rush the device. If you have root installed, then you can download from Google Play almost any application that allows you to screenshots. In this case, the screenshot can be done, for example, if you simply shake the device. But if there is no root, then such applications may not swing at all, since the maximum that they can, it is about what buttons you can try to click on how to get a screenshot on your device.

How to take a screen shot on your android phone

Also, screenshots make creators mobile applicationsIn order to demonstrate the possibility of its software clearly. In most cases, in order to perform a screenshot, you should simultaneously simultaneously clamp some combinations of control keys. More often than other such combination is the volume key and the power button of the machine, the possibility of a combination of return to the desktop and the inclusion key is also not excluded.

If the combinations have worked, the messaging panel must suggest that the screenshot is successfully saved. In some cases, a successful snapshot message may be accompanied by the sound of the camera shutter and the appearance of notification.

Smartphone models and each manufacturer enters their ways to create a screenshot. It also depends on the version of the operating system.

On Android 2.3, it is generally impossible to take pictures with a combination of keys - only by installing third-party software can solve such a task.

Click and hold the "Recent Programs" button.

Simultaneously press and hold the "Screen Lock" and "Volume Reduction Button". Press the "Back" and "Home" buttons.

Click the "Home" and "Screen Lock" buttons. The pictures taken are saved in the SCREEN Capture Pack.

Click the "Enable" and "home" buttons. Saving a photo folder.

SAMSUNG GALAXY on the phone or tablet

Usually, on all phones and tablets, Samsung, a combination of pressing and short hold of the "Home" and "food" key is triggered.

Screenshots are saved in the gallery. The snapshot is located at: DCIM / Screenshots.

Sometimes to perform a screenshot, you need to call an additional menu that will appear if you permount the power supply button for a long time. Such a combination may well be suitable if the option of pressing a specific combination is pretty difficult to perform due to the uncomfortable location of the keys. Many manufacturers of electrical engineering on the operating android systemFor example, on tablets or smartphones, create their own unique screen shots methods. For example, on some devices, pictures can be made using a special electronic pen. Some smartphones have the ability to perform screenshots using the Home key, in addition, some smartphones or tablets have the ability to take a picture by spending the edge of the palm screen, however, it is necessary to enable this feature in the device parameters.

The tablets from the Samsung manufacturer have a special virtual button on the taskbar. HTC smartphones perform a screenshot as follows: Press the power key and on the Home key. Smartphones Sony Xperia is deprived by the ability to take pictures after simultaneously pressing the power key and reduce the volume, in addition to this method, you can also take a picture using a hidden menu that is called long by pressing the power key. Products from the company LG, not counting hardware clicks, can also perform screenshots using the Quick Memo application. In the event that your personal computer has a special Android SDK software, then you need to detect and click on the DDMS.Bat file, in a new window select your device, go to the special section of the Device and select Screen Capture, after this screen snapshot can be saved On your personal computer by pressing the SAVE button.

It turns out to save the image, and in some cases the graph occupies a lot of memory. Therefore, the rational and practical decision will be screenshots on android. This is relevant for instagram applicationsFrom which the photos are not saved.

Such pictures show everything that can be seen on the screen. At the same time, the user subsequently serves the possibility of viewing, editing and sending any person.

But the universal version still exists. Screenshot Screen on Android 4.0+ is done by clamping two keys. The first is the power button. The second is the outlet of the sound. Clause keys at the same time and hold one or two seconds.

The result of the work done will be the characteristic sound and temporary springs of the screen. About successfully performed action will notice the user and the status bar. A snapshot is saved in the phone in the appropriate gallery section.

Next, the screen on android can be edited, change and sent to other people. In other words, the user makes everything with a snapshot that he wants. If necessary, this image is transferred to or using a special cable through a wireless connection.

For users of smartphones with such an operating system, another option is available. The user must hold the power key. After that, the monitor displays a menu that includes some actions. As a rule, this is:

  • turning off the power;
  • restart;
  • flight mode;
  • screen screen.

The last item is needed. This option is selected and the desired photo is made.

Screen Screenshot on SAMSUNG smartphones and tablets

Method number 1.

Screenshot on android is done differently. The first option is used for most models of this brand. The winding keys and the power button are plugged at the same time. After that, on the screen, the corresponding icon is displayed in the bar status, which screenshot is made. As is done, shown below for example.

The clamp button for longer than two seconds is not required. If this method does not come up, then you need to use one of the following.

It will be useful to read « ».

Method number 2.

The second method is applied if mechanical key On the front panel of the devices, which is responsible for turning windows, is absent. In this case, the power and lifting buttons are pressed. Action is shown on.

The result is saved in the gallery, and the corresponding icon is displayed on the display, as in the previous case. If this option is not suitable, the following is applied.

Method number 3.

This method is used for modifications released earlier. To make a screenshot of the phone screen, for example on Galaxy S, you also need to join two buttons. These are windows and backward keys. The result will notify the icon in the left corner of the monitor.

Method number 4.

If the above options are not suitable, the last one is applied. In this case, the screenshot on android is made palm. This option is suitable only for flagships. This is a ruler of Galaxy S, Galaxy Note. For example, Galaxy S6 EDGE. For this, the following actions are performed:

The menu opens.

  1. Selects the settings section.
  2. Category Movement is pressed, after which the palm management, gestures regulation or auxiliary parameters (depends on the device).
  3. The picture is turned on with palm.
  4. Hand held on the screen from one side to another.

When performing the action, the palm must come into contact with the display.

How to take a screen shot using adb

There is also an option to do it differently. How to make a screenshot of the screen on android using ADB? To do this, initially turn on on the phone, for example on, the developer mode. Also, the gadget connects to a PC or laptop. Actions are to:

  • A set of a special algorithm that involves moving to the root of the device SD card. It looks like this: adb shell screencap -p /ssdcard/screen.png.
  • Download the resulting shot. This uses the traditional version of Pull. After that, the image is saved on the PC. If you do not specify the place of storage, then the picture will remain in the place where the user was at the time of the call.
  • Delete an image from the device. This action is done if necessary to free up memory.

After that, the process is completed.

Performing actions depends on the model of the smartphone and the manufacturer. In any case, these operations are accompanied by a characteristic sound and notification in the left corner of the display. If none of the variants of the above approached, then you need to try to hold the key combination longer. When it does not work, the problem is to the device. Alternatively, the software platform or the operating system is non-original. Worse when the smartphone is a fake.

See also the video "How to make a screenshot on Android devices."